fromInteger/hClose bugs in 4.03

1999-02-21 Thread Sven Panne

The current ghc-4.03 from the repository contains two bugs:

   * In the modules Int and Word: The fromInteger methods handle
 the J# cases only, but not the S# cases. Example:

import Word
main = print ((fromInteger 42)::Word32)


Fail: Word.lhs:573: Non-exhaustive patterns in function fromInteger

   * hClose on a semi-closed handle fails (4.02 has this bug, too):

import IO
main = do
   h - openFile "/etc/passwd" ReadMode
   c - hGetContents h
   putStr c
   hClose h


Fail: illegal operation
Action: hClose
Handle: {closed}
Reason: handle is closed

 According to the library report, closing a semi-closed handle
 should be allowed.

Sven PanneTel.: +49/89/2178-2235
LMU, Institut fuer Informatik FAX : +49/89/2178-2211
LFE Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen  Oettingenstr. 67
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]D-80538 Muenchen

Re: Do Existential Types make Algebraic Types obsolete? (was Re: how to exploit existential types)

1999-02-21 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 19-Feb-1999, S. Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do existential types makes algebraic types obsolete?
 I mean there seems to be a large semantic overlap between the two
 For example, once you can implement lists with just the product type (,),
 why bother with algebraic types?

Algebraic types model a fixed set of alternatives.
Type classes (which is what you use in conjunction with
existential types) model an unbounded set of alternatives.
If, as is the case with lists, you know in advance the
fixed set of alternatives, then algebraic types work
much better.  If, on the other hand, you don't know
the alternatives in advance, then using type classes
(and, where appropriate, existential types) makes more sense.

 Arguably Boolean is a natural algebraic type, but if we pattern
 match on typenames then we don't need the algebraic types here. e.g.
  --Booleans w/o algebraic types
  data True = True 
  data False = False
  class Boolean where -- no methods required
  instance Boolean True where -- trivial implentation
  instance Boolean False where --trivial implementation
  --(There is probably much better syntax for this)
 Pattern matching on type names would not be a violation of the type
 system, it would just be syntactic sugar...e.g. for booleans it would be
 equivalent to:
  --Hack because there is no built in pattern matching on type names
  instance TypeName True where
   typeName x = "True"
  instance TypeName False where
   typeName x = "False"
  --definition of if' in this framework
  if' x y z = case (typeName x) of
  "True" - y
  "False" - z

The problem with this is that there is nothing to stop
someone defining `instance Boolean Int'.  So this
doesn't really capture the programmer's intent as
well as the algebraic type does.

It's also going to be less efficient than algebraic types.

 Languages like C and Java do not seem to have an equivalent to algebraic

True.  Such alternatives have been proposed, however.
For C++, John Skaller proposed "variants", which were
algebraic types; you may be able to pull up the old
debates on comp.std.c++ using DejaNews.
And for Java, the designers of Pizza extended Java
with algebraic types.

 because they allow heterogenous lists.  

I don't think that follows.  Pizza for example certainly has an equivalent
to algebraic types but also allows heterogenous lists.

 Are there contexts where you need algebraic types because existential
 types won't do the job?  Wouldn't everybody be happier if you could just
 pattern match on type names (someone else requested this in a recent

That might work OK *if* you had union types.
You can use type classes (such as `Boolean' in your example above)
as a poor man's version of union types, but they're really not
ideal in that role.

For an example of a language which explores this, see TEL,
which is the language that Gert Smolka designed for his PhD thesis.
(Gert Smolka is more widely known for the language Oz.)

 Or the most extreme version of this question, once you abandon algebraic
 types, do you need constructor names at all or can you just use
 position e.g.
  data MyType a b = Int a b
  myFunc (MyType x y z) = MyType (x+1) y z
  data MyType2 a b = {field1::Int,field2::a,field3::b}
  myFunc2 x = (field1 x+1,field2 x)

You sometimes need the constructor names to avoid ambiguity.
Consider what happens if you have two different
types that have the same fields:

data PolarCoord = MkPolar Float Float
data RectCoord = MkRect Float Float

class Coord t where ...
instance Coord PolarCoord where ...
instance Coord RectCoord where ...

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "Binaries may die
WWW:  |   but source code lives forever"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- leaked Microsoft memo.

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson

 The basic problem that I have with this is that although dependent types
 do allow you to specify a lot of things in the type system, I'm not sure
 that using the type system is really the best way to specify these things.
Well, I think types are just the place for these things.  People already
use types as a partial specification, enabling types to express all
properties you want is, IMO, the right way.

But I don't think we have found the right formalism for it yet.
E.g., equational reasoning doesn't look pretty in Cayenne.

 But when it comes to things like
 proving that `==' is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive,
 I think it may well be much clearer if these kinds of
 properties are expressed more directly, rather than by
 cleverly encoding them in the type system.
I don't see how these properties can be expressed in a different way
even if they were outside the types.  You may object to the notation
used, but give me a font with quantifiers and I'll make it look pretty. :-)

  -- Lennart

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 19-Feb-1999, Nick Kallen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll admit to not having yet written something in Cayenne, but I'm an
 adamant supporter of adding dependant types to the language. I remember a
 year ago, I was writing a small (trivial) program. One of the essential ways
 I was structuring the program was with a function "apply" similar to
 Lisp/scheme's apply. Needless to say, you can't express apply in Haskell
 although you can in Cayenne. In the context of this problem, I could easily
 get around this by restructuring my program, but this was obviously not
 ideal. We should be able to express trivial functions like apply in the type

If your language supports optional dynamic type checking, as it should,
then expressing functions like apply shouldn't be too hard.

I'm an adamant supporter of adding optional dynamic types to the
language.  But I remain very cautious about the merits of dependent
types.  I think it is quite possible that the additional complexity
of dependent types may outweigh their benefits.

 Foremost is that dependant types allow us to type more things than before.

Yes, but not as many as optional dynamic types allow.
For example with dynamic types you would not need to
change the order of the arguments for `apply'.

 It is also clear, however, that dependant types are no trivial thing.
 Expressing the most general type of apply--that's not a super-type--is a
 complicated process. It is clear that a large library of type functions will
 likely be necessary, I think. This can be used as an argument both for and
 against dependant types.


 It is, however, also clear that when in using dependant types, much more
 type information and documentation are provided. If, in fact, the example
 from above can be type checked (question [2]), then it is clear that
 dependant types are a *huge* bonus to more formally developing programs.
 Since essentially anything (well, minus partial functions and some other
 good things) can be specified in Lof's type theory, it becomes possible for
 the programmer to use formal methods to any extent he desires, with theorem
 proving being equivalent to the program type checking.

The basic problem that I have with this is that although dependent types
do allow you to specify a lot of things in the type system, I'm not sure
that using the type system is really the best way to specify these things.

When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
If type checking is the only form of compile-time checking,
then the only way of checking something at compile time is to
make it part of the type system.  And so the desire for
better compile-time checking may lead us to create very
complicated type systems.  But when it comes to things like
proving that `==' is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive,
I think it may well be much clearer if these kinds of
properties are expressed more directly, rather than by
cleverly encoding them in the type system.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "Binaries may die
WWW:  |   but source code lives forever"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- leaked Microsoft memo.

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Olivier . Lefevre


 enabling types to express all properties you want is, IMO, the right way.

Why do I feel that there must be another approach to programming?

How many people do you expect to program in Haskell once you are done adding all
it takes to "express all imaginable properties through types"? What kind of 
baroque monster will it be? Is type really _the_ medium for everything?

-- O.L.

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson

 Well if the ComplicatedTypeToSpecifySorting is correct (I don't know if
 this is possible, but I suspect it isn't) it will of course not type check.
Of course it is possible.  The types in Cayenne have the same power
as predicate logic, so you can specify most anything you like.

Here's a possible type of sort (again assuming we have some = available):
[I'm writing this from the top of my head so there might be some

-- sort returns a record with the sorted list and two proofs
sort :: (l :: [a]) - sig { r :: [a]; o :: Ordered r; p :: Permutation l r }

-- Predicate to test if a list is ordered
Ordered :: [a] - #
Ordered [] = Truth
Ordered [x] = Truth
Ordered (x:x':xs) = IsTrue (x = x') /\ Ordered (x':xs)

-- Predicate to test if a list is a permutation of another
Permutation :: [a] - [a] - #
Permutation [] [] = Truth
Permutation (x:xs) ys = IsTrue (elem x ys) /\ Permutation xs (ys \\ [x])

IsTrue (True) = Truth
IsTrue (False) = Absurd

data Absurd = -- empty type
data Truth = truth-- one element type
data (/\) a b = () a b   -- Conjunction, i.e. pairs

 -- Lennart

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson

   F a * = member (map (F a) [0..]) // member [a] a - Bool
  I mave no clue what this means.  What is `member'?
 Member is memq, in, etc. Checks for membership in a list.
I'm still lost.  What is // and how does it bind?
This is how I parse it:
  (member (map (F a) [0..])) // ( (member [a] a) - Bool )

Why does the first occurence of member only have one argument
and the second two?

 I'd like to make an argument against that. Like Fergus I am an advocate of a
 dynamic types. (I've never met a type system I didn't like ;).
I like dynamic types too.  But I don't want to pay the price for them
if I don't use them.  Because they do carry a runtime cost.

 You can add dependant types to Cayenne (theoretically) just by allowing the
 run-time type inspection that you intentionally disallowed. In my mind,
 you'd kill two birds with one stone.
Yes, and I've been thinking about adding runtime type tests.  Perhaps
by adding a function of type `encode :: # - Type', where Type is
a normal data type used to capture the types in Cayenne.

But before adding that I'd like to play with what I've already got. :-)

  type yourself.  I guess it would be possible to do a little type
  inference, but for a function like apply it would be difficult
  (and impossible in general).
 The obvious question: does "in general" equal "in practice"?
What I think would work in practice is to have type inference
for those functions where it works today in e.g. Haskell.
But if you use more powerful types you have to add signatures.
Which I think is a good idea anyway. :-)

 (i.e., you leave out the pivot [x])
 Obviously the result of sort will no longer be a permutation of its
 argument. Will this then not type check?
No, the proof (whereever it is) would no longer type check.

-- Lennart

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Lennart Augustsson

 Well, yes, up to a point, but it may be clearer if the simple
 regular types part is kept separate from the undecidable part,
 as was done in NU-Prolog, or as is done in Eiffel.
I'm not necesssarily advocating that the properties and proofs of these
properties should be mixed with the regular code.  That's just
one way of doing it.  Take sort as an example, we can do this
(ignoring the compare function):

   sort :: (xs :: [a]) - ListTypeWithProofOfCorrectnes xs
   sort xs = ... sort code with integrate proof

or this

   sort :: [a] - [a]
   sort xs = ... normal sort code

   sortReallySorts :: IsASortingFunction sort
   sortReallySorts = ... proof that sort really sorts

Both of these styles are perfectly feasible to express in Cayenne.
Which one to use depends on the situation (and your taste :-).
I guess you prefer the latter.

BTW, has Eiffel changed?  Last time I looked you could only
have assertions checked at runtime, and no correctness proofs.
If you were talking about assertions, you might as well have said C. :-)

  I don't see how these properties can be expressed in a different way
  even if they were outside the types.  You may object to the notation
  used, but give me a font with quantifiers and I'll make it look pretty. :-)
 You may be right, but I won't believe it until I see it ;-)
Well, I won't believe that you can make it any easier by moving
the proof out of the instance declarations.  Defining what an
equivalence relation is will look similar in other notations.

 BTW, don't get me wrong -- I think Cayenne is a very interesting
 language, and it's a very promising line of research.  I'm just
 saying that I think we should be very cautious about adopting
 this kind of thing into Haskell-2.
I've not been advocating that either.  I'm advocating some form
of dependent types.  I would like to see dependent records, but
you could limit the dependency to be on types (just as Haskell
already has for the function tupe).  That way records can replace
modules (if you add some other little goo).

Let me just point out that my main interest in dependent types is
NOT to do specifications and proofs (like sort above), but to
make the type system more expressible.  This way we can make more
programs typeable, and also give more accurate types to programs.
The latter is well illustrated in a paper by Hongwei Xi and Frank
Pfenning in POPL99.

 -- Lennart

Re: Haskell 2 -- Dependent types?

1999-02-21 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 21-Feb-1999, Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Fergus wrote:]
  The basic problem that I have with this is that although dependent types
  do allow you to specify a lot of things in the type system, I'm not sure
  that using the type system is really the best way to specify these things.

 Well, I think types are just the place for these things.  People already
 use types as a partial specification, enabling types to express all
 properties you want is, IMO, the right way.

Well, yes, up to a point, but it may be clearer if the simple
regular types part is kept separate from the undecidable part,
as was done in NU-Prolog, or as is done in Eiffel.

 I don't see how these properties can be expressed in a different way
 even if they were outside the types.  You may object to the notation
 used, but give me a font with quantifiers and I'll make it look pretty. :-)

You may be right, but I won't believe it until I see it ;-)

I don't think it's just the font that is the issue.  For example,
I find the use of instance declarations for expressing proofs of
correctness to be rather unintuitive.  I don't think a different
font will fix that.

BTW, don't get me wrong -- I think Cayenne is a very interesting
language, and it's a very promising line of research.  I'm just
saying that I think we should be very cautious about adopting
this kind of thing into Haskell-2.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "Binaries may die
WWW:  |   but source code lives forever"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- leaked Microsoft memo.