[HCDX] Radio Joystick, The Charlie-Prince Show on air today at 1000

2018-06-30 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Radio Joystick, The Charlie-Prince Show will be on air today Sunday at 
1000 UTC, like all first Sunday of the month:


 "Since 2013 we broadcast via Media Broadcast. The transmitters are 
located in the small town of Moosbrunn near Vienna, broadcasting our 
shows on every first Sunday of each month at 12:00 h German time with 
100 kW at 7330 kHz on shortwave to Western Europe!

1st Sunday of each month on shortwave 7330 kHz in Europe! On the 
Internet, the latest program is available at any time on demand for your 
listening pleasure. Our programs are produced for syndication as a free 
offer to stations that easily and efficiently may add their own jingles 
and commercials!"

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 30-July 1, 2018

2018-06-30 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** CUBA. 6000, July 1 at 0134, S9+30/40 RHC English with song in Spanish, not 
// 6060 Spanish, but 6000 is just barely modulated // 6165 with good modulation 
at S9+40/50. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 12028.57, July 1 at 0147, suspicious JBA carrier, I bet a spur from 
RHC Spanish 12000, as usual overmodulated and splattering, which is S9+35 and 
also squealing like WEWN. So I look for a match on the opposite side, and there 
it is, on about 11971.38, i.e. plus/minus ~28.6 kHz. The slight disparity 
implies 12000 itself is slightly off-frequency-minus, but not measured. 

11857.0, July 1 at 0146, just before the above I found a wavering carrier here, 
suspected R. Aparecida ailing, as not found anything closer to 11855; but guess 
what, this is minus 143 kHz from 12000 or 5 X 28.6! So there probably were more 
spurs every 28.6 kHz in between, and more on the high side. Something`s always 
wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-USB, July 1 at 0132, pirate music at S9+20 atop storm 
noise peaks at S9; just in time to hear Wolverine Radio ID at 0133, then SSTV; 
and presumably off as no pirates on band a few minutes later. Many more logs of 
it, the theme being smile, and the image being Mona Lisa:

** OKLAHOMA. The weather radar serving Enid from Kegelman Field to the NW is 
reported broken, 

``Vance radar down for maintenance; operations not impacted
  By James Neal  Staff Writer Jun 29, 2018 

The Vance Air Force Base radar currently is inoperable and awaiting repairs, 
but Vance officials said Thursday the maintenance isn't impacting flight 
operations or weather radar coverage.

Terri Schaefer, Vance public affairs chief, said the radar went down on Tuesday 
afternoon due to a failure in the bull gear, which turns the radar.

The radar is located at Kegelman Air Force Auxiliary Field, near Salt Plains 
National Wildlife Refuge in Alfalfa County, and is operated by National Weather 
Service (NWS) in Norman for weather observation and tracking.

Schaefer said Vance will be able to use weather coverage from overlapping 
weather radars in Oklahoma City and Wichita, Kan., to monitor weather coverage 
and ensure aircrew and public safety, and the maintenance issue with the radar 
at Kegelman is not impacting flight operations.

Matthew Day, an NWS meteorologist, said weather coverage for northern Oklahoma 
and southern Kansas, which normally would be covered by the Vance radar, now is 
monitored by overlapping areas covered by radars in Wichita, Kan., Amarillo, 
Texas, Dodge City, Kan., Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

Repairs to the Vance radar will require approximately 15,000 pounds of 
equipment and a six-person team, Day said. 

"We're currently working in cooperation with NOAA/NWS to get the parts in," 
Schaefer wrote in an email to the News & Eagle, "and then accommodate their 
technicians with airfield access when it comes to a repair/site visit."

Day said NWS expects to have the radar repaired and back in service by July 

so I check this link to its display, July 1 at 0232:
And sure enough, it`s still looping but the latest date/time label is 1811 UT 
26 June! The writer apparently does not consider that the radar is used by the 
public, not just Vance. WTFK? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1936 monitoring: confirmed Saturday June 30 at 2328, 
the 2300 on WRMI 7780, very poor JBA but recognizable. Likewise at 0226 UT 
Sunday July 1 the 0200 on WRMI 7780. Also confirmed UT Sunday July 1 at 0329 on 
WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, 13 minutes into show, so started circa 0316. Next:
Sun 1030   HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW [missing last weeks]
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Mon 0130.5 WRMI 5850 to NW, 7780 to NE
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 0400   WRMI webcast only, non-direxional
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v to WSW [maybe]
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 7780 to NE, 5950 to WNW [or #1937?]
Tue 2130   WRMI 5950 to WNW [or #1937?]

Full schedule for WOR on all outlets, not just SW; podcast linx:

** U S A. 11580, June 30 at 2138, it`s Saturday, so WRMI activates this 
frequency again, Oldies? music at S9. By 2202 I`m on interior longwire due to 
storms, and find music seems // 9395 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5950, UT Sunday July 1 at 0136 tune-in just as VOA News is starting 
via WRMI Oldies, S9+25 but undermodulated unlike // 9395. On UT 
Tuesday-Saturday these emit the RAE ATTW relay in English (Glenn 

[HCDX] Radio Veritas Asia

2018-06-30 Thread Mickey Delmage
At 2300 UTC June 30 on 15355 kHz there is nothing.  No carrier. Cx are good
so the last RVA broadcast monitored here was at 1500 UTC in Filipino.
Another One bites the dust

Mick Delmage
Sherwood Park, AB

Rx  Perseus SDR
Ant: Wellbrook ALA100 loop
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 29-30, 2018

2018-06-30 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** ARGENTINA [non]. 9395, Friday June 29 at 2201, vamping music like the theme 
to RAE, and // 7780 both WRMI; not until 2203 does the informal RAE Italian 
sign-on start. WRMI skedgrid shows 7780 only for this, with 9395 as Oldies 
during the 22-23 hour. 9395 much stronger here of course, but how about Italy 
where this starts at local midnite? 9395 to NNW maybe for all the Italians in 

Does 9395 // 7780 also apply to previous hour 21-22 M-F in German? Not 
necessarily, as the transmission grid with German on 7780 is System F but 7780 
Italian is System G. Only monitoring will tell for sure. The System G program 
grid shows `Wavescan` 7 days a week at 2200-2230 on *no* frequency, surely not 
correct; er, maybe 100% correct, as with all the other times when WS is not 
scheduled? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 9535, June 29 at 0642, VP signal in English, S5-S7. After Algeria via 
France, with which it must have been colliding at 05-06, this must be RHC --- 
yes, can make it // 6165. 9535 is supposed to be in Spanish only and close at 
0500*. Something`s always wrong at RHC. But not ~24 hours later at 0623 June 30 

** CUBA. 11880, June 29 at 2158, RHC music not // 11840, 11760, 12000 Spanish 
service; 2159 ID opening French hour early. How early was the prélude? 
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6270, June 30 at 0627, JBA carrier from RHC leapfrog of 6060 over 
6165, so I compare the fundamentals:
6165, S9+10/20, good modulation
6100, S9+10 and JBM
6060, S9+20/30, loudest modulation as usual, verging on over-
6000, S9+10/20, undermodulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, 

** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. June 30 at 0617-0620 I check the 16mb for signs of 
signals across the midnight-sun path, and once again they correlate with HFCC 
listings for CRI. Mostly JBA carriers but some with bits of audio too weak to 
be sure of languages (No doubt these are inbooming to target Europe):

17865, CRI Kashgar in French
17720, CRI Kashgar in German
17680, CRI Kashgar in Spanish
17650, CRI Kashgar in Chinese
17615, CRI Urumqi in German (also CRI Chinese via Kunming)
17520, CRI Kashgar in Italian; but a second carrier, RFA Chinese via 
off-frequency SAIPAN (and/or jamming?).

If I am ever going to hear anything on the 19-MHz SWBC band, this may be when? 
But the only thing registered now is IRDR SMG Vatican 24 hours on 18950, i.e. 
an imaginary standby, which if ever activated for Disaster Relief, may well 
come from some other site. 

In B season I think IBB had something in our nightmiddle, Kuwait? How about 13 
meters? That would be neat as we are almost to local mean midnight in Enid at 
0632 UT --- nothing, but Aoki/NDXC shows nothing scheduled from TKS on that 
band. Even at midday, the OSOB is typically 21525 WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PHILIPPINES. RVA`s last day on SW: Via UTwente SDR at 1437 June 30 am 
hearing Telugu? songs on 11870, fair; and unID language talk on 9610, very poor 
presumed RVA Urdu. Final final broadcast will probably be Tagalog at 1500-1555 
on 11675 (Glenn Hauser, WOR iog via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

11870, June 30 at 1457, RVA via UTwente with IS and ID in English, one more IS 
and off. Then I retune to:

11675, June 30 at 1459, RVA via Utwente just came on with music, not IS, 
English ID, stay tuned for ---, language and frequency, 1500 Tagalog talk and 
ID. At 1530 checked on my own receiver, and as expected, inaudible here. 1545 I 
keep listening via UTwente, playing a dirge? 1548 some talk, 1552 choral music; 
1556 announcement, 1557 IS and English ID, 1558 IS again and off --- forever? 
Too weak to tell if any mention of QRT. At least they employed English for 

This is normally the end of their broadcast day at local midnite. To be sure, 
we should check whether anything appear at normal resumption: 2100-2230 Chinese 
on 6115; 2300-2330 Tagalog on 15355 (which has been well heard in North 
America); 2330-2400 Vietnamese on 9670; etc., etc. 

Apparently this situation is encouraged by the pope`s decision to downsize RCC 
radio outreach, also Vatican Radio itself, but not gone yet from SW (Glenn 

** TAIWAN [non]. 6190-CUSB, Sat June 30 at 1423 via UTwente SDR, Hamburger 
Lokalradio during `Best of Media Network Plus`, Keith Perron interviewing 
someone who coped with censorship; poor reception but bits audible, mentioning 
Radio Moscow World Service, Voice of Russia, and `From Moscow With Love`, so 
IIRC that would be Vasily Strelnikov. 1430 canned ID for HLR claims still to be 
on long-replaced 7265! And WORLD OF RADIO 1936 starting at 1431 (Glenn Hauser, 

** U K [non]. 12065, June 29 at 1304, BBCWS mid-news ID (also an optional 
cutaway for some affiliates for which 5 solid minutes of news is just too 
much!); 1320 during News Hour, about An

[HCDX] RFC - NCC-1 or NCC-2

2018-06-30 Thread R. Colin Newell
DXE NCC-2 or with its predecessor, NCC-1. PHASERS- 

Who among you have used this for DXing?

Appreciate all comments. 

Colin Newell - Victoria - B.C. CANADA -
DXER.ca ———
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at