[HCDX] Sat early

2010-09-26 Thread Charles Bolland
India, 5010.41, AIR, 0126-0140,  Noted a few bars of
music until the half
hour when a female commences to talk.  She's suppose to
be in Hindi
according to listing.   Signal began to fade by 0135 or
maybe it was
gone?   (Chuck Bolland, September 18, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.88, Radio Santa Cruz, 0925-1005,  Heard a
few Spanish language
comments by a male at 0926, then heard a Radio Drama
possibly?   Signal is 
rather weak at the presented time, so not possible to
gatherr details yet. At 1000
a bunch of canned promos and ADs with an ID mixed in.
Signal had improved
slightly by then.   (Chuck Bolland, September 26, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.93, Voice of Indonesia, 1005-1020,
Noted a female in English language
news.  At 1010 news finished with "The last item ..."
"... news from the Voice of Indonesia"
This is followed with music and comments.   Signal was
good.   (Chuck Bolland, 
September 26, 2010)
Inodesia, 9680.05, RRI Jakarata, 1012-1020  Noted two
females in Indonesian coversation.
Signal was Good.   (Chuck Bolland, September 26, 2010)
Wr-g31DDC, NRD545, WJ HF1000
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Sat early DX

2010-09-10 Thread Charles Bolland
Unknown, 5900, Voice of Russia, 0025-0045,  Commentary
and news in English language presented by 
male and female.  In between some music heard.   The
"Voice of Russia" ID heard at 0032 by a 
female.  Judging from the strength, this signal sounds
like a relay - probably via
 MOLDOVA-PRIDNESTROVIE?  Yes the signal was very good.
(Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2010)
Iran, 6025, Voice of Islamic Republic,
(Tent),0055-0105,  Noted a weak signal here with
Islamic type chanting at
one point and a male in Arabic type language comments
at another.   Signal was very poor with Splatter.
I was looking for Radio Illimani.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 11, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0103-0115,   Noted
a male in Spanish language comments which is
fading in and out more or less.  At 0104 a second male
talks briefly then into music.  Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2010)
26.37N 081.05W
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[HCDX] Sat early DX

2009-11-20 Thread ka4prf
India, 5010, All India Radio, 0030-0130,  Originally at 0030 tune in noted a 
very weak carrier with weaker audio.  However, by 0105, the signal had 
improved with details
consisting of Hindi comments by male and female with some singing and music 
the background.  The signal keeps getting better albeit just slightly. 
(Chuck Bolland,

November 21, 2009)

Bolivia, 5952.47, Emisoras Pio XII, 0122-0135,  Generally  noted music with 
a male
breaking in with Spanish comments every once in awhile - very excitable. 
Signal was

fair but lots of splatter.  (Chuck Bolland, November 21, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000
26.27N 081.05W


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