[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from Sothern California-OC

2003-09-06 Thread Stewart Mackenzie

CHINA   The Music Jammer  9.3551725 GMTCC 544 Sept 5th
Jamming Radio Free Asia via Saipan. //9455 [333] and 9905 [444].

GUAM  Adventist World Radio  9.3851729 GMTEE 333 Sept
5th YL with an ID at 1729 hrs followed by a YL with comments. //12015

JAPAN  Radio Japan-NHK  9.5051740 GMTEE 444 Sept 5th
OM with the program Japan and the World on 44 Minutes comment on Tokio
Today. News commentary at 1752 hrs by YL and OM. //11970 [444] and 15355
[333]via Gabon.MacKenzie-CA

JAPAN  Radio Japan-NHK  9.8351745 GMTJJ 444 Sept 5th
YL and OM with comments. MacKenzie-CA

KOREA, North  Voice of Korea  9.3251714 GMTRR 333 Sept
5th OM with comments.MacKenzie-CA

KOREA, North  Voice of Korea  9.3551716 GMTKK 444 Sept
5th YL and OM with comments and then YL with more comments at 1720 hrs.
Then martial music at 1722 hrs.  //11710 [444].MacKenzie-CA

SAIPAN  Far East Broadcasting Company -FEBC  9.4651735 GMTRR
433 Sept 5th YL and OM with comments.MacKenzie-CA

Stewart H. MacKenzie, WDX6AA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Meet"
ASWLC - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC/
SCADS - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS/

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Re: [HCDX] Clarification needed on some stations....

2003-09-06 Thread malm-ecuador
ARC – SWB América Latina
Björn Malm, La Prensa 4408 y Vaca de Castro,
Quito, Ecuador  (+593 2) 2598 470
JRC 535 – HF 150. MFJ 616 – MFJ 1025.
12m LW + 24m LW + Longwire Magnetic Balun

Hola Amiga DXista Gloria!
3/9 0330 UTC had a station speaking german giving ID as "Deutschlandfunk" on 6190.02 
kHz. I have never heard german on that freq. here in Quito before. Nothing to do with 
your logging on 6195 kHz, I just want to tell you!
Here in Quito I sometimes have Nigeria(Tent.) on 4769.98 kHz closing down early, I 
think it was  UTC(1900 local time Quito). 
73s from
Bjorn Malm
Quito, Ecuador.  

"Gloria R. Lalumia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was listening last night (Mountain Time) and picked up a couple of 
interesting stations. When I did the research, I came up with a couple 
of "discrepancies." Any explanation would be appreciated...

Sat AM 9/6
0508 UTC on 6195 ---"ragtime piano" followed by German female 
announcer, heard her say "Deutsche Welle." When I checked EIBI, I came 
up with the BBC : I did not see any listing for DW at that time, so was 
I listening to a German broadcast from the BBC, and if so, why did the 
announcer say "Deutsche Welle"???
Very clear reception

0500 0600 G BBC (Europe) E Eu 6195s 9410s
WEu 6195r 9410s

>From 0511-0600 and still on when I turned it off: 4770 farily strong, but "muffled" 
>with increasing static.
In English, I heard reports about houses lost in a landslide and the need for 
a report on Liberia; a report on Colin Powell trying to get other countries into Iraq; 
something about Governor Sharif (sp?) and bandits and a convoy of Americans; problems 
with the Constitution
and something about a new Constitution in December; by 0530 almost impossible to hear
anything over the static. Then at 0558 I tuned in again, short musice, and then at 
0600 the
station was ID's as "Radio Nigeria."
HOWEVER, when I checked at EIBI I found:

0430 1915 NIG Radio Nigeria Abuja E.. NIG 909 7275
0430 2305 NIG FRCN Kaduna E,Vn NIG 4770 6090

4770 is FRCN Kaduna, on at the same time, not supposed to be Radio Nigeria!! 

Any insights into these two discrepancies?

Also, at 0507 I picked up on 6125 SODRE, which is from URG Uruguay, I believe,
according to EIBI. The station was playing soft jazz and the announcer was speaking 

Fianally, up until a week or so agao, Radio New Zealand on 11820 and Radio Australia 
on 15515 
were coming in like they were from next door around 0500, but NZ has "disappeared" and 
RA is
coming in poorly in terms of signal strength. I'm in Southern New Mexico.


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[HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-OC

2003-09-06 Thread Stewart Mackenzie

BOTSWANA  VOA Relay  11.8350520 GMTEE 444 Sept 3rd
VOA News and Sports with VOA ID by an OM.MacKenzie-CA

BRASIL  China Radio Intl Relay  9.6650340 GMTSS 434 Sept
4th YL and OM with comments. QRM  via the Voice of Russia via Moldova in

CANADA  Voice of Germany Relay  9.6400350 GMTGG 544 Sept
4th OM with newscast and a YL ancr. OM with DW ID at 0354 hrs. //9735
[444]via Germany, 9640 [545]via Canada, 6100 [333] via Germany and 6075
[555]via Antigua.MacKenzie-CA

CYPRESS BBCWS Relay  9.9150535 GMTAA 333 Sept 3rd
Comments then BBCWS ID by a YL and followed by more comments.

FRENCH GUIANA  Radio Japan Relay  9.6600343 GMTJJ 444
Sept 4th YL with vocals music. YL and OM ancrs and more pop music.
//15195 [333]via Japan, 15325 [433]via Japan, 5960 [544]via Canada and
17.560 [444]via Japan.MacKenzie-CA

GABON  Radio Japan Relay  11.9150510 GMTSS 333 Sept 3rd
YL and OM with comments, ID by OM at 0515 hrs then into a music program.
//11895 [544]Via FR Guiana.MacKenzie-CA

GERMANY  Voice of Germany  9.7350555 GMTGG 444 Sept 3rd
YL with comments and VOG IS at 0559 hrs and then a power drop and a change
in signal direction. OM continued in German with news items [333]. //9690
[444] at 0600 hrs. Via Antigua.MacKenzie-CA

JORDAN???  Radio Jordan???  11.9600505 GMTAA 333 Sept
3rd.  Possible Jordan in Arabic vocals by YL and OM.MacKenzie-CA

MOROCCO  RFE/RL Relay  9.8650547 GMTAA 444 Sept 3rd
YL and OM with comments plus background music plus an internet address.

NETHERLANDS  Radio Netherlands Intl  9.8950538 GMTDD 333
Sept 3rd YL with comments and mentioned RNI often.MacKenzie-CA

RUSSIA  CIS  Radio Free Asia Relay  7.5151710 GMTCC 433
Sept 5th YL and OM with comments. The Chinese Music Jammer hrd weakly in
the background. //

SPAIN  China Radio Relay Intl  9.6900333 GMTEE 544 Sept
4th OM with Trade comments between Australia and China. //9790 [544]via

SOUTH AFRICA  BBCWS Relay  11.7650523 GMTEE 333 Sept 3rd
Two OMs with comments on GE/NBC purchase of Universal Studios in Hollywood,

SOUTH AFRICA  Channel Africa  11.7100526 GMTEE 444 Sept
3rd YL with a talk on the Angelican Church in SoAfrica. News headlines
at 0528 hrs and ID by OM at 0529 hrs.

Stewart H. MacKenzie, WDX6AA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Meet"
ASWLC - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASWLC/
SCADS - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SCADS/

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[HCDX] correction

2003-09-06 Thread Robert Wilkner

MEXICO 2390t.   Radio Huayacocotla *1200-1205 with very weak signal.
Anyone closer  to confirm this? [Wilkner-FL]
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[HCDX] Clarification needed on some stations....

2003-09-06 Thread Gloria R. Lalumia
I was listening last night (Mountain Time) and picked up a couple of 
interesting stations. When I did the research, I came up with a couple 
of "discrepancies." Any explanation would be appreciated...

Sat AM 9/6
0508 UTC  on 6195  ---"ragtime piano" followed by German female 
announcer, heard her say "Deutsche Welle." When I checked EIBI, I came 
up with the BBC :  I did not see any listing for DW at that time, so was 
I listening to a German broadcast from the BBC, and if so, why did the 
announcer say "Deutsche Welle"???
Very clear reception

0500 0600   G   BBC(Europe) E   Eu  6195s 9410s
   WEu 6195r 9410s
From 0511-0600 and still on when I turned it off:   4770  farily strong, but "muffled" with increasing static.
In English, I heard reports about houses lost in a landslide and the need for assisstance;
a report on Liberia; a report on Colin Powell trying to get other countries into Iraq; 
something about Governor Sharif (sp?) and bandits and a convoy of Americans; problems with the Constitution
and something about a new Constitution in December; by 0530 almost impossible to hear
anything over the static. Then at 0558 I tuned in again, short musice, and then at 0600 the
station was ID's as "Radio Nigeria."
HOWEVER, when I checked at EIBI I found:

0430 1915   NIG Radio Nigeria Abuja E.. NIG 909 7275
0430 2305   NIG FRCN KadunaE,Vn NIG 4770 6090
4770 is FRCN Kaduna, on at the same time, not supposed to be Radio Nigeria!!  

Any insights into these two discrepancies?

Also, at 0507 I picked up on 6125  SODRE, which is from URG  Uruguay, I believe,
according to EIBI. The station was playing soft jazz and the announcer was speaking 
Fianally, up until a week or so agao, Radio New Zealand on 11820 and Radio Australia on 15515 
were coming in like they were from next door around 0500, but NZ has "disappeared" and RA is
coming in poorly in terms of signal strength.  I'm in Southern New Mexico.


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[HCDX] KN4LF Daily HF/MF Radio Propagation Outlook #2003-13

2003-09-06 Thread Thomas Giella KN4LF

KN4LF Daily HF/MF Radio Propagation Outlook #2003-13

Standard Disclaimer- 

Note! I use "RAW" public domain data from the NOAA Space Environment Center, as well 
as other U.S. government organizations, to produce my "not for profit" propagation 
forecast outlooks. This data is gathered and made public by the U.S. Government using 
taxpayer $$$. However the forecast outlooks that I produce from the "RAW" public 
domain data, is my personal intellectual property. Therefore the propagation outlooks 
contained herein is copyrighted © 1988-2003 by Thomas F. Giella and the Florida Space 
And Atmospheric Weather Institute, all rights reserved. Reproduction of information 
herein is allowed as long as proper credit is given. 

Also space weather forecasting is still an inexact science. The discussions, forecasts 
and outlooks are not official but for educational purposes only and are subject to 
human error and acts of God, therefore no guarantee or warranty implied 

Date Format is YY/MM/DD 

Published Saturday 03/09/06 At 1800 UTC 


Sunspot Groups- No sunspot groups currently contain twisted magnetic fields capable of 
producing very large or huge M and X class solar flares. 

Solar Flux Readings- 109 108 108 

Sunspot Number- 57 

X-Ray Solar Flares- C-1 M-0 X-0 

Averaged Background X-Ray Flux- B3.1 

Energetic Protons >10 MeV (10+0)- None 

Geo-effective (Earth Facing) Coronal Mass Ejections (CME)- None 

Recurrent Coronal Hole #054 which became geo-effective on 03/08/28 and began impacting 
the geo-magnetic field with active Kp-4 conditions on 03/09/01 at 0622 UTC, ended it's 
negative influence on the geomagnetic field. 

Recurrent Coronal Hole #55 will become geo-effective (Earth facing) on 03/09/06-07. 

In the past 24 hour period the Ap index has been at active levels, with a peak of 23. 

In the past 24 hour period the Kp index has been at active levels, with a peak of 4. 

Here are some "general" guidelines concerning correlation of propagation indices to 
actual expected HF/MF propagation conditions. 

1.) Dropping indices numbers are better, except for solar flux on HF. 
2.) For medium frequencies a solar flux under 150, under 100 better, 70 is best for E 
layer multi hop. Keep in mind though that the 10.7 cm (2800 mhz) solar flux index is 
not a "reliable" gauge of ionization in our atmosphere, as the energy of photons at 
this frequency is to low on the order of one million times. 
2a.) For high frequencies a solar flux of 100 is okay, 150 better, above 200 best for 
F layer multi hop. 
3.) Solar flux of at least 100 for E valley-F layer ducting mechanism. 
4.) Previous 24 hour Ap index under 10, under 7 for several days consecutively is 
5.) Previous 3 hour Kp index under 3 for mid latitude paths, under 2 for high latitude 
paths, 0-1 for several days consecutively is best. 
6.) Energetic protons no greater then 10 MeV (10+0) for 160/120 meters and no greater 
then (10-1) on MF broadcast band. 
7.) Background x-ray flux levels less than C1 for several days consecutively for 
160/120 meters and less then B9 for MF broadcast band. 
8.) No current STRATWARM alert. 
9.) IMF Bz with a (+) positive sign, indicates a lesser chance of high latitude path 
auroral absorption/unpredictable refraction or scattering of MF RF signals, when the 
Kp is above 3. 


E Valley-F Layer Propagation Ducting Mechanism/Chordal Hop Propagation- 

Antenna polarization plays a large role in the success of a long haul DX contact. As a 
medium frequency RF signal traverses our planets magnetic lines of force in a 
perpendicular manner on high and mid latitude paths say between W3 land and SM, higher 
angle horizontally polarized signals are more readily absorbed then lower angle 
vertically polarized signals. On other propagation paths on the globe opposite results 
can be found, i.e. horizontally polarized signals suffer less absorption on a 
propagation path between VK6 and W4. 

You would expect a true long path QSO on 160 to be theoretically possible but 
improbable on most paths during any season. However a G to VK long path might be 
possible if the E-valley/F-layer ducting propagation mechanism or the Chordal Hop 
propagation mechanism is involved. A 160 meter signal can traverse a daylight path via 
these propagation modes if the transmitted signal enters/exits at each end of the path 
at or near sunrise/sunset when the D layer ionization is weak (ionospheric tilting). 

The majority of the time medium frequency RF signals in excess of approximately 3200 
miles propagate via the E-valley/F-layer propagation mechanism or via the Chordal Hop 
(mostly on HF) propagation mechanism. High solar flux values can aid in long haul 
medium frequency propagation, as high solar flux values ensure a strong F-layer half 
of the E-Valley/F-layer duct mechanism. Typically the majority of transmit an

[HCDX] Radio Nigeria Abuja

2003-09-06 Thread Andree Bollin
has anybody a working email address or webside from Radio Nigeria
Or has anybody got a qsl in the last time?
73 abo

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[HCDX] My Propagation Outlook Accuracy

2003-09-06 Thread Thomas Giella KN4LF
Yooz' Guys up in the NE and New England, also the Pacific Northwest that are using my 
daily propagation outlooks?! You should fall into my "Mid Latitude" category with 
propagation paths also through "High latitude" in some cases.

"High latitude" Northern Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans 
Pacific and cross equatorial propagation conditions in excess of approximately 3200 
miles should be blah blah blah. 

"Mid latitude" Northern Hemisphere (TA) Trans Atlantic, (TI) Trans Indian, (TP) Trans 
Pacific and cross equatorial propagation conditions in excess of approximately 3200 
miles should be blah blah blah.

Any feedback as far as my propagation outlooks accuracy would be very much 
appreciated, especially if the outlook is wrong. I'm still a little dull mentally 
because of my summer influenza
but trying to get back up to speed accuracy wise.

73 And GUD DX,
Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF
Plant City, FL, USA 

KN4LF Daily Solar Space Weather & Geomagnetic Data Archive &
Daily HF/MF Radio Propagation Outlook:
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Re: [HCDX] Re: Antipodal Focusing

2003-09-06 Thread Thomas Giella KN4LF
Glenn  And All,
  Yes you are being a stickler. Yes I didn't pick the best path example for
antipodal focusing BUT in my mind as a teacher I was trying to pass along an
idea in a simple form, in layman's terms that popped into my head at the
moment. Yes I'm still suffering from a summer flu and am not on my toes. Yes
I think you are flaming me because our political ideologies differ.

Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF
Plant City, FL, USA

KN4LF Daily Solar Space Weather & Geomagnetic Data Archive &
Daily HF/MF Radio Propagation Outlook:

- Original Message - 
From: "Glenn Hau-ser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 10:43 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Re: Antipodal Focusing

> I don`t think I`m being too much of a stickler to point out that the
> antipodes of Plant City out in the Indian Ocean west of Australia, at
> 28 S, 98 E, is more than 3000 miles, 5 megameters, from Udorn, Thailand.
> This is ``NEAR``??
> Grayline enhancement is a far more likely explanation, and this happens
> paths much shorter than antipodal.
> I can`t speak to 160m contact experience, but I`ll bet the signals from W
> C Australia are coming from close to the true azimuth, and not from random
> or any/multiple azimuths as would be the case with true antipodal
> Have you checked this with your 160m beam?
> I`m with Walt about antipodal focusing being from a tight area. During his
> period of activity from Hawaii, Richard E. Wood also made much of
> reception from Zambia.
> As for programs about propagation prediction, I think experience and
> understanding the basic principles are more useful.
> 73, Glenn Hauser
> _
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[HCDX] Latin logs

2003-09-06 Thread Robert Wilkner

Pompano Beach,  Florida  ~  R75, NRD 535

PERU  3375.09   Radio San Antonio, San Antonio de Padua  0950-1110,,
quick ID by
om, news items on Guatemala, Peru  [Wilkner-FL]

MEXICO 2300t.   Radio Huayacocotla *1200-1205 with very weak signal.
closer  to confirm this? [Wilkner-FL]

MEXICO 6045   XEXQ R Universidad, San Luis Potosi  1205-1220 with sign
announcement by om, into classical music [Wilkner-FL]

GUATEMALA 3324.75  Radio Maya, Barillas   0907 - 1000   "...transmite
onda corta
Radio Maya de Barillas  .." [Wilkner-FL]

BOLIVIA  5964.80t.   Radio Nacional, Huanuni  1003 to 1020, weak signal

PERU  5486.67 Reina de la Selva  1007-1020  OA mx, om ments de Peru

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Latin logs

2003-09-06 Thread Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach,  Florida  ~  R75, NRD 535

PERU  3375.09   Radio San Antonio, San Antonio de Padua  0950-1110,,
quick ID by om, news items on Guatemala, Peru  [Wilkner-FL]

MEXICO 2300t.   Radio Huayacocotla *1200-1205 with very weak signal.
Anyone closer  to confirm this? [Wilkner-FL]

MEXICO 6045   XEXQ R Universidad, San Luis Potosi  1205-1220 with sign
on announcement by om, into classical music [Wilkner-FL]

GUATEMALA 3324.75  Radio Maya, Barillas   0907 - 1000   "...transmite
onda corta Radio Maya de Barillas  .." [Wilkner-FL]

BOLIVIA  5964.80t.   Radio Nacional, Huanuni  1003 to 1020, weak signal

PERU  5486.67 Reina de la Selva  1007-1020  OA mx, om ments de Peru

73's  de Bob
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Log Roberto pavanello - Agosto 2003

2003-09-06 Thread BCLNEWS.IT
4855,5 30/8 2345 R. LA HORA - CUSCO  SPORT S   GOOD

Roberto Pavanello
Vercelli - Italy
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2003-09-06 Thread Andy Sennitt
It's still a test, but regular broadcasts start on 1 October. The modulation
level has been rather low, and presumably they will crank it up by the time
regular broadcasts begin.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jouko
> Huuskonen
> Sent: 06 September 2003 00:24
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Glenn Hauser
> Subject: [HCDX] IRELAND
> Just tried 252 kHz LW. Heard RTE Dublin (Clarkestown) with "RTE
> Radio One News" 22 UTC. I wonder, was this just a test or a
> regular broadcast? Signal strength with my indoor ALA 1530P-loop was S9.
> 73´s
> Jouko Huuskonen

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