Re: [DX] nyypii nypeltäjää

2012-12-07 Thread Ilkka

Kiitsa vinkistä!
Ensi koklaus asentaa softa ei oikeen onnistu, ensi yritys, noh jatkan 

JOulun odettolua!
IRA/Ilkka Rainio

6.12.2012 7:21, Kari Syrjänen kirjoitti:

Tämmöttiseltä sivulta:

*Icom/Perseus  CI-V Programmer 2.04*

osaa skannata muistipaikkoja melko kätevästi


5. joulukuuta 2012 19.38 Mauno Ritola kirjoitti:

Ei ole Perseuksessa enkä tunne sellaista lisäsoftaakaan, jossa
olisi. Studio 1:stä en tiedä.


5.12.2012 17:18, Ilkka kirjoitti:

rNyt kun puhutaan softien uusista ominaisuuksista jne. niin
sanokaapa viisaammat että joko Perseuksen softa osaa skannata,
itse käytä jotain 2.0h tms softaversiota jjoka muistaakseni
julkaistiin v.2010. Eli onko P:n uusimmissa softissa
skannausominaisuus? Tai sitten vaikka Studio 1:ssä

T_IRA/Ilkka Rainio


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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3

2012-12-07 Thread Jari Lehtinen

Tragikomedian tässä osassa pohdimme lisää säätimien sielunelämää samalla 
kun Sherlock vain katselee vieressä kuinka syvälle persilja on uponnut 
sulaneeseen voihin.

Mistä muistinkin

Bank-nappulasta löytyviä 600:aa muistipaikkaa voi näemmä sittenkin käyttää. 
Kierrettyäni Stonehengen vastapäivään ja manattuani Ior Bockin haamua, 
silmieni eteen astui ilmestys, joka näytti sormellaan, että Bank1:n 
muistipaikassa 003 tapitti sitkeästi 516,5 kHz USB riippumatta siitä, mitä 
vastaanotinta käytin.

Ainoa mahdollinen johtopäätös: jollakin ihmeen ilveellä olin vahingossa 
saanut talletettua tämän tiedon omiin käyttäjätiedostoihini. Tämän 
tajuttuani vein kursorin muisti-ikkunan päälle ja tulin painaneeksi hiiren 
oikeaa nappia. Kas näin. Tietoihin tallentuu tarkka taajuus, 
modulaatiovalinta, ja vapaavalintainen itse naputeltava tarkenne.

Esitän näytteen:

HFCC:tä ja EiBiä en ole edelleenkään saanut toimimaan.

Sampling rate

Tämä kuuluu olevan vimpain, jolla muutetaan tallennettavan kaistan 
leveyttä. Valittavaa oli 125:stä 2000:een. Aikansa katseltuani tein sen 
virheen, että koskin siihen ja painoin nappia, jossa luki 250.

Olin loggautunut Utsunomiyaan. Japanin päiväsaikainen bandi vaikutti 
kovasti tyhjältä, joten ajattelin että nyt saattaisi olla suhteellisen 
vaaratonta katsoa, mitä tapahtuu.

Totisesti tapahtui. Netti räjähti. Perseus kaatui. Hiroshima pyyhkiytyi 
maan tasalle. Edvard Munchista muistuttavat ulvovat zombit nousivat 
haudoistaan valittamaan miksi painoit sitä nappia!. Muutamaa tuntia 
myöhemmin Japanissa tapahtui 7,3:n maanjäristys. Illansuussa Japanin 
suurlähetystö lähetti sähköpostissa tämän kuvan:

Buutattuani palasin takaisin ja huomasin, ettei vastaanottimelle ollut 
tapahtunut havaittavaa vahinkoa. En koske sampling rateen toiste.

Noise blanker

Kaikissa lisävarusteissa on se yhteinen piirre, että kyllä ne jotakin 
tekevät ja johonkin tarpeeseen ne toimivat. Kukaan vain ei koskaan vaivaudu 
kertomaan, mihin, ei edes vastaanottimien valmistajat. Sitten niitä 
käytetään toivorikkaana vääränmallisten häiriöiden nollaamiseen, ja 
pettymys on suuri.

Ette arvaakaan, kuinka vaikeata on löytää häiriöitä silloin kun niitä 
kerrankin tarvitsisi. Ihmiset käyttävät aivan liian hiljaisia antenneja. 
Sen takia ei ole kunnollista kuvakaappaustakaan. Ankaralla etsimisellä 
löytyi Amerikan urbaaniviidakosta vastaanotin, jota vaivasi sitkeä rutina, 
juuri sellainen joka tyypillisesti tulee sähkömoottorista. Tuttu ilmiö 
etenkin keskiaaltojen alapäästä.

Sovelsin tähän tapaukseen Perseuksen noise blankeria (NB), ja kerrankin oli 
pakko todeta, että vaikutus oli silminnähtävä. Koko bandin läpäisevän 
häiriön ohut vaakaviiva yksinkertaisesti katosi näkyvistä ja kuuluvista. 
Olin yllättynyt. Jos vastaanotin majailee taajamaseudulla, jossa on ilmassa 
kaikenlaisia kipinähäiriöitä, niin tämän testin perusteella NB:tä kannattaa 

Jotta tulisi todistettua, että mikään ei ole johdonmukaista, niin alla 
kuvakaappaus päinvastaisesta tilanteesta. Ilman Noise Blankeria 930:lla 
keuhkoaa Rush Limbaugh, mutta kun iskemme NB:n täysille, niin äijä katoaa 
tyystin rutinaan. Aah. Päivä pelastettu.

Huomaatte, että attenuaattori, preselektori ja dither ovat päällä. Siitä 
huolimatta kaikki nyrjähtää. Korjaava toimenpide: NB alemmalle tasolle.

NB:hen on lisättävä varoitustarra: käytettävä kohtuudella voimakkaiden 
asemien läheisyydessä.

Noise blanker ei jää kuitenkaan tähän. Suoraan spektrin alapuolella on 
kolme valintanappia. NBW vaikuttaa laaja-alaisesti, NBN etsii häiriöitä 
näkyvissä olevalta taajuuskaistalta, ja NBV perustuu vektorianalyysiin, 
joka toimii vain AM:llä ja CW:llä, jos saksalaista manuaalia on uskominen 
ja miksi emme uskoisi. Tietyillä taajuuksilla NBV tuottaa mitä 
mielenkiintoisimpia avaruusääniä, mutta se ei ole vielä mitään verrattuna 
ufonappiin, jossa lukee NR.

Noise Reduction

Suoraan volyymiliukusäätimen vasemmalla puolella meitä tervehtii humanoidi 
nimeltä NR. Hän väittää olevansa Noise Reduction (hauska tutustua, 
kaiketi). Saksalainen manuaali huomauttaa, että tätä on syytä annostella 
vieläkin varovaisemmin kuin noise blankeria, koska muuten lopputulos 
kuulostaa taiteelliselta.

Entartete Kunst der Ingenieurwissenschaft.

Heikkojen atlantintakaisten kanssa tällä namikalla ei ole ollut kuullakseni 
paljoakaan tekoa. Niissä tapauksissa, joissa sitä tarvitsisi, ankara 
valtameren kuohu muuttuu melodiseksi huminaksi ja ESPN:n urheiluselostaja 
robottimieheksi, joka voisi räpätä Kraftwerkin levyillä.

Kun italodiscohitistä Automatic Lover tehtiin suomenkielinen käännöskarmeus 
Automaattirakas, niin robottiäänen virkaa toimitti monotonisesti hampaiden 
välistä ääntelevä laulaja. Siihen aikaan ei suomalaisilla studioilla 
ollutkaan käytössään Perseusta!

73's JLN

Re: [DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3

2012-12-07 Thread Raimo Karjalainen

Pitkästynyktö (minä) ei vaan hiljentynyt sanan lukemiseen, kun sitä vihdoin on 
tarjolla! Siis KIITOS!

Tämä sanan saattaminen alkoi otsakkeella

[DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 2

ja jatkui otsakkeella

[DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3?

olenko(han) jostain syystä menettänyt 1-osan? 

Jari Lehtinen [] kirjoitti: 

Tragikomedian tässä osassa pohdimme lisää säätimien sielunelämää samalla 
kun Sherlock vain katselee vieressä kuinka syvälle persilja on uponnut 
sulaneeseen voihin.

välistä ääntelevä laulaja. Siihen aikaan ei suomalaisilla studioilla 
ollutkaan käytössään Perseusta!

73's JLN

PS: Eikö muuten kenelläkään ole enää mitään sanomista? Pitkästytänkö?


Tutustu Saunalahden edullisiin liittymiin osoitteessa http://www.saunalahtifi/

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Re: [DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3

2012-12-07 Thread Jari Lehtinen

At 23:30 7.12.2012, Raimo Karjalainen wrote:
Pitkästynyktö (minä) ei vaan hiljentynyt sanan lukemiseen, kun sitä 
vihdoin on tarjolla! Siis KIITOS!

Tämä sanan saattaminen alkoi otsakkeella

[DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 2

ja jatkui otsakkeella

[DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3?

olenko(han) jostain syystä menettänyt 1-osan?

1. osan tiedollisen annin voi jokainen aivan huoletta unohtaa. Sillä on 
merkitystä humoreskina, joka valottaa kuinka ensitutustumisella ymmärtää 
jokaikisen asian mahdollisimman väärin, eikä löydä pullokoneesta mitään 
etsimäänsä. Kyllä siitä pakinan saisi.

Artikkeleitahan nämä eivät ole, eivätkä sitä yritä. Teen vain 
tutkimusmatkaa. Olo on kuin Stanleylla viidakossa. Ainoa tieto on, että 
ainakin Livingstone on joskus päässyt perille, mutta mitä reittiä hän 
käytti, ja missä lemmossa äijä luuraa, sitä ei kukaan kerro.

73's JLN

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Re: [DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3

2012-12-07 Thread Hannu Piirainen
Jarille jälleen kerran SDXL:n kestogonzo Pulitzer ! Hienoa lukea
kuinka helppoa on nykyDX kuuntelu kun sen tekee vain kerrankin vain
itse vanhoja kaavoja noudattaen.

Suomessahan ei vocoderia tunnettu tuotantomielessä vielä vuonna 1979
jolloin tämä brittipop/disko artisti Dee D.Jackson levytti tämän
hittinsä (UK listalla 4, Italia, Ranska jne 1..). Suomessa vocoderina
toimi miesääni.

Tossa Stiinan hieno coveri raidasta, sinisen sinkun B puolella jossa
Discocsista sais maltaita, selvästi tuolloin jo Perseus mielessä ?

 Stiina – On Hyvä Kanssas Olla Kahden / Automaattirakas
TopHits – THSG 505
Vinyl, 7, Single, Blue Vinyl
Electronic, Funk / Soul
Italo-Disco, Disco

ja vielä puheen analysoinnista ja syntetisoinnista:

73DiHanski HPI  (eI Perseusta omistava..mielenkiinnolla toki aiheesta
kaukaa vain lukenut)

7. joulukuuta 2012 23.30 Raimo Karjalainen kirjoitti:
 Pitkästynyktö (minä) ei vaan hiljentynyt sanan lukemiseen, kun sitä vihdoin
 on tarjolla! Siis KIITOS!

 Tämä sanan saattaminen alkoi otsakkeella

 [DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 2

 ja jatkui otsakkeella

 [DX] nyypio nettipersauksellaan osa 3?

 olenko(han) jostain syystä menettänyt 1-osan?

 Jari Lehtinen [] kirjoitti:

 Tragikomedian tässä osassa pohdimme lisää säätimien sielunelämää samalla
 kun Sherlock vain katselee vieressä kuinka syvälle persilja on uponnut
 sulaneeseen voihin.


 välistä ääntelevä laulaja. Siihen aikaan ei suomalaisilla studioilla
 ollutkaan käytössään Perseusta!

 73's JLN

 PS: Eikö muuten kenelläkään ole enää mitään sanomista? Pitkästytänkö?


 Tutustu Saunalahden edullisiin liittymiin osoitteessa

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 DX mailing list

 THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
 and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
 published by Michael Stutz at

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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 120, Issue 7

2012-12-07 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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Today's Topics:

   1. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. Re: Radio Free Kenyalang (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. 6000 kHz, PRW via Kostinbrod Bulgaria (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs December 6, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. 7169v UNID (Dave Valko)
   6. Re: 7169v UNID (Glenn Hauser)
   7. ENC:  7169v UNID (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
   8. Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency (Frequencies)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 12:17:41 +0100
From: Manuel M?ndez
To: DX Listenig Digest
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. First Part
Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters.

Short Wave

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 2305-2326, 29-11, male, Quechua,
comments. Very weak. 14221. (M?ndez)

4451, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 2320-2334, male, Spanish,
comments. Very weak, best on LSB. 14321. (M?ndez)

4700, Radio San Miguel Riberalta, 2317-2328, 28-11, male, Spanish,
comments. 14321. (M?ndez)

4716, Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura, 2315-2326, 28-11, male, comments,
flute music, Bolivian songs. Very weak. 14321. (M?ndez)

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2325-2337, 28-11, male, Spanish,
comments about de Potos? comunity, female: Los informativos. 14321.

4815, Radiodifusora Londrina, 2118-2140, 02-12, male, comments,
identification: Radiodifusora, Programa da Igreja Pentecostal.
24322. (M?ndez)

4895, Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, 2136-1247, 02-12, religious songs,
male, religious comments, Portuguese. 24322. (M?ndez)

4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 0630-0645, 28-11, male, Portuguese,
religious comments. 14321. (M?ndez)

5035, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0718-0733, 28-11, male, comments, Bom
d?a, Bom d?a, Radio Aparecida, male. 24322. (M?ndez)

5970, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, 2150-22208, 27-11, A Voz do
Brasil, at 2202 identification: Pela Radio de MInas, soccer comments
A selecci?n brasileira. 24322. (M?ndez)

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2120-2210, 27-11, male and
female, news, program A Voz do Brasil, at 2200 identification: Radio
Inconfidencia. 24332. (M?ndez)

6060, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0702-0725, 28-11, religious
songs, religious comments, male. Parallel with 6120, 9565 and 11765.
24322. (M?ndez)

6070, Radio Capital, Rio de Janeiro, 0724-0735, 02-12, relaying Super
Radio Deus e Amor program, religious comments, male, Portuguese,
parallel with 6060, 6120, 9565 and 11765. 12321. (M?ndez)

6080, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 0703-0722, 28-11, male, religious
comments, cinco y tres, para todo Brasil, A obra de Deus, O
missionario Alan Varela na rede Curitiba, songs. 24322. (M?ndez)

6090, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0708-0716,28-11, male, Portuguese,
comments, parallel with 9645 and 11925. 22322. (M?ndez)

11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa Mar?a, 1846-1905, 28-11, religious
comments, male, identification: Radio Transmundial,, songs. 24332. (M?ndez)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0810-0827, 29-11,
religious songs in Spanish, comments, female, male, identification: La
Voz de tu Conciencia. 14321. (M?ndez)

ECUADOR, 4815, Radio El Buen Pastor, Saraguro, Loja, 2315-2340, 29-11,
female, Quechua, comments, songs, Spanish. Best on LSB. 14321. (M?ndez)

5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 1830-1855, Vernacular comments, mentioned
Guinea Ecuatorial. 34433. (M?ndez)

15190, Radio Africa, 1843-1855, 28-11, religious comments in English,
male. Interference from Radio Inconfidencia. 22322. (M?ndez)

4747, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2330-2346, 28-11, male, Spanish,
comments, advertisements. 14321. (M?ndez)

4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 2312-2325, 28-11, male, Spanish,
advertisements, comments. 14321. (M?ndez)
Also 2300-2320, 29-11, male, identification: Radio Tarma, 4775 kHz
banda de 60 metros, 


2012-12-07 Thread Charles
Bolivia, 6134.89, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1030, Noted music with promos and

between each tune.  From 1022 when the music paused, just promos and live 

comments was heard until 1027 when music started up again.  Signal was poor.

(Chuck Bolland, December 7, 2012)


Peru, 4809.97, Radio Logos, 1036-1050,  It took some tweaking, but I finally

able to tune out a lot of the interference using the notch and LSB mode to

a male in Spanish language comments.  Could not hear any of the topic being

presented due to the signal's poor quality.   (Chuck Bolland, December 7,


Bolivia, 6105.41, Radio Pan-American, 1045-1100, Presumed, Noted a weak

station under one on 6105 KHz with just steady music.  Not much else to log

at this point.  Perhaps an earlier check would have produce better results.

(Chuck Bolland, December 7, 2012)


Unident, 6124.95, 1100-1115,   Noted an unident station here in steady

which are probably news.  Language sounded like Asian, but which Asian

is difficult to determine?  If I had to choose, I would say this may be RRI
Nabire, Indonesia,

but that is because I have a problem with wishful thinking.  So for the
time being,

let's just say undetermined.   Some one heard Nabire in Dec, 2006, but the
listener was

in Europe and it was at 1206 UTC on this freq.  (Chuck Bolland, December 7,




26N 081w







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Re: [HCDX] Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

2012-12-07 Thread Mauno Ritola

Nothing heard on either fq.

73, Mauno

7.12.2012 7:51, Frequencies kirjoitti:

Dear all,
Please check new frequency of Radio Free Kenyalang in Iban:
1200-1400 NF 15430 secret transmitter site to SEAs,ex 15650

Ivo Ivanov

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Re: [HCDX] Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

2012-12-07 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel
PALAU/GUAM  15420.000  Very weak signal of S=4 - probably - Radio Free 
Kenyalang in Iban noted at remote Japan and Russia posts, around 1145-1155 
UT, Dec 7. Nothing heard on western Europe.

Though from 1200 UT different AWR Agat Guam broadcast starts in probably
Amoy / Chinese, different stronger, even in Europe S=8 signal.
73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: Jorge Freitas (Yahoo)

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: [dxld] R Free Sarawak

15420 07/Dec 1000 Palau, R Free Sarawak in Iban. Start of transmission. OM
talk and ID, background of instrumental music. At 1009 OM presents news.
35333 (Jorge Freitas-B)
Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana Bahia

- Original Message - 
From: Mauno Ritola

To: Frequencies
Cc: ;;;

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

Nothing heard on either fq.

73, Mauno

7.12.2012 7:51, Frequencies kirjoitti:
Dear all,
Please check new frequency of Radio Free Kenyalang in Iban:
1200-1400 NF 15430 secret transmitter site to SEAs,ex 15650

Ivo Ivanov

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Re: [HCDX] Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

2012-12-07 Thread Mauno Ritola
Did you get ID? Why would it be today R. Free Kenyalang if it was 
yesterday R. Free Sarawak (15420 1145-1155) ?

73, Mauno

7.12.2012 14:28, Wolfgang Bueschel kirjoitti:
PALAU/GUAM  15420.000  Very weak signal of S=4 - probably - Radio Free 
Kenyalang in Iban noted at remote Japan and Russia posts, around 
1145-1155 UT, Dec 7. Nothing heard on western Europe.

Though from 1200 UT different AWR Agat Guam broadcast starts in probably
Amoy / Chinese, different stronger, even in Europe S=8 signal.
73 wb

- Original Message - From: Jorge Freitas (Yahoo)

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: [dxld] R Free Sarawak

15420 07/Dec 1000 Palau, R Free Sarawak in Iban. Start of 
transmission. OM

talk and ID, background of instrumental music. At 1009 OM presents news.
35333 (Jorge Freitas-B)
Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana Bahia

- Original Message - From: Mauno Ritola

To: Frequencies
Cc: ;;;

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

Nothing heard on either fq.

73, Mauno

7.12.2012 7:51, Frequencies kirjoitti:
Dear all,
Please check new frequency of Radio Free Kenyalang in Iban:
1200-1400 NF 15430 secret transmitter site to SEAs,ex 15650

Ivo Ivanov

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] ОТН.: Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

2012-12-07 Thread Frequencies
Yes, nothing heard on 15430 1200-1400. But 15430 is registered yesterday from 
WRN in HFCC database

73! Ivo Ivanov

От: Mauno Ritola []
Изпратени: 07 Декември 2012 г. 14:06
До: Frequencies
Тема: Re: Radio Free Kenyalang on new frequency

Nothing heard on either fq.

73, Mauno

7.12.2012 7:51, Frequencies kirjoitti:
 Dear all,
 Please check new frequency of Radio Free Kenyalang in Iban:
 1200-1400 NF 15430 secret transmitter site to SEAs,ex 15650

 Ivo Ivanov

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 6-7, 2012

2012-12-07 Thread Glenn Hauser
** ASCENSION. 21745-21750-21755, Dec 7 at 1443, DRM noise, fair signal but 
probably insufficient here. What`s this? Fortunately, ``Ste Cooper`` had posted 
to the dxldyg:
From the DRM Facebook page
[It seems that FB no longer allows non-members to view anything?]

``On 7th December the BBC will run a DRM Short Wave transmission from the 
Ascension Island on 21750 kHz. Between 1200 and 1500 Brazilian time (1000 and 
1300 GMT). In English but directed towards South America?``

That time conversion is wrong, of course, the equivalent UT being 14-17! Is 
this in Dec 7 HFCC? Of course not! As for English, why not? It`s just a demo, 
probably for another conference in Brasil promoting DRM over its rivals. IIRC, 
there are currently no regular DRM broadcasts via Ascension. Remember BYU Radio 
from SLC? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. 900, Dec 7 at 0629 UT, romantic music in Spanish from NW/SE, and guess 
what, it`s about 1 second or a satellite hop behind // 890 from same direxion, 
atop nulled WLS. Therefore I conclude these are Radio Progreso, which WRTH 2012 
lists as:
900,  50 kW, San Germán, Holguín
890, 200 kW, Chambas, Ciego de Ávila
Note: there are no double-S`s in Spanish: it`s NOT ``Progresso``

** CUBA. 7579-CW, Dec 7 at 1326, cut numbers. ENIGMA
classifies this as M08a, the same station as heard on 5800, 5883, 5898 and many 
others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9452v, Dec 7 at 1333, AIR Aligarh banshee has wandered here from 
nominal 9470 (where it never lands anymore?), and in the next minute has 
descended to 9444. Aoki lists: ``9315v AIR National Channel 1320-0043 1234567 
Hindi/English 250 188 Aligarh IND 07806E 2800N AIR b12 // 9425`` and not on 
9470 --- so perhaps that is the lower edge of its range, 9315 axually heard in 
BC by Harold Sellers, Dec 1 at 2109.

13710, Dec 7 at 1400 after some nice Indian music, AIR GOS ID and opening 
`Radio Newsreel`, but right into items with NO theme music! I pined to hear 
``Imperial Echoes`` as on the original BBC show of the same name, but that 
might conjure up unpleasant memories in India. Yet without British rule, AIR 
would never have mimicked such a program title. 13710 was fair, better than 
poor // 9690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 7595, Dec 7 at 1327, very poor signal in talk, Asian 
language? Seems tonal, but not if it`s Korean. Heavy RTTY QRM on hi side. HFCC 
shows 12-14, NEW WRN, 200 kW, 70 degrees from Tashkent, Uzbekistan starting 1 

But Aoki shows these two hours as Radio Free Chosun, 200 kW, 71 degrees from 
Dushanbe-Yangiyul, Tajikistan since Dec 3. EiBi has neither, just Sound of Hope 
via Tajikistan and matching Firedrake at other hours on 7595 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11840, Dec 7 at 1513, ``Imagine`` by John Lennon, no doubt 
an anniversary tribute, from of all things, VOA Kurdish service via 
Lampertheim, GERMANY as regularly heard here. That song is a terrific anthem 
for the world (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SARAWAK [non]. 15650, Dec 7 before 1400 still no signal from R. Free 
Kenyalang; however, Ivo Ivanov points out that WRN has registered a new one in 
HFCC, 15430 at 12-14 UT via ``Kazakhstan``, but he and others were not hearing 
it yet today; maybe tomorrow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1646 monitoring: confirmed first airing on WTWW-1, 
9479, Thursday December 6 at 2200. And second airing on WWRB, 3195, UT Friday 
December 7 at 0431:40 after 2+ minute pause following ``amen  amen`` from 
Pastor Larry Cain in SC. Shux, // 5050 was not on tonight, off for the winter 
or sporadic? Note: BDXC-UK DX program listing has this on 3215, which is never 
the case, but 3195.

Next: UT Saturday 0230v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; UT Sunday 0500 on 
WTWW-1 5830; on HLR, Sat 0630 on 7265, 1630 on 6190. On WRMI 9955, Sat 0900, 
1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, Mon 0530, Tue 1200. On WRN via SiriusXM 120, Sat 
1830. Many other webcasts; full schedule at

** U S A. 570, Dec 7 at 0601 UT, without even trying, ID from KSNM Las Cruces 
NM again as I tune across. I am beginning to think they are on 5 kW ND day 
power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 6075, Dec 7 at 0619, VR is on in French; and 7250 is on with non // 
signal, very poor but maybe Portuguese? 3975 is not on air yet. More slipshod 
operation at SMG: Per HFCC, 3975, 6075 and 7250 are all not supposed to start 
until 0630 for Latin mass. There is a French broadcast to Africa at 0600-0630 
supposed to be on 11625, 13765 only; and Portuguese until 0600 on the same plus 
7360, tho 13765 then is Madagascar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7575, Dec 7 at 

Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 6-7, 2012

2012-12-07 Thread Glenn Hauser
Correxion: VOA Kurdish is at 14-15; after 15 it`s VOA English:

** U S A [non]. 11840, Dec 7 at 1513, ``Imagine`` by John Lennon, no doubt an 
anniversary tribute, from VOA `Music Mix` via Lampertheim, GERMANY as regularly 
heard here. That song is a terrific anthem for the world (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Log ERI / ETH, endless test tone heard 1710 UT til still on air at 1750 UT

2012-12-07 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

ERITREA/ETHIOPIA   7174.990  Fair reliable signal from VoBroad Masses,
Asmara Eritrea, phone in program by two men, at 1708 UT Dec 7, HOA mx, S=8

9562.495  Only wandering carrier of Radio Ethiopia Addis Ababa, at 1715 UT,
but suffered heavily by Radio Pakistan Islamabad bad audio broadcast program
{latter like R Cairo quality...}.

9704.951  Test tone opening procedure of 1190 Hertz tone, heard from 1710 UT
Dec 7 onwards. Peaks on nominal 9704.971 kHz, and two peaks away on 9703.761
and 9706.141 kHz. S=8 fluttery signal. Probably Radio Ethiopia ?
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 7)

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Re: [HCDX] Log ERI / ETH, endless test tone heard 1710 UT til still on air at 1750 UT

2012-12-07 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

9704.951 test tone disappeared after one hour !, at 1810:40 UTC.
TX cut-off then.

Fluttery nominal 9704.951 kHz was accompanied by 6 x tone peaks
(3 on each side),
i.e. on upper flank 9706.141, 9707.331, and 9708.521 kHz.

7235.145 ... wandering up to x.158 kHz probably R ETH, hit heavily by KBS 
World Radio Seoul in Russian on even 7235 kHz. 1820 UT Dec 7.

73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: Wolfgang Bueschel 

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 6:50 PM
Subject: [HCDX] Log ERI / ETH,endless test tone heard 1710 UT til still on
air at 1750 UT

ERITREA/ETHIOPIA   7174.990  Fair reliable signal from VoBroad Masses,
Asmara Eritrea, phone in program by two men, at 1708 UT Dec 7, HOA mx,
S=8 signal.

9562.495  Only wandering carrier of Radio Ethiopia Addis Ababa, at 1715
UT, but suffered heavily by Radio Pakistan Islamabad bad audio broadcast
program on 9560 kHz {latter like R Cairo bad 'quality' ...}.

9704.951  Test tone opening procedure of 1190 Hertz tone, heard from 1710
UT Dec 7 onwards. Peaks on nominal 9704.951 kHz, and two peaks away on
9703.761 and 9706.141 kHz. S=8 fluttery signal. Probably Radio Ethiopia ?
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 7)

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 7-8, 2012

2012-12-07 Thread Glenn Hauser
** CUBA. 1620, Dec 8 at 0039 UT as I tune in, Spanish, sounds like Raúl Castro, 
for the moment atop the US stations making slow SAH, i.e. R. Rebelde, probably 
the closest one, in Guanabacoa CH, 5 kW per WRTH 2013 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA [and non]. 11880, Dec 7 at 2132, open carrier from RHC, allowing one to 
hear Portuguese from NHK Radio Japan underneath, which was already on 11880 at 
2130-2200 via GUIANA FRENCH. Was Arnie monitoring to confirm that`s really the 
case? Or just usual slipshod operation. I don`t know whether French aired 
intact until 2130. Just before 2135, RHC`s own Portuguese modulation cuts on, 
covering up NHK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 780, Dec 8 at 0109 UT, dominant signal is news in Spanish, WBBM 
completely nulled, and this one peaks slightly west of due south. Ciudad 
Victoria mentioned several times; 0111 ``la primera pausa de la hora`` and 
jingle I could not understand. Pause-announcements include a meeting this week 
in Toluca about labor law; promo for `La Hora Nacional` Sunday at 10 pm, 
``México unido en una sola señal``, i.e. every radio station is obliged to 
carry this weekly government hour; then a minute or more of just instrumental 
music. 0114, plugging contacto methods for the show, phone report from Ciudad 

Obviously this is from Tamaulipas, where Victoria is the state capital, but 
there are two 780 stations in the state: XEMTS in Tampico, Fórmula NotiGape; 
and XESFT in San Fernando, la Triple T. Cantú`s linx to both lead to group 
websites, neither of which mentions a station on 780! XESFT is more often 
heard, but I`m leaning to XEMTS based on the emphasis on news. OTOH, XESFT is 
very slightly further west than XEMTS which is close to due south from here. 
Low rumbling het growing from something else, as the het with WBBM is 
subaudible (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Dec 8 at 0118 UT, daytimer KEOR Sperry/Catoosa/Tulsa is 
still going with non-stop Mexican music, best in KMOX null, now with a 
160/minute SAH = 2 and 2/3 Hz. I have also continued to hear KEOR whenever 
checked, day or night since last log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 7290, UT Friday December 7 at 2045, Radio PMR with operatic 
music (the second half of each semihour is customarily music fill of some 
sort). Recheck at 2129 some Russian, then 3-pip timesignal about 5 sex late, 
and into French. 2150 now songs in Russian to 2200 stop modulation without 
announcement and carrier off before 2201*. 

In case anyone still believe the publicized schedule ``Monday-Friday 18-23 
UT``, I have now reconfirmed what we knew before --- they mean M-F strictly by 
the local clock, i.e. they quit at midnight Friday night, and resume at the 
beginning midnight of local Monday, i.e. 2200 UT Sunday, as previously 
confirmed already on the air then, when there is English at the time most 
convenient for us in North America, UT Sunday thru Thursday, NOT M-F (Glenn 

** U S A. 7490, Fri Dec 7 at 2202, WBCQ with `Behaviour Night`, old record show 
in progress, and as I expected from allied `Marion`s Attic` at same time on 
Sunday, this is also ruined by co-channel QRM from BBCWS in English via 
THAILAND, making a fast SAH, and almost as strong. Standard remark about need 
for better frequency coördination (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1646 monitoring: confirmed on 5110v-CUSB, Area 51 via 
WBCQ with late start, UT Saturday Dec 8 at 0237:54, after a long `Allan Weiner 
Worldwide` discussing radio tubes.

Next: Saturday 0630 on 7265, 1630 on 6190 from Hamburger Lokalradio.
Saturday 0900, 1600, 1830, Sunday 0900, 1630, Monday 0500, Tuesday 1200 on WRMI 
Saturday 1830 on WRN via SiriusXM 120
UT Sunday 0500 on WTWW 5830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11730, Dec 8 at 0127, hymn in Spanish, confirming that WYFR has made 
a frequency change from 15440, now 0100-0200, at 285 degrees, effective 
December 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic carriers, 0042-0050 UT Dec 8: first noticed 1521 
tell-tale het upon KOKC-1520, from NE/SW, i.e. Saudi monster, so did a quick 
downward DX-398 scan of entire band at 9 kHz intervals with offset BFO. 
Carriers audible, mostly just-barely: 1602, 1539, 1521, 1494, 1485, 1206, 1197, 
1179, 1152, 1143, 1053, 1026, 945, 909, 684, 639 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 6970-LSB, Dec 8 at 0055, Brazilian Portuguese QSO, presumably 
freebander; had another one recently on 6980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7110-AM, Dec 8 at 0122, JBA carrier. Could be Thazin Radio, 
MYANMAR, minorities program, only known broadcaster on this frequency. Today`s 
sunrise in nearby Mandalay was 0003 UT. Need to check for this earlier (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7170.15 approx., Dec 8 at