[HCDX] radio-archives - new website

2010-03-13 Thread Michael Schnitzer


here ist my new website:


This radio archives contains recordings of shortwave and mediumwave 
radio stations. The oldest recordings were made in the year 1969 when I 
started my DX-activities. Essentially I received the stations at home in 
Germany. Some of the transatlantic mediumwave stations I heard on 
DX-camps in Denmark by using more appropriate antenna technology.

Unfortunately many of the recorded radio stations have stopped 
broadcasting on shortwave and cannot be heard any more. On that reason 
this web page can be regarded as a historical document, too.

Happy listening to the audio files!

Michael Schnitzer, Germany
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] DX-Camp Bjerregard 2010

2010-03-10 Thread Michael Schnitzer

Hello everywhere,

here are the results of our latest DX-Camp, which took place at 
Bjerregard in Denmark from 27.2. to 6.3.2010. Bjerregard is located at 
the northwest coast of Jutland. However only the most attractive 
loggings are mentioned in the list - from the European point of view.

Personal highlights: First reception of R Eternidad, DOM, on 1700 and 
the excellent MW-signals from Vancouver.

Antennas used: 300m Beverage to Asia, South America, USA/Canada East, 
500m to USA/Canada West

 555 SCN R Ziz; 2.3., 0534, BBC nx; O=2

 570 CUB Radio Reloj; 28.2., 0645, ID, nx; O=2-3

 710 CUB R Rebelde; 2.3., 0558, ID, talk, //1620; O=2

 710 USA KNUS Denver CO, 3.3., 0626, "news-talk-radio"; O=2-3

 770 CAN CHQR Calgary AB; 2.3., 0800, sung ID, "...it's minus 3 degrees 
in downtown Calgary"; O=2

 780 USA WBBM Chicago IL; 1.3., 0620, sports nx, ID; O=3

 850 USA KOA Denver CO; 2.3., 0800, "Newsradio 8-50 KOA"; O=2

 920 USA WGHQ Kingston NY; 2.3., "9-20 WGHQ Kingston, Hudsonvalley Talk 
Radio" – nighttime power only 78 Watts; O=3

 950 USA KJR Seattle WA; 2.3., 0800, "Seattle's only all sports 
station"; O=2

 960 CAN CFAC Calgary AB; 2.3., 0800, "9-50 AM … Calgary", ESPN radio; O=2

1130 CAN CKWX Vancouver BC; 2.3., 0800, "News 11-30 … 9 degrees in 
Vancouver"; O=3-4

1140 CAN CHRB High River AB; 28.2., 0824, "Southern Alberta's Community
Radio Station AM 11-40"; O=2-3

1160 USA WYLL Chicago IL; 2.3., 0628, website www.wyll.com, promos,
talk; O=3

1200 USA KFNW West Fargo ND; 2.3., 0800, "12-hundred KFNW-AM West Fargo, 
Fargo Morehead", AP radio news; O=4

1260 CAN CFRN Edmonton AB; 2.3., 0800, "sports radio CFRN"; O=2

1290 CAN CFRD Winnipeg AB; 2.3., 0800, "...12-90 CFRD Winnipeg, a CHUM 
radio station"; O=3

1290 MEX XEDA R Trece, México DF, 5.3., 0650, ID, reports; O=2-3

1290 VEN YVLF R Puerto Cabello; 5.3., 0700, ID, latino songs; O=2-3

1300 USA KGLO Mason City IA; 5.3., 0800, "KGLO Mason City – this is your
hometown station"; O=2

1400 GRD The Harbour Light of the Windwards, 3.3., 2157, rel. px, ID; O=3-4

1410 CAN CFTE Vancouver BC; 28.2., 0820, sports info on the winter
olympics, "14-10 Team Radio"; O=4 (!)

1430 USA KCLK Asotin WA, 28.2., 0800, "14-30 KCLK", short peak during
ID; O=2

1460 USA KXNO Des Moines IA; 5.3., 0800, "14-60 KXNO Des Moines"; O=2

1470 CAN CJVB Vancouver BC; 28.2., 0750, Chinese mx, talk in Ch., "AM
14-10 CJVB Fairchild Radio"; O=4 (!)

1500 USA KSTP St. Paul MN; 2.3., 0800, "AM 15-hundred KSTP", ABC news; O=3

1510 USA KGA Spokane WA; 2.3., 0800, "Sports radio 15-10 KGA"; O=3

1520 USA KOKC Oklahoma City; 2.3., 0806, ID after news; O=1-2

1530 USA KFBK Sacramento CA; 2.3., 0805, "It’s 58 degrees in Sacramento
.. newstalk 15-30. Now back to Coast-to-Coast AM"; O=3

1550 CUB R Rebelde; 5.3., 0600, ID, Cuban mx, parallel to 1620; O=2

1610 AIA Carribean Beacon; 28.2., 0532, ID, rel.px; O=3

1630 USA KCJJ Iowa City IA; 6.3., 0600, "This is Coralvilles 16-30 KJCC
– Iowa City and Coralville"; O=3

1680 USA WTTM Lindenwold NJ; 1.3., 2200, Spanish, romantic songs, "10-80
WTTM Lindenwold Philadelphia; O=3

1700 DOM R Eternidad; 27.2., 2300, religious px, ID, anthem, c/d; O=3

1700 MEX XEPE Tecate, Baja California, 2.3., 0800, ID; O=3

2368.5 AUS R Symban (pres.), 3.3., 1715, Greek mx, talk in Greek; O=1-2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] some loggings

2010-01-04 Thread Michael Schnitzer

Hello everywhere,

1098 TWN CBS Kouhu, 4.1.10, 1500, nx in Chinese; Taiwan often mentioned; O=4

1170 PHL VoA Poro Point, 4.1.10, 1450, Chinese, English language lesson, 
ID; O=4 (S=9!)

1470 VEN R Vibración, 31.12.09, 2320, salsa, ID; O=2-3

1557 TWN WYFR, 4.1.10, 1515, rel px in E, "Open Forum", ID; O=3-4

5020 SLM SIBC, 31.12.09, 1455, phone-in, New Year's greetings, ID: 
"Radio Happy Isles" and "SIBC"; O=3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
NRD-535, EWE-antennas
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 21st Bavarian DX-Camp

2009-12-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer

Hello everywhere,

here are the results of the recent Bavarian DX-Camp, which took place 
from 24.11. to 29.11.2009.

Location: 45km north east of Nuremberg, Germany
Antennas: several Beverages in all DX-relevant directions
Antenna length: 200m to 500m

6297,2 RN de la R.A.S.D, 25.11., 2034, A, ID: "República Arabe Saharaui"
//1550 kHz; O=3

6060 RAE, 24.11., 2257, S, QRGs, address, ID; O=3

5025 ABC Katherine, 26.11., 2135, news,  // 4910 // 4835; O=4

1566 TWR Parakou, 24.11., 2100, F, talk; O=3-4

3310 R Mosoj Chaski, 27.11., 2255, talk in Quechua, música andina, ID; O=2

4409.8 R Eco, 25.11., 2245, political info, Reyes mentioned; O=2

4796.4 R Lipez, 27.11., 2315, political information, many IDs; O=2-3

4865 R Logos (presumed), 27.11., 2305, rel px, co-channel QRM Brazil
stn; O=2

5580.2 R San José (presumed), 26.11., 2230, música andina, no
announcements; O=2

5952.5 R Pio XII, 25.11., 2305, talk; O=2

6134.8 R Santa Cruz, 26.11., 2220, adv., ID, time anns, political info
on presidential elections; O=2

 680 CFTR Toronto ON (presumed), 25.11., 0005, talk; O=2

 730 CKAC Montreal QC (presumed), 29.11., 0554, songs in French; O=2

 740 CHCM Marystown NL, 29.11., 0524, "CHCM" sung ID, oldies; peaks O=2-3

1050 CHUM Toronto ON (presumed), 29.11., 0610, reports on Canadian
issues; O=3

1400 HJKM Em. Mariana de Bogotá, 28.11., 0648, talk, ID; peaks O=3-4

5910 Marfil Estero, 24.11., 2313, talk; O=3

710 R Rebelde, 26.11., 0655, ID, nx, //5025; O=2

4319 AFRTS, 24.11., 2008; O=3

5010 R Pueblo, 24.11., 2255, Bachata-mx, ID; O=3

6025 R Amanecer (presumed), 24.11., 2327, talk in S; O=2

3280 La Voz del Napo, 26.11., 0002, rel. px, prayers; O=2

5005 R Nacional Bata, 26.11., 2210, "campaña electoral del partido
democrático de Guinea Ecuadorial", ID; O=3-4

5765 AFRTS Guam, 27.11., 1610, nx, sports, ID; O=2-3

3325 RRI Palangkaraya, 26.11., 2145, soft pop, talk, local ID; O=3-4
3976 RRI Pontianak (presumed), 27.11., 1550, talk, music; O=1-2

3925 R Nikkei, 27.11., 2225, talk in Japanese; O=3

4800 XERTA (presumed), 27.11., 0630, soft pop, talk; O=2

5770 Defence Forces R, 27.11., 1456, talk, music, s/off 1528; O=2-3

7145 Lao National R, 24.11., 2330, px in Vietnamese, ID; O=3

3260 R Madang, 27.11., 1925, talk in Pidgin, south sea music, pop song
"I hear you knocking", clear ID; O=3-4

3315 R Manus (presumed), 27.11., 1945, south sea music; O=2

3325 R Buka (presumed), 27.11., 1955, south sea singing; O=2

3365 R Milne Bay, 27.11., 1935, talk in E, soft pop, Alotau mentioned; O=2-3

3329.5 Ondas del Huallaga, 26.11., 2240, música andina, ID; O=2

4746.9 R Huanta 2000, 24.11., Quechua talk, mx andina, ID; O=2-3

4790 R Visión, 26.11., 0655, "programación de la iglesia Pentecostal",
ID, QRGs, phone number in Chiclayo, audible till 0830 (!); O=3

4950.1 R Madre de Dios, 25.11., 2210, huayno-mx, ID; O=2

4955 R Cultural Amauta, 25.11., 2220, local nx, ID; O=2

4965 R Santa Mónica, 25.11., 2225, adv., tent. ID, audible under CVC
Lusaka; O=1-2

4986.8 R Manantial, 26.11., 2305, huayno mx, rel px, clear ID, also:
"Voz Cristiana, la Radio del Perú", drift from 4991?, audible only this
day; O=3

6173.9 R Tawantinsuyo, 26.11., 0015, talk, ID; O=2

4990 R Apintie (presumed), 26.11., 2200, talk in Dutch (pres.); O=1-2

846 Vo Kuanghua, 24.11., 2020, talk in Chinese; O=4

 620 CKCM Grand Falls NL, 25.11., 2315, soft pop, VOCM-ID; O=4

 660 WFAN New York NY, 24.11., 2354, sports, talk, ID; O=2-3

 760 WJR Detroit MI, 25.11., 0546, talk; O=2

 930 WBEN Buffalo NY, 25.11., 2355, "WBEN news time..."; O=2-3

1130 WBBR New York NY, 26.11., 0703, financial news; O=3

1500 WFED Washington DC, 25.11., 0752, talk, ID, O=2-3

1510 WWZN Boston MA, 24.11., 2037, reports, legal ID, CNN news, Tom
Hardman; O=2-3

1520 WWKB Buffalo NY, 27.11., 0650, adv credit card, ID: "WWKB Buffalo",
audible till 0845! O=3

1690 WPTX Lexington Park MD, 24.11., 2105, talk, ID; O=2-3

1700 KVNS Brownsville TX, 26.11., 0015, "news and weather on 1700-KVNS"; O=3

4965 CVC Christian Voice, 24.11., 1900, E, rel. px, ID; O=2-3

Michael Schnitzer

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] MW-DX-Camp Bjerregard - Denmark

2009-03-11 Thread Michael Schnitzer

Hello everywhere,

here are the results of our latest DX-camp.

Time: 28.2. - 7.3.2009
Location: Bjerregard - Denmark
Receivers: SDR, Perseus, ICOM R-75, NRD-535
Antennas: 300-500m Beverage to Asia, South America, North America East, 
North America West

Participants: four mediumwave enthusiasts

Some audio files here:


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

kHz  ITU  Callsign  Station  Location  Details  Quality  UTC  Date

570 CUB CMDC R Reloj; nx, many IDs;   G   0625   2/3

580 CAN CFRA Ottawa ON; "news on CFRA..";   W   2300   2/3

590 CAN VOCM St. John's NL; news, ID;   W   2130   1/3

600 CAN CBNA St. Anthony NL (pres.); CBC-website mentioned;   F   0745   6/3

610 CAN CHNC New Carlisle QC; talk in French;   W   0615   2/3

620 CAN CKCM Grand Falls NL; soft pop, adv., VOCM-ID;   W/F   2320   3/3

650 GRL KNR Qeqertarsuaq; Greenlandic, country music, nx, talk,  //3815 
USB;   W/F   2045   1/3

660 USA WFAN New York NY; sports, ID;   W   2250   1/3

670 CUB R Rebelde; Caribbean music, ID, //5025;   F   0615   6/3

680 USA WRKO Boston MA; adv., Fox News, ID, sometimes mix with CFTR;   G 
  0630   3/3

680 CAN CFTR Toronto ON; traffic news, weather; "6-80 news time";   G 
0620   1/3

684 IRN IRIB Mashad; Farsi, ID, traditional Iranian music;   W/F   1614 

700 USA WLW Cincinnati OH; "Newsradio 7-hundred WLW";   F   0501   3/3

710 CUB R Rebelde; political information, //5025;   W   0820   2/3

710 USA WOR New York NY; "New York Radio" & "news-talk-radio", adv;   F 
  0621   6/3

730 CAN CKAC Montréal QC (pres.); talk in F, phone-in;   W   0620   6/3

740 CAN CFZM Toronto ON; oldies, ID;   F   0640   2/3

750 USA WSB Atlanta GA; only "WSB Atlanta" heard between CBC Radio One 
ID and CBC jingle;   W   0500   3/3

760 USA WCHP Champlain NY; "WCHP Champlain closing ..this broadcasting 
day..", s/off announcement;   F   2300   2/3

770 USA WABC New York NY; adv, ID;   F   0630   6/3

780 VEN YVMN R Coro; salsa music, ID;   W/F   0650   1/3

820 CAN CHAM Hamilton ON; news, "Hamilton Ontario" mentioned;   W   0700 

830 USA WCRN Worcester MA; "AM 8-30 WCRN";   W   0600   3/3

860 CAN CJBC Toronto (pres.); French, french songs;   F   0625   4/3

870 USA WWL New Orleans LA; "8-70 WWL New Orleans,10-5-3 WWL New Orleans 
FM";   W   0500   3/3

880 USA WCBS New York NY; finance news, ID;   F   0650   3/3

920 CAN CKNX Wingham ON, news, pops, ID;   W   0605   5/3

930 CAN CFBC Saint John NB; oldies, "Oldies Radio 9-30 CFBC";   F/G 2320 

930 USA WBEN Buffalo NY; music, adv, ID;   G   0630   5/3

940 CAN CINW Montréal QC; "Montréal Radio broadcasting from town to 
town", oldies;   F   0705   4/3

950 CAN CKNB Campbellton NB; ID, oldies;   F      3/3

960 USA WEAV Plattsburgh NY; "Fox talk, news talk, sports talk, todays 
talk …9-60 AM Plattsburgh...", Fox news;   F   0600   3/3

970 MEX XERFR R Fórmula, México DF, "XERFR 970 AM" and "Grupo Fórmula"; 
  G (peaks)   0620   6/3

970 USA WZAN Portland ME; Phil Henry Show, "9-70 WZAN";   G   0620   5/3

1010 CAN CFRB Toronto ON; website, adv., ID: „10-10“   F/G   0650   5/3

1020 USA KDKA Pittsburg PA; "Newsradio 10-20 KDKA";   W   0600   3/3

1030 USA WBZ Boston MA; "WBZ Newsradio";   G   2305   1/3

1070 PRT WMIA Arecibo; S, latino music, ID;   F   0658   1/3

1080 USA WTIC Hartford CT; weather, ID;   W/F   0633   1/3

1098 TWN CBS Taiwan (pres.); talk in Ch;   W/F   1550   1/3

1100 USA WTAM Cleveland OH; "WTAM 11-hundred";   W   0600   3/3

1130 USA WBBR New York NY; finance news, "Bloomberg Radio";   G   0655   1/3

1200 USA WOAI San Antonio TX; ID during play of LA Clippers, shortly 
over CFGO;   F   0600   3/3

1250 USA  WGAM Manchester NH; "Sportsradio WGAM Manchester";  W    3/3

1320 CAN CHMB Vancouver BC (tent); Chinese talks;   W   0559   3/3

1320 USA WBOB Jacksonville FL; "AM 13-20 WBOB", ABC news;   F (peaks) 

1330 USA WLOL Minneapolis MN; "This is Relevant Radio 13-30 WLOL 
Minneapolis, St. Paul";   W   0600   3/3

1360 USA WDRC Hartford CT; "Talk of Conneticut WDRC AM 13-60";   W 0603 

1370 USA WDEA Ellsworth ME; "AM 13-70 WDEA Ellsworth";   F      3/3

1386 KOR HLAM MBC Mokpo (pres.); pop-mx, man in Korean, sung ID 
"...Mokpo";   F (peaks)   1845   5/3

1390 USA WEGP Presque Isle ME; finance news, ID, weather in Presque 
Isle; peaks S9+10;   G2225   1/3

1390 PTR WISA Cadena Radio Puerto Rico; talk in S, PTR mentioned;   G 
2240   28/2

1395 CHN Anhui Shenghuo Diantai, Hefei (pres.); Ch, many references to 
Anhui;   G   2230   5/3

1400 CAN CBG Gander NL; country mx, ID: "This is CBC Radio 

[HCDX] 20th Bavarian DX-Camp

2008-12-04 Thread Michael Schnitzer

1670 USA WVVM Dry Branch GA, 30.11., 0659, S, mx, announcement: "La
Viva"; O=2

1680 USA WPRR Ada MI, 30.11., 0258, "You are listening to AM 16-80
WPRR ….network"; O=2

1690 CAN CHTO Toronto ON, 29.11., 0758, "CHTO AM 16-90 Toronto", Greek
music; O=3

1690 USA WPTX Lexington Park MD (pres), 25.11., 2200, E, nx, O=2

1700 USA KVNS Brownsville TX, 29.11., 0720, E, ID, oldies, slogan: "1700
KVNS"; O=3

1700 USA WJCC Miami Springs FL, 29.11., 2359, Sp, ID "WJCC" and Sp
songs; O=3

2485 AUS VL8K, 29.11., 2027, Oldies, nx, O=3 //2310 //2325

3325 INS RRI Palangkaraya, 27.11., 1458, BI, ID, gamelan music; O=3

3329,6 PRU Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 26.11., 2301, S, advertisement; O=2

3365 PNG NBC Milne Bay (pres), 27.11., 1936, E, pop music, news, anthem;

3905 PNG R New Ireland, 25.11., 1930, Pidgin, signing on, pops, nx in E
20.00; O=2

3935.1 NZL ZLXA Radio Reading Service, 26.11., 1500, nx relay of
National Radio, very weak signal; O=1-2

3976,1 INS RRI Pontianak, 27.11., 1516, BI, ID, gamelan music with
singing; O=3

3995 INS RRI Kendari (pres), 27.11., 1550, BI, pops; O=2

4319 DGA AFRTS Diego Garcia, 26.11., 2318, E, talk, mx, USB; O=3

4699.3 BOL R San Miguel, Riberalta, 25.11., 2205, adv., ID: "Radio San
Miguel desde la privincia de Pando"; O=3

4746,9 PRU R Huanta 2000, 29.11., 2220, S, latino music, ID; O=3

4750 BGD Bangladesh Betar, 28.11., 1539, E, nx, ID; O=2

4765 TJK Tajik Radio, 26.11., 1755, Vn, talk, mx, ID; O=4

4790 PRU R Visión, Chiclayo, 25.11., 2250, S, rel. px, ID; O=2

4790 INS RRI Fak Fak, 29.11., 2104, BI, anthem; O=2

4800 MEX XERTA R Transcontinental, 30.11., 0726, S, ID, rel. px; O=3

4828 ZWE Voice of Zimbawe, 26.11., 1805, E, nx, Afro pop; O=2

4835 AUS VL8A Alice Springs, 25.11., 2130, nx, ID; O=3-4

4835 AUS VL8A Alice Springs, 30.11., 0735, talk, pop mx, reception via
long path (!); O=2  //4910

4895 MNG Mongolian Radio, 26.11., 2102, Vn, mx; O=4

4940 PRU R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 29.11., 2225, S, rel. px, organ
music; O= 2

5024.9 PRU R Quillabamba, 25.11., 2310, S, talk, ID, under Rebelde; O=1-2

5066,3 COD RT Candip, 28.11., 1638, F/Vn, ID, Afro pop, closing down,
16.38 s/off; O=3

5120 PRU R Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, 30.11., 0004, S, talk; O=2

5770 BRM Defence Forces BC, 26.11., 1525, local language, closing down;

5950 ETH Voice of Tigray Revolution (pres), 28.11., 1555, Vn, talk; O=3

6010 MEX R Mil, 30.11., 0728, S, talk, mx; O=2

6035 BTN BBS Thimpu, 29.11., , monk singing; O=2

6160 CAN CKZN St. John's, 26.11., 2346, E, talk, ID, "CBC Radio One"; O=2

6700 AFG R Solh Bagram (pres), 26.11., 2135, Vn, traditional and modern
Afghan music; O=3

7260 MNG Mongolian Radio, 27.11., 0739, Mongolian, ID, reports and nice
music; O=3

9705 NGR La Voix du Sahel, 26.11., 2200, F/Vn, ID, Afro pop; O=4

9720.1 PRU R Victoria, Lima, 26.11., 2140, S, rel. px, ID; O=2

Michael Schnitzer

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] DX-Camp in Denmark

2008-02-19 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

once again I spent some nice days in Denmark. We were a group of 4 radio 
enthusiasts from southern Germany. We rented a holiday cottage at the Danish 
west coast. There was place enough for Beverage antennas up to 500 m to all 
relevant DX directions.

Here now the reception results of the recent DX-Camp:


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   20m long wire
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] 19th Bavarian DX-Camp

2007-12-04 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

here are the results of the 19th Bavarian DX-Camp.

Participants: Thomas Berner, Erwin Duldner, Walter Fürstenhöfer, Roland 
Höller, Rudi Schneeberger, Michael Schnitzer, Wolfgang Seyfried

Location: 45km north east of Nuremberg, Germany

Antennas: 7 Beverages up to 300m to all relevant DX-directions

More information and some pictures can be found on my website:  

1620  WDHP Frederiksted USVI, 29.11., 0500, BBC-news; O=3

4950  R Nacional do Angola, 01.12., 2108, news, music, ID; O=2

1620  R Italia, 28.11., 0047, S, interview, ID; O=2-3

2325  ABC Katherine, 30.11., 1925, report on Armenia, excellent signal, // 
2310; O=4

4835  ABC Alice Springs, 29.11., 2135, news; O=3

5025  ABC Katherine, 29.11., 2140, news, weather, ID; O=4

5025  ORTB Parakou, 30.11., 1940, F, talk, ID; O=3

6035  Bhutan BS, 28.11., 0005, signing on, drums and trumpets; O=4

4650.3  R Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 29.11., 2225, religious program; O=2

4699.3  R San Miguel, Riberalta, 27.11., 2210, mensajes, ID, fine signal that 
day; O=3-4

4716.7  R Yura, 29.11., 2215, Latino music, ID: 
"Transmitiendo en onda corta ... Radio Yura"; O=2

4796.4  R Mallku (presumed), Uyuni, 30.11., 2220, religious program; O=2

4875.9  R Estambul (presumed), Guayaramerín, 28.11., 2225, advertisement, 
Guayaramerín mentioned; O=2

5580.2  R San José, San José de Chiquitos, 30.11., 2208, flute music, ID; O=3

5952.5  R Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 29.11., 2325, talk, ID; O=2

9624.8  R Fides, La Paz, 29.11., 2205, adv. "Banco Central de Bolivia", news 
magazine; O=3

5910  Marfil Estéreo, 27.11., 2230, latino-pop, ID; O=3-4

6010  La Voz de tu Conciencia, 30.11., 0052, music, ID; O=2

6035  La Voz del Guaviare, 30.11., 0012, news, ID; O=3

CONGO (Dem. Rep.)
5066.3  R Candip, 27.11., 1600, Vn, talk; O=1-2

6025.1  R Amanecer, 01.12., 0017, endless talk, ID; O=2

5005  R Nacional, 28.11., 2215, S, news, ID; O=4

4777  Rdiff. Gabonaise, 28.11., 1615, F, African music, talk; O=3

4052.5  R Verdad, Chiquimula, 30.11., 0133, music, ID; O=2

4780  R Cultural Coatán, San Sebastián de Coatán, 27.11., 2300, religious 
program, ID; O=3

3995  RRI Kendari, 29.11., 2150, local news ("informasi"), Kendari often 
mentioned, fine signal; O=3-4

4605  RRI Serui, 29.11., 1430, Indonesian soft pop music; O=2-3

4790  RRI Fak-Fak, 29.11., 1445, soft pop, talk; O=2-3

4870  RRI Wamena, 30.11., 2030, soft pop music, local ID; O=3-4

3925 Nikkei Radio, 28.11., 2200, J, news, ID in E; O=3-4

4450  KCBS Pyongyang, 28.11., 2213, Vn, music, // 2850; O=2

4795  Kyrgyz Radio 1, 29.11., 2324, Vn, music, // 4010; O=2

4760  ELWA, 30.11., 2225, E, religious program; O=2

5010  R Madagascar, 28.11., 1800, Vn, African music, talk, ID as 
"Radio Madagascar" and not Radio Malagasy as noted in the WRTH; O=4

5995  R Mali, 27.11., 2110, F, news, ID; O=2

1470  XEAI  R Fórmula, 30.11., 0555, national anthen at 0600, news, 
Presidente Calderón often mentioned, ID: 
"Radio Fórmula en toda la República Mexicana"; O=3 (peaks)

1500  XEDF  R Fórmula, 29.11., 0630, talk, ID: "Cadena Radio Uno"; O=2

1570  XERF La Poderosa, Ciudad Acuña, 01.12., 0558, ID: 
"XERF La más grande de México", Mexican music; O=4

4810  XERTA (presumed), 02.12., 0542, talk; O=2

5770  Defence Forces BC, 29.11., 1455, Vn, soft pop music, talk, Myanmar 
mentioned; O=4

5985.8  MRTV (presumed), 01.12., 1535, Vn, traditional music, choir singing; 

4770  FRCN Kaduna, 29.11., 1650, E, talk, ID; O=2

3315  R Manus, Lorengau, 28.11., 1925, choir singing, // 3335; O=2

3335  R East Sepik, Wewak, 29.11., 1900, E, signing on, announcement of all 
local frequencies, relay of National Service, fantastic quality, armchair 
listening; O=4

3365  R Milne Bay, Alotau, 30.11., 1915, E, south sea singing, local news 
1930, presumed ID; O=2

3905  R New Ireland, Kavieng, 29.11., 1920, E, German folk music, ID, news at 
1930; O=3

4746.9  R Huanta 2000, Huanta, 27.11., 2215, Cumbia, ID; O=3

4775 R Tarma, 27.11., 2305, announcement of frequencies, ID; O=2

4790.1  R Visión, Chiclayo, 28.11., 0640, religious program, ID; O=3

4857.5  R La Hora, Cusco, 28.11., 2305, political information, advertisement, 
ID; O=2

4940 R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 30.11., 2210, romantic songs, ID; O=2-3

4955 R Cultural Amauta, 29.11., 2230, huayno music; O=3

5014.3  R Altura, Cerro de Pasco, 29.11., 2320, comunicados, time 
announcement, ID, distorted audio; O=2-3

5024.9  R Quillabamba, 27.11., 2245, mensajes, ID, QRM Rebelde; O=2

5486.7  R Reina de la Selva (presumed), Chachapoyas, 30.11., 2230, latino 
music, O=2

6019.5  R Victoria, Lima, 30.11., 2307, ID:

[HCDX] MW-DX-Camp Denmark

2007-03-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

the results of the recent DX-camp in Denmark can be seen here:


Some pictures of the last year's camp as well as background information can be 
found here:


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
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Preorder your WRTH 2007:
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] MW-logging

2006-12-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
heard this morning:


1470  R Fórmula, December 14th, 0650-0705, advertisement, news, ID; O=2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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Preorder your WRTH 2007:
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] 18th Bavarian DX-camp

2006-11-29 Thread Michael Schnitzer
18th Bavarian DX-camp  November 21st - November 26th 2006

QTH: Ebermannstadt, 45km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany

Antennas: seven Beverage antennas with 300m length

Participants: Thomas Berner, Erwin Duldner, Walter Fuerstenhöfer, Roland 
Hoeller, Rudi Schneeberger, Wolfgang Seyfried, Michael Schnitzer

Background information on the camp: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/



2310  ABC Alice Springs, November 21st, 2035, news, weather in Alice Springs, 
station "booming in" with O=3-4


6035  BBS Thimpu, November 23rd, 0030, monk singing, traditional music, ID; O=3


3310  R Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, November 22nd,  00.03, program in Spanish 
and native language, flute music, ID; O=3

4409.8  R Eco, Reyes, November 22nd, 0050, romantic songs, ID; O=2-3

4498.1  R Estambul, Guayaramerín, November 23rd, 2330, salsa music, 
Guayaramerín mentioned; O=2

4650.3  R Santa Ana, SA de Yacuma, November 24th, 2220, religious program; O=3

4716.8  R Yura, November 24th, 2210, nice Andean music; O=2-3

4796.5  R Mallku, Uyuni, November 23rd, 2300, news, political information, 
ID; O=2-3

4928.5  R San Miguel (presumed), Riberalta, November 22nd, 0030, talks, 
Riberalta mentioned, bad modulation; O=2

5952.5  R Pio XII, November 24th, 2342, talk; O=2


4765  R Rural, Santarém, November 21st,  2327, pop music, ID; O=3

4785,1  R Caiarí, Porto Velho, November 21st,  2257, pop music, ID; O=3

4876.4  R Difusora, Boa Vista, November 25th, 2330, religious program; O=3


1070  CBA Moncton (presumed), NB, November 24th, 0752, feature on folk music 
from England, folk mx; O=3


6165  R Diff. Nationale Tchadienne, November 22nd, 2208, French, talk, Chad 
mentioned; O=4


1070  HJCG Radio Santa Fe (presumed), Santa Fe de Bogota, November 23rd, 
0738, Spanish songs, time announcement 0238; O=3 (peaks)

5910  Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, November 21st,  2348, "El Condor pasa", // 
6009.5, ID in E; O=3


1640  Radio Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo, November 25th, 0316, speech of 
the Pope, songs, Radio Católica Mundial program; O=3

1680  R Senda, San Pedro de Macoris, November 23rd, 2245, Christian songs, 
phone number, ID: "Emisora de Dios Radio Senda"; O=2-3


3279.6  La Voz del Napo, Tena, November 24th, 0117, talk, ID; O=2


4052.5  R Verdad, Chiquimula, November 24th, 0126, religious program, ID; O=3

4780  R Cultural, Coatán, November 24th, 0124, Latino music, Coatán 
mentioned; O=2


1385.9  R Rural, November 22nd, 2215, long talk in local language; O=3


3291.1  Guyana BC, November 21st, 2245, talks and interviews on economic 
issues, ID: "Your are listening to the Voice of Guyana"; O=3


1566  AIR Nagpur, November 24th, 1546, English, ID: 
"This is All India Radio"; O=3-4

4760  AIR Leh, November 23rd, 0211, drums, Buddhist temple music, ID in local 
language; O=3

4760  AIR Port Blair, November 23rd, 2355, announcement of QRGs, ID; O=3

4830  AIR Jammu & Kashmir, November 24th, 1741, annoucement of QRG, ID: 
„Radio Kashmir"; O=4

4870  AIR Gangtok, November 24th, 1925, English and Hindi, world news, Indian 
music, ID; O=3


3215.1 UNID RRI-station (presumed Manado), November 24th, 2015, pop songs, 

3266.4  RRI Gorontalo, November 21st, 2125, discussion, phone-in; O=3

3345  RRI Ternate, November 21st, 2115, talk, Indonesian pop song, local ID; 
dominating over Channel Africa on the Asia-antenna; O=2-3

4605  RRI Serui, November 22nd, 2045, soft pop songs, local ID; O=2

4750  RRI Makassar (presumed), November 21st, 2204, woman in Indonesian; O=2

4790  RRI Fak-Fak, November 24th, 2023, pop music, ID; O=2

4870  RRI Wamena, November 22nd, 2025, south sea music, local ID; O=2

4874.6  RRI Sorong, November 21st, 2055, south sea music, news 2100, local 
ID; O=3-4


3925  R Nikkei, November 21st, 2155, word program, ID: "Nikkei"; O=3


1467  HLKN KBS Mokpo, N
ovember 22nd, 1356, ID, phone call, AM/FM frequencies, news; O=4 (peaks)

1566  HLAZ (presumed), Cheju, November 22nd, 1922, man in Japanese; O=3 (peaks)

3930  KBS-1, November 21st, 1930, male voice; O=2


1470  XEAI Radio Fórmula, México Ciudad, November 22nd, 0525, reports, ID: 
"Radio Fórmula XEAI"; O=2-3

4810  XERTA R Transcontinental, November 22nd, 030
1, word program, ID; O=2

6185  R Educación, November 22nd, 0258, time announcement, ID; O=4


4830  Mongoliin Radio, November 23rd, 2231, Chinese sounding music, news, // 
7260, ID; O=4


1602  R Seagull, November 21st, 1932, pop music, ID in English; O=4


3935.1  ZLXA Radio Reading Service (presumed), November 24th, 1710, female 
voice in E; O=1-2


9705  La Voix du Sahel, November 22nd, 1918, French, news, ID; O=3


4790  Azad Kashmir Radio, November 24th, 0144, religious singing, Quran 

[HCDX] 18th Bavarian DX-camp

2006-11-29 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

the results of the recent Bavarian DX-camp can be seen here:


Michael Schnitzer

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Preorder your WRTH 2007:
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] 18th Bavarian DX-camp audio clips

2006-11-28 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello once again,

here can be found two audio clips of Radio East Sepik (PNG) and Radio Senda 


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] Latino-DX

2006-09-17 Thread Michael Schnitzer

4901.3  R San Miguel, Riberalta, September 17th, 0240, flute music, Riberalta 
mentioned; O=2


5910 Marfil Estereo, September 17th, 0340, Latino pop, ID: 
"Marfil Estereo desde Colombia"; O=3-4

6009.5  La Voz de tu Conciencia, September 17th, 0330, Christian songs, ID in 
E and Sp; O=3


3375.1  R San Antonio, Padua de Callalli, September 17th, 0250, romantic 
songs, presumed ID; O=2

4775 R Tarma, September 17th, 0230, Huayno music, ID; O=2

4790.2  R Visión, Chiclayo, September 17th, 0220, religious program, ID: 
"La palabra de Dios en Radio Visión"; O=2

4835.5  R Marañón (presumed), Jaen, September 17th, 0235, Andean music, O=1-2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] once again 4990

2006-05-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
my former logging:

> 4990 R Transmundial, May 12th, 2130-2200, Portuguese, religious program, 
> several IDs; O=2-3

Thanks to all who sent comments on this item. In the meantime I checked my 
recording and the ID in Portuguese language is as follows: 
"CVC Transmundial". I also can offer a small sound file.

good DX

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] Correction

2006-05-13 Thread Michael Schnitzer
may be new on this frequency:

> 4990 R Transmundial, May 12th, 2130-2200, Portuguese, religious program, 
> several IDs; O=2-3

It's not Brasil. It's South Africa. Thanks to the a-dx-list crew for the 

Michael Schnitzer

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] Transmundial on 4990

2006-05-13 Thread Michael Schnitzer
may be new on this frequency:

4990 R Transmundial, May 12th, 2130-2200, Portuguese, religious program, 
several IDs; O=2-3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 


2006-02-17 Thread Michael Schnitzer
heard this morning:

9543.3  SIBC (presumed), February 17th, 0655, southsea singing, QRM DW; O=1

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is out. 
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] transatlantic mediumwave audio clips

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

I compiled a special webpage with audio clips of transatlantic mediumwave 


The most stations were heard on DX-camps with Beverage antennas up to 450 

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 

[HCDX] 80 mediumwave loggings

2006-02-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

here are all transatlantic mediumwave-loggings from the recent DX-camp in 


Also 16 audio clips can be heard.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

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World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is out. 
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] DX-Camp in Denmark

2006-01-29 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

once again we spent a nice DX-week at Vorupør in Denmark. We had very good 
openings towards the north American east coast. Our two highlights: On 680 
KBRW Barrow became audible one day. It was the first time that we succeeded 
to receive a station from Alaska. We also were happy to listen to the Japanese 
station KBC Fukuoka on 1413. Altogether the mediumwave was dominating due to 
a very low A-index the first two days.

Participants: Thomas Berner, Rudolf Schneeberger, Michael Schnitzer


300m Beverage to South America
450m Beverage to North America
180m Beverage to East Asia
200m Beverage to Middle East
EWE-antenna with zero point to Central Europe
long wire

I still have to check my mp3-files. I will put the best recordings on my 
website the next days.


1610  The Caribbean Beacon (presumed), The Valley, 24/1, 0215, religious 
program; O=3


6035  BBS, Thimphu, 27/1, 0100, signing on, Buddhist monk singing; O=3


590   VOCM St. John's NL, 26/1, 0005, advertisement, ID; O=4

620   CKCM Grand Falls NL; 21/1, 2033, VOCM-ID, news; O=3

640   CBN St. John's NL, 25/1, 2355, CBC program "As it Happens", CBC-news; O=4

650   CKGA Gander NL, 24/1, 1956, country music, VOCM-ID, mixing with KNR; O=3-4

710   CKVO Clarenville NL, 24/1, 1940, pop music, promo for VOCM and KFC; O=3-4

740   CHCM Marystown NL, 24/1, 1930, local and VOCM-CFBC-Ids; O=3-4

740   CHWO Toronto ON (presumed), 22/1, 0740, nostalgic music, "AM 7-40"; O= 3-4

750   CBGY Bonavista Bay NL, 24/1, 2010, news, report about the results of 
the Canadian elections, CBC-ID; O=3

780   CFDR Dartmouth NS, 23/1, 0017, country music, 
"Classic Country 780 KIXX"; O=4

790   CFNW Port au Choix NL (presumed), 24/1, 2025, country music, St. John's 
mentioned; O=2

800   VOWR St. 
John's NL, 26/1, 0935, "easy listening music", ID: "VOWR from St. John's"; O=3

920   CJCH  Halifax NS, 25/1, 0958, sports results, "6:04 on CJCH"; O=3-4

930   CJYQ St. John's NL, 26/1, 2355, pop music, advertisement, ID: "Radio 
Newfoundland"; O=4

940   CINW Montreal QC, 23/1, 0044, weather report, "The new 9-40 Montreal; 

950   CKNB Cambellton NB, 23/1, 0020, weather report, "95 CKNB"; O=4

1070  CBA Moncton NB, 21/1, 2015, rock music, // 1400; O=3

1140  CBI  Sydney NS, 22/1, 0848, classical music, // 1070; O=3-4

1200  CFGO Ottawa ON, 22/1, 0902, advertisement for Petrol Canada, 
"The Team 1200"; O=4

1320  CKEC New Glasgow NS, 22/1, 2339, oldies of the 30s and 40s, weather 
report, ID: "CKEC Radio New Glasgow"; O=4

1400  CBG Gander NL, 21/1, 2104, 
"You are listening to … on CBC Radio 1 and CBC Radio 2"; O=3-4

1570  CFAV Laval QC, 25/1, 0852, oldies, "Boomer AM 15-70"; O=4


981CNR 1 (presumed), 22/1, 1405, advertisement; O=3

1134  CNR 1, 23/1, 1711, traditional Chinese music, // 4800; O=3

1593  CNR 1, 22/1, 2003, man in Chinese, // 4800; O=3


6035  La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare, 26/1, 2253, LA-pop, many 
IDs; O=3


620CMGN  R Rebelde, Colón, 27/1, 0040, soccer match, // 5025; O=2

670CMBA  R Rebelde, Arroyo Arenas, 25/1, 2323, political speech, // 5025; 

740CMJL  R Progreso, Camagüey, 25/1, 0155, political reports, ID: 
"Radio Progreso en toda la República Cubana"; O=3

1120  CMCH  R Cadena Habana, Artemisa, 25/1, 0832, US pop music, ID: 
"Radio Cadena Habana"; O=3-4

1180  CMDB  R Rebelde, Mayarí Arriba, 23/1, 0033, political speech, // 5025; 


1640  R Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo, 25/1, 0045, Christian songs, ID: 
"Radio Juventus Don Bosco en la frecuencia de 1640 kHz, una voz para 
publicación del amor"; 


6940  R Fana, 23/1, 1927, Vn, pop music, // 6219; O=3


650KNR Qeqertarsuaq (presumed), 21/1, 1801, woman in Greenlandic; O=3


4052.5  R Verdad (presumed), Chiquimula, 24/1, 2324, religious program; O=3

4779.9  R Cultural Coatán, San Sebastián Coatán, 23/1, 2330, music from GTM, 
man in indigene 
language, ID; O=3 (bad modulation)


3249.7  R Luz y Vida, 23/1, 2350, religious program, ID; O=2


1260  AIR Ambikapur (presumed), 25/1, 0230, modern Indian music, // 1206, O=3-4

1395  AIR Bikaner, 23/1, 1724, instrumental music, // 1467 // 3315; O=3

1467  AIR Jeypore, 23/1, 1555, instrumental music, // 3315; O=3-4

1566  AIR Nagpur, 23/1, 1548, news in English; O=4

3390  AIR Gangtok, 26/1, 1600, news, ID, 1601 s/off; O=2

4760  AIR Port Blair, 25/1, 0015, modern Indian music, ID; O=3


3376.1  RRI Pontianak, 24/1, 2315, interviews, ID; O=3


891IRIB Yasui, 24/1, 1526, Farsi (presumed), traditional Iranian music; O=3

1332  Teheran City Radio, 23/1, 0044, traditional sitar music and 
recitations, ID; O=3-4


1206  Kol Israel, 22/1, 1540, Arabic, 

Re: [HCDX] Sobre Radio Eslovaca.

2006-01-04 Thread Michael Schnitzer

>Saludos cordiales, ayer en la emisión de Radio Eslovaquia en español 
> hubo una entrevista

this is an English-language list !!!
esta es una lista de lengua inglesa

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Germany / Alemania
Verschicken Sie romantische, coole und witzige Bilder per SMS!
Jetzt bei WEB.DE FreeMail: http://f.web.de/?mc=021193

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] two loggings

2005-12-20 Thread Michael Schnitzer

1620  R Giovanni Paolo II, December 20th, 0700, Italian, inauguration of Pope 
John Paul II, "Habemus Papam", ID: 
"Ascolta anche tu la radio dei giovani, ascolta Radio Giovanni Paolo Secondo" 
(hear also you the radio of the youth, hear Radio Giovanni Paolo II); O=2


6135  R República, December 19th, 2255, Spanish, anti Castro program, 
annoucement of new frequency 6135 followed by words of Pope John Paul II, ID: 
"Esta es Radio República, voz del directorio democrático Cubano, transmitiendo 
para Cuba en 9955 kHz en la banda de 31 metros. Radio República con fé en la 

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is out. 
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Afternoon-DX

2005-12-16 Thread Michael Schnitzer
heard this afternoon:

1557  TWN  WYFR, December 16th, 1450, English, religious phone-in program; O=3

1566  KOR  FEBC (presumed), HLAZ Jeju, December 16th, 1440, Chinese, OM 
talking; O=2

1575  THA  VoA Ayutthaya, December 16th, 1405, Vietnamese (presumed), English 
lesson; O=2-3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is coming out. 
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] addition to 17th Bavarian DX-Camp

2005-12-10 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello once again,

all loggings are corrected now and can be found on my website:


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is coming out. 
Order yours from 

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] 17th Bavarian DX-Camp

2005-12-06 Thread Michael Schnitzer
.3  R Emisora Bolivar (presumed), December 3rd, 2300, pasillos; O=1
5486.7  R Reina de la Selva, November 30th, 2355, pasillo music, 
advertisement, tips on local events, ID; O=2
6020.3  R Victoria, December 2nd, 2300, religious program, ID; O=2
6188 R Oriente, November 30th, 2235, advertisement, ID; O=2
6193.4  R Cusco, December 2nd, 2230, huayno music, ID; O=2
6520.4  R Paucartambo (presumed), December 2nd, 2312, Andean music; O=2

1660  WGIT Canovanas, December 3rd, 0010, soft pop, ID "La Gigante"; O=3

5019.9  SIBC, December 1st, English, prayers, local weather in Honiara, ID; O=3

4990  R Apintie, November 30th, 2345, Dutch, talks, opera music; O=2

1476  R Thailand (presumed), December 3rd, 0004, talk in local language, 
fading out 0010; O=2

279  Türkmen Radiosi, December 3rd, 2336, traditional music, // 5015; O=3

1130  WBBR New York, NY, December 3rd, 0227, talk "Bloomberg Radio", ID; O=2
1390  WPLM Plymouth, MA, December 3rd, 0120, talk, ID; O=2
1500  WTOP Washington DC, December 3rd, 0025, talk, ID; O=2
1510  WWZN Boston, MA, December 3rd, 0053, talk, ID; O=2
1540  WDCD Albany (presumed), NY, December 3rd, 0329, religious program, 
address in Albany; O=2
1650  WHKT (presumed), December 2nd, 0102, pop music, Mambo No 5, "Radio good 
news station; O=2
1640  WTNI Beloxi, MS, December 1st, 0259, Mississippi Basketball; O=2
1660  WWRU Jersey City, NJ; November 30th, 2300, ID; O=2
1660  WFNA Charlotte, NC, December 2nd, 0540, IDs "ESPN-Radio" and "WFNA; O=3
1660  WCNZ Marco Isl, FL, December 3rd, 0658, 
"You are listening to relevant radio"; O=3
1670  WMWR Dry Branch, GA, December 3rd, 0545, Phil Hendrie Show, IDs "WMWR" 
and "Talks Radio"; O=3
1680  WTTM Princeton, NJ, December 2nd, 0053, ID: 
"This is Radio King (?) WTTM, 16-80"; O=3
1690  WPTX Lexington, MD, December 1st, 2235, News-Radio 16-90; O=2
1700  WEUV Huntsville, AL, December 3rd, 0112, gospel songs, ID: 
"WEUV, the peoples station"; O=2
1700  WJCC Miami Springs, FL, December 3rd, 0603, talk in French/Creole 
language, E ID: "WJCC Miami Springs, Miami, Fort Lauderdale and dominion"; O=3
1700  KVNS Brownsville, TX, December 1st, 0500, CBS news, ID; O=3

3944.8  R Vanuatu, December 1st, 1900, Bislama, signing on, anthem, soft pop 
music, talk, ID; O=2

1290 R Puerto Cabello, December 3rd, 0400, talk, ID; O=2
1390 R Fé y Alegria, December 3rd, 0420, Latino music, ID; O=2
1390 R Lumen 2000 (presumed), December 3rd, 0426, rosary; O=2
1470 R Vibración, December 3rd, 0125, political speech, ID; O=3
4939.7  R Amazonas, December 1st, 2245, political speech; O=3

1470  unid US station, December 2nd, 0435, "ESPN Radio"; O=2
1660  unid US station, December 2nd, 0357, two ESPN stations mixing with 

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

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[HCDX] Asia on MW

2005-10-24 Thread Michael Schnitzer
excellent MW-conditions today:

Voice of  Kuanghua, Taiwan, received on 846 at 20.00 UTC with sensational 

On 1413 I could hear KBC from Japan at around 20.25 UTC. The Japanese station 
came through from time to time. Otherwise BBC Oman was heard here.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Vietnam on MW

2005-10-10 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

1242  Voice of Vietnam, October 10th, 16.05 UTC, talks and music, ID; O=3

audio clip here: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/Vietnam.mp3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] audio clip Taiwan on MW

2005-10-05 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

as I posted already in the list some days ago, I could receive a station from 
Taiwan on mediumwave 846 kHz. Here is the clip:


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Taiwan on MW

2005-10-03 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

846  Voice of Kuanghua, October 3rd, 2115, soft pop music, talks, "Taiwan" 
often mentioned; O=2-3

Thanks to Renato Bruni, who informed me in a private mail about this station.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Energy Power AM

2005-10-03 Thread Michael Schnitzer
>UNID Station
>1395  "Power AM" or "Power FM" (?), October 2nd, 2215-2230, pop songs, ID: 
>"Radio Power AM from ... Islands", very weak signal; O=1-2

It is Energy Power AM from Northern Ireland. Thanks to all, who helped to 
identify this station.

Michael Schnitzer

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2005-10-03 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

1476  R Thailand, October 2nd, 2230-2315, Thai pop-songs, phone calls from 
listeners; max. O=3

UNID Station
1395  "Power AM" or "Power FM" (?), October 2nd, 2215-2230, pop songs, ID: 
"Radio Power AM from ... Islands", very weak signal; O=1-2

I cannot find this station in the EMWG-list. Who does know more? I don't think 
that it is an UK-station. These stations normally come in stronger here in 
southern Germany.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] loggings on 1470 kHz

2005-10-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

1470 kHz is an interesting frequency. Heard last night:

1470  R Cristal del Uruguay, September 30th, 2250, advertisement, phone-
number, several IDs; O=2

1470  R Vibración, September 30th, 2355, LA-pop, jingle, ID; O=2

At around 05.00 UTC (local sunrise in Germany) CPN-Radio from Lima can be 
heard sometimes on 1470 kHz..

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] some loggings

2005-09-22 Thread Michael Schnitzer
3291.1  Voice of Guyana, September 22nd, 0445, relay of BBC WS; O=3

4819.2  La Voz Evangélica, September 22nd, 0500, Christian songs, ID; O=2-3

1470  CPN-Radio, Lima, September 22nd, 0505, news magazine, presumed ID; O=2

4990  R Apintie (presumed), September 22nd, 0425, soft pop music; O=2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] Pacific-DX

2005-08-08 Thread Michael Schnitzer
some loggings:


4835  ABC Alice Springs, August 8th, 2140, news, local-ID at 2143: 
"ABC Alice Springs"; O=3-4
4910  ABC Tennant Creek, August 8th, 2130, audible under ZNBC; O=1-2
5025  ABC Katherine, August 8th, 2135, nx; O=3


4874.6  RRI Sorong, August 8th, 2125, Indonesian music, ID; O=2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] new pics from Bavarian DX-Camp

2005-05-18 Thread Michael Schnitzer

here there are some new pics from the camp. I recommend a special view on the 
antenna distribution system, which seems to be the final version (I hope so).


vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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[HCDX] audio clips - 16th Bavarian DX-Camp

2005-05-10 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

here are all loggings of the recent DX-camp and some audio clips:


The following stations can be heard::

4386.6  R Imperio, PRU
4409.8  R Eco, BOL
4900.3  R San Miguel, BOL
5014.6  R Altura, PRU
6173.9  R Tawantinsuyo, PRU
6185R Educación, MEX

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

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[HCDX] 16th Bavarian DX-Camp

2005-05-09 Thread Michael Schnitzer
 01.50, country music, ID; O=2

1476  R Thailand (presumed), May 4th, 22.20, instrumental music, phone-in; O=2-3

1575  R Farda, May 4th, 23.35, pop music, ID

963Club Asia, London, May 6th, 21.42, ID: "Club Asia on 963 and 972 AM",  
// 972; O=3
1035  Northsound Two, Aberdeen, May 6th, 22.13, ID: "Northsound Two, the Rock 
Hall of Fame"
1386  Carillon Radio, May 7th, Loughborough ID and phone number

1390  WEGP Presque Isle ME, May 5th, 03.58, talk, ID: 
"Radio America Radio Network"; O=2-3
1470  WLAM Lewiston ME, May 7th, 03.06, "Smoke gets in your eyes" by the 
Platters; sung ID "WLAM"
1500  WTOP Washington D.C., May 5th, 02.53, news, ID: "WTOP news time"; O=3
1510  WWZN Boston MS, May 7th, 04.30, sports talk, ID, fade out 05.20; O=3
1660  WWRV Jersey City NJ (presumed), May 7th, 03.05, man in Korean, O=3
1660  KRZX Waco TX (presumed), May 6th, 04.36, "ESPN dot com Sports Radio"
1680  WTTM Princeton NJ (presumed), May 7th, Indian music; O=3
1690  WPTX Lexington Park MD, May 6th, 04.30, "This is CNN Radio news"

4939.7  R Amazonas, May 5th, 00.40, romantic songs, ID; O=2-3

6045 ZBC, May 6th, 01.00, Afro music, ID; O=4

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

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Re: [HCDX] Logs

2005-04-08 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Manuel Méndez, Spain, wrote:

>COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, 0557-0640, Luego de unos días de no recibir 
>esta emisora, hoy se volvía escuchar al amanecer, con programa de canciones 
>en español e identificación "Marfil Estereo 88.8". 24322. (Abril 8).

I also heard that station this morning with excellent signal (SINPO 45434). I 
posted an audio clip of the ID, like mentioned above, on my website.

vy 73
Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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Re: [HCDX] navtex log 03-31-05

2005-04-02 Thread Michael Schnitzer
>518 0331 0146 NMN USA NAV - NA23 BROADCAST UNTIL CANX.CCGD5 BNM 0141 - 05(CSn)
>518 0331 0328 NMG USA NAV - GJ49 GPS BNM 197-05 PRN 13 IS SCHEDULED(CSn)
>518 0331 0424 NMA USA NAV - AA94 DGPS BNM 184-05 FLORIDA COAST-CAPE 

Has this stuff anything to do with BC-DXing? Please look for a special forum 
for that.

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany

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[HCDX] R Lider - CLM

2005-04-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer

excellent signal (O=4) this morning of R Lider:

6139.8  R Lider, 05.30 UTC, Spanish, latino pop, ID: "Desde Bogotá, Colombia, 
transmite Radio Lider en canal preferencial HJCU, Radio Lider, AM Estereo 730 
kilociclos, otra potente emisora de la cadena Melodía, Colombia"

audio clip on my website.

Thanks to Manuel Méndez who reported this station some days ago.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] DX-Camp in Denmark

2005-03-28 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

description, pictures and loggings of our latest DX-camp in Vorupør, Denmark, 
can be found on my website. Please click the English version and then the 
link "DX-camp Vorupør".

vy 73
Michael Schnitzer, Germany

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

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[HCDX] DX-Camp in Denmark

2005-03-20 Thread Michael Schnitzer
R Cultural Amauta, March 12th, 2235, huayno music, ID; O=3

4995.6  R Andina, March 13th, 0025,  Andean music, mensajes, ID: 
"Radio Andina, la más potente"; O=3

5019.9  R Horizonte, March 13th, 0035, latino pop, ID; O=2

5070.7  R Ondas del Suroriente (presumed), March 12th, 2245, pasillos, 
mensajes, O=3; station faded in at around 2240 and was blocked by WWCR at 
2300; on that reason no clear ID possible

5939.3  R Melodía, March 14th, 2345, jingle, political information, ID; O=2

6173.8  R Tawantinsuyo, March 15th, 0005, political speech, ID; O=2

6193.4  R Cusco, March 18th, 0040, huayno music, ID: 
"Radio Cusco, la voz de la capital histórica"; O=2

6520.3  R Paucartambo, March 18th, 0015, mensajes, information on coming 
local events of the next week, huayno music; O=2

9504.5  R Tacna, March 18th, 0025, sports information; O=1-2


1280WCMN Arecibo (presumed), PR, March 16th, 2357, Spanish, speech on 
financial situation of Puerto Rico, news, reports, O=2


4990R Apintie, March 16th, 0145, Dutch, pop music, ID; O=2


820  TBN Charlestown, March 16th, 0027, religious program, TBN-ID; O=3


1557Family Radio Taiwan, March 16th, 1643, English, religious program, 
ID; O=4


1476R Thailand (presumed), March 12th, 2324, OM in Thai, mixing with 
Chinese station; O=2

1575VoA, March 16th, 1657, Asian language, ID; O=3


1476   Turkmen Radio, March 17th, , anthem, IDs; O=3


790 WAXY South Miami (presumed), FL, March 16th, 0134, sports talk; O=2

1030   WBZ Boston, MA, March 16th, 2321, WBZ news time, traffic news; O=3

1130   WBBR New York, NY, March 16th, 2332, business news, 
"Bloomberg weather"; O=3

1260WMKI Boston, MA, March 14th, 0617, Radio Disney promos; O=3

1360WKAT North Miami (presumed), FL, March 14th, psycho talk, 
advertisement, local news; O=3

1360WDRC Hartford, CT, March 14th, 0600, ID heard in the back while 
listening to WKAT; O=2

1370WDEA Ellsworth, ME, March 18th, 0745, nostalgic music, ID; O=3

1430WENE Endicott, NY, March 18th, 0705, local weather, ID; O=2

1460WDDY Albany, NY, March 18th, 0708, Radio Disney, // 1560; O=2

1470WLAM Lewiston, ME, March 14th, 0640, ID: 
"WLAM, your music memory station"; O=3

1510WWZN Boston, MA, March 18th, 0050, advertisement, sports talk, ID; O=4

1520WWKB Buffalo, NY, March 18th, 0056, oldies, ID: "KB-Radio, Buffalo"; 

1540WDCD Albany, NY, March 18th, 0715, religious program, ID; O=3 - under 

1560WQEW New York, NY, March 18th, 0721, R Disney promos, ID: 
"AM 1560 New York"; O=4


1290 R Puerto Cabello, March 13th, 2245, latino pop, ID; O=2

1420 R Marabiña, March 15th, 0548, Latino music, ID: "Marabiña 1420"; O=3

1470 R Vibración YVSY, March 14th, 0544, Spanish, report on Cuba, ID; O=4

13680   R Nacional de Venezuela (via Cuba), March 16th, 2050, merengue music, 
ID; O=4

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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[HCDX] some loggings

2005-02-19 Thread Michael Schnitzer
5025  R Parakou, February 18th, 2258, French, closing down, ID, anthem; O=4

5580.3  R San José (presumed), February 18th, 2330, Spanish, talks; O=1-2

9504.9  R Record, February 19th, 0005, Portuguese, religious program; O=3

6025R Amanecer, February 18th, 2350, Spanish, Christian songs, ID; O=2-3

4486 R Frecuencia VH (presumed), February 18th, 2340, Spanish, Andean 
music; O=1
6020.3  R Victoria, February 18th, 2355, Spanish, Christian songs, jingle, 
ID; O=3
6520.3  R Paucartambo, February 18th, 2315, Spanish, huayno-music, presumed 
ID; O=2

vy 73
Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Re: Radio Farda 1575

2005-02-11 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Jouko Huuskonen wrote:

>Just now February 11at 1515 UTC I´m enjoying Radio Farda´s superior reception 
>on new 1575 kHz

also here the station is running very well in the early evening hours.

vy 73
Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] MW-Logging

2005-01-08 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

1476  Watan Radio, January 7th 2005, 00.00 UTC, signing on, ID and national 
anthem; O=3

audio clip on my website.

vy 73
Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
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Re: [HCDX] Radio Ondas del Suroriente

2004-12-09 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

Rogildo Aragão wrote:

>PERU  5070.7  0127 R.Ondas del Suroriente, Cuzco, mx hayno, 0221 advs, ID " 
>Integrando a nivel nacional y internacional, Radio Ondas del Suroriente, 
>amplitud modulada 1400 kHz, onda corta 5070 kHz, onda de 60 metros, en la gran 
>>cadena nacional via satelite, 96.5 frecuencia modulada stereo"  12/8

muy bien, this is our UNID station observed on the latest Bavarian DX-camp, 

5070.7  UNID Peruvian, November 24th, 2210, Spanish, one hour non stop huayno 
music, blocked by WWCR at 2300 on 5070; O=3 until 2300

saludos desde Alemania

Michael Schnitzer

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[HCDX] DX-Camp Bavaria - correction

2004-11-30 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

the correct logging is:

4790  RRI Fak-Fak, November 27th, 2110, Indonesian, talk, ID, prayers in 
Arabic; O=3

4970 kHz was a typo.

Who wants to know more about the DX-camp and who would like to see some 
pictures, can click on my website:


Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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[HCDX] 15th DX-Camp Bavaria

2004-11-29 Thread Michael Schnitzer
h, ID; O=1-2

6378.5  Dien Bien Radio&TV (presumed), November 26th, 2349, Vietnamese (?), 
monotonous chants; O=3

1620  WDHP, November 24th, 2302, relay BBC WS, // 648; O=2

9779,8  Yemen Radio, November 25th, 2121, Arabic, ID, trad. mx; O=3

3306  ZBC Radio 2, November 24th, 1705, local language, news; O=4

5050.7  UNID Peruvian, November 24th, 2210, Spanish, one hour non stop huayno 
music, blocked by WWCR at 2300 on 5050; O=3 until 2300

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:45km north east of Nuremberg, Germany
Antennas:  300m Beverage to several directions

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2004-11-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

just heard:

4810  XERTA, November 15th, 06.50-07.10 UTC, Spanish, soft pop music, ID at 
0705; O=2-3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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2004-10-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
just a logging:

5019.9  SIBC Honiara, October 14th, 19.10 UTC, English (presumed), news, 
south sea singing; fade out at around 1920; O=1-2


Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
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[HCDX] two loggings

2004-10-11 Thread Michael Schnitzer
3291.2  GBC Georgetown, October 11th, 05.50 UTC, English, relay BBC WS; O=2

7260.1  R Vanuatu (presumed), October 11th, 06.10, UNID language, talks; O=1

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver:NRD-535 DG
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] two loggings

2004-08-23 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

1620  WDHP with relay of R Martí, August 23rd, 0100, Spanish, polit. talks, 
ID; O=2

4990  R Apintie, August 23rd, 0130, pop & jazz, presumed ID; O=2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] UNID Brasilian

2004-07-27 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

> UNID station
> 3230   UNID Brasilian, July 25th, 0050, P, advertisement, no Brasilian listed here; 
> O=2

the UNID Brasilian, which I could observe last weekend, was a test 
transmission of R Guaruja FM, Santos; not // to 3235 R Guaruja Paulista.

Thanks to Rogildo Aragão from Bolivia for this information.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

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[HCDX] DX observations

2004-07-25 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

here my last night's loggings:

4409.8  R Eco, Reyes, July 24th, 2345, Sp, Andean music; O=1-2
4716.7  R Yura, July 24th, 2340, Sp, mensajes, ID; O=2
4796.6  R Mallku, Uyuni, July 24th, 2335, Sp, Andean music, ID; O=2
5580.4  R San José (presumed), July 24th, 2325, Sp, talks; O=1-2
5952.5  R Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, July 24th, 2310, Sp, Andean music, phone 
calls; O=3-4
6025 R Illimani, La Paz, July 24th, 2300, Sp, pop songs, ID; O=4
6105.5  R Panamericana, La Paz, July 24th, 2235, Sp, religious program, 
Christian songs; O=3

6040R Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, July 24th, 2255, P, advertisement, ID; 
6134.9  R Aparecida, July 24th, 2245, P, Christian songs; O=3-4

6010.1  La Voz de tu Conciencia, July 25th, 0005, Sp, religious program; O=2-3

5046.6  Faro del Caribe, San José, July 25th, 0015, Sp, e-mail address, ID, 
instrumental music; strong carrier, weak audio; O=2

4960R Cima, Santo Domingo, July 25th, 0020, Sp, Bachata music; O=2

3279.5  La Voz del Napo, July 25th, 0055, Sp, Latino pop; O=2-3

4052.5  R Verdad, Chiquimula, July 25th, 0105, instrumental music; O=2
4799.8  R Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastián de Huehuetenango, July 25th, 0115, Sp, 
religious program; O=2

9737R Nacional del Paraguay, Asunción, July 24th, 2355, Sp, romantic 
songs; extremely distorted audio; O=1-2

4386.6 R Imperio (presumed), Chiclayo, July 25th, 0040, Sp, huayno music; O=1-2
4486R Frecuencia VH, Celendín, July 25th, 0035, Sp, huayno music, time 
announcement, presumed ID; O=2
4746.9 R Huanta 2000, July 25th, 0030, Sp, Andean music; O=2
4856R La Hora, Cusco, July 25th, 0025, Sp, sports, ID; O=2
5678R Ilucán, Cutervo, July 25th, 0010, Sp, mensajes, ID; O=2
5939.4 R Bethel (presumed), Arequipa, July 24th, 2320, Sp, religious program; 
6188R Oriente, Yurimaguas, July 24th, 2250, Sp, advertisement, ID; O=1-2
9720R Victoria, Lima, July 24th, 2350, Sp, Christian talks, ID; O=2-3

UNID station
3230   UNID Brasilian, July 25th, 0050, P, advertisement, no Brasilian listed 
here; O=2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Correction

2004-06-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer

Hermod Pedersen wrote:

>>4800XERTA (presumed), May 31st, 0330, Spanish, talks, Mexican music;
>>heavy QRM, reception on LBS possible; O=1-2

>More likely Buenas Nuevas. Earlier logs of XERTA has been on 4810 kHz.

a look in my log-book showes that I tuned in to 4810 kHz. This was just a 
typo. Thanks to Hermod for the info.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

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[HCDX] some loggings

2004-05-31 Thread Michael Schnitzer
20276 LSB  R Continental (feeder), May 27th, 1945, Spanish, advertisment, 
jingle, ID; O=3-4

2310ABC Alice Springs, May 28th, 2010, English, Australian country music, 
// 2325 // 2485; O=3-4

5054.6  Faro del Caribe, May 31st, 0245, Spanish, religious program; O=2

4960R Cima (presumed), May 31st, 0305, endless bachata music without any 
announcements; O=3

4919R Quito, May 31st, 0345, Spanish, romantic songs, IDand QRGs; 
distorted audio; O=2-3

3266.4 RRI Gorontalo, May 28th, 2130, Indonesian, talk; O=2-3
3325.1 RRI Palangkaraya, May 28th, 2200, Indonesian, pop songs, interval 
signal, ID; O=1-2
3905RRI Merauke, May 28th, 2030, Indonesian, soft pop, Happy Birthday 
song, Local ID; O=2-3
3960.9 RRI Palu, May 28th, Indonesian, talks; O=2

4800XERTA (presumed), May 31st, 0330, Spanish, talks, Mexican music; 
heavy QRM, reception on LBS possible; O=1-2

17800   Voice of Nigeria, May 29th, 2250, English, external service, 
international news, ID; O=4-5

4890NBC Port Moresby, May 28th, 2015, English, soft pop music; O=3-4

3345SABC, May 28th, 2005, English, news, ID; O=3

TANZANIA (Zanzibar)
6015R Tanzania Zanzibar, May 31st, 0310, national language, Quran 
singing, talk, presumed ID, fade out 0330; O=2 (I never heard this station 
here before)

4910ZNBC, May 31st, 0255, national language, signing on with sounds of an 
animal farm, ID; O=4

3306ZBC, May 28th, 2150, national language, African music, ID, news; O=3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Bavarian spring DX-Camp - May 2004

2004-05-11 Thread Michael Schnitzer
0-0125, Spanish, pasillos, ID: 
"está en sintonía a Radio Cusco, la voz de la capital arqueológica del Perú", 
fine signal; O=3-4
6249.3v R La Voz, May 6th, 0045-0105, Spanish, huayno music, 
"día de la madre", Andahuaylas mentioned; O=2
6536.1  R La Poderosa (presumed), May 8th, 0040-0050, Spanish, Andean music, 
presumed ID; O=1-2
9504.6  R Tacna, May 8th, -0005, Spanish, news, ID; O=2
9720R Victoria, May 7th, 0100-0115, Spanish, religious program, ID; O=3

1660WGIT, May 6th, 0057, romantic music, ID; O=3

5019.9  SIBC Honiara, May 5th, 1900-1920, English, signing on, anthem, QRGs, 
ID, prayer, news; O=2

1470CX147 R Cristal, May 8th, 0130, reports, ID; O=2

1470WWNN (presumed), Pompano Beach, May 8th, 0310, health talk, O=2
1510WWZN (presumed), Boston, May 8th, 0145, promos, sports, talk; O=2
1660WWRV (presumed), Jersey City, May 8th, 0037, talk in Korean; O=2

1470YVSY R Vibración, May 6th, 0320, music, ID; O=2
4939.7  R Amazonas, May 6th, 2240-2250, Spanish, political information, ID; O=3

that's all

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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[HCDX] R Nacional Venezuela

2004-04-26 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

15230 R Nacional Venezuela via R Habana, April 26th, 20.15-20.45, Spanish, 
talks, ID, weak signal with O=1-2

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] Latino-DX on 49m

2004-04-09 Thread Michael Schnitzer
my recent loggings (April 8th 2004):

6010.2  La Voz de tu Conciencia, CLM, 23.30-23.35, Spanish, religious 
program, ID; O=3
6020.3  R Victoria, PRU, 23.25-23.30, Spanish, jingle, ID; O=2
6025.1  R Amanecer, DOM, 23.15-23.25, Spanish, religious program, ID; O=2-3
6035 La Voz del Guaviare, CLM, 23.10-23.15, Spanish, advertisement, 
sports, jingle; O=2-3
6037.6  R Difusoras Trópico, BOL, 22.40-23.00, Spanish, soft pop, "Yesterday" 
(Beatles), ID: "Esta es Radio Difusoras Trópico ..."; O=2
6134.8  R Santa Cruz, BOL, 23.00-23.10, Spanish, religious program; O=2-3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location:Hassfurt, Germany
Antennas:   GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia / Pacific

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[HCDX] RTE test transmission

2004-03-13 Thread Michael Schnitzer

RTE is testing on 252 kHz. RTE starts normal broadcasting on March 17th (St.
Patrick's Day). More information here: http://www.rte.ie/radio1/lw252.html

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] Niger reactivated on 3260 ???

2004-02-27 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

this evening I received a weak station with talks in French on 3260 from
2015 to 2102. After listening several times to my tape recording I believed
to hear the ID "Voix du Sahel". However there are still some doubts. The
station was closing down at 2102. Who does know more?

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] audio clip R Rurale

2004-02-09 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

yesterday I heard R Rurale from Guinea on 1385.9 in excellent quality at
around 22.00 UTC. Audio clip with ID on my web site.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] RRI audio clips

2004-01-28 Thread Michael Schnitzer

this evening I could catch RRI Fak-Fak on 4790 and RRI Wamena on 4870 in
excellent quality (this means "excellent" in the ears of a TB listener). The
recordings with local ID can be found as usual in the audio clip section of
my web site.

4790 RRI Fak-Fak, January 28th 2004, 2130-2200, BI, jingle, local news and
local ID, S7-9
4870 RRI Wamena, January 28th 2004, 2100-2115, BI, local ID, RRI-news, S9

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] RRI Sorong

2004-01-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

first highlight in the new year:

4874.6 RRI Sorong, January 1st 2004, 21.45-22.00 UTC, BI, local news, Sorong
often mentioned, O=2-3

a brief recording can be heard in the audio-clip section on my web site.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] two loggings

2003-12-23 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

4722.9 R Uncía (presumed), December 22nd, 2305-2320, Spanish, latino music,
several presumed ID's, O=2

4990 R Apintie (presumed), December 23rd, 0655-0730, non-stop music without
any chance for ID, relatively strong signal with S=7-9


Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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AW: [HCDX] 4826.4 unid station heard

2003-12-21 Thread Michael Schnitzer
> Here is an interesting catch perhaps. Am on 4826.4 hearing Spanish ?
> language broadcast with lots of  flute type music and male announcer at
> times. This is at  1032 GMT  using the RX320 and 50 ft southern wire in
> USB mode to escape another station on 4825.
> Anyone hearing this one?
> Chris

this is R Sicuani from Perú.

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] UNID on 4990

2003-12-14 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

4990 UNID station, december 14th, 07.20-07.55 UTC, non stop soft pop music,
QRM by ham activities and fade out at around 07.55. Who does know more?

good DX

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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[HCDX] two rare stations

2003-12-13 Thread Michael Schnitzer
buenos días amigos,

good conditions to South America last night:

4773.6 R Centinela del Sur, Loja, 12th of december, 23.10-00.10, Spanish,
advertisement, cultural information, press review, local news from the
Ambato/Loja region, anthem at 00.10, c/d 00.13; ID: "... en la República del
Ecuador transmitiendo Radio Centinela del Sur desde Loja, ... 1210
kilociclos ... 4770 kilociclos banda tropical de 60 metros ... gracias por
su sintonía." Weak signal, but good audio.

9620.7 SODRE (presumed), Montevideo, 12th of december, 22.45-22.54, Spanish,
classical music, short announcement by woman, blocked by REE at 22.54, O=1-2

saludos cordiales desde Alemania

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: GPM-1500
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] DX-Camp Bavaria

2003-11-09 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

from November 5th to November 9th 2003 the traditional DX Camp Bavaria took
place. Once again we spent some beautiful days (and nights) on our Camp QTH
45 km north east of Nuremberg. As usual we installed several Beverage
antennas, each with 300m length and 1,20 m above the ground. More
information about the DX-camp and some pictures can be seen on my homepage:

At the beginning we were rather sceptical, if we really receive some exotic
stations. Some days before there were severe magnetic storms in the
ionosphere. But just the first evening opened a window to Asia and Pacific.
Four RRI stations from west Papua (Irian Jaya) came in simultanously between
20.00 and 21.00 hours UTC. A sound file of RRI Wamena with local ID can be
found in the audio-clip section of my homepage.

In the night from 7th to 8th of November there were sensational good
conditions towards Latin America. We could hear a lot of stations, which
normally are logged extremely rarely here in central Europe. SODRE from
Uruguay came in on 9620.6, which is listed in the WRTH with 150 watts only.
The Bolivian station R Perla del Acre could be received on 4600,3 kHz as
well as the Peruvian Radio Imperio on 4386,6 kHz. I posted the IDs of these
two stations on my homepage, too. Radio Melodía from the south Peruvian city
Arequipa came in with relatively strong signal on 5906,4 kHz. Further
highlights were R Buenos Aires on 1350 and R Cristal from Uruguay on 1470

Altogether we heard on the tropical bands the usual stations from China,
India, Africa, Brasil. Here now a selection of the more interesting ones:

5th - 9th of November 2003

1350B  R Cristal, 21.50
1350   ARG R Buenos Aires, 00.30
1359   CHN CNR1, 16.20
1386   KEN KBC, 20.35
1470   VEN R Vibración, 00.00
1470   URG R Cristal, 01.35
1470   PRU CPN, 06.00
1566   IND AIR Nagpur, 15.30
1566   KOR HLAZ, 17.55
1700   USA WJCC, 05.50
2310   AUS ABC Alice Springs, 20.15 (power signal with S=9)
2485   AUS ABC Katherine, 20.40
3230.2 PRU R El Sol de los Andes (presumed), 01.10
3279.6 EQA La Voz del Napo, 06.50
3310   BOL R Mosoj Chaski, 23.30
3325.1 INS RRI Palangkaraya, 19.55
3365   PNG R Milne Bay, 19.35
3375.1 PRU R San Antonio, 01.05
3905   INS RRI Merauke, 20.25
3925J  R Tampa, 20.45
3935.1 NZL ZLXA, 17.15
4386.6 PRU R Imperio, 00.45
4427.2 PRU R Bambamarca, 00.35
4461   PRU R Norandina, 00.30
4485.7 PRU R Frecuencia VH (presumed), 00.40
4600.3 BOL R Perla del Acre, 22.20
4605   INS RRI Serui, 20.05
4681.9 BOL R Paitití, 23.55
4746.9 PRU R Huanta 2000, 23.50
4753.3 INS RRI Makassar, 19.50
4761.7 BOL R Guanay, 22.35
4775   PRU R Tarma, 23.55
4790   INS RRI Fak-Fak, 20.20
4796.8 BOL R Mallku, 23.55
4824.4 PRU La Voz de la Selva, 22.35
4826.5 PRU R Sicuani, 23.25
4830   VEN R Táchira, 23.45
4855.9 PRU R La Hora, 23.10
4870   INS RRI Wamena, 20.30
4875B  Rdif. Roraima, 22.40
4876.8 BOL R La Cruz del Sur, 23.15
4890.3 PRU R Chota, 22.40
4902   CLN SLBC (Full Moon Service), 21.50
4902.6 BOL R San Miguel, 21.50
4940   PRU R San Antonio, 21.50
4955   PRU R Cultural Amauta, 23.15
4959.9 DOM R Cima, 23.40
4965   PRU R Santa Mónica, 22.10
4974.8 PRU R del Pacífico, 23.10
4990.9 PRU R Ancash, 23.40
4995.6 PRU R Andina, 23.35
5005.7 PRU R LTC, 23.20
5009.8 DOM R Cristal, 23.30
5019.9 SLM SIBC, 19.15
5019.9 PRU R Horizonte, 23.25
5025   PRU R Quillabamba, 23.20
5460.3 PRU R Bolivar, 22.45
5470.8 PRU R San Nicólas (presumed), 22.50
5486.7 PRU R Reina de la Selva (presumed), 22.55
5580.3 PRU R San José (presumed), 23.00
5678   PRU R Ilucán, 00.00 (power signal!)
5906.4 PRU R Melodía, 22.45
5927.1 BOL R Minería, 23.35
5940   PRU, R Bethel, 23.05
5952.5 BOL R Pio XII, 23.40
5985.8 BRM R Mayanmar, 15.20
6054.5 BOL R Juan 23, 22.30
6060   NMB NBC Windhoek, 17.30
6105.5 BOL R Panamericana, 23.45
6134.8 BOL R Santa Cruz, 23.00
6139.8 CLM R Melodía, 23.45
6173.9 PRU R Tawantinsuyo, 22.30
7210.3 BEN ORTB Cotonou, 17.40
7260.1 VUT R Vanuatu, 06.45
9504.7 PRU R Tacna, 00.05
9620.6 URG SODRE, 21.35 (ID: "Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay, Montevideo
9624.4 BOL R Fides, 22.45

good DX

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] just a logging

2003-10-12 Thread Michael Schnitzer


6054.4  R Juan 23, San Ignacio de Velasco, October 11th, 2245-2300, Spanish,
Christian songs, clear ID, SINPO 22322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt


2003-09-23 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Zacharias Liangas wrote:

> 4910 Mali with nice signal at 1900 with S9 , 43433 with slight QRM from 
> operator on USB . Discussion program ( tehater?)  in local 
> language

this is R Zambia.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] R Rwanda

2003-08-26 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

special broadcast last night of R Rwanda on 6055 on occasion of the national
presidential elections.

6055 R Rwanda, 26th of August, 00.05-01.00, national language, election
results (as far as I could understand), nice African music, ID, some QRM by
RAI on 6060, blocked by REE at 01.00; SINPO 43423

Audio clip with a nice piece of music and ID (122 KB) on my homepage.

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] correction

2003-08-19 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

5972.1 R Minería, Oruro, August 18th, 2340-2350, Spanish, advertisement, ID,
music of the Andes; SINPO 2

QRG should be 5927.1 !!!

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] DX on 49m

2003-08-19 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

just a few loggings:

5972.1 R Minería, Oruro, August 18th, 2340-2350, Spanish, advertisement, ID,
music of the Andes; SINPO 2
6134.8 R Santa Cruz, August 18th, 2305-2310, Spanish, advertisement, ID;
SINPO 22322
6155.1 R Fides, La Paz, August 18th, 2245-2250, Spanish, political report;
SINPO 23422

6025.1 R Amanecer, Santo Domingo, August 18th, 2350-2400, Spanish, Christian
songs, ID; SINPO 22322

6020.4 R Victoria, Lima, August 18th, 2310-2335, Spanish, report about a
religious event in Bogotá, program entitled "Voz de la Liberación",
announcement in Portuguese at 2330 followed by a program called "Voz de la
Fé"; SINPO 34433
6042.6 R Melodía, Arequipa, August 18th, 2335-2340, Spanish, talk; O=1-2
6188 R Oriente, Yurimaguas, August 18th, 2250-2300, Spanish, music of the
Andes, ID and QRGs, end of transmission 2300; SINPO 2
6193.5 R Cusco, August 19th, -0005, Spanish, mensajes, ID; SINPO 22322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

AW: [HCDX] "Cool" Island Music on 4870

2003-08-07 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Gary Crites wrote:

> I heard some really nice "Island Music" this morning on 4870 at 
> 1359 UTC but I don't know if what I heard was just their sign-off 
> music or if they play this stuff all the time? They went dead at 1400.
> Sri Lanka?

Maybe RRI Wamena, West Papua, Indonesia

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] RRI Pontianak

2003-07-30 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

relatively good reception of RRI Pontianak last night on 3976.1 at around
22.30 UTC. I put a recording on my homepage (audio section, 71 KB) with
local intervall signal and local ID.


Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Indonesia-DX

2003-07-18 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

the European summer normally is not the season for DX to Indonesia and
Pacific. This year however seem to be unusual good conditions, also in the
summer time. An interesting fact is that four stations from the Indonesian
part of Papua can be heard at present. This evening RRI Serui came in with
surprisingly strong signal on 4605 kHz. Nice to hear the lovely music of
this exotic station. During the past days I could receive the following
Papua-stations between 20.00 and 21.00 UTC:

3905 RRI Merauke
4605 RRI Serui
4790 RRI Fak-Fak
4870 RRI Wamena

and some other ones:

3266.4 RRI Gorontalo
3344.9 RRI Ternate
4753.5 RRI Makassar

good DX

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] good INS-conditions

2003-06-18 Thread Michael Schnitzer

unusual good conditions towards Indonesia this evening with very strong

3344.9 RRI Ternate, June 18th, 2035-2045, BI, word program, presumablely
Quran lecture, SINPO 44323

3905 RRI Merauke, June 18th, 2025-2035, BI, soft pop, happy-birthday-song at
2030, ID, SINPO 44323

4870 UNID RRI-station (presumed RRI Wamena), June 18th, 2045-2105, BI, soft
pop, typical INS-interval signal at 2100, news; SINPO 23322, fade out 2105

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] DX-Survey

2003-06-15 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

together with good friends I spent some nice days on the antenna farm of
Wilhelm Herbst in Denmark. Normally the month of June is not the season for
good reception on TB and MW. So we had some disturbing noises caused by
thunderstorms. Nevertheless there are some DX-results, presented as survey
below. Not all stations were heard with clear ID.

Some highlights:

1386; nice signal of Kenya BC after 21.00 UTC

4880; new: R Africa, presumablely from Sao Tomé, June 12th, until 19.00 in
E, then Portuguese

4975; R del Pacífico, Perú; normally nothing of special interest, but
audible with power signal on June 10th at around 23.30; ID on my homepage

5040; R Croatia with special program in English on June 9th and 10th at
23.00 UTC, followed by Spanish at 23.30; report about the visit of Pope John
Paul II in Croatia. Might have been a special broadcast on that occasion.

6080; R San Gabriel, Bolivia, despite the QRM of DW on 6075; station
announcement on my homepage (audio-clips)

6585.4; new: R Nueva Esperanza, Bolivia, June 13th, 01.30, clear ID,
religious program

- DX-Survey -
June 8th-14th 2003
21.00-01.30 UTC

1026 FRCN, NIG
1386 KBC, KEN
3279.6 La Voz del Napo, EQA
3300 R Cultural, GTM
3310 R Mosoj Chaski, BOL
3325 R Mundial, B
3350 REE, CTR
3365 R Cultura, B
3375.1 R San Antonio, PRU
3390.5 Emisoras Camargo, BOL
4681.5 R Paitití, BOL
4716.8 R Yura, BOL
4746.9 R Huanta 2000, PRU
4761.7 R Guanay, BOL
4765 R Rural, B
4775 R Tarma, PRU
4790 R Atlántida, PRU
4796.7 R Mallku, BOL
4799.8 R Buenas Nuevas, GTM
4826.4 R Sicuani, PRU
4832 R Litoral, HND
4855.9 R La Hora, PRU
4865 R Centenario, BOL
4876.8 R La Cruz del Sur, BOL
4880 R Africa, STP (?)
4890 R Macedonia, BOL
4904.8 R La Oroya, PRU
4930 R San Miguel, BOL
4939.7 R San Antonio, PRU
4955.1 R Cultural Amauta, PRU
4965 R Santa Mónica, PRU
4975 R del Pacífico, PRU
4995.9 R Andina, PRU
5005 R Nepal
5009.8 R Cristal Internacional, DOM
5019.5 R Horizonte, PRU
5025 R Quillabamba, PRU
5029.1 UNID US-station with rel. px in E
5927 R Minería, BOL
5940 R Bethel, PRU
5952.5 R Pio XII, BOL
5969.9 R Itatiaia, B
6009.9 R Parinacota, CHL
6010.3 R Inconfidencia, B
6020.3 R Victoria, PRU
6025 R Amanecer, DOM
6035 La Voz del Guaviare, CLM
6040 R Clube Paranaense, B
6042.6 R Melodía, PRU
6080 R San Gabriel, BOL
6105.1 R Filadelfia, B
6115 R Unión, PRU
6134.8 R Santa Cruz, BOL
6153.1 R Aparecida, B
6155.1 R Fides, BOL
6170 R Cultura, B
6173.4 R Tawantinsuyo, PRU
6180 R Nacional, B
6185 R Educación, MEX
6193.5 R Cusco, PRU
6215 R Baluarte, ARG
6535.8 R Difusora Huancabamba, PRU
6585.4 R Nueva Esperanza, BOL
6797.6 Ondas del Rio Mayo, PRU
9565 R Tupí, B
9630.2 R Aparecida, B
9645.1 R Bandeirantes, B
9665.1 R Marumby, B
9675 R Cancao Nova, B
9695 R Rio Mar, B
9725 R Clube Paranaense, B
11725 R Novas de Paz, B
11765 R Tupí, B
11780 R Nacional, B
11815 R Brasil Central, B
11830 R Anhanguera, B
11925 R Bandeirantes, B
17815.1 R Cultura, B

That's all. As everyone can see, there is still something to hear on sw.

Michael Schnitzer
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Fjerritslev, Denmark
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 80m Beverage

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Togo reactivated

2003-03-16 Thread Michael Schnitzer

Togo seems to be reactivated.

5046.7 Radiodiffusion Togolaise, Lomé, March 15th, 22.20-22.30, French,
political information, ID, SINPO 53423

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] radio pennants

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

I made some improvements on my homepage. The pictures on the radio pennant
site can be enlarged by clicking. More details of some interesting pennants
can be seen on this way. My homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] audio clips

2003-03-02 Thread Michael Schnitzer

I put a lot of new radio stations on the audio-clip-site of my homepage. The
site has got a new design in country order. Now there can be heard
recordings from 109 radio stations, among them many historical ones as well
as more topical ones, all received with my home equipment in Germany.

Please take a look at: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

Listen and enjoy!

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] some Latinos and the EWE-antenna

2003-03-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

4930  R San Miguel, Riberalta, February 28th, 2240-2250, Spanish, mensajes,
ID; SINPO 23422

5009.8  R Pueblo, Santo Domingo, February 28th, 2315-2320, Spanish, sports
reports ("enfoque deportivo"), ID; SINPO 34423

3375.1  R San Antonio, February 28th, 2325-2335, Spanish, program preview,
huayno music, ID; SINPO 23222
4746.9  R Huanta 2000, February 28th, 2305-2325, Spanish, interview with
singer, ID; SINPO 23322
4775  R Tarma, February 28th, 2300-2305, Spanish, soccer (copa de América),
sports information, ID; SINPO 23322
4856  R La Hora, Cusco, February 28th, 2250-2300, Spanish, romantic songs,
advertisement, ID; SINPO 24422

These are more usual stations only. Of some interest is the situation on
4930 kHz. Normally the power station from Turkmenistan is to be heard here
in central Europe. No chance for the Bolivian! However if you have an
EWE-antenna, you can solve that problem. Switching over to my LA-EWE I could
suppress the TKM-signal almost completely and R San Miguel became audible in
LSB-mode. More information about the EWE-antenna on my homepage:

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Cadena Melodía

2003-02-19 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

good reception of the new Colombian, Cadena Melodía, on 6139.8 last night at
around 23.00 UTC. The full ID with QRGs, address, call signs, transmission
power etc. can be heard on my homepage (audio clips).

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] new CLM-station on sw

2003-02-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello to all,

if you cannot find anything of interest in the tropical bands, have a look
on 49m. On 6140.53 I could observe a new Colombian. Seems to be a local
AM-station from Bogotá, which additionally opened a sw-outlet. A small sound
file with ID (30 KB) is available in the audio clip section of my homepage:

6140.53 R Melodía, Bogotá, January 31st, 2245-2400, Spanish, talks about
sexual education, international news, sports talks, slogan: "Melodía, la
radio lider", ID: "Aquí Bogotá, lider de ... Colombia desde moderno edificio
de cristal (?) en la calle de 25, centro de la radio ... AM 730 kilociclos,
HJCU onda larga, 11000 vatios de potencia en antena y en la banda
internacional de 49 metros, HJQE, 6140 kilociclos, onda corta ..."  SINPO

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] three loggings

2003-01-25 Thread Michael Schnitzer

just three loggings:

4930 La Voz del Norte, Riberalta, January 25th, 0005-0010, Spanish, jingles,
many IDs; SINPO 22322

4960 R Federación, Sucua, January 24th, 2350-2400, Shuar language, talk,
children song, ID; SINPO 34323

5020 R Horizonte, Chachapoyas, January 24th, 2330-2345, Spanish, mensajes,
advertisement, huayno music; SINPO 23422

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] once again: my new homepage

2003-01-24 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello once again,

I want to say a big "thank you" to all of you, who sent me kind words and
tips concerning my new homepage. There were problems, indeed, with some
links on the audio clips site. Now all should run well. Maybe that some of
you cannot download the newer files. Since some time I use the
mp3-audio-format instead of the former ra-format. Six files are in mp3. In
such a case a mp3 software has to be installed on the pc.

good DX to all

Michael Schnitzer

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] new homepage

2003-01-22 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

here you can see my new four-lingual internet presentation:


The site contains information in German, English, Spanish and Italian
concerning the following items:

- view in my shack
- a lot of background information about the EWE-antenna
- all about the DX-Camp Bavaria
- historical and present station recordings
- historical log-book
- rare QSL-cards and radio pennants

Please have a look.


Michael Schnitzer

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Surprise on 31m

2003-01-18 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere,

when there is poor reception on the tropical bands, the higher frequencies
offer sometimes surprising results.

9665 R Nacional Brasilia, January 17th, 2300-2315, Portuguese, news
magazine, many IDs; SINPO 45424; this station is new here!

9504.7 R Tacna, January 17th, 2320-2345, Spanish, several reports, one about
the struggle against drogues ("la batalla contra la droga"), temperatures in
Peruvian cities and weather forecast, announcement of a soccer match on the
next day, ID: "Gracias por su sintonía, transmite Radio Tacna ...
información deportiva de Radio Tacna"; the station drifted from 9504.7 to
9504.6; weak signal (the station has 200 watts only), but good audio; SINPO


Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 is out! Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Bhutan BS

2002-12-27 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

if one cannot sleep as a DXer it makes sense to get up from the bed and to
tune in to the frequency 6035 kHz. Last night I could observe here the
Bhutan BS with sensational signal strength of partly S=9+10. Unfortunately
there was some interference caused by a power station on 6040.

6035 BBS Timphu, December 27th, 0110-0145, Dzongha, Bhutanese songs,
international news 0130-0135, QRM 6040; SINPO partly 43423

The station is active on sw only monday to friday, signing on at 0100 UTC.
The signal decreases after 0130 due to the local sunrise in Bhutan.

A Happy New Year to all

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 will be out soon. Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] three Peruvians

2002-12-26 Thread Michael Schnitzer

4826.4 R Sicuani, December 25th, 2320-2335, Spanish, pasillos, ID: "cultura,
deporte, música ... Radio Sicuani, número uno en el dial"; relatively strong
signal with SINPO 33423 (60 KB audio-file available)

4955 R Cultural, Amauta, December 25th, 2315-2320, Spanish, religious
program, time announcement; SINPO 34323

5024.9 R Quillabamba, December 25th, 2300-2315, Spanish, huayno music, ID;
SINPO 23322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 will be out soon. Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] R Norte

2002-12-22 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello again,

my last night's logging:

4930.05 R Norte (presumed), December 21th, 2305-2325, Spanish, talks, local
news, music, cities mentioned from northern Bolivia, presumed ID: "Radio
Norte"; SINPO 22322

Maybe R San Miguel, which was observed here recently with ID "La Voz del
Norte" or R Norte from Montero with QSY from 4939.

happy X-mas to all

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 will be out soon. Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] R Barahona

2002-12-07 Thread Michael Schnitzer
just a logging:

4930 R Barahona, Santo Domingo, December 7th, -0015, Spanish,
advertisement, jingles, many IDs, local news, SINPO 24222


Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 will be out soon. Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] strong signals

2002-12-04 Thread Michael Schnitzer
hello everywhere,

due to the circumstance that my family didn't let run neither TV set nor
computers this evening, I could enjoy the fine signals from the Pacific
area. The more usual stations on 4890 and 4925 come through almost every
day, today however they were audible with S=9+10. The evening's highlight
was R Morobe coming in surprisingly well on 3220 with SINPO 44434. That
means that one doesn't need necessarily a 300m Beverage antenna in order to
make a fine catch.

2310 ABC Alice Springs, December 4th, 2015-2025, English, country music, ID,
partly S=9+10, // 2325 // 2485, SINPO 45434

3266.4 RRI Gorontalo, December 4th, 2005-2010, Quran lectures, SINPO 34323
3325 RRI Palangkaraya, December 4th, 2025-2030, BI, man talking, SINPO 22322
3905 RRI Merauke, December 4th, 2030-2035, BI, woman talking, ID, SINPO
3976.1 RRI Pontianak, December 4th, 2010-2015, BI, discussion, SINPO 34323

3220 R Morobe, Lae, December 4th, 1945-2005, English, tribal singing,
anthem, ID, news, signal partly S=9, SINPO 44434
3905 R New Ireland, Kavieng, December 4th, 1935-1945, English, soft pop,
SINPO 34423

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 will be out soon. Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] rthk QSL

2002-11-27 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Radio Television Hong Kong verified with detailed paper QSL-card the 10
minutes weather forecasts on 3940 on the Hongkong-Hainan yacht race.

Michael Schnitzer, Germany

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World Radio TV Handbook 2003 will be out soon. Order it now!


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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Radio TV Hongkong

2002-10-16 Thread Michael Schnitzer

I could receive the special weather forecasts of Radio Television Hongkong
for boats in the Hainan race. These forecasts will be broadcasted until
October 23rd at around 21.33 UTC on 3940 USB. Reception from the Far East is
possible in Europe at this time. Here now the logging:

3940 USB Radio TV Hongkong, October 16th, 2135-2143, English, weather
forecast (showers, wind south east, visibility 4000m); no clear ID, however
the coast of China was mentioned. SINPO 22322


Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

---[Start Commercial]-
Check out new HCDX web site: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] logging

2002-10-16 Thread Michael Schnitzer

this morning I could tune in to this Colombian:

6011 La Voz de tu Conciencia, October 15th, 5.45-6.15 UTC, Spanish, Bible
lectures, ID; SINPO 43433

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

---[Start Commercial]-
Check out new HCDX web site: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] R San Gabriel

2002-08-27 Thread Michael Schnitzer


unusual catch yesterday:

6085.25 R San Gabriel, La Paz, Bolivia, August 26th, 2315-2335, Spanish,
woman talking, traces of advertisement, ID; heavy QRM by WYFR; reception
possible in USB-mode only during word program of WYFR.  O=1-2

No trace of BR Ismaning last night, which normally blocks this frequency

good DX

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

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This place is for rent. Please email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details.
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] just a logging

2002-08-22 Thread Michael Schnitzer


5009.8  R Pueblo/Cristal, Santo Domingo, August 21st, 2320-2335 UTC,
Spanish, advertisement for sports equipment, ID: "Radio Cristal
Internacional, onda corta para el mundo. Noticias, entrevistas ... deporte
nacional y internacional ... en su programa enfoque deportivo." SINPO 3

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
Receiver: NRD-525
Antennas: 25m long wire
  DX-One Professional
  EWE to South America
  EWE to Asia/Pacific

---[Start Commercial]-
Keep in mind EDXC Conference 2002 in mid-August - the biggest DX and SWL
meeting in Europe! See http://www.sdxl.org/edxc/edxc2002.html, come to
Pori, Finland and enjoy!
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

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