[Haskell] HaXml

2004-11-27 Thread Dominic Steinitz
I'd be grateful for some help on using HaXml.

1. I can parse a String into a Document but it's not clear how you operate on 
it as the combinators all operate on Content. The only function I could find 
that operated on a Document was document in Pretty.

2. I can construct a CFilter but it's not clear how you operate on it. How do 
I calculate the number of components of an Element? What I would like to do 
is accept vname (with 3 elements) and reject iname (with 4 elements). I'd 
also like to check that the characters in givenName, initial and familyName 
are in a given range (for example upper case or between ' ' and '~').

Thanks, Dominic.

import Text.XML.HaXml
import Text.XML.HaXml.Pretty

xmlName =
   NamegivenNameJohn/givenName ++
 initialP/initial ++
 familyNameSmith/familyName ++

d = document $ xmlParse tmp xmlName

gn = mkElemAttr givenName [] [literal John]
i  = mkElemAttr initial [] [literal P]
fn = mkElemAttr familyName [] [literal Smith]

validName = mkElemAttr Name [] [gn,i,fn]
invalidName = mkElemAttr Name [] [gn,i,i,fn]

vname = processXmlWith validName
iname = processXmlWith invalidName

*Main d

*Main vname
?xml version='1.0'?

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ICTCS'05 Preliminary call for papers

2004-11-27 Thread g. michele pinna
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail

 Ninth Italian Conference on
 Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS'05)
  Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italy
   October 12 - 14, 2005
 Preliminary Call for Papers
The Ninth Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer
Science will take place at the Certosa di Pontignano
(Siena), Italy. Papers presenting original contributions
in any area of theoretical computer science are being
sought. Topics include (but are not limited to):
analysis and design of algorithms,
computational complexity,
formal languages and automata,
foundations of programming languages and program analysis,
foundations of artificial intelligence and knowledge representation,
foundations of web programming
natural computing paradigms (quantum computing, bioinformatics),
parallel and distributed computation,
program specification and verification,
term rewriting,
theory of concurrency,
theory of data bases,
theory of logical design and layout,
type theory,
symbolic and algebraic computation,
Program Committee:
Michele Bugliesi (Venezia),
Mario Coppo (Torino, Co-Chair),
Pierluigi Crescenzi (Firenze),
Giulia Galbiati (Pavia)
Luisa Gargano (Salerno),
Giorgio Ghelli  (Pisa),
Roberto Grossi (Pisa),
Benedetto Intrigila  (L'Aquila),
Nicola Leone   (Cosenza),
Elena Lodi (Siena, Co-Chair),
Flaminia Luccio (Trieste),
Andrea Masini  (Verona),
Giancarlo Mauri (Milano),
Corrado Priami  (Trento),
Geppino Pucci (Padova),
Davide Sangiorgi (Bologna).
Organizing Committee:
S. Brunetti (Siena),
G. Michele Pinna (Cagliari - Siena, Chair),
E.B.P. Tiezzi (Siena).
Invited Speakers:
Three invited speakers are foreseen.
Names have to be announced.
Dates and Deadlines:
Submission Deadline: 15 April 2005
Acceptance Notification: 7 June 2005
Camera-ready deadline: 2 July 2005
Early registration deadline: 16 September 2005
Conference:  12-14 October 2005
Authors are invited to submit electronically
one copy of their extended abstract, not exceeding
twelve pages. The extended abstract should
clearly indicate the results achieved, their significance,
and their relation to other work in the area. It
is planned to publish the proceedings in the Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. It is recommended
to use Latex and the Springer LNCS style
The web-based submission form will be announced soon.

Conference Page:
This preliminary Call For Papers is available
online at the conference web page
Registration Details:
The registration form will be reachable from the
conference web page. A limited number of grants for students
and young researchers covering the registration fees are
available. Details for the applications are in the
conference web page.
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages 2005: Call for Participation

2004-11-27 Thread David Walker

POPL 2005 Call for Participation


Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages 

Long Beach, California

January 12-14, 2005


Scope of the Conference

The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
is a forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and important
innovations in the design, definition, analysis, transformation, implementation
and verification of programming languages, programming systems, and programming

Important Dates

* Hotel reservation deadline: December 21, 2004 

* Reduced fees deadline: December 30, 2004 (11:59 PM,

 - Register at http://www.regmaster.com/popl2005.html 

* Main conference: January 12-14, 2005.

* Affiliated events: January 10-11 and January 15,

Invited Speakers

* Pat Hanrahan (Stanford

* Rob Pike (Google): Interpreting the Data

* Peter Selinger (University
 of Ottawa):
Programming Languages for Quantum Computing 

Location  Hotel

The POPL 2005 conference site is Hyatt Regency Long Beach, 200 South Pine Avenue,
 Long Beach, CA.
Complete information concerning how to book rooms and travel to Long Beach may be found at
the conference web site (http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~dpw/popl/05/). The
Hyatt Regency is right next to a variety of entertainment areas, including the Shoreline Village,
the Rainbow Harbor, and the Shoreline Marina, which
offer sport fishing, boat rentals, personal boat rentals, shopping, great food
and other diversions. For those wishing to take in some sun this January,
one can walk east from the hotel, about a 1/4 mile, along the Shoreline Marina,
to a large, sandy, public beach. In addition, the remarkable Aquarium of the
Pacific, which houses more than 12,500 animals and offers the possibility of
coming face-to-face or even touching the world's greatest predators, is only a
1/4 mile west. On Thursday January 13th, we will be having a tour and
banquet on the Queen Mary ocean liner. Be sure to reserve your room by
December 21st, 2004 and register for the conference by December 30th, 2004.


Wednesday, Jan 12

8:30AM -- 9:30AM: Invited talk: Interpreting the Data, Rob
Pike (Google)

10AM Session:

* Associated Types with Class 

 - Manuel Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Simon
Peyton-Jones, Simon Marlow 

* Environmental Acquisition Revisited 

 - Richard Cobbe, Matthias Felleisen 

* Polymorphic Bytecode: Compositional Compilation for
Java-like Languages 

 - Davide Ancona, Ferrucio Damiani, Sophia
Drossopoulou, Elena Zucca 

* A Simple Typed Intermediate Language for Object-Oriented

 - Juan Chen, David Tarditi

1:30PM Session:

* Parametric Polymorphism for XML 

 - Haruo Hosoya, Alain Frisch, Giuseppe Castagna 

* A Bisimulation for Type Abstraction and Recursion 

 - Eijiro Sumii, Benjamin Pierce 

* A Syntactic Approach to Eta Equality in Type Theory 

 - Healfdene Goguen 

* Slot Games: A Quantitative Model of Computation 

 - Dan Ghica 

4PM Session:

* Synthesis of Interface Specifications for Java Classes 

 - Rajeev Alur, Pavol Cerny, P. Madhusudan, Wonhong Nam 

* Dynamic Partial-Order Reduction for Model Checking

 - Cormac Flanagan, Patrice Godefroid 

* Proof-Guided Underapproximation-Widening for Multi-Process

 - Orna Grumberg, Flavio Lerda, Ofer Strichman,
Michael Theobald 

* Transition Predicate Abstraction and Fair Termination 

 - Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko 

6PM: Business meeting / PC report

Thursday, Jan 13

8:30AM: Invited talk: Programming Languages for
Quantum Computing, Peter Selinger (University
 of Ottawa)

10AM Session:

* Communicating Quantum Processes 

 - Simon Gay, Rajagopal Nagarajan 

* Downgrading Policies and Relaxed Noninterference 

 - Peng Li, Steve Zdancewic 

* A Probabilistic Language Based Upon Sampling Functions 

 - Sungwoo
 Park, Frank Pfenning,
Sebastian Thrun 

* Mutatis Mutandis: Safe and Predictable Dynamic Software

 - Gareth Stoyle, Michael Hicks, Gavin Bierman, Peter
Sewell, Iulian Neamtiu 

1:30PM Session:

* Transactors: A Programming Model for Maintaining Globally
Consistent Distributed State in Unreliable Environments 

 - John Field, Carlos Varela 

* Theoretical Foundations for Compensations in Flow
Composition Languages 

 - Roberto Bruni, Hernan Melgratti, Ugo Montanari 

* From Sequential Programs to Multi-Tier Applications by
Program Transformation 

 - Matthias Neubauer, Peter Thiemann 

* Combinators for Bi-Directional Tree Transformations: A
Linguistic Approach to the View Update Problem 

 - Nathan Foster, Michael Greenwald, Jonathan Moore,
Benjamin Pierce, Alan Schmitt 

4:30PM: Tour and conference dinner on the Queen Mary
ocean liner

Friday, Jan 14

8:30AM: Invited talk, Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University)

10AM Session:

* Separation Logic and Abstraction 

 - Matthew Parkinson, Gavin Bierman 

* Permission 

[Haskell] RE: ANNOUNCE: Haskell support for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Assignment Manager tools

2004-11-27 Thread Morris Sim
Shan and Rogerio, please get in contact with Andre.  I would love to see a demo 
of this.

From: Andre W B Furtado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 11/24/2004 22:37
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Haskell support for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Assignment 
Manager tools

We are pleased to announce an alpha/preview version of VHS (Visual Haskell),
which integrates the Haskell functional language with the Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET 2003 IDE, and VHS-AM, which allows the use of VHS with the
Microsoft Assignment Manager tools.

This preview version supports:
- Syntax coloring
- Brace matching through CTRL+] (including module/where, let/in, etc.)*
- Brace highlighting (including module/where, let/in, etc.)*
- Brace matching text indicated in the status bar
- TODO comments in code are added to the task list and can be reached by
double-clicking it
- Quick-info*
- Word-completion*
- Method tip*
- Member-list popup*
- Haskell Console Application creation
- Haskell Console Application compilation (integrated with GHC)
- Haskell Console Application execution
- The presence of parse errors is indicated on-the-fly in the task list
(specific errors are still not specified)
- Error source location can be reached by double-clicking the task list
- Haskell Assignment Manager exercise creation and advertisement
- Haskell Assignment Manager exercise answering and submission
- Compilation checking (via GHC) and output checking of Haskell exercises by
Assignment Manager server

Please note that this first release of VHS has some known bugs:
- A VS.NET session can become unstable if you open a .hs file or create a
Haskell Console Application project.
- After opening a .hs file, the devenv.exe process is not being killed when
VS.NET exits.
- The above features marked with * sometimes do not work 100% as expected,
mainly if the haskell module under development has errors.
- Some features do not work in a inter-module fashion.
- The Visual Haskell logo does not disappear from VS.NET splash screen after

Note: development of a Visual Studio plugin for Haskell has been proceeding
on two fronts.  Simon Marlow  Krasimir Angelov have been working on adding
complete editor support and a project framework integrated with Cabal,
whereas this release is based on a fork of the codebase several months ago,
and has a different feature set. We hope to combine these versions and make
further releases in the future.

Downloads, documentation and screenshots can be found in:

The VHS/VHS-AM team is:

- Simon Marlow
- Krasimir Angelov
- Andre Santos
- Andre Furtado
- Mauro La-Salette
- Marden Costa

This project was partially supported by a MS grant for extending the
Assignment Manager tool.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Jules Bean
On 27 Nov 2004, at 00:59, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
I finally understood that George Russell's Library is not really about 
variables. Rather it is about what I want to call 'execution 
contexts', which
are -- as Marcin Kowalczyk observed -- a restricted form of dynamically
scoped variables.
type XIO a = StateT Context IO a
...which, amusingly, brings us almost full circle to the message which 
sparked off this particular iteration of the Great Global Variables 

..which uses StateT Env IO
Although your work is rather more complete than what I sketch in that 

A problem is the ability to pass callbacks to external libraries...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Lexically scoped type variables

2004-11-27 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

 and use `asTypeOf` result wherever we need to refer to resType.

I don't like being left with only asTypeOf, because when the desired
type has its structure shuffled, it forces to invent a transformation
on unused expressions which yields the given transformation on their
types - ugly.

It should be possible to name every part of a type (or at least every
polymorphic part) with a type variable, and use it in local type

For me it's fine if implicit foralls bring type variables into scope.
The only disadvantage is that it's incompatible with Haskell 98.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
^^ http://qrnik.knm.org.pl/~qrczak/
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Keean Schupke
Jules Bean wrote:
A problem is the ability to pass callbacks to external libraries...
Why not just put all the state in a record, then there's only one thing to
pass around... you can use the state monad to hide this (or the state monad
transformer if you need to layer over IO) then use partial function 
to pass the necessary state to the callback on creation?

Also another take on the TWI question... Doesn't this equate to the same 
as first class modules... then a module can be defined within the scope 
of a

printablePoint x_init = do
   x - newIORef x_init
   return $ module PrintablePoint where
  getX = readIORef x
And the above can be seen as a model of an object... So using the HList 
you can write this:

class_printable_point x_init self = do
   x - newIORef x_init
   returnIO $
   mutableX .=. x
   .*. getX .=. readIORef x
   .*. moveD .=. (\d - modifyIORef x ((+) d))
   .*. ooprint .=. ((self # getX ) = print)
   .*. emptyRecord
Of course true top-level TWIs behave like static objects... But with dynamic
objects you can guarantee that each object is only initialised once, but
cannot guarantee that only one object of a given type exists (and I think
encapsulation is a more important property than uniqueness).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Global Variables and IO initializers

2004-11-27 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Friday 26 November 2004 08:39, George Russell wrote:
 Benjamin Franksen wrote (snipped):
   What non-standard libraries have I used (that you don't)?

 OK, but you have to test every element of the dictionary with fromDynamic
 until you find one with the type you want, which is not a good idea if the
 dictionary is big.  My implementation is equally inefficient now (because
 TypeRep's have no Ord), but if TypeRep's had Ord or a hashing function
 (both would be very easy to provide from GHC's implementation) I could make
 my implementation efficient very easily, while you'd have to completely
 rewrite yours to get the same effect.

[completely off-topic but anyway:]

This is yet another incidence where Robert Will's ByMaps would be very useful:


I am quite astonished that apparently none of the data structure library 
projects have taken up the idea.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Keean Schupke
A general point on top-level TWIs. It occurs to me that all variables 
are local to
something (function, object, thread, process, machine, network, 
world...). I think it
is an error to limit Haskells domain. If we allow unique per process 
variables (top-level
TWI's) we limit our level of abstraction to a process - haskell cannot 
dispatch processes
beacuse it cannot handle the multiple process contexts required.

All the attempts at modelling execution contexts therefore seem a better 
solution than
top-level TWIs which limit us to a single process world model. It seems 
the real world
is an infinitely deep nesting of abstractions, so uniqueness is always 
relative to its context.
Using the object model, we can have a process object, this object can 
ensure uniqueness
of values within the context of a process - which is what Adrian wants. 
However if we
want uniqueness at the next level, say the per CPU level, then a CPU 
object is the relavent

It seems to me the object model fits perfectly, and what people are 
trying to do is
turn modules into primitive objects complete with data-hiding and 
(top-level TWIs)... However modules cannot be nested so the model breaks 
down, and
we end up needing first-class modules anyway.

Of course objects can be modeled another way (see 
using the HList library... The syntax is simple enough, but would still 
benefit from a little
sytactic sugar (hopefully to be providied by template-haskell, but this 
part is a work in

So in conclusion, it seems to me that that objects in Haskell solve all 
the problems
that top-level TWIs solve, and still allow encapsulation and multiple 
contexts to be handled by the RTS. So use them!

Sorry for the rambling explanation and shameless promotion of HLists...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Saturday 27 November 2004 17:10, you wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Nov 2004, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
  An execution context is a mutable finite map from types to (monomorphic)
  values. Each IO action implicitly carries exactly one such map and by
  default passes it on to the actions that follow.

 Execution contexts sound a good description of them.  Building on your
 recoding of this, if you have top-level declarations of newMVar / newIORef
 then how much of this can you do by just keeping a dictionary in a global

 This should certainly save some of the StateT plumbing; and 
 such declarations are safe, becuase they are affine central (see
 http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=fa.doh68b9.96sgjd%40ifi.uio.no )

I like your definition of ACIO and I think it is sound (I have also suggested 
centrality, see 

I would think that with ACIO we have a nice mathematical characterization for 
the IO actions that would be safe even at the top-level. (Safe meaning 
mainly that we do not open a can-of-worms with regard to execution order.) I 
don't know how easy or hard it is to prove of a certain IO action that is in 
fact in ACIO.

However, monadic execution contexts don't need any safety proofs, because they 
are purely functional. With modest support from the compiler they could be 
implemented quite efficiently. And they would solve almost all problems for 
which global variables have been used or proposed as a solution. To be more 
precise, they would solve all those problems, provided you replace any 
reference to the whole program by a certain execution context. I think 
this would be good enough for almost all applications.

  A function is provided to (implicitly) create a new mapping and run a
  given IO action with the new mapping as its execution context, instead
  of the default one.

 Update the global MVar, do the IO, then reset it?

This breaks down as soon as the IO action does a forkIO. This breakdown is one 
of the reasons I dislike global variables so much. Sure, you can find a way 
to code around this special probem.(*) But the fact that you have to 
(explicitly take concurrency into consideration) doesn't bode well for global 

One of the nice features of (monadic) execution contexts is that they are 
automatically protected from such problems, without taking any special 

  I am almost sure that even the trick of indexing the dictionary via
  types (and thus the dependency on Data.Typeable and ghc extensions) can
  be avoided with a little more effort.

 Another global MVar to issue a sequence of unique index keys?

Maybe this is possible. But I'd rather have a library that depends on Dynamics 
(plus some compiler support) than a highly controversial new language 

(*) You'd probably need a hack like using ThreadIds to identify the IO action 
being run under the new context, see George Russel's implementation.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Saturday 27 November 2004 17:55, you wrote:
 A general point on top-level TWIs. It occurs to me that all variables
 are local to
 something (function, object, thread, process, machine, network,
 It seems to me the object model fits perfectly, and what people are
 trying to do is
 turn modules into primitive objects complete with data-hiding and
 (top-level TWIs)... However modules cannot be nested so the model breaks
 down, and
 we end up needing first-class modules anyway.
 So in conclusion, it seems to me that that objects in Haskell solve all
 the problems
 that top-level TWIs solve, and still allow encapsulation and multiple
 contexts to be handled by the RTS. So use them!

Timber (formerly O'Haskell) has gone this way. Its object model is defined 
(and in fact was implemented) by a straight-forward translation into a 
(state) reader monad transformer over the IO monad. It is noteworthy that in 
this translation the (local) state of a Timber object is not a record but 
just an (IORef to an) anonymous tuple. [It is true that they added 'real' 
records and subtyping to the language but these additions are completely 
orthogonal to the object model. Records are merely used to group the monadic 
actions that define the interface of an object into a suitable type hierarchy 
(in order to model a weak form of interface inheritance).]

So, one of the things I learned when studying Timber's object model is that 
records (or modules) with mutable fields (and inheritance and so on) are 
*not* the whole story. The most interesting aspect is how objects react to 
external stimulus, i.e. their representation as monadic effects.

One *can* program in such a way in Haskell. What's missing is not so much 
records or first class modules, nor top-level IO actions (safe or not), but 
suitable syntactic sugar to alleviate the burden of having to lift (sic!) all 
IO actions to a suitable object/context monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Global Variables and IO initializers

2004-11-27 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Friday 26 November 2004 08:39, you wrote:
 Benjamin Franksen wrote (snipped):
   What non-standard libraries have I used (that you don't)?

 OK, but you have to test every element of the dictionary with fromDynamic
 until you find one with the type you want, which is not a good idea if the
 dictionary is big.  My implementation is equally inefficient now (because
 TypeRep's have no Ord), but if TypeRep's had Ord or a hashing function
 (both would be very easy to provide from GHC's implementation) I could make
 my implementation efficient very easily, while you'd have to completely
 rewrite yours to get the same effect.

[completely off-topic but anyway:]

This is yet another incidence where Robert Will's ByMaps would be very useful:


I am quite astonished that apparently none of the data structure library 
projects have taken up the idea.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list