Thanks! That points me in the right direction. I found that to enable Layer 7 health checks in this case, I would open another port on the web server that does not advertise HTTP/2 support (ALPN HTTP/1.1) or does not use TLS (which also turns off HTTP/2 in the case of the Caddy web server), and then use the "port" parameter on the server line to point to that port.

backend webservers
  balance roundrobin
  option httpchk HEAD /
server server1 web:443 ssl verify none alpn h2,http/1.1 check port 80

Layer 7 health checks back up and running. :-)

------ Original Message ------
From: "Willy Tarreau" <>
To: "Nick Ramirez" <>
Sent: 12/15/2018 10:25:42 AM
Subject: Re: HTTP/2 to backend server fails health check when 'option httpchk' set

Hi Nick,

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 10:43:04PM +0000, Nick Ramirez wrote:
 This may be something very simple that I am missing. I am using the latest
 HAProxy Docker image, which is using HAProxy 1.9-dev10 2018/12/08. It is
 using HTTP/2 to the backend web server (Caddy).

 It fails its health check if I uncomment the "option httpchk" line:

 backend webservers
   balance roundrobin
   #option httpchk
   server server1 web:443 check ssl verify none alpn h2

 With that line commented out, it works.

 The project is on Github:

 Am I doing something wrong? It also works if I remove "option http-use-htx"
 and "alpn h2" and uncomment "option httpchk".

You're not really doing anything wrong, it's just the current limitation
of health checks that we've wanted to redesing for years and that deserve
a year worth of work. Currently health checks are only made of a TCP string
sent over the socket and checked in return. Since 1.6 or so, we introduced
the ability to send this string over SSL (when "check-ssl" is set) but that's
basically the limit.

In fact, health checks are completely separate from the traffic. You can
see them as being part of the control plane while the traffic is the data
plane. You're not even forced to send them to the same IP, ports, nor
protocol as your traffic. They only pre-set the same target IP and port
for convenience, but that's all.

I've thought we could at least implement an H2 preface+settings check but
this would provide a very low value for quite some hassle to make it work
for the user, so I think it would only steer the efforts away from a real
redesign of better HTTP checks.

However we should at the very least document this limitation more clearly
for 1.9, as chances are that a number of people will want to try this :-/


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