** CANADA. 740, Feb 10 at 0634 UT, Satchmo atop KRMG, and from further north, 
no doubt CFZM; 0635 mention Fort Erie, ``Toronto`s AM 740``; makes 44/minute 
SAH with KRMG = 0.7333--- Hz. Maybe assisted by ``740, KRMG, Tulsa – Applies 
for STA; station has discovered its night pattern is out of tolerance and will 
reduce night power until problem is identified and solved`` as in AM Switch, 
NRC DX News Jan 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 800, Feb 10 at 0632 UT, ad for event at St. Anne`s School, 
519-254-1108. 519 is the AC for Windsor, so no doubt CKLW, and DF fits, 
certainly not OKC, as this happened to be in a temporary fade from XEROK, usual 
dominator and close to opposite direxion, which soon resurged (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. 6010, UT Sunday Feb 10 at 0707, no signal from RHC where Esperanto is 
scheduled, instead COLOMBIA, and no RHC on any other 49 or 59 mb frequency 

15340, Feb 10 at 1405, RHC with habitual deadair on Sunday mornings, but 
modulation had resumed by 1451 with RHC song, then `En Cía del Dr` (Glenn 

** GUIANA FRENCH. 11740, Feb 10 at 0459, NHK IS, so the relay in English is 
apparently going to air complete and intact tonight. And at 0700, hummy carrier 
is still running on 11740, probably MSY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 12085, Feb 10 at 1321, Qur`an, good with flutter, i.e. VIRI Dari 
service 12-15, 500 kW, 85 degrees from Kamalabad. Not Syria, not Mongolia 

** PALAU. 9965, Feb 10 at 1340, ``What a Wonderful World``, 1343 Chinese 
announcement, IAD, Chinese song. Nice to hear something secular from WHR 
transmitter, i.e. R. Australia relay at 1300-1430, 100 kW, 318 degrees from 
Babcock via ``HBN`` as HFCC lists it.

9930, Feb 10 at 1344, WHR ID, good signal, then `MFC Worldwide` with Apostle 
Joe Perozich and Pastor Mariana Perozich. I guess the Apostle outranx the 
Pastor, natch considering their genders (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 
See also SARAWAK [non]

** SARAWAK [non]. 9900, Feb 10 at 1108 and at 1253, zero signals, not even a 
carrier from R. Free Sarawak, which publicized this as their new frequency at 
11-13 UT from today, as at http://radiofreesarawak.org 

``IMPORTANT: Our frequency is changing to 9900kHz, 7-9pm
February 10, 2013: Let’s usher in a new era in politics, too!
No comments Podcast: Download (Duration: 2:00:07 — 110.0MB) | Embed

Happy New Lunar Year! As usual, we have lined up recent must-listen interviews 
today, coming on after a sermon from Pastor Greman first.
However, it’s not quite all business as usual. Today is another milestone in 
RFS history as it marks our first show at a new frequency and time – 9900 kHz 
on shortwave from 7-9 pm. Here’s hoping the bad reception problems we had faced 
with the old frequency are a thing of the past. We know how much our listeners 
are depending on us for information that the BN-controlled mainstream media 
want to suppress to further their corrupt ends. So take a leaf from us – out 
with the problematic old government and in with the promising new government!
Radio Free Sarawak 1900-2100 localtime 1100-1300 UTC SW 9900 kHz daily``

Maybe tomorrow? Site is still unknown, but PALAU, formerly used on 15420/15425, 
and plenty of other Asian signals were audible at these times on 31m. Wolfgang 
Büschel and Jorge Freitas report 9900 was also inaudible in Europe (Glenn 

** SAUDI ARABIA. 21505, Feb 10 at 1413, BSKSA ID mixed with bad humbuzz/whine.

15435, Feb 10 at 1504, awful buzz-hum is atop Arabic modulation, probably same 
transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 15480, Feb 10 at 1450, YL in Chinese, good signal with flutter. 
HFCC, Aoki and EiBi all agree this is AWR via Trincomalee, 250 kW, 5 degrees at 
1330-1500. I would have guessed Wertachtal, Germany instead, like BVBN on 15470 

** TURKEY. 17755, Feb 10 at 1311, Stimme der Türkei German service is again 
sufficient far beyond target if not skipping over Germany, as they are playing 
their mandatory time-filler, multilingual ID string, now with different 
background music, sounds minimalist like Glass. I guess this is to impress us 
that VOT broadcasts in so many languages (21 in WRTH), and it`s fun for the 
experienced SWL to try to identify each one, but it would be much more useful 
if each were identified in English, either in the spot or in some website 
reference, in the order played. It`s the several Turkic languages that are hard 
for us to sort out. 1313 Sunday on to `Türkisch im Rundfunk`` i.e. language 
lessons. Seems it`s been a long time, if ever, since they did this in English 

** U K [non]. 13820, Feb 10 at 0701, very poor signal as BBC News is starting, 
whence? ASCENSION, 250 kW, 55 degrees during this hour only, another example of 
needlessly fragmented frequency scheduling.

11890, Feb 10 at 1420, BBCWS with yet another show about the early history of 
radio, apparently titled ``Tuning In`` as 1429 paused for half-hour break, to 
resume. Rather poor reception with flutter and degrading, so I quit and look it 
up later. Full 55-minute programmme:

** U S A. 7405, Sunday Feb 10 at 1305, it seems that R. Martí has started 
broadcasting in English --- not just incidentally, but an entire program. 
``Saints Go Marchin` In`` playing followed by comments in English by a soprano 
about choral music, spirituals. 7405 well atop jamming now, but // 11930 more 
heavily jammed, at 1309 playing ``Walls of Jericho``. At 1329 it`s back in 

Meanwhile, VOA ``Spanish`` is also playing music in English at 1317 on 15590, 
``Top Ten USA`` from Billboard, but at least announced in Spanish, // 13750 and 

15580, Sunday Feb 10 at 1406, VOA with same `American Café` show aired 23 hours 
earlier on 11840, starting with Grand Central Terminal story. During this hour 
only, 15580 is via SOUTH AFRICA at 340 degrees, good for us just like Radio RSA 
was. Also // 17725 which this hour only is 100 kW, 126 degrees from SAO TOME 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1655 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1 5830, UT Sunday 
Feb 10 starting at 0500.6, plenty after top of hour ID which autofires from 
WTWW transmitter site, is out of the way. 

Sunday 1630 broadcast on WRMI 9955 is JBA at 1646 check, but no jamming. Next 
on WRMI, Mon 0530, Tue 1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 7490, Feb 10 at 0458, WBCQ has finally resumed modulation after dead 
air for hours & hours; now it`s a preacher, so must not be the `I Sing` 
multi-hour program scheduled to end at 0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 9265, Feb 10 at 1252, WINB is back on proper frequency after 
excursion to 9273v last night. And once again the carrier is wobbling unlike 
9273, again raising the question of whether 9273 was a different transmitter? 
Try again tonight. At 1320, it`s QSYed to 13570, also wobbling (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 1090, Feb 10 at 0622 UT, ``Old Rugged Cross`` in modern version not 
usual tune, 0624, ``Faith comes by hearing, KAAY`` ID, as Little Rock is back 
on air; fair and steady signal dominating from east, and I wonder if the 
temporary(?) 5 kW transmitter is also running non-direxional day pattern 
instead of usual tight NNW/SSE night pattern:
I`m about 280 degrees from KAAY, supposedly part of the deep null in its 
figure-8 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 9645, Feb 10 at 0706, surprised to hear VR on past 0700, now with 
nice organ music, best here but also // 7250, 6075, 3975 as the lower 
frequencies are getting further and further into dayside absorption. Back to 
9645 to hear switch to IS at 0709, 0710 a snippet of bells and cut off the air, 
also the other three. 0711 however, 9645 is back on (after beam change?) 
starting mass in Romanian, despite WRTH 2013 scheduling showing that Sundays 
only 0715-0830 and only on 7250.

15320, Feb 10 at 1505, hymn music with buzz and horrible distortion, but clears 
up during some more music, back to buzz during talk. Carrier is stable. 
Apparently a modulation input problem at SMG from R. Veritas Asia during their 
Filipino relay back to Mideast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7414, Feb 10 at 1305, blob with humroar is still here, mixed with 
sounds like Standard Chinese = Mandarin = Guo-yu; 1326 kept listening with the 
talk under the roar: this time stayed on until a single tone aired at 1330:10*. 
Yesterday I posted my previous logs of this mystery on the dx_india and 
dx_sasia ygs, but no responses yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15755, Feb 10 at 1408, good signal with gospel-huxter in English 
being translated after every phrase into S Asian language. Certain keywords 
make it clear the English comes first rather than vice versa, as evangelism is 
always one-way, from know-it-all English speakers. So what is it, and from 

Aoki says since Jan 18, 15755 is KTWR GUAM at 1315-1345 in Hindi? [sic] but 
nothing later.

Au Contraire, HFCC Feb 5 says 15755 at 1300-1430 is 
TAC 100 131 0 156 1234567 281012 310313 D UZB NEW RAM 19381

And EiBi updated Feb 2 says:
15755 1300-1430 XUU UNID Station SAs /UZBEKISTAN

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