Comments below.

-- Bhaskar

On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 18:28, Jim Self wrote:
> I greatly enjoy Bhaskar's analogies and generally find them illuminating. I 
> think his
> comparison of the development and maintenance of large software systems to 
> that of cities
> is especially insightful.
> Visualization of ideas as property is deeply disturbing to me. I see the 
> space in my mind
> as a great land in the process of being covered with barbed wire and other 
> fences intended
> to keep me from thinking freely and clearly. However, I have long understood 
> that ideas
> are specifically not patentable. This seems to be confirmed by what I read in

[KSB] Agreed.  I should have been clearer.  A pure idea cannot be
patented, but an idea reduced to practice is patentable.  Let me refine
my analogy by replacing "idea" with "idea reduced to practice".

Regarding patents: the patent office is supposed to ensure appropriate
standards of non-triviality, originality and non-obviousness.  As a
practical matter, however, in recent years, a US Patent Office that is
clearly overworked and underfunded has awarded a number of
unconscionable patents.

Although as the holder of several patents (including one of the very
first software patents), I should be in favor of them, I have lately
come to the conclusion that patents, and especially software patents,
have outlived their usefulness and are now an obstacle to progress.

Since patents grant ownership of ideas (you have to reduce an idea to
practice to call it a patent, but once a patent is granted, you have a
monopoly on all past, present and future implementations of that idea
for the duration of the patent), we in these United States are heading
down a slippery slope of that great land of the human mind (and body -
considering some of the unconscionable patents awarded) becoming covered
with barbed wire and fences.  Europe, unfortunately, seeks to emulate us
in this regard...

> I think that the term viral is an inappropriate and misleading descriptor for 
> Free
> Software that only makes sense from a Microsoft-centric view of the world. 
> The GPL seems
> most appropriately thought of as an anti-viral innoculation intended to 
> protect the
> investment of software developers in Free software from loss due to 
> Microsoft-style
> embrace and destroy.
> Here are two links that came up from Google when I searched for "gnu gpl free 
> software viral":

[KSB] I agree that the term viral as applied to OSFS licenses was an
unfortunate choice of words, originally made by those who wanted to
denigrate these licenses.  But those are the terms many in the industry

Since I think we argee on "viral" vs "non-viral" as distinguishing
characteristics of OSFS licenses, perhaps we should seek better words? 
Suggestions are welcome.  Indeed, how about "virile" (according to one
Wordnet definition, "characterized by energy and vigor") and

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