Re: [H] SP3 Endless rebooting

2008-04-26 Thread j maccraw
The patch before the SP problem (roughly, I read
quick) is such that windows thinks 
the patch version is newer than SP version preventing
replacement leaving PC in a 
reboot loop. I also thought it was fixed by the
release SP but then the issue 
happened in RC2 which came after the patch so I'd
assume it's possible to have the 
same issue still.

AFAIK removing the patch before applying SP was the
recommended best procedure.

It's just boneheaded that this happens at all esp.
this late in the testing cycle!

Gary wrote:
> Well I installed SP3 v5512 (final?) on several
machines and had only one is
> giving me the endless rebooting. Supposedly
gdi32.dll is the problem but
> what I don't understand is that from what I have
read, this is not supposed
> to happen with this build. The problem machine has
never had any other
> version of SP3 installed only SP2 with all updates.
> Since this was my father's box which I did remotely
and he is not computer
> literate, I had him boot with Bart and locate the
dll and check the version
> which was 3311. So I'm sending him a floppy with
version 5512 and hope this
> will cure the problem.
> Is this the problem..hope so.
> Gary


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[H] SP3 Endless rebooting

2008-04-25 Thread Gary
Well I installed SP3 v5512 (final?) on several machines and had only one is
giving me the endless rebooting. Supposedly gdi32.dll is the problem but
what I don't understand is that from what I have read, this is not supposed
to happen with this build. The problem machine has never had any other
version of SP3 installed only SP2 with all updates.

Since this was my father's box which I did remotely and he is not computer
literate, I had him boot with Bart and locate the dll and check the version
which was 3311. So I'm sending him a floppy with version 5512 and hope this
will cure the problem.

Is this the problem..hope so.
