[HCDX] Nov 10 Logs

2007-11-10 Thread Brian384875
**DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 6025.08, Radio Amanecer, Santo Domingo,
2220-2235, Nov 10, religious music. Spanish announcements. LV de
Esperanza jingle. "Radio Amanecer" ID at 2231. Strong signal strength
but with some adjacent channel splatter & audio somewhat distorted.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
**JORDON. 11690, Radio Jordon, 1600-1729*, Nov 10, English 
programming with lite instrumental music, Euro-pop music. Call-in 
program about saying "no". ID & news at 1701 followed by lite music 
to sign off. Fair to good. French noted earlier at 1500 check. 
(Brian Alexander, PA)  
**KUWAIT. 11990, Radio Kuwait, *1757-1900+, Nov 10, Sign on with 
Arabic programming. National Anthem at 1800 & English programming 
with opening ID announcements. Talk about religion in the area. Variety 
of US pop music & Euro-pop music. Program about Kuwaiti women 
at 1900. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**LATVIA. 9290, Latvia Today, Ulbroka, 1350-1401*, Nov 10, local 
pop music. English talk at 1354 about Latvia history. Poor in noisy
conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**TANZANIA. 11735, Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1810, Nov 10,
Time pips, time check & English news at 1800-1809. "Spice FM" IDs.
Swahili talk at 1809. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 59, Issue 11

2007-11-10 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Ultimas escuchas. R. Ukrania Int, ingl?s. ?Nuevo horario?.
   3. 6270 (bjorn fransson)
   4. Re: 6270 (Jari Savolainen)
   5. Re: 6270 (bclnews.it)
   6. Re: 6270 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. Re: 6270 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   8. Latest logs/Ultimas escuchas (Arnaldo)
   9. Re: 6270 (bjorn fransson)
  10. BBC Monitoring 1939-1979 anniversary publication (Finn Krone)
  11. some errata on previous mesage (Zacharias Liangas )
  12. BTC Podcast #4 (Jim Pogue)
  13. logs (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec)
  14. Ultimas escuchas. Sud?n Radio Service. (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
  15. HCDX logs between 2007-11-10  UTC and 2007-11-11  UTC
  (Risto Kotalampi)
  16. Logs from NH-USA, week ending Nov 10 (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 11:53:32 +0100 (CET)
Subject: [HCDX] Ultimas escuchas. R. Ukrania Int, ingl?s. ?Nuevo
To: Frecuencia DX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

  Saludos cordiales.
  NUEVA ZELANDA 9765 Radio New Zeland Int., 10:20-10:32, escuchada el 10 de 
noviembre en ingl?s a locutor presentando programa musical, emisi?n de m?sica 
de los a?os 50, emisi?n en paralelo por Internet, 
www.radionz.co.nz/audio/live/rnzi  se aprecia unos 25 segundos de desfase en 
Internet de retraso con SW, SINPO 34443.
  REINO UNIDO 5915 Radio Argel Int., 21:00-21:10, escuchada el 9 de noviembre 
en ?rabe, comienza emisi?n con una especie de himno, locutor con ID, locutor 
con comentarios y canto cor?nico, emisi?n en paralelo por 9850, sin embargo por 
?sta frecuencia comienza con casi un minuto de retraso, SINPO 5.
  UKRANIA 9950 Radio Ukraine Int., 10:35-10:50, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en 
ingl?s a locutora con comentarios en programa musical, emisi?n de m?sica del 
Europa del este, ID ?Radio Ukraine International?,  SINPO 34433.
  YEMEN?? 9780 Radio Yemen??, 15:25-15:35, escuchada el 9 de noviembre en 
?rabe, presumo sea Radio Yemen, aunque reconozco que hace meses que no consigo 
captarla, locutor con comentarios, probable identificaci?n, locutor y locutora, 
emisi?n de m?sica folkl?rica local, SINPO 34433.
  Jos? Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

?Descubre una nueva forma de obtener respuestas a tus preguntas!
Entra en Yahoo! Respuestas.


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 16:42:58 +0100
From: "francesco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"


1645 KHz. Radio Barones, pirate from Holland, confirm with QSL card, Letter and 
little stickers in 30 dd.
Send: reception report, CD & 1,00 ?.
Address: P.O. Box 73 - Neede - AB 7160 Netherlands

The picture is available at


Also for all interssted Mr. Jose' Elias Diaz, from Venezuela has send the 
picture received from the NOAA 15 Satellit on 137,500 MHz.
The picture is available at the same URL.

73's Francesco


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 16:23:25 +
From: bjorn fransson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] 6270
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi friends,
Can anyone tell me which station is broadcasting on 6270 kHz right now (16.20 
UTC)? It sounds like an Asian or maybe North African station.
Thanks in advance and 73 from Bj?rn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden

[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending Nov 10

2007-11-10 Thread Scott R. Barbour Jr.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 3335, R.East Sepik, 1147-1215, Nov
9, Tok Pisin/English. YL w/ news at t/in, ments.
Lorangau. NBC relay at ToH w/ EG news re Pakistan and
U.N. Back to YL at 1203 and OM b/w choral music bits.
Animal/bird-like call at 1206 into presumed radio
drama thru t/out. Remarkable signal at t/in,
eventually fading out by 1215. Quick checks for other
90m PNG's revealed a few carriers but nothing like
this one. (Barbour-NH)

KOREA(DPR), 4450, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1127-1140, Nov 10,
Korean. Announcer at t/in, ballads from 1135 thru
t/out. Poor/weak under QRN. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA-TIBET, 4820, Xizang PBS-Lhasa, 1052-1105, Nov
10, Mandarin. Various announcers and musical bits.
Pips/presumed ID at 1100 followed by OM until music at
1105. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH)

PERU, 5014.5, presumed R.Altura, 1052-1103, Nov 9,
Spanish. Music at tin, OM from 1055 until presumed ID
announcement at ToH, right back to music. Poor,
rapidly deteriorating. (Barbour-NH)

PERU, 5039.3 presumed R.Libertad, 1023-1036, Nov 8,
Spanish. OM w/ talk b/w musical selections. Poor under
QRN. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA, 5050, Guangxi BCS-Nanning, 1104-1121, Nov 8,
listed Vietnamese. OM and YL w/ talk, presumed ID at
1115 followed by OM thru t/out. Weak but improving. //
9820-fair. (Barbour-NH)

THAILAND, 6040, R.Thailand, *1130-1142, Nov 8,
English/listed Laotian (sp-?), IS/EG ID announcement.
OM in language thru t/out. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

GERMANY, 6105, TWR via Wertachtal, 0838-0850*, Nov 5,
English. "Through the Bible" prg. w/ religous talk and
contact info. TWR info and IS at s/off. Fair.

MONACO,  7210, TWR, 0928-0945, Nov 6, listed
Hungarian. IS at t/in. OM  w/ ID, religous talks.
Weak, faded out by 0945. (Barbour-NH)

MONGOLIA, 7260, presumed Mongolian Radio, 1203-1230,
Nov 6, Vernacular. News/soundbites at t/in. Exotic
ballads from 1211 until OM at 1228. Wiped out by USB
chatter at 1230. Weak/fading. (Barbour-NH)

THAILAND, 9810, R.Thailand, 1246-1300*, Nov 6,
English. Thailand promo at t/in. Local TC/ID at 1250
followed by news re U.N and N.Korea. ID at 1259,
another Thailand promo until cut-off at 1300. Fair.

Scott R. Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA

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[HCDX] HCDX logs between 2007-11-10 0000 UTC and 2007-11-11 0000 UTC

2007-11-10 Thread Risto Kotalampi
Hard-Core-DX.com logs from 2007-11-10  UTC to 2007-11-11  UTC

Please visit http://log.hard-core-dx.com/ for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.


   4828 Nov 10 0210-0240 Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe BC Corp. Pgr with local music.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas. Sudán Radio Service .

   Saludos cordiales.
  CUBA 11760 Radio Habana Cuba, 11:07-11:12, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en 
español a locutor y locutora con noticias, se aprecia fuerte colisión con 
emisora sin identificar en inglés, probablemente la BBC vía Omán, SINPO 43433.
  12000 Radio Habana Cuba, 11:12-11:15, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en 
español, locutor y locutora con noticias, cuña publicitaria de la emisora, 
SINPO 24332.
  NUEVA ZELANDA 13840 Radio New zeland, 11:25-11:30, escuchada el 10 de 
noviembre en inglés a locutor presentando programa musical, temas de música pop 
y rock, en paralelo por Internet, SINPO 44433.
  RUSIA 12075 Radio Rossii, 11:16-11:25, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en ruso a 
locutor con invitado en conversación, saludo “Dovreñe”, segmento de música 
melódica, SINPO 45554.
  15390 Sudan Radio Service, 14:25-14:29, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en 
inglés a locutor y locutora con lo que parece una clase de inglés, emisión en 
paralelo por 15675, ID “Sudan Radio...good bye”, SINPO 4.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

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[HCDX] BTC Podcast #4

2007-11-10 Thread Jim Pogue
The latest edition of the BTC Podcast - #4 hosted by J.D. Stephens - is now
available for listening. Just click on this link to have a listen:


Good luck and good listening,

Jim Pogue
IRCA/NRC Joint Broadcast Test Committee Coordinator
Memphis, Tennessee

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[HCDX] logs

2007-11-10 Thread Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
5009 KHz  Dom. Rep.. R. Cristal(tent.)  11/9  SS  02:25 mx w/ male singer and 
chorus repeating "Haleluia", 02:27 instrumental south latin style mx , 
02:30-0256 mx set w/ some  mexican group Maná's style and some latin/caribean, 
all time no anmts 2  (LOB-B).

5910 KHz  Philipines  VOA  Tinang  11/8  EE  22:48-22:50  mv tkls "New York" 
(few words understood, much QRM)  2  (LOB-B).

5915 KHz  U.K. R. Argel Int  11/8  AA  22:22 mv: tkls alternating short mx, 
22:29  mv solo singing or reciting, presumed religious, without musical 
instruments  3 (LOB-B) 

5990 KHz  Philipines  FEBC MANILA(tent.)  Bocaue  11/8  Iu Mien  22:32-22:40 fv 
anmts alternating short mx (w/ children chorus singing)  43433  (LOB-B).

13605 KHz  India  ALL INDIA RADIO  Bangalore  11/6  EE  19:11 fv: ID,  tkls abt 
local tourism, anmt abt 3 local mx that plays until 19:30  34443  (LOB-B).


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil (23 33  S, 46 51  W)

Sony ICF SW40

dipole 18m and 32m 

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[HCDX] some errata on previous mesage

2007-11-10 Thread Zacharias Liangas
IN the previous mesage , theree have been  several errata . Below please find 
of these that i have again looked  in my sources  after cross checking  
Please notice that yesterday i was listening the time i was  typing this 

THis  mesage is shown as a reply in my blog : 
PERU  4746.9 Huanta 2000 at 2242  mentioning 'venta minutos', 
2244  with music, at 224540 with voice over music . S3 -4 <22242 
Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

'pirate' 6255 Mighty KBC  with 'hold me' ID and advert of KBC, 
Signal  S8 42332 QRM  Cairo on 6250  Thessaloniki  Greece

Bahrain ? 9744.5 with Arabic music /songs on 0516  and for 1 min 
lookup. Again on 1st Nov with S7 max and again songs. On 9th with 
S0 15331 with a 'trapezoid fading' pattern (sudden ups and downs )   
Liangas 30/10 and 1/2  Thessaloniki  Greece

ERITREA 5100 Bana 1600 with low modulation S5 signal under S2 
QRN (AM narrow). Also on  9/11 with S7 and low modulation  
Liangas 2/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

here is the full previous mesage 

logs by date 

15034u Seattle military??  1642 with weather forecast. Poor to fair 
with preamp on . Liangas 2/11

HARM 4395.3 R Cadena España Information  with ID at 1700 . News 
by OM in Spanish . fair signal at S9  between  strong carriers. nothing on
1502 on 9th . Liangas 2/11/7 Thessaloniki  Greece 

S Africa 4880 SWR Africa 1704 heard with 'bagpipe' QRM being at 
same audio level. Liangas 2/11/7 Thessaloniki  Greece

EGYPT 6250 R Cairo 2213 English program (news in brief  then 
presenting 'fine city' ) with classic arabic songs. Signal S30 55545
Liangas 2/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

'pirate' 6255 Mighty KBC  with 'hold me' ID and advert of KBC, 
Signal  S8 42332 QRM  Cairo on 6250  Thessaloniki  Greece

Cland? 9825 Miraya 1745 discussions between  two men mentioning 
a name "meshaf bin Salaam' and Sudan . They also mentioned 
mirayafm.com (workable  and is from Hirondelle foundation) At 1759 
VoHope  in atchurian blanketed out  the signal  Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 5035 Aparecida  0501  with mentions of Brazil - possible ID 
, about `musico´ , ID " de Brazil... Aparecida"  S7  Thessaloniki  

Bahrain ? 4744.5 with Arabic music /songs on 0516  and for 1 min 
lookup. Again on 1st Nov with S7 max and again songs. On 9th with 
S0 15331 with a 'trapezoid fading' pattern (sudden ups and downs )   
Liangas 30/10 and 1/2  Thessaloniki  Greece

TAJIKISTAN 4975 VoRussia 1649 with classical music . Comments 
by YL  in English . ID at 1658  and close S7 42432 Liangas 1/11  
Thessaloniki  Greece

TAJIKISTAN 4965 VOR 1659 with IS and sign off , S7  Liangas 
1/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

HOLLAND  1395  Big L 1715  with song 'Colin and Jaclyn' . talks by 
man mentioning UK . Tune in 2248 with rock songs. Also 1619 on 
9th with S3 on inv V with old nice rock songs   Liangas 31/10  
Thessaloniki  Greece

ETHIOPIA 5100 Bana 1600 with low modulation S5 signal under S2 
QRN (AM narrow). Also on  9/11 with S7 and low modulation  
Liangas 2/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

AUSTRALIA 9475 RA is still transmitting there? 1617 at S2-3 max 
best in USB with preamp and very narrow filter and good sounding 
audio . Talks between YL/OM . mentioning R national . Also on 1538 
on 9th  with ID "R Australia" and reports and signal S2/4 on V/16 m 
respectively . Liangas 2 and 9 /11/7  Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 9615 R Cultura 2339  with tangos.  NO S 14331 Liangas 
3/11/7  Thessaloniki  Greece

Pirate 6220 Mystery Radio  1235  with hip hop music /songs S10 
45544  Liangas 4/11/7 Thessaloniki  Greece

GERMANY 5965 MV Baltic radio 1308 OM speaking in GE about 
immigration kurzeworden'. Info Baltic radio , 1332  rock songs, and 
an advert in Berlin and  about a coffee cup 45544 Liangas 4/11/7 
Thessaloniki  Greece

Clandestine 6600 unid in Korean  with talks on 1548 with old operas 
1552 strong bubble jamming on 6599  Liangas 4/11/7 Thessaloniki  

BRAZIL 4746.9 Huanta 2000 at 2242  mentioning 'venta minutos', 
2244  with music, at 224540 with voice over music . S3 -4 <22242 
Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 4845.2 Cultura Ondas Tropicas (p) 2238-40 with songs and 
S6!! Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 11734.94 Transmundial 1854 with news by YL in PP " 
mundial communicado" with many referenced of Brazil , then a song 
sounded as 'Aleluyah' then ID as Transmundail . Signal S6  35233 
Liangas 8/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

CUBA 5025 R Rebelde 0507 song "delilah' S6 Liangas 9/11 
Thessaloniki  Greece

INDIA 4970 AIR Shilong 1525-31 tals by man in HIndi till 30 than 
with news in English. S3 , 21332  QRM by digital stream (FDM?) 
Liangas 9/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

UKRAINE 1377 R Kanal Mikolaiv ID at 1604 . Pops songs, Down 
counting on 1608 and back to music. At 1610 with news .  Max S7 on 
the 16H antenna/S4 on the inv V  , 34433,  CRI and RFI at S3 level. 
Liangas 9/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

USA 9329.61! WBCQ? 1

[HCDX] BBC Monitoring 1939-1979 anniversary publication

2007-11-10 Thread Finn Krone
Hi OMs

Some of you may be interested in seing this rare publication which can
be seen in pdf-format from the front-page of my


I visited there several times around 1980 where I a.o. met wellknown
Gordon Darling, Dave Kenny and Chris Greenway - always very friendly
and cosy visits.

Just thought it fun to put it out!

73's  Finn

Finn Krone
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Re: [HCDX] 6270

2007-11-10 Thread bjorn fransson

Thanks to all, who helped me with an ID and to Wolfie for the schedule of Radio 
73 from Björn
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[HCDX] Latest logs/Ultimas escuchas

2007-11-10 Thread Arnaldo

15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Esperanza Antartic Base,

2010-2035, November 09, Spanish,

local romantic songs, talk by female abt different antartic islands, nice 

“en Radio Arcángel San Gabriel...”,  TC: “hora 17 y 34 minutos”, weather 
report for Esperanza Base: “…vientos moderados, cielo cubierto y 
precipitaciones”, ann.:

“Cada media hora con noticias……15476 Khz”, 34422

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 



5996,37 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 2316-2330, November 09, Spanish,

Interview, ID as: “.Radio Loyolaen su casa”, 23432

Strong QRM from Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil on 6000 Khz

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)


5996,37 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 1010-1030, November 10, Spanish/Aymara,

News programme. Report in Aymara. Two ID´s as:

“...Radio Loyola” & “Señoras y señoresRadio Loyola...”, 23322

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)



15665 Voice of Biafra Internacional, ¿via WHRI?, 2040-2045, November 09, 

English, very long talk by male with very mentions to “Biafra” & “Nigeria”, 

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 



5915 Radio Algeria Int (p), 2105-2110, November 09, Arabic,

talk by male in arabic, 34333

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina) 
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Re: [HCDX] 6270

2007-11-10 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel
One of the 5 outlets of Radio Cairo EGY in 6200-6300 kHz segment,
on this winter season.

6270 registered R Cairo in Urdu 1600-1800 UT, 250 kW Abis at 90 degrees
towards Pakistan.

R Pakistan in Urdu is also registered on 6270, but
at 1915-0045 towards Pakistan national workers in NE and NoEaAF.
100 kW 252 degrs.

73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "bjorn fransson" Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 5:23 PM
Subject: [HCDX] 6270

Hi friends,
Can anyone tell me which station is broadcasting on 6270 kHz right now
(16.20 UTC)? It sounds like an Asian or maybe North African station.
Thanks in advance and 73 from Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden

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Re: [HCDX] 6270

2007-11-10 Thread Glenn Hauser
Björn, AOKI B07:

6270 R.CAIRO 1600-1800 1234567 Urdu 250  90 Abu Zaabal EGY  3122E3016 ERU b07


73, Glenn Hauser

--- bjorn fransson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> Can anyone tell me which station is broadcasting on 6270 kHz right now (16.20
> UTC)? It sounds like an Asian or maybe North African station.
> Thanks in advance and 73 from Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden

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Re: [HCDX] 6270

2007-11-10 Thread bclnews.it
> sounds like an Asian or maybe North African station.

Radio Cairo http://www.bclnews.it/b07schedules/cairo.htm
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Re: [HCDX] 6270

2007-11-10 Thread Jari Savolainen
At 1650 on 6270 id like "Radio Cahira".
So a scheduled Egypt in Urdu.
73, Jari

- Original Message - 
From: "bjorn fransson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 6:23 PM
Subject: [HCDX] 6270

Hi friends,
Can anyone tell me which station is broadcasting on 6270 kHz right now 
(16.20 UTC)? It sounds like an Asian or maybe North African station.
Thanks in advance and 73 from Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden
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[HCDX] 6270

2007-11-10 Thread bjorn fransson

Hi friends,
Can anyone tell me which station is broadcasting on 6270 kHz right now (16.20 
UTC)? It sounds like an Asian or maybe North African station.
Thanks in advance and 73 from Björn Fransson, the island of Gotland, Sweden
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 


2007-11-10 Thread francesco

1645 KHz. Radio Barones, pirate from Holland, confirm with QSL card, Letter and 
little stickers in 30 dd.
Send: reception report, CD & 1,00 ?.
Address: P.O. Box 73 - Neede - AB 7160 Netherlands

The picture is available at


Also for all interssted Mr. Jose' Elias Diaz, from Venezuela has send the 
picture received from the NOAA 15 Satellit on 137,500 MHz.
The picture is available at the same URL.

73's Francesco
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas. R. Ukrania Int, ing lés. ¿Nuevo horario?.

  Saludos cordiales.
  NUEVA ZELANDA 9765 Radio New Zeland Int., 10:20-10:32, escuchada el 10 de 
noviembre en inglés a locutor presentando programa musical, emisión de música 
de los años 50, emisión en paralelo por Internet, 
www.radionz.co.nz/audio/live/rnzi  se aprecia unos 25 segundos de desfase en 
Internet de retraso con SW, SINPO 34443.
  REINO UNIDO 5915 Radio Argel Int., 21:00-21:10, escuchada el 9 de noviembre 
en árabe, comienza emisión con una especie de himno, locutor con ID, locutor 
con comentarios y canto coránico, emisión en paralelo por 9850, sin embargo por 
ésta frecuencia comienza con casi un minuto de retraso, SINPO 5.
  UKRANIA 9950 Radio Ukraine Int., 10:35-10:50, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en 
inglés a locutora con comentarios en programa musical, emisión de música del 
Europa del este, ID “Radio Ukraine International”,  SINPO 34433.
  YEMEN?? 9780 Radio Yemen??, 15:25-15:35, escuchada el 9 de noviembre en 
árabe, presumo sea Radio Yemen, aunque reconozco que hace meses que no consigo 
captarla, locutor con comentarios, probable identificación, locutor y locutora, 
emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 34433.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108

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Preorder your WRTH 2007:
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 