Esteemed Colleagues:

I recently attended a conference with Barbara Hoffert, the Book 
Review Editor of Library Journal. They will be updating their lists 
of vendors of materials in languages other than English, and she 
asked for feedback - good and bad.

Here is what they have for Hebrew:

Adult books: Gefen, Ingram, Sefer Israel, Sifrutake

DVDs: Midwest Tape, Sifrutake

Music CDs: Sifrutake

This information will be compiled over the summer and published in 
the September 2009 issue of Library Journal.

If you use any other vendors, or if you have any comments, you can 
send them to me, and I will forward them, or you can contact Barbara 
Hoffert directly at

Hag Kasher V'Sameach,
Kathe Pinchuck, Chair
Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee
Association of Jewish Libraries


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