But Dec 24 special 'Gruss an Bord' fq entries
doesn't appear in their
MBR Cologne database list of Oct 28 so far ! ?
73 wb

Previously MBR FMO requested the following request entries
in privat hfcc.org organization database of Oct 17:

6080 1800 2100 27,28,29          TAC 100 301 -10 418 7  UZB MBR A.xmas
9610 1800 2100 41,49,54,79,58    MOS 100 115  30 218 7  AUT MBR A.xmas
9740 1800 2100 48,53,41,79       NAU 250 130   0 216 7  D   MBR A.xmas
9810 1800 2100 41,49,54,79,58    MOS 100 115  30 218 7  AUT MBR C.xmas alt
9820 1800 2100 57,53,48,79       ISS 250 148   0 216 7  F   MBR A.xmas
11650 1800 2100 13,46,15,66,52,57 NAU 250 205   0 216 7  D   MBR A.xmas
17610 1800 2100 27,80,36,81,11    RMI 100 44    0 156 7  USA MBR A.xmas

6030 1900 2100 27,28,29          ERV 100 305   0 238 7  ARM MBR B.xmas
6080 1900 2100 27,80,36,81,11    NAU 125 250   0 216 7  D   MBR B.xmas
9740 1900 2100 48,53,41,79       NAU 125 130   0 216 7  D   MBR B.xmas
11650 1900 2100 13,46,15,66,52,57 ISS 250 195   0 217 7  F   MBR B.xmas

6145 2100 2300 27,80,36,81,11    NAU 125 250   0 216 7  D   MBR B.xmas
6155 2100 2300 27,28,29          ERV 100 305   0 238 7  ARM MBR B.xmas
9590 2100 2300 57,53,48,79       ISS 250 148   0 217 7  F   MBR B.xmas
9675 2100 2300 41,49,54,79,58    MOS 100 115  30 218 7  AUT MBR B.xmas
9740 2100 2300 48,53,41,79       NAU 125 130   0 216 7  D   MBR B.xmas
9830 2100 2300 13,46,15,66,52,57 ISS 250 195   0 217 7  F   MBR B.xmas

73 wb df5sx

MEDIA BROADCAST GmbH (formerly T-SYSTEMS - DTK)     October 28th, 2022

B-22 period (30/10/2022 - 25/03/2023)
Times are in UTC.


6130 1900-2000 37,38W      210 146 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Ara
7325 0430-0500 37,38W      210 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 AWR Fra
7350 0300-0330 48          140 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Tir
9495 1930-2000 37,38W      210 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 AWR Shi
9515 2000-2030 37,38W      210 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Fra
9610 1000-1100 28W         180 216 1       3010-250323 NAU 125 AWR Ita
9740 1300-1400 44NE,45NW    76 904 1234567 3010-250323 TAC 100 AWR Kor
9800 2130-2200 46SE        200 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Twi
9860 0600-0630 46S         180 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Fra
11620 1200-1230 33S,43N,44N  64 879 67      3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Cmn
11620 1200-1230 33S,43N,44N  64 879 12345   3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Nan
11620 1230-1300 33S,43N,44N  64 879 123457  3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Yue
11620 1230-1300 33S,43N,44N  64 879 6       3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Cmn
11640 0600-0630 46S         200 218 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Fra
11795 2000-2030 46SW        200 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Mos
11870 1730-1800 48          145 218 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Orm
11955 1630-1700 48          140 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Tir
11980 0700-0800 37,38W      210 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Ara
12040 1630-1700 48          140 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Amh
12040 1500-1530 41S         163 910 1234567 3010-250323 TAC 100 AWR Tam
15145 0830-0900 37,38W      210 218 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 AWR Shi
15255 1200-1300 44NE,45NW    60 418 1234567 3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Kor
15490 1630-1700 48          140 218 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 250 AWR Som
15515 0200-0300 41NE        125 416 1234567 3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Eng
15515 1400-1500 41NE        125 416 1234567 3010-250323 DB  100 AWR Eng
15530 1200-1300 44NE,45NW    76 904 1234567 3010-250323 TAC 100 AWR Kor
15705 1530-1600 41W         163 910 1234567 3010-250323 TAC 100 AWR Hin

5935 1915-1930 39,40       130 216 1       3010-250323 NAU 250 BVB Mul
6080 1930-2015 39          130 216 1       3010-250323 NAU 125 BVB Mul
7365 1800-1900 39,40       105 216 5       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
7365 1800-1830 39,40       105 216 6       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
7365 1830-1900 39,40       105 216 13      3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9440 0600-0615 46-47,37-38 180 146 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 BVB Mul
9450 0500-0515 39,40       120 216 6       3010-250323 NAU 250 BVB Mul
9490 1710-1730 38E,39,40W  141 616 24      3010-250323 SOF 100 BVB Mul
9715 1830-2000 39          130 805 1       3010-311222 MOS 100 BVB Mul
9715 1830-1930 39          130 805 7       3010-311222 MOS 100 BVB Mul
9715 1800-1815 39          130 805 6       3010-311222 MOS 100 BVB Mul
9715 1800-1830 39          130 805 5       3010-311222 MOS 100 BVB Mul
9715 1830-2000 39          126 146 1       0101-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1830-1930 39          126 146 7       0101-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1800-1815 39          126 146 6       0101-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
9715 1800-1830 39          126 146 5       0101-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
11800 1200-1230 43S,44S      90 911 7       3010-250323 TAC 100 BVB Mul
11900 1400-1430 41          102 216 7       3010-250323 NAU 250 BVB Mul
                                   1st Sat / months
11900 1430-1500 41          102 216 1357    3010-250323 NAU 250 BVB Mul
15210 1230-1245 54          131 418 1       3010-250323 TAC 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1700 38-39,47-48 150 218 1       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1630 38-39,47-48 150 218 2       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1800 38-39,47-48 150 218 3       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1630-1700 38-39,47-48 150 218 7       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1700-1800 38-39,47-48 150 218 4       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1700-1730 38-39,47-48 150 218 5       3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
15310 1600-1630 38-39,47-48 150 218 56      3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul
17550 1430-1500 47,48       153 216 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 100 BVB Mul

7230 0630-0700 46,47W        0 105 1234567 3010-250323 SAO 100 DWL Hau
9830 0630-0700 46,47W      165 211 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Hau
9830 1300-1400 46,47W        0 105 1234567 3010-250323 SAO 100 DWL Hau
9830 1800-1900 46,47W       20 105 1234567 3010-250323 SAO 100 DWL Hau
11800 0630-0700 46,47W      170 211 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Hau
11830 1600-1700 48          130 216 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Amh
11980 1300-1400 46,47W       20 105 1234567 3010-250323 SAO 100 DWL Hau
11980 1800-1900 46,47W      172 211 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Hau
15195 1425-1630 46,47W      168 217 7       0511-051122 ISS 500 DWL Hau
15195 1425-1630 46,47W      168 217 7       1211-121122 ISS 500 DWL Hau
15195 1425-1630 46,47W      168 217 7       2101-180323 ISS 500 DWL Hau
15215 1800-1900 46,47W      170 217 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Hau
15275 1600-1700 48          130 217 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Amh
17800 1300-1400 46,47W      172 217 1234567 3010-250323 ISS 500 DWL Hau
17840 1425-1630 46,47W      175 217 7       0511-051122 ISS 500 DWL Hau
17840 1425-1630 46,47W      175 217 7       1211-121122 ISS 500 DWL Hau
17840 1425-1630 46,47W      175 217 7       2101-180323 ISS 500 DWL Hau

6055 1130-1200 27,28       222 146 17      3010-250323 NAU 125 EMG Mul
9500 1530-1630 29S         100 146 7       3010-250323 NAU 100 HCJ Mul
11935 1100-1200 27,28       321 616 1       3010-250323 SOF 100 JOY Mul
                                   1st Sun / months
5960 0000-0200 2-10        300 216 1       3010-250323 NAU 125 KBC NldEng
6095 0800-1600 18,27,28,37 240 156 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 100 KBC NldEng
6165 0430-0450 27,28        85 146 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 NHK Rus
11865 1300-1400 45           66 418 7       3010-250323 TAC 100 PAB Mul
15205 1430-1445 41           94 218 1       3010-250323 NAU 250 PAB Mul
6045 1100-1400 27E,28      233 156 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 100 RSZ Mul
11610 1200-1400 27E,28      305 238 1234567 3010-250323 ERV 100 RSZ Mul
9610 1700-1730 38E,39S,48  144 216 146     3010-250323 NAU 100 SBO Mul
5990 1000-1600 27E,28      233 146 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 SFZ Mul
5935 1300-1400 27E,28NW    233 146 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 125 SKW Mul
5960 1300-1400 27E,28NW    299 805 1234567 3010-250323 MOS 100 SKW Mul
6140 0900-1000 27E,28NW    310 805 1       3010-250323 MOS 100 SKW Mul
                                   1st Sun / months
6095 1100-1200 27E,28      233 156 1       3010-250323 NAU 100 SMD Deu
6095 1100-1200 27E,28      233 156 7       3010-250323 NAU 100 ST2 Deu
                                   1st Sat / months
6095 0900-1100 27E,28      233 156 1       2512-251222 NAU 100 ST2 Deu
6045 1000-1400 27E,28      233 156 1234567 3010-250323 NAU 100 TSR Mul

Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday

List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment:

AWR  Adventist World Radio
BVB  High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
DAK  Dandal Kura Radio International
DWL  Deutsche Welle Bonn / Berlin, Germany
EMG  Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
HCJ  Reach Beyond (former Voice of the Andes)
    Sats only, 1530 UTC Russian, 1600 UTC Chechen language
JOY  Radio Joystick, Germany
KBC  The Mighty KBC
PAB  Pan American Broadcasting
RSZ  Radio60!
SBO  Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Voice of Oromo Liberation. Berlin
SFZ  Studio 52
SKW  Foerderverein "Sender Koenigs Wusterhausen" e.V.
SMD  Sender Radio Dessau (addit)
ST2  SE-TA 2
TSR  Telstar Radio


Michael Puetz
Order Management & Backoffice
Erna-Scheffler-Strasse 1
D-51103 Cologne, Germany, Europe

Please send your inquiries and reception reports to:
E-Mail:   <qsl-shortw...@media-broadcast.com>
Internet: <https://www.media-broadcast.com/hoerfunk/kw-sendernetze>
(MBR Cologne via Mike Bethge-D  WWDXC, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 28)

----- Original Message ----- From: Hansjörg Biener
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 8:19 PM
Subject: [WOR] DE: NDR "Gruss an Bord"

Germany: On 27 October 2022, North German public broadcaster NDR announced
another special Christmas eve programme "Gruss an Bord" for sailors on the
high seas. People who want to greet their relatives are invited to two
recording sessions on 11 and 18 December at Leer and Hamburg.


Gruß an Bord was first broadcast in 1953. When Deutsche Welle stopped
shortwave broadcasting in German, NDR started renting air time on its own.
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener)

----- Original Message ----- From: Richard Langley
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] DE: NDR "Gruss an Bord"

Let's hope we don't have problems like last year:

"Gruss an Bord 2021: A Review of the Problems
Richard Langley 12/27/21   #133652

"Broadcast of the 2021 edition of Gruss an Bord from Norddeutscher Rundfunk
(NDR) via shortwave transmitters had some major problems. Despite advanced
notice that indicated otherwise, this year, the program was broadcast only
by the NDR Info network within Germany unlike in past years when it was
carried by both the NDR Info and NDR Info Spezial networks. The program via
NDR Info and the SW relays was scheduled between 18:00 and 21:00 UTC on 24
December. The SW relays were handled by Media Broadcast.

"Problem 1: Media Broadcast fed the SW stations the audio from the NDR Info
Spezial network. That network was carrying children's programming (as usual
on weekdays) from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC. In particular, it was the Mikado
program ("the program for children of all ages! Every week there is
children's news, radio plays, reports, book tips and much more."), which was
taken up on this occasion mostly by a play called "Hilfe, die Herdmanns
kommen!" (Help, the Herdmanns are coming!) read by the actor Henning Venske.
This is a nativity play that threatens to sink into chaos and is apparently
a favourite on Christmas Eve in Germany. So that was what mariners around
the world heard on SW for the first hour. The mistake was discovered by MB
after a call from Harald Kuhl (DL1AX). On or around 19:00 UTC, almost all of
the SW transmitters started to relay Gruss an Bord. Except for WRMI.

"Problem 2: For the first time, WRMI was to participate in the SW relays of
Gruss an Bord and supply a signal to mariners in the North Atlantic on 15770
kHz. WRMI normally carries the audio of Supreme Master TV in the 18:00 to
20:00 UTC time slot on 15770 kHz. And that is what they broadcast on
Christmas Eve, having forgotten to switch feeds on this occasion or their
control software had a fault. And at 21:00 UTC, the regularly scheduled
Radio for Peace International program was initially broadcast. At some point
during the first half hour, WRMI joined the Gruss an Board program in
progress. So, WRMI carried very little of Gruss an Board. At about 21:00
UTC, there was a WRMI ID, which was followed by at least 6 minutes of music,
likely the "Oldies" programming. But at some point, they re-joined NDR Info,
which was then carrying a church service (Catholic Christmas mass from the
Basilika Sankt Clemens in Hannover). In past years, a church service was an
integral part of the Gruss an Bord program. But it was dropped from the
program this year. WRMI stayed with the NDR Info programming right up to and
past 22:00 UTC, carrying at least the first part of the overnight ARD
Infonacht news programming (ARD = Arbeitsgemeinschaft der
öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland --
no wonder they abbreviate it).

"Let's hope we have no problems with Gruss an Bord in 2022 should it
continue to be broadcast."

With the problems last year, I didn't bother to archive the parts I was
successful in recording via SW, like I usually do.

-- Richard Langley
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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