[HCDX] Radio Fides

2013-07-30 Thread maurits van driessche
Radio Fides La Paz Bolivia  on 6124.930khz  //  6154.980khz  30-7 at 
2235utc   With spanish talks by male and female  31MB was better than 
the 49MB

Perseus SDR  with diff. antennas
Maurits Van Driessche
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Radio Havana Interval Signal

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas

http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , various  degen tecsun models
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 
Loops :SW mag loop 1 m2 for  MW , AN200 MW loop 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Can you identify this mystery AM/FM radio?

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas

http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , various  degen tecsun models
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 
Loops :SW mag loop 1 m2 for  MW , AN200 MW loop 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] new transmissions for the Overcomer Ministry

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas
>From Medi Broadcast:

Dear Listener,

today we started with some new transmissions for the Overcomer Ministry. 
Attached is the 
full TOM schedule broadcasted via MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH.

13810 1400 1600 daily ISS 100 kW TOM Near East / Middle East
9655 1400 1600 daily NAU 100 kW TOM West Europe, UK
11775 2000 2200 daily NAU 100 kW TOM Africa (West / Central)
15390 2100 2300 daily NAU 125 kW TOM South America
15620 2100 2300 daily NAU 125 kW TOM North America
15205 1200 1400 daily ISS 100 kW TOM East Europe, East Asia
17750 1200 1400 daily ISS 100 kW TOM Middle East, SEA

We would very much enjoy receiving reception reports (by e-mail) for those 
because we are very interested in the information how the signals could be 
received at 
different locations in the world.

Thank you for listening.

Best regards,

Michael Puetz

Sales Consultant, Business Unit Radio
Josef-Lammertng-Allee 8-10
50933 Cologne


http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , various  degen tecsun models
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 
Loops :SW mag loop 1 m2 for  MW , AN200 MW loop 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Q&A: Zenzele Ndebele promotes radio in Zimbabwe

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas

Q&A: Zenzele Ndebele promotes radio in Zimbabwe
By Sue Valentine/CPJ Africa Program Coordinator
Zenzele Ndebele (Liesl Frankson/Wits Vuvuzela)
Zenzele Ndebele (Liesl Frankson/Wits Vuvuzela)

With Zimbabwe elections days away, the fight over access to the airwaves has 
The media environment has loosened slightly compared with previous years, but 
Zimbabweans still lack access to independent sources of news, including radio. 
One person 
familiar with obstacles to broadcasting is Zenzele Ndebele, editor of Radio 
Dialogue, a 
community radio station based in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, founded in 2001.

The government does not license community radio broadcasters, so Radio Dialogue 
distributes its content on compact discs and flash drives. In March, Ndebele 
was arrested for 
distributing shortwave, solar-powered, hand-crank radios. He spoke to CPJ in 
this month about the vital role of radio in Zimbabwe and what he sees as the 
shortcomings of 
development journalism, where journalists focus on social and economic 
development at the 
expense of reporting on political accountability and democratic weaknesses. The 
has been edited for length.

Sue Valentine: What motivated the distribution of solar-powered, hand-crank 

Zenzele Ndebele: I've been working for Radio Dialogue for the past 10 years, 
trying to get a 
license, which has not come. Around 2001, people said, "this government is not 
going to give 
us a license so let's rather do programs on shortwave and send them back into 
the country." 
We started working with people outside the country and started distributing 
radios, legally of 
course--both shortwave and FM. They were solar powered because Zimbabwe has 
cuts, sometime for eight hours a day. You can also use these radios as a torch 
and if there's no electricity you can charge your phone. For some reason, the 
didn't like it. The police started saying they are spreading hate speech, and 
then they 
confiscated 186 radios I had, as well as others that had been distributed to 
some villages. But 
in terms of the law, there's nothing wrong with listening to a shortwave 
station, or importing a 
shortwave radio.

SV: Under what law were you charged?

ZN: I was accused of: smuggling radios into the country; being in possession of 
radios that 
were suspected to have been smuggled; and not being in possession of a radio 
license. Later 
on they dropped the charge of not having a license.  The prosecutor found I was 
not selling 
the radios, so there was no case and he told the police if they wanted to 
continue the case, 
they had to find new charges. Currently I'm waiting for them to bring new 
charges; meanwhile 
they're keeping the radios.

SV: What prompted the government clampdown?
Ndebele demonstrates a hand-cranked radio. (Liesl Frankson/Wits Vuvuzela)
Ndebele demonstrates a hand-cranked radio. (Liesl Frankson/Wits Vuvuzela)

ZN: It might be because we are going towards the elections and more people 
could have had 
access to information that is not from the state media. All four of the 
[offshore] shortwave 
radio stations broadcast between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., after that, there's 
nothing. So this person 
has a radio 24 hours a day but they can only access pirate radio stations for 
two hours a day. 
What are they listening to for the other 22 hours? Chances are they're 
listening to the state 
broadcaster. So it just doesn't make sense for the state to say that people are 
listening to 
"hate speech," because hate speech doesn't come from the pirate stations, but 
also from the 
government stations. It's not the gadget that produces the hate speech, it's 
someone sitting 
in front of a microphone, so why not arrest that person?

SV: Is there a law against hate speech in Zimbabwe?

ZN: You can be charged for hate speech, but as yet no radio station has been 

SV: If you don't have a license to broadcast, how does Radio Dialogue 
distribute its content?

ZN: Currently we use five or six platforms: We broadcast on shortwave, an hour 
a day and 
we've started to broadcast on free-to-air satellite for two hours a day. We 
also package 
programs on CD, flash sticks, and memory cards and give them to commuter buses. 
minibus driver carries about 360 people a day and we're working with about 50 
of them. We 
use a lot of Facebook and our website and upload our stories there. 

SV: Has the government tried to control your content?

ZN: Digital media is not that regulated in Zimbabwe. They're more concerned 
about hate 
speech, insulting the president, that kind of thing, so you try to make sure 
that in your 
speech, you don't commit a crime.

SV: In 1980 when Zimbabwe gained independence, people hoped that the Zimbabwe 
Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), which took over from state-controlled Rhodesian 
Broadcasting Corporation, would become a public broadcaster. What happened?

ZN: I'd say the problem with ZB

[HCDX] The Weakest Solar Cycle in 100 Years

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas

The Weakest Solar Cycle in 100 Years
Scientists are struggling to explain the Sun´s bizarre recent behavior. Is it a 
fluke, or a sign of 
a deeper trend?
Sunspot cycle   
The Sun is currently at the peak of Cycle 24, the weakest cycle in 100 years.
D. Hathaway / NASA / MSFC
The Sun is acting weird. It typically puts on a pageant of magnetic activity 
every 11 years for 
aurora watchers and sungazers alike, but this time it overslept. When it 
finally woke up (a 
year late), it gave the weakest performance in 100 years.

What´s even weirder is that scientists, who aren´t usually shy about tossing 
about, are at a loss for a good explanation. Three scientists, David Hathaway 
(NASA / 
Marshall Space Flight Center), Giuliana de Toma (High Altitude Observatory), 
and Matthew 
Penn (National Solar Observatory) presented possible explanations at this 
month´s meeting 
of the American Astronomical Society´s Solar Physics Division, but their 
results sparked a 
lively debate rather than a scientific consensus.

A Weak and Weird Cycle

Sun's magnetic field
The Sun rotates faster at its equator, which stretches the magnetic field lines 
around the 
solar surface.
© Addison Wesley
A well-behaved Sun flips its north and south magnetic poles every 11 years. A 
cycle starts 
when the field is weak and dipolar-basically, a giant bar magnet. But the Sun´s 
rotation is 
faster at its equator than at its poles, and this difference soon stretches the 
field lines like 
distended rubber bands around the solar surface. Frenetic activity ensues, with 
tangles producing sunspots, prominences, and sometimes flares and plasma 
explosions. All 
of that dies down when the Sun-wide magnetic field lines finally snap into 
configurations, re-establishing the dipole field and beginning the next cycle.

The Sun has been doing all of that, just to a lesser degree. "Not only is this 
the smallest cycle 
we´ve seen in the space age, it´s the smallest cycle in 100 years," says 
Hathaway, who took 
part in the Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel back in 2007.

Sun's asymmetric poles  
The current cycle isn't just weak. Starting in 2006, the Sun's poles became 
asymmetric, with 
the south pole lagging behind the north for the past 7 years. Asymmetric poles 
are common 
enough, but they usually synchronize within a year or so.
G. de Toma / USAF / NOAO
The panel members were split at the time on whether the next solar activity 
cycle would be 
strong or weak, but their middle-of-the-road estimate anticipated 90 sunspots 
as a peak 
value near August 2012. Instead, the peak sunspot number seems to be less than 
70, and 
the maximum arrived later than expected. Cycle 24 should have peaked in 2012, 
11 years 
after its last minimum in 2001, but the Sun overslept by a full year, waking up 
in 2013 

And its waking has been asymmetric: the north pole has led the cycle since 
2006, with the 
south pole lagging behind. "It´s not uncommon to see hemispheres going out of 
phase . . . 
Usually this [asymmetry] lasts a year or so and then the hemispheres 
synchronize," de Toma 
explains. "We don´t know why this is lasting for so long."

Explaining Weirdness

Sun cycle history   
Cycle 24 is the weakest cycle in 100 years. This might be part of a centennial 
tapering of 
magnetic activity known as the Gleissberg cycle.
D. Hathaway / NASA / MSFC
It´s possible that, weak and weird as it is, Cycle 24 is still part of the 
Sun´s normal variation, 
even if it´s one of the weakest cycles yet recorded.

In fact, both Hathaway and de Toma think the 11-year cycle might be part of a 
larger one. 
Historical records show weak cycles at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, 
so it could be 
that the solar cycle tapers every 100 years or so in what´s known as the 
Gleissberg Cycle. It´s 
not easy to establish the existence of a cycle that turns over on such a long 
timescale, and 
even Hathaway admitted, "Certainly I don´t understand how it works."

Doug Biesecker (NOAA), chair of the most recent prediction panel, says, "I 
remain highly 
skeptical . . . [Even] if you believe there is a 100-year cycle, then that 
still doesn't tell us why. 
Just that it is."

Penn offered another, more catastrophic option: the sunspot cycle might die 
altogether. His 
team uses sunspot spectra to measure their magnetic fields, and his data show a 
clear trend: 
the magnetic field strength in sunspots is waning.

Sunspots' magnetic field
Penn's research shows that sunspots' magnetic field strength is declining over 
Sunspots can only form if the magnetic field is greater than around 1,500 
Gauss, so if the 
trend continues, we could be headed for a time where no spots appear on the 
Sun's surface.
M. Penn
"If this trend continues, there will be almost no spots in Cycle 25, and we 
might be going into 
another Maunder Minimum," Penn states. The f

[HCDX] Radio Veritas Asia launches new website for its Hindi service Radio Veritas Asia launches new website for its Hindi service

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas
Radio Veritas 

 Radio Veritas Asia launches new website for its Hindi service

Philippines based shortwave radio broadcaster Radio Veritas Asia has launched 
new website 
for its hindi service. The new website encompasses everything that RVA has to 
offer - 
articles, audio, video, schedule and interactive content and can be accessed at 


http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , various  degen tecsun models
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 
Loops :SW mag loop 1 m2 for  MW , AN200 MW loop 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at


2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias LIangas
Please reply to zlian...@yahoo.com
more  reviews   will be followed  shortly ! 

http://delicious.com/gr_greek1/zak (all my pages )

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Favorite radio station : RTM Sarawak

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias LIangas
Please reply to zlian...@yahoo.com

Favorite radio station : RTM Sarawak

This is part  of several short articles -rewiews

As you may know  I am a  fan of malay music with first station to mention on
early 90s as Voice of malaysia > the history  has been well mentioned in my 
geocities page and  later on multiply   that has then been transferred in
blogspot with a  more concise  in radio terms  in this page
though a more analytical review (music wise )  has been  noticed   in two parts 
again in blogspot

In a few words after my  first visit to SEA on Aug 1989   and namely  HK , SNG ,
TL  and using a localy bought   walkman  I recorded abt 7 tapes  with songs from
all these over mentioned   places  on FM . I was  more pleasured with Malay 
than others , so that  I returned back to shortwaves  for listening to V of
Malaysia at first and then for DXing again . My above mentioned article shows 
all the remain reception info throughout the years .

I return to radio Sarawak . This station  is indeed my favorite   radio station 
A station  full of  nice music with th e philosophy  of a  MW /FM radio station.
The  name is correctly spelled as  Ser'awak (tone  in ra ) and not  Sarawak !!

The station  can be heard on  9835 and 11665 with same or different  program
depending on  time .
9835  can be heard   1500 to 2200 at least  though sometimes  can pass 2200  .
11665  can be heard  till ca 1600v (up to 1605 ) and  after 2135 .Signals  are
moderate  to good or 9835  that  fades off after 2130 . 11665  that time is
nearly marginal  but has different program

Interferences : Possible QRM  from  NHK / R Japan  same freq between  1700 and
1900 (but seems  mostly clear )  2030 -2130 with  QRM from  9830 IRIB  in
Albanian (local ) and 2200-2300  from VoTurkey  in Eng towards  Europe  once I
found 2300  another  station  the eibi identifies as V Andes  in German

Program : The program  as listened  in my time slot (15- 22) consist mostly  of
songs and  some adverts .Most songs are  of the 70-90  era esp after 1900 till 
2015v when  Quranic program starts  first  with nasyid songs  till  2100 . But
for this time  as it is Ramadan the program starts on 2000v till 2130 (till the
end of IRIB )

They  can be heard  also via internet  in this  address : for Sarawak  FM
and   for  Wai FM
both in 24 kbit monophonic 

I am using the program scream  radio to listen   via the net 

http://delicious.com/gr_greek1/zak (all my pages )

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 24-7 logs

2013-07-30 Thread Zacharias Liangas
posted on 25th tehre 
and possibly  the last for this season , for possible vacations  next week (???)
9700 //11850  TOM  with sudden start on 11850 on 1900 with OM  and several fem 
singing  9700 is S3 , 11850 at S8 but with seemingly different program on 2007  
on 9735  
with S9 , 11775  on 2022 with S20-30 
11765 //13820 RTV Algerian with two different programs though both using Quran 
programming  . signals for both S10 
7120 Hargeisa 1912  with S9  34343 
9390 V o Tailand 1918 referring to a viet restaurant . Program `Global news `  
turkish protests 
1929  S9 44333
8957  Shannon Volmet 1933  with  weather forecasts  S1
9200  seems  CNR  QRM ing  SOH  S3/16H 
  1940  Novosibirsk Meteo YL with wx S1 
8828 1945 poss Tokyo Meteo  sub-marginal  under local QRN 
11600  R Libya 1949 with Quran psalms ID "R Libya" then back to  Quran  with 
preacher  starting with `allahu Akbar´  S9 44544 
5945 VoiRI  in scheduled Azeri on 2006 (as er DX remix  788)with lang that 
seems   between 
Farsi and  Turkish A report with imam in back ground  S10 4x423 fast and string 
6300 pirate 2017 with a song of style `when a man loves a woman´  S3 
6265  `gold  ` 2018 with oldies S5
6110  Fana  2020 OM with typical HoA  style singing S7
17550  Kuwait 2023  with phone ins S10-20 

9664.6 Marumby with S3 signal , clear in LSB or using off-tune 9663.3 with Am 
bandwidth  song on 2039  , mention of Parana  and distances  and glory 

4800 CNR with no signal on 2111 
4976 Uganda still on 2119 with interview  S9  poor audio 
4840  VoV 2120 with trad  viet song  S20 - via Wertachtal 

http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , various  degen tecsun models
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 
Loops :SW mag loop 1 m2 for  MW , AN200 MW loop 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 30, 2013

2013-07-30 Thread Glenn Hauser
** CHINA. Firedrake July 30 before 1300:
13795, fair at 1255
NO other FD, nor CNR1 jamming found 12-19 MHz

July 30 before 1400, CNR1 jamming:
13970, fair at 1349
14700, poor at 1349
No others 12-20 MHz except the usual 15115

** CUBA. 6060, July 30 circa 0530, now the missing RHC English frequency is 
this, continuing on 5040, 6010, 6125, 6165 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 960, July 30 at 0535 UT, KGWA Enid is off the air; no doubt 
because a storm blew thru during the previous hour, with lightning, high winds 
and rain; and we also had a few instantaneous power glitches. Next check circa 
1240, had returned to the air (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9930, July 30 at 1246, WTWW-2 is already on the air, 
and with Brother Scare! He`s back, and maybe for long hours overcoming the fill 
programming which has been airing for a few months in the afternoons, such as 
Ted Randall`s QSO show, World of Radio, Amateur Radio Newsline and Ted`s 
favorite music trax? Total BSpan remains to be determined.

FCC finally updated their HF schedule, now dated July 11, at 

but it already showed 9930 available as follows, allowing overlap with ``KHBN`` 
on the other worldside in apparent assumption they won`t QRM each other. And 
here, WTWW is so strong that there is nothing from T8WH audible underneath, but 
how about in the Pacific/Asia?

9930    1300  KHBN  100   318  43,44   1234567   310313 271013
9930   1200 2400  WTWW  100   180  11-15   1234567   300513 271013
9930   1200 2400  WTWW  100   180  11-15   1234567   310313 300513
9930   1300 1400  KHBN  100   345  43-45   1234567   310313 271013
9930   1400 1430  KHBN  100   345  43-45   1234567   310313 271013
9930   1430 1500  KHBN  100   318  43-45   1234567   310313 271013
9930   1500 1600  KHBN  100   270  41,49,50,54 1234567   310313 271013
9930   1600 2400  KHBN  100   345  43-45   1234567   310313 271013

Getting back to BS, I find that 9930 is running 5 seconds ahead of WWCR 9980; 
not on before 1300 is WWRB 9370, but after that he`s on *three* Tennessee 9 MHz 
stations at the same time, surely a huge waste of overlapping coverage. 

Retuned at 1330, he`s talking about his new outreach; no mention of WTWW but I 
may have missed it just before then. Says he`s on transmitters in Romania, 
Bulgaria, such as 9700 at 18-22 to Eu, 11850 at 19-21 to Af, with 250 kW. Says 
he`s on four US stations every day (?? I count five: WWCR, WTWW, WWRB, WRMI, 
WBCQ). Says ``today we agreed`` to occupy by tomorrow or the next day, all 
these frequencies from central Europe: 13810, 9655, 11775, 15390, 15620, 15205, 
17750, for total of 13 frequencies, a number he dislikes. Cost of this is 
$100,000 to be paid in advance so is phoning supporters to raise the amount 
ASAP. Mentions his ``good friend Michael over there, filling in for Walter``, 
apparently referring to his contacts at MBR. Some of the new frequencies he 
claims will be 24 hours a day; others not just a few hours, but 7, 8, 9 or 10 
hours a day [not per below sked]. Maranatha! 

Now checking website http://www.overcomerministry.org/
with usual mixture of timezones including one which is not in effect anywhere, 
wrong frequencies for WBCQ, WRMI, but some of this new stuff included, with 
WTWW 9930 shown for only two hours at 12-14; however I am still hearing him at 
1430, but by 1508 recheck it`s open carrier/dead air, until `Unshackled` 
finally starts up at 1517.

The Overcomer Radio Frequencies
WWRB  3185 8Pm-6Am EST
WWCR  5890 1Am-6Am EST
WBCQ  7590 8Pm-11Pm EST
WWRB  9370 9Am-6Pm EST
Media 9655 14-16:00 UTC
Bulgaria  9700 18-22:00 UTC
WTWW  9930 12-14:00 UTC
WWCR  9980 10Am-4Pm EST

WRMI  9990 14-16:00 UTC
Media    11775 20-22:00 UTC
Bulgaria 11850 19-21:00 UTC
Media    13810 14-16:00 UTC
Media    15205 12-14:00 UTC
Media    15390 21-23:00 UTC
Media    15620 21-23:00 UTC
Media    17750 12-14:00 UTC

Above is from his homepage. If you go to DOWNLOADS > RADIO SCHEDULE > SHORTWAVE 
RADIO at ftp://www.overcomerministry.org/RadioSchedule/Short%20Wave%20Radio.html
it now seems to match, which is unusual, including the wrong frequencies for 
WBCQ and WRMI (and far from the complete hours now on the latter) (Glenn 

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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 127, Issue 32

2013-07-30 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs July 29-30, 2013 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:34:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser 
To: "d...@yahoogroups.com" 
Cc: "s...@mailman.qth.net" 
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 29-30, 2013
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake [non] CNR1 jamming July 29: I was just about to skip 
searching for it this day until I ran across it on an unusual frequency and 
then sought out others:
17900, poor at 1348 with flutter; Aoki has this as one of countless 100-watt 
Sound of Hope nuisance frequencies. None in the 16s or 18s tho EAST TURKISTAN 
CRI channels also in: 17560 best, plus 17630, 17650

15265, fair at 1352 with het
15195, very poor at 1349
15115, fair at 1348 with heavy CCI
14700, fair at 1355; none in the 13s, 12s
11640, fair at 1357 // 14700; also on usual 11785, 11805, 11990

** CUBA. 5040, July 29 at 0531 is tonite`s anomaly from RHC: English frequency 
off the air, while 6010, 6060, 6125 and 6165 are more than enough. Circa 1345, 
17730 is also off the air in Spanish while 17580 is audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** MEXICO. Sporadic E opening into VHF fires up July 29 after monitoring snow 
on channel 2 for almost an hour, UT:

1452 on 2, fade in with f bug in LR, i.e. Televisa net-4 foro; more from SSW 
than SSE so not XHY and later IDed below as XEFB Monterrey NL

1452 on 3, also signs of a video signal here; 1455 fades in a bit more

1507 on 2, Azteca net-7 bug in UR with time & temp, probably XHTAU Tampico with 
Monterrey programming as usual mornings 

1511 on 4, MUF briefly hits here with algo

1519 on 2, fades in f bug in LR again, and this time also TELEACTIVA in UR, 
i.e. XEFB-TV, Monterrey NL

1527 on 2, fade in HOY bug in LL, sponsor BECALOS in LR, CDT clock: Televisa 

1540 on 2, Televisa net-5 bug LR with animation, occasional audio

1542 on 3, net-5 with animation // 2; it`s letterboxed; at first without 
reaching color burst

1600 on 2, some CCI again as MUF dips and surges

1611 on 2, YL on screen is not blonde, unusual for Mexican TV; maybe still HOY 

1611 on 3, net-5 bug LR, still animation

1616 on 2, YL plugging her Twitter, mentions `Hola, M?xico`, another program 
name, not Hoy? Also made out some large V`s on screen

1629 on 2, CCI mixture includes Gala TV swirl in UR = Televisa net-9, and 
apparently a court show with YL judge

1636 on 4, fade-in with ads including Colgate (3 syllables). BTW, colgar means 
hang up (as a phone), but not with a form like colgate

1642 on 4, Woody Woodpecker, net-5 LR

1648 on 2, Gala swirl, net-9 UR; this seems to the court show amid CCI

1700+, mostly gone and it`s lunch time

1744 on 2, novela with Azteca net-13 bug in UR

1759 on 3, algo fade-in with video only

1848 on 2, burst of a few seconds in Spanish, novela? bug in UR reminds me of 
TU CANAL in Ju?rez, but not positive. Behaved like meteor scatter, but signs of 
weak Es signals remain

1859 on 2, bug in UR looks like two lines in a circle, such as the number 11, 
but that`s not Once network`s logo; maybe just one vertical, i.e. Mundo Fox, 
i.e. XHRIO. Nothing further


** MOROCCO [and non]. 9579.1, July 29 at 0410, very poor carrier here, and a 
JBA one on 9580. M?di-1, Nador is well-known to be on 9579.1, and people 
logging ME music, Arabic or French without an ID on ``9580`` need to be sure of 
the exact frequency. 

Saudi Arabia is also listed on 9580 at this time, so that could be the other 
signal as long as it`s not 9579+. Not 9580 Gabon either, which has not been 
confirmed on air at all for months. Before 0400 and at 0519 recheck I could 
detect only 9579.1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1650, July 29 at 0535 UT, `Red Eye Radio` is inbooming for a 