--- Begin Message ---
** AUSTRALIA. 15450, June 12 at 1408, talk in English about scripture but not a 
declamatory sermon per se; poor-fair with flutter. It`s the all-English 
sesquihour from HCJB until 1530 on 310 degrees toward S Asia, yet doing better 
here than Turkey does for its English USward at 1230-1325 on same 15450. 1415 a 
program change but no intervening ID.

I`ve yet to hear them utter ``Reach Beyond``, the hyped new branding of the 
organization; wonder just how much influence HQ in Colorado Springs has on 
far-flug outliars such as Melbourne/Kununurra? Are they going to abolish 
``HCJB``, which has really never been applicable beyond Ecuador, certainly not 
in Australia? I assume the slogan ``Heralding Christ Jesus` Blessings`` was a 
back-formation once they got the callsign in the 1930s. Or did they decide to 
locate in Ecuador just so they could utter that? 

If they had gone to Colombia, it could have been a bit less convoluted, as 
``Heralding Jesus Christ`s Blessings``. In fact there is/was an unrelated 
commercial station there, HJCB. BTW, most if not all other Ecuadorian radio 
stations originally had numbers in their callsigns, I assume denoting provinces 
or regions, but HCJB somehow avoided that complication --- first among equals?? 

Likewise they came up with a Spanish version, ``Hoy Cristo Jesús Bendice``, 
which is a bit forced, having to insert ``today`` to make it work, but what 
about tomorrow? Did they ever come up with more-or-less workable slogans in any 
of the many other languages they once used, and have added now via Australia?? 
How about German? Do they ever say ``Herr Christus Jesus Begnadet``? If not, 
why not? ``Die Stimme der Anden`` is a sexier slogan, but connexions with that 
Range are getting immer dimmer und dimmer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. CNR1 jamming morning of June 12:

15870, June 12 at 1251, CNR1 jammer with ID, poor-fair; none in 14s

15970, June 12 at 1251, CNR1 jammer, fair; none in the 16s, 17s

18980, June 12 at 1253, JBA SAH with bit of modulation, the 12-13 UT Thursday 
(and Monday) frequency for RFA Tibetan via Kuwait
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA

** CUBA. 13740, June 12 at 1408, no signal from the CRI relay in English; never 
got round to rechecking later in the bihour. But I did check 15535, the A-14 
change registered in HFCC, but still imaginary. (Another one --- NOT --- is 
13590 instead of 9570 for 1200 Cantonese, 1300 English). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. Sporadic E opening June 11 starts slowly but ends with a bang, 
halfway up the FM band; approx. distances at the end. All times UT:

1512 on 2, weak CCI; again at 1545; G7IZU map (the other 6m one is down), shows 
Es from the NW is more likely, but still seems weakly southfrom

1625 on 2, CCI including f bug in LR from Televisa net 4, and now video also 
poking up to channel 3

1722 on 2, news with Azteca 7 bug in LR, probably XHTAU Tampico

1730 on 3, Televisa 5 bug in LR, evil-penguins animation; XHBQ Zacatecas is the 
usual primary one with this description

1731 on 2, Univisión tricolor U bug in lower right. No other network bugs 
visible. Could this be a Mexican anyway, or Nicaraguan, or does it have to be a 
US station, i.e. LPTV 3 kW analog WUVF-LP, Naples FL? Also has a bug looking 
like a G in the LL; and a clock in the UR. (In analog era, WEDU-3 Tampa, WPBT-2 
Miami were common here.) More below -

1732 on 4, algo in Spanish, MUF rising

1734 on 2, +V MASVISION animated logo full screen during variety show: XEWO-TV, 

1736 on 2, U = Univisión bug in LR; LL bug is Gf = program logo, El Gordo y el 
flaco (the fat one and the skinny one). Not // to US Univisión on cable here!

1747 on 3, Televisa-2 promo with Star. G7IZU 6m maps are still showing zero 
activity south of here, just east of here!

1750 on 4, Televisa-5 bug in LR, live action with creatures

1752 on 2, over-loud audio about the Copa

1756 on 88.1, Spanish fades in the first FM frequency I have been monitoring, 
ad for Mi Farmacia, but soon gone before ToH. Cantú shows only four Mexicans on 
88.1; and now ONE on 88.3, which I would sure like to get now that this is an 
open frequency in Enid

1803 on 4, studio musicians giving out phone numbers

1810 on 4, documentary in letterbox, little unID bug in UR [XHG?]

1820 on 4, promo for Televisa 5 (there is also a small star right of the italic 
5 in oval)

1831 on 2, old  B&W movie; bug in UR with clock 13:31 +v with red background, 
i.e. XEWO-TV; not to be confused with XEFB Monterrey which also has an 
alfabetic bug in UR with red background but it says TELEACTIVA

1832 on 2, bug goes off above as ads are running

1835 on 2, Father`s Day promo ``en tu Canal 4`` full screen, but this is also 
from XEWO, immediately followed by +v logo. This refers not to  national 
Televisa-4, but to their sister station also in Guadalajara, XHG, the 4 design 
same as tiny in the UR corner as ``new for 2014`` at 
but this 4 is full screen in blue

1841 on 4, PRI ad, then ``en Coahuila, Voz``, on screen, net-2 promos, Walmart 
ad. If this was really from Coahuila, rather than a passing mention from 
somewhere else, the only Televisa-2 station there is per W9WI.com:

Parras De La Fuente, CL 
XHPAC-TV 10,000    N H 25-26-25N 102-10-45W XLIC S:Televisa 2

rather than the usual ch 4 we see with 10x the power, different net:
Torreón, CL 
XELN-TV 100,000 39 Z H 25-31-59N 103-26-10W XLIC S:Televisa 5

1844 on 3, Televisa-5 bug in LR

1845 on 4, game show involving clothes hangers and jumping, from Televisa-2 bug 
in LR, almost snow free

1901 on 2, boxing, at least clips from Azteca net 7 bug in LR, also program bug 
dc in a circle frequently appears; unknown lettering in upper right corner

1911 on 2, futebol discussion, i.e. interviewing a Brazilian attempting to 
Hispancize some of the words he says. The interviewers from Mexico make no 
attempt to Brazuguize their Spanish; they somehow seem to understand each 
other. Azteca 7 bug in UR, dc in LR 

1917 on 2, back to studio still with circle-dc as program name. Next interview 
is with someone in English

1918 on 4, animation from Televisa net-5

1922 on 2, Azteca 7 promo for Simpsons, back to dc = Deportes Calientes, 
audibly mentioned, also with ``Aztecarioca`` on the set

1923 on 2, dc next topic is MLBéisbol in the USA

1927 on 4, Gala bug = Televisa 9 in LR; as credits run for novela, song; audio 
mixes with another station`s fútbol

1941 on 6 video, animation from Televisa 5, bug LR. Full power 5s-on-6: Orizaba 
VC, Chetumal QR, Querétaro QT, Monterrey NL, Tijuana BCN.

1943 on 5, animation from Televisa 5, same but not synch with 6

1943 on 4, animation from Televisa 5 per LR bug, but totally different show 
from what`s on 5 & 6; timezone delay??? Show on 4 involves dark humanoid 
robotic monsters while 5 & 6 are non-threatening 

1953 on 87.75, channel 6 audio I have been waiting for fades in, with Azteca 13 
promo; I start audio recording. Now video & audio, for `Espectáculos`` 11 de 
junio (hoy), introducing and playing a music video; Los -algo- de Sinaloa; 
didn`t think it was from southwest. Animated big H logo for program. If really 
Sinaloa must be:

Los Mochis, SN XHMSI-TV 100,000 - H 25-48-56N 109-03-47W XLIC S:Azteca 13

1959 on 6, into Info Deportiva

2006 on 6, H animation again – stands for Hechos, photoed, 
and a few seconds later shot of an explosive bösom, also photoed, 
and a couple more shots of the program in color; A-13 bugs barely visible in UR:

2003 on 5, Bob el Esponja from Televisa-5

2003 on 4, other animation from another Televisa-5. At this time not much 
making it on 2 or 3, a geographic cold spot? There are far too many 
Televisa-5`s on 4, ten full-powers per W9WI.com but in the PTA we have only:
Mazatlán SN XHMAF-TV 100,000 Z H 23-15-34N 106-23-11W XLIC S:Televisa 5

2006 on 4, took a bunch of photos of Televisa net-5 animation on 4: see the 
bugs in lower right:
Linx to these will be added to my TVDX photo page:

At this point I suspend TV DXing and go out on the porch with DX-398 and PL-880 
to DX FM. Despite a bad connexion on the whip swivel, I find the DX-398 is 
better for FM sensitivity, but employ the PL-880 to keep track of a second 
signal. DX-398 also has RDS display, which can be a big help altho none seen in 
the catches below after the first one. References are the WTFDA FM database and 
the Cantú listings.

2018 on 93.1, RDS shows MANDA something, probably song title, then audibly ``al 
ritmo caliente por la Jefa, 93 punto 1``. That slogan matches only: XHMZT, 
50/50 kW in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, i.e. the same TVDX area. Then ad for 
tecate.com.mx which is running a trivia contest. I think Tecate is a cerveza, 
no relation or DX from the town in BCN, but this is for ``gentlemen`` only, all 
about requiring them to register their birth date (data mining, duh!), in order 
to win one of 4000 screens. What if you secretly bear two X chromosomes, take 
the prize back? Soon fading by 2020. Recording:

2020 on 93.9, weak Spanish vs ACI and CCI, mentions Croacia, Brasil, no doubt 
discussing upcoming silly ballgames. Soon loses out to Okie station, i.e. KIMY 
Watonga (whose awful 93.1 translator in Enid remains silent, thank god). Most 
likely another Mazatlán station:
93.9 XHMZS Radio Sinaloa (Rep. XHGES Culiacan) Mazatlan, Sin. 10,000

2022 on 92.9, YL & OM conversation about pilas (? Batteries). No, it`s filas, 
lineups of people, mentions presidente municipal (mayor) in the PRI, but where? 
2024 (1:19 into recording) mentions ``nuestra página de G-M-B radio`` twice, 
but not certain of letters; could be some rhymers. Those calls do not match any 
listed on 92.9 in Cantú; mentions Parral in passing, which leads to nearby city:
92.9 XHJZ La Campera + AM 1320 Cd. Jiménez, Chih. 25,000 
Campera I guess alludes to being from or for the campo.

Later refers to Chihuahua, traffic accident, Glorieta del Minero, which must be 
a local landmark traffic circle --- it also matches for Hidalgo del Parral, tho 
there could be others (by now 93.1 above is no longer audible).

2028, 1:28 timecheck [must be wrong as Chihuahua is on UT -6 MDT; see four 
minutes later below], teaser about possibility of same-sex marriage but church 
says no way (an issue in Mexico even?); call for news tips ``hagamos la noticia 
juntos`` from your colonia, ``denuncias`` about things you don`t agree with, to 
54-2-01-61 or 54-2-00-68. ``Marque la diferencia``

2029 ad for Zapatería Pátiz en Ciudad Jiménez; ad for fancy Mediterráneo 
Restaurante y Café when visiting Cuauhtémoc (which is way up west of Chihuahua 
capital, not near Jiménez).

2030 ad for discount clothes store, Casa Chalmita? Which takes a siesta break 
from 1 to 3 pm, ``vestidos desde la joven hasta la abuelita`` --- so only for 
females? Federal PSA for Cámara de Diputados

2031, ad for consultorio something Infantil A-B-C; including wheelchairs? 
``Auto-Valu, siempre más barato``. 

2032, promo for newscasts on this station, La Campera, de Jimémez to worldwide, 
``lunes a viernes 6-8:30 am y lunes a sábados 2 a 3, grupo B-M radio, tu mejor 

2:32 timecheck, homosexual marriage story. Another station with music starts to 
fade in, so I stop recording: 10+ minute recording from 2022, just as the 
speaker starts, mentioning ``10 minutitos``:

2033 on 92.9, resuming recording, bit of music station, but back to XHJZ for 
gay marriage report:

2034 on 94.9, Senado de la República PSA; and equal time for the Cámara de 
Diputados about organ donation saving lives; third one about crédito público; 
then ID as ``imponiendo nuestro estilo, La Mexicana [echoing]``. I have to 
side-tune to 94.95 to avoid 94.7 OKC. Is in $tereo but no RDS. This one checks 
out in Cantú as:
94.9 XHSB Radio Mexicana + AM 810 Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 25,000
WTFDA db puts the same in Santa Bárbara, Chihuahua, which is near Parral in the 
southern tip of the state. Recording until 2036:

2037 on 97.5, weather report for places all over Mexico including: the National 
Water Commission predicts temps of 40-50! C degrees in BC, Sonora, Coahuila, 
Nuevo León, y Tamaulipas due to high pressure over the area for almost a week; 
address as ``conexion.notici...@gmail.com --- el correo electrónico de Conexión 
Nacional, el noticiero que une a todo el país``. The Senate has started to 
debate algo, fade at 2038. 
This sounds like a network program, nothing local, so what have we on 97.5 in 
the PTA (probable target area)? Cantú:
97.5 XHFAMA Radio Fama, La Grandota + AM 960 Cd. Camargo, Chih. 25,000
I previously DXed their MW 960 as one of the `Fox-hole` stations during local 
KGWA dead air.

Searching on the ``Conexion Nacional`` name without even a frequency, the top 
hit is this from 462 days ago:
The network had grown to 54 radio stations, also on cable TV. This site belongs 
to La Grandota 97.5 FM y 960 AM. Grandota means ``big one``. The story doesn`t 
say where the broadcasts originate, but I bet it`s México DF rather than 
Camargo, which is between Parral and Chihuahua city on the indirect highway. 

2038 on 97.9 (but sidetuned to 97.8 avoiding OKC on 98.1), weak signal in and 
out: YL with phone number, plug program `Ventana de Poetas[? may be some other 
word]` a las 10 de la mañana por W [doble-ú] Radio,`` ``W-radio, estación pilar 
de Radiorama, la cadena que une a México`` (like several others claim)

The huge Radiorama station list at
includes many different names and formats, with only two on 97.9, in Ensenada 
and Mazatlán, both Ke Buenas. As for W Radio, none on 97.9, but close, in 
Cantú: XHWT 97.7 in Culiacán, Sinaloa, while 97.9 in Mazatlán is XHMMS. Maybe 
the latter has flipped to W? Recording:

2041 on 90.3, YL in Spanish with ACI from Okies on 90.5 & 90.1, requiring 
precise whip manipulation, about denuncias ``aquí en Hidalgo del Parral, 
Chihuahua to 52-2-02-86 or outside the area prefix 01-627 plus that number. 
During phone number, fades up to full level, with address near an iglesia, and 
taking first call for family advice; with musical background. Wants birthdate 
of caller`s mother; astrological? 
Cantú IDs it:
90.3 XHEGD La Poderosa + AM 700 Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 25,000
I`ve also heard their AM 700 several times. Neat to be DXing FM stations from 
the same hotspots as I get on MW!

2045 on 90.3 (4:20 into continuous recording) fade over to a different station, 
YL about Jesús, phone 712-6663, IDs in passing as Radio María, ``totalmente 
independiente`` with no funding from government entities or the obispado, 
mentions Huracán Manuel del pasado septiembre, so probably on the coast. Fades 
without any further ID, but Cantú shows the only María on 90.3 is:
90.3 XHFCS Radio María Culiacán, Sin. 15,000 
6:33 recording of both 90.3s:

Thus ended the FM DX opening, so I shortly go back into the TVs for just a few 
more before the MUF descends below 54 MHz too.

2058 on 4, Azteca 13 about fútbol

2058 on 3, promo for a religious program at 6 pm; 2059 on 3, animated 3 logo in 
the Grupo Pacífico style, news feature about the Universidad Autónoma de 
Sinaloa, continues with circle-3 bug in UR, so it`s XHQ-TV, 100 kW in Culiacán.

2108 on 2, some CCI is all that remains, and gone by 2115 UT.

Approximate city-to-city distances from http://www.distancefromto.net/ which is 
so much quicker than entering lots of coördinates, but would do so from 
transmitter sites if I were competing for anything; in km/statute 
miles/nautical miles:

Parras             1286  799  695
Guadalajara        1831 1138  988
Tampico            1577  980  851
Tijuana            1808 1123  976
Los Mochis         1583  984  855

Culiacán           1577  980  852
Mazatlán           1679 1043  907
Hidalgo del Parral 1285  799  694
Santa Bárbara      1306  811  705
Ciudad Jiménez     1226  762  662
Ciudad Camargo     1189  739  642
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.5, June 11 at 2017 UT, as I am scanning for Mexican DX, I can`t 
help but notice that my nearby station has a stronger signal than before, ``My 
Praise FM``, and with RDS song info. It`s KGVV in Goltry listed as 14/14 kW and 
40/40m HAAT. FCC FM Query shows no CPs, so maybe was not up to full power until 
now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SARAWAK [non]. 15410, June 12 at 1228 interview in presumed Iban, poor but 
no jamming audible or any QRM; 1229 YL mentions Radio Free Sarawak, 1230 bit of 
percussive music, off at 1230:20*. Presumably still via RVA Palauig, 
PHILIPPINES site. Probably employs some of the alternate frequencies earlier 
from 1100: 15420, 15430, 15460 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. 11910, June 12 at 1303 as I tune across, ears perk up 
during Morse code --- of course, it`s only the standard opening of REE`s 
`Españoles en la Mar`, IIRC spelling out that title, now starting after only 3 
minutes of news instead of 5 or 6. Who cares what`s happening in the world? 
Surely nothing more than three minutes` worth. 11910 is the Beijing relay; poor 
signal with REE direct on 17715 somewhat better, while 21610, 21640, 21540, 
21515 remain JBA if at all with 13m in the summer doldrums (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1724 monitoring: confirmed Wed June 11 after 
2100 on WBCQ webcast, but inaudible here on 7490; how is it further east? 1724 
also replayed UT Thursday June 12 at 0330 on WRMI 9955, as 1725 was not quite 
ready in time.

WORLD OF RADIO 1725 monitoring: confirmed first airing Thursday May 12 at 1230 
on WRMI, 9955, but now marred by a low audible heterodyne from some other 
station; it breaks briefly at 1231, but resumes at 1232; YL in continuous 
Chinese(?) talk, not // CNR1. Finally some music at 1256 and goes off at 1300 
leaving WRMI clear. Aoki still shows nothing else on 9955 at this time, but 
strongly suspect TAIWAN has resumed using it, as it`s typically off-frequency; 
this QRM was first noticed yesterday against Wavescan. Have suggested to Jeff 
that should try to get Taiwan off; if not using 315 antenna on 9955, which he 
is so reluctant to employ even during English broadcasts which would have a far 
greater audience in Canada than Caribbean. Next WOR SW broadcasts:

Thu 2100 on WTWW, 9475
Thu 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v
UT Fri 0326v on WWRB, 5050
Sat 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Sat 2330 on WTWW, 9930 (we hope; not last week)
UT Sun 0030 on WRMI, 9495 (may be previous show but 1724 already aired here 
last week)
UT Sun 0400 on WTWW, 5830
UT Mon 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5109v-CUSB
Tue 1100 on WRMI, 9955
Wed 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wed 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wed 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v

** U S A. 11825, June 11 at 2138 check, WRMI TOM service is back on after being 
off the air several hours earlier; and resuming 24 hour service whenever 
checked thence. 

9955 at 1230-1300* June 12 now has CCI from Chinese making low audible 
heterodyne, probably TAIWAN; see WOR report. At 1259 WRMI fill music and Bob 
Zanotti ID from Switzerland: now he has redone it to insert the first `dot` 
into www.wrmi.net! I remain mystified why so many otherwise savvy people tend 
to omit that dot after www when citing websites, but never the final dot (Glenn 

This report dispatched at 2058 UT June 12

--- End Message ---
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