Folktales of Israel: A Festival of Jewish Storytelling Honoring 
Professor Peninnah Schram

Co-sponsored by YU Stern College for Women, YU Museum and the 
American Zionist Movement.

Sunday, November 6, 2011, 10 a.m- 5 p.m.
Yeshiva Universvity Museum at the Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NYC 10011

Bringing together internationally renowned story tellers and 
scholars, Folktales of Israel: A Festival of Jewish Storytelling is a 
day dedicated to the art of storytelling in and about the Land of 
Israel. At this moment of political tensions, this festival 
highlights the beauty of Israel and its peoples, presenting through 
scholarship and performance some of the ways that storytellers have 
transmitted their love of Israel through the ages.

Storytellers Include: Barry Bub, Cherie Karo Schwartz, Ellen Frankel, 
Goldie Milgram, Jennifer Rudick Zunikoff, Laura Simms, Noa Baum


Session 1:  10:00-12:15:
Greetings:  Jess Olson, Richard M. Joel, Yeshiva University
Keynote Speaker:  Dan Ben-Amos (University of Pennsylvania)

Session 2:  1:30-3:15:
Keynote Speaker:  Saul Berman, Yeshiva University

Session 3:  3:15-5:00:
Presentation of Honorary volume:  Mitzvah Stories: Seeds of 
Inspiration and Learning in Honor of Peninnah Schram (ed. Goldie 
Milgram and Ellen Frankel, 2011).

Full schedule and list of stories to come

Hag Sameach,

Kathe Pinchuck

Past Chair, Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee

SSC Secretary

Association of Jewish Libraries


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