[HCDX] Masset musings from mid October

2022-10-30 Thread Volodya S
My apologies for not getting this out sooner, but life got in the way!  In
any case, a good and varied selection of loggings from Masset, BC, off the
NW coast of BC and due south of the Alaskan Panhandle.  Conditions during
the earlier weeks were excellent on the shortwaves, but deteriorated during
my last few days there.  Nick Hall-Patch, renowned MW DXer joined me for
the final 6 days there, where we overhauled all of my antennas and
reconfigured the remote shack and the SDRs.  In addition, we constructed a
new 110/290 deg DKAZ antenna which is larger and quieter than a
previous DKAZ which I constructed about a year ago.  As always, any errors
are mine alone, and comments are always welcome!   73,  Walt Salmaniw

ALASKA 3200, 2120-2240, HAARP Oct 22 Tuned in and sure enough, there HAARP
with sweep tones pretty much continuously to past 22:00 (they were
scheduled between 21:00 and 22:00 to run something called a VLF
Amplification) until off somewhere around 22:40.  Fair, sometimes good
reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

ALASKA 5400, 0619-, HAARP Oct 23 Listening to first night of Amanda Dawn
Christie's experiment via HAARP.  Excellent level, following each
frequency, or combination of frequencies:  4.85, 4.80 (marred by CODAR),
5.4 MHz, 9.5 MHz, 3.3 MHz,  Very strong into Masset, BC. (Salmaniw, Masset,

ALASKA 5800, 0415-, HAARP Oct 23 Following HAARP tonight.  They started
this hour centered on 4800 kHz, with buzzy carriers every 20 kHz over a
span of about 400 kHz.  As soon as they went off this channel, they jumped
to 5800 kHz.  Very strong into Masset!  Cut suddenly just before 04:20 UTC,
and 30 seconds later, started up centered on 6800.  Slightly weaker. They
then proceeded to move up as per their schedule to 7.35, 8.05 (7.35 center
from 04:29:40 to 04:40, and 8.05 MHz from a few seconds after that to
04:50, and then switching to centered on 9600 (actually 9595) and presumed
they'll go to the top of the hour.  This test is called the satellite
instrument calibration.  Test ended, sure enough just before 05:00.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

ALASKA 9600, 2345-, HAARP Oct 22 Noted an open carrier with intermittent
on/off, lasting a few seconds at a time.  This one was scheduled from 22:00
to 24:00, and was called  GIOS HF Ocean Scatter, and was very strong into
Masset.  Then, near 00:00, a very wide band buzz centered on 9600 and 25
kHz on each side began continuously.  I can only assume it's them!  Off at
00:05:40, but back again at 00:06:09.  Off at 00:11:40.  Back at 00:12:05.
This test is called AERA Radar.  Scheduled from 00:00 to 01:30. (Salmaniw,
Masset, BC)

ALASKA 11870, 1637-, KNLS Oct 18 Very strong in Mandarin, but still less
compared to KNLS in Russian at same time on 9580 (S9 + 30 to 40!).  Clearly
both transmitters are operational and seemingly at full power. (Salmaniw,
Masset, BC)

ALGERIA 7200, 0506-, Radio Algerienne Oct 19 Excellent reception with
modern Algerian vocal.  Very nice signal and modulation. (Salmaniw, Masset,

ALGERIA 9450, 0530-, Radio Algerienne Oct 20 Unlike the other night,
nothing on 7200, but very strong, clean signal in Arabic with news at 05:30
UTC. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

AUSTRIA 6155, 0553-, Oesterreich Rundfunk Oct 20 Superb reception over the
Pole in German.  If Austria closes, I'll miss this site for sure, with the
diverse number of users.  Let's hope it doesn't happen!. (Salmaniw, Masset,

CANADA 6030, 0544-, CFVP Oct 19 Good + reception with Cuban jamming in the
background, but otherwise a solid S7 to S8 signal.  Calgary's Funny 1060
AM.  1060 is audible, but poor with cochannel.  Puts out a great signal for
100 watts!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

EGYPT 9440, 1800-, Radio Cairo Oct 18 Listed in Italian.  Carrier came on
at 17:58  Strong signal but again without any modulation.  I can only
imagine how good a broadcaster they could be if they would only fix their
transmitters!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

EGYPT 9812.581, 2058-, Radio Cairo Oct 17 Distorted but strong signal with
hum.  Was almost readable 20 minutes ago, but no longer.  Listed in French,
but surely doesn't sound like it now.  Continued until off just before
21:39 UTC. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

EGYPT 9902.519, 1701-, Radio Cairo Oct 18 Turkish is listed from 17:00 to
19:00, but alas nothing but a buzzy and wobbly transmitter off-channel.
I'm presuming this is Egypt.  No audio otherwise heard today.  The pain of
it all!  Rechecking at 17:39 and the transmitter is now on 9902.56 without
any audio.  At 18:36 .574 and perhaps some really weak audio audible.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

GUAM 12080, 1627-, AWR Oct 18 Beautiful Indian music at great strength (S9
+10 to 20).  Non-English speach at 16:28.  Giving AWR's postal address in
India.  Then e-mail.  English sign off concluded the transmission, 'From
the Beautiful Pacific Island of Guam,...100,000 watts,...'.  So nice to
have a full ID heard!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)

GUAM 15200, 1646-, KTWR Oct 18 Ukrainian religious programming at fair to
good level. (

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 238, Issue 32

2022-10-30 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1521 (Michael Bethge (WWDXC))
   2. B-22 winter season, log of Oct 30 at 05.30 to 08.15 UT
  (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. FRS Holland on air (Manuel M?ndez)
   4. Fw:  WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1521 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   5. Gary Pence (Km5x) log, s for October30th ( 10 meter
  Beacons(1551z-1645z) from KB1VWC, FN41RN) (Gary Pence)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs October 30, 2022 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:11:49 +0100
From: "Michael Bethge \(WWDXC\)" 
To: ,
Cc: "Bedanta Das" ,   "Faustino Prado Moreira"
, "Fernando Luiz de Souza" ,
"Richard Lemke" , "Wolfgang Bueschel"

Subject: [HCDX] WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1521
Message-ID: <5C4E32E6340840A09C9EE17961245448@BETHGEZUHAUSE>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

The latest edition (29 October 2022) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


(or http://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml / https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml)

It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

Best regards,

Michael Bethge

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: m...@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de

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schriftlich oder elektronisch widersprechen.

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:29:54 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" 
To: "_ BCLNEWS" , "HCDX"
,"_ WOR" 
Subject: [HCDX] B-22 winter season, log of Oct 30 at 05.30 to 08.15 UT
Message-ID: <8F0B0A0EBBC14A3784199BC3B32789E2@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

B-22 log this Oct 30 morning

15030.004 IND  AIR Arabic via 500 kW TX beast at Bangalore, S=9+30dB
  powerful signal noted on Doha Qatar remote SDR.
15170.057 ARS  SBA Holy Quran prayer from Riyadh at 05.33 UT S=9+10dB
15320.022 TUR  TRT this squeaky whistle tone Emirler transmitter unit
  settled here at 05.38 UT S=9+20dB at Doha Qatar remotedly.
15335.128 UAE  MUCH ODD fq unit at ENC Al Dhabbaya, BBC London Arabic
  at 05-06 UT to Arabican peninsula. S=9 at 05.40 UT.
15380.057 ARS  SBA Holy Quran prayer in progress, S=9 at 06.00 UT.
15400.069 STP  Likely BBC London En newscast via Sao Tome relay in AF
  on old A-22 schedule as US AGM still scheduled til about
  09 or 10 UTC switch-stop the previous US AGM season on
  1st Sunday
  \\ same South Korean newscast ITEMS via
15490even CVA  BBC London via Santa Maria di Galeria, Halloween Party
  Night disaster of 145 people dead in Korea. 06.04 UT.
15530.002 KWT  R Kuwait Kabd, En 05-08 UT, S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar.
15629.836 UZB  II-TV London in Persian via Tashkent relay site at
  06.10 UT, S=9+25dB signal even in Qatar Arabian UAE.
15750.008 THA  US AGM Mashaal R in Pashto to PAK/AFG, Urdu sce 0616 UT
21689.821 and 21690even tow CNR1 China mainland jammer, against
21689.995 MRA  US AGM Tinian island transmission in Tibetan language
  06.19 UT on Oct 30.
21530.003 CHN  CNR1 jamming stn S=9 at 06.20 UT likely gainst SOH TWN
21490even CHN  CNR1 jamming stn S=8 at 06.22 UT heard in Doha Qatar SDR
17879.998 THA  US AGM R Azadi in Pashto via Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay
  stn S=9+15db at 06.25 UT.
17810.020 MRA  US AGM Tinian island relay of RFA in Mandarin, S=8 06.35
13610.011 IRN  22 mb has four others of Iran transmitters in action,
  and seems parked here on that channel also another Sirjan
  unit at this 06.42 UT hour, carrier

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 30, 2022

2022-10-30 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX

Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update.

1) Updated UTC offset notations for DST changes for Croatia (HRT),
Germany (HCJB), Greece (ERT), México (R Educación), Romania (RRI),
Spain (REE),

2) Canada - BVB: Link updated to new B-22 schedule (Note PDF filename
is correctly named "Winter", however PDFheading is incorrectly
labelled as B-22 "Summer")

3) Germany - MBR: Updated URL to link to B-22 frequency schedule

4) Nigeria - VON: Added link to second VON Facebook page (thanks to
tip by Glenn Hauser that such a page existed). Also added link to VON
live stream via Radio Garden (although this is temporarily unavailable
to listeners in the UK)

5) Spain - REE: Updated URL to link to B-22 frequency schedule
The next update is scheduled for around 6 November for DST changes in

Best wishes and 73, Alan Roe

** CUBA. 5025 Rebelde, 5040, 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165, Oct 30 at 0705,
The Cuban Five of RHC are all off, nowhere to broadcast Sunday
Esperanto supposedly scheduled at 0700 but announced all summer as if
0800 on 6100. Esp`o still confirmed at 1507 on 11760 and much weaker
15140. With return to EST next Sunday, as a running dog of Yanqui
Imperialism, should shift to 1600 & imaginary 0800 (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA [and non]. 13820, Oct 30 at 1522, R. Martí, VG S9+20, no
jamming audible. Totally predictable B22 ex-13605; still jammed on
11860 & 11930. At 1719 check into Maryland SDR, still jamming against
nothing on 13605 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** HAWAII. Re: USA, 5000, Oct 29 at 0548: ``Glenn, the sweep tones at
xx48 would be from WWVH. WWV has them at xx08. Stephen Luce, Houston,
Texas`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ITALY [and non]. 1323 & NEXUS-IBA webcast, Oct 29 at 2200 UT,
Feature Story News, 2207 music, not the Dario Monferini tribute. Seems
there were some errors in the IRRS schedule quoted previously. It
showed 22 UT as = 19 CEDT, but there is never a 3 hour difference. Who
knows what time it was really supposed to be? For Sun Oct 30,
supposedly at 17 UT = 18 CET, on 7290, correct conversion but the 7290
span should now be at 19-20 UT only, unless this were a special
booking. I miss checking whether 7290 really on at 17-18. If only
everyone would stick to UT yearound, there could be no confusion.

7290, Sun Oct 30 at 1915, NO IRRS signal into UTwente, just heavy ACI
splash from 7295 CRI English, now scheduled 500 kW due west from
Urumqi, East Turkistan, std denunciation, at 19-21 --- so good times
to avoid adjacent 7290. What does HFCC B22 show for ``Milano``?

7290 1800 1900 18-20,27-30,37-39  MIL  150 0 0 925
1234567 301022 250323 D  7295 EngI   ANT ANT  4537
7290 2000 2100 18-20,27-30,37-39  MIL  150 0 0 925
1234567 061122 250323 D  7295 EngI   ANT ANT  4542
i.e. NOT at 19-20 UT, but still at 18-19 for entire season, PLUS 20-21
UT starting Nov 6, why? Happens to be date DST ends in N
America?(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MALDIVES [non]. 11620, Oct 30 at 1500-1530, what`s become of V of
Martyrs Korea service from secret site? Tune-in at 1509, S6/S9 signal
still, but talk by two OM voices sounds tonal like Chinese, not
English or Dhivehi. Not // 9660 in CNR1 check, or was that Taiwan. I
don`t think there was any English closing at 1529 as VOMK used to
provide, tho I was distracted during that minute; and off at 1530, no
longer followed by Vatican in Arabic. Last part monitored via KFS
remote on its NW antenna. Furthermore, no signal on 11825, which used
to be RBAustralia Burmese for comparison at 1500-1530 (Glenn Hauser,

** NEW ZEALAND. 13730, Oct 30 at 0706, JBA carrier from RNZP on new
B22 frequency, ex-9700 which was excellent SSOB for us! IF you believe
own schedule, https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/listen
13730 runs 0659-0858 daily, and 0859-1258 Mon-Fri only and on NW
Pacific antenna, bad for us -- therefore totally OFF THE AIR Sat & Sun
0859-1258! Preceded by 15720 all the way from 2059 except Sat 1959,
until 0658; and followed by 7390 at 1259-1650 daily (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** SAO TOME. 13580.067, Oct 30 at 0707, SSOB English sounds like BBC
with news about S Korea crowddeaths. It is now B22 without any such
HFCC scheduling, rather 05-10 USAGM Urdu via Kuwait; Pinheira must
still be on A22! BBC at 07-08 only, 335 degrees; and with typical
offfrequenciness from this site, where something`s always wrong,
reflecting badly on both USA and UK (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, Oct 30 at 0705, JBA carrier presumed SIBC.
Still no 5025 Cuba to obscure it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690, Oct 30 at 1719, no signal direct from REE on B22 NAm
frequency, but new 12030 for ME off the back is S9/+10 at 1506. Into
Maryland SDR at 1717, 9690 is only S5/S7, but 12030 S7/S9, with 11940
for SAm also audible weaker. Not sure yet where the Af beam be, but
surely a poor 4th for us. Sportstalk or stupid ballgame coverage. As
every B-season, 9690 is

[HCDX] Gary Pence (Km5x) log, s for October30th ( 10 meter Beacons(1551z-1645z) from KB1VWC, FN41RN)

2022-10-30 Thread Gary Pence
DXing America,s SDR,s
Submissions Are in Chronological Order as they were heard.

** 10 meter beacons copied at KB1VWC rSDR (Remotely) East Falmouth,MA.FN41rn

1551z,VE4TEN,28189 khz,Winnepeg,Manitoba,2 watts baseload whip
1553z,VE4ARM,29193 khz,Austin,Manitoba,5 watts
1558z,W0WF,28204 khz,Saint Charles,Missouri,20 watts vert.
1600z,DL0IGI,28205 khz,Hohenpeissenberg,Germany,48 watts
1601z,WD5GLO,28208 khz,Minco,Oklahoma,5 watt vert.
1605z,ON0RY,28207 khz,Leval-Trahegnies,Belgium,5 watts vert.
1609z,N5TIT,28209 khz,Dallas,Texas,10 watts Vert.
1610z,N2UHC,28209.5 khz,St Paul,Kansas,4 watts vert.
1612z,KA9SZX,28215 khz,Macomb,Illinois,3 watts aVert.
1625z,GW7HDS,28221.4 khz,TREHARRIS,WALES running 3 watts into a NVIS
Dipole at 1 meter sending callsign 20 WPM Continuous.
1627z,K5GJR,28225.5 khz,Corpus Christi,Texas,Randy uses a Radio Shack
HTX 100 running 2.5 watts into a Vert.at 40 ft.
1635z,W0KIZ,28236.5 khz,Denver,Colorado,5 watts to a Vert.on the Barn.
1638z,DB0TEN,28245 khz,Bomlitz/Niedersachsen,Germany,5watts Vert.
1645z,KE5JXC,28251.5 khz,PECAN ISLAND,LOUISANA,5 watts Vert at 20ft

All of these have an expanded story to tell via QRZ.Com and most welcome
signal reports whereas LW NDB have their stories and my
best resource so far has been Wikipedia.

73,s and have fun. Gary,km5x
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at


2022-10-30 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel
JAPAN   Correction,
in latest TopNews mentioned two different NHK PDF File sources of
NHK Radio Japan from Yamata bcast center site
Russian Mon-Fri, English Sat&Sun 10.30-10.50 UT.

Checked 7430 kHz channel today Sunday in Hiroshima Japan remotedly,
and NHK English appeared now today at S=9+35dB powerful level
in 7430 kHz channel in B-22 season (not 7355 kHz A-22 anymore)

73 wolfgang 

B22 request entry, 7430 kHz is okay:

7430 1030-1050 23,24,33 YAM 300 330  25 208 
301022 250323   RusJ   NHK 

Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2022
Subject: [HCDX] WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1521



It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

Best regards,
E-Mail: m...@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] FRS Holland on air

2022-10-30 Thread Manuel Méndez

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
NETHERLANDS, 9334.5, FRS Holland, 0856- 0922, 30-10, interval signal, 
id. “… Free Radio Service Holland…”, English, comments, songs. // 7714.9 
and 6185. 25422.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] B-22 winter season, log of Oct 30 at 05.30 to 08.15 UT

2022-10-30 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

B-22 log this Oct 30 morning

15030.004 IND  AIR Arabic via 500 kW TX beast at Bangalore, S=9+30dB
 powerful signal noted on Doha Qatar remote SDR.
15170.057 ARS  SBA Holy Quran prayer from Riyadh at 05.33 UT S=9+10dB
15320.022 TUR  TRT this squeaky whistle tone Emirler transmitter unit
 settled here at 05.38 UT S=9+20dB at Doha Qatar remotedly.
15335.128 UAE  MUCH ODD fq unit at ENC Al Dhabbaya, BBC London Arabic
 at 05-06 UT to Arabican peninsula. S=9 at 05.40 UT.
15380.057 ARS  SBA Holy Quran prayer in progress, S=9 at 06.00 UT.
15400.069 STP  Likely BBC London En newscast via Sao Tome relay in AF
 on old A-22 schedule as US AGM still scheduled til about
 09 or 10 UTC switch-stop the previous US AGM season on
 1st Sunday
 \\ same South Korean newscast ITEMS via
15490even CVA  BBC London via Santa Maria di Galeria, Halloween Party
 Night disaster of 145 people dead in Korea. 06.04 UT.
15530.002 KWT  R Kuwait Kabd, En 05-08 UT, S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar.
15629.836 UZB  II-TV London in Persian via Tashkent relay site at
 06.10 UT, S=9+25dB signal even in Qatar Arabian UAE.
15750.008 THA  US AGM Mashaal R in Pashto to PAK/AFG, Urdu sce 0616 UT
21689.821 and 21690even tow CNR1 China mainland jammer, against
21689.995 MRA  US AGM Tinian island transmission in Tibetan language
 06.19 UT on Oct 30.
21530.003 CHN  CNR1 jamming stn S=9 at 06.20 UT likely gainst SOH TWN
21490even CHN  CNR1 jamming stn S=8 at 06.22 UT heard in Doha Qatar SDR
17879.998 THA  US AGM R Azadi in Pashto via Udorn Thani Ban Dung relay
 stn S=9+15db at 06.25 UT.
17810.020 MRA  US AGM Tinian island relay of RFA in Mandarin, S=8 06.35
13610.011 IRN  22 mb has four others of Iran transmitters in action,
 and seems parked here on that channel also another Sirjan
 unit at this 06.42 UT hour, carrier and Arabic mx underneath.
 \\ 13780 kHz.
13630.008 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish, 06-12.58 UT, S=9+5dB at Doha QAT
13669.959 CHN  PBS Xinjiang Urumqi in Uyghur language, S=8 at 06.44 UT
 \\ also via Urumqi domestic bcast center on 11885.993 kHz.
13689.962 IRN  IRIB Dari sce via Sirjan strong carrier in preparation,
 05.50-08.20 requested, S=9+35dB observed in Doha Qatar SDR.
 06.47 UT on Oct 30.
13780.050 IRN  IRIB Sirjan most modern young Arabic lady presenter
 program and played modern Arabic music/singer at 06.49 UT
 S=9+25dB powerful signal.
13790.003 IRN  IRIB Sirjan also more broad audio block here S=9+40dB
 signal requested to ITU zone 39 at Arabian subcontinent,
 S=9+35dB at 06.51 UT.
13820.004 IRN  IRIB Zahedan Arabic sce, same program \\ 13790 kHz,
 at 06.53 UT.

13799.997 BUL  SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd. Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria 
 relay site is FULL in TOM BS US religious ministry business

 05-08 UT S=9+5dB in Qatar at 06.55 UT, also on two other
 channels at same time
11600even and 9400even all S=8 signals noted at Doha Qatar SDR unit.

11730.004 TUR  VoTurkey in Azeri language via Emirler, S=9+15dB
 at 07.02 UT, but hefty QRM of foreign OTHR 18 - 20 kHz 
 broadband block covered of wide Radar signal strings ...

11775even BUL  Kurdish SW radio 'Denge Welat' via SPC-NURTS 
 Spaceline Ltd. Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site,

 but at 07.06 UT on Oct 30 covered by stronger Turkish
 jammer signal from Emirler Turkey,
 played Kurdish Anatol-Osmanic music on co-channel
11775.023 kHz.

11859.963 ARS  Yemen excile radio program from Riyadh Saudi tx
 center, S=9+30dB at 07.08 UT.
9710even CVA  Vatican Radio in Ukrainian Lithurgy, S=8 even in Qatar
 at 07.15 UT.

9655.003 TUR  TRT Emirler music program, likely Georgian sce 
 but 08-08.30 UT, not 09 UT.

 S=8 in Qatar and in Hungary, when checked UNID,
Alan Holder advised new additional TRT hfcc.org changes like
9840 09:00-09:30 Georgian (ex 11:00-12:00 - B21 season) 30 minute cutback
6120 18:30-22:00 Turkish  (ex 17:00-22:00 - B21 season)
11970 12:30-13:00 Italian  (ex 15:00-15:30 on  7255 - B21 season)
17715 11:00-12:00 French   (ex 20:30-21:30 on  5970 - B21 season)
17770 09:00-09:30 Turkmen  (ex 13:00-13:30 on 11965 - B21 season)
(Alan Holder, G4ZBH, Isle of Wight, U.K., wor Oct 27)

73 wb df5sx
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at


2022-10-30 Thread Michael Bethge (WWDXC)
The latest edition (29 October 2022) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News",
compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted:


(or http://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml / https://www.wwdxc.de/topnews.shtml)

It can also be downloaded as a .txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de.

Best regards,

Michael Bethge

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: m...@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de

Datenschutzerklärung: Sie können dem Erhalt weiterer Nachrichten jederzeit
schriftlich oder elektronisch widersprechen.

Weitere Informationen zum WWDXC-Datenschutz finden Sie unter:

Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at