Re: SSL farm

2012-05-22 Thread Bar Ziony
if a SSL server dies, LVS can direct the traffic to another server.
Alternatively you can save SSL sessions in memcached for example, to share
between SSL servers in the SSL farm. I once stumbled upon a patch for nginx
that can do that.


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Allan Wind allan_w...@lifeintegrity.comwrote:

 On 2012-05-22 19:46:45, Vincent Bernat wrote:
  Yes. And  solve session problem by  using some kind  of persistence, for
  example source hashing load balancing algorithm.

 Persistence here meaning ssl packets for a given session goes to
 the same ssl server?  If so what happens if that ssl server dies?

 Allan Wind
 Life Integrity, LLC

CD state in error log

2012-05-17 Thread Bar Ziony

I'm seeing lots of these errors lately:
May 17 19:01:32 lb-01 haproxy[25531]:[17/May/2012:19:01:31.687] public static/web-01
0/0/0/1/576 200 58381 - -
CD-- 3201/3201/26/10/0 0/0 GET /js/all.min.js?v=163bb6a7e70d HTTP/1.1

This is on static images. I don't think that my clients changed somehow,
and CD means that the client aborted the connection before it should have,
as I understood.

Any idea on what can cause this?


Re: BADREQ on production haproxy

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony

Thank you, I will follow up with your suggestions soon.

But I just had a production down-time with the haproxy machine:
After posting something to our Facebook wall (it happened twice, yesterday
and 3 days ago), which usually brings more traffic (but not more than we
can usually handle (for example before haproxy was deployed), the haproxy
machine got into swap, all the memory was taken (1GB) and the machine kept
keepalived bouncing to the backup machine (I believe because it was so

How can I check that further? Should I just increase the machine's RAM?


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 Hi Bar,

 On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 07:02:58PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  We're running haproxy 1.4.20 as our LB, nginx is listening on the same
  machine on port 443 and terminating SSL, proxying the unencrypted
  to haproxy on localhost:80.
  I see many of these errors on the haproxy log:
  May 10 15:54:06 lb-01 haproxy[6563]:[10/May/2012:15:54:01.113] public public/NOSRV
  -1/-1/-1/-1/5519 400 187 -
  - CR-- 3045/3045/0/0/0 0/0 BADREQ
  * I changed the source IP for the sake of this example.
  We get around 5-15 of these per second, and I checked some of the IPs and
  it seems at least some of them are IPs that users registered with (maybe
  it's a very big proxy or something so it's not actually those users).

 As you can see, the client took 5.5 seconds to send an incomplete request
 then closed the connection ('CR'). It is possible that some users have
 developped monitoring scripts which are targetting your site. I sometimes
 get a number of these on the haproxy web site too. While the ones sending
 valid requests are just a bandwidth annoyance, the ones sending invalid
 requests are much more annoying.

 If the requests are completely invalid, you can find a capture of them on
 the stats socket using show errors :

echo show errors | socat stdio /var/run/haproxy.stat
(or whereever you put it, check stats socket in your global section)

  We're running on a pretty fast Linode VPS (1GB RAM), it handled 5000
  requests per second on testing (which is low, I know, but it is still a
  VPS). We are doing much less than 5000 req/sec ...
  The CPU usage is 10-20% for haproxy alone (10% more for nginx), and
  RAM usage for haproxy (~150MB RES, ~180MB VIRT). Does that make sense?

 Yes, nothing sounds strange here.

  What are these requests? Is it possible these are regular users trying to
  somehow get to our web app and not succeeding ?

 That's really unlikely, because such invalid requests happen at a layer
 is only controlled by the browser. A normal browser cannot emit invalid
 requests. Only bots do. It's possible that some of your users are running
 crappy site sucking plugins, or home-made search engines which emit invalid
 requests. Some of the invalid requests I'm used to observe are those where
 the user forget to send the last CR/LF, so the request is incomplete.

 Well, if you have 15 of these a second, just run tcpdump for a few seconds
 to capture some of them and you'll know what these are.


Re: BADREQ on production haproxy

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
I have no problem increasing the RAM if needed, but how do I know if it's
needed? Where can I see the number of connections per second to see if I
somehow reached 20k ? I don't think I reached 20k because the global
maxconn is 20K

This is my TCP tuning config for the LB:
# TCP stack tuning
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 40
net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 6
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 3
net.core.somaxconn = 2

# netfilter/iptables tuning
net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max = 524288
net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait = 30

# Allow binding to non-local IP addresses
net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 0

This is my haproxy.cfg:
user haproxy
group proxy
log local0
maxconn 2

mode http
log global
retries 2
timeout client 90s # Client and server timeout must match the
timeout server 90s # Time we may wait for a response from the
timeout queue  90s # Don't queue requests too long if saturated.
timeout connect 4s # There's no reason to change this one.
option abortonclose# Close aborted connections if they still didn't
reach a backend (e.g still in a queue).
option http-server-close   # Enable HTTP connection closing on the server
(backend) side.
option log-health-checks
option tcp-smart-accept
option tcp-smart-connect

frontend public
bind :80
maxconn 19500
option httplog

# Add the backend server ID as a response header
rspadd X-Backend:\ 0  if { srv_id 1 }
rspadd X-Backend:\ 1  if { srv_id 2 }

# Use dynamic backend if the request path ends with .php, fallback to the
default static otherwise
acl url_dynamic path_end .php
use_backend dynamic if url_dynamic
default_backend static

backend dynamic
balance roundrobin
option forwardfor except # Set the client IP in
X-Forwarded-For except for when the client IP is loopback (nginx SSL
option httpchk GET /dynamic_health_check
default-server inter 4000
server web-01 web-01:80 maxconn 80 check
server web-02 web-02:80 maxconn 80 check

backend static
balance roundrobin
option httpchk GET /static_health_check
server web-01 web-01:80 check
server web-02 web-02:80 check

# Enable the stats page on a dedicated port ()
listen stats
# Uncomment 'disabled' below to disable the stats page
# disabled
bind :
stats uri /
stats realm HAProxy\ Statistics
stats auth admin:my-secret-password

Any help would be much appreciated, we're experiencing issues with less
traffic than before haproxy...

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 01:23:17PM +0200, Baptiste wrote:
  On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Bar Ziony wrote:
   Thank you, I will follow up with your suggestions soon.
   But I just had a production down-time with the haproxy machine:
   After posting something to our Facebook wall (it happened twice,
   and 3 days ago), which usually brings more traffic (but not more than
 we can
   usually handle (for example before haproxy was deployed), the haproxy
   machine got into swap, all the memory was taken (1GB) and the machine
   keepalived bouncing to the backup machine (I believe because it was so
   How can I check that further? Should I just increase the machine's RAM?
  Maybe you can share with us some sysctl (mainly the ones related to
  TCP buffers), as well as your HAProxy configuration (hiding private
  Are there any other processes which may eat memory on the machine?

 tcp_mem is often quite sensible, you need to limit it if you don't have
 enough RAM. You can also reduce haproxy's buffers size. I run all machines
 at slightly less than 8kB which is more than enough and holds 5.5 TCP
 segments, limiting copies in the kernel:

tune.bufsize 8030
tune.maxrewrite 1030

 The numbers I'm used to see with this settings are 1/3 of the RAM used
 by haproxy, 1/3 used by socket buffers in the kernel and the last 1/3
 for the rest of the system.

 With such numbers, you have each connection take around 17kB on haproxy,
 which theorically allows up to around 40k concurrent conns on a 1GB
 Warning, it's very tricky to reach 40k conns per GB. Better stay safe and
 aim at 20k per GB.


Stats for backend queue

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony

I have a dynamic backend with maxconn 80 with multiple servers.
Many times I can see on the haproxy stats page that servers on this backend
are reaching their maximum 80, but I don't see the number of requests
currently in queue. The maximum number I ever see is 80. Why is that? Can I
somehow see the number of requests in the queue?

Also, with a munin plugin that checks the HTTP page with ;csv, I see that
sometimes the graphs shows 400+ req/sec for this backend, which is not
possible since the maximum is 80...

Last, what is the difference between Sessions and Session rate ?
How can I tell when I need another dynamic backend server?


Re: Stats for backend queue

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
Willy, thanks for your answer.

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 07:01:19PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  I have a dynamic backend with maxconn 80 with multiple servers.
  Many times I can see on the haproxy stats page that servers on this
  are reaching their maximum 80, but I don't see the number of requests
  currently in queue. The maximum number I ever see is 80. Why is that?
 Can I
  somehow see the number of requests in the queue?

 The queue is split between servers and backend. In the servers' queue, you
 only see the requests which absolutely need to be served by the given
 (due to persistence cookie or stick-tables). Otherwise the request lies in
 the backend's queue so that it will be served by the first available
 It's very normal not to have too many requests in the server's queue and
 more in the backend's queue.

I now see the Queue part in the backend line and indeed I can see the
numbers rising on load! Thanks :)
I have no persistency and my backend servers are totally agnostic to what
user they're serving (user sessions are stored on a centeralized memcached).

  Also, with a munin plugin that checks the HTTP page with ;csv, I see
  sometimes the graphs shows 400+ req/sec for this backend, which is not
  possible since the maximum is 80...
  Last, what is the difference between Sessions and Session rate ?

 You seem to be really confusing concurrency and rate I'm afraid. Imagine a
 highway, it's the same. Session rate is the number of cars you see pass an
 observation point each second. Session concurrency is the number of
 lanes that are occupied at a given instant. If the traffic slows down, you
 need more lanes to drain the same number of cars without slowing the rate
 down. If your cars drive faster, you need less lanes for a same cars rate.

So session rate is the number of requests per second ? Why is it called
session then if it's really requests?

And Sessions is just plain sessions number, without caring for how much
of them were happening in 1 sec?


  How can I tell when I need another dynamic backend server?

 It's simple : observe the total queue size in a backend (backend + sum of
 servers). Divide the number by the maxconn and it will tell you the number
 of servers that would allow the requests to be processed without queuing.
 Note that it's fine to have a bit of queueing, it saves you from buying
 more hardware at the expense of a slightly delayed processing. You just
 need to ensure the queue is not too deep. The average time spent in the
 queue is the average queue size divided by the maxconn and multiplied by
 the average response time.

 So in order to get an idea :

 srv1 has maxconn 80 and queue around 10
 srv2 has maxconn 80 and queue around 10
 backend has a queue around 100

 The total queue is 120, which is the equivalent of 1.5 server. Let's say
 you add a single server, you'll then have around 80 requests spread over
 the last server, and 40 requests still in the queues. If your servers
 exhibit an average response time of 50 ms, the average time spent in the
 queue will be 40/80*50 ms = 25ms, so the total response time will increase
 from 50ms to 75ms due to the queue. For many sites this will not be
 noticeable and probably acceptable. Now if your site is already slow (eg:
 2 seconds response time), adding 50% more will give you 3 seconds and your
 users will clearly notice the difference.

How can I know the average response time of my servers? haproxy provides
that data somewhere?

I have a max of 800 requests in the backend queue (none in the servers
queue since there is no persistence). Is that a lot ? :|

I also see 3,400 sessions in the frontend, and only ~100 in the dynamic
backend and 15 in the static backend (in the cur column). How is that
possible? So many requests are not valid, or sessions are kept and are not
for 1 request only ? :\ I don't understand that..


 That's why you first need to maintain the response times as low as possible
 by limiting the maxconn, and only then estimate the number of servers
 to keep the response time low.

 Hoping this helps,

Re: BADREQ on production haproxy

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
Hi Willy,

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 06:54:06PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  I have no problem increasing the RAM if needed, but how do I know if it's
  needed? Where can I see the number of connections per second to see if I
  somehow reached 20k ?

 I have not said 20k conns/s, but 20k concurrent conns. Concurrency is the
 conns rate times the response time. If the site slows down, concurrency

I'm sorry but I didn't quite get what does Concurrency means.
Connection/sec * response time ? Why is that = concurrency?

  I don't think I reached 20k because the global maxconn is 20K

 OK so most likely you need some tuning on the system.

  This is my TCP tuning config for the LB:
  # TCP stack tuning
 nothing wrong here, but please check :

Here they are:
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 24372 32496 48744
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 1039872
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 1039872

Are those valid?

  This is my haproxy.cfg:
  user haproxy
  group proxy
  log local0
  maxconn 2

 You can reduce haproxy's memory usage by reducing buffer sizes this
 way here :
tune.bufsize 8030
tune.maxrewrite 1030

But would this hurt somehow? I can increase the RAM if that will solve the
problem! I just wonder how it is possible that haproxy is using so much
RAM, when I didn't see so much RAM usage from my old single web server
I don't want to configure stuff for a low-RAM machine if I actually need
more RAM. We have no problem paying for a bigger VPS (but unfortunately we
must stay on this VPS infrastructure).

  Any help would be much appreciated, we're experiencing issues with less
  traffic than before haproxy...

 Which is quite the opposite of the seeked goal I can imagine !

 You should really check what consumes memory on your system. I once hit an
 issue on a machine which was centralizing logs each night, but the problem
 is that these logs were completely buffered before being transferred,
 the system to swap.

Only nginx is running on this machine as well to terminate SSL, but it
seems like haproxy is the one that consumes all memory. Nothing else is
running on the machines besides syslog for haproxy and the machine itself,
regular processes and munin plugins every 5 minutes (which are not causing
any RAM issues)...

 Ideally you should disable swap. Any component which swaps in web
 is going to definitely kill all the performance and make things worse.
 have the component die and switchover to the redundant one than having it
 and stay alive!

Very good idea, especially for our LBs. I will do that.

 BTW, I'm just thinking at one point since you're virtualized : are you
 *certain* that you have the 1GB memory dedicated to you and that you've
 not enabled any form of ballooning ? Ballooning is a clever technique some
 hypervisors use to allow vendors to sell the memory multiple times to their
 customers, because the principle is that the hypervisor allocates the RAM
 from the VMs when it needs some! It easily allows a 64G machine to be split
 into 256*1G VMs by stealing the unused memory from the VMs. But when these
 VMs try to use their memory, they can only swap :-)

Yes, I'm certain that our VPs provider is not doing this. We have the
entire 1GB for ourselves.


I just wonder what would be the best approach? Should I try the 2GB RAM


Re: Stats for backend queue

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
Hi Willy :)

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 08:43:43PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  So session rate is the number of requests per second ? Why is it called
  session then if it's really requests?

 You have the two. Initially in haproxy, you had no keepalive, so
 1 req = 1 session. Now you have the numbers in the session column,
 and if you pass your mouse over the number, you'll see the requests

Great, just saw that. and that's only for the frontend because only it
enables keepalive and then req/sec  session/sec ?

  And Sessions is just plain sessions number, without caring for how much
  of them were happening in 1 sec?

 sessions cur is the number of concurrent sessions observed at the moment
 it is reported. It is not related to any timing, it's what is observed at
 one instant. To keep the analogy with the highway, it's how many lanes are
 occupied at the precise instant you're taking the snapshot.

  How can I know the average response time of my servers? haproxy provides
  that data somewhere?

 Yes you have each response time value in your logs :-)

But can I get the average response time? Also, this is the response time of
the backend, or the full response time ?

  I have a max of 800 requests in the backend queue (none in the servers
  queue since there is no persistence). Is that a lot ? :|

 It depends. If you're doing 800 reqs/s, you know that on average it will
 take one second to drain these 800 requests, so it can be a lot. But if
 you're facing an exceptional event, maybe you accept to delay requests
 by up to 1s instead of seeing your servers die or stop responding.

  I also see 3,400 sessions in the frontend, and only ~100 in the dynamic
  backend and 15 in the static backend (in the cur column). How is that
  possible? So many requests are not valid, or sessions are kept and are
  for 1 request only ? :\ I don't understand that..

 It's because a connection is only forwarded to the backend once the client
 has sent a request. And for some clients, sending a request takes some time
 (eg: large requests, or simply because of poor network connectivity), so
 you're always having more connections on the frontend than on the backend.
 Also, haproxy closes the connection to the server as soon as it has the
 last byte of the response, but it still forwards those data to the client
 (so it acts as a TCP buffer). During this response buffering, the clients
 are still connected to the frontend but the backend is already released.

 This behaviour enables some multiplexing of the server connections, because
 they never remain idle, even if the clients are slow to read the responses.

 OK, got why there are more frontend sessions than backend sessions. But is
it usual to see so much more?

  I'm sorry but I didn't quite get what does Concurrency means.

 It is the number of parallel sessions you have at one instant. When you do
 netstat -an | grep -c ESTAB, you get a number of concurrent connections.

  Connection/sec * response time ? Why is that = concurrency?

 If you're not used to this, you need to draw it on paper to understand.

 Imagine a road passing on a bridge. Your bridge is designed to support
 100 cars. This is its concurrency limit. The response time is the time
 a car spends on the bridge. The cars enter the bridge at a rate of 4
 per second. If the cars last more than 25 seconds on the bridge, you'll
 have more than 100 cars on your bridge and it might break. If you make
 your cars run faster on the bridge, they will last there less time and
 there will be less cars on it. If you are on a holiday season, you'll
 get a higher car rate at the input of the bridge, and if they don't
 run faster, you'll break the limit again.

 Cool, thanks :)

  Here they are:
  net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 24372 32496 48744
  net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 1039872
  net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 1039872
  Are those valid?

 So you have between 24372*4096 and 48744*4096 = 100..200 MB of RAM
 assigned to the TCP stack, which is fine considering your VM size.
 Your read and write buffers are correct too (the kernel automatically
 adjusts them depending on the available memory).

 However you have to be aware that a socket buffer needs at least 4kB
 in each direction (hence why the min limit is 4kB), so 200 MB limits
 you to 200/2/4 = 25k sockets, 20k of which can be on the frontend side
 and 5k of which may be on the backend side.

Didn't get much of that, I'll read about tcp_[rm]?mem some more :)

   You can reduce haproxy's memory usage by reducing buffer sizes this
   way here :
  tune.bufsize 8030
  tune.maxrewrite 1030
  But would this hurt somehow?

 It would only hurt if your average object size is larger than 7kB. And it
 would not hurt that much, it would only eat a bit more CPU because haproxy
 would have to perform twice the number of recv/send to forward data between
 sockets. If you're using mostly large

Re: Stats for backend queue

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
Oh, thanks.
Small value = 10 sec for example? :| What is an optimal keepalive timeout?


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:


 Le 12/05/2012 21:42, Bar Ziony a écrit :

  OK, got why there are more frontend sessions than backend sessions. But
 is it usual to see so much more?

 In the configuration you provided, you didn't set any timeout
 http-keep-alive. It means that on your frontend, your keep-alive timeout
 is equal to your client timeout : 90 seconds is maybe too long for your
 server. Try to add a timeout with a small value.

 Cyril Bonté

Re: Stats for backend queue

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
Is there a benefit to allow a larger keepalive timeout so more than
resources from 1 page will be downloaded, or is it just best to create a
new connection for succeeding pages?

Willy, did you see my previous email in this correspondence? :)


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:04:49PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  Oh, thanks.
  Small value = 10 sec for example? :| What is an optimal keepalive

 I like to use just a few seconds so that all objects from the same page are
 fetched at once and the connection automatically closes after this. But
 mileage may vary.


Re: Stats for backend queue

2012-05-12 Thread Bar Ziony
Thank you Willy!

I increased the RAM to 2GB and now I don't see the problem. I will change
the buffers size and report back as well.
Why did you recommend bufsize of 8130 and not 8192? Also, Why do I need to
change tune.maxrewrite ?


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:42 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:31:03PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  Is there a benefit to allow a larger keepalive timeout so more than
  resources from 1 page will be downloaded, or is it just best to create a
  new connection for succeeding pages?

 It depends on your available memory. Ideally you'd keep connections open
 long enough for two consecutive clicks to be performed in the same
 connection, but if this means having 10* the amount of memory, it
 probably isn't worth it.

  Willy, did you see my previous email in this correspondence? :)

 Yes, just replied.


BADREQ on production haproxy

2012-05-10 Thread Bar Ziony

We're running haproxy 1.4.20 as our LB, nginx is listening on the same
machine on port 443 and terminating SSL, proxying the unencrypted requests
to haproxy on localhost:80.

I see many of these errors on the haproxy log:
May 10 15:54:06 lb-01 haproxy[6563]:[10/May/2012:15:54:01.113] public public/NOSRV
-1/-1/-1/-1/5519 400 187 -
- CR-- 3045/3045/0/0/0 0/0 BADREQ

* I changed the source IP for the sake of this example.

We get around 5-15 of these per second, and I checked some of the IPs and
it seems at least some of them are IPs that users registered with (maybe
it's a very big proxy or something so it's not actually those users).

We're running on a pretty fast Linode VPS (1GB RAM), it handled 5000
requests per second on testing (which is low, I know, but it is still a
VPS). We are doing much less than 5000 req/sec ...
The CPU usage is 10-20% for haproxy alone (10% more for nginx), and 10-20%
RAM usage for haproxy (~150MB RES, ~180MB VIRT). Does that make sense?

What are these requests? Is it possible these are regular users trying to
somehow get to our web app and not succeeding ?


Re: HAProxy and SSL traffic termination

2012-05-03 Thread Bar Ziony

I just implemented such a setup, with nginx listening on the LB for HTTP
requests (port 443), proxying via HTTP to haproxy on the same machine. HTTP
requests are coming straight to haproxy and from there to our app servers.

There is a 2nd LB that is a replica of the first, and a keepalived daemon
keeping a floating IP on one of them. This way you don't have any SPOF.

As for performance, I did a small benchmark for our use case, stud was a
bit faster than nginx (900 requests/sec vs 800 requests/sec, no keepalive
so this is checking SSL performance). Using 64-bit has MUCH better
performance in SSL for some reason. More than x2 requests rate.

Please note that this setup doesn't scale on the SSL tier. We are
planning on vertically increasing the LB's capacity by more powerful
hardware, if it will be needed. If you need full scaling capabilities on
the SSL tier, you're better of using some kind of IP load balancer such as
LVS in front, forwarding SSL stuff to a SSL farm which is scalable and
regular HTTP traffic to haproxy (scalable as well).

Don't take my experiments for granted, I'm new to this game. I hope this

P.S. Willy - Putting your help and information to use ! ;)


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Alexander Kamardash wrote:


 ** **

 I am pretty sure that termination traffic on Pound, Apache or Nginx will
 do a work. My question is more about performance of such solution. It will
 eb a entrance point and I don't want to create a single point of failure.
 In case of splitting it to 2 LB layers HAProxy- SSL termination-backend
 servers  - create additional complexity.

 ** **


 Alexander Kamardash

 ** **

 *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Vikram
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 03, 2012 1:38 AM
 *To:* Alexander Kamardash
 *Subject:* Re: HAProxy and SSL traffic termination

 ** **

 A fairly easy configuration is to have Pound SSL sitting in front of
 HAProxy. I don't have benchmark numbers, but the configuration is fairly

 ** **

 Pound:443 - Haproxy:80 (or really any tcp port that haproxy is listening

 ** **

 Here's most of my pound.cfg file:

 ** **




   # Obviously, adjust this to point to wherever your ssl cert is



 ** **



 # in this configuration, haproxy is sitting on the same server as pound


 Port 80



 ** **

 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Baptiste wrote:

 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Alexander Kamardash wrote:
  We want to perform LB, SSL termination and L7 on HAProxy. Could you
  advise the best approach for it? We are interested in max performance and
  not complicated configuration.
  If you are already running such configuration, pls share what is the max
  connection rate you reach.


 If you can wait a bit, HAProxy will do SSL endpoint for you.
 Waiting that, either nginx or stud looks to perform quite well.


 ** **

Re: HAProxy and SSL traffic termination

2012-05-03 Thread Bar Ziony
Adding the list.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Bar Ziony wrote:


 Yes, we're using Linode servers. I chose the 1024 linode. Since it's very
 easy to change that, choose something and test :)

 I've reached around 800 req/sec with SSL and ~5000 req/sec with HTTP.
 This is actually very low for haproxy, and is because of the Virtualized
 overhead. This is much more than we need anyway, so it's fine by us.

 On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Alexander Kamardash wrote:

 Thank you Bar.

 ** **

 Are you planning to use Linode servers ? What are the HW specs of node
 that you chose?  You reached few thousands req\s ? Bottleneck is in CPU,
 I/O or network ?

 ** **


 Alexander Kamardash

 ** **

 *From:* Bar Ziony []
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 03, 2012 10:16 AM
 *To:* Alexander Kamardash
 *Cc:* Vikram Adukia;

 *Subject:* Re: HAProxy and SSL traffic termination

 ** **


 ** **

 I just implemented such a setup, with nginx listening on the LB for HTTP
 requests (port 443), proxying via HTTP to haproxy on the same machine. HTTP
 requests are coming straight to haproxy and from there to our app servers.

 ** **

 There is a 2nd LB that is a replica of the first, and a keepalived daemon
 keeping a floating IP on one of them. This way you don't have any SPOF.**

 ** **

 As for performance, I did a small benchmark for our use case, stud was a
 bit faster than nginx (900 requests/sec vs 800 requests/sec, no keepalive
 so this is checking SSL performance). Using 64-bit has MUCH better
 performance in SSL for some reason. More than x2 requests rate.

 ** **

 Please note that this setup doesn't scale on the SSL tier. We are
 planning on vertically increasing the LB's capacity by more powerful
 hardware, if it will be needed. If you need full scaling capabilities on
 the SSL tier, you're better of using some kind of IP load balancer such as
 LVS in front, forwarding SSL stuff to a SSL farm which is scalable and
 regular HTTP traffic to haproxy (scalable as well).

 ** **

 Don't take my experiments for granted, I'm new to this game. I hope this

 ** **

 P.S. Willy - Putting your help and information to use ! ;)

 ** **



 ** **

 On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Alexander Kamardash wrote:



 I am pretty sure that termination traffic on Pound, Apache or Nginx will
 do a work. My question is more about performance of such solution. It will
 eb a entrance point and I don't want to create a single point of failure.
 In case of splitting it to 2 LB layers HAProxy- SSL termination-backend
 servers  - create additional complexity.



 Alexander Kamardash


 *From:* [] *On Behalf Of 
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 03, 2012 1:38 AM
 *To:* Alexander Kamardash
 *Subject:* Re: HAProxy and SSL traffic termination


 A fairly easy configuration is to have Pound SSL sitting in front of
 HAProxy. I don't have benchmark numbers, but the configuration is fairly


 Pound:443 - Haproxy:80 (or really any tcp port that haproxy is listening


 Here's most of my pound.cfg file:





   # Obviously, adjust this to point to wherever your ssl cert is






 # in this configuration, haproxy is sitting on the same server as


 Port 80




 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Baptiste wrote:

 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Alexander Kamardash wrote:
  We want to perform LB, SSL termination and L7 on HAProxy. Could you
  advise the best approach for it? We are interested in max performance
  not complicated configuration.
  If you are already running such configuration, pls share what is the max
  connection rate you reach.


 If you can wait a bit, HAProxy will do SSL endpoint for you.
 Waiting that, either nginx or stud looks to perform quite well.



 ** **

nginx alone performs x2 than haproxy-nginx

2012-04-29 Thread Bar Ziony

I have 2 questions about a haproxy setup I configured.

This is the setup:
LB server (haproxy 1.4.20, debian squeeze 64-bit) in http mode, forwarding
requests to a single nginx web server, that resides on a different machine.
I'll paste the haproxy config at the end of this message.

1. Benchmarking:
When doing some benchmarking with 'ab' or 'siege', for a small (2 bytes,
single char) file:

ab -n 1 -c 40 http://lb/test.html
ab -n 1 -c 40 http://web-01/test.html

web-01 directly gets 6000-6500 requests/sec. haproxy-nginx gets 3000
When using ab -k to enable keepalives, nginx is getting 12,000
requests/sec, and haproxy gets around 6000-7000 requests/sec.

I wanted to ask if the x2 difference is normal? I tried to remove the ACL
for checking if the path ends with PHP, the results were not different.

2. As you can see, I separate the dynamic (PHP) requests from other
(static) requests.
a. Is this the way to do it (path_end .php) ?
b. I limit the number of connections to the dynamic backend server(s).
I just set it according to the number of FastCGI PHP processes available on
that machine. How do I check/benchmark what is the limit for the static
backend? Or is it not needed?

My nginx config is quite trivial.

Here is my haproxy config:

user haproxy
group proxy
log local0
maxconn 2

mode http
log global
retries 2
timeout client 90s # Client and server timeout must match the
timeout server 90s # Time we may wait for a response from the
timeout queue  90s # Don't queue requests too long if saturated.
timeout connect 4s # There's no reason to change this one.
option abortonclose# Close aborted connections if they still didn't
reach a backend (e.g still in a queue).
option http-server-close   # Enable HTTP connection closing on the server
(backend) side.

frontend public
bind :80
maxconn 19500
option httplog

# Add the backend server ID as a response header
rspadd X-Backend:\ 0  if { srv_id 1 }
rspadd X-Backend:\ 1  if { srv_id 2 }

# Use dynamic backend if the request path ends with .php, fallback to the
default static otherwise
acl url_dynamic path_end .php
use_backend dynamic if url_dynamic
default_backend static

backend dynamic
balance roundrobin
option forwardfor except # Set the client IP in
X-Forwarded-For except for when the client IP is loopback (nginx SSL
server web web:80 maxconn 50 check disabled
server web-01 web-01:80 maxconn 50 check

backend static
balance roundrobin
server web web:80 check disabled
server web-01 web-01:80 check

# Enable the stats page on a dedicated port ()
listen stats
# Uncomment 'disabled' below to disable the stats page
# disabled
bind :
stats uri /
stats realm HAProxy\ Statistics
stats auth admin:mypassword


Re: nginx alone performs x2 than haproxy-nginx

2012-04-29 Thread Bar Ziony
Hi Willy,

Thanks for your time.

I really didn't know this are such low results.

I ran 'ab' from a different machine than haproxy and nginx (which are
different machines too). I also tried to run 'ab' from multiple machines
(not haproxy or nginx) and the results are pretty much / 3 the single
result 'ab' result...

I'm using VPS machines from, they are quite powerful. They're
based on Xen. I don't see the network card saturated.

As for nf_conntrack, I have iptables enabled with rules as a firewall on
each machine, I stopped it on all involved machines and I still get those
results. nf_conntrack is compiled to the kernel (it's a kernel provided by
Linode) so I don't think I can disable it completely. Just not use it (and
not use any firewall between them).

Even if 6-7K is very low (for nginx directly), why is haproxy doing half
than that?

about nginx static backend maxconn - what is a high maxconn number? Just
the limit I can see with 'ab'?

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 Hi Bar,

 On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 02:09:42PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  I have 2 questions about a haproxy setup I configured.
  This is the setup:
  LB server (haproxy 1.4.20, debian squeeze 64-bit) in http mode,
  requests to a single nginx web server, that resides on a different
  I'll paste the haproxy config at the end of this message.
  1. Benchmarking:
  When doing some benchmarking with 'ab' or 'siege', for a small (2 bytes,
  single char) file:
  ab -n 1 -c 40 http://lb/test.html
  ab -n 1 -c 40 http://web-01/test.html
  web-01 directly gets 6000-6500 requests/sec. haproxy-nginx gets 3000

 This is extremely low, it's approximately what I achieve on a sub-1watt
 500 MHz Geode LX, and I guess you're running on much larger hardware
 since you're saying it's 64-bit.

  When using ab -k to enable keepalives, nginx is getting 12,000
  requests/sec, and haproxy gets around 6000-7000 requests/sec.

 Even this is very low. Note that the 6-7k here relates to what nginx
 support above without keep-alive so it might make sense, but all these
 numbers seem very low in general.

  I wanted to ask if the x2 difference is normal? I tried to remove the ACL
  for checking if the path ends with PHP, the results were not different.

 Is ab running on the same machine as haproxy ? Do you have nf_conntrack
 loaded on any of the systems ? Do you observe any process reaching 100%
 CPU somewhere ? Aren't you injecting on a 100 Mbps NIC ?

  2. As you can see, I separate the dynamic (PHP) requests from other
  (static) requests.
  a. Is this the way to do it (path_end .php) ?

 It looks fine. Other people like to store all their statics in a small
 set of directories and use path_beg with these prefixes instead. But it
 depends on how you classify your URLs in fact.

  b. I limit the number of connections to the dynamic backend
  I just set it according to the number of FastCGI PHP processes available
  that machine. How do I check/benchmark what is the limit for the static
  backend? Or is it not needed?

 Nginx performs quite well in general and specially as a static file server.
 You may well set a high maxconn or none at all on the static backend, you
 won't harm it.

 Otherwise I found nothing suspect in your config.


Re: nginx alone performs x2 than haproxy-nginx

2012-04-29 Thread Bar Ziony

Thanks as always for the very detailed and helpful answer.

I'll reply in-line, like you ;-)

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 05:25:01PM +0300, Bar Ziony wrote:
  Hi Willy,
  Thanks for your time.
  I really didn't know this are such low results.
  I ran 'ab' from a different machine than haproxy and nginx (which are
  different machines too). I also tried to run 'ab' from multiple machines
  (not haproxy or nginx) and the results are pretty much / 3 the single
  result 'ab' result...

 OK so this clearly means that the limitation comes from the tested
 components and not the machine running ab.

  I'm using VPS machines from, they are quite powerful. They're
  based on Xen. I don't see the network card saturated.

 OK I see now. There's no point searching anywhere else. Once again you're
 a victim of the high overhead of virtualization that vendors like to
 is almost unnoticeable :-(

The overhead is really that huge?

  As for nf_conntrack, I have iptables enabled with rules as a firewall on
  each machine, I stopped it on all involved machines and I still get those
  results. nf_conntrack is compiled to the kernel (it's a kernel provided
  Linode) so I don't think I can disable it completely. Just not use it
  not use any firewall between them).

 It's having the module loaded with default settings which is harmful, so
 even unloading the rules will not change anything. Anyway, now I'm pretty
 sure that the overhead caused by the default conntrack settings is nothing
 compared with the overhead of Xen.

Why is it harmful that it loaded with default setteings? Could it be

  Even if 6-7K is very low (for nginx directly), why is haproxy doing half
  than that?

 That's quite simple : it has two sides so it must process twice the number
 of packets. Since you're virtualized, you're packet-bound. Most of the time
 is spent communicating with the host and with the network, so the more the
 packets and the less performance you get. That's why you're seeing a 2x
 increase even with nginx when enabling keep-alive.

1. Can you explain what does it mean that I'm packet-bound, and why is it
happening since I'm using virtualization?
2. When you say twice the number of packets, you mean: Client sends request
(as 1 or more packets) to haproxy which intercepts it, acts upon it and
sends a new request (1 or more packets) to the server, which then again
sends the response, that's why it's twice the number of packets? It's not
twice the bandwidth of using the web-server directly right?

 I'd say that your numbers are more or less in line with a recent benchmark
 we conducted at Exceliance and which is summarized below (each time the
 hardware was running a single VM) :

 (BTW you'll note that Xen was the worst performer here with 80% loss
  compared to native performance).

 In your case it's very unlikely that you'd have dedicated hardware, and
 since you don't have access to the host, you don't know what its settings
 are, so I'd say that what you managed to reach is not that bad for such an

 You should be able to slightly increase performance by adding the following
 options in your defaults section :

   option tcp-smart-accept
   option tcp-smart-connect

Thanks! I think it did help and now I get 3700 req/sec without -k , and
almost 5000 req/sec with -k.
I do have a small issue (it was there before I added these options): when
doing 'ab -n 1 -c 60 http://lb-01/test.html', 'ab' gets stuck for a
second or two at the end, causing the req/sec to drop to around 2000
req/sec. If I Ctrl+c before the end, I see the numbers above. Is this
happening because of 'ab' or because of something with my setup? With -k it
doesn't happen. And I also think it doesn't always happen with the second,
passive LB (when I tested it).

 Each of them will save one packet during the TCP handshake, which may
 slightly compensate for the losses caused by virtualization. Note that
 I have also encountered a situation once where conntrack was loaded
 on the hypervisor and not tuned at all, resulting in extremely low
 performance. The effect is that the performance continuously drops as
 you add requests, until your source ports roll over and the performance
 remains stable. In your case, you run with only 10k reqs, which is not
 enough to measure the performance under such conditions. You should have
 one injecter running a constant load (eg: 1M requests in loops) and
 another one running the 10k reqs several times in a row to observe if
 the results are stable or not.

What do you mean by until your source ports rollover ? I'm sorry, but I
didn't quite understand the meaning of your proposed check?

  about nginx static backend maxconn - what is a high maxconn number