

Would you be interested in IBM - End Users, Partners, Channel Partners,
Resellers and Competitors accounts?


Other Big Data users: HP, Oracle, AWS, Cisco, Intel, Microsoft and more.


Industry: Public Sectors, Telecoms, Financial Services, Healthcare & Pharma,
Marketing, PR & Media, Retails, Manufacturing and more.


Few other categories List: Storage, Web Applications, Big Data and
Analytics, Disaster Recovery etc.




*        <http://www.hdiconference.com/overview/attend/CIO-conference> CIOs,
<http://www.hdiconference.com/overview/attend/CTO-conference> CTOs, COO
*       CVDM Marketing
*       Senior-level VPs and directors
*       Decision Makers: IT Managers, Directors, and Business Leaders
*       Developers and Engineers, System Administrators, and Architects


P.S. If you have any other technology user's data requirement apart from
those mentioned above, please send your target specifications so that I can
get back to you with additional information regarding the counts, quality,
samples etc. for your review.


Let me know if you need more information.


Kind Regards,


Nick Thompson
Business Development


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