RE: happy/LALR.hs doesn't compile

2000-03-31 Thread Simon Marlow

 With sources (and GHC) as checked out at 3am BST today:
 /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -cpp -fglasgow-exts 
 -O  -H12m  -c LALR.lhs -o LALR.o -osuf o
 LALR.lhs:314: Variable not in scope: `newArray'
 LALR.lhs:316: Variable not in scope: `freezeArray'
 LALR.lhs:336: Variable not in scope: `readArray'
 LALR.lhs:337: Variable not in scope: `writeArray'
 LALR.lhs:342: Variable not in scope: `readArray'



Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread George Russell

(Sent to glasgow-haskell-users rather than haskell, as it is GHC-specific.)

If we were writing a C library rather than a Haskell library, we could make
"head" a macro which included an appropriate message referring to __FILE__
and __LINE__.  The equivalent in Glasgow Haskell would be to make head inline,
and include a primHaskellFile (and if possible, though I doubt it, primHaskellLine)
which got replaced at a late stage by the actual name of the current module.  This
would be useful for locating other error messages as well.  For example I have
a debug action which (if debugging is turned on) prints out messages to a file;
if we had a primHaskellFile I could make this debug message automatically refer
to the calling module, which would be nice.

Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread S.J.Thompson

Sergey, I could not agree more. I sent the following message to the 
Hugs implementors a few months ago.

  I have taught Hugs for a couple of years and enjoy using it. Students
  like to have a system they can take home and install for free, and the
  system seems pretty robust. One problem students do have, however, is
  with error messages, which often leave a bit to be desired. An incorrectly
  terminated block of definitions can lead to the message
ERROR "test.lhs" (line 2): Syntax error in input (unexpected `;')

  for a file in which there is no a `;' in sight. Using = for an equality
  comparison instead of == leads to the magisterial
ERROR "test.lhs" (line 6): Attempt to use Typed Records with Extensions
while parsing an expression. This feature is disabled in this build of Hugs.

  To help students I have compiled a list of messages and examples of code that
  provoke them. In many cases a little effort would, I guess, lead to vastly
  more informative error messages. I'd be interested to hear what you (and the
  Hugs group) think. The catalogue of errors is at


Simon Thompson

RE: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Malcolm Wallace

   take :: Int - [a] - [a]
If you want to define your own take
   mytake :: Show a = Int - [a] - [a]
that's fine, but it's a different function.

And for (head []) there's really no useful info to hand. So I'm stumped.

Although you can't show the value (because there isn't one), you can
at least show the type of the expression:

class ShowType a where
showType :: a - String
instance ShowType a = ShowType [a] where
showType xs = "[" ++ showType x ++ "]"
where ~(x:_) = xs


myhead :: ShowsType a = [a] - a
myhead xs@[] = error ("myhead of empty list at type "++ showType xs)
myhead (x:_) = x

which, like "mytake", is a different function from the one defined
in the Prelude, but might give you enough info to help track down
the error.


improving to improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

To my suggestion on the error messages
Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes

  e.g instead of Hugs' Prelude head:

head :: [a] - a
head (x:_)= x

 we can use:

head :: [a] - a
head []   = error "Error: taking the 'head' of an empty list"
head (x:_)= x

The Haskell implementation I use reports something of this sort.
But this does not help.
Also  "head []"   is the only error that may happen to `head'.

I wrote that, generally, for the Prelude Functions, it would help in 
error messages to print some part of value and type expression. 

But with  head [],  I had, probably, mistaken. 
Because the program for `head' itself cannot find the type of `[]';
this may hope to do other functions, where `head' is called.
Probably, we cannot improve the function `head' itself.
But the things like  take (-1) [(1,'b'),(2,'a')],  (1)
 let  x = 0  in  0 ^ 0,(2)
 y % 0 (3)
could produce better messages.
Here  x :: Num a = a,   y :: Integral b = b  for some  a,b.
One needs the  values  and  type expression  to be displayed.
The latter is desirable too. Because `0',`1' may denote zero, unity of
many different Num instances.
  the data were of  Show  instance, 
  class Show  included the operation  showType,  with the
reasonable standard instances,
  Show  was a superclass of  Num, 
then, one could express such type displaying in Haskell language for
the cases (2), (3).
With  `take', it is harder. 
We need the possibility of overlapping values to define
 take :: Show a = Int - [a] - [a]
that overlaps with more generic  take ::   Int - [a] - [a]

The first specialization would produce better error report at the 

  Note that take already does bomb out if given a negative argument.

And I take this `take' only as example,
for there was earlier the discussion in this mail list on how to treat
negative or too large index in `take'.

Sergey Mechveliani

Re: ServiceShow for error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Keith Wansbrough

Sergey writes:

 Maybe, there exists another possibility to print the values in the
 error message like for 
take (-1) xs,   y % 0 
 The implementors declare the "internal" 
  class ServiceShow where serviceShows :: ...
 invisible for the user, 
 make *everything* to be the instance of  ServiceShow,

The problem with this is that there is a performance penalty to be
paid for overloading a function in this way.  `take' is implemented as
a function of two arguments, as you would expect.  It is given a
number and a list; it has no idea what type the list has, nor does it
need to: it just picks elements off it and returns them.

But because it has no idea what type the list has, it has no idea how
to print the contents of that list.  Enter the class mechanism.  If we

class ServiceShow where serviceShows :: ...

mytake :: ServiceShow a = Int - [a] - [a]

then mytake is now implemented as a function of *three* arguments: the
number and the list, as before, but also a `dictionary' which looks
like this:

data ServiceShowDict a = ServiceShowDict { serviceShows :: ... }

mytake_implementation :: ServiceShowDict a - Int - [a] - [a]

[it's no accident that class constraints `C a =' are written the way
they are... they are really extra arguments `CDict a -'.]

and wherever `serviceShows' is called, the code really looks like:

mytake_implementation d n (x:xs) = ...   (serviceShows d) x ...

In other words, if you implement the above proposal, every invocation
of take will be passed an extra argument, which will be only very
rarely used.  Perhaps this could be turned on with a debugging option,
but in general it would be a Very Bad Thing performance-wise.


--KW 8-)

RE: ServiceShow for error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Simon Marlow

 The problem with this is that there is a performance penalty to be
 paid for overloading a function in this way.  `take' is implemented as
 a function of two arguments, as you would expect.  It is given a
 number and a list; it has no idea what type the list has, nor does it
 need to: it just picks elements off it and returns them.

In Hugs, there's no need to do the dictionary passing because it has a
polymorphic show function (used to be called show', is it something like
primShow now?).  In GHC, you can't do this kind of built-in overloading
because there isn't enough type information in the heap at run-time, so
you'd have to do the dictionary passing.


Re: deBruijn sequences

2000-03-31 Thread Wayne Young

From: Jan de Wit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pray tell, what *are* base-2 deBruijn sequences? I know what deBruijn
terms are, and have some code for them, but as for sequences...
I think you are going to get a lot of replies like this one ;-)

The following three are examples of binary de Bruijn sequences:

8bit sequence for 3bit words

32bit sequence for 5bit words

256bit sequence for 8bit words

The sequences are cyclic and any n bits in an associated p^n sequence are
unique, therefore all p^n unique patterns occur.

I certainly didn't expect any of the type of replies you are inferring.  de
Bruijn sequences have been kicking around in one form or another for over
50 years - you can find the basics of the theorem in most books on discrete
math or combinatrics.  The method I was "taught" to make the sequences
involves drawing out a p^(n-1) node and p^n edge (directed) graph (more or
less a FSM), labelling it appropriately, and finding an Euler cycle through

I was able to get some very sloppy C code to do the job, but I'm far
from happy with it... it came completely undocumented and is quite
difficult to trace through.  The other code I have is concise and
(supposedly) efficient, but it is in NESL, which I have no way of running.


Re: .gz files

2000-03-31 Thread Jan Brosius

Thanks for this workaround, it worked.

This might be a tip to be put on the mailing list, since
other people using Windows NT and Winzip might have the
same problem.

Jan Brosius
- Original Message -
From: Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jan Brosius' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 1:58 PM
Subject: RE: .gz files

 | However if you have no problems opening these files with
 | winzip, then I
 | don't know
 | anymore.

 I do have a problem.
 I download them.
 If winzip complains I remove the .gz suffix.
 Then ghostview reads them fine.

 I have no idea why they are invisibly uncompressed.  I'm just
 telling you a workaround that works for me


ServiceShow class for messages

2000-03-31 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Keith Wansbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes

 Sergey writes:

 Maybe, there exists another possibility to print the values in the
 error message like for 
take (-1) xs,   y % 0 
 The implementors declare the "internal" 
  class ServiceShow where serviceShows :: ...
 invisible for the user, 
 make *everything* to be the instance of  ServiceShow,

 The problem with this is that there is a performance penalty to be
 paid for overloading a function in this way.  
 then mytake is now implemented as a function of *three* arguments: the
 number and the list, as before, but also a `dictionary' 
 In other words, if you implement the above proposal, every invocation
 of take will be passed an extra argument, which will be only very
 rarely used.  Perhaps this could be turned on with a debugging option,
 but in general it would be a Very Bad Thing performance-wise.

I somehow do not believe in this philosophy: of extra argument 
slowing down the performance any essentially.
Still, let us try example:

  length2 :: Show a = [a]   - Int

  length2 [x,y] = error $ ("length2 "++) $ shows [x,y]
  "\n Do not like lists of length 2 ! \n"
  length2 xs= ln xs 0
where  ln [] n = n
   ln (_:xs) n = ln xs (succ n)

  main = let  xs = [1..999000] :: [Int]
  n  = length2 xs   -- compare to  length
 putStr $ shows n "\n"
In the implementation I use,  length2  is as fast as  Prelude.length.


Sergey Mechveliani

Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, S.J.Thompson wrote:

   To help students I have compiled a list of messages and examples of code that
   provoke them. In many cases a little effort would, I guess, lead to vastly
   more informative error messages. I'd be interested to hear what you (and the
   Hugs group) think. The catalogue of errors is at

To the maintainers of pages:

Would you consider linking to that page? Now that (I am so
sorry about it!) wiki-wiki pages are permanently down some
alternate mechanism for "howtos" or "faqs" is badly needed.
Would you also consider salvaging some material from
the wiki-wiki and making them available to public?


improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Malcolm Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes

 And for (head []) there's really no useful info to hand. So I'm stumped.

 Although you can't show the value (because there isn't one), you can
 at least show the type of the expression:

Printing the type is very desirable in this situation.
But I did not know it is possible!

class ShowType a where 
instance ShowType a = ShowType [a] where
showType xs = "[" ++ showType x ++ "]"
where ~(x:_) = xs

Indeed, try
  class ShowType a where  showsType :: a - String - String

  instance ShowType Char where showsType _ = ("Char"++)

  instance ShowType a = ShowType [a]
showsType xs = ('[':) . showsType x . (']':)   where ~(x:_) = xs

  myhead :: ShowType a = [a] - a
  myhead xs@[] = error $ ("myhead [],   [] :: "++) $ showsType xs "\n"
  myhead (x:_) = x

  main = let  xss = ["ab","cd"]
 in   putStr $ shows (myhead $ tail $ tail xss) "\n"
And it says
 Fail: myhead [],   [] :: [[Char]]

But this is very good! Thank you.
My program exploits certain  showsDomOf,  similar as your  showsType,
and could not sensibly display "empty" things, like  Vector [].

Looks like  ~(x:_)  gives access to a constant instance operation
on the type of an element of  xs  even when  xs  is empty.

We need to apply  op  to any element of the type of the elements of
xs.  op  depends really on the type, not on the value inside type.
Now,  xs  occurs empty.  Still  ~(x:_)  finds the needed element to
apply  op  to.
Looks like it works. But I do not understand the whole thing, so far.

Sergey Mechveliani

Re: ServiceShow class for messages

2000-03-31 Thread Marc van Dongen

S.D.Mechveliani ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[ error messages printing their aguments ]

Printing the argument of a function as part of an error
message may lead to infinite error messages. It may even
lead to several calls to error which all have to be shown.
I don't think a compiler will ever be able to detect such infinite
situations and should therefore not be allowed to automatically
print arguments because the quality of the messages will be
very bad.

Also I just looked up the following in the language definition:

  A call to error terminates execution of the program
  and returns an appropriate error indication to the
  operating system. It should also display the string in
  some system-dependent manner. When undefined is used,
  the error message is created by the compiler.

This suggests that a call to error should result in termination.

Perhaps I am missing something.



Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 30-Mar-2000, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | What do you think of improving the error messages like
 |   Prelude.take:  negative argument
 |  (for say,  take (-1) [(0,'b'),(1,'a')] )
 That would be splendid.  But I don't see how to do it.
   take :: Int - [a] - [a]
 Since take is polymorphic in a, I can't print a member of the
 list.  If you want to define your own take
   mytake :: Show a = Int - [a] - [a]
 that's fine, but it's a different function.

Well, there's two separate issues here.

One issue is what exception is thrown.  One this issue, you are absolutely
right: there is no way for the exception thrown to expose any information
about the value or type of the argument, without breaking some of the nice
properties that Haskell possesses.

The other issue is what error message the implementation prints out if such an
exception is not caught (as is _always_ the case for implementations which
don't support ghc's `Exception' module or something equivalent).
And on this issue, Haskell semantics don't impose any constraints.
The message that the implementation prints out can be as informative
as the implementor is capable of.

There is no conceptual difficulty with a Haskell implemention printing out a
full stack trace, complete with the values of all of the arguments.  Of
course, modifying an existing implementation to do so may well be by no means
trivial, but it's just a matter of programming...
If you really don't see how it could be done, I'd be happy to sketch
the outline of a possible implementation.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

RE: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

The stack trace in a lazy language is usually unhelpful, since
it describes the consumer of (hd []) not its producer.

That's why the cost-centre stack idea is likely to help.


| -Original Message-
| From: Fergus Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 01 April 2000 16:53
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Subject: Re: improving error messages
| On 30-Mar-2000, Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  | What do you think of improving the error messages like
|  |   Prelude.take:  negative argument
|  |  (for say,  take (-1) 
| [(0,'b'),(1,'a')] )
|  That would be splendid.  But I don't see how to do it.
|  take :: Int - [a] - [a]
|  Since take is polymorphic in a, I can't print a member of the
|  list.  If you want to define your own take
|  mytake :: Show a = Int - [a] - [a]
|  that's fine, but it's a different function.
| Well, there's two separate issues here.
| One issue is what exception is thrown.  One this issue, you 
| are absolutely
| right: there is no way for the exception thrown to expose any 
| information
| about the value or type of the argument, without breaking 
| some of the nice
| properties that Haskell possesses.
| The other issue is what error message the implementation 
| prints out if such an
| exception is not caught (as is _always_ the case for 
| implementations which
| don't support ghc's `Exception' module or something equivalent).
| And on this issue, Haskell semantics don't impose any constraints.
| The message that the implementation prints out can be as informative
| as the implementor is capable of.
| There is no conceptual difficulty with a Haskell implemention 
| printing out a
| full stack trace, complete with the values of all of the 
| arguments.  Of
| course, modifying an existing implementation to do so may 
| well be by no means
| trivial, but it's just a matter of programming...
| If you really don't see how it could be done, I'd be happy to sketch
| the outline of a possible implementation.
| -- 
| Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known 
| that the pursuit
| WWW:  |  of excellence is a 
| lethal habit"
| PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words 
| of T. S. Garp.

Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Keith Wansbrough

Malcom and Sergey write:

   instance ShowType a = ShowType [a]
 showsType xs = ('[':) . showsType x . (']':)   where ~(x:_) = xs


   where [x] = [error "not used"] `asTypeOf` xs

gives the idea better.

--KW 8-)
: Keith Wansbrough, MSc, BSc(Hons) (Auckland) ---:
: PhD Student, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK. :
: Native of Antipodean Auckland, New Zealand: 174d47'E, 36d55'S. :
: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

Re: ServiceShow for error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 31-Mar-2000, Keith Wansbrough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sergey writes:
  [sketch of how to implement better error messages] 
 The problem with this is that there is a performance penalty to be
 paid for overloading a function in this way.
 Perhaps this could be turned on with a debugging option
 but in general it would be a Very Bad Thing performance-wise.

Certainly in cases where there is a trade-off between performance
and good error messages, it is appropriate to use a compiler option
to allow the programmer to select what they want.

The Mercury compiler, for example, does exactly this: if you compile without
debugging enabled, then error messages for uncaught exceptions include only
the exception object and its type, whereas if you compile with debugging
enabled then you also get a full stack trace, and furthermore if you then
run the program under the Mercury debugger, then you can also browse
the arguments of any of the calls on the call stack.

While laziness does complicate things significantly, the same kind of thing
would certainly be possible for Haskell too.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: ServiceShow class for messages

2000-03-31 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 31-Mar-2000, Marc van Dongen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 S.D.Mechveliani ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 [ error messages printing their aguments ]
 Printing the argument of a function as part of an error
 message may lead to infinite error messages.

Well, of course if the argument is large (let alone
infinite), you don't want to print it all out,
just part of it.

And of course you don't want to evaluate the argument
any further than it is already evaluated.
But this is quite doable.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Malcolm Wallace

  instance ShowType a = ShowType [a]
showsType xs = ('[':) . showsType x . (']':)   where ~(x:_) = xs

 Looks like  ~(x:_)  gives access to a constant instance operation
 on the type of an element of  xs  even when  xs  is empty.

 Looks like it works. But I do not understand the whole thing, so far.

The assumption is that for all instances of "ShowType", the argument
of the "showsType" function is either:

* not used at all (e.g. for Int, Char, etc.); or
* used only in a recursive call at a less complex type.

Hence, by induction, the argument value is never examined by _any_
runtime call.  (And because where/let bindings are lazy, I think
probably you don't even need the  ~(x:_)  lazy pattern;  just  (x:_)
would suffice.)  However, the compiler must examine the pattern to
determine type information, and thus calculates the correct dictionary
to plug in.

The same trick extends nicely to sum types as well:

instance (ShowType a, ShowType b) = ShowType (Either a b) where
showsType x = showString "Either " .
  showsType a . showChar ' '
  showsType b
   where (Left a)  = x
 (Right b) = x

Notice how the argument x is pattern-matched twice, at quite different


error messages

2000-03-31 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

To my suggestions on the error messages
Marc van Dongen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes

 Printing the argument of a function as part of an error
 message may lead to infinite error messages.
 A call to error terminates execution of the program
 and returns an appropriate error indication to the
 operating system. 

Thank you for the remark.
What really puzzles me here is the termination and the laziness
My application program tries sometimes the messages as in example

  myTake (-1) (x:y:z:xs) = 
   error $ ("myTake (-1) (x:_) \n x = "++) $ shows x ...

But it relies on that this  x  was not defined as, for example,
   x = 'a':x
Now, what should   Prelude.take 
think of   Prelude.take (-1) (x:y:z:xs),

how could it decide to display  x ?
The compiler does not know whether  show x
would lead to the infinite printing.

Example:   take (-1) (x,"a","b","c")  where  x = 'a':x

Therefore, some other operation, say,   restrictedShows,
has to apply here, which is defined so that prints some small part
of the value.
I wonder whether this is possible.

But displaying the type expression, it looks safer, does it?

Sergey Mechveliani

Re: error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Fergus Henderson

On 31-Mar-2000, S.D.Mechveliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now, what should   Prelude.take 
 think of   Prelude.take (-1) (x:y:z:xs),
 how could it decide to display  x ?
 The compiler does not know whether  show x
 would lead to the infinite printing.
 Example:   take (-1) (x,"a","b","c")  where  x = 'a':x

That's a bad example, since it is not type-correct.
I presume you meant

take (-1) [x,"a","b","c"]  where  x = 'a':x

In that case, I would recommend that the implementation
display the second argument to take as

[a, "a", "b", "c"] where a = 'a':a

 I wonder whether this is possible.

Yes, it is possible.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]| -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

RE: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Sigbjorn Finne


 Although you can't show the value (because there isn't one), you can
 at least show the type of the expression:
 class ShowType a where
 showType :: a - String

Or you can do what hbc has done for donkey's years and
include 'showType' in Show. I seem to remember (but am
unable to test), that 'deriving(Show)' will do the right
thing for Show.showType too.


deBruijn sequence NESL code

2000-03-31 Thread Wayne Young

I appreciate any insight anyone has to offer on this code.  I obviously
don't care about losing NESL's parallel computing power.  I am more
interested in a relatively efficient and readable function (or functions)
as the C code I currently have is garbage to read and I don't have the time
to spare to re-write it.  I'm too much of a tinkerer when it comes to
Haskell (still looking for the "right" book).  And yes, I have tried to
work it into Haskell myself, with rather pointless results. =)

I was going to send the 120k PDF document to the appropriate individuals
(only!) but I figured that IEEE would lambaste me spreading their
information for free.  So instead, I post for your "pleasure" the provided
NESL source functions.  Pardon my idiocy in converting this code (properly)
myself.  =)

function Next-DeBruijn(w, i, k) =
C = xor_iscan(w); – – apply (inclusive) prefix scan
Cbar = {1 - a : a in C}; – – compute the bit-complement of the sequence
part1 = take (C, i - k); – – take the first i - k bits from C
part2 = drop (Cbar, i - 1 + k); – – drop the first i - 1 + k bits from
part3 = take (Cbar, i - 1 + k); – – take the first i - 1 + k bits from
part4 = drop (C, i - k); – – drop the first i - k bits from C in
- - part1 ++ part2 ++ part3 ++ part4– – concatenate the list for output

function Generate-DeBruijn (n, x) =
if (n == 2) then [1,1,0,0]
else if (n == 3) then
if (x [0] == 0) then [1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0]
else [1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0]
else Next-DeBruijn (Generate-DeBruijn(n-1,x), 2 ^ (n-2) + (-1) ^
(x[n-4]), x[n-3]);

Many thanks,

Haskore on /.

2000-03-31 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

[Regard this as a continuation of the Haskell in tech news thread...]

Paul Hudak's Haskore system made it into part three of the
``Making Music with Linux'' series on /.

It is described as a ``super-techy way of handling notation
under Linux'' in the second to last paragraph.
