[HCDX] Thur Morn DX

2010-10-14 Thread Charles Bolland
Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar,(pres) 0935-0945, Noted a
signal here with a female 
in comments.  Can't actually hear it well enough to
identify the language, but it's
definitely a female talking.  At 0941 some promo type
music as bridge then more
comments.  Signal remains at a threshold level
throughout the period.  Possibly
a later check will reveal a better signal?  That's
called wishful thinking, because
a recheck at 1023 showed that conditions had gotten
worse instead of better.
 (Chuck Bolland, October 14, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.78, Radio Santa Cruz, 0957-1005,
Conditions are very bad so far on
this band at this time, but I think that is only a
temporary condition.  Probably  in
a few minutes signals will improve.  At present
however, can hear a male in 
Spanish language comments as the noise smoothers the
signal.  On the hour
music heard.  Rechecked at 1022 and conditions were
worse, so my prediction
of better conditions never happened.(Chuck Bolland,
October 14, 2010)
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[HCDX] Thur MOrn DX

2010-09-16 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 4699.99, Radio San Miguel, 0920-0930,  With a
very muffled audio, a male comments
in Spanish language. After a few moments steady music
heard.  Signal was rather weak 
this morning.   (Chuck Bolland, September 16, 2010)
Peru, 6019.32, Radio Victoria, 0956-1005,  With the
usual Het, noted a male in Spanish language
religious comments until 0958, when he is replaced by
another male with live secular comments.
After notching out interfering het, Victoria was easier
to hear.   Even so, the signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, September 16, 2010)
Peru, 4826.60, Radio Sicuani, 1001-1015,   Not a steady
signal.  It keeps fading into the noise
and disappearing every few seconds.  However, noted a
male in Spanish language comments
when signal was audible.  Overall, the signal was
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland September 16, 2010)
WinRadio G31ddc
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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx

2010-09-02 Thread Charles Bolland
Brazil, 9665.45, Radio Voz Missionaria, 1002-1015,
Noted a male in Portuguese 
language Religious comments.  The male sounded like the
preacher named
 David Miranda heard on Radio Victoria, Peru in the
mornings.  Later a female joins
in the activities.  Signal was poor with noise.
(Chuck Bolland, September 2, 2010)
Korea N. 9650, Voice Of Korea, 1015-1030, Noted
Japanese language comments presented by a 
female.   At 1019 a male comments also in Japanese.
Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, 
September 2, 2010)
Brazil, 9645.41, Radio Bandeirantes, 1021-1030,  Noted
both a male and female in Portuguese
language comments here.Between the noise and the
weak signal, there's not much 
left of this station by 1030.   (Chuck Bolland,
September 2, 2010)
Philippines, 9615, Radio Veritas, 1033-1045,  Noted a
male and female in Chinese language 
comments - probably religious?  Noted a very good
signal at this time with no fading.  
(Chuck Bolland, September 2, 2010)
Indonesia, 9525.947, Voice of Indonesia, 1048-1100,  At
tune in heard a musical interlude.
During this period, the signal was good with just
slight fading.  (Chuck Bolland, September 2,
Indonesia, 9680.071, RRI Jakarta, 1100-1115,   At tune
in, noted Qu'ran type chanting in 
progress.  This was followed by a male and female in
Indonesian comments.  At 1101
a male gives ID and more chanting follows.  Another
full ID at 1104 with National Anthem.
 Signal was good.   (Chuck Bolland,  September 2, 2010)
Lots of noise this morning possible caused by the
hurricane off the Atlantic Coast.
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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx - MAGNA

2010-06-03 Thread Charles Bolland
India, 9595, AIR, Delhi,(pres) 1028-1105,   Noted a
program of steady music with no comments or ID.
Music was instrumental of old favorites from Broadway
shows.  By 1050, the signal begins to
fade but still presenting music w/o comments.At
1059 a female talks in
a unidentifiable language  and continues with possibly
the news.  Signal was fair at start,
but ended up being poor.   (Chuck Bolland, June 3,
Indonesia, 9525.83, Voice of Indonesia, 1045-1100,   At
tune in, noted local type music in progress.
Signal was strong, clear and at a good level.   (Chuck
Bolland, June 3, 2010)
Note:  Installed an updated version of Magna
(AOKI/EIBI) database at 
Although the database Magna has been updated, the
comments on 
the web page (IMAGE59) such as the dates, haven't been
updated.  Just ignore
the dates.
WinRadio G305e/pd
26.37N  081.05W
It's very hot these days here in Florida and many of us
just naturally slow 
down to a crawl due to the heat.   
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[HCDX] Thur MOrn Dx

2010-04-15 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1030,  Noted a
male and female in Spanish
language conversatin until about 1026 when a series of
promos and ID are heard.  
The frequency is clear of interference at this time
which allows SC to be heard well.
At 1028, live comments continue.  Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, April 15, 2010)
Malaysia, 7270, RTM, 1040-1100,  At tune in had steady
local music.   At 1046,
a male talks, probably using Iban which is listed.
After a few comments, music
returns.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, April 15,
WinRadio G305e/pd
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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx

2010-02-18 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 4699.92, Radio San Miguel, 0920-0930,  Noted a
female in Spanish comments until

0921 when music is presented.  This format continues
during the period while the signal

remained at threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, February 18,


Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0932-0945,  At tune
in, noted typical music for a few 

minutes then a male comments in Spanish briefly before
going back to music.  Signal

was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, February 18, 2010)



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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx

2009-11-12 Thread ka4prf

Peru, 5039.20, Radio Libertad, 1034-1100,  Noted a male in Spanish comment
for a minute then Huaynos type music.  After just one selection, the male 

more.  This is followed with a canned promo.  Signal was very threshold and
difficult to hear over the noise.  (Chuck Bolland, November 12, 2009)

China, 5050, Voice of Beibu Bay Radio, (Tentative), 1040-1100,  Another very
threshold signal which is barely audible, noted a female and male in 
At this point it is impossible to hear the signal well enough to id the 
On the hour noted time tones - missed the count.  This was followed by a 
in Chinese language.  The signal had faded in just a little, but was still 

(Chuck Bolland, November 12, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000
26.27N 081.05W

The Magna.zip file has been updated with both the EIBI and AOKI databases.
Go to http://www.orchidcitysoftware.com/IMAGE59.HTML where it can
be download.

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[HCDX] Thur Morn DX

2009-09-17 Thread Charles B
Vietnam, 9635, Voice of Vietnam,(Tent) 1000-1030, Noted
 a weak signal here with a female in comments.*  This in 
parallel with 7435 KHz.  Noted music briefly at 1005, then
 comments from a male. This signal was threshold. 
 (Chuck Bolland, September 17, 2009)

Vietnam, 7435, Voice of Vietnam,(Tent) 1000-1030, Noted
 a weak signal here with a female in comments.*  This in
 parallel with 9635 KHz.  Noted music briefly at 1005, then 
comments from a male. This signal was just a little better
 than threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, September 17, 2009)

Bolivia, 6155.23, Radio Fides, 1032-1045,  With the usual format
for this station, noted a female and male in Spanish comments.
Periodically, music is inserted as a bridge. Signal was poor
but readable.  (Chuck Bolland, September 17, 2009)

* I could hear the individuals talking, but the audio was too
 weak and muffled to identify any details or even the language?
 I had a Vietnamese friend a few years ago, but he spoke 
English when I was around, so my ability to identfy 
Vietnamese is limited, especially when I can't hear the 
comments.   Note the Tent flag which means 
Tentative - I am not sure of anything on this logging.  
Considering the language again, they could be broadcasting 
 in another language besides Vietnamese?  Since I
 can't find a listing for these broadcasts, I don't really know
 what language VOV has schedule now? 

Watkins Johnson HF1000

26.32N 081.05W

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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx

2009-07-30 Thread ka4prf

Indonesia, 4749.93, RRI Makassar, 1000-1015,  Signal
has faded in completely yet, but noted a person in Qu'ran 
type reciting. At 1004 a male comments in Indonesian

language.  Again at 1008 more Qu'ran reciting  Finally,
at 1012 a female opens the broadcast with comments
and music.   In the meantime, the signal is fading in from
a poor to a fair. (Chuck Bolland, July 30, 2009)

China, 5030.00, China National Radio One, 1030-1045,
Noted a male and female in Chinese Language comments.
Signal was threshold during the period, but checked 
6175 KHz and noted parallel program, so this helped 
pull out the signal on 5030 KHz.  Was hoping to hear
Malaysia here, but that never happened.  China was 
fair by 1045.  (Chuck Bolland, July 30, 2009)

China, 6175, China National Radio One, 1040-1050
With steady Chinese language comments from a male
and female.  Much of this sounds like news with 
break aways to other individuals who comment.  Signal
here was fair and mixing with a Portuguese language 
station which turned out to be WYFR which went
off the air at 1045.  Much better, since China is in 
the clear now with a good signal.   (Chuck Bolland,

July 30, 2009)

China, 6150, China National Radio One, 1047-1055
Thought I'd check this freq to see what China was doing
here?  Noted a parallel signal with 6175 KHz here.  CNR1
was the dominate station on this freq, but a second station
underneath is heard, which probably is Taiwan?  CNR1
is definitely doing its' job if they are here to block Taiwan.  
(Chuck Bolland, July 30, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000

27.27N  080.56W

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[HCDX] Thur Morn DX .....

2008-10-09 Thread ka4prf

Bolivia, 4716.16, Radio Yura, 0940-1000 At tune in noticed Bolivian music
i.e. flutes and singing.  Briefly at 0945 a male gives clear ID as ...Radio 
This is followed with more music for a couple of minutes, then more 

Signal was poor to fair.  (Chuck Bolland, October 9, 2008)
WinRadio G305e

Brazil, 4845, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, 0958-1010,  Caught the
National Anthem at 0958 to 1000.  This was immediately followed with
a canned ID as ...Radio ... Ondas Tropicais  Then into music.  I 

hear any live comments during the period.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck
Bolland, October 9, 2008) WinRadio G305e

Bolivia, 6155.3, Radio Fides, (pres) 1014-1030,  At tune in this station
sounds like a all News station with a number of different male announcers
commenting on current affairs, both on the phone and in the studio.  Every
minute or so a male gives the time.  At 1019 canned ADs then back to
news.  Signal initially was fair, but by 1026 it had faded to a very poor.
Never heard a good ID. (Chuck Bolland, October 9, 2008)


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[HCDX] Thur Morn Dx

2008-09-11 Thread ka4prf

Peru, 4774.90, Radio Tarma, 1045-1055,  Noted a program of music and Spanish
comments.   The noise has a tendency to cover the signal and consequently 
specific details being gleaned is very unlikely except for noting Huaynos 
music and

some comments.  (Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2008)

Peru, 4835.48, Radio Maranon, 1056-1105  Noted a male in Spanish language 
through the hour mark.  At 1058, canned promos heard and these are followed 
by Huaynos
music at 1059.  At 1101 noted a canned ID as ... Radio Maranon...   Signal 
was poor with

the usual noise.  (Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2008)

Peru, 5039.21, Radio Libertad, 1104-1115,  Not much of a signal here, but 
can hear a male
in Spanish language comments fade in periodically.  I need to retune the 
signal to re-assure myself
that the station is still active which always results in a threshold signal. 
(Chuck Bolland, September

11, 2008)

Philippines, 9615, Radio Veritas Asia, (pres)1115-1155*  Noted a female 
person in Mandarin language comments, which were probably religious.  At 
1122 a break in the comments with brief music.At about 1125 a male comments 
until 1128 when the female returns. More music at 1144.
At 1155 a interval signal from a horn followed with an English ID from a 
female then off the air.
The Signal seemed to improve during the period from poor to fair.  (Chuck 
Bolland, September 11, 2008)

Clewiston, Florida

Conditions produced a lot of noise this morning.  Most of it was probably
generated by that powerful hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. 

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