[HCDX] Logs

2007-11-25 Thread Manuel Méndez
Manuel Méndez 
Lugo, España

Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600G 
Antena de cable, 8 metros

BRASIL, 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1022-1055, 24-11, locutor, portugués, 
noticias y comentarios de Brasil, identificación: Radio Rio Mar, Manaos, 
Amazonia, Brasil, seis horas e trinta e sete minutos. 23322. (Méndez)

COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0707-0715, 25-10, canciones 
latinoamericanas. Identificación: Marfil Estereo. 24322. (Méndez)

CUBA, 9505, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1115-1132, 24-11, información de Cuba y del 
mudo, programa Haciendo Radio. Las seis de la maana con diecisiete minutos, 
estamos haciendo radio. 3. (Méndez)

ECUADOR, 21455 USB, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 1150-1210, 24-11. Estupendo 
programa dedicado a las Islas Galápagos. Comentario sobre la electrificación de 
estas islas mediante energías renovables. Galápagos fue declarado Parque 
Nacional del Ecuador en 1959. Les esperamos en nuestra próxima cita con 
Galápagos. A las 1200 identificación: Sintonizan HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 
690 kHz AM y 6050 kHz onda corta, la radio comprometida con el evangelio. Son 
las 7 de la mañana, 6 de la mañana en las Islas Galápagos. 34433. En paralelo 
con 11960 y 11690, con peor señal en estas últimas frecuencias. (Méndez)

INDIA, 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1510-1523, 24-11, música  y comentarios 
en hindú, locutor. 34333. (Méndez)

SINGAPORE, 6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1415-1440, 24-11, canciones, inglés, locutor, 
identificación: 93.8 Live, noticias a las 14,30, 93.8 Live, Singapore 
Mediacorp Radio. 3. (Méndez)

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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, Nov 22-24

2007-11-25 Thread Scott R. Barbour Jr.
KOREA(DPR), 4450, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1048-1106, Nov 24,
Korean. OM and YL at t/in. Choral/anthem-like music at
1057. Presumed ID w/ pips at 1100 followed by more OM
and YL thru t/out. Poor but improving. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA, 4460, CNR-1, 1054-1105, Nov 23, Mandarin. OM
and YL at t/in. Pips/ID and CNR jingle music at 1100
followed by presumed news headlines and ads/promos
thru  t/out. Poor as was //4800. (Barbour-NH)

LIBERIA, 4760, ELWA Radio, 2238-2303*, Nov 23,
English. Same format as logged on Nov 14th; religous
music until OM at 2300 w/ ID and s/off announcements.
NA at 2301. Weak/poor. (Barbour-NH)

EQ.GUINEA, 5005, RN-Bata, 2206-2235, Nov 23,
Vernacular/Spanish. Continuos Afropops and SP ballads.
Weak but clear. (Barbour-NH)

UNIDENTIFIED, 5005v, 1130+, Nov 24, Carrier noted here
with occasional hints of weak audio. Also noted by
D.Valko at same UTC who speculates toward R. Nepal.
Thanks R.Wilkner tip who speculates toward LTC
Juliaca-Peru. Definitely worth monitoring. I'm hoping
for Nepal! (Barbour-NH)

CHINA, 5860, presumed VO Jinling-Nanjing, 1156-1202+,
Nov 24, Mandarin. Instrumental music at t/in.
Announcer from 1159. Poor w/ big het from co-channel
R.Farda-Kuwait. (Barbour-NH)

THAILAND, 7255, R.Thailand, 1114-1130, Nov 23,
English/Vernacular. IS/EG ID announcement followed by
OM in language. Pulled the plug during IS/EG s/off
announcement. VOA-Thailand at 1130. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

LIBYA, 17725, VO Africa, 1422-1455, Nov 22, English.
OM at t/in w/ MLK bio, news re Islamic conference in
Libya. Reading from The Green Book at 1437 followed
commentary praising the African people and a profile
on Mauritaine. Fair. //21695 fair-poor. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr.-Intervale,NH-USA


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[HCDX] Logs

2007-11-25 Thread Arnaldo

5996,35 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 0915-0925, November 17, Spanish,

TC: “5 de la mañana con 25 minutos en todo el pais...”,

Programme conduced by male, 32422

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)


9290 Latvia Today, 0845-0900, November 24, English,

instrumental songs, long talk by male, identification and annmt by female, 

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

9290 Radio City, 0900-0910, November 24, ¿language?,

low signal, music, 14321

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)


7555 KJES, Vado, NM, 0205+, November 24, English,

talk by male, 24432

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

7595 VOA-Radio Ashna via CLN, 0210+, November 24, ¿Urudu?,

talk by male, 23121 // 9335 via KWY with 24222

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

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[HCDX] Organizing Your Digital DX

2007-11-25 Thread Mika Makelainen
Cheap digital storage space has revolutionized the way we DXers can 
save, organize and access our recordings and QSL collection. Creating a 
digital DX archive however requires many decisions concerning formats 
and file names, with long lasting consequences. This article explains 
the many mistakes I have made, and how I have tried to resolve practical 
problems related to going digital.

Check out Organizing Your Digital DX at 

And feel free to post comments about the article, or about your own 
experiences in recording, converting and organizing your best DX at 

Mika Makelainen

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[HCDX] The Shortwave Report 11/23 Listen Globally!

2007-11-25 Thread Zacharias Liangas
The Shortwave Report 11/23 Listen Globally!
by Dan Roberts ( outfarpress [at] saber.net )
Thursday Nov 22nd, 2007 4:50 PM

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a 
shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- 
broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, 
Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 23) is up at the website
http://www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/shortwave.shtml in both broadcast 
quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)

 This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio 
Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
From CHINA- The EU and some developing nations will participate in a 
global climate change association to fight against natural disaster. ASEAN, 
the Association of SouthEast Asian Nations, had its charter signed- it is a 
rules-based legal entity for the region like the EU. China's lunar orbiter had 
made 158 orbits around the moon by Tuesday afternoon. Tony Blair as 
international envoy announced 4 projects to aid Palestine. Venezuelan 
President Chavez visited Iran and expressed support for Iran's right to 
develop nuclear energy.
From NETHERLANDS- An analysis of the French strike which is a reaction 
to President Sarkosy's plans to overhaul France's labor market, not just 
change a few pension plans. 50 countries and organizations have been 
invited to Middle East peace talks in Maryland next week- an analysis of the 
chances for success at the conference.
From CUBA- US government contracts for work in Iraq and Afghanistan 
have more than doubled since 2004, with KBR getting almost half of the 
money. A UN panel released a dire report on the progress of climate 
change- next month there will be a conference in Bali to replace the Kyoto 
Protocol with a Global Climate Change Treaty. The British newspaper The 
Independent reported on the pollution levels produced by a US energy firm 
that has strong support and ties to the Republican party. Plans to remove 
land mines are being held up due to a lack of funding from first-world 
From RUSSIA- Russia and the US have agreed on plans to scrap large 
amounts of weapons grade plutonium. In Kuwait, Colin Powell said that the 
US population would not accept military intervention in Iran, since nuclear 
weapon production is years away in Iran. Canada is rejecting some US 
military personnel seeking refuge from what they consider an illegal war.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line 
at- http://www.campusprogress.org/soundvision/780/big-stories-shortwaves
I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available 
at http://radio.mediageek.net

  All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to 
rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in 
last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just 
want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower 
sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-
speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow 
connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will 
play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, 
iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm (PST) on KZYX/Z 
Philo CA, you might be able to stream via
There are several other streams that work better-  
http://www.freakradio.org Freak Radio Santa Cruz  now streams this 
program on Friday at 9:00am and Monday at 5:30pm(PST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from  
http://www.radio4all.net/podcast.php/.xml?series=outFarpress%20presents  or 
iTunes (search for shortwave in podcasts)
Check out the amazing streams at  http://www.radicalradio.org 
And Radio For Peace International at  http://www.rfpi.org 

I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I 
still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into 
this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting 
this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so 
through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt! 
(maybe a little)
link for broadcast edition-
 http://www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/swr_11_23_07.mp3 (13.3MB)
link for smaller file and streaming-
   ?FurthuR!  Dan Roberts

--There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One 
is roots; the other, wings.
- Hodding Carter

  Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  web: www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima:  ICOM R75 , Lowe 


2007-11-25 Thread Zacharias Liangas

TAJIKISTAN?  4975 Vo Russia in english 1800+ producing  QRM to 4976 . 
Passes 1900 with eng prg Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece 

SLOVAKIA 9825  1610+  Miraya FM  with continuous talks in Arabic and 
very many mentions of Sudan . signal to max S4 with very short peaks to S9 
Liangas 23 Thessaloniki Greece

CHINA 4980 XInjinag PBS  1645 with ID by woman , then traditional songs. 
Liangas 23 Thessaloniki Greece

S AFRICA 4880 SWR Africa  1812 with reggae  songs. ID at 1813  with 
freqs and web address then program 'Africa in Zimbabwe' 1845 political 
talks about lingala   Quite good signal at S9  45533 Liangas 23 Thessaloniki 

PHILIPPINES?  12095 FEBC? 1148 with talks in tai , and tai songs  S9 . 
unknown IS to me  at 1200 with again a tai language.  Liangas 24 
Thessaloniki Greece

SPORE  6120 RS Intl 1310  with  dangdut song followed by talks by man 
ands woman in 'Malay' .mixed with a Chinese station(heard on 1330 Uighur 
lang ). . S4 32xR2
Also 6150 RS Intl in English under strong QRM from CNR1-VOC on 1331 . 
heard ID on 1329Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece

LATVIA  9290 Radio Waves intl  0756 open carrier starting on 0800 with 
RWI  and old rock songs(bikini on 0827 , oh mammy blue on 0831 )  French 
service on 0835! on S7 but with medium level QRM from a digital carrier on 
9295 with S10 SINPO For  0839: 44534  Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece
R Karen/Caroline  Eiffel on 0900 

MONGOLIA 12085 R Mongolia 0818 in Japanese , with traditional  music, 
talks by YL and trad? song on -0825 . S8 max , 34423 Liangas 24 
Thessaloniki Greece

  Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  web: www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima:  ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102-3,Tecsun PL200 , 
Chibo C300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
   Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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[HCDX] Sustainability and shortwave

2007-11-25 Thread Zacharias Liangas
  Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  web: www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima:  ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102-3,Tecsun PL200 , 
Chibo C300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
   Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] Sudan Radio Service corrected

2007-11-25 Thread Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
The incorrect info of  Sudan Radio Service Program Schedule and Frequency Guide 
are all by me, not from the schedule. The correct info, like contained at the 
schedule, are as follows, except indicated like the case of Toposa Service:



03:00-03:305975 KHz

03:30-05:007280 KHz  (not 03:30-11:00 like showed 

05:00-06:009560 KHz, 13720 KHz  (not 11:00-12:00 like showed before)

15:00-18:009840 KHz



15:00-16:00   9840 KHz  


15:00-16:00   9840KHz  (not 15:00-16:45 like showed before) 


English Service

monday- friday







Arabic Service

monday- friday








Toposa Service

saturday  (not sunday; the info of Toposa Service is from their languages page, 
not from their Program Schedule because it simply don't mention Toposa; time of 
Toposa Service by Aoki because it isn't at the Sudan's languages page)



Dinka Service



Zande  Service



Muro Service



Bari Service



Shiluk Service




Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
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[HCDX] Fw: [DXA-leden] weekendlogs

2007-11-25 Thread Maurits Van Driessche

- Original Message - 
From: Maurits Van Driessche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 11:12 AM
Subject: [DXA-leden] weekendlogs

Beste collegas zoals jullie al weten ,is de radio mijn passie geworden 
m.a.w. het jagen naar stations ver afgelegen  al of niet met gekraak of 
gepiep .Toch steeds een grote belevenis,en ja tot een gat in de nacht 
.Terwijl iedere normale mens slaapt .

9765  New Zealand,RangitaikiNZL  24/11  0844   Nanna M. and Placido .D. 
mx.   good   4

9745  HCJB,Quito   EQA  24/11  1014  Relig. px. in Pr. about the apocalips 

6020  R.Australia,Schepperton  AUS  24/11  1225  About Aus. +idE.   poor 

21455  HCJB,Quito   EQA  24/11   1242  Relig. px. in Sp. in usb  weak but 
good audio24332

11655  R.Rebelde ,HabanaCUB  24/11  1258  Full id in Sp.good 

11960   HCJB;QuitoEQA   24/11 1317   Relig. px. to Mex.fair  33222

5952.40Em Pio XII ,Siglo Viente   BOL  24/11   Info and id  on 2259 
in Sp.23332

6035 LV Guaviare,S.J. ,GuaviareCLM  25/11 0001   I.D and local mx. 
qrm same freq. radio Bhutan  3

6035  R.Bhutan,Thimpu   BTN  25/11  0017   Relig. px. with monks songs and 
typ. wind instrument for this station3

6134.78  R.Santa Cruz ,Santa CruzBOL  25/11  0029  Nice Bolivian mx. ans 
idgood   3

6173.85  R.Tawantinsuyo,Cusco   PRU  25/11  Instrumental mx. + id  2

5910   Marfil Estéreo,Lomalinda   CLM   25/11   Local mx.   qrm   33222

In de namiddag was Indonesia ,Kendari goed tehoren op 3995 khz  met typ. mx. 
Vannacht waren de tropen echter niets tenoemen

Nog veel luisterplezierMaurits   73,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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2007-11-25 Thread Mauno Ritola
 TAJIKISTAN?  4975 Vo Russia in english 1800+ producing  QRM to 4976 . 
 Passes 1900 with eng prg Liangas 24 Thessaloniki Greece 

But today in Russian at 1830, so the schedule seems to be unstable.

73, Mauno
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[HCDX] 6280 KBC Radio

  Saludos cordiales, hoy 25 de noviembre estoy escuchando en 6280 a KBC 
Radio a las 21:40 UTC, tengo la duda del lugar de transmisión, se supone que 
sea via Lituania, pero éste servicio se anuncia a las 22:00 UTC por 6255, ayer 
sábado fue captada en 6235, ¿a que puede deberse éstos cambios?.
  José Miguel Romero


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[HCDX] KBC Radio, new schedule

  http://www.kbcradio.eu/  Friday evening on Shortwave  The Original Wolfman 
Radio Show
6235 kHz 100 kW 259 deg.
Winter: 22:00 - 22:59 UTC  
Saturday evening on 
Medium Wave  1386 kHz 500 kW Omnidirectional
Winter: 22:00 - 23:00 UTC  
Saturday evening on Shortwave   6235 kHz 100 kW 259 deg.
Winter: 22:00 - 22:59 UTC  
Sunday morning on Shortwave  6255 kHz 100 kW, 310 deg.
Winter: 01.00-01.59 UTC

¡Descubre una nueva forma de obtener respuestas a tus preguntas!
Entra en Yahoo! Respuestas.
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2007-11-25 Thread Chuck
Nigeria, 4770, Radio Nigeria, 2238-2300 Signal not that strong while it fades 
and out with music.  But at 2255, the music is finished for the time being and
a male comments in English.  (Chuck Bolland, November 25, 2007)

Brazil, 4914.96, Radio Difusora, 2305-2320+  Steady Bras music.  At 2316, canned
ID by a male as, ... Radio Difusora... then back to music.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, November 25, 2007)

Bolivia, 4699.32, Radio San Miguel, 2340-2359 Noted a female in Spanish
Language comments.  At 2344 a male joins in.  This is followed by
singing from a group.  This is followed by a male in Spanish comments
at 2347.  Signal very low by 2359 although male still commenting.
(Chuck Bolland, November 25, 2007)

Clewiston, Florida
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[HCDX] Nov 24-25 Logs

2007-11-25 Thread Brian384875
**BRAZIL. 6000, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2245-2305, Nov 25,
Portuguese talk. Fair but some weak co-channel QRM. Fair signal
on // 11784.62. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 6025.10, Radio Amanecer Int. 2150-2205, 
Nov 25, Spanish religious music. ID at 2200. La Voz de Esperanza 
program at 2201. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**ETHIOPIA. 9704.18, Radio Ethiopia, Gedja, 2005-2100*, Nov 24,
local pop music. Talk in Amharic. Neat sounding local pop music.
Sign off with National Anthem. Must use ECSS-LSB to avoid splatter
on high side. Fair on // 7110-good level but some occasional co-channel 
QRM  adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**IRAN. 6010, VOIRI, 1927-1952+, Nov 25, tune-in to lite instrumental 
music. English programming with National Anthem at 1930 followed 
by opening English announcements. Koran at 1933-1936. English 
news at 1938-1951. Fair. Better on // 7320. Threshold signal on
// 11695. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**UGANDA. 4975.97, Radio Uganda, 2040-2225, Nov 24, variety of
Afro-pops, local folk music, Afro-rap, Euro-pop  US pop music. Phone
talk. English  vernacular talk. On later than usual. Weak at tune-in,
improving to a fair level by 2200, but with CODAR QRM. 
(Brian Alexander, PA)  

**Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest 
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2007-11-25 Thread Patrick Martin

Great going on the WIMA 1150 test coming up. I'll give it a shot, but I
logge it a couple years ago when they tested the first time.



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager

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2007-11-25 Thread Jim Pogue
I just got back into town and am catching up on e-mails. If you haven't
already posted or e-mailed me your results regarding the WCXH Test, please
do so ASAP. I'll be putting together my final report soon - probably
tomorrow. So far it looks like the U.S. east coast, Ontario and the
Northwest were the best places to hear Maine from this time. I'm still
reviewing my recording here ... there are a couple of possibilities but it's
probably going to be a long shot. I was DXing from Paducah, KY with just my
ICF-2010 barefoot. Still, stranger things have happened.

Anyway, please send me your results if you haven't already.

BTW, before leaving town on Friday I got a positive reply from WIMA in Lima,
Ohio for a DX Test. They will be testing for us on January 5, 2008. More on
that soon. Also, it looks as though we will have a test from at least one
Canadian station that is leaving AM this season. As soon as the details are
worked on we'll release the info on that too.

73s, Jim Pogue
IRCA/NRC Joint Broadcast Test Committee Coordinator
Memphis, TN

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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 59, Issue 26

2007-11-25 Thread hard-core-dx-request
Send Hard-Core-DX mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Hard-Core-DX digest...

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World Radio TV Handbook 2007 is coming. 
Order yours from 
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Today's Topics:

   1. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. Logs from NH-USA, Nov 22-24 (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)
   3. AM Log (Chuck)
   4. Logs (Arnaldo)
   5. Organizing Your Digital DX (Mika Makelainen)
   6. The Shortwave Report 11/23 Listen Globally! (Zacharias Liangas )
   7. NERW LOGS (Zacharias Liangas )
   8. Sustainability and shortwave (Zacharias Liangas )
   9. Sudan Radio Service corrected (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec)
  10. Fw: [DXA-leden] weekendlogs (Maurits Van Driessche)
  11. Re: NERW LOGS (Mauno Ritola)
  12. Logs from Northern Thailand (Wolfgang Bueschel)
  14. KBC Radio, new schedule (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
  15. HCDX logs between 2007-11-25  UTC and 2007-11-26  UTC
  (Risto Kotalampi)
  16. PM-DX (Chuck)
  17. Nov 24-25 Logs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  18. Re: [NRC-AM] WCXH DX Test (Patrick Martin)
  19. WCXH DX Test (Jim Pogue)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:07:34 +0100
From: Manuel M?ndez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
To: Glenn Hauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=iso-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez 
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600G 
Antena de cable, 8 metros

BRASIL, 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1022-1055, 24-11, locutor, portugu?s, 
noticias y comentarios de Brasil, identificaci?n: Radio Rio Mar, Manaos, 
Amazonia, Brasil, seis horas e trinta e sete minutos. 23322. (M?ndez)

COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0707-0715, 25-10, canciones 
latinoamericanas. Identificaci?n: Marfil Estereo. 24322. (M?ndez)

CUBA, 9505, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 1115-1132, 24-11, informaci?n de Cuba y del 
mudo, programa Haciendo Radio. Las seis de la maana con diecisiete minutos, 
estamos haciendo radio. 3. (M?ndez)

ECUADOR, 21455 USB, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 1150-1210, 24-11. Estupendo 
programa dedicado a las Islas Gal?pagos. Comentario sobre la electrificaci?n de 
estas islas mediante energ?as renovables. Gal?pagos fue declarado Parque 
Nacional del Ecuador en 1959. Les esperamos en nuestra pr?xima cita con 
Gal?pagos. A las 1200 identificaci?n: Sintonizan HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 
690 kHz AM y 6050 kHz onda corta, la radio comprometida con el evangelio. Son 
las 7 de la ma?ana, 6 de la ma?ana en las Islas Gal?pagos. 34433. En paralelo 
con 11960 y 11690, con peor se?al en estas ?ltimas frecuencias. (M?ndez)

INDIA, 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1510-1523, 24-11, m?sica  y comentarios 
en hind?, locutor. 34333. (M?ndez)

SINGAPORE, 6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1415-1440, 24-11, canciones, ingl?s, locutor, 
identificaci?n: 93.8 Live, noticias a las 14,30, 93.8 Live, Singapore 
Mediacorp Radio. 3. (M?ndez)

avast! Antivirus: Mensaje saliente limpio.
Base de datos de Virus (VPS): 071124-0, 24/11/2007
Comprobado el: 25/11/2007 9:07:40
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 02:08:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Scott R. Barbour Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, Nov 22-24
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

KOREA(DPR), 4450, KCBS-Pyongyang, 1048-1106, Nov 24,
Korean. OM and YL at t/in. Choral/anthem-like music at
1057. Presumed ID w/ pips at 1100 followed by more OM
and YL thru t/out. Poor but improving. (Barbour-NH)

CHINA, 4460, CNR-1, 1054-1105, Nov 23, Mandarin. OM
and YL at t/in. Pips/ID and CNR jingle music at 1100
followed by presumed news headlines and ads/promos
thru  t/out. Poor as was //4800. (Barbour-NH)

LIBERIA, 4760, ELWA Radio, 2238-2303*, Nov 23,
English. Same format as logged on Nov 14th; religous
music until OM at 2300 w/ ID and s/off