I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in the last resort, 
based on force. 

Albert Einstein
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere . . . Whatever affects 
one directly, affects all indirectly.” 
Martin Luther King Jr.

"All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family, and each one of us is 
responsible for the misdeeds of all the others. I cannot detach myself from the 
wickedest soul."

"The True Measure Of A Man Is How He Treats Someone Who Can Do Him Absolutely 
No Good."
Samuel Johnson

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Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 1:53 AM
Subject: [beritamalaysia] MC: Who has guilty conscience - Anwar or Dr M


Who is the one with the guilty conscience: Anwar or Mahathir?
Iskandar Dzulkarnain, Malaysia Chronicle  Wednesday, 09 March 2011

It seems that the Anwar Sodomy Saga never goes away.

Dr Mahathir in his latest book has made some serious accusations against
him. If Anwar happens to be found innocent, will Anwar seek to ban his book?

SO is Anwar really a homosexual, or more appropriate a bisexual? Judging
from the heydays, Anwar has always had a controversial life. As a fiery
Youth student leader, he has led many protests and demonstrations against
the government, as well as at nongovernmental establishments. Together with
Ibrahim Ali who thinks the world of him, and refused to leave his side
during his incarceration under the ISA, they have made a name for

In his book:  4 women reportedly testified against him, for trying to
solicit sex. 2 women had refused while 2 women consented to have sex with
him. Somehow, the identities of these women were never divulged, so there is
no concrete evidence other than what was penned by Dr M.

Ummi Hafilda came into the picture openly accusing him. However The Public
turned against her in anger, ostracized and disowned by her parents, Ummi
still bears the reputation and stigma of 'perempuan sundal' (loose woman) I
think she should get it tightened! She still maintains good relations with
the former PM.

The book also said: during the Supreme Umno Tribune internal inquiry,
accusations of Sodomy levelled against Anwar was not denied, and Anwar
continued to keep a silence on that issue.

While behind bars, the infamous Black Eye incident by IGP Rahim was seen as
Harm to the nation. His picture published worldwide, added sympathy to
Annuar's cause.

In 1998 he was sacked as Deputy Prime Minister, on the charge of Sodomy and
Corruption. Jailed for 6 years, and released after Dr Mahathir resigned and
the Sodomy charge dropped. In his book, Dr Mahathir acknowledged some of his
past mistakes, but he affirmed that the sacking of Anwar wasn't a mistake.

After leading the charge to deny BN a 2/3rds majority, Anwar was again
charged later for Sodomy, based on the loose testimony of one Saiful
Bukhari, The ongoing trial littered with inconsistencies, and flimsy
evidence has been touted in the world media as a sham trial.

Today, even as he stands accused of corruption and sodomy, Anwar is still
seen as a national hero. I am sure, that when the time comes, no one will
have any qualms for Anwar Ibrahim to become the New Premier.

Everyone attests to his oratorical skills and the grace he conducts himself
in public. He comes across as an intelligent and admirable person. Unlike
other politicians, he emanates charisma and confidence.

The thought on peoples mind are, whether he will he make a good prime
minister, despite his questionable reputation. Even with all the bad press,
there is hardly a murmur from the public, and people's respect for him is
still at an all time high.

At an Umno general assembly, the controversial book: "50 Dalil of why Anwar
should not become Prime Minister" was circulated and Ibrahim Ali was among
the first of Umno supreme council leaders to support Mahathir in the
allegation that Anwar was homosexual. Although a copy was sent by someone to
Dr M, the Doctor said that he has not read the book.

But till today, it seems his association with Ibrahim is still very close
and it looks like Dr M's vendetta against Anwar will continue to his last

Oddly, not much of the misdeeds on BN has been written, even though at one
time he complained of corruption in Umno under Badawi's administration. In
his book, he did not see it fit to bring up the misdeeds of UMNO and BN,
although as former PM he is an authority on it. Is this not selective

And should the unforeseen happens, that Anwar is found innocent, Pakatan
Rakyat manages to take over, and Anwar becomes Premier, it will be a
nightmare for both Dr M and Ibrahim Ali.

Although I think Dr M's book will be an interesting read, someone has
commented he'd rather contribute the RM100 as donation to the needy and


Is Anwar Ibrahim homosexual, bi-sexual or is Mahathir lying?
Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle  Wed, 09 Mar 2011

Anwar's sexuality is not the problem and Mahathir knows it. The real scandal
is Mahathir's shameful legacy which we are now facing. We have come to a
point where racism and religious intolerance is at its worst. Mahathir's
tangled web of deceit, corruption and dubious deals with his cronies have
brought a once productive country to its knees.

Mahathir's word is not to be trusted and his accusation of Anwar is a tissue
of lies.

In his autobiography, former Prime minister Mahathir Mohamad said that
ex-IGP Abdul Rahim Noor disgraced both him (Mahathir) and Malaysia by
assaulting Anwar Ibrahim when he was arrested as the deputy prime minister
in 1998.

Mahathir also wrote that Anwar did not deny accusations of sodomy before
being sacked as deputy PM. Mahathir also claimed that he had met four girls
who told him they had been propositioned for sex, by Anwar.

To hide his despicable misrule, Mahathir needed a scapegoat. That person was
Anwar. And so Mahathir dragged the country through a prolonged series of
fabrications, sham trials and shoddy investigations, wasting time and
resources, when both ruling and opposition parties should be working towards
moving this country forwards.

If he thought Rahim Noor's assault brought disgrace, it is nothing compared
to the dishonor Mahathir wreaked onto Malaysia.

For a start, Mahathir can't even decide what Anwar's sexuality is.

Mahathir calls Anwar a homosexual. Then he and his puppets - the police and
judiciary - force us to go through the sordid details of sodomy, with
stained mattresses and semen stained underwear. Even Tracey Emin the
celebrated Brit artist with her unkempt, condom and panties strewn bed would
have difficulty keeping up.

Next, he claims that Anwar has procured four girls for sex and that the
girls were paraded like those in the flesh pots of Patpong, for the client
to make his selection.

So is Mahathir also saying that Anwar is bi-sexual?

Mahathir is wrong. We, the rakyat are fed up with his tales. We want to move
on. We do not wish to get sucked into his pitiful self-loathing stories.
Unfortunately, he and his ilk have to perpetuate this persecution of Anwar
so that people like him can maintain their grip on us.

We understand that if one of their group falls, they will drag the others
down. If Anwar triumphs, they all fall.

Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and the BN administration have supped with
the devil -Mahathir.

They accepted the loot that Mahathir offered and once they tasted the
offerings, they had no choice but to fall in with the masterplan.

Mahathir has robbed this country of several hundred billions of dollars. He
has cheated the Indian, Chinese, Malay, the Orang Asli and our cousins in
East Malaysia.

But worse of all, he has robbed each and everyone of us of our dignity.

We have no reason to believe that Anwar is homosexual, bisexual or prefers
to make out with Martians. We are sorry that he has been dragged through all
this and we are disappointed that Najib has continued Mahathir's legacy.

Anwar has to clear his name but it is an uphill struggle when the neutrality
of the police, the investigators and judiciary are compromised.

Why should we believe Mahathir when a decade ago, both he and the then IGP
Rahim Noor had the temerity to lie to the nation, first by "assuring" us
that Anwar was safe and sound in police custody. Then when Anwar appeared
bruised and with a "black eye", these two had the audacity to suggest that
Anwar's injuries were self-inflicted.

Two people who were implicated along with Anwar, in 1998, recanted their
"confessions" because they had been coerced into pleading guilty. Both
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch expressed doubts about the
fairness of the trials which had attracted worldwide condemnation.

The first sodomy trial was thrown out. But now Mahathir's protégé, Najib,
has decided to continue the façade. If Anwar gets to Putrajaya, Mahathir
will be crushed in the scramble as his former supporters try to distance
themselves from his past misdeeds.

Just imagine the broken spirit of the millions of Malays who put Mahathir on
a pedestal and thought he was their saviour. Just imagine what it would do
to Umno. That is why Anwar must not triumph.

Mahathir's legacy is being put to the test and he wants to stop the real
scandal from being exposed.

Anwar's sexuality is not important; it is just a smokescreen to hide
Mahathir's evil.


Score One for Anwar
Malaysian court throws out DNA evidence in sodomy case

Written by Our Correspondent   Tuesday, 08 March 2011


A Kuala Lumpur High Court Tuesday handed Malaysian opposition leader Anwar
Ibrahim a major victory in his long-running sodomy trial by throwing out
purported DNA evidence supposedly proving he had sex with former aide
Mohamad Saiful Bukhairy Azlan.

The DNA evidence is basically the only physical link between the 63-year-old
Anwar and Saiful, who accused the former deputy prime minister of raping him
in June 2008.

"I am grateful for the verdict and this just further supports what I have
said, that I am being persecuted unfairly by the authorities in their bid to
silence me," Anwar told reporters.

On Tuesday, Malaysian Bar Council president Ragunath Kesavan was quoted by
Agence-France Press as saying the High Court's decision, which comes after a
series of failed legal petitions lodged by Anwar, severely undermines the
prosecution's case.

"From what I've seen and heard I think the charge should fall. They should
withdraw the proceedings because as it stands now there is nothing to link
Anwar to the DNA evidence which has been produced," Kesavan said.

Anwar has been on trial since Feb. 3, 2010 in a case that has been marred by
a long series of missteps and questionable rulings that recall his previous
conviction for sodomy in 1998.  That case has been widely condemned by human
rights organizations across the world.

The current saga began when a team of 20 commandos swooped down to arrest
Anwar on July 16, 2008 outside his home, resulting in a loss of momentum for
the three-party Pakatan Rakyat coalition he leads. In 2008 national
elections, the opposition broke the ruling Barisan National coalition's
two-thirds hold on parliament for the first time since Malaysia gained
independence from Great Britain in 1957. The case has now droned on for 13
months, leaving Anwar preoccupied with his defense and largely neutralized

The proceedings, which could result in a 20-year prison term for Anwar,  now
boil down to Saiful's word against the defendant, legal observers say.

If Anwar wins the case, which seems possible given the throwing out of the
DNA evidence, it would hand the opposition a major victory and likely create
the perception for a second time that sex charges were dredged up against
Anwar to drive him from politics.

However, in a Malaysian courtroom almost anything can happen. In repeated
cases over the years, judges have found ways to keep from charging
government figures and their cronies and have consistently ruled against
opposition figures.

Which is what made Judge Zabidin Mohamid Diah's finding so powerful. He
ruled that DNA found on three items taken from the jail cell where Anwar was
held overnight in 2008 were improperly obtained by law enforcement officials
and were therefore not admissible in court.

In almost any impartial courtroom, the case probably would have been thrown
out long ago. Saiful has acknowledged that he met with Prime Minister Najib
Tun Razak before the alleged sodomy took place, raising the suspicion that
the government engineered the case against Anwar to wreck his political
career. In addition to having a well-reported affair with a female member of
the prosecution team, who was later dismissed, Saiful also met prior to the
rape charge with the policeman who engineered Anwar's arrest in the 1998

Anwar was suspended from politics until 2008 because of those charges, which
came after he broke with then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

In addition, two doctors who examined Saiful immediately after he complained
of the rape said there was no evidence consistent with anal penetration and
refused to lodge a complaint. Police later picked up one of the doctors and
held him for three days, according to the website Malaysia Today, following
his filing of the report that no assault had taken place.

When Anwar refused to give a DNA sample, complaining that previous samples
used in the 1998 case were tampered with, the Barisan Nasional pushed a bill
through the parliament allowing police to collect samples in criminal cases
without the consent of the suspect.  On Tuesday, the court ruled that the
current offence took place before the law was passedand that thus collectng
the DNA samples from items in his jail cell was inadmissable.

The charges against Anwar also were later modified from forcible sodomy to
consensual homosexual sex, which is illegal in Malaysia. Saiful wasn't
charged, although presumably he had also consented to homosexual sex.

Other inconsistencies abound. Government doctors testified that Saiful had
waited two full days after the alleged attack by Anwar to get a medical
checkup.  However, he claimed to have not defecated or gone to the toilet
during the entire two-day period. The government doctors said the semen
could remain in the rectum for 72 hours without being spoiled as evidence.
They also claimed that semen had been found in Saiful's mouth two days later
after an oral examination.  Saiful said he hadn't eaten or drunk water
during the two-day period.

A government chemist testified that three different DNA samples had been
discovered in the semen found in Saiful's anal region and clothes. Asked
whose semen the samples might have been from, the chemist said no check had
been made, since they were only seeking Anwar's DNA.  At one point a witness
testified that Saiful's own DNA had been found in the upper tract of his
rectum, leaving many to puzzle out how it got there.

Surveying the legal tangle, Human Rights Watch has urged Malaysia to drop
the charges, condemning the case as a "charade of justice."

In what may be a related development, somewhat improbably,  Monash
University's Melbourne campus awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree last
Friday to Najib despite the controversy over Malaysia's court system, which
has repeatedly been characterized as riddled with political favoritism and
corruption.  It later transpired that Najib's government had issued RM1.1
million  in research grants to academic staff of the Monash campus in Kuala

Mini-trial: Judge disallows items as evidence

Sodomy II: It's not all over yet

Prosecution will not appeal ruling

Mission achieved: Anwar dragged through mud

Sodomy II: Saiful insisted there was penetration, says doctor

Sodomy II: There was 'full' penetration, doc told

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