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Today's Topics:

   1. Logs 18/1/13 (LIAGKAS ZAXARIAS)
   2. Logs 18/1/13 (LIAGKAS ZAXARIAS)
   3. DX Loggings -- 23 Jan -- Ralph Perry (RALPH PERRY)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 13:25:54 +0200 (EET)
Subject: [HCDX] Logs 18/1/13
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed

review of tecsun PL360 NEW

747  possibly a Bulgarian station  IDing as Radio Den on 2004 with talks in 
Bulgarian . Pop songs then but unsure if was the QRM from Netherlands

1126.5 Libya 2011-14  with several mentions of Libya then a medley of various 
Arabic songs . Talks 34544

9815 VoA in French  2020-30 with happy discussions . Many points of Africa 
mentioned . ON 2030  with a pop song S2-3 25332

7216.5 once again VoV 2039  heard in this freq with news S5 only 

review of tecsun PL360 NEW


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 13:26:05 +0200 (EET)
Subject: [HCDX] Logs 18/1/13
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed

review of tecsun PL360 NEW

747  possibly a Bulgarian station  IDing as Radio Den on 2004 with talks in 
Bulgarian . Pop songs then but unsure if was the QRM from Netherlands

1126.5 Libya 2011-14  with several mentions of Libya then a medley of various 
Arabic songs . Talks 34544

9815 VoA in French  2020-30 with happy discussions . Many points of Africa 
mentioned . ON 2030  with a pop song S2-3 25332

7216.5 once again VoV 2039  heard in this freq with news S5 only 

review of tecsun PL360 NEW


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 08:27:27 -0600
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] DX Loggings -- 23 Jan -- Ralph Perry
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

PERU ? 5025p, Radio Quillabamba, ?strong tentative? has finally moved
to ?presumed? category, as have concluded Quillabamba assuredly the
Peruvian heard multiple mornings of late in 1015-1048 time frame,
underneath Radio Rebelde, mainly only audible during Rebelde talk
segments.  Only thing missing is el locutor saying the magic words,
Radio Quillabamba, hi!  On 1/12,14, frequent and definite OA mx
selections, yipping huaynos and OM SS anmts including clear GMT-5
t/cks.   Also, Quillabamba known to be currently active here per
reports out of LA.  (If the Cuban weren?t blaring in on this fqy, the
Peruvian would probably be a pretty astounding signal.)  Still need to
perform some DX gymnastics to monitor this one, zero beating Rebelde
carrier, passband shifting to low side and notching out as much of the
Cuban as possible.  Sometimes, the OA is quite well heard.  Took many
receptions to test RQ hypothesis and reach this conclusion.
Unfortunately, cannot read a precision fqy for RQ due to Rebelde, so
just calling it ?5025? for now.  (Perry, Illinois)

PERU ? 5120.00, Radio Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, a regular
the past week or so, with irregular s/on anytime in the 1045-1100
slot, with signal usually holding up till fade-out around 1110.  For
example, good open carrier noted 1040 on1/16 and programming abruptly
started *1047 .  Music punching thru better than anmts, but clear and
frequent ID mentions by OM of ?onda corta? and ?en Radio Sur Oriente?
at 1047 s/on.  Avisos de la hora for GMT-5 and nice, full ID en eco at
1057.   Bassy huaynos.   Also noted on 1/17, 22, 23 typically taking
the air approx around 1047-49.  Note: beware of SS speaking utility
stn also here some mornings, at same time, with two male voices in SS.
 But the ute sounds much crisper, and the male voices have more
treble, very different sounding from the SWBCer, so fairly easy to
mentally sort out from  Sur Oriente .  (Perry, Illinois)

PERU ? 4774.95, Radio Tarma, easy to take these guys for granted, as
their signals just crush all competitors on 60 meters, nearly every
morning!  Noted 1/21 at 0955 abruptly switching on the carrier.  At
0958, nice piano, strings and flute theme, f/by opening anmts, ?Buenos
dias, amigos oyentes en Radio Tarma!?  Gave details of onda media,
onda corta and FM and then into terrific morning program, ?Musica
Folklorica Nacional? hosted by OM and YL, who talk over the music all
the time with time checks, greetings, introduction to next disco.
Holds up every morning past 1100, one of the last OAs to fade out.
Interesting that this family station is able to achieve the level of
technical superiority that it does ? hats off to the #1 shortwave
signal out of Peru, today?s reigning champ!  (Perry, Illinois)

COLOMBIA  ? 6010.12, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, big
signals noted several recent mornings with nominal 1100 ?sign-on? (but
actually, often just a continuation of the overnight programming;
perhaps just a legal  s/on process for the day ? ie, do they need to
play the national anthem and formally ID, once daily, perhaps?).  Hrd
1/12,13 at *1101 with long, dramatic orchestra + vocal rendition of
the HJ Himno Nacional, followed by ID and into usual pgming. (Perry,

PERU ? 4984.14, Radio Voz Cristiana, Chilca, Huancayo, usual crazed
preacher in SS noted 1056 on 1/12, fair to good QSA but big ruidos
estaticos.  (Perry, Illinois)

PERU ? 4789.89, Radio Vision, Chiclayo, big signal 1/20 with La Voz de
Salvacion pgm.  Listened 1055-1140 and signal still holding up at that
point.  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA ? 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, in there early with a
good signal 1/21 with YL at 0930 in indigenous lang.  (Perry,

PERU ? 4747.10, Radio Huanta 2000, abrupt s/on at *1007 on 1/23 with
OM speaking over OA mx riff.  Same morning, Radio Logos 4810.00 with
booming signal at 1105 check, nice segued OA mx selections.  Enjoyed
modern-sounding Peruvian theme on guitar but with folkloric instrument
sicu-sicu taking melodic lead . . . very cool fusion.   F/by schlocky
MoR ballad.  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA ? 4716.70, Radio Yura, Ayllu Yura,  only poor-fair signal on
1/12 at 1017 with folkloric mx by quenas and OM anmts in Aymara.  Also
noted same time, 1/23. (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 +Quantum Phaser
antenna unit (customized for tropical bands)
335-foot bidirectional BOG  150 deg/330 deg) for LA/SE Asia DX
Engineering RPA-1 preamp
Phased Longwire + Small Loop

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 121, Issue 23

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