[HCDX] Few items

2005-02-02 Thread charles bolland
Peru, 5939.28, Radio Melodia, 1046-1053  Noted the usual format of news and
comments in Spanish.  And as usual, the signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 2, 2005)

Indonesia, 4871, RRI wamena, 1053-1120 Music noted until 1158 when woman
gives ID.  On the hour news.  At the end of the news, a man in Indonesian
comments.  Signal started out as good here in Clewiston, Florida, but
degraded to poor level by 1120.  (Chuck Bolland, February 2, 2005)

Angola, 4950, Radio Nacional, 0215-0232  Noted a man in Portuguese comments
with TC's and ID.  At 0230 Portuguese Pop music presented.  Signal at 0230
was "armchair", or really good here in Clewiston, Florida.  (Chuck Bolland,
February 3, 2005)



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[HCDX] Few Items

2005-01-16 Thread Charles B
Suriname, 4990, Radio Apintie, 1021-1039  Noted a man in 
possibly religious comments with simular music off and on. 
Signal was poor in Clewiston, Florida.  (Chuck Bolland, 
January 16, 2005)

Peru, 5939.27, Radio Melodia, 1040-1050,  Noted two men in 
Spanish comments.  At 1046, heard a couple of Canned Ads. 
Signal was poor in Clewiston, Florida.  (Chuck Bolland, 
January 16, 2005)

Bolivia(tentative), 6054.33 Radio Juan23 (tentative), 1050, 
 Noted a carrier here only with was a threshold.  Carrier 
disappeared before the hour. (Chuck Bolland, January 16, 2005)

Peru, 6173.82, Radio Tawantinsuyo,(pres), 1058-1105 With 
Spanish comments between a man and woman.  Signal was 
threshold and faded rapidly.  (Chuck Bolland, January 16, 2005)

Peru, 6188, Radio Oriente, 1105-1118, Holding it's own this 
late in the morning, noted a man in Spanish comments with 
typical music presented.   Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, 
January 16, 2005)

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[HCDX] few items

2004-11-19 Thread Charles B
Russia, 5945, Radio France International,Irkutsk, 1021-1028 
Noted a program in Mandarin with comments by a man and woman 
between music.  Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, November 
19, 2004)

Malaysia, 6060, Voice of Malaysia, (pres), 1035-1055 Noted a 
woman in comments.  Language is Oriental and could be 
Chinese?  In between comments, music presented.  This 
frequency is not listed in the 2004 WRTH for Malaysia, but 
the Passport 2004 and the HFCC A04 does have it listed for 
this frequency and time frame.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck 
Bolland, November 19, 2004)

Australia, 4834.80, ABC, 1105-1120  Caught the tailend of an 
ID as I tuned the signal in, "... ABC..." in English.  This 
followed by English comments and Music.  I think this guy 
needs to retune his xmitter.  Note:  All my current 
reference schedules for this guy says he is suppose to QRT 
at 0830 UTC or am I in a time warp? Signal was good. (Chuck 
Bolland, November 19, 2004)

Clewiston Florida USA
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[HCDX] few items

2004-11-18 Thread Charles B
Peru, 09719.92, Radio Victoria, 1204-1215 Man and woman 
sharing the microphone which sounded like a prayer/religious 
comments.  At 1215 a man talks in Spanish solo.  Signal was 
poor.  (Chuck Bolland, November 18, 2004)

Thailand, 9520, Radio Free Europe, 1216-1230 Woman in steady 
Kazakh(pres) comments with music as background.  At 1225 man 
talks.  Noted parallel signals on 17680 threshold, 15110 
good, and 9520 was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, November 18, 2004)

Japan, 9605, BBC, 1231-1245 Noted a woman in Mandarin (pres) 
for the complete period with music.  Siganl was poor. (Chuck 
Bolland, November 18, 2004)

Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jakarta or Cimanggis (pres), 1245-1305 
Steady music with Indonesian comments from a woman.  At 1300 
a man in news.  Signal was poor until 1300 but started to 
fade in and out then.  (Chuck Bolland, November 18, 2004)

Clewiston, Florida, USA
R-390A, dipole
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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