Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 63, Issue 19

2008-03-17 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

Today's Topics:

   1. Escuchas/Escutas/Logs (Arnaldo)
   2. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   3. logs (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec)
   4. Re: Dxers Unlimited?s weekend edition for 15-16 March 2008
  (Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich)
   5. India: FM radio will grow to a Rs1,   800 crore industry by
  2012 (sakthi vel)
   6. RNZI A08 (Alokesh Gupta)
   7. New SW QSL (Terry Palmersheim)
   9. March 16-17 Logs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  10. HCDX logs between 2008-03-17  UTC and 2008-03-18  UTC
  (Risto Kotalampi)
  11. Aconvert Update just uploaded ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  12. Shortwave changes in East and South-East Asia (Zacharias Liangas )
  13. Madagascar address (Steve -O)
  14. Everglades Bandscan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  15. VOA and RFA Increase Broadcasts to Tibet (Alokesh)
  16. Voice of America Expands Swahili Broadcasts to Kenya (Alokesh)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:56:34 -0300
From: "Arnaldo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Escuchas/Escutas/Logs
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com,
NoticiasDX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Domesticas Y Tropicales
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

15820L LR6 Radio Mitre, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, //790 Khz,
2316-2321, March 09, spanish,
ID as:"Mitre 24-24 Horas de Noticias", 25442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

4111,64 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2240-2300, March 09, spanish,
Very long catholic talk in spanish by female,  New frequency!!!,  24332
Transmitte froma Parroquia Nuestra Se?ora de la Candelaria (Misioneros
General Manager: P. Estanislao Odroniec, //89,5 Mhz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:22:57 +0100
From: Manuel M?ndez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
To: Glenn Hauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   Hard-Core

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 8 metros

COLOMBIA, 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0650-0805, 17-03, 
programa religioso, comentarios por locutor habitual y por locutora, 
identificaci?n: "La Voz de tu Conciencia", canciones. Se escucha, por 
detr?s, muy d?bil, Radio Mil. 23322. (M?ndez)

MEXICO, 6010, Radio Mil, M?xico D. F., 0705-0805, 17-03, canciones 
rom?nticas en espa?ol. Se?al muy d?bil e interferida por La Voz de tu 
Conciencia. 12321. (M?ndez)

avast! Antivirus: Mensaje saliente limpio.
Base de datos de Virus (VPS): 080316-0, 16/03/2008
Comprobado el: 17/03/2008 11:22:59
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2008 ALWIL Software.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:28:06 -0300
From: "Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] logs
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

3970, North Korea, KCBS Pyongyang(pres.), Wonsan; 17-Mar Korean 0925-0939 
nationalistic music by female and choir. In parallel with 3960KHz but weaker, 
23222 (LOB-B).


5010, Madagascar, R.TV Malagasy, Antananarivo; 16-Mar Malagasy 2246-2257 French 
and Vernacular slow music, sometimes a hilife, 2248 canned ID. Strong 5 


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil (23 39  S, 46 52  W)

Sony ICF SW40

dipole 18m, 32m 


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:30:45 -0400
From: "Prof. Arn

[HCDX] Voice of America Expands Swahili Broadcasts to Kenya

2008-03-17 Thread Alokesh

Voice of America Expands Swahili Broadcasts to Kenya

PRESS RELEASE -  Washington, D.C., March 17, 2008 - The Voice of America 
(VOA) has expanded Swahili broadcasts to Kenya to include an additional 
half-hour each day.
"Providing reliable news and information to the people of Kenya is critical, 
particularly during this time," said VOA Africa Division Chief Gwen Dillard. 
"This shows once again how VOA can provide a valuable service to audiences," 
she added.
The expanded radio coverage will offer news from a network of stringers in 
the region, interviews with a range of newsmakers including ruling and 
opposition party representatives, political analysts, economists, local 
residents, as well as U.S. officials, UN, EU and AU mediators and other 
African leaders.
The service will also begin a new series called In Focus taking an in-depth 
look at issues such as land distribution, the constitution, ethnic tensions, 
national reconciliation and the future of democracy in Kenya.
The new program will be broadcast at 0930-1000 UTC, 12:30 p.m. local time 
Monday-Friday, and at 1700-1730 UTC, 8:00 p.m. on weekends. Swahili 
broadcasts will now run for a total of two hours each weekday and one hour 
on Saturdays and Sundays. Visit www.VOANews.com/swahili for more information 
on VOA Swahili language programming..

(VOA Press Release)
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi 

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[HCDX] VOA and RFA Increase Broadcasts to Tibet

2008-03-17 Thread Alokesh

VOA and RFA Increase Broadcasts to Tibet

PRESS RELEASE -  Washington, D.C. March 17, 2008 - U.S. international radio
broadcasts to Tibet will increase by four hours daily beginning tonight at
6:00 p.m. EDT, 6:00 a.m. local time in Lhasa.
"The violent crackdown by Chinese authorities in Tibet compels us to
increase our broadcasts," said James K. Glassman, Chairman of the BBG, which
oversees all non-military U.S. international broadcasting including the
Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA). "Our audience clearly will
benefit from these trustworthy sources of news and information, which differ
sharply from Chinese government sanctioned broadcasts."
At present RFA broadcasts eight hours daily to Tibet via shortwave radio.
VOA broadcasts four hours daily, also via shortwave. Each will expand radio
programs by two additional hours daily. VOA also will double its weekly
Tibetan-language television programming from one to two hours via the
AsiaSat 3 satellite.
"RFA's Tibetan service is working around the clock to bring authoritative,
breaking news to the Tibetan people. These additional hours will greatly
enhance our capacity to deliver this news, including live updates, to people
on the ground," RFA President Libby Liu said.
Tibet's media is tightly controlled and most Tibetans are deeply suspicious
of Chinese domestic media coverage. BBG audience research, while limited to
Tibetan refugees in Nepal, indicates that VOA and RFA are among the most
well known foreign broadcasters and an important source of information in a
society where word of mouth is the top way to share news.
"We know from experience that Tibetans will tune to VOA at pivotal times
such as these," said Danforth Austin, Director of the Voice of America. "For
example, a VOA special TV program about the Dalai Lama receiving a gold
medal from the U.S. Congress was recorded and widely distributed in Tibetan
regions inside China."

(VOA Press Release )

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

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[HCDX] Everglades Bandscan

2008-03-17 Thread bportzer
I'm currently in south Florida on business.  Unlike most such trips, this one 
included a weekend, allowing a bit of extra time for sightseeing   Last 
Saturday afternoon, I visited Everglades National Park, partly to see the flora 
and fauna and partly as a daytime DXpedition of sorts.  Most of my listening 
was done near the Flamingo Visitor's Center, approximately 70 miles southwest 
of Miami.  Located near the southern tip of the Florida peninsula, it has a 
clear salt water path to western Cuba.  Cuban stations may be pesty 
interference to DXers in the eastern US and Canada, but they're rare DX back 
home in Seattle so I was genuniely interested in hearing them.  
The receivers at my disposal included a Sony SRF-39FP and the radio in my 
rental car, a Dodge Caliber.  Most of my listening was done on the car radio, 
but a fair amount was also done on the Sony, especially when it came time to 
null out some of the strong stations.  Here's a summary of stations heard, not 
counting the stations in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Naples, and most other south 
Florida cities.  The numbers in parentheses indicate the signal quality, with 1 
being threshold audio and 5 being local quality.   All times are local (UTC-4). 
 Most listening was done 1200-1600 LT, except as noted.  
530   Cuban(4) with bits of presumed RVCI Turks & Caicos (1.5) in its null
540   Jumble (2) of 2-3 stations dominated by woman in Spanish possibly 
560   Cuban, in WQAM null (4)
570   Reloj (4)
590   Cuba, (5) running classical music show, "Radio Musical Nacional" ID, 
another SS in its null
620   R Rebelde (5) loud with distorted audio
630   Cuban, don't recall which network (2)
640   R Progreso, (3) in WMEN null
670   Cuban (3.5) //620 with WWFE nulled
680   Cuban (2.5) //670
690   R Progreso (4), //730/750
710   R Rebelde (5) with WAQI nulled
730   Progreso (3.5) //750/690
750   Progreso (5), sounding much stronger than listed 1kw
790   Reloj ticker (2) in WAXY null
810   Bahamas, ZNS3 (4)
820   Reloj (3) in null of domestic SS station
840   Unid SS (4), probably Dobleve but didn't hear ID
850   Reloj (3) mixing with WFTL-West Palm Beach
860   Reloj (5)
870   Reloj (3) o/unid domestic
880   Progreso (3)
890   Progreso (5)
910   R Metropolitana (5), Habana, relaying Progreso network until 1800, 
then broke away for local programming with Metropolitana ID.
930   Reloj (3) with unid domestic in background
950   Reloj (5)
960   Reloj (1), morse code "RR" noted several times under unid domestic 
with standards music.  Nothing else audible.
970   WFLA, Tampa (3.5), talk show and "970wfla.com" ID.  At approx 220 
miles, this was the most distant domestic I IDed.  There may have been others 
from Tampa-St Pete area or farther locations, but I was concentrating on Cubans 
and generally didn't pursue domestics.
980   Cuban (5) with news format, probably CMCK (Coco, Peridico del Aire) 
but never heard an ID
990   Spanish (3), probably Cuba
1060 Cuba (5), listed as CMDX but didn't hear ID, noted with several Bob 
Marley tunes in early afternoon, had sports event later
1070 Cuba //1060 (2)
1080 Cuba //1100 (4) o/unid US station
1100 Cuba (5), apparently R Cadena Habana but didn't heard ID, //1080/1120
1120 Cuba (4) //1100
1180 Radio Marti (5+), loudest and closest station, splattering 1160-1200, 
Unid Cuban underneath
1190 Unid (2) SS with tropical music, not sure if Cuban or domestic
1320 Cuba (3), Bob Marley music //1060
1340 Radio Ciudad del Mar, Palmira (5), two "CMFL, Radio Ciudad del Mar" 
IDs at 1600, then alternating anmts by man & woman //1350.  A few minutes 
earlier they ran what sounded like a religious talk, a man with frequent 
mentions of "Cristo" & music I would normally associate with Christian radio 
shows.  Unfortunately, I don't know enough Spanish to understand what he was 
saying.  It certainly seemed like unusual programming for a Cuban station..
1350 Radio Ciudad del Mar //1340 (3) with unid station in background
1450 Radio Guines (5), definite ID at 1558
1540 Unid SS station with opera (4), Radio Sagua listed, r&b music from 
presumed ZNS1 Nassau (3) in its null
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[HCDX] Madagascar address

2008-03-17 Thread Steve -O
hello all,

in the recent DXLD, i saw that Christoph Ratzer, Austria received a QSL from 
Radio Madagaskiara.  He used the BP 1202 address.  

However, i have seen where folks have had their reports returned when sent to 
the BP 1202 address.  

see this site:  

On Radio Madagasikara, their address says BP 442. 
see here:   http://takelaka.dts.mg/radmad/

Does anyone have the correct address ? or perhaps the post office in 
Antananarivo put the letter in the now correct PO box regardless what the 
number says.  

can Christoph tell us which Boite Postal may be on the letterhead or envelope ?

thanks very much.

Steve Price

You are very unique...Just like everyone else.
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Shortwave changes in East and South-East Asia

2008-03-17 Thread Zacharias Liangas
Shortwave changes in East and South-East Asia
BBC World Service shortwave transmissions to East and South-East Asia 
will be reduced on 30th March 2008.

Many listeners around the world no longer listen via shortwave and are 
choosing instead to listen to radio on other platforms including FM, satellite 
and online.

To ensure the BBC can invest in these and other platforms it is necessary to 
reduce shortwave provision, while keeping our programmes available at the 
key listening times for radio - in the morning and the evening.

Shortwave transmission will therefore cease between 10am and 5pm local 
time and midnight and 2 am local time.

For details on BBC programme times where you are, please follow the link 

East Asia 

Please read my aricle on SINPO at (one line!)

http://zliangas.blogspot.com  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)
http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE 
http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315/ (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgrpictures upload 

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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[HCDX] Aconvert Update just uploaded

2008-03-17 Thread ka4prf

Hi friends,

I just uploaded a revised version of the Aconvert.exe application which is 
Eibi's text file.

You can find it at http://www.orchidcitysoftware.com/IMAGE59.HTML

You'll need to download the zip file and unzip it.  Once done, open 
Aconvert.exe.  Remember
that once you load the Aconvert.exe file, it will overwrite what you have 
already on your computer
from the last version.  If you want to save the older version, rename it and 
put it in a new folder.

Contact me if you have problems.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[HCDX] HCDX logs between 2008-03-17 0000 UTC and 2008-03-18 0000 UTC

2008-03-17 Thread Risto Kotalampi
Hard-Core-DX.com logs from 2008-03-17  UTC to 2008-03-18  UTC

Please visit http://log.hard-core-dx.com/ for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[HCDX] March 16-17 Logs

2008-03-17 Thread Brian384875
**BOLIVIA. 4716.68, Radio Yura, 0050-0115, March 17, Spanish 
talk. Wide variety of Spanish pops/ballads. Rustic local music.
Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**CYPRUS. 9760, Cyprus BC Corp, Limassol, *2215-2245*, March 16
sign on with Greek music. Greek opening announcements. Radio-drama. 
Greek folk music. Sign off with Greek music. Very good at sign on but 
slowly deteriorated to a weak signal by sign off. // 7210-mixing with a 
somewhat stronger China Radio Int. // 6180-weak under Brazil.
Fri, Sat, Sun only. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**ETHIOPIA. 5950, Voice of Tigrey Revolution, Mekele, 0350-0420,
March 17, tune-in to Horn of Africa music. Amharic talk at 0401.
Surprisingly stronger than co-channel Radio Taiwan Int.via 
Okeechobee, Florida. Weaker on // 6170. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**ISRAEL. 5000, Galei Zahal, Tel Aviv, 2130-2220, March 17, 
Hebrew talk. Local pop music. Ballads. Canned announcements.
Barely audible but improving. // 6973-but with a slight delay. Tnx to
tip from Roland Schulze & Anker Petersen. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**LIBYA. 21695, Voice of Africa, 1515-1600*, March 17, noted back
on the air after being off the past several days. English programming 
with local pop music. IDs. Program at 1521 about local geography.
News at 1528. Readings from the Green Book at 1536. Good. Strong.
Weak // 17725. But by sign off 17725 was strong and 21695 was 
weak. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**MADAGASCAR. 5010, RTV Malagasy, 2345-0045+, March 16-17,
Irregular lately. Wide variety of local pop music, local ballads, and 
Euro-pop music. Remakes of US pop music. Very little talk. Fair.
Suppressed carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**ZIMBABWE (non). 12035 NF, SW Radio Africa, 1800-1840, March 17,
via U.K? English talk about upcoming Zimbabwe elections. IDs. Gave 
contact information. Afro-pop music. "The Hidden Story" program at 
1814 about Zimbabwe politics. Strong. Very good signal. Announced
they are currently testing on 12035 daily at 1800-1900 and will be 
moving from 7125 to 12035 for the 1700-1900 time period starting 
March 30.Tnx to tip from David Pringle-Wood in DXLD. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 

**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & 
Finance.  (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf000301)
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[HCDX] Log Chad.

   Saludos cordiales.
  CHAD 4905 Radio Chad, 21:30-21:50, escuchada el 17 de marzo en francés a 
locutor en programa musical, ID “Radio Chad...kiloherzs..”, música regae 
africano y afro-pop, se aprecia muy buena señal y la ausencia del molesto 
zumbido de los últimos días, SINPO 45444.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
  Antena Radio Master A-108
  YAESU FRG-7700
WRTH 2008, Passport 2008, Klingenfuss 2007-2008.

¿Con Mascota por primera vez? - Sé un mejor Amigo
Entra en Yahoo! Respuestas.
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2008-03-17 Thread Terry Palmersheim
Received a p/d card (no time) today in 20 days for $1 from Drito Cico at Radio 
Tirana for 13640 kHz. 2 large postcards were also received.

Terry Palmersheim, KC7LDP
Helena, MT
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2008-03-17 Thread Alokesh Gupta
 Radio New Zealand International A08
30 Mar 2008 - 28 Sep 2008

UTC  kHz band Target Azimuth Days
0459-0658  9615 AM & 9890 DRM  31 Pacific 0° Daily
0659-0758  7145 AM & 9890 DRM  31 Pacific 0° Daily
0759-1058  7145 AM & 6095 DRM  41 & 49 Pacific 0° Daily
1059-1158  9655 AM & 6095 DRM  31 & 49 NW Pacific,Bougainville,
  PNG,Asia 325° Daily
1158-1258  9655 AM 31 NW Pacific,Bougainville,
 PNG,Timor,Asia 325° Daily
1300-1550  6095 AM 49 Pacific 0° Daily
1551-1850  7145 AM & 6095  DRM 41 & 49 NE Pacific,Tonga,Fiji,
  Samoa,Cook Islands 35° Daily
1851-1935  9615 AM & 9890  DRM 31 NE Pacific,Tonga,Fiji,Samoa,Cook
 Islands 35° Daily
1936-1950  9615 AM & 11675 DRM 31 & 25 Tonga 0° Daily
1951-2050 11725 AM & 11675 DRM 25 NE Pacific,Tonga,Fiji,Samoa,Cook
 Islands 35° Daily
2051-2235 15720 AM & DRM 13840 19 & 21 NW Pacific,Vanuatu,Solomon
   Islands 325° Daily
2236-0458 13840 AM & DRM 15720 21 & 19 Pacific 0° Daily

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi,India.
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] India: FM radio will grow to a Rs1, 800 crore industry by 2012

2008-03-17 Thread sakthi vel
India’s media and entertainment industry grew 17% to
reach Rs50,000 cr in 2007

Last year, which saw the biggest global players
testing waters in the Indian media and entertainment
sector, the industry grew 17% over the previous year,
reaching the Rs50,000 crore mark, according to a joint
report by industry body the Federation of Indian
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci) and audit
firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.
While the mainstream sectors such as print, television
and filmed entertainment continued to grow robustly,
emerging segments such as animation, gaming and visual
effects, radio, out-of-home advertising and online
advertising grew faster, although on a much lower
base. The report forecasts sustained growth for the
next five years, estimating that the industry will
grow to an overall size of Rs1.16 trillion by 2012.
The report predicts a cumulative growth of 18% for the
sector during the period.
“The industry has posted robust growth, in
fact, a couple of percentage points higher than
what we projected last year, which is a great thing,”
said Timmy Kandhari, executive director and leader of
technology, infocomm and entertainment and media
practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Advertising, which contributed Rs19,600 crore or 38%
to the revenues generated by the media and
entertainment industry, grew 22% year-on-year in 2007,
the report says.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the sector surged
to $211 million (Rs854.55 crore), against $89.18
million in 2006. “FDI will continue to go up in the
coming years,” Kandhari said. The year 2007-08 was
marked by the entry of media and entertainment
conglomerates—Viacom Inc., NBC Universal Inc. and Walt
Disney Co.—into India through partnerships with
Network 18 Group, NDTV Networks Plc. and UTV Software
Communications Ltd, respectively.
The television industry grew 18%, the only big sector
to grow at a rate above the industry average. The
report notes that digital distribution platforms such
as direct-to-home (DTH) are transforming the industry
as such addressable technologies ensure more
transparency and higher revenues from subscription.
The study said the number of DTH subscribers would
grow cumulatively by 44% every year over the next five
years. The high growth in advertising revenues and
emergence of new revenue streams such as from SMS
(short message service) are driving the launch of new
channels, the report says.
Print media’s growth in 2007 at 16% was lower than the
industry average and the report indicates it will
continue to grow below the average over the next five
years, as well. The report predicts the sector’s
cumulative annual growth rate, (CAGR), for 2008-12 at
14%, four percentage points below the industry
average. The report, specifically notes the increase
in regional language publications and the action in
the magazines space, with a slew of niche launches.
Filmed entertainment grew 14% on which the CAGR for
2008-12 is predicted at 13%. The report notes several
trends that are changing the nature of the industry.
Emergence of revenue streams such as mobile phones,
Internet, home video, merchandise, re-make rights and
branded entertainment as well as the advent of the
studio model of production will continue to grow
de-risking the business, the report says. FM radio
will grow to a Rs1,800 crore industry by 2012, up from
Rs620 crore now. When asked if the possibility of an
economic slowdown dampened the overall outlook,
Kandhari said: “We have factored that in (the
‘TV market to grow at 16%’
A Hong Kong-based independent research firm focusing
on Asia’s media and telecommunications industry has
made a slightly different projection for the Indian
television industry. The market will grow at an
average annual rate of 16% to reach $11.6 billion
(Rs46,922 crore) by 2012, Media Partners Asia said in
its annual report, ‘Asia Pacific Pay-TV and Broadband
Markets 2008’. It said the sector will grow to $19
billion by 2017. 
According to its study, the increasing footprint of
digitized distribution systems such as DTH will see
subscription revenues climbing from $3.8 billion
currently to $7.8 billion by 2012 and $12.3 billion by
2017. The number of digital pay-TV subscribers
including cable, DTH and Internet protocol TV, could
grow to 28 million by 2012 and 15 million by 2017, it
While steady economic growth and increasing cable TV
penetration continue to boost the growth of TV
advertising, the study says TV’s share of the ad pie,
which in 2007 was 42%, will come under threat in the
long run from the growth of out-of-home media, radio
and online advertising. It said advertising on TV will
grow at an average annual rate of 19% between 2007 and
2012 to reach $3.5 billion and further to $6.3 billion
by 2017.


For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.co

Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited´s weekend edition for 1 5-16 March 2008

2008-03-17 Thread Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich

Radio Havana Cuba

Dxers Unlimited

Dxers Unlimited´s weekend edition for 15-16 March 2008

By Arnie Coro

Radio amateur CO2KK

Hi amigos radioaficionados … welcome to the weekend edition of Dxers 
Unlimited, from beautifully sunny Havana, Cuba. I am Arnie Coro, radio 
amateur CO2KK, inviting you all to join me for about seventeen minutes 
of on the air and also on the web time, plus the now regularly available 
option of reading the scripts of this program by subscribing to one of 
several Internet radio hobby mailing lists, including the Ontario DX 
Association Yahoo mailing list .

Here is today’s show first item, that sounds like ditto from the mid 
week edition of the program…Another week of very little solar activity 
reported by scientists, who continue to sit and wait for the expected 
increase in the number of sunspots from the new cycle.

So far, the new sunspots are not happening, and the daily solar 
microwave flux continues to be at extremely low levels, registering 
bottom low 69 units on Friday.

Item two: Now were just a few days away from the spring equinox here in 
the Northern Hemisphere, and already we are seeing somewhat better 
propagation conditions especially just after sunset local time. Item 
three: Cuban radio amateurs are getting ready for the upcoming CQ Radio 
Amateur magazine worldwide WPX contest, one of the most popular ones in 
the world. The main reason for the popularity of the CQ WPX contest is 
that it provides operators with a unique opportunity of increasing their 
worked DX entities, so it is possible during the WPX contest to add 
quite a few new ones to your log.

This Saturday at the Plaza Radio Club here in downtown Havana, I will be 
meeting again with newcomers to the hobby that started to receive their 
lessons in electronics, rules and regulations, radio wave propagation 
and communications procedures last week. The training course is 
programmed to last until May and the radio amateur operator’s tests will 
take place in June. We call this training program by its own special 
name, for us it is The Radio Amateurs Academy and it counts with 
experienced certified instructors selected among the nation’s first 
class operators, the ones that are on the air with the CO, the Charlie 
Oscar prefix.

At the request of several listeners, let me repeat that Cuba has four 
prefixes for its stations registered at the ITU, that include CL, used 
or the beginner’s license, the CM intermediate class amateurs , CO used 
for the first class licensees and the T4 prefix that is only assigned to 
special event stations.

More information about our wonderful radio hobby here in Cuba and in the 
world after a short break for station ID… I am Arnaldo, Arnie, Coro, 
radio amateur CO2KK in Havana…stay right here on this same short wave 
frequency or at our world wide web site that has English language 
programming from 05 to 07 hours UTC… I will be back in a few seconds…


Yes, you are listening to Radio Havana Cuba, the spring equinox is 
always a good time to start tuning around for new stations. Amateur 
radio operators have now s yet another incentive to go on the air… the 
new Clipperton Island DX callsign TX5C expedition is on the air, with 
high hopes of making a good showing as the just finished Ducie Island 
outstandingly successful DX expedition achieved.

As I have always told you here, amateur radio expeditions to put on the 
air remote places are a great incentive for Dxers and the dream of any 
devoted Dxers is always fixed at having the unique opportunity of taking 
part on one of the real prominent DX expedition. During my half a 
century long amateur radio career,I remember in 1994, when a group of 
Cuban and American radio amateurs activated a special station to 
participate in the American Radio Relay League summer VHF contest, the 
ARRL most important yearly event devoted to the promotion of operation 
on the VHF, UHF and Microwave bands.

The 1994 VHF contest entry of CO0FRC from the Bellomonte cliff 
overlooking the Florida Straits with a great team of operators won the 
first place for DX stations entering the event, and we were able to make 
some firsts , like the first microwave amateur radio contact between 
Cuba and the USA.. We did make a large number of two way radio contacts, 
mostly on SSB phone, and at that time we had no digital modes equipment 
available. A VHF contest taking place now, will require the use of 
advanced digital communications modes, as they are becoming more and 
more popular among participating operators.

Si amigos , yes my friends , oui mes amis, a corrected figure, several 
reliable sources claim that the number of radio amateurs around the 
world is now exceeding the three millions mark, and a great number of 
them regularly enjoy communicating using their own equipment and 
antennas, sometimes from the most unique locations, like from the 
International Space Station orbiting the Earth, or from a yacht sailin

[HCDX] logs

2008-03-17 Thread Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
3970, North Korea, KCBS Pyongyang(pres.), Wonsan; 17-Mar Korean 0925-0939 
nationalistic music by female and choir. In parallel with 3960KHz but weaker, 
23222 (LOB-B).


5010, Madagascar, R.TV Malagasy, Antananarivo; 16-Mar Malagasy 2246-2257 French 
and Vernacular slow music, sometimes a hilife, 2248 canned ID. Strong 5 


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil (23 39  S, 46 52  W)

Sony ICF SW40

dipole 18m, 32m 
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Logs

2008-03-17 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, España

Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 8 metros

COLOMBIA, 6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0650-0805, 17-03, 
programa religioso, comentarios por locutor habitual y por locutora, 
identificación: "La Voz de tu Conciencia", canciones. Se escucha, por 
detrás, muy débil, Radio Mil. 23322. (Méndez)

MEXICO, 6010, Radio Mil, México D. F., 0705-0805, 17-03, canciones 
románticas en español. Señal muy débil e interferida por La Voz de tu 
Conciencia. 12321. (Méndez)

avast! Antivirus: Mensaje saliente limpio.
Base de datos de Virus (VPS): 080316-0, 16/03/2008
Comprobado el: 17/03/2008 11:22:59
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2008 ALWIL Software.

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Escuchas/Escutas/Logs

2008-03-17 Thread Arnaldo

15820L LR6 Radio Mitre, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, //790 Khz,
2316-2321, March 09, spanish,
ID as:"Mitre 24-24 Horas de Noticias", 25442
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

4111,64 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2240-2300, March 09, spanish,
Very long catholic talk in spanish by female,  New frequency!!!,  24332
Transmitte froma Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Misioneros
General Manager: P. Estanislao Odroniec, //89,5 Mhz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at