
You should consider to use the brand new redirect just ment for that :

redirect scheme https code 301 if ! secure


Le jeudi 07 février 2013 11:38:34 Robbert van Waveren a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying out HAProxy and would like to use as our general purpose
> proxy/loadbalancer.
> Currently I've all requirements tackled except forcing the use of
> https (by means of a redirection).
> We're planning host many different sub domains so I really need to
> redirect to be as generic as possible.
> On the web I found a solution proposal using "reqirep" to rewrite the
> host header to https and then a generic redirect.
> However I can't get it to work as the redirect seems to fail to add
> the protocol+host part in the redirect url.
> (Leading to a redirect loop)
> Below is a simplified configuration that I'm currently trying to get
> working.
> Note that I´m using HAProxy itself to deal with SSL termination.
> global
>         maxconn     4096
>         daemon
>         nbproc      2
> defaults
>         clitimeout  60000
>         srvtimeout  30000
>         contimeout  4000
>         mode        http
> frontend fe_default
>   bind :443 ssl crt /opt/haproxy/ppc.pem crt /opt/haproxy/keystore/
>   bind :80
>   acl secure dst_port 443
>   reqirep ^Host:[\ ]*\(.*\)  Host:\ https://\1 if ! secure
>   redirect prefix / if ! secure
>   default_backend be_default
> backend be_default
>   balance roundrobin
>   option httpchk
>   cookie srv insert postonly indirect
>   server civ1 weight 1 maxconn 512 check cookie one
>   server civ2 weight 1 maxconn 512 check cookie two
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Robbert
Guillaume Castagnino
    ca...@xwing.info / guilla...@castagnino.org

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