[Harakah] 6 Mei, Pakatan tubuh j/kuasa khas siasat aliran wang haram

2013-04-20 Terurut Topik azali rahman
Keadilan Daily

Saiz Teks: AAA
6 Mei, Pakatan tubuh j/kuasa khas siasat aliran wang haram

(Oleh Sidiqin Omar)
KUALA LUMPUR 18 APRIL: Sebuah jawatankuasa khas mengenai aliran wang haram yang 
keluar dari negara ini akan ditubuhkan sebaik sahaja Pakatan Rakyat mentadbir 
Putrajaya, kata Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Beliau menyatakan komitmen demikian pada ‘Forum Memanifestasikan Harapan 
Rakyat: Satu Perbualan Bersama’ di Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Kuala Lumpur-Selangor 
malam tadi.
“Sebaik Pakatan Rakyat menang pada 6 Mei 2013, kita akan menubuhkan 
jawatankuasa khas untuk menyiasat aliran wang haram yang keluar dari negara 
ini,” katanya disambut tepukan gemuruh hadirin.
Tegas Anwar, laporan badan kewangan Global Financial Integrity (GFI) mengenai 
aliran wang haram yang keluar dari negara ini berjumlah sehingga USD 40 bilion 
gagal dikesan ‘radar’ pemerhati kewangan.
“Ini tuduhan serius terhadap negara. Saya telah meminta Menteri Kewangan di 
Parlimen dan Bank Negara Malaysia melakukan siasatan rapi.
“Apa jawapannya? Jawabnya – jumlah (aliran wang haram keluar) tidak sebanyak 
itu,” kata Anwar memaklumkan jawapan Menteri Kewangan kepada soalannya di 
“Ini kenyataan tak bertanggungjawab. Mereka tutup kedua belah mata dan tidak 
memberikan sebarang reaksi,” katanya menjawab soalan moderator, Dr Ahmad Farouk 
“Lupakan dahulu tentang Manifesto BN. Jawab dan pertahankan apa yang terjadi 
tentang aliran wang haram seperti yang dilapor GFI ini,” tegas Anwar.
Dalam pada itu, beliau turut berpandangan, fenomena ‘Arab Spring’ dan ‘Occupy 
Wall Street’ perlu diambil pengajaran kerana ia berhubung langsung dengan 
penyalahgunaan dana negara, dasar kronisme dan pengagihan sumber negara di 
kalangan elit politik.
“Ia bercanggah dengan kepentingan rakyat terbanyak di negara tersebut. Ia 
anti-rakyat dan kita mesti belajar dari kemarahan dan kesalahan. Ia (dasar 
tersebut) tidak boleh dipertahankan,” tegasnya.
 *Short URL*: http://www.keadilandaily.com/?p=50668

[Harakah] Is it time for change in Malaysia?

2013-04-20 Terurut Topik azali rahman
Is it time for change in Malaysia?

As the nation prepares for polls, we ask if the opposition leader can shake 
off years of allegations and controversy.


The parliament in Malaysia has been dissolved and the gloves are off as 
political leaders gear up for a fight over corruption, discrimination and the 
cost of living.

 *T*his is a crucial election for the prime minister and the ruling coalition 
but ... I think there is a certain degree of ... quiet confidence that the 
Barisan Nasional will retain power for three reasons. Number one ... the series 
of by-elections that were held before 2010 ... Barisan did fairly well in those 
by-elections  Number two, the prime minister has introduced a series of 
reforms among them economic reforms  And number three, the demands from a 
certain segment of our society for a greater democratic space, he's been able 
to respond to those demands to some extent ...  **
- Chandra Muzaffar, a Malaysian political scientist
Parliamentary polls will pit the National Front Coalition, which is in power 
since 1957, against a resurgent opposition.

The ruling group has already been knocked back, suffering its worst ever 
results in 2008 elections. And it will not be plain sailing this time either.

Malaysia is geographically split in two parts - there is a narrow peninsula in 
the western region and that is where the capital Kuala Lumpur is. And across 
the South China Sea is the eastern part, forming part of Borneo island.

Malaysia is also an ethnically diverse country. Ethnic Malays make up 60 
percent of the population and they are the most dominant group in politics.

Ethnic Chinese form around one-quarter of the population and they hold a lot of 
the economic power. Ethnic Indians and indigenous peoples are among the poorest 
in Malaysia.
In the forthcoming elections, three million first time voters - nearly 
one-quarter of those eligible - will have to decide who to give their support 

But who are the key political players?

Najib Razak is the current prime minister, and his National Front Coalition has 
been in power for more than 50 years. Najib himself took over in 2009, 
following a disastrous election for the coalition, which lost its two-thirds 
majority in parliament.

Najib will be highlighting Malaysia's strong economic growth under his 
stewardship as a reason for re-election.

 **I think the very fact that this prime minister has allowed the parliament 
to almost automatically dissolve shows that there is actually not much 
confidence in the many transformation programmes that he has put in place  
Despite the relatively decent economic performance of the country, many people 
on the street do not feel any ... significant increase in their incomes, the 
perception is that inequality is actually rising ... the cost of living in the 
urban areas continues to increase  I think the majority of the voters feel 
that this is an opportune time for there to be a transition in government after 
56 years of Barisan Nasional rule. **
- Kian Ming Ong, an election strategist for the opposition Democratic Action 
In the last four years, all Malaysians have experienced and witnessed a huge 
change in the economy, the politics and socially within our nation under the 
government's transformation programme, which has brought tremendous change to 
peoples' lives and prosperity to the country, he said.

I urge all Malaysians and the parties to take note that if there is a change 
of power at federal or state level after the next election, [it] must be 
transferred peacefully and smoothly.

On the other side, Anwar Ibrahim is the leader of the opposition and a former 
deputy prime minister. He was fired from office in 1998 and tried for abuse of 
power and sodomy.

Anwar spent six years in jail but was eventually cleared of the charge. He was 
also acquitted of new allegations of sodomy last year - he has called all the 
charges politically motivated.

Anwar is pledging to tackle government authoritarianism and corruption. He is 
promising to cut taxes, increase subsidies and address complaints of 
discrimination against minority ethnic Chinese and Indians.

So is it time for change? And can the opposition leader shake off years of 
allegations and controversy?

To discuss this,  /Inside Story/, with presenter Kamahl Santamaria, is joined 
by guests: Chandra Muzaffar, a Malaysian political scientist, Islamic reformist 
and activist; Kian Ming Ong, an election strategist for the opposition 
Democratic Action Party; and Zachary Abuza, a professor of political science at 
Simmons College, Boston, who also specialises in southeast Asian politics and 
security issues.

I think the government can take a lot of credit for what they've done ... they 
have made great improvements in race 

[Harakah] Fw: [melayucyber] BN = Bankrap Negara

2013-04-20 Terurut Topik azali rahman
- Original Message -
From: Azali Rahman
Sent: 04/21/13 11:39 AM
To: azali rahman
Subject: Fw: [melayucyber] BN = Bankrap Negara [1 Attachment]

--- On  *Sun, 4/21/13, dr. no projek...@gmail.com wrote:
From: dr. no projek...@gmail.com
Subject: [melayucyber] BN = Bankrap Negara [1 Attachment]
To: melayucy...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: respeks_gr...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, April 21, 2013, 12:50 AM

[Attachment(s) from dr. no included below]

Najib janji nak bagi BR1M kepada yang layak RM1200pada masa yang sama 
menambah hutang negara yang sekarang ni saja puratanya RM20ribu ditanggung oleh 
setiap lelaki, perempuan  kanak-kanak Malaysia

Kegagalan BN dari segi ekonomi dalam tempoh lebih setengah abad ini, terutama 
dalam sedekad terakhir ini sangat nyata. Ikut perangkaan tahun1966, taraf hidup 
rakyat Malaysia lebih tinggi dari Korea Selatan, Taiwan serta Singapura. 
Sekarang kita jauh ketinggalan jika dibanding dengan merekatapi dengan 
selambanya duit negara/rakyat ditabur dan akan tambah tabur hanya supaya mereka 
yang tak faham akibatnya rasa seronok. Dan setakat ni tak nampak ada potensi 
kerajaan BN mampu menambahbaik keadaan masa depan negara.

Nak buat program kebajikan, jangan sampai berhutang...patutnya jimat 
untuk wujudkan dana..terutamanya dari rugi buat projek-projek 
kroni...contoh...seperti NFC Syahrizat- RM250juta, komisyen RM500juta untuk 
kapalselam, komisyen RM500juta untuk jet Sukhoi atau kerugian skandal PKFZ 
RM12.5billionitu yg diketahui...

 BN  =  Bankrap Negara 

[Harakah] PRU13: Pakatan pembangkang sudah ranap: Najib

2013-04-20 Terurut Topik azali rahman
PRU13: Pakatan pembangkang sudah ranap: Najib

 Emel Kawan 

 PEKAN: Datuk Seri Najib Razak berkata pakatan parti pembangkang sudah ranap 
sejak malam hari penamaan calon kerana perbalahan dalam menentukan calon.

Perdana Menteri berkata, ketidaksepakatan parti pembangkang itu perlu ditolak 
kerana akan menghancurkan negara. 
 Beliau berkata demikian pada majlis perasmian projek Sentuhan Kasih FELDA 
Chini Timur 2 dan Kompleks Perumahan Kakitangan FELDA di FELDA Chini 2 di sini, 
hari ini.

[Harakah] Malaysia Needs to End Cronyism: Anwar Ibrahim

2013-04-20 Terurut Topik azali rahman
Malaysia Needs to End Cronyism: Anwar Ibrahim

Text SizePublished: Monday, 15 Apr 2013 | 12:16 AM ET
By: Rajeshni Naidu-Ghelani http://www.cnbc.com/id/46236517 
Assistant Producer, CNBC

Malaysia needs put an end to cronyism and support market reforms, opposition 
leader Anwar Ibrahim told CNBC on Monday.
We have to stop this cronyism, we have to stop this awarding of billions of 
dollars of projects without tender, Anwar said on CNBC's  *The Call* 
http://www.cnbc.com/id/37447855 .
Anwar's comments come just weeks before general elections in Southeast Asia's 
third-largest economy on May 5, which is expected to be the toughest test for 
the ruling coalition that has been in power for 56 years.
The National Front led by Prime Minister Najib Razak, is facing intense 
pressure to restore the ruling coalition's two-thirds majority that it lost for 
the first time in 2008.