RE: foralls in class assertions

2002-02-19 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2002-02-19 09:21, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

>I don't know if it makes sense.   You've written down some syntax,
>but it's not clear to me what you intend by it.

Hmm... it should be straightforward...

>   instance (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq (Rose f a) where..

I assume that the 'a' quantified in (forall a. ...) is not the same as 
the 'a' in 'Rose f a'?

>| instance
>| (
>| forall a. HasIdentity (m a a),
>| forall a b c. Composable (m b c) (m a b) (m a c)
>| ) =>
>|  Category m;

This means 'if for all a, "HasIdentity (m a a)", and also for all a b c, 
"Composable (m b c) (m a b) (m a c)", then "Category m"'.

"(forall a. HasIdentity (m a a))" as a class assertion declares a 
property of m. It says that for all types a, there's an instance 
"HasIdentity (m a a)".

>| Or even allow the foralls their own context:
>| foo :: (forall a. (C a b) => D a c) => T b c;

This means foo has type (T b c), where for every type a for which there's 
an instance "C a b", there's an instance "D a c".

>| class
>| (
>| forall a. HasIdentity (m a a),
>| forall a b c. Composable (m b c) (m a b) (m a c)
>| ) =>
>|  Category m;

Personally I think the 'superclass' arrow in class declarations should 
point the other way, as in '<='. After all, instances of the class imply 
instances of the superclasses, not the other way around.

But that aside, this means '"Category" is a class on m, provided that for 
all types a, there's an instance "HasIdentity (m a a)", and also for all 
types a b c, there's an instance "Composable (m b c) (m a b) (m a c)"'.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell mailing list

forcing IO operations

2002-02-19 Thread Andre W B Furtado

Curious problem...
Suppose MyMonad is a Monad other than the IO Monad. Consider the following
piece of code:

> f :: MyMonad ()
> f = action1

Now suppose also that ioToMyMonad converts an IO Monad to a MyMonad Monad:

> ioToMyMonad :: IO a -> MyMonad a
> ioToMyMonad = return . unsafePerformIO

Suppose also that action1 needs to perform some IO operation (called IO_op),
which returns IO (). In other words, action1 would be:

> action1 :: MyMonad ()
> action1 = do
>-- MyMonad operations
>ioToMyMonad $ IO_op
>-- other MyMonad operations

When I run f (via runMyMonad or something like that), I noticed that the io
operation (IO_op) is not executed. I guess that this happens because of
laziness properties, since the value returned by IO_op is useless to
MyMonad. I have then two questions:

1. Does this really happen because of laziness properties?
2. Which is the best way to force IO_op to be performed? I tried the
following approach:

Step1: Change the type of IO_op from "IO ()" to "IO Bool" and make it
returns True.
Step2: Change action1 to

> action1 :: MyMonad Bool
> action1 = do
>-- MyMonad operations
>b <- ioToMyMonad $ IO_op
>-- other MyMonad operations
>return b

Step3: Change the type of f to MyMonad Bool
Step4: Finally, use this boolean somewhere after calling "runMyMonad", e.
g., printing it on the screen.

I'm sure this is not the best approach, so I'd really appreciate any

[I'm sending this mail to the HOpenGL list also because runMyMonad is being
called inside the display callback, so perhaps it may have something to do
with the problem]

Thanks a lot,
-- Andre

Haskell mailing list

RE: foralls in class assertions

2002-02-19 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

I don't know if it makes sense.   You've written down some syntax,
but it's not clear to me what you intend by it.

The instance decls remind me somewhat of the generalisation described
towards the end of a paper Ralf Hinze and I wrote, "Generic type
There we describe why instance decls of the form
instance (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq (Rose f a) where..
might be useful.


| -Original Message-
| From: Ashley Yakeley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: 16 February 2002 10:48
| To: Haskell List
| Subject: foralls in class assertions
| It would be nice to be able to put foralls in class assertions. For 
| instance:
| class HasIdentity a where
| {
| identity :: a;
| };
| class Composable a b ab | a b -> ab where
| {
| compose :: a -> b -> ab;
| };
| class
| (
| forall a. HasIdentity (m a a),
| forall a b c. Composable (m b c) (m a b) (m a c)
| ) =>
|  Category m;
| instance
| (
| forall a. HasIdentity (m a a),
| forall a b c. Composable (m b c) (m a b) (m a c)
| ) =>
|  Category m;
| Or even allow the foralls their own context:
| foo :: (forall a. (C a b) => D a c) => T b c;
| Does this make sense? Would it have unpleasant consequences?
| -- 
| Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
| ___
| Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list

Re: a universal printer for Haskell?

2002-02-19 Thread Hal Daume III


Doesn't Hugs basically do just this when you don't have +u set?  Why not
simply mimick their approach?  I mean, sure, it's not written in haskell,
but does that really matter for the printing for debugging issue?

 - Hal

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Bernard James POPE wrote:

> Hi Christoph and all,
> > > Bernie: talking about universal printer...
> > yes, I'm such a Haskell programmer that would like such a mechanism but
> > it only makes sense for me if you also have the inverse function.
> For the simple scheme I presented the inverse is easy enough.
> > In this case, you could save the state of your computation on disk and
> > recover it later, send run-time functions to a remote machine 
> > and execute them on that machine with full control by the programmer.
> > This marshalling/unmarshalling mechanism is provided partially by
> > some Haskell tools. 
> Handling functions is always going to be hard. Actually, a related issue
> in Haskell is what do you do with partially evaluated structures? 
> Certainly in some circumstances you don't want to force the value just so
> that you can write it out. If you compiled to byte code, life would be a lot
> easier, however everything will get a lot messier if you want to mix
> machine code and byte code. urgh...
> I carefully avoided functions, because they require a lot more effort.
> > Probably the reason that this mechanism doen't exist in Haskell yet is that
> > it is difficult to implement. 
> It is especially difficult if you want to make persistent data across
> different implementations of the language. It would be nice if you
> could write out some data to file from GHC and then read it in using NHC :)
> There are obviously various degress of "persistence".
> I think Clean has a prototype persistence mechanism, I saw a short demo
> late last year. I'm not sure how they represent functional values. 
> I think you can only read the data from within the same program that wrote
> the data.
> Cheers,
> Bernie.
> ___
> Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

UNKB 2002 - ICLP'02 Workshop on "Updating Non-Monotonic Knowledge Bases"

2002-02-19 Thread Luis Moniz Pereira


We apologize for multiple postings
UNKB 2002
    Workshop on  "Updating
Non-Monotonic Knowledge Bases"

Copenhagen, Denmark, July 28, 2002

Affiliated with ICLP 2002
 Significant advances have been made recently in the area of
updates of logic
 programs, and, more generally, updates of non-monotonic knowledge
bases and
 their applications. Numerous papers were published on this
subject and the
 journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) has
decided to publish
 its Special Issue on Change in Knowledge Bases, tentatively
scheduled to
 appear at the beginning of 2003, to which extended versions
of the workshop
 papers might be submitted.
 Given the strong activity and extensive work in this area,
the present workshop,
 scheduled for July 28 during the 2002 Federated Logic Conference,
will help
 provide a further boost to and enhance visibility of the
recent active research on
 non-monotonic KB updates and its applications.
 The workshop seeks high-quality contributions containing original
 results or offering an insightful synthesis of past work
on various aspects of
 updating non-monotonic knowledge bases.
 Topics will include, but are not limited to:
 Updates of knowledge bases, in single and
multi-agent contexts
 Revision, contradiction removal, preferring,
approximating, and other
dynamic changes to knowledge bases
 Relationship and/or applications to software
development, theory of actions,
multi-source knowledge combination, abductive update planning,
model-based diagnosis, agent architectures, and others
 Implementation issues and systems.
 Luís Moniz Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, Portugal
 Teodor C. Przymusinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
of California, Riverside, CA, USA
 Program Committee
 José Alferes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
New University of Lisbon, Monte da
 Caparica, Portugal
 Chitta Baral, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
 Thomas Eiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical University of Vienna, Vienna,
 Katsumi Inoue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
 Nicola Leone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical University of Vienna,
 Vienna, Austria
 Luís Moniz Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
New University of Lisbon, Monte da
 Caparica, Portugal
 Teodor C. Przymusinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
University of California,
 Riverside, CA, USA
 Chiaki Sakama, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wakayama University,
 Wakayama, Japan
 Mirek Truszczynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Kentucky,
 Lexington, KY, USA
 Important Dates
 Paper submission:  Sun March 31, 2002
 Author notification: Fri May 10, 2002
 Final papers due:    Fri
May 31, 2002
 Send PS or PDF files to both organizers.
 Local proceedings are foreseen.
Luís Moniz Pereira, Professor
Director AI Centre CENTRIA
Departamento de Informática Ph (+351)
21 294 8533  Fax 21 294 8541
Universidade Nova de Lisboa  Secretary:
(+351) 21 294 8536
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Teodor C. Przymusinski, Professor

Phone: (909)787-5015
College of Engineering Department: (909)787-5639
Computer Science  
Fax: (909)787-4643
University of California   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Riverside, CA 92521, USA   WWW:


Re: a universal printer for Haskell?

2002-02-19 Thread Bernard James POPE

I foolishly wrote:

> For the simple scheme I presented the inverse is easy enough.

Oops. I mean, if you have a dynamic type test. 

Haskell mailing list

Re: a universal printer for Haskell?

2002-02-19 Thread Bernard James POPE


> >But you ought to be able to print the empty list,
> >without having to make some bogus type qualification (which
> >is in general not a solution to the problem of printing arbitrary values).
> But how about the difference between
> show ([] :: [Int] ) == "[]"
> show ([] :: [Char]) == "\"\""
> You probably want the first, but I want the
> second in the cases I'm working with strings.

There is a reason why I want the first and not the second. Imagine a 
debugger for Haskell that prints values from computations, so that the user
can inspect what is happening. How is the debugger to present these values?
The danger of using user defined print mechanisms is that they might
have bugs in them. Okay so the user of the debugger can say: "I really really
trust my print mechanisms, so please use them". But there ought to be some
fallback strategy where the debugger can always print something which is 
meaningful. The most basic representation I can think of that would make any
sense is something derived directly from the definition of the type. Sure,
the abstraction boundary is broken, but sometimes you just might need to 
do that to debug your program.

There are also other uses for such canonical printing. Somtimes you want
to write out a data structure and read it back in again, and you want
to be sure that what you write will always be readable again. It is
quite an annoying maintenance problem when you have to keep the printer
and reader in sync. If such synchronisation can be handled by the compiler,
then all the better.

If you want something prettier, then you can always resort to the usual
techniques and put up with the odd unresolved overloading.

The basic problem with type classes for this is that there are too
many possible meanings for the one program, hence the example
with show []. Of course there should only be one meaning, which is why
I suggested making the printing mechanism defineable only by the

You don't have to use the type class system to provide generic printing.
It could just be a primitive, Hugs has (or at least used to have) this.
Such a primitive is going to be a lot harder for something like the STG
machine however.

> It's not clear to me how much your proposal
> differs from extending the default meganism
> (
> to allow arbitrary classes, rather than only
> class Num, which would be more consistent
> with the current Haskell 98.

Perhaps you could extend defaulting to include classes outside the Num
hierarchy, but I suspect this is a minefield. 

I was hoping to avoid this by just making printing a special case, since 
at least I think it is quite useful. If we want to be really 
adventurous we might want to look at alternative overloading schemes that
do not suffer the same restrictions as type classes do. I think type classes
are here to stay, can we put up with more than one overloading mechanism
in Haskell, I don't know?

Haskell mailing list

Re: Scheme in Haskell?

2002-02-19 Thread Josef Svenningsson

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> Has anyone attempted any kind of Scheme interpreter in Haskell?

Some years ago a certain Abe Seika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted to
comp.lang.functional announcing that he had written a r4rs compliant
Scheme interpreter in Haskell. I mailed him and asked for the code and got
it. I don't know if the email address is still valid but I think you
should give it a try.

Best wishes,


Haskell mailing list

Extended deadline: Workshop on Generative Programming (GP2002)

2002-02-19 Thread Joost Visser

   Workshop on Generative Programming 2002 (GP2002)

Austin (Texas), April 15, 2002

  (extended) Submission deadline: February 28, 2002

   Satelite of the 7th International Conference on
Software Reuse (ICSR7)


The goal of generative programming is to replace manual search,
adaptation, and assembly of components with the automatic generation
of needed components on demand. Generative technology has been in
practical use for decades (e.g., compiler development, application
generation, automatic configuration management, preprocessing,
meta-programming). However, developing new domain-specific languages
(DSLs), application generators, and component generators has been
extremely hard, as it requires being knowledgeable and experienced
both in language design and compiler development. Recent developments
such as XML technologies and template meta-programming revived the
interest in generative programming by making it more accessible to


The workshop aims to bring together practitioners, researchers,
academics, and students to discuss the state-of-the-art of generative
techniques and their impact on software reuse. The goal is to share
experience, consolidate successful techniques, and identify the most
promising application areas and open issues for future work.

Topics of interest

   * impact of generative techniques on component-based development
 and software reuse.
   * assessing risks and benefits of deploying generative techniques;
   * maintenance of generators.
   * reuse of generic components, generators, generator components,
 configuration languages, and other generative programming assets
 across boundaries of projects and/or organizations.
   * styles of generative programming (application generators,
 generators based on XML technologies, template languages (e.g.,
 JSP), template meta-programming, transformational systems,
 intentional languages, aspects, subjects, etc), particularly
 their uses and limitations.
   * generation of code artifacts, such as application logic, UIs,
 database schemas, and middleware integration.
   * generation of non-code artifacts such as test cases,
 documentation, tutorials, and help systems.
   * capturing configuration knowledge, for example, in DSLs, and
 extensible languages.
   * influence on software architecture (e.g., building and
 customizing frameworks and applying patterns).
   * testing generic and generative models.
   * industrial applications of generative technology.


Potential participants are asked to submit a two-page position paper
detailing their experience with generative techniques, their
perspective on one or more of the above topics, and their planned
contribution to the workshop. We seek concrete case studies, and
potential topics of discussion in order to ground the workshop in
real-world issues.  Please mail your submission (in PDF or PS) to
Joost Visser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by February 28, 2002.

Important Dates

   * Workshop submission deadline: February 28, 2002
   * Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2002
   * Workshop at ICSR7: April 15, 2002

Workshop format

The workshop will aim to foster discussion and interaction rather than
presentations. Presentations will serve to introduce a case study,
provoke discussion by presenting a controversial point of view, or
introduce new points of view. However, all participants will be given
a chance to make a short presentation.

All accepted position papers will be published on the workshop page
prior to the workshop and the participants will be asked to read the
papers prior to the workshop.

Tentative schedule

Morning session:

   * Introductory talk on GP by the organizers.
   * First block of presentations, each consisting of a 10 minute talk
 by the author of an accepted paper followed by 5 minutes of
 answering questions from the audience. The questions are meant
 only for clarification; discussion is postponed to the afternoon
   * Second block of presentations.

Afternoon session:

   * Short invited talk.
   * Pro-and-contra session where each paper is discussed by two
 volunteers that defend opposing views. The audience is invited to
 provide additional arguments.
   * Open discussion session aimed at identifying and summarizing open
 issues and topics for future work.

Dissemination of results

The results of the workshop will be summarized in a workshop
report. The workshop report and the position papers will be available
form the workshop website after the workshop.

Related event

Re: a universal printer for Haskell?

2002-02-19 Thread Bernard James POPE

Hi Christoph and all,

> > Bernie: talking about universal printer...

> yes, I'm such a Haskell programmer that would like such a mechanism but
> it only makes sense for me if you also have the inverse function.

For the simple scheme I presented the inverse is easy enough.

> In this case, you could save the state of your computation on disk and
> recover it later, send run-time functions to a remote machine 
> and execute them on that machine with full control by the programmer.
> This marshalling/unmarshalling mechanism is provided partially by
> some Haskell tools. 

Handling functions is always going to be hard. Actually, a related issue
in Haskell is what do you do with partially evaluated structures? 
Certainly in some circumstances you don't want to force the value just so
that you can write it out. If you compiled to byte code, life would be a lot
easier, however everything will get a lot messier if you want to mix
machine code and byte code. urgh...

I carefully avoided functions, because they require a lot more effort.

> Probably the reason that this mechanism doen't exist in Haskell yet is that
> it is difficult to implement. 

It is especially difficult if you want to make persistent data across
different implementations of the language. It would be nice if you
could write out some data to file from GHC and then read it in using NHC :)
There are obviously various degress of "persistence".

I think Clean has a prototype persistence mechanism, I saw a short demo
late last year. I'm not sure how they represent functional values. 
I think you can only read the data from within the same program that wrote
the data.

Haskell mailing list