** BRAZIL. 6180 & 11780, Oct 8 at 0524, RNA is active on both frequencies this 
time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. QSL: 9400, KBC Radio test to NAm, UT Sunday Oct 7 at 0000-0027 UT 
confirmed later same UT day with e-QSL I requested, 100 kW. Accompanying note 
confirms the site was ``near Sofia, Bulgaria``. 
Now added to my collexion via http://www.worldofradio.com/QSL.html

Eric van Willegen also tells me, ``Yes, we are testing again next week, same 
time, same station, same frequency [UT Sunday Oct 14 at 0000-0200]. It is 
possible that we move frequency if we start with some regular shows. We will 
keep everybody informed via our website and facebook page`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CANADA. 9555, Oct 8 at 0523, Sackville is relaying Voice of Vietnam on 
correct frequency tonight instead of 6175, which appears about half the time. 
As usual toward end of Vietnamese-language hour, there is a language lesson 
presented in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11860, Oct 8 at 1252, RHC back on proper frequency instead of confused 
11680 yesterday.

15230, Oct 8 at 1250, RHC the OSOB in very degraded propagation with K index of 
6, G2 storms and R1 blackouts per WWV.

17580, Oct 8 at 1310, RHC fair but undermodulated signal, apparent source of a 
noise field gradually diminishing down to 17430 or so and also on the hi side; 
no specific spur peaks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11510, Oct 8 at 1257, poor signal from presumed Denge 
Kurdistan, via UKRAINE (?), while there were NO signals from E Asia above 10 
MHz (so no Firedrake today) due to, as WWV reported:

``Solar-terrestrial indices for 07 October follow.
Solar flux 98 and estimated planetary A-index 5.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1200 UTC on 08 October was 6.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred.
Radio blackouts reaching the R1 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be minor.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level are expected.``

** MEXICO. 750, Oct 8 at 0602 UT, national anthem, to Sinaloa anthem as WSB is 
easily nulled; 0607 pro-Mexico PSA; 0608 Éxtasis Digital 89.5 and 750 ID, i.e. 
per Cantú:
750 XECSI Éxtasis Digital + FM 89.5 Culiacán, Sin. 5,000 250
This is the regular XE heard here on 750, altho there are 8 others, one of 
which I heard once, XEOH in Chihuahua at SRS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MEXICO. 1180, Oct 8 at 1227 UT, ``La Ke Buena`` twice between tunes, now 
definite vs circumstantial as logged Oct 3 at 0536, i.e. per Cantú:
1180 XEJK  Ke buena + FM 95.3 Cd. Delicias, Chih. 5,000 1,500

** OKLAHOMA. 960, UT Monday Oct 8 at 0500 check, local KGWA fails to suspend 
modulation, with Fox `News` --- so when missing it`s a fox hole! (Glenn Hauser, 

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1020, Oct 8 at 0556 UT, open carrier from semilocal KOKP 
Perry. Even so, I can`t pull in KDKA, which I haven`t heard in years. Long 
before KOKP and others invaded the frequency, KDKA was audible any night here 
at about a kilomile distance, and I used to enjoy their late-night call-in 
show. KCKN NM isn`t heard either with its deep null toward us and Pittsburgh, 
which is supposedly 50 kW non-direxional day and night. I wonder if their own 
signal has degraded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 11880, Oct 8 at 1252, another Monday and REE COSTA RICA relay 
again in Castilian, not Basque (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1637 monitoring: the UT Monday 0500 broadcast on WRMI 
9955 checked at 0523 was more or less atop the pulse jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 1030, Oct 8 at 0550 UT, open carrier with hum is still going every 
night after a sesquiweek at least, looping N/S from here. On ABDX, Steve Ponder 
in SE Houston says it`s coming from the Corpus Christi area; Kevin Redding in 
Crump TN, says it`s SW from there, so that makes a fix on KCTA Corpus Christi 
TX, not anything north of here. Altho there has never been any ID heard, on the 
basis of this I am moving it out of the UNIDENTIFIED category (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 1650, my several logs of romantic music in Spanish here and a mention 
of `sin comerciales` must really have been KSVE El Paso, altho I never heard 
any call letters or `Maria`, as now we have info from a local listener via NRC 
International DX Digest Oct 5:

``KSVE is indeed broadcasting Spanish música romántica. Between each song is a 
canned ID similar to "María, siempre romántica todo el día.  María, 1650 AM. 
Siempre romántica; galanoñes, sin comerciales." María is a format style, much 
like the "Jack" and "Bob" style formats in the U.S. And, no, I have yet to hear 
a commercial on this station; which makes me wonder what it does for funding. 
They are part of Entravision, a good-sized media conglomerate (Robert Vance, El 
Paso TX)``

[what`s ``galanoñes``? Not in my Random House, nor Google translate, which asks 
if I meant ``gananones``? And then doesn`t translate that either, also 
``detects`` Filipino; nor is this in Random House  -- gh]

Editor Bruce Conti adds on mwdx yg:
``More about the "Maria" stations:
lists all Entravision AM/FM radio stations along with URL's including those 
carrying the "José" and "María" monikers`` 

El Paso KSVE 1650 AM María Texas http://www.maria1650.com
``Siempre Romántica`` with streaming.

I am still wondering why there have been *no* other DX reports of KSVE on 1650 
that I can find in NRC or IRCA. Has Wilkins in Colorado ever heard it?

Deeper searching finds one [presumed?] log of it on the Ultralight yg, UT Jan 
25, 2010: ``0015Z 1650 kHz, KSVE, El Paso, TX. Spanish singing (bo-ring) and SS 
M ann. Weak, in and out. Stated 850 W, 1180 miles. PL-380 with 340-uH internal 
antenna mod. 73, Jim, KR1S http://qrp.kearman.com/ `` Jim is now in Stuart, 
Florida, per ARRL FCC lookup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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