I have the perfect location for one form the standpoint we are 200 miles
from the nearest operating AM station. My location is also 3-4ish miles
from the nearest power lines. There is no cell service out at my proposed
Dx'ing site so live updates would be impossible.

It is unfortunately cold, very very cold... -25-30 below on average right

My boss knows of my intentions and is ok with me using the land a few miles
outside of Galena for this for a night or two.

We could get a tent and find a way to heat it but we'd need alot of
batteries to keep radios ad laptops running

I've got a place that can hold 3 people, in addition to me.. my 2nd bedroom
can hold 2 folks and the living room couch can hold 1 person.

No AM RF interference or overload, no electrical interference.. and
darkness after 4pm  in January, 430pm in February. All you'd need to do is
pay for the airfare to get here.There is plenty of room for antennas.

I really want to do this, but it'd be pretty hard for me to accomplish it
alone, I think.

A few Dx'ers have discussed this offlist but I'd really like to see it

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