[HU] A Table of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and the Chakras.

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah
A Table of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and the Chakras.

  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - The Psychological Expression of the Chakras
 Chakra Body Position and associated Endocrine Gland together with 
illnesses associated with the Chakra.
  0. The Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth given in the 
Alchemical Formula and guided meditation, VITRIOL. - Visita Interiora Terrae 
Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem.
 Blockages along the path to that chakra create energy lacks which create a 
fearful slave mentality and locks people, lifetime after lifetime, into abusive 
slave-like situations.
  1. Negative energy or blockages in the Base Chakra are the cause of fears 
about security. The removal of this negative energy gives mastery of basic 
security needs like food, money, and housing. The Mastery of the fear of not 
having them. Last of all the mastery of the fear of death. The Base Chakra is 
symbolised by the tantrics as a shiva lingam surrounded by three and a half 
coils of a kundalini snake. As we clear out the base chakra so the Initiations 
are taken as the snake rises to the fourth coil or the fourth chakra and so on.
 1. The Base Chakra is located in the coccyx. The trigger point in the 
perineum where resides a muscle which stops us urinating and ejaculating semen 
in men. The trigger point is in the vulva in women. It is known as Muladhara 
Chakra in India. It is associated with security. Its sense is smell. It 
controls the fight or flight reaction through the adrenal gland. The energetic 
blockages of fear in the base chakra cause stiffness, pain and illnesses in the 
vulva, prostate, hips and legs. Base Chakra Blockages cause problems with the 
emotion fear, problems with sex, problems with money or being a miser, and 
problems with security.
  2. Blockages are selfish dependant desire and are the cause of unhappy 
dependant relationships. There are many fears about abuse, bereavement and 
divorce in relationships. Removal of negative energy or blockages to the energy 
flows in this center gives mastery of Sexual Desire and Mastery of strong 
independent and happy relationships through control of the Psychic Sexual 
 2. The Sacral, Second or Swadisthan Chakra is located in the abdomen below 
the navel. Its sense is taste. Its blockages are associated with selfish 
uncontrolled, sexual desire and attachment. Its function is the creation of 
children and the energetic feeding of children through energetic connections. 
It controls the sex glands -Ovaries and Testes. Physical illness is caused by 
blockages in this area.
  3. Fear in this area causes us to use power selfishly only for our own 
benefit. As we remove the negative energy causing the blockages, we get mastery 
of the use of power for the benefit of all and the mastery of selfish desire 
for objects or things.
 3. The Solar Plexus, Third or Manipur Chakra is located in the soft spot 
just below the center of the lower ribs- the sternum. Its sense is vision. It 
is the major energetic reservoir of the body. It releases its energy through 
the pancreas which synthesises insulin which burns sugar. If this chakra is out 
of whack, after a time digestive problems, ulcers, and diabetes is the result.
  4. The First major blockage to enlightenment - Alice Baileys First 
Initiation, The Opening of the Heart - is between the Solar Plexus and the 
Heart Center. The Solar Plexus should power the Heart. Any blockage in the 
Solar Plexus the Heart or between them causes problems to The Mastery of Loving 
Relationships in partnerships, groups and organisations, and anger. Energy 
Blockages in the heart center cause a lack of empathy with others, an inability 
to put yourself in anothers shoes - external consideration, an inability to 
feel for another.
 4. The Heart Chakra is the Fourth or Anahata Chakra and is located just to 
the right center of the chest. Its sense is touch and its energy emmanates 
through the hands as in Reiki as well as in the centre of the chest. It 
controls the immune system through the Thymus gland. Any problems with the 
giving and receiving of love and empathy will cause toxins to reside there and 
the immune system thus to suffer. Heart disease, AIDS, Cancer are physical 
expressions of this problem.
  5. The second major blockage to enlightenment - Alice Baileys Second 
initiation - The Mastery of Relationships - is between the second chakra and 
the throat. The second chakra should power the throat. Any blockages to the 
second chakra, the throat or between them causes problems to the Mastery of 
Purification of thoughtforms, travel on the astral plane and The Mastery of 
Creativity in Art, Science, Philosophy and Business.
 5. The Throat Chakra is the Fifth Chakra also called Visshuddhi Chakra and 
is located in the pit of the throat. Its senses are speach, singing, chanting 
and hearing both normal and 


2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah

Clairvoyance is the ability to objectively perceive the emotional (astral) 
world, or above. I use the word ability reluctantly because clairvoyance is 
usually the result of a damaged etheric web, which actually means clairvoyance 
is a disability (no offence intended). Clairvoyance is not a spiritual gift, 
nor does it necessarily indicate a high level of consciousness or spiritual 
evolution (clairvoyants are found at all levels of development).
The body's etheric web blocks out most of our objective perception of the 
emotional world, but not all of it. We all possess a small degree of objective 
emotional consciousness, but this dim perception is blocked by the dampening 
effect of our dense physical body and the intensity of our conscious mind. Our 
waking consciousness has become conditioned to see only the physical world 
because we live our waking lives in a physical environment. It takes a few 
years for our minds to become conditioned in this way, which is why young 
children are often able to see the emotional world. As adults we may 
occasionally catch a glimpse of something in the corner of our eye, but when we 
turn to look there is nothing there.
Contrary to popular belief, clairvoyance is not perceived through the third 
eye (brow chakra) but through the navel chakra. Only the subplanes which 
correspond to the active molecular kinds in a person's subtle bodies may be 
viewed. Most clairvoyants are at the developed stage of the human kingdom and 
are only able to perceive five subplanes of the emotional world (2:1-2:5).
The 4-dimensional nature of the emotional world allows objects to be seen from 
every side at once, including the inside. This allows a closed book or a 
crumpled up paper under the armpit to be read with relative ease. When a 
physical object is viewed by a competent and trained clairvoyant they will be 
able to see all of the following:
  1.. The physical object (1:1-1:3). 

  2.. They will also be able to zoom in to the microscopic level and even see 
the atomic structure.

  3.. The etheric counterpart of the object (1:4-1:6), including the subtle 
energy circulating through it.

  4.. The emotional counterpart of the object (2:1-2:3) from every possible 
angle at once, including the inside.

  5.. The molecular memory (akashic record) of the object will impart its 

The term clairvoyance means clear vision, which is a complete misnomer since 
most clairvoyants don't see clearly. There are several reasons for this:

  a.. They may have limited capabilities or not know how to make full use of 
their abilities.

  b.. The 4-dimensional nature of the emotional world can cause confusion with 
numbers and words.

  c.. Beings and objects in the emotional world do not have the same permanence 
as those in the physical world - everything is much more fluid and temporary.

  d.. Subtle matter automatically reacts to the faintest expression of 
consciousness so it immediately expresses whatever thoughts, emotions, desires, 
expectations, ideas or opinions anyone nearby may have. This means that 
objective consciousness of the emotional world is not actually very objective.

  e.. The clairvoyant's own beliefs also colour their perceptions, making them 
even less objective. If a clairvoyant has a theory and they investigate it in 
the emotional world they will find evidence to confirm their theory, whether 
it is true or not.

  f.. Some of the beings in the emotional world are black magicians, who are 
intent on spreading misinformation and half-truths to retard the evolution of 

A great deal of attention, discernment and practise are required for a 
clairvoyant to learn to distinguish between temporary and permanent phenomena 
of the emotional world. A wise clairvoyant acquires esoteric knowledge before 
trusting their abilities, because only then are they able to put them to 
effective use. For the rest, clairvoyance is an entertaining distraction that 
provides them (and others) with false information. That much is clear from the 
ever-growing body of vague and contradictory mis-information that fills so many 
new-age books and websites.

Objective perception of the emotional world, mental world and causal world 
naturally occur when the body's etheric web is consumed by kundalini at 
enlightenment. The self-deception that so often accompanies emotional 
clairvoyance does not occur with causal clairvoyance because the ego has been 
subjugated and causal consciousness can easily discern truth from falsehood.

People at the developed or humanistic stages can develop clairvoyance by 
practising certain yoga techniques which stimulate their chakras to enable 
objective information to be brought through their etheric web. However, the 
practice is not recommended because clairvoyance can severely hinder one's 
spiritual development:

  a.. It distracts people from the more important work of 


2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah

The Law of Destiny
The law of destiny determines what forces influence our lives to ensure we 
encounter the life experiences that we require for our continued development. 
Destiny is essentially a series of opportunities that enable us to learn 
lessons, acquire new abilities, develop our consciousness and help others.
Destiny is commonly regarded as fate; a fixed timeline of events that is 
inevitable and unchangeable. Although the words are often used interchangeably, 
fate and destiny have quite different meanings: 
  a.. Fate is usually seen as set in stone and often has negative 
connotations, e.g. the jury decided his fate. Fate is an agent that 
predetermines and orders the course of events. It means that events are meant 
to be and are set in motion by an external force or intelligence. 
  b.. Destiny is more of a likely outcome and often has a positive feel, e.g. 
he is destined to become a star. Destiny guides us towards a specific goal, but 
without our wilful participation we will not achieve our destiny. 
Put simply: destiny is opportunity and fate is karma. We are in control of our 
destiny but have no control over our fate. Destiny cannot be forced on us; if 
we are forced then it is our fate. Destiny gives us an opportunity to turn a 
situation to our advantage and accomplish something great through our own 
efforts. It is designed to give us the best opportunities for the development 
of our consciousness, but it is only an outline - not an exact script. It 
doesn't detract from our free-will in any way, because we decide exactly how we 
want to act in any situation. 

The basic outline for our life was planned (pre-destined) before we were born 
to give us the right opportunities for growth. But we don't have to follow the 
pre-destined route if we don't want to. A life plan can be compared to a maze, 
and our life's purpose is to complete the maze. We don't know where we are 
going or where we will end up, so all we can do is make our way through life 
using our best judgment. Every wrong turn leads to a dead end and every correct 
turn leads to progress. A correct turn may not correspond to success in the 
physical sense, for example: failing to get a promotion may not seem like the 
best outcome from a financial perspective, but it might actually be the best 
outcome for the development of your consciousness. We all occasionally make 
what appear to be bad decisions, but if we learn from those seemingly wrong 
decisions we eventually discover that they were in fact right decisions. If we 
deviate from our life's plan we may need to be coaxed back on to the right 
track, and the further we stray from the optimal path the harder the lessons 
get. Every choice we make affects our future and therefore our destiny. Right 
now we are experiencing the destiny (and the karma) that arose from choices we 
made in the past. 

Collective human destiny is largely decided by the planetary hierarchy, 
especially the Manu and the Maha-Chohan. Individual human destiny is largely 
decided by our guardian angels, who stand-in for our higher selves (2nd triads 
or souls) until we become fully conscious and enter the fifth kingdom. The more 
evolved we are the more input we have in deciding our destiny, and the more 
important it becomes to our development. Our guardian angels can only guide our 
destiny to the extent that we allow them. The sensible option is to give them 
complete control because they are far more advanced than we are and they know 
what is best for us, but most people are egotistical and think they know 
better. Mankind is not developed enough to determine its own destiny - that 
much is evident from the state of the world today.

Henry T Laurency wrote in The Knowledge of Reality: The great cosmic evolution 
does not work according to a predetermined plan. Only the final goal is laid 
down: all monads acquiring omniscience about the whole cosmos... The evolution 
itself creates the conditions and possibilities of its growth. These 
conditions, however, depend on the individual character of every being, from 
atoms to planets, solar systems, etc... The past thereby limits the 
possibilities of the future. A rigid plan would set aside the law of freedom, 
according to which every monad has the right to the freedom (depending on 
insight and ability) it has once acquired and continues to apply lawfully. 
Evolution feels its way forward along every conceivable path in order to find 
the one most purposeful for each and all.

The Law of Karma
Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action, but is generally understood to mean 
the consequences of one's actions. The word karma is commonly used to 
indicate bad karma, and the word merit is often used to indicate good karma. 
The law of karma is best described as cause and effect because every action 
(or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good 
causes you will reap good 


2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah
Dear all HU-Ers

Barusan saya telah meposting artikel tentang hubungan kompleksitas antara ilmu 
pengetahuan dengan Spitual, jika dianggap perlu akan saya postingkan secara 

Artikel mana saya petik dari buku karangan Lee Bladon dibawah judul The Science 
of Spirituality, descripsi singkatnya sbb :

  The Science of Spirituality integrates the individual systems of science, 
psychology, philosophy, spirituality and religion into a unified system that 
describes the multi-dimensional nature of man and the universe. It provides a 
more comprehensive description of reality than science can offer and explains 
the mechanisms behind an array of paranormal phenomena that science chooses to 
ignore. It explains the science behind religious, spiritual and new-age 
beliefs, and sheds light on some common misconceptions.

Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Spirituality and Religion
With science and religion we have two seemingly opposed views of how life, the 
universe and everything began:

*  Scientists generally believe that a perfectly balanced universe 
spontaneously appeared out of nothingness, and that life, consciousness and 
intelligence randomly evolved from inert matter.
*  Christians generally believe that an all-powerful and all-knowing 
God created  the world and its myriad of life-forms (in just six days).

Not only do they both seem pretty unbelievable, they appear to share no common 
ground. However, recent scientific discoveries have unknowingly provided 
evidence that supports the multi-dimensional nature of reality that Hindus, 
Buddhists and Kabbalists have known about for thousands of years:

*  The latest scientific models state that the universe is 
multi-dimensional, with six or more hidden spatial dimensions, and is primarily 
composed of non-physical matter (dark matter and dark energy).
*  Respected doctors and medical practitioners are now openly 
investigating near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences and past-life 
regression, and are beginning to discover the multi-dimensional nature of human 

By combining modern scientific facts with ancient spiritual knowledge we begin 
to uncover the whole truth and bring unity out of the existing duality. There 
can be only one true reality, but we will never discover the whole truth if we 
hold on to   our preconceived ideas and only look from one perspective. 
Einstein said: Religion without science is blind, science without religion is 
lame, because they are two sides of the same coin.
Science and spirituality both agree that we live in a multi-dimensional 
universe,  and paranormal phenomena suggest that life exists in these other 
dimensions. Human beings may be at the top of the evolutionary ladder in our 
3-dimensional physical world but a hierarchy of increasingly advanced beings 
live in dimensions  that exist just beyond our normal range of perception. 
These higher-dimensional beings are omniscient and omnipotent in our physical 
world, which is how our concept of god originated.

A handful of these highly advanced beings periodically incarnate to teach the 
most advanced members of humanity about the true nature of reality. The great 
masters such as Krishna, Buddha and Christ (and many others who kept lower 
profiles) are the originators of esoteric knowledge - the one true science and 
the one true religion. The information was shrouded in mystery and symbolism to 
prevent the uninitiated from fully understanding it in the event that it became 
public knowledge.

Most of the world's major religions were built around carefully selected pieces 
of this esoteric information that were taught to the general public at various 
times throughout history. As time passed and the religions grew, bureaucracy, 
dogma  and superstition developed, which further distorted the original 
teachings. Science developed in response to the woefully poor explanations of 
reality offered by western religion. The early scientists were persecuted and 
deemed heretics for questioning the Church and delving into the mind of God, 
when all they sought to  do was to understand the world in which they lived. 
Scientific scepticism of all things mystical is still very much apparent today.

A significant amount of esoteric information was released into the public 
domain  at the end of the 19th century but it (theosophy) failed to make much 
of an impact because religion was dominant, science was in its infancy and the 
people of the time were too reserved. The popularity of metaphysics, 
spirituality and new science in the 21st century indicates that the world is 
now ready for a modern presentation of esoteric knowledge.

The Science of Spirituality systematically describes the mechanisms behind a 
diverse range of subject matter including: consciousness, sleep and dreams, 
reincarnation, religion, creation, evolution, space and time, seven planes, 
higher dimensions, heaven and hell, ghosts, angels and 

[HU] Re: alamat email Peserta Attunement Silver Violet Flame

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Didi Suwadani
salam harmonis...

maaf pan gak ada isian untuk emailnya... jadi emailnya gak disertakan

tapi OK deh  saya kirimkan emailnya : ds.exnas...@gmail.com a/n Didi S.

dalam inisiasi gak banyak yang saya rasakan sensasinya.. Insya Alloh
inisiasi berjalaan dgn lancar...

Trim... ya ...

Wassalaam ...

2009/7/23 Bakti bekti...@gmail.com

 Herman Adriansyah wrote:
  Salam Harmonis.
  Dear HU-Ers Peserta Attunement/Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame tanggal 20
 Juli 2009 yl.
  Tolong dikirimkan alamat pribadinya untuk menerima Certificate SVL an
 masing2. Karena dalam daftar kebanyakan alamat emailnya nggak disertakan.
  Attched jika ingin melihat sample Cert SVF nya
  Salam harmonis
  nama:bekti pramono, Email: bekti...@gmail.com. Trima kasih

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)

[HU] alamat email Peserta Attunement Silver Violet Flame

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah
Mas Didi, 
emailnya nggak tampil utuh
seperti dibawah itu, coba email ke email saya aja biar langsung bisa di reply 
aja mbalesnya ok
salam harmonis

From: Didi Suwadani ds.exnas...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:29:40 +0700
Local: Fri, Jul 24 2009 7:29 am 
Subject: Re: [HU] Re: alamat email Peserta Attunement Silver Violet Flame
Reply | Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original 
| Report this message | Find messages by this author 

salam harmonis... 

maaf pan gak ada isian untuk emailnya... jadi emailnya gak disertakan 

tapi OK deh  saya kirimkan emailnya : ds.exnas...@gmail.com a/n Didi S. 

dalam inisiasi gak banyak yang saya rasakan sensasinya.. Insya Alloh 
inisiasi berjalaan dgn lancar... 

Trim... ya ... 

Wassalaam ... 

2009/7/23 Bakti bekti...@gmail.com
** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)

[HU] Re: alamat email Peserta Attunement Silver Violet Flame

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Christanto
Kalau sy ga salah emailnya mas didi ini unik jg :) memang sengaja dibuat dgn 3 
titik dibelakang nama jd terlihat seperti tidak utuh.

Harmonic Blessings,

~ A loving soul is a loved soul.
* Powered by T-BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Herman Adriansyah hmadrians...@yahoo.co.id

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 01:42:22 
To: harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com
Subject: [HU] alamat email Peserta Attunement Silver Violet Flame

Mas Didi, 
emailnya nggak tampil utuh
seperti dibawah itu, coba email ke email saya aja biar langsung bisa di reply 
aja mbalesnya ok
salam harmonis

From: Didi Suwadani ds.exnas...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:29:40 +0700
Local: Fri, Jul 24 2009 7:29 am 
Subject: Re: [HU] Re: alamat email Peserta Attunement Silver Violet Flame
Reply | Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original 
| Report this message | Find messages by this author 

salam harmonis... 

maaf pan gak ada isian untuk emailnya... jadi emailnya gak disertakan 

tapi OK deh  saya kirimkan emailnya : ds.exnas...@gmail.com a/n Didi S. 

dalam inisiasi gak banyak yang saya rasakan sensasinya.. Insya Alloh 
inisiasi berjalaan dgn lancar... 

Trim... ya ... 

Wassalaam ... 

2009/7/23 Bakti bekti...@gmail.com

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)

[HU] gtummo inti es

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah
dear all HU-Ers

Sejak musim panas gini udara di rumah, di kantor, di jalan dalam kendaraan 
umum/pribadi panasnya bikin nggak nyaman. Mau nyaman tanpa keluar biaya 
tambahan? Gampang sih, coba simak yang yang satu ini (hehehehe kayak di TV 
aja), :


Gtummo ternyata tidak hanya mempunyai sifatnya INTI API yang panas, tetapi juga 
mempunyai pasangan yang dingin, yang jarang diangkat kepermukaan oleh para 
geandmaster  apalagi oleh praktisi.


Dalam .Gtummo Inti Es ini jika dibangkitkan akan menimbulkan rasa sejuk dibadan 
(berguna untuk udara panas)


Pasangan GTUMMO INTII API ini namanya GTUMMO INTI ES .. dan cara mengakses 
kemudian membangkitkannya juga sama dengan GTUMMO INTI API. 


Jadi jika pernah mendapatkan angkur gtummo 1  2, Mengapa hanya inti apinya 
yang diaktifkan. Sebaiknya pasangannya inti es juga diaktifkan sehingga 
terpenuhi prinsip keseimbangan, harmonisasi dan synergy pasangan yang lengkap. 
Jadi Aktifkan dan bangkitkan segera dengan mengucapkan Affirmasi  saya 
bersedia menerima mengaktifkan dan membangkit GTUMMO INTTI ES tingkat 1 dan 2 
untuk diselaraskan dengan GTUMO INTI API yang telah aktif .


Dengan affrimasimasi itu secara langsung dan otomatis automatic pilot nenergy 
gtummo langsung bekerja dan angkur terjadi pada yang mengucapkannya...


Tidak percaya ??


Coba saja di test kebetulan sekarang kan lagi musim panas, caranya? Gampang 
kok, coba  mulut dibuka sedikit dan lidah digulung ke atas sehingga menyentuh 
bagian atas (langit-langit) mulut (seperti biasanya kita melakukan meditasi), 
Dan rasakan .. Rasakann . rasakann .. Energy, Hawa dan udara segar memasuki 
tubuh lewat samping lidah..


Sugesti  ?bukaan ,atau Cuma delusi/halunisasi ? juga 
buka!!! Its real...Nyat!!! sungguh-sungguh nyata..


Nah jadi tunggu apalagi cobalah dan jika bekerja sesuai keinginan/kebutuhan. 
latihlah teruss sehingga gtummo yang dimiliki menjadi lengkap inti api dan inti 
 es yang saling berpasangan.. 


Bb.. dinggi, sejuk ..


Salam harmonis

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)

[HU] Re: gtummo inti es

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Christanto
Ada rencana memberikan gtummo mas?

Harmonic Blessings,

~ A loving soul is a loved soul.
* Powered by T-BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Herman Adriansyah hmadrians...@yahoo.co.id

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:12:54 
To: harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com
Subject: [HU] gtummo inti es

dear all HU-Ers

Sejak musim panas gini udara di rumah, di kantor, di jalan dalam kendaraan 
umum/pribadi panasnya bikin nggak nyaman. Mau nyaman tanpa keluar biaya 
tambahan? Gampang sih, coba simak yang yang satu ini (hehehehe kayak di TV 
aja), :


Gtummo ternyata tidak hanya mempunyai sifatnya INTI API yang panas, tetapi juga 
mempunyai pasangan yang dingin, yang jarang diangkat kepermukaan oleh para 
geandmaster  apalagi oleh praktisi.


Dalam .Gtummo Inti Es ini jika dibangkitkan akan menimbulkan rasa sejuk dibadan 
(berguna untuk udara panas)


Pasangan GTUMMO INTII API ini namanya GTUMMO INTI ES .. dan cara mengakses 
kemudian membangkitkannya juga sama dengan GTUMMO INTI API. 


Jadi jika pernah mendapatkan angkur gtummo 1  2, Mengapa hanya inti apinya 
yang diaktifkan. Sebaiknya pasangannya inti es juga diaktifkan sehingga 
terpenuhi prinsip keseimbangan, harmonisasi dan synergy pasangan yang lengkap. 
Jadi Aktifkan dan bangkitkan segera dengan mengucapkan Affirmasi  saya 
bersedia menerima mengaktifkan dan membangkit GTUMMO INTTI ES tingkat 1 dan 2 
untuk diselaraskan dengan GTUMO INTI API yang telah aktif .


Dengan affrimasimasi itu secara langsung dan otomatis automatic pilot nenergy 
gtummo langsung bekerja dan angkur terjadi pada yang mengucapkannya...


Tidak percaya ??


Coba saja di test kebetulan sekarang kan lagi musim panas, caranya? Gampang 
kok, coba  mulut dibuka sedikit dan lidah digulung ke atas sehingga menyentuh 
bagian atas (langit-langit) mulut (seperti biasanya kita melakukan meditasi), 
Dan rasakan .. Rasakann . rasakann .. Energy, Hawa dan udara segar memasuki 
tubuh lewat samping lidah..


Sugesti  ?bukaan ,atau Cuma delusi/halunisasi ? juga 
buka!!! Its real...Nyat!!! sungguh-sungguh nyata..


Nah jadi tunggu apalagi cobalah dan jika bekerja sesuai keinginan/kebutuhan. 
latihlah teruss sehingga gtummo yang dimiliki menjadi lengkap inti api dan inti 
 es yang saling berpasangan.. 


Bb.. dinggi, sejuk ..


Salam harmonis

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)

[HU] Re: gtummo inti es

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Herman Adriansyah
Hehehehehe  kayaknya jadwalnya terlalu rapat nggak tuh  mas, nanti 
minta tolong mas lagi buat mengatur schedull nya  dan gtummo ini agak 
riskan juga, karena punya unsur yang membahayakan kalo disalah-gunakan.  Tapi 
yang namanya ilmu baru bermanfaat kalo di amalkan yaa nggak mas. Semuanya punya 
dua sisi.

Salam harmonis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Christanto 
  To: HU 
  Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:19 PM
  Subject: [HU] Re: gtummo inti es

  Ada rencana memberikan gtummo mas?

  Harmonic Blessings,

  ~ A loving soul is a loved soul.
  * Powered by T-BlackBerry®

  From: Herman Adriansyah 
  Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:12:54 -0700
  To: harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [HU] gtummo inti es

  dear all HU-Ers

  Sejak musim panas gini udara di rumah, di kantor, di jalan dalam kendaraan 
umum/pribadi panasnya bikin nggak nyaman. Mau nyaman tanpa keluar biaya 
tambahan? Gampang sih, coba simak yang yang satu ini (hehehehe kayak di TV 
aja), :


  Gtummo ternyata tidak hanya mempunyai sifatnya INTI API yang panas, tetapi 
juga mempunyai pasangan yang dingin, yang jarang diangkat kepermukaan oleh para 
geandmaster  apalagi oleh praktisi.


  Dalam .Gtummo Inti Es ini jika dibangkitkan akan menimbulkan rasa sejuk 
dibadan (berguna untuk udara panas)


  Pasangan GTUMMO INTII API ini namanya GTUMMO INTI ES .. dan cara mengakses 
kemudian membangkitkannya juga sama dengan GTUMMO INTI API. 


  Jadi jika pernah mendapatkan angkur gtummo 1  2, Mengapa hanya inti apinya 
yang diaktifkan. Sebaiknya pasangannya inti es juga diaktifkan sehingga 
terpenuhi prinsip keseimbangan, harmonisasi dan synergy pasangan yang lengkap. 
Jadi Aktifkan dan bangkitkan segera dengan mengucapkan Affirmasi  “saya 
bersedia menerima mengaktifkan dan membangkit GTUMMO INTTI ES tingkat 1 dan 2 
untuk diselaraskan dengan GTUMO INTI API yang telah aktif .


  Dengan affrimasimasi itu secara langsung dan otomatis automatic pilot nenergy 
gtummo langsung bekerja dan angkur terjadi pada yang mengucapkannya...


  Tidak percaya ??


  Coba saja di test kebetulan sekarang kan lagi musim panas, caranya? Gampang 
kok, coba  mulut dibuka sedikit dan lidah digulung ke atas sehingga menyentuh 
bagian atas (langit-langit) mulut (seperti biasanya kita melakukan meditasi), 
Dan rasakan …. Rasakann … rasakann …. Energy, Hawa dan udara segar memasuki 
tubuh lewat samping lidah..


  Sugesti  ?bukaan ,atau Cuma delusi/halunisasi ? juga 
buka!!! Its real…..Nyat!!! sungguh-sungguh nyata……


  Nah jadi tunggu apalagi cobalah dan jika bekerja sesuai keinginan/kebutuhan… 
latihlah teruss sehingga gtummo yang dimiliki menjadi lengkap inti api dan inti 
 es yang saling berpasangan.. 


  Bb…… dinggi, sejuk ….


  Salam harmonis


** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)

[HU] Re: gtummo inti es

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik git sulistiono

memang pasangan yin - yang: gtummo (inti api) dan sheetakari (inti es) ...
silakan coba

--- On Sun, 7/26/09, Herman Adriansyah hmadrians...@yahoo.co.id wrote:

 From: Herman Adriansyah hmadrians...@yahoo.co.id
 Subject: [HU] gtummo inti es
 To: harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com
 Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 2:12 AM
 dear all
 Sejak musim panas gini
 udara di rumah, di kantor, 
 di jalan dalam kendaraan umum/pribadi panasnya bikin nggak
 nyaman. Mau nyaman 
 tanpa keluar biaya tambahan? Gampang sih, coba simak yang
 yang satu ini 
 (hehehehe kayak di TV aja), :
 Gtummo ternyata tidak
 hanya mempunyai sifatnya 
  INTI API yang panas, tetapi juga mempunyai 
 pasangan yang dingin, yang jarang diangkat kepermukaan oleh
 para geandmaster 
  apalagi oleh 
 Dalam .Gtummo Inti Es ini
 jika dibangkitkan akan 
 menimbulkan rasa sejuk dibadan (berguna untuk udara
 ini namanya GTUMMO 
  INTI ES .. dan cara mengakses kemudian 
 membangkitkannya juga sama dengan GTUMMO INTI API.
 Jadi jika pernah
 mendapatkan angkur gtummo 1  
 2, Mengapa hanya inti apinya yang diaktifkan. Sebaiknya
 pasangannya inti es juga 
 diaktifkan sehingga terpenuhi prinsip keseimbangan,
 harmonisasi dan synergy 
 pasangan yang lengkap. Jadi Aktifkan dan bangkitkan segera
 dengan mengucapkan 
 Affirmasi  “saya bersedia menerima mengaktifkan dan
 membangkit GTUMMO INTTI ES 
 tingkat 1 dan 2 untuk diselaraskan dengan GTUMO INTI API
 yang telah aktif 
 Dengan affrimasimasi itu
 secara langsung dan 
 otomatis automatic pilot nenergy gtummo langsung bekerja
 dan angkur terjadi pada 
 yang mengucapkannya... 
 Tidak percaya
 Coba saja di test
 kebetulan sekarang 
  kan lagi musim panas, caranya? 
 Gampang kok, coba  mulut dibuka 
 sedikit dan lidah digulung ke atas sehingga menyentuh
 bagian atas 
 (langit-langit) mulut (seperti biasanya kita melakukan
 meditasi), Dan rasakan …. 
 Rasakann … rasakann …. Energy, Hawa dan udara segar
 memasuki tubuh lewat samping 
 Sugesti  ?    bukaan ,    atau Cuma
 ? juga buka!!! Its real…..Nyat!!!
 sungguh-sungguh nyata……
 Nah jadi tunggu apalagi
 cobalah dan jika bekerja 
 sesuai keinginan/kebutuhan… latihlah teruss sehingga
 gtummo yang dimiliki 
 menjadi lengkap inti api dan inti  es yang saling berpasangan..
 dinggi, sejuk …. 


** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (3 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Silver Violet Flame : (20 Juli 09)

Wings of Light Empowerment : (27 Juli 09)

Pelangi Tunggal (17 Aug 09)

Inisiasi Reiki Usui level 1-2 (10  31 Aug)