Hi Everyone - my apologies! The live links to the two new workflows 
(searching for Hebrew and Arabic keywords) in the beta test site of our Cairo 
Geniza transcription project apparently did not come through when I "cut and 
paste" it into the original message I just sent you.

  Sorry for the inconvenience!  I do hope you all will give the beta site a 
look and share your impressions with The Zooniverse team:  

  Many thanks,


Previous message:

Dear Jewish Studies Communities,

Please see the below note from The Zooniverse development team asking for help 
testing the "beta" stage of our Cairo Genizah transcription project.  We would 
be most grateful for your feedback!

"We need your help testing two new workflows on an existing project! Scribes of 
the Cairo Geniza is a collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania 
Libraries and their partners at the Princeton Geniza Project, the Library of 
the Jewish Theological Seminary, the e-Lijah lab at the University of Haifa, 
the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford, and the Genizah Research 
Unit at Cambridge University Library. Since its launch in August of 2017, 
volunteers have been sorting Geniza fragments by their script type -- they've 
already completed almost 30,000 subjects!

The ultimate goal is to transcribe these fragments, but we want to try out an 
intermediary workflow between classification and transcription: a Keyword Hunt.

The goal of this workflow is to identify and mark keywords in geniza fragments. 
Classifications will then be used by volunteers in forthcoming transcription 

You can help us by reviewing the Hebrew Keyword Hunt, the Arabic Keyword Hunt, 
or both!

Try them out, and give us your feedback via this form 

Thanks for all your help!

Sam & the Zooniverse Team

Note: if you're currently an active classifier on Phase 1 of the project, 
you'll need to use this link to get back to the original Phase 1 workflow after 
you've completed reviewing the new workflows.
Samantha Blickhan, Ph.D.
IMLS Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Citizen Science, Adler Planetarium

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 746-1290
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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