
I've got a kinda strange problem with UNIX sockets. I first thought it's a Varnish issue but it may be actually be a HAProxy one.

So I've this attached test config, a static error file and a test script (perl, no third party modules, just a few lines), which I'd like to share only off-list (just mail me / let me know) to prevent script-kiddies from abusing it.

So we have those huge timeouts just for this test case. maxconn 500k. The test script will do 200k connections. It will open all 200k connections (verify via netstat/ss or something else) and waits for a /tmp/debug file to exist (just touch it if ready). If it exists, it will send GET / requests as fast as possible with all the connections. It was initially meant to test a connection to Varnish instead.

So what happens is what is strange:
Often: Some connections/requests will be answered with a 503 by HAProxy. HAProxy will log a "SC" on the backend connection: Aug 25 18:14:20 localhost haproxy[23512]: unix:1 [25/Aug/2022:18:14:20.051] li_udstest be_static_err/<NOSRV> 62/-1/-1/-1/62 503 97 - - SC-- 162032/1/0/0/0 0/0 "GET / HTTP/1.1"

The mentioned 503's plus:
Aug 25 18:14:19 localhost haproxy[23512]: Connect() failed for backend be_udstest: can't connect to destination unix socket, check backlog size on the server.

Also sometimes:
All 200's. Anything fine.

I'd expect it to behave basically the same every time but that's a completely different behavior in all three cases. And actually I'd like it to only answer 200's :)

The process limits are looking good so far:
# grep 'open files' /proc/$(pgrep -n haproxy)/limits
Max open files 1000082 8000000 files

On another test machine we even have a 30mio hard and 10mio soft limit. So those limits should be enough in any case, actually.

This has been tested with 2.6.4, 2.6.3, 2.6.2.

The same happens if be_udstest points to e.g. Varnish via UDS.

Can you reproduce it? Any idea what may cause it?

Christian Ruppert
        maxconn 500000

        maxconn 500000

        timeout client 15m
        timeout client-fin 15m
        timeout connect 15m
        timeout http-request 15m
        timeout queue 15m
        timeout http-keep-alive 15m
        timeout server 15m

        log len 65535 local0

frontend fe_udstest
    mode http
    bind :61610
        log global
        option httplog

        default_backend be_udstest

backend be_udstest
        mode http
        server udstest unix@/run/udstest.sock

listen li_udstest
        mode http
        option httplog
        bind unix@/run/udstest.sock mode 666
        default_backend be_static_err

backend be_static_err
        mode http
        errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/static-err.txt
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain


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