[Harakah] Fw: FW:

2013-05-25 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI

--- On Mon, 5/13/13, leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com
Subject: Fw: FW:
Date: Monday, May 13, 2013, 8:28 AM

Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 11:19 PM
 Subject: Re: FW:
It worked in Sarawak 

On 13 May 2013 15:17, aliene choo alien...@gmail.com wrote:

Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 22:45:32 -0700
: Post-election payouts in Penang

 Posted by Aliran on 12 May 2013  

    Following tip-offs from the public, an Aliran special 
investigation team checked out a shoplot in Penang and came away astounded with 
what was happening in broad daylight. 

Payout time! Janji ditepatiYesterday, Aliran members received tip-offs from the 
public about a payout to voters:… it is payout time for voters in the 
Parliamentary constituency of Balik Pulau and the three state seats under it. 
Voters there are given RM200 each by don’t know who.

You may file a report on this menace as the exercise to pay voters is ongoing. 
I saw it yesterday, where long queues formed outside a shophouse in Sungai Dua, 
Penang. Opposite TESCO extra, behind Magnum 4D. This outlet which (allegedly) 
collects illegal 4d bets and also (acts) as an illegal gambling centre is 
paying out, and the exercise is continuing today, I was told.

Another member of the public sent us a tip-off with this message: Attached 
promissory note given by agents of BN Bayan Lepas. In the event of BN victory 
in Bayan Lepas, RM160 will be paid to the holder (see voucher above).

This receipt shows “S38″, which presumably relates to the N38 Bayan Lepas state 
seat. As it turned out, N38 was won by Noordin Ahmad of the BN, who increased 
his majority from 399 votes in 2008 to 458 this time.

An Aliran special investigation
 team decided to check this out. We found the shophouse at about 11.15am today 
with a long line of people waiting in the corridor. At the ground floor was a 
little outlet with a Celcom sign with a cloth banner hanging outside saying: 
“Give me 5”.

The primary focus appeared to be the Balik Pulau parliamentary seat, which was 
won by Hilmi Yahaya. He polled 22318 votes, defeating the PKR
 candidate, Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik, by a 1539-vote majority.This was a 
‘winnable’ seat for the BN as in the 2008 general election, Yusmadi Yusoff of 
PKR had clinched the seat, squeezing through with a 708-vote majority. (Yusmadi 
was not selected this time around to defend the seat for PKR.)

We managed to get hold of two receipts from people who had been standing in 
line. Both returned disappointed when they found out they were not eligible to 
claim their money as the BN candidates had failed to win in their respective 

No such luck, the BN guy didn’t win here.A mother and her daughter showed us 
the voucher inscribed with S35. S35 presumably relates to N35 Batu Uban, won by 
PKR’s Dr T Jayabalan. The two women were crest-fallen: “We were unable to claim 
the money as the BN candidate didn’t win.”

Too bad, the BN man didn’t win.Similarly the holder of S32 was unable to claim 
his “winnings”. S32 presumably relates to N32 Seri Delima, a seat won by 
Sanisvara Nethaji Rayer a/l Rajaji of the DAP. No win for the BN in that seat.

Apparently, the payouts today were being made from 11.00am to 7.00pm, and this 
was the third day of payments. Look at this long line of people 
today:Incredibly, the organisers were daring, conducting this payout just nine 
doors away from a police station in the next block. Unfortunately, the police 
were out on patrol.

Payouts were also made yesterday until evening. Those who came late were told 
to come again today as payments for the day had already been made.Over in Pulau 
Betong, also under the Balik Pulau parliamentary seat, something similar was 
happening, according to new Bayan Baru MP Sim Sze Tzin of PKR. At a shack in a 
kampung next to a seafood eatery, some 200 people were queuing up in four lines 
of 50 people to collect amounts ranging from RM160 to RM200, similar to what 
was being paid out in the shoplot we checked.

The vouchers indicated these were for S38 (presumably N38 Bayan Lepas) and 
mostly for S39 (presumably N39 Pulau Betong), said Sim.N38 Bayan
 Lepas was won by Noordin Ahmad with an increased majority of 458 votes 
(previously 399). Farid Saad won the N39 Pulau Betong seat with a majority of 
395 votes, up from 294 in 2008.Sim said that when he and and former Penang 
Speaker Abdul Halim Hussain turned up at Pulau Betong, the organisers of the 
payout, believed to be gangsters, fled from the scene. Abdul Halim lost in the 
N40 Teluk Bahang state seat by 801 votes. N40 is the third seat in P53 Balik 
Pulau, along with N38 Bayan Lepas and N39 Pulau Betong.

Bakhtiar, who lost in Balik Pulau, made a report at the Pulau Betong Police 
Station, and it was accepted, Sim added. But he was also told that the 
authority with the proper jurisdiction in this matter is the MACC. 

So if this sort of thing can happen 

[Harakah] Fw: Fw: Fwd: Najib learns from MamaKutty - Project IC Selangor?

2013-04-19 Terurut Topik KS Ronny PAVDAI

--- On Thu, 4/18/13, leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: leo nathan leo_n...@yahoo.com
Subject: Fw: Fw: Fwd: Najib learns from MamaKutty - Project IC Selangor?
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2013, 10:33 PM

Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 12:25 PM
 Subject: FW: Fw: Fwd: Najib learns from MamaKutty - Project IC Selangor?


  We urge
  all Malaysian working oversea to come back to vote on 5/5/2013. 
  vote counts .. we need to counter the growing population of phantoms voters. 
  cannot let foreigner like Indonesian to decide the future of our
  beloved country 
  Najib learns from MamaKutty - Project IC Selangor? No
  wonder, Feng Shui master David Koh predicted BN will retake Selangor. Sure 
  this Project IC, Selangor will fall like Sabah during Pairin's time. Then we
  shall see the PEOPLES' POWER. 
  By Gho Chee Yuan 
  Project IC in Selangor? 
  Writer: Gho Chee Yuan


  SERDANG: Foreign-born voters with incomplete
  addresses here have been found in the electoral roll and the Election
  Commission (EC) is being urged to explain how this could happen. 
  member of Parliament Teo Nie Ching said 31 such voters were detected in the
  2012 fourth quarter electoral roll. 
  are from Taman Setia, a neighbourhood dominated by immigrants in Balakong. 
  find it suspicious as their addresses do not have house numbers and street
  names, only their taman,” she said. 
  was informed by the EC that the voters were registered by the Special Affairs
  Department (JASA) under the Ministry of Information, Communication and
  was spurred to check on the electoral roll when a man with a strong
  Indonesian accent, Hotim Abdul Jalil, came to her service centre three weeks
  ago to request assistance to apply for a trader’s licence at the Seri
  Kembangan night market. 
  had initially turned him down due to his suspicious nationality but Hotim,
  53, showed that he had a MyKad. 
  check with the National Registration Department found that he was given
  citizenship in December 2010 and the EC’s website confirmed that he is a
  registered voter in the Balakong state seat and Serdang parliamentary
  seems to have been aggressively registering foreign-born voters with
  incomplete addresses in the Serdang, Ampang, Kelana Jaya and Gombak
  parliamentary seats, according to the Malaysian Electoral Roll Analysis
  Project (MERAP) chief researcher Dr Ong Kian Ming. 
  MERAP’s analysis of the 2011 third quarter electoral roll, all voters
  registered by a government agency other than the EC, denoted with Code J in
  the roll, have identity cards with the middle code “71”. 
  “71” is used to identify Malaysians born outside the country such as Hotim. 
  “It is
  very suspicious and raises concern that the National Registration Department
  may be issuing foreigners citizenship, and that Project IC (in Sabah) is
  being replicated in Selangor,” Ong was quoted as saying on online news site
  Malaysiakini last October. Teo said the number of voters in the Serdang
  parliamentary seat had increased 42.2% from 94,877  in 2008 to 134,888
  last year. 
  fact, she said two out of the three state seats under Serdang have seen a
  growth of over 50% in the number of voters.  
  highlighted that Balakong has seen a spike in voters, from 28,682 to 43,408,
  while Bangi has recorded a hike from 35,898 to 53,951 in the past five years.
  In contrast, Seri Kembangan has only recorded an increase of 23.9% from
  30,297 to 37,529. 
  2008, DAP beat MCA to win Balakong with a majority of 4,795 and Seri
  Kembangan with a larger majority of 7,244 while PAS won Bangi by 6,192 votes
  from Umno. 
  Are you amongst the 2,797,424 registered but
  did not vote on 8 March 2008? Do you know of someone who is registered but
  also did not turn up to vote?  
  Start to find out from your family
  members, relatives, friends , neighbours, staff, colleages and of course
  all your email contacts 
  We can make a difference if all of
  us exercise our right at the next GE!... 
  this to 100 and more of your  other relatives, colleagues or friends and
  ask them to do the same 

  to 100 of their friends and so on.  
  so doing we are enlisting the power of
  multilevel marketing. 

  Yes the math works and it is awesome.   
  By the 7th level this message would reach more than 5,000,000

  Yes we can make our vote count!We owe it to ourselves and to our
  children and to their children.  
    We ought to fight the battle  for the people of
   Selangor including