Queue flushing if backend goes down

2018-01-14 Thread Walecki, Jakub (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw)

Is there a way to preven backend form flushing queue if all machines go down?

Best regards,
Jakub Walecki

Redispatching of connections

2018-01-04 Thread Walecki, Jakub (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw)

If the connection is redispatched, does it go to queue and wait to be served, 
or is it prioritized and connected to first free slot?

Best regards,
Jakub Walecki

Odp.: confusion regarding usage of haproxy for large number of connections

2017-10-28 Thread Walecki, Jakub (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw)
And if maxcoon in global doesn't help investigate if kernel is not a problem. 
It may happen that kernel won't accept more connections

Od: PiBa-NL 
Wysłane: 27 października 2017 19:46:19
Do: kushal bhattacharya; haproxy@formilux.org
Temat: Re: confusion regarding usage of haproxy for large number of connections

Op 27-10-2017 om 14:58 schreef kushal bhattacharya:
I am confused regarding the readme text ' This is a development version, so it 
is expected to break from time to time,
to add and remove features without prior notification and it should not be used
in production' .Here I am testing for 8000 connections being distributed to 
three virtual mqtt brokers having same ip address but three different ports.I 
am getting a maximum threshold of 2000 connections being handled in this 
setup.Haproxy is listeneing to a port for incoming client connections and 
distributing it to the 3 mqtt brokers with the configuration file  given below

mode tcp
maxconn  8000
timeout connect5000s
timeout client 5000s
timeout server 5000s

frontend localnodes
bind *:9875
log global
log local0 info
option tcplog

default_backend nodes

backend nodes
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server web01  maxconn 3000
server web02  maxconn 3000
server web03  maxconn 2000

With this configuration can i undergo my setup with 8000 connection load 
distribution or do i have to undergo some changes here

Add a 'maxconn 8000' in 'global' section?
