[Haskell] VISSOFT 2015 - Call for Papers: New Ideas or Emerging Results and Tool Demos

2015-06-15 Thread Craig Anslow
VISSOFT 2015 - Call for Papers: New Ideas or Emerging Results and Tool Demos

3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT)
September 27-28, 2015, Bremen, Germany

Paper submission date: June 29, 2015
Notification: July 31, 2015


Software visualization is a broad research area encompassing concepts, methods, 
tools, and techniques that assist in a range of software engineering and 
software development activities. Covered aspects include the development and 
evaluation of approaches for visually analyzing software and software systems, 
including their structure, execution behavior, and evolution.

The VISSOFT IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization continues the 
history of the ACM SOFTVIS Symposium on Software Visualization and the IEEE 
VISSOFT International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and 
Analysis. The conference focuses on visualization techniques that target 
aspects of software maintenance and evolution, program comprehension, reverse 
engineering, and reengineering, i.e., how visualization helps professionals to 
understand, analyze, test and evolve software. We aim to gather tool 
developers, experts, users, and researchers from software engineering, 
information visualization, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction to 
discuss theoretical foundations, algorithms, techniques, tools, and 
applications related to software visualization.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Innovative visualization and visual analytics techniques for software 
engineering data, such as,
- source code
- static and dynamic dependencies
- software evolution and repositories
- software documentation
- web services
- protocol, log, and performance data
- parallel techniques
- database schemes
- software security and privacy issues
- workflow and business processes
* Visualization to support program comprehension, software testing, and 
* Interaction techniques and algorithms for software visualization
* Visualization-based techniques in computer science and software engineering 
* Integration of software visualization tools and development environments
* Empirical evaluation of software visualization
* Industrial experience on using software visualization

VISSOFT features a New Ideas or Emerging Results (NIER) track and a Tool Demo 
track related to the list of topics suggested above. Papers are solicited that 
present original, unpublished research results and will be rigorously reviewed 
by an international program committee.

The NIER contributions (New Ideas and Emerging Results) describe 
work-in-progress and preliminary exciting results. Authors should include open 
questions and even provocative hypotheses to get early feedback on their 
research ideas or even support through new research collaborations.

Tool contributions describe the design or actual utilization of software 
visualization tools, with a focus on relevant tool construction aspects or the 
use of the tool for gaining new insights. Authors should be prepared to 
demonstrate their tool at the conference. The submission may also contain a 
link to a screencast (video).

All accepted submissions will appear in the conference proceedings and the IEEE 
Digital Library.

-== How to Submit ==-

Both types of papers have to be maximum 5 pages long (including bibliography 
and annexes).
Paper submission date: June 29, 2015 (previously: June 15, 2015)
Notification: July 31, 2015

Submissions must be submitted online via the VISSOFT 2015 EasyChair
conference management system at

Please adhere to the formatting instruction published on the ICSME
website:  http://www.icsme.uni-bremen.de/formatting.php

-== Organizing Committee ==-

General Chair:
Jürgen Doellner, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany

Program Co-Chairs:
Fabian Beck, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Alexandre Bergel, University of Chile, Chile

NIER/Tool Co-Chairs:
Craig Anslow, Middlesex University, UK
Johan Fabry, University of Chile, Chile

NIER/Tool Program Committee:

Bilal Alsallakh TU Vienna, Austria
Jennifer Baldwin Swinburne University,Australia
Ivan Beschastnikh University of British Columbia, Canada
Usman Bhatti INRIA Lille / Synectique, France
Michael Burch University of Stuttgart, Germany
Andrei Chis Bern University, Switzerland
Neville Churcher University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Marcus Denker INRIA Lille, France
Coen De Roover Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Jens Dietrich Massey University, New Zealand
Bogdan Dit Boise State University, US
Matthias Frisch Magdeburg University, Germany
Maria-Elena Froese University of Victoria, Canada
Michael Homer Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
James A. Jones University of California, Irvine, US
Adrian Kuhn AirBNB, US
Jannik Laval Ecole Des Mines de Douai, France
Paul Leger Universidad Catolica Del Norte, Chile

[Haskell] Haskell dev role in Strats at Standard Chartered London

2015-06-15 Thread Don Stewart
I'm hiring another Haskell dev to join the Strats team in London.

Details here:

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Summer School on Generic and Effectful Programming (2nd call for participation)

2015-06-15 Thread Maciej Pirog
Call for Participation


   St Anne's College, Oxford, 6th to 10th July 2015


Generic programming is a technique that exploits the inherent
structure that exists in data, to automatically produce efficient and
flexible algorithms that can be adapted to suit different needs. The
goal of this school is to explore datatype-generic programming and
related topics from a variety of different angles, emphasizing in
particular the interplay of generics and effects.

This summer school is the closing activity of the EPSRC-funded project
"Unifying Theories of Generic Programming" at Oxford University.


Six lecturers from the Programming Languages community, each an
acknowledged expert in their specialism, will cover various aspects of
generic and effectful programming. Each will give about four hours'
lectures, distributed throughout the week.

  Edwin Brady (University of St Andrews)
  "Embedded Domain-Specific Languages in Idris"

  Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
  "Worst-case Efficient Generic Functional Programming on Bulk Data"

  Andres Löh (Well-Typed)
  "Applying Type-level and Generic Programming in Haskell"

  Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
  "Datatypes of Datatypes"

  Don Syme (Microsoft Research)
  "Compile-time Meta-programming for the Information-rich World"

  Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn University of Technology)
  "Containers for Effects and Contexts"


The school is aimed at doctoral students in programming languages and
related areas; however, researchers and practitioners will be very
welcome, as will strong masters students with the support of a
supervisor. It will be assumed that participants have a good
understanding of typed functional programming, as in Haskell, O'Caml,
or F#.


Registration deadline: 21st June 2015
School:6th July (9am) to 10th July 2015 (lunchtime)


Costs will be kept low, thanks to support from EPSRC. There will be a
nominal registration fee of £135, and B&B accommodation in college
will be £75 (ensuite) or £48 (shared bathroom) per night. We can
accept at most 50 participants; places will be allocated on a
first-come, first-served basis.


Further information, including instructions on how to register, is
available at the website:


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