Re: [HCDX] RTP: there is 'every reason' to suspend shortwave

2011-09-04 Thread Colin Newell

On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 13:58:04 +1200 "Paul"  wrote:
>Moral of story, when appealing to a broadcaster to remain on shortwave, use
>snail mail, sending an email proves to the broadcaster the listener can hear
>them via the internet.

An individual or group of activists or hobbyists can never
reverse a trend such as this.

Overall, SW broadcasters are leaving the air because the bulk
of listeners can be convinced to assume the bulk of the technical
investment; the computer, the power, the broadband internet connection.

In reality, the overall global cost is higher to broadcast to
blocks of individuals via the internet when you factor in
the above expenditures.

That said, this is the trend now - the individual pays for everything.

The upside for the rest of us is: With the bulk of the semi-Megawatt
SW broadcasters eliminated, we can concentrate on actual DX; 300W
flea power broadcasters from here, there and everywhere.

Colin Newell is the editor and creator of, and
Amateur Radio VA7WWV - Victoria B.C. Canada |
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[HCDX] Voice Of America's Role In Internet Age

2011-09-04 Thread Zacharias Liangas
Voice Of America's Role In Internet Age
September 3, 2011
Listen to the Story

Weekend Edition Saturday
[4 min 43 sec]

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September 3, 2011

Host Scott Simon speaks with David Ensor, who took over directorship of Voice 
of America 
last month. A longtime journalist for NPR, CNN and ABC News, his most recent 
post was in 
Afghanistan, where he was director for communications and public diplomacy at 
the U.S. 
Embassy in Kabul.

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Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.

SCOTT SIMON, host: The Voice of America has a weekly audience of 123 million 
around the world. Its highly-regarded news and music programs are heard in 44 
languages, from Afan Oromo and Bosnian to Uzbek and Vietnamese. But in this day 
of the 
Internet and social media, and a time of shrinking budgets, what interest does 
the United 
States have in spending $200 million dollars on a government broadcast service 
when there 
are so many sources of information and entertainment available around the 
world? We're 
joined in our studios now by the new head of the Voice of America, David Ensor, 
who was a 
correspondent for ABC, CNN, even NPR. Most recently, he was director of 
and public diplomacy for the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. Mr. Director, thanks for 
being with us.

DAVID ENSOR: Scott, thank you so much for having me here.

SIMON: I wanted to read a quote to you that New York Times had earlier this 
summer. They 
said, quote, "Digital technology risk turning these services" - and they meant 
VOA, Radio 
Marti, Radio Sawa in the Middle East - "turning these services into relics of a 
bygone era 
when dissidents in closed societies huddled over their transistor radios for 
scraps of 
information from the West. Now, dissidents these days we know get a lot of news 
Facebook and Twitter, so is the Voice of America still necessary?

ENSOR: It's still very necessary and it's on Facebook and Twitter. And in fact, 
the dissidents 
you're speaking of in many of the countries that you just mentioned are tuning 
in to us 
through those media. There are lots of new platforms now. The ways that humans 
communicate with each other are diversifying and changing rapidly. Some people 
think if a 
golden era when Voice of America was on shortwave radio and there were the 
masses listening and then looking for the secret police to knock on the door 
and hide the 
radio. That's not where we're at now.

SIMON: Well then let me come at you from the other direction, because next 
month the VOA 
plans to end all radio and TV broadcasts in Mandarin and Cantonese. There's 
been some 
criticism of that. The Californian congressman Dana Rohrabacher says it looks 
like we're 
succumbing to the wants of the communist Chinese. Now, particularly in a 
society where 
Internet communication is so tightly suppressed, isn't there still a lot to be 
said for those 
shortwave services?

ENSOR: We had to look at them on a case-by-case basis. Our data shows, for 
example, that 
shortwave is still a very good way to reach quite a bit of Africa. It's still 
probably one of the 
best ways to reach the North Korean population. It has become far less 
effective in China. My 
personal feeling is that China's one of the most important places for us to 
reach, and some of 
these new platforms that you're talking about - social media, satellite 
television - are where 
we need to be headed in China.

SIMON: I was very moved when I was reading up for this interview to read the 
first words that 
the Voice of America ever broadcast. Are you familiar with those?

ENSOR: I'm not.

SIMON: February 1, 1942 - obviously, early days of World War II for this 
country - they 
played "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and said today and every day from now 
on, we will 
be with you from America to talk about the war. The news may be good or bad for 
us. We will 
always tell you the truth.

ENSOR: We're still doing that. And we need to do more of it. And what I want to 
try to help 
my colleagues to do is get more people out doing more reporting from stories. 
We've done 
some very good stuff out of Libya recently. We're telling the story of the 
drought in the Horn 
of Africa, which frankly the commercial networks are not covering very well. 
It's a story that 
needs to be told. And, by the way, on September 6th, we'll start some special 
This is kind of surge broadcasting, if you will, where we're going to use the 
frequencies of 
one of our sister stations and start broadcasting information that's useful to 
the refugees. Tell 
them about where to find shelter, food, medical help and so forth, try to help 
the NGOs that 
are working with the starving people of the Horn of Africa to sort of organize 
things be

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 4, 2011

2011-09-04 Thread Glenn Hauser
** AUSTRALIA. 11387-USB, Sept 4 at 1333, YL with flight weather, ID as 
``Australian VOLMET, out`` and off; didn`t hear much, unsure if robotic, also 
QRM from various ute noises. This reference
shows AXQ421, Brisbane, on the hour and half-hour, presumably 24 hours, u.o.s.; 
alternating in this order every 5 minutes with Calcutta [sic], Bangkok, 
Karachi, Singapore, Bombay, but the middle three are not 24h (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 4, before 1300:
16100, poor at 1251; none higher
15900, fair-good at 1254
15565, JBA at 1253 vs 15562 het
14700, fair at 1254
13920, fair at 1254
12270, poor at 1256
10300, poor at 1256

After 1300:
7445, poor at 1305, SAH with something. Unusual here; normally it`s CNR1 
jamming vs Chinese from R. Taiwan International (and CNR8 Beijing in Mongolian 
also scheduled this hour on 7445)
15280, very poor at 1315 vs het 15283
15900, good with flutter at 1313
16100, JBA at 1315

12270, fair at 1330
13920, poor at 1351
15900, good at 1354 with heavy flutter

** CUBA. 5040, Sept 4 at 0509, RHC on late in Spanish, so 5025 R. Rebelde still 
has its companion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. 17460-17485, Sept 4 at 1355, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, 
QRMing Spanish SSB 2-way on 17474 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 5765-USB, Sept 4 at 1246, AFN is back, detectable with W&W discussion, 
but not // NPR delayed on KOSU 91.7 with a different W&W interview. Ron Howard 
says it has been absent more than present recently (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** GUAM. 9905-9910-9915, Sept 4 at 1307 DRM noise. Nothing in HFCC except KTWR 
analog at 1100-1230 in Chinese, which we have often heard, with a continuous 
het, jamming? Assume this is also KTWR testing DRM, as in this item from their 
DRM blog pointed out by Alokesh Gupta:
which shows 9910 as their DRM frequency without any exact schedule (Glenn 

** IRELAND [non]. Tnx to Harry Brooks in North East England for alerting DXLD 
yg members two days in advance to the annual SW specials from RTÉ, Sunday Sept 
4, the GAA All-Ireland Hurling Finals, to reach isolated Irishpersons in Africa 
depending on SW: 1300-1700 UT on 17880 to E Africa, 17500 to W Africa and 7480 
to S Africa. 

Sites not specified, but likely Meyerton, SOUTH AFRICA, meaning that 17500 
should carry on best to NAm. However, we had to warn that 17880 would collide 
with another special no one bothered to register with HFCC or clear directly 
with other broadcasters: DRM test from Guiana French to Brasil on 
17875-17880-17885, Sept 1-15 at 1300-1600. 

Might not be a problem in E African target, but as expected here, Sept 4 at 
1300 and later, DRM was way atop any traces of analog talk on 17880. DRM 
totally dominant at 1358. 17500 at 1300 had very poor signal with talk in 
sport-like urgency as if it were something important, and only got weaker, 
often interrupted by ``bronx-cheers`` utility such as at 1357, otherwise JBA. 
As also expected, the third frequency 7480 would not propagate here at all, 
checked anyway at 1304 in WWCR 7490 splatter.

Ireland will have another such special Sunday Sept 18, the All-Ireland Football 
Final on the same frequencies at the same times.

These might be of more interest if there were SW direct from Ireland, and also 
not just silly ballgames. RTÉ does have a daily news relay via South Africa at 
1930-2030 on 5840, inaudible of course in North America; often reported to have 
ragged starts and ends typical of Meyerton, with other stations or programs 
around the edges (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY [non]. 15610, looking for IRRS via ROMANIA, Sept 4 at 1259 but nothing 
audible; 1304 I can make out Brother Scare, came on late? And also at a few 
chex later in hour, so no KQED et al. today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MEXICO. During evening thunderstorm, external antennas disconnected, so a 
chance to do some MW monitoring on the DX-398 with internal antenna, which is 
my usual setup at sunrise:

770, UT Sept 4 at 0244, plug for ``Grupo Fórmula, en todo el país, y Estados 
Unidos``, dominating frequency. Cantú shows:
770 XEACH Radio Fórmula Primer Cadena Monterrey, N.L. 25,000 1,000
Sounds more like 25 kW than one to me

880, Sept 4 at 1159 UT, network ID only for 970, XERFR in the DF, Grupo 
Fórmula. As usual, their only outlet on 880 is per Cantú:
880 XEV Radio Fórmula Chihuahua, Chih. 5,000 250

1040, Sept 4 at 1213 UT, slogan as ``Vega(?), la Número Uno,`` funny song ``Qué 
guapo soy, que bárbaro``; 1216 TC for 5:20 ``en La Once, la Número Uno``. Once 
again it`s this; not sure about the Vega reference:
1040 XEGYS La Primera + FM 90.1 Guaymas, Son. 5,000 250

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 780, UT Sept 4

[HCDX] 9479.935 kHz log MV Baltic Radio, Sept 4th, 2011

2011-09-04 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

GERMANY   9479.935 kHz log MV Baltic Radio, Sept 4th, 2011.

MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday the 4th of September 2011.

MVBR Schedule:
0900 to 1000 UT on 6140 kHz, 100 kW, Wertachtal, Quadrant non-dir antenna
0900 to 1000 UT on 9480 kHz, 1 kW, tx Goehren Germany.

1200 to 1300 UT on 9585 kHz, 100 kW with a Test Transmission.
{Latter probably also 100 kW at M&B Wertachtal}

09.00 UT Sept 4th on 6140 kHz via Wertachtal 100 kW non-dir Quadrant
antenna, Powerhouse to Central Europe target.

Measured exact on 9479.935 kHz at 09.05 UT Sept 4th, TX Goehren, south of
Schwerin in M.V. province, Germany. Signal characteristic precedence towards
azimuth at {South}West-{North}East.

Weak on nearby Netherlands and Germany target, typical for 31 mb antenna on
close-up range.

But strong signal measured on remote SDR unit
at Paris France S=9+10dBm,
S=9 in England,
S=9 in Finland,
S=7 on Atlantic coast line in CT-USA,
S=7 in Ireland,
S=3 in Steiermark Austria,
not audible in Athens Greece.

9585 kHz MV Baltic Radio test transmission at 12-13 UT, Sept 4.
Observed good signal in most European places. Mentioned David Bowie album at
12.50 UT, "Hereos" 1977 album of West Berlin era. Talk also on "Radio Day in
Erkrath", phone number given at 12.54-12.55 UT, close-down at approx 12.56

S=8-9 in England,
S=5-6 in Moscow,
S=6 in Italy,
S=8 in Eastern Germany,
S=9+20dBm on Austrian-Hungarian border.

M.V. Baltic Radio,
Seestrasse 17,
D-19089 Goehren, Germany

73 wb

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[HCDX] PERU: Radio Tropical, de Tarapoto, cumple 50 años en el aire

2011-09-04 Thread Arnaldo
Radio Tropical cumple 50 años al servicio de la región San Martín. Operaba en 
onda corta, en la banda tropical de 60 metros. Continúe leyendo esta nota 
haciendo "click" en
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[HCDX] September, 04 logs

2011-09-04 Thread Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
3975, Pakistan, Azad Kashmir Radio, Islamabad. September, 04 0042-0050 
Urdu/Kashmiri (listed) music probably local Folk, short Qu'aran, male and 
female talks, back Qu'aran. 35533, (lob-B).
4050, Kirgizstan, R.Rossii (presumed), Bishkek. September, 04 0051-0101 at tune 
in talks, then music, alternating music and talks. Able to differentiate talks 
than music only, no details. Primary signal level, 15521 (lob-B).
4111, Bolivia, R. Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza (very tentative). September, 04 
0102-0112 noted a carrier, at brief moments sounded like talks but it's 
uncertain. At intervals, a pulse noise, (lob-B). 
3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. September, 04 0851-0900 Pop ballads in 
Japanese by female singer selections. In a battle against Vanuatu, but Nikkei 2 
prevailing; last heard in March, 32533 (lob-B).
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec 
Embu SP Brasil 
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 105, Issue 4

2011-09-04 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Logs previous days (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. The Shortwave Report 09/02/11 Listen Globally!
  (Zacharias Liangas )
   3. Repression separates Tibetan regions from the rest of China
  (Zacharias Liangas )
   4. RTP: there is 'every reason' to suspend shortwave
  (Zacharias Liangas )
   5. Sept 3 Logs (Brian Alexander)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs September 2-3, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. August, 29, 30, Sept., 01 logs (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec)
   8. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   9. Re: RTP: there is 'every reason' to suspend shortwave (Paul)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:22:52 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " 
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs previous days
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Some MW and SW logs  previous days 

MW Logs on 31-8 
1610  USA 0328 with talk sin Eng S1 "studio rainbow" .ON 1.9  on 0323 ' youre 
watching  the 
... election ' 
1620 USA? 0331 with two sation 
1650 USA?032x  with two signals S2 
1089 Talksport 0322 to 0331 with talk suppose with ehco S3 
1566 0332 mixed IT signal (Challenger) with hilife music(TWR Benin? ) S1 Same 
level on 1.9 
but on 2.9 TWR on 0322 is heard peaking with S4  with  bible reading content . 
10 seconds 
later the signal faded out 

487080 v 0327 VOPK with a hymn or a kursish song S6
4965 CVC 0329 talks music S7 3
4976 R Uganda 0329  hilife song S5 32233 

4828 VoZ 0325 with obly carrier S4
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:24:55 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " 
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] The Shortwave Report 09/02/11 Listen Globally!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The Shortwave Report 09/02/11 Listen Globally!
by Dan Roberts ( outfarpress [at] )
Thursday Sep 1st, 2011 5:14 PM

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from 
a shortwave 
radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at 
home. 3 files- 
HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to 
rebroadcast. China Radio International, the Voice Of Russia, NHK World Radio 
Japan, Radio 
Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY 
(128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form 
(28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up 
there {27MB};)

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, the Voice of 
Russia, NHK 
World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.
>From CHINA- China has enacted a new income tax law which greatly reduces the 
>number of 
of citizens required to file. The Chinese government says that stabilizing 
consumer prices 
remains the top priority. China has an aircraft carrier, making