[Haskell] SCP Special Issue on Invariant Generation - Final Call for Papers [1 month to go]

2013-01-11 Thread Gudmund Grov
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)

Science of Computer Programming
Special Issue on Invariant Generation
-- FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS  [1 month to go] -- 

This special issue is devoted to the 4th international Workshop on
Invariant Generation (WING 2012)


which was held on June 30 2012 in Manchester as a satellite event of
IJCAR 2012. The scope of the workshop is the automation of extracting
and synthesising auxiliary properties of programs, in particular
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant annotations.
This should be seen in a broad sense and relevant topics include (but
are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive assertion generation
* Inductive proofs for reasoning about loops
* Applications to assertion generation using:
- abstract interpretation,
- static analysis,
- model checking,
- theorem proving,
- theory formation,
- algebraic techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops

Submission to this special issue is completely open. We expect
original articles (typically not more than 30 pages) that present
high-quality contributions and must not be simultaneously submitted
for publication elsewhere. Submission of extended versions of
previously published papers is possible as long as the extension is
significant, i.e., the submission can be considered a new paper, the
previous paper is referenced, and the new material is clearly marked.

Submissions must comply with SCP's author guidelines


and be written in English. Submission is over the SCP website:


which you will have to register for if you do not have an account.
When submitting your paper please choose the article type "Special issue: WING 

* Submission of papers: February 11, 2013.
* Notification: April 26, 2013.

* Gudmund Grov (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Please send any queries you may have to:


Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2011-2013
Top in the UK for student experience
Fourth university in the UK and top in Scotland (National Student Survey 2012)

We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers to 
join us in leading and driving research in key inter-disciplinary themes. 
Please see www.hw.ac.uk/researchleaders for further information and how
to apply.

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity
registered under charity number SC000278.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] SCP Special Issue on Invariant Generation - Second Call for Papers [2 months to go]

2012-12-10 Thread Gudmund Grov
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)

Science of Computer Programming
Special Issue on Invariant Generation

This special issue is devoted to the 4th international Workshop on
Invariant Generation (WING 2012)


which was held on June 30 2012 in Manchester as a satellite event of
IJCAR 2012. The scope of the workshop is the automation of extracting
and synthesising auxiliary properties of programs, in particular
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant annotations.
This should be seen in a broad sense and relevant topics include (but
are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive assertion generation
* Inductive proofs for reasoning about loops
* Applications to assertion generation using:
- abstract interpretation,
- static analysis,
- model checking,
- theorem proving,
- theory formation,
- algebraic techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops

Submission to this special issue is completely open. We expect
original articles (typically not more than 30 pages) that present
high-quality contributions and must not be simultaneously submitted
for publication elsewhere. Submission of extended versions of
previously published papers is possible as long as the extension is
significant, i.e., the submission can be considered a new paper, the
previous paper is referenced, and the new material is clearly marked.

Submissions must comply with SCP's author guidelines


and be written in English. Submission is over the SCP website:


which you will have to register for if you do not have an account.
When submitting your paper please choose the article type "Special issue: WING 

* Submission of papers: February 11, 2013.
* Notification: April 26, 2013.

* Gudmund Grov (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Please send any queries you may have to:


Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2011-2013
Top in the UK for student experience
Fourth university in the UK and top in Scotland (National Student Survey 2012)

We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers to 
join us in leading and driving research in key inter-disciplinary themes. 
Please see www.hw.ac.uk/researchleaders for further information and how
to apply.

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity
registered under charity number SC000278.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] SCP Special Issue on Invariant Generation - Call for Papers

2012-10-16 Thread Gudmund Grov
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)

Science of Computer Programming
Special Issue on Invariant Generation

This special issue is devoted to the 4th international Workshop on
Invariant Generation (WING 2012)


which was held on June 30 2012 in Manchester as a satellite event of
IJCAR 2012. The scope of the workshop is the automation of extracting
and synthesising auxiliary properties of programs, in particular
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant annotations.
This should be seen in a broad sense and relevant topics include (but
are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive assertion generation
* Inductive proofs for reasoning about loops
* Applications to assertion generation using:
- abstract interpretation,
- static analysis,
- model checking,
- theorem proving,
- theory formation,
- algebraic techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops

Submission to this special issue is completely open. We expect
original articles (typically not more than 30 pages) that present
high-quality contributions and must not be simultaneously submitted
for publication elsewhere. Submission of extended versions of
previously published papers is possible as long as the extension is
significant, i.e., the submission can be considered a new paper, the
previous paper is referenced, and the new material is clearly marked.

Submissions must comply with SCP's author guidelines


and be written in English. Submission is over the SCP website:


which you will have to register for if you do not have an account.
When submitting your paper please choose the article type "Special issue: WING 

* Submission of papers: February 11, 2013.
* Notification: April 26, 2013.

* Gudmund Grov (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Please send any queries you may have to:


Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2011-2013
Top in the UK for student experience
Fourth university in the UK and top in Scotland (National Student Survey 2012)

We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers to 
join us in leading and driving research in key inter-disciplinary themes. 
Please see www.hw.ac.uk/researchleaders for further information and how
to apply.

Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity
registered under charity number SC000278.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] WING 2012: Call for Presentations

2012-04-23 Thread Gudmund Grov
[Please post - apologies for multiple copies.]

WING 2012 - 4th International Workshop on INvariant Generation
   June 30, 2012
  Manchester, UK (a satellite Workshop of IJCAR 2012)

   --- Call for Presentations ---


The ability to automatically extract and synthesize auxiliary
properties of programs has had a profound effect on program analysis,
testing, and verification over the last several decades. A key
impediment for program verification is the overhead associated with
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant
annotations. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from 
the diverse field of invariant generation to discuss recent developments. 


We encourage ONE-PAGE ABSTRACT submissions on work in
progress, new ideas, tools under development, as well as 
work by PhD students, to be presented at WING 2012.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive Assertion Generation
* Inductive Proofs for Reasoning about Loops
* Applications to Assertion Generation using the following tools:
- Abstract Interpretation,
- Static Analysis,
- Model Checking,
- Theorem Proving,
- Theory Formation,
- Algebraic Techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops


Submissions need not be original. Extended versions of submissions
may have been published previously, or submitted concurrently with 
or after WING 2012 to another workshop, conference or a journal.

Submission is by email to:


Please submit a ONE-PAGE abstract in PDF.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: May 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 18, 2012
Workshop: June 30, 2012

Invited Speakers

* Aditya Nori (Microsoft Research)


Program Chairs:

* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Program Committee:

* Clark Barrett (New York University, USA) 
* Nikolaj Bjorner (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Ashutosh Gupta (IST Austria)
* Bart Jacobs (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) 
* Moa Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* David Monniaux (VERIMAG, France)
* Enric Rodriguez Carbonell (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain) 
* Helmut Veith (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Student Support

Students will pay a reduced fee, and the difference will be reimbursed 
after the workshop.   


Extended versions of accepted contributions may be submitted later to
a special issue of the Journal of Science of Computer Programming.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] WING 2012: Final Call for Papers -- Extended Deadline

2012-04-02 Thread Gudmund Grov
[Please post - apologies for multiple copies.]

*** Submission deadline extended to April 13, 2012 ***

WING 2012 - 4th International Workshop on INvariant Generation
   June 30, 2012
Manchester, UK (a satellite Workshop of IJCAR 2012)

  ---  Final Call for Papers  ---


The ability to automatically extract and synthesize auxiliary
properties of programs has had a profound effect on program analysis,
testing, and verification over the last several decades. A key
impediment for program verification is the overhead associated with
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant
annotations. Releasing the software developer from this burden is
crucial for ensuring the practical relevance of program verification.
In the context of testing, suitable invariants have the potential of
enabling high-coverage test-case generation. Thus, invariant
generation is a key ingredient in a broad spectrum of tools that help
to improve program reliability and understanding. As the design and
implementation of reliable software remains an important issue, any
progress in this area will have a significant impact.

The increasing power of automated theorem proving and computer algebra
has opened new perspectives for computer-aided program verification;
in particular for the automatic generation of inductive assertions in
order to reason about loops and recursion. Especially promising
breakthroughs are invariant generation techniques by Groebner bases,
quantifier elimination, and algorithmic combinatorics, which can be
used in conjunction with model checking, theorem proving, static
analysis, and abstract interpretation. The aim of this workshop is to
bring together researchers from these diverse fields.


We encourage submissions presenting work in progress, tools under
development, as well as work by PhD students, such that the
workshop can become a forum for active dialogue between the groups
involved in this new research area.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive Assertion Generation
* Inductive Proofs for Reasoning about Loops
* Applications to Assertion Generation using the following tools:
- Abstract Interpretation,
- Static Analysis,
- Model Checking,
- Theorem Proving,
- Theory Formation,
- Algebraic Techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops

Invited speaker

* Aditya Nori (Microsoft Research)


Program Chairs:

* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Program Committee:

* Clark Barrett (New York University, USA) 
* Nikolaj Bjorner (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Ashutosh Gupta (IST Austria)
* Bart Jacobs (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) 
* Moa Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* David Monniaux (VERIMAG, France)
* Enric Rodriguez Carbonell (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain) 
* Helmut Veith (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 13, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2012
Final version due: June 08, 2012
Workshop: June 30, 2012


WING 2012 encourages submissions in the following two categories:

* Original papers: contain original research (simultaneous submissions
are not allowed) and sufficient detail to assess the merits and
relevance of the submission. Given the informal style of the
workshop, papers describing work in progress, with sufficient detail
to assess the contribution, are also welcome. Original papers should
not exceed 15 pages. 

* Extended abstracts: contain preliminary reports of work in progress,
case studies, or tool descriptions. These will be judged based on
the expected level of interest for the WING community. They will be
included in the CEUR-WS proceedings. Extended abstracts should not
exceed 5 pages. 

All submissions should conform to Springer's LNCS format. Formatting style 
files can be found at 


Technical details may be included in an appendix to be read at the reviewers' 
discretion and to be omitted in the final version.

Please prepare your submission in accordance with the rules described above and 
submit a pdf file via



All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee.
Accepted contributions will be published in archived electronic notes,
as a volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

A special issue of the Journal of Science o

[Haskell] WING 2012: Second Call for Papers -- 3 weeks to go

2012-03-16 Thread Gudmund Grov
[Please post - apologies for multiple copies.]

WING 2012 - 4th International Workshop on INvariant Generation
 June 30, 2012
Manchester, UK (a satellite Workshop of IJCAR 2012)

 --- Second Call for Papers : 3 weeks to go ---


The ability to automatically extract and synthesize auxiliary
properties of programs has had a profound effect on program analysis,
testing, and verification over the last several decades. A key
impediment for program verification is the overhead associated with
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant
annotations. Releasing the software developer from this burden is
crucial for ensuring the practical relevance of program verification.
In the context of testing, suitable invariants have the potential of
enabling high-coverage test-case generation. Thus, invariant
generation is a key ingredient in a broad spectrum of tools that help
to improve program reliability and understanding. As the design and
implementation of reliable software remains an important issue, any
progress in this area will have a significant impact.

The increasing power of automated theorem proving and computer algebra
has opened new perspectives for computer-aided program verification;
in particular for the automatic generation of inductive assertions in
order to reason about loops and recursion. Especially promising
breakthroughs are invariant generation techniques by Groebner bases,
quantifier elimination, and algorithmic combinatorics, which can be
used in conjunction with model checking, theorem proving, static
analysis, and abstract interpretation. The aim of this workshop is to
bring together researchers from these diverse fields.


We encourage submissions presenting work in progress, tools under
development, as well as work by PhD students, such that the
workshop can become a forum for active dialogue between the groups
involved in this new research area.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive Assertion Generation
* Inductive Proofs for Reasoning about Loops
* Applications to Assertion Generation using the following tools:
- Abstract Interpretation,
- Static Analysis,
- Model Checking,
- Theorem Proving,
- Theory Formation,
- Algebraic Techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops

Invited speaker

* Aditya Nori (Microsoft Research)


Program Chairs:

* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Program Committee:

* Clark Barrett (New York University, USA) 
* Nikolaj Bjorner (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Ashutosh Gupta (IST Austria)
* Bart Jacobs (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) 
* Moa Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* David Monniaux (VERIMAG, France)
* Enric Rodriguez Carbonell (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain) 
* Helmut Veith (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 06, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 04, 2012
Final version due: June 08, 2012
Workshop: June 30, 2012


WING 2012 encourages submissions in the following two categories:

* Original papers: contain original research (simultaneous submissions
are not allowed) and sufficient detail to assess the merits and
relevance of the submission. Given the informal style of the
workshop, papers describing work in progress, with sufficient detail
to assess the contribution, are also welcome. Original papers should
not exceed 15 pages. 

* Extended abstracts: contain preliminary reports of work in progress,
case studies, or tool descriptions. These will be judged based on
the expected level of interest for the WING community. They will be
included in the CEUR-WS proceedings. Extended abstracts should not
exceed 5 pages. 

All submissions should conform to Springer's LNCS format. Formatting style 
files can be found at 


Technical details may be included in an appendix to be read at the reviewers' 
discretion and to be omitted in the final version.

Please prepare your submission in accordance with the rules described above and 
submit a pdf file via



All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee.
Accepted contributions will be published in archived electronic notes,
as a volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

A special issue of the Journal of Science of Computer Programming with
extended versions of selected p

[Haskell] WING 2012: First Call for Papers

2012-01-30 Thread Gudmund Grov
[Please post - apologies for multiple copies.]

WING 2012 - 4th International Workshop on INvariant Generation
June 30, 2012
   Manchester, UK (a satellite Workshop of IJCAR 2012)

--- First Call for Papers ---


The ability to automatically extract and synthesize auxiliary
properties of programs has had a profound effect on program analysis,
testing, and verification over the last several decades. A key
impediment for program verification is the overhead associated with
providing, debugging, and verifying auxiliary invariant
annotations. Releasing the software developer from this burden is
crucial for ensuring the practical relevance of program verification.
In the context of testing, suitable invariants have the potential of
enabling high-coverage test-case generation. Thus, invariant
generation is a key ingredient in a broad spectrum of tools that help
to improve program reliability and understanding. As the design and
implementation of reliable software remains an important issue, any
progress in this area will have a significant impact.

The increasing power of automated theorem proving and computer algebra
has opened new perspectives for computer-aided program verification;
in particular for the automatic generation of inductive assertions in
order to reason about loops and recursion. Especially promising
breakthroughs are invariant generation techniques by Groebner bases,
quantifier elimination, and algorithmic combinatorics, which can be
used in conjunction with model checking, theorem proving, static
analysis, and abstract interpretation. The aim of this workshop is to
bring together researchers from these diverse fields.


We encourage submissions presenting work in progress, tools under
development, as well as work by PhD students, such that the
workshop can become a forum for active dialogue between the groups
involved in this new research area.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Program analysis and verification
* Inductive Assertion Generation
* Inductive Proofs for Reasoning about Loops
* Applications to Assertion Generation using the following tools:
- Abstract Interpretation,
- Static Analysis,
- Model Checking,
- Theorem Proving,
- Theory Formation,
- Algebraic Techniques
* Tools for inductive assertion generation and verification
* Alternative techniques for reasoning about loops


Program Chairs:

* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Program Committee:

* Clark Barrett (New York University, USA) 
* Nikolaj Bjorner (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Ashutosh Gupta (IST Austria)
* Bart Jacobs (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) 
* Moa Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* David Monniaux (VERIMAG, France)
* Enric Rodriguez Carbonell (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain) 
* Helmut Veith (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
* Thomas Wies (New York University, USA)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 06, 2012
Notification of acceptance: May 04, 2012
Final version due: June 08, 2012
Workshop: June 30, 2012


WING 2012 encourages submissions in the following two categories:

* Original papers: contain original research (simultaneous submissions
are not allowed) and sufficient detail to assess the merits and
relevance of the submission. Given the informal style of the
workshop, papers describing work in progress, with sufficient detail
to assess the contribution, are also welcome. Original papers should
not exceed 15 pages. 

* Extended abstracts: contain preliminary reports of work in progress,
case studies, or tool descriptions. These will be judged based on
the expected level of interest for the WING community. They will be
included in the CEUR-WS proceedings. Extended abstracts should not
exceed 5 pages. 

All submissions should conform to Springer's LNCS format. Formatting style 
files can be found at 


Technical details may be included in an appendix to be read at the reviewers' 
discretion and to be omitted in the final version.

Please prepare your submission in accordance with the rules described above and 
submit a pdf file via



All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee.
Accepted contributions will be published in archived electronic notes,
as a volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

A special issue of the Journal of Science of Computer Programming with
extended versions of selected papers will be published after the workshop.

The University of Edin

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012: Final Call for Participation

2012-01-19 Thread Gudmund Grov

   *** Final Call for Participation ***

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012

Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)


The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition has been held 
and the winner will be announced during the conference.


Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University


Francesco Logozzo, Microsoft Research
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research


The full program is available at the conference web site:



The conference is co-located with POPL and will be held at 
the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel in Philadelphia's historic district.
For hotel rate details and booking please see the POPL webpage:



Registration is handled by the POPL registration. For rates, please see


and for registration please follow this link:


Please note the very low registration fee for students!


Microsoft Research

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012: First Call for Participation

2011-12-08 Thread Gudmund Grov

 *** First Call for Participation ***

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012

Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)


The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition has been held 
and the winner will be announced during the conference.


Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University


Francesco Logozzo, Microsoft Research
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research


The full program is available at the conference web site:



The conference is co-located with POPL and will be held at 
the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel in Philadelphia's historic district.
For hotel rate details and booking please see the POPL webpage:



Registration is handled by the POPL registration. For rates, please see


and for registration please follow this link:


Note that early registration deadline is December 24, 2011.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 Competition: Final Call for Participation - 1 WEEK TO GO!

2011-11-01 Thread Gudmund Grov
VSTTE 2012 Verification Competition starts Tuesday 8 November 2011!

Follow the announcements at the competition Web page:


Join the discussion group or subscribe to our mailing list:



VSTTE 2012 Verification Competition

A software verification competition is organized on behalf of the
VSTTE 2012 conference (https://sites.google.com/site/vstte2012).
The purposes of this competition are: to help promote approaches and
tools, to provide new verification benchmarks, to stimulate further
development of verification techniques, and to have fun.

The contest takes place during 48 hours, on 8-10 November 2011, two
months prior to the conference. Problems will be put on the website of
the conference. Solutions must be sent by email to the competition
organizers. Any programming language, specification language, and
verification tool is allowed.

There will be several independent problems.  Each problem is
presented as a sequential algorithm, using English or pseudocode, and
a list of properties to formally prove about it, also expressed in
plain English and standard mathematical notation. Participants have
liberty to implement the proposed algorithms in functional,
imperative, object-oriented, or any other programming style.

Anybody interested can take part in the contest. Team work is allowed,
but only teams up to 4 members are eligible for the first prize.
Individual participants may belong to several teams.
However, the same solution cannot appear in different submissions.

The winner is awarded a talk slot at VSTTE 2012, to present any
research of his/her choice of interest for the VSTTE community. In
particular, a presentation of solutions to the competition problems
and/or of the techniques and system used would be appreciated.

Tuesday   8 Nov 2011, 15:00 UTC - competition starts
Thursday 10 Nov 2011, 15:00 UTC - competition stops

Monday 12 Dec 2011 - the winner is notified
28-29 Jan 2012 - results are announced at VSTTE 2012

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 Verification Competition: Change of Dates

2011-10-07 Thread Gudmund Grov
***Note: due to a clash with SEFM 2011, ***
*** we have moved the competition to November 8-10 ***

VSTTE 2012 Verification Competition

A software verification competition is organized on behalf of the
VSTTE 2012 conference (https://sites.google.com/site/vstte2012).
The purposes of this competition are: to help promote approaches and
tools, to provide new verification benchmarks, to stimulate further
development of verification techniques, and to have fun.

The contest takes place during 48 hours, on 8-10 November 2011, two
months prior to the conference. Problems will be put on the website of
the conference.  Solutions must be sent by email to the competition
organizers. Any programming language, specification language, and
verification tool is allowed.


There will be several, independent problems.  Each problem is
presented as a sequential algorithm, using English or pseudocode, and
a list of properties to formally prove about it, also expressed in
plain English and standard mathematical notation. Participants have
liberty to implement the proposed algorithms in functional,
imperative, object-oriented, or any other programming style.

Submissions are ranked according to the total sum of points they
score.  Each problem includes several sub-tasks, e.g. safety,
termination, behavioral correctness, etc., and each sub-task is given
a number of points.  While evaluating the submissions, judges take
into account the accuracy and thoroughness of solutions as well as
their terseness and elegance.  (Clarity is more important than brevity.)
A certain degree of subjectivity is inevitable and should be
considered as part of the game.


Anybody interested can take part in the contest. Team work is allowed.
Only teams up to 4 members are eligible for the first prize.
Individual participants may belong to several teams.
However, the same solution cannot appear in different submissions.

The technical requirements are as follows:
- access to the web to download the problems (PDF file);
- access to the email to submit the solutions;
- any software used in the solutions should be freely available for
noncommercial use to the public. This does not exclude closed source
programs (such as Microsoft's Z3). Software must be usable on an x86
Linux or Windows machine. Participants are authorized to modify
their tools during the competition.

A submission is a (possibly compressed) tarball that contains exactly
one directory (named by the team, for instance). This directory should
contain at least a text file named README, and one directory for each
problem solved. Thus it must look like:

team/ -+
   +- README
   +- problem1/
   +- problem2/
   +  ...
   +- problemN/
   +- other stuff...

The README file should contain the following information:
- contact information (email);
- detailed description of the submitted solutions: properties that
have been specified and/or proved, restrictions and/or
generalizations, anything that may facilitate the review;
- detailed instructions to replay the solutions, including the
software to use, URLs to get it from, compilation commands, etc.

Several solutions can be submitted for the same problem (for instance,
using different tools). They should be stored in separate subdirectories
of problemI/. During evaluation, only the best-faring solution will be
taken into account.

- Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS, France)
- Andrei Paskevich (Univ Paris Sud, France)
- Aaron Stump (University of Iowa, USA)


Tuesday   8 Nov 2011, 15:00 UTC - competition starts
Thursday 10 Nov 2011, 15:00 UTC - competition stops

Monday 12 Dec 2011 - the winner is notified
28-29 Jan 2012 - results are announced at VSTTE 2012

The winner is awarded a talk slot at VSTTE 2012, to present any
research of his/her choice of interest for the VSTTE community. In
particular, a presentation of solutions to the competition problems
and/or of the techniques and system used would be appreciated.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 verification competition: call for participation

2011-09-30 Thread Gudmund Grov
VSTTE 2012 Verification Competition

A software verification competition is organized on behalf of the
VSTTE 2012 conference (https://sites.google.com/site/vstte2012).
The purposes of this competition are: to help promote approaches and
tools, to provide new verification benchmarks, to stimulate further
development of verification techniques, and to have fun.

The contest takes place during two days, 17-19 November 2011, two
months prior to the conference. Problems will be put on the website of
the conference.  Solutions must be sent by email to the competition
organizers. Any programming language, specification language, and
verification tool is allowed.


There will be several, independent problems.  Each problem is
presented as an algorithm, using English or pseudocode, and a list of
properties to formally prove about it, also expressed in plain English
and standard mathematical notation.

Submissions are ranked according to the total sum of points they
score.  Each problem includes several sub-tasks, e.g. safety,
termination, behavioral correctness, etc., and each sub-task is given
a number of points.  While evaluating the submissions, judges take
into account the accuracy and thoroughness of solutions as well as
their terseness and elegance.  A certain degree of subjectivity is
inevitable and should be considered as part of the game.


Anybody interested can take part in the contest. Team work is allowed.
However, only teams up to 4 members are eligible for the first prize.

The technical requirements are as follows:
- access to the web to download the problems (PDF file);
- access to the email to submit the solutions;
- any software used in the solutions should be freely available to
 the public (this does not exclude closed source programs such as
 Microsoft's Z3) and usable on an x86 Linux or Windows machine.

A submission is a (possibly compressed) tarball that contains exactly
one directory (named by the team, for instance). This directory should
contain at least a text file named README, and one directory for each
problem solved. Thus it must look like:

  team/ -+
 +- problem1/
 +- problem2/
 +  ...
 +- problemN/
 +- other stuff...

The README file should contain the following information:
- contact information (email);
- detailed description of the submitted solutions: properties that
 have been specified and/or proved, restrictions and/or
 generalizations, anything that may facilitate the review;
- detailed instructions to replay the solutions, including the
 software to use, URLs to get it from, compilation commands, etc.

- Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS, France)
- Andrei Paskevich (Univ Paris Sud, France)
- Aaron Stump (University of Iowa, USA)


 Thursday 17 Nov 2011, 15:00 UTC - competition starts
 Saturday 19 Nov 2011, 15:00 UTC - competition stops

 Monday 12 Dec 2011 - the winner is notified
 28-29 Jan 2012 - results are announced at VSTTE 2012

The winner is awarded a talk slot at VSTTE 2012, to present any
research of his/her choice of interest for the VSTTE community. In
particular, a presentation of solutions to the competition problems
and/or of the techniques and system used would be appreciated.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012: Extended deadline for paper submission: September 10

2011-08-29 Thread Gudmund Grov

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012
Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)

(*** NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  September 10, 2011 ***)

The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition will be held in parallel 
to the conference. More information will be available from the 

Topics of interest include:

* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications
* Challenge problems
* Refinement methodologies
* Requirements modeling
* Specification languages
* Specification/verification case-studies
* Software design methods
* Program logic


Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere.  Research paper submissions
are limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS format and must include a
cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods and
results, together with a comparison to existing work. System
descriptions are also limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS
format. Authors are encouraged to submit work in progress, particularly if the
work involves collaboration, theory unification, and tool integration.
Papers can be submitted at


Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too
long will not be considered.  The proceedings of VSTTE 2012 will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.  Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to Springer-Verlag.


September 10, 2011: Conference Paper Submission Deadline
October 20, 2011:Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2011:   Final conference paper versions due
January 28-29, 2012: Main conference


Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University


Francesco Logozzo, Microsoft Research
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research


Ernie Cohen, European Microsoft Innovation Center 


Rajeev Joshi,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg


Clark Barrett, New York University
Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen
Patrick Cousot, Ecole normale Supérieure, Paris and New York University
Leonardo De Moura, Microsoft Research
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University
Bart Jacobs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Rajeev Joshi,  NASA JPL
Gerwin Klein, NICTA 
Viktor Kuncak, EPF Lausanne 
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida 
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Tobias Nipkow, Technische Universität München 
Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University
Andreas Podelski,  University of Freiburg
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano 
Willem Visser, University of Stellenbosch
Thomas Wies, IST Austria


Gudmund Grov, University of Edinburgh


Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud


Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research
Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University
Jay Misra, UT Austin
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Jim Woodcock, University of York

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012: Final Call for Papers - Submission Deadline: August 31

2011-08-17 Thread Gudmund Grov
   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012
Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)

The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition will be held in parallel 
to the conference. More information will be available from the 

Topics of interest include:

* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
  (e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
   vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications
* Challenge problems
* Refinement methodologies
* Requirements modeling
* Specification languages
* Specification/verification case-studies
* Software design methods
* Program logic


Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere.  Research paper submissions
are limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS format and must include a
cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods and
results, together with a comparison to existing work. System
descriptions are also limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS
format. Authors are encouraged to submit work in progress, particularly if the
work involves collaboration, theory unification, and tool integration.
Papers can be submitted at


Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too
long will not be considered.  The proceedings of VSTTE 2012 will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.  Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to Springer-Verlag.


August 31, 2011: Conference Paper Submission Deadline
October 20, 2011:Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2011:   Final conference paper versions due
January 28-29, 2012: Main conference


Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University


Francesco Logozzo, Microsoft Research
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research


Ernie Cohen, European Microsoft Innovation Center 


Rajeev Joshi,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg


Clark Barrett, New York University
Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen
Patrick Cousot, Ecole normale Supérieure, Paris and New York University
Leonardo De Moura, Microsoft Research
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University
Bart Jacobs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Rajeev Joshi,  NASA JPL
Gerwin Klein, NICTA 
Viktor Kuncak, EPF Lausanne 
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida 
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Tobias Nipkow, Technische Universität München 
Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University
Andreas Podelski,  University of Freiburg
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano 
Willem Visser, University of Stellenbosch
Thomas Wies, IST Austria


Gudmund Grov, University of Edinburgh


Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud


Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research
Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University
Jay Misra, UT Austin
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Jim Woodcock, University of York

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 : Fourth Call for Papers - 4 weeks to go

2011-08-03 Thread Gudmund Grov

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012
Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)

The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition will be held in parallel 
to the conference. More information will be available from the 

Topics of interest include:

* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications
* Challenge problems
* Refinement methodologies
* Requirements modeling
* Specification languages
* Specification/verification case-studies
* Software design methods
* Program logic


Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere.  Research paper submissions
are limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS format and must include a
cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods and
results, together with a comparison to existing work. System
descriptions are also limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS
format. Authors are encouraged to submit work in progress, particularly if the
work involves collaboration, theory unification, and tool integration.
Papers can be submitted at


Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too
long will not be considered.  The proceedings of VSTTE 2012 will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.  Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to Springer-Verlag.


August 31, 2011: Conference Paper Submission Deadline
October 20, 2011:Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2011:   Final conference paper versions due
January 28-29, 2012: Main conference


Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University


Francesco Logozzo, Microsoft Research
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research


Ernie Cohen, European Microsoft Innovation Center 


Rajeev Joshi,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg


Clark Barrett, New York University
Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen
Patrick Cousot, Ecole normale Supérieure, Paris and New York University
Leonardo De Moura, Microsoft Research
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University
Bart Jacobs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Rajeev Joshi,  NASA JPL
Gerwin Klein, NICTA 
Viktor Kuncak, EPF Lausanne 
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida 
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Tobias Nipkow, Technische Universität München 
Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University
Andreas Podelski,  University of Freiburg
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano 
Willem Visser, University of Stellenbosch
Thomas Wies, IST Austria


Gudmund Grov, University of Edinburgh


Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud


Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research
Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University
Jay Misra, UT Austin
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Jim Woodcock, University of York

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 : Third Call for Papers

2011-07-12 Thread Gudmund Grov

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012
Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)

The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition will be held in parallel 
to the conference. More information will be available from the 

Topics of interest include:

* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications
* Challenge problems
* Refinement methodologies
* Requirements modeling
* Specification languages
* Specification/verification case-studies
* Software design methods
* Program logic


Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere.  Research paper submissions
are limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS format and must include a
cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods and
results, together with a comparison to existing work. System
descriptions are also limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS
format. Authors are encouraged to submit work in progress, particularly if the
work involves collaboration, theory unification, and tool integration.
Papers can be submitted at


Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too
long will not be considered.  The proceedings of VSTTE 2012 will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.  Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to Springer-Verlag.


August 31, 2011: Conference Paper Submission Deadline
October 20, 2011:Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2011:   Final conference paper versions due
January 28-29, 2012: Main conference


Ernie Cohen, European Microsoft Innovation Center 


Rajeev Joshi,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg


Clark Barrett, New York University
Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen
Patrick Cousot, Ecole normale Supérieure, Paris and New York University
Leonardo De Moura, Microsoft Research
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University
Bart Jacobs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Rajeev Joshi,  NASA JPL
Gerwin Klein, NICTA 
Viktor Kuncak, EPF Lausanne 
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida 
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Tobias Nipkow, Technische Universität München 
Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University
Andreas Podelski,  University of Freiburg
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano 
Willem Visser, University of Stellenbosch
Thomas Wies, IST Austria


Gudmund Grov, University of Edinburgh


Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud


Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research
Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University
Jay Misra, UT Austin
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Jim Woodcock, University of York

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 : Second Call for Papers

2011-06-22 Thread Gudmund Grov

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012
Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)

The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  An informal verification competition will be held in parallel 
to the conference. More information will be available from the 

Topics of interest include:

* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications
* Challenge problems
* Refinement methodologies
* Requirements modeling
* Specification languages
* Specification/verification case-studies
* Software design methods
* Program logic


Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere.  Research paper submissions
are limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS format and must include a
cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods and
results, together with a comparison to existing work. System
descriptions are also limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS
format. Authors are encouraged to submit work in progress, particularly if the
work involves collaboration, theory unification, and tool integration.
Papers can be submitted at


Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too
long will not be considered.  The proceedings of VSTTE 2012 will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.  Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to Springer-Verlag.


August 31, 2011: Conference Paper Submission Deadline
October 20, 2011:Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2011:   Final conference paper versions due
January 28-29, 2012: Main conference


Ernie Cohen, European Microsoft Innovation Center 


Rajeev Joshi,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg


Clark Barrett, New York University
Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen
Patrick Cousot, Ecole normale Supérieure, Paris and New York University
Leonardo De Moura, Microsoft Research
Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University
Bart Jacobs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Rajeev Joshi,  NASA JPL
Gerwin Klein, NICTA 
Viktor Kuncak, EPF Lausanne 
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida 
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Panagiotis Manolios, Northeastern University
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Tobias Nipkow, Technische Universität München 
Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research
Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
Wolfgang Paul,  Saarland University
Andreas Podelski,  University of Freiburg
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano 
Willem Visser, University of Stellenbosch
Thomas Wies, IST Austria


Gudmund Grov, University of Edinburgh


Jean-Christophe Filliatre, CNRS Université Paris Sud


Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research
Andrew Ireland, Heriot-Watt University
Jay Misra, UT Austin
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Jim Woodcock, University of York

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2012 : First Call for Papers

2011-06-06 Thread Gudmund Grov

   VSTTE 2012
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
  January 28-29, 2012
Philadelphia, USA (co-located with POPL and VMCAI)

The Fourth International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments  will take place on January 28-29, 2012.  The
focus of the conference is the development of systematic methods for
specifying, building, and verifying software.  The goal of
this conference is to advance the state of the art through the
interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental
validation.  Historically,  the conference came out of the Verified
Software Initiative (VSI), a cooperative, international initiative
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification.  A verification competition will be held in parallel 
to the conference. 

Topics of interest include:

* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications
* Challenge problems
* Refinement methodologies
* Requirements modeling
* Specification languages
* Specification/verification case-studies
* Software design methods
* Program logic


Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and
not submitted for publication elsewhere.  Research paper submissions
are limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS format and must include a
cogent and self-contained description of the ideas, methods and
results, together with a comparison to existing work. System
descriptions are also limited to 15 proceedings pages in LNCS
format. Authors are encouraged to submit work in progress, particularly if the
work involves collaboration, theory unification, and tool integration.
Papers can be submitted at


Submissions that arrive late, are not in the proper format, or are too
long will not be considered.  The proceedings of VSTTE 2012 will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series.  Authors of accepted
papers will be requested to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to Springer-Verlag.


August 31, 2011: Conference Paper Submission Deadline
October 20, 2011:Notification of acceptance
November 15, 2011:   Final conference paper versions due
January 28-29, 2012: Main conference


Ernie Cohen, European Microsoft Innovation Center 


Rajeev Joshi,  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg


To be announced


Gudmund Grov, University of Edinburgh


Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research
Jay Misra, UT Austin
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Jim Woodcock, University of York

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Third Call for Participation -- Early Registration ends this week!

2010-07-28 Thread Gudmund Grov

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)


  *** Second Call for Participation -- Early Registration ends this week! 

Third International Conference on Verified Software:
 Theories, Tools, and Experiments

 Edinburgh, Scotland

   August 16th-19th, 2010


SPONSORS: NSF, EPSRC, Microsoft Research, SICSA, Altran Praxis,
 SSEI, FME, Contemplate, Heriot-Watt University


The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments follows a successful inaugural working
conference at Zurich (2005) and a successful conference in Toronto
(2008). This conference is part of the Verified Software Initiative
(VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project directed
at the scientific challenges of large-scale software verification.
VSI also includes UKCRC's Grand Challenge 6, i.e. Dependable Systems

The programme includes 
- Keynote presentations by Tom Ball (Microsoft), Gerwin Klein (National ICT 
Australia), and
Matthew Parkinson (University of Cambridge); 
- Invited Tool Demo Presentations by Colin O’Halloran (ClawZ/Circus) , Bart 
Jacobs (VeriFast), 
Michael Jastram (ProB) and Joe Kinry (BONc/Beetlz);
- A Verification Competition;
- Industrial Tool Vendors;
- Two workshops: Theory WS and Tools & Experiments WS;
- A Summer School -- lectures given by Robert Atkey/Ewen Maclean, Alan 
Bundy/Lucas Dixon, 
Jane Hillston, Cliff Jones, Gerwin Klein, J Strother Moore, Natarajan Shankar 
and Graham Steel.

A provisional programme is available at:


VSTTE 2010 is being hosted by Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
The conference dates coincide with the 2010 Edinburgh International
Festival and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe -- collectively the
largest annual arts festival on the planet! The technical programme
will take place in the Edinburgh Conference Centre (Heriot-Watt University 
campus), where accommodation will be available at very competitive rates for
festival time. Social events will be arranged within the city centre,
making VSTTE an unique cultural and scholarly event for 2010!

As well as a welcome reception and conference banquet, SICSA are
sponsoring a special drinks reception in the Informatics Forum 
at the heart of the Festival on August 17th. 

Support for students wishing to attend VSTTE 2010 is available. 
Please contact vstt...@macs.hw.ac.uk for more details. 

Online registration is available from


Early registration ends on July 31st.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Second Call for Participation -- Early Registration ends in 2 weeks

2010-07-16 Thread Gudmund Grov
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)


   *** Second Call for Participation -- Early Registration ends in 2 weeks 

Third International Conference on Verified Software:
  Theories, Tools, and Experiments

  Edinburgh, Scotland

August 16th-19th, 2010


SPONSORS: NSF, EPSRC, Microsoft Research, SICSA, Altran Praxis,
  SSEI, FME, Contemplate, Heriot-Watt University


The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments follows a successful inaugural working
conference at Zurich (2005) and a successful conference in Toronto
(2008). This conference is part of the Verified Software Initiative
(VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project directed
at the scientific challenges of large-scale software verification.
VSI also includes UKCRC's Grand Challenge 6, i.e. Dependable Systems

The programme includes 
- Keynote presentations by Tom Ball (Microsoft), Gerwin Klein (National ICT 
Australia), and
 Matthew Parkinson (University of Cambridge); 
- Invited Tool Demo Presentations by Colin O’Halloran (ClawZ/Circus) , Bart 
Jacobs (VeriFast), 
 Michael Jastram (ProB) and Joe Kinry (BONc/Beetlz);
- A Verification Competition;
- Industrial Tool Vendors;
- Two workshops: Theory WS and Tools & Experiments WS;
- A Summer School -- lectures given by Robert Atkey/Ewen Maclean, Alan 
Bundy/Lucas Dixon, 
 Jane Hillston, Cliff Jones, Gerwin Klein, J Strother Moore, Natarajan Shankar 
and Graham Steel;
A provisional programme is available at:


VSTTE 2010 is being hosted by Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
The conference dates coincide with the 2010 Edinburgh International
Festival and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe -- collectively the
largest annual arts festival on the planet! The technical programme
will take place in the Edinburgh Conference Centre (Heriot-Watt University 
campus), where accommodation will be available at very competitive rates for
festival time. Social events will be arranged within the city centre,
making VSTTE an unique cultural and scholarly event for 2010!

As well as a welcome reception and conference banquet, SICSA are
sponsoring a special drinks reception in the Informatics Forum 
at the heart of the Festival on August 17th. 

Support for students wishing to attend VSTTE 2010 is available. 
Please contact vstt...@macs.hw.ac.uk for more details. 

Online registration is available from


Early registration ends on July 31st.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: First Call for Participation

2010-07-06 Thread Gudmund Grov

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement)


   *** First Call for Participation ***

Third International Conference on Verified Software:
  Theories, Tools, and Experiments

  Edinburgh, Scotland

August 16th-19th, 2010


SPONSORS: NSF, EPSRC, Microsoft Research, SICSA, Altran Praxis,
  SSEI, FME, Contemplate, Heriot-Watt University


The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments follows a successful inaugural working
conference at Zurich (2005) and a successful conference in Toronto
(2008). This conference is part of the Verified Software Initiative
(VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project directed
at the scientific challenges of large-scale software verification.
VSI also includes UKCRC's Grand Challenge 6, i.e. Dependable Systems

The programme includes keynote presentations by Tom Ball (Microsoft),
Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia), Matthew Parkinson (University of
Cambridge). There will also be a Summer School, Invited Tool Demo 
Presentations, a 
Verification Competition, Industrial Tool Vendors as wells as two workshops:
Theory WS and Tools & Experiments WS. A provisional programme is available at


VSTTE 2010 is being hosted by Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
The conference dates coincide with the 2010 Edinburgh International
Festival and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe -- collectively the
largest annual arts festival on the planet! The technical programme
will take place in the Edinburgh Conference Centre (Heriot-Watt University 
campus), where accommodation will be available at very competitive rates for
festival time. Social events will be arranged within the city centre,
making VSTTE an unique cultural and scholarly event for 2010!

As well as a welcome reception and conference banquet, SICSA are
sponsoring a special drinks reception in the Informatics Forum 
at the heart of the Festival on August 17th. 

Limited support for students wishing to attend VSTTE 2010 is available. 
Please contact vstt...@macs.hw.ac.uk for more details. 

Online registration is available from


Early registration ends on July 31st.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Call for Participation: SICSA Summer School on Formal Reasoning & Representation of Complex Systems

2010-06-23 Thread Gudmund Grov
*** Apologies for multiple copies ***

Call for Participation
SSFRR 2010 
SICSA Summer School on Formal Reasoning & Representation of Complex Systems
14-15 August 2010 -- Heriot-Watt University campus -- Edinburgh
Satellite summer school of VSTTE 2010



The summer school will give a broad overview of software verification 
addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong focus on the 
formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of the overall 
themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; SAT and 
solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification;  process algebras and formal analysis of 

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory. 


The following will present at the summer school:

* Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde) & Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt 
* Alan Bundy & Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh)
* Jane Hillston (University of Edinburgh)
* Cliff Jones (University of Newcastle)
* Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia)
* J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI)
* Graham Steel (INRIA)


Registration is available from: 


The registration fee is £110, which also covers materials and lunches.
Accommodation at the Heriot-Watt campus (£42.50 per night incl. VAT and
breakfast) can be including with your booking when you register.
This is highly recommended since the summer school will coincide with several 
of the famous 
Edinburgh festivals -- where hotel prices in town tend to be very inflated. 

SICSA will cover registration and two nights campus accommodation for SICSA 
students (students
from most Scottish Universities -- see http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/ to check if you 
are eligible).
The number of SICSA students is limited, and a decision on ranking if this 
number is exceeded
will only be taken if necessary.


The summer school has the following preliminary program (timing and titles may 
still change):

* 09:00: Registration
* 09:30: J Moore -- Machines Reasoning about Machines - 39 Years and Counting
* 11:00: Coffee break
* 11:30: Gerwin Klein -- Specification and Refinement in Operating System 
* 13:00: Lunch
* 14:00: Bob Atkey/Ewen Maclean -- Amortised Resource Analysis and Functional 
Correctness with Separation Logic
* 15:30: Coffee break
* 16:00: Alan Bundy/Lucas Dixon -- Proof-planning, inductive reasoning, and 
* 17:30: End

* 09:30: Natarajan Shankar -- Verification using SAT and SMT solvers
* 11:00: Coffee break
* 11:30: Graham Steel -- Formal Analysis of Key Management APIs
* 13:00: Lunch
* 14:00: Cliff Jones -- Tackling concurrency by reasoning explicitly about 
* 15:30: Coffee break
* 16:00: Jane Hillston -- From Milner to Markov and Back: Stochastic process 
algebras and their equivalence relations
* 17:30: End


The summer school is a satellite event of VSSTE 2010 (see 
http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/) and 
will be held the two days before the main event: Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th 
August 2010. 
Like VSTTE 2010, it will be held at the Edinburgh campus of Heriot-Watt 


The summer school is jointly organised by The School of Informatics at 
Edinburgh University and
The School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University by:
* Lucas Dixon (Edinburgh)
* Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh)
* Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt)


The organisers can be contacted at the following email address: 
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Final Call for Poster Session Submissions

2010-06-14 Thread Gudmund Grov
rkshops on August 

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software verification. 
Topics range from the difficult and essential study of soundness of delicate 
proof methods, to the discovery of new specification techniques and proof 
methods, to dramatic simplification or unification of existing methods, to as 
yet unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification tools and 
their experimental evaluation. Possible topics include interfaces between 
tool integration platforms, and case studies. 

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished work and 
also give the opportunity to propose research challenges, which will help form 
a research 
agenda for the Verified Software Initiative. 

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The page limit is 
10 pages
for technical papers and 5 pages for proposals of verification challenges. The 
proceedings will be 
published as a technical report. 


There will be a two-day summer-school preceding the main conference on the 14 
15 August. The summer school will give a broad overview of software 
techniques,  addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong 
on the formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
introductory lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of 
overall themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; 
SAT and 
SMT solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification; formal analysis of security.

The following will present at the summer school:

* Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde) & Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt 
* Alan Bundy & Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh)
* Jane Hillston (University of Edinburgh)
* Cliff Jones (University of Newcastle)
* Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia)
* J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI)
* Graham Steel (INRIA)

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory.  For more information see:



A verification competition will be held at VSTTE 2010. The challenge is
to develop a machine-verified piece of software with respect to a given
specification. The competition will be conducted over a 2.5 hour period
on some evening of the conference. The problem will be presented with a
logical specification and test cases over .5 hours including time for
discussion with 2 hours to construct a solution. Each competing team
can feature up to three members. You can use any tool or combination of
tools as well as libraries, but you cannot modify these tools.  You can
reinterpret the specification to suit your tools and methods, but you
will be judged on the fidelity of your interpretation. The goal is to
produce an executable program and a replayable proof that the program
meets the specification.  It will be possible to code the solution using
integers and arrays. The solutions will be judged for soundness

(absence of bugs) and completeness (presence of proofs). The three best
solutions will be selected and the respective teams will be invited to
make presentations at the tools/experiments workshop. You must
register a copy of the  verification system with the judges prior to the
competition with instructions for replaying proofs and running the


Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University; a.irel...@hw.ac.uk)


Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, University of London; ohe...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida; leav...@eecs.ucf.edu)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research; sri...@microsoft.com)


Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich; peter.muel...@inf.ethz.ch)


David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology; dnaum...@stevens.edu)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London;  hy...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)


Rajeev Joshi (NASA JPL; rajeev.jo...@jpl.nasa.gov)
Tiziana Margaria (Universitat Potsdam; marga...@cs.uni-potsdam.de)


Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh University; gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk)


Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt University; e.a.h.macl...@hw.ac.uk)


Ahmed Bouajjani
Leo Freitas
Philippa Gardner
John Hatcliff
Ranjit Jhala
Joseph Kiniry
Rustan Leino
Xavier Leroy
David Naumann
Matthew Parkinson
Wolfgang Paul
Shaz Qadeer
Andrey Rybalchenko
Augusto Sampaio
Zhong Shao
Aaron Stump
Serdar Tasiran
Willem Visser
Chin Wei-Ngan
Stephanie Weirich
Greta Yorsh


Tony Hoare
Jay Misra
Natarajan Shankar
Jim Woodcock

The University of Edinbur

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: 2nd Call for Poster Session Submissions

2010-06-07 Thread Gudmund Grov
rkshops on August 

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software verification. 
Topics range from the difficult and essential study of soundness of delicate 
proof methods, to the discovery of new specification techniques and proof 
methods, to dramatic simplification or unification of existing methods, to as 
yet unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification tools and 
their experimental evaluation. Possible topics include interfaces between 
tool integration platforms, and case studies. 

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished work and 
also give the opportunity to propose research challenges, which will help form 
a research 
agenda for the Verified Software Initiative. 

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The page limit is 
10 pages
for technical papers and 5 pages for proposals of verification challenges. The 
proceedings will be 
published as a technical report. 


There will be a two-day summer-school preceding the main conference on the 14 
15 August. The summer school will give a broad overview of software 
techniques,  addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong 
on the formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
introductory lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of 
overall themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; 
SAT and 
SMT solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification; formal analysis of security.

The following will present at the summer school:

* Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde) & Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt 
* Alan Bundy & Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh)
* Jane Hillston (University of Edinburgh)
* Cliff Jones (University of Newcastle)
* Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia)
* J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI)
* Graham Steel (INRIA)

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory.  For more information see:



A verification competition will be held at VSTTE 2010. The challenge is
to develop a machine-verified piece of software with respect to a given
specification. The competition will be conducted over a 2.5 hour period
on some evening of the conference. The problem will be presented with a
logical specification and test cases over .5 hours including time for
discussion with 2 hours to construct a solution. Each competing team
can feature up to three members. You can use any tool or combination of
tools as well as libraries, but you cannot modify these tools.  You can
reinterpret the specification to suit your tools and methods, but you
will be judged on the fidelity of your interpretation. The goal is to
produce an executable program and a replayable proof that the program
meets the specification.  It will be possible to code the solution using
integers and arrays. The solutions will be judged for soundness

(absence of bugs) and completeness (presence of proofs). The three best
solutions will be selected and the respective teams will be invited to
make presentations at the tools/experiments workshop. You must
register a copy of the  verification system with the judges prior to the
competition with instructions for replaying proofs and running the


Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University; a.irel...@hw.ac.uk)


Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, University of London; ohe...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida; leav...@eecs.ucf.edu)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research; sri...@microsoft.com)


Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich; peter.muel...@inf.ethz.ch)


David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology; dnaum...@stevens.edu)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London;  hy...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)


Rajeev Joshi (NASA JPL; rajeev.jo...@jpl.nasa.gov)
Tiziana Margaria (Universitat Potsdam; marga...@cs.uni-potsdam.de)


Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh University; gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk)


Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt University; e.a.h.macl...@hw.ac.uk)


Ahmed Bouajjani
Leo Freitas
Philippa Gardner
John Hatcliff
Ranjit Jhala
Joseph Kiniry
Rustan Leino
Xavier Leroy
David Naumann
Matthew Parkinson
Wolfgang Paul
Shaz Qadeer
Andrey Rybalchenko
Augusto Sampaio
Zhong Shao
Aaron Stump
Serdar Tasiran
Willem Visser
Chin Wei-Ngan
Stephanie Weirich
Greta Yorsh


Tony Hoare
Jay Misra
Natarajan Shankar
Jim Woodcock

The University of Edinbur

[Haskell] PhD position available on `The Productive Use of Failure in Formal Methods'

2010-05-27 Thread Gudmund Grov
--- apologies for multiple postings ---

The mathematical reasoning research group in the School of Informatics at the 
University of Edinburgh 
is advertising for a PhD funded by the EPSRC project "AI4FM: Using AI to aid 
automation of proof search 
in Formal Methods". The proposed topic of the PhD is "The Productive Use of 
Failure in Formal Methods".


The task allocated to this PhD will be to analyse ways in which proof attempts 
fail and are subsequently repaired.
This analysis will be realised in a generic, strategy language for describing 
and classifying common forms of failure
and repair. The strategy language will, in turn, be used, firstly, to describe 
how experts recover from failure and, 
secondly, to guide recovery during automated proof search of related proofs. 
Example failed proofs will be harvested 
from (a) the data from the toolset of Rodin formal methods system, (b) the 
manual, expert proof attempts on source 
theorems and (c) failed applications to target theorems of proof strategies 
abstracted from manual expert proofs of
source theorems. Examples of repaired proof attempts will be harvested from the 
expert's work on failures of both 
types (b) and (c). This work will enhance the abilities of our prototype so it 
can benefit from initially failed proof 
attempts as well as successful ones.


A challenging project that requires mathematical sophistication, analytic 
skills and creativity in constructing the strategy language.


A background in mathematics, logic or formal methods is required to provide the 
necessary mathematical maturity to undertake this project.


If you have any queries, please contact:
- Gudmund Grov: gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk , or
- Alan Bundy: bu...@inf.ed.ac.uk.

Please use our Schools PhD application page (see below) for applications.


- A description of the proposed PhD project: 
- The web page for the AI4FM project: 
- Our School's PhD application page: 


There is no deadline for this application, but we do recommended candidates to 
apply as soon as possible since the position may
be allocated without further notice.

We are fairly flexible on the starting date, but would ideally like it to start 
between October 2010 and April 2011.


The Edinburgh School of Informatics obtained the highest volume of 4* activity 
in its unit of assessment in
RAE 2008. It contains world-class research groups in the areas of theoretical 
computer science, artificial
intelligence and cognitive science.

The Mathematical Reasoning Group in the School of Informatics has been engaged 
on the computational
analysis, development and application of mathematical reasoning processes and 
their interactions since the
mid 1970s (http://dream.inf.ed.ac.uk/). Its work is characterised by its unique 
blend of computational theory
with artificial intelligence. It has pioneered work on proof planning, tactic 
learning, and ontology construction
and evolution.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] EXTENDED DEADLINE: VSTTE workshops on Theory and on Experiments & Tools

2010-05-21 Thread Gudmund Grov
-- Apologies for multiple copies --

VSTTE 2010: Workshops on Theories, Tools and Experiments
Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th August 2010

   (*** NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  May 28, 2010 *)

The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE) is part of the Verified Software
Initiative (VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification. VSTTE will host two workshops:

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software
verification.  Topics range from the difficult and essential study
of soundness of delicate proof methods, to the discovery of new
specification techniques and proof methods, to dramatic
simplification or unification of existing methods, to as yet
unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification
tools and their experimental evaluation. Topics include interfaces
between tools, tool integration platforms, and case studies.

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished
work and will also give the opportunity to propose research
challenges, which will help form a research agenda for the Verified
Software Initiative. For further details, see the workshop web site:

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The
page limit is 10 pages for technical papers and 5 pages for
proposals of verification challenges.  The proceedings will be
published as a technical report. Details on the submission process
are available at http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/Workshops.html.

Important Dates
Submission:May 28, 2010
Notification:  June 25, 2010
Final version: July 23, 2010
Workshops: August 19, 2010, 9am-1pm

* VS-Theory is co-chaired by 
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and
Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

* VS-Tools & Experiments is co-chaired by 
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany and 
Rajeev Joshi, NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software, USA

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Final Call for Papers: VSTTE workshops on Theory and on Experiments & Tools

2010-05-14 Thread Gudmund Grov
-- Apologies for multiple copies --

VSTTE 2010: Workshops on Theories, Tools and Experiments
Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th August 2010

   (*** only 1 week to go! *)

The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE) is part of the Verified Software
Initiative (VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification. VSTTE will host two workshops:

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software
verification.  Topics range from the difficult and essential study
of soundness of delicate proof methods, to the discovery of new
specification techniques and proof methods, to dramatic
simplification or unification of existing methods, to as yet
unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification
tools and their experimental evaluation. Topics include interfaces
between tools, tool integration platforms, and case studies.

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished
work and will also give the opportunity to propose research
challenges, which will help form a research agenda for the Verified
Software Initiative. For further details, see the workshop web site:

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The
page limit is 10 pages for technical papers and 5 pages for
proposals of verification challenges.  The proceedings will be
published as a technical report. Details on the submission process
are available at http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/Workshops.html.

Important Dates
Submission:May 21, 2010
Notification:  June 25, 2010
Final version: July 23, 2010
Workshops: August 19, 2010, 9am-1pm

* VS-Theory is co-chaired by 
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and
Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

* VS-Tools & Experiments is co-chaired by 
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany and 
Rajeev Joshi, NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software, USA

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] 2nd Call for Papers: VSTTE workshops on Theory and on Experiments & Tools

2010-05-04 Thread Gudmund Grov
-- Apologies for multiple copies --

VSTTE 2010: Workshops on Theories, Tools and Experiments
Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th August 2010

The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE) is part of the Verified Software
Initiative (VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification. VSTTE will host two workshops:

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software
verification.  Topics range from the difficult and essential study
of soundness of delicate proof methods, to the discovery of new
specification techniques and proof methods, to dramatic
simplification or unification of existing methods, to as yet
unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification
tools and their experimental evaluation. Topics include interfaces
between tools, tool integration platforms, and case studies.

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished
work and will also give the opportunity to propose research
challenges, which will help form a research agenda for the Verified
Software Initiative. For further details, see the workshop web site:

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The
page limit is 10 pages for technical papers and 5 pages for
proposals of verification challenges.  The proceedings will be
published as a technical report. Details on the submission process
are available at http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/Workshops.html.

Important Dates
Submission:May 21, 2010
Notification:  June 25, 2010
Final version: July 23, 2010
Workshops: August 19, 2010, 9am-1pm

* VS-Theory is co-chaired by 
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and
Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

* VS-Tools & Experiments is co-chaired by 
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany and 
Rajeev Joshi, NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software, USA

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Call for POSTERS

2010-04-26 Thread Gudmund Grov
n addition to the main conference, VSTTE will host two workshops on August 

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software verification. 
Topics range from the difficult and essential study of soundness of delicate 
proof methods, to the discovery of new specification techniques and proof 
methods, to dramatic simplification or unification of existing methods, to as 
yet unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification tools and 
their experimental evaluation. Possible topics include interfaces between 
tool integration platforms, and case studies. 

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished work and 
also give the opportunity to propose research challenges, which will help form 
a research 
agenda for the Verified Software Initiative. 

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The page limit is 
10 pages
for technical papers and 5 pages for proposals of verification challenges. The 
proceedings will be 
published as a technical report. 

There will be a two-day summer-school preceding the main conference on the 14 
15 August. The summer school will give a broad overview of software 
techniques,  addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong 
on the formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
introductory lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of 
overall themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; 
SAT and 
SMT solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification; formal analysis of security.

The following will present at the summer school:

* Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde) & Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt 
* Alan Bundy & Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh)
* Cliff Jones (University of Newcastle)
* Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia)
* J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI)
* Graham Steel (INRIA)

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory.  For more information see:


A verification competition will be held at VSTTE 2010. The challenge is
to develop a machine-verified piece of software with respect to a given
specification. The competition will be conducted over a 2.5 hour period
on some evening of the conference. The problem will be presented with a
logical specification and test cases over .5 hours including time for
discussion with 2 hours to construct a solution. Each competing team
can feature up to three members. You can use any tool or combination of
tools as well as libraries, but you cannot modify these tools.  You can
reinterpret the specification to suit your tools and methods, but you
will be judged on the fidelity of your interpretation. The goal is to
produce an executable program and a replayable proof that the program
meets the specification.  It will be possible to code the solution using
integers and arrays. The solutions will be judged for soundness

(absence of bugs) and completeness (presence of proofs). The three best
solutions will be selected and the respective teams will be invited to
make presentations at the tools/experiments workshop. You must
register a copy of the  verification system with the judges prior to the
competition with instructions for replaying proofs and running the

Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University; a.irel...@hw.ac.uk)

Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, University of London; ohe...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida; leav...@eecs.ucf.edu)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research; sri...@microsoft.com)

Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich; peter.muel...@inf.ethz.ch)

David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology; dnaum...@stevens.edu)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London;  hy...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)

Rajeev Joshi (NASA JPL; rajeev.jo...@jpl.nasa.gov)
Tiziana Margaria (Universitat Potsdam; marga...@cs.uni-potsdam.de)

Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh University; gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk)

Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt University; e.a.h.macl...@hw.ac.uk)

Ahmed Bouajjani
Leo Freitas
Philippa Gardner
John Hatcliff
Ranjit Jhala
Joseph Kiniry
Rustan Leino
Xavier Leroy
David Naumann
Matthew Parkinson
Wolfgang Paul
Shaz Qadeer
Andrey Rybalchenko
Augusto Sampaio
Zhong Shao
Aaron Stump
Serdar Tasiran
Willem Visser
Chin Wei-Ngan
Stephanie Weirich
Greta Yorsh

Tony Hoare
Jay Misra
Natarajan Shankar
Jim Woodcock
The University of Edinbur

[Haskell] CFP: VSTTE workshops on Theory and on Experiments & Tools

2010-04-15 Thread Gudmund Grov
-- Apologies for multiple copies --

VSTTE 2010: Workshops on Theories, Tools and Experiments
Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th August 2010

The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE) is part of the Verified Software
Initiative (VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification. VSTTE will host two workshops:

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software
verification.  Topics range from the difficult and essential study
of soundness of delicate proof methods, to the discovery of new
specification techniques and proof methods, to dramatic
simplification or unification of existing methods, to as yet
unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification
tools and their experimental evaluation. Topics include interfaces
between tools, tool integration platforms, and case studies.

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished
work and will also give the opportunity to propose research
challenges, which will help form a research agenda for the Verified
Software Initiative. For further details, see the workshop web site:

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The
page limit is 10 pages for technical papers and 5 pages for
proposals of verification challenges.  The proceedings will be
published as a technical report. Details on the submission process
are available at http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/Workshops.html.

Important Dates
Submission:May 21, 2010
Notification:  June 25, 2010
Final version: July 23, 2010
Workshops: August 19, 2010, 9am-1pm

* VS-Theory is co-chaired by 
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and
Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

* VS-Tools & Experiments is co-chaired by 
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany and 
Rajeev Joshi, NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software, USA

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Verified Software -- Final Call for Conference Papers

2010-03-22 Thread Gudmund Grov
le topics include interfaces between 
tool integration platforms, and case studies. 

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished work and 
also give the opportunity to propose research challenges, which will help form 
a research 
agenda for the Verified Software Initiative. 

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The page limit is 
10 pages
for technical papers and 5 pages for proposals of verification challenges. The 
proceedings will be 
published as a technical report. 

March 29 2010: Conference paper submission deadline
May 10 2010: Decisions on papers
May 21 2010: Workshop paper submission
June 1 2010: Final conference paper versions due
June 25 2010: Decisions on workshop papers
July 23 2010: Final workshop paper version
August 16-18 2010: Main conference
August 19 2010: Workshops

A limited number of grants, cover registration and travel, will be available to 
support PhD 
students wishing to attend VSTTE 2010. More details to follow via the website.

There will be a two-day summer-school preceding the main conference on the 14 
15 August. The summer school will give a broad overview of software 
techniques,  addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong 
on the formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
introductory lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of 
overall themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; 
SAT and 
SMT solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification; and formal analysis of security.

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory.  For more information see:


A verification competition will be held at VSTTE 2010. The challenge is
to develop a machine-verified piece of software with respect to a given
specification. The competition will be conducted over a 2.5 hour period
on some evening of the conference. The problem will be presented with a
logical specification and test cases over .5 hours including time for
discussion with 2 hours to construct a solution. Each competing team
can feature up to three members. You can use any tool or combination of
tools as well as libraries, but you cannot modify these tools.  You can
reinterpret the specification to suit your tools and methods, but you
will be judged on the fidelity of your interpretation. The goal is to
produce an executable program and a replayable proof that the program
meets the specification.  It will be possible to code the solution using
integers and arrays. The solutions will be judged for soundness
(absence of bugs) and completeness (presence of proofs). The three best
solutions will be selected and the respective teams will be invited to
make presentations at the tools/experiments workshop. You must
register a copy of the  verification system with the judges prior to the
competition with instructions for replaying proofs and running the

Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University; a.irel...@hw.ac.uk)

Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, University of London; ohe...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida; leav...@eecs.ucf.edu)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research; sri...@microsoft.com)

Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich; peter.muel...@inf.ethz.ch)

David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology; dnaum...@stevens.edu)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London;  hy...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)

Rajeev Joshi (NASA JPL; rajeev.jo...@jpl.nasa.gov)
Tiziana Margaria (Universitat Potsdam; marga...@cs.uni-potsdam.de)

Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh University; gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk)

Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt University; e.a.h.macl...@hw.ac.uk)

Ahmed Bouajjani
Leo Freitas
Philippa Gardner
John Hatcliff
Ranjit Jhala
Joseph Kiniry
Rustan Leino
Xavier Leroy
David Naumann
Matthew Parkinson
Wolfgang Paul
Shaz Qadeer
Andrey Rybalchenko
Augusto Sampaio
Zhong Shao
Aaron Stump
Serdar Tasiran
Willem Visser
Chin Wei-Ngan
Stephanie Weirich
Greta Yorsh

Tony Hoare
Jay Misra
Natarajan Shankar
Jim Woodcock

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Verified Software -- Third Call for Papers

2010-03-08 Thread Gudmund Grov
on platforms, and case studies. 

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished work and 
also give the opportunity to propose research challenges, which will help form 
a research 
agenda for the Verified Software Initiative. 

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The page limit is 
10 pages
for technical papers and 5 pages for proposals of verification challenges.  The 
proceedings will be 
published as a technical report. 

March 29 2010: Conference paper submission deadline
May 10 2010:   Decisions on papers
May 21 2010:   Workshop paper submission
June 1 2010Final conference paper versions due
June 23 2010:  Final workshop paper version
August 16-18 2010: Main conference
August 19 2010:Workshops

A limited number of grants, cover registration and travel, will be available to 
support PhD 
students wishing to attend VSTTE 2010. More details to follow via the website.

There will be a two-day summer-school preceding the main conference on the 14 
15 August. The summer school will give a broad overview of software 
techniques,  addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong 
on the formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
introductory lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of 
overall themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; 
SAT and 
SMT solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification; BiGraphs and formal analysis of security.

The following will present at the summer school:
* Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde) & Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt 
* Alan Bundy & Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh)
* Cliff Jones (University of Newcastle)
* Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia)
* Robin Milner (University of Cambridge/Edinburgh)
* J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI)
* Graham Steel (INRIA)

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory.  For more information see:


A verification competition will be held at VSTTE 2010.  The challenge is
to develop a machine-verified piece of software with respect to a given
specification.  The competition will be conducted over a 2.5 hour period
on some evening of the conference.  The problem will be presented with a
logical specification and test cases over .5 hours including time for
discussion with 2 hours to construct a solution.  Each competing team
can feature up to three members.  You can use any tool or combination of
tools as well as libraries, but you cannot modify these tools.  You can
reinterpret the specification to suit your tools and methods, but you
will be judged on the fidelity of your interpretation.  The goal is to
produce an executable program and a replayable proof that the program
meets the specification.  It will be possible to code the solution using
integers and arrays.  The solutions will be judged for soundness
(absence of bugs) and completeness (presence of proofs).  The three best
solutions will be selected and the respective teams will be invited to
make presentations at the tools/experiments workshop.  You must
register a copy of the  verification system with the judges prior to the
competition with instructions for replaying proofs and running the

Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University; a.irel...@hw.ac.uk)

Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, University of London; ohe...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida; leav...@eecs.ucf.edu)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research; sri...@microsoft.com)

Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich; peter.muel...@inf.ethz.ch)

David Naumann  (Stevens Institute of Technology; dnaum...@stevens.edu)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London;  hy...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)

Rajeev Joshi (NASA JPL; rajeev.jo...@jpl.nasa.gov)
Tiziana Margaria (Universität Potsdam; marga...@cs.uni-potsdam.de)

Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh University; gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk)

Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt University; e.a.h.macl...@hw.ac.uk)

Ahmed Bouajjani
Leo Freitas
Philippa Gardner
John Hatcliff
Ranjit Jhala
Joseph Kiniry
Rustan Leino
Xavier Leroy
David Naumann
Matthew Parkinson
Wolfgang Paul
Shaz Qadeer
Andrey Rybalchenko
Augusto Sampaio
Zhong Shao
Aaron Stump
Serdar Tasiran
Willem Visser
Chin Wei-Ngan
Stephanie Weirich
Greta Yorsh

Tony Hoare
Jay Misra
Natarajan Shankar
Jim Woodcock

The University

[Haskell] Call for Participation -- SICSA Summer School on Formal Reasoning & Representation of Complex Systems

2010-02-19 Thread Gudmund Grov
Call for Participation

SSFRR 2010 
SICSA Summer School on Formal Reasoning & Representation of Complex Systems
14-15 August 2010 -- Heriot-Watt University campus -- Edinburgh
Satellite summer school of VSTTE 2010



The summer school will give a broad overview of software verification 
addressing both bottom-up and top-down approaches with a strong focus on the 
formal representation and reasoning themes. The school consists of eight 
lectures, each concentrating on an unique aspect of one or both of the overall 
themes. The topics of the lectures include inductive theorem proving; SAT and 
solving; proof planning and rippling; rely/guarantee conditions; separation 
logic; operating system verification; BiGraphs and formal analysis of security.

The school is intended for PhD students and researchers working within one or 
both of 
these themes, however familiarity with any of the techniques is not a 
All lectures are meant to be introductory. 


The following will present at the summer school:

* Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde) & Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt 
* Alan Bundy & Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh)
* Cliff Jones (University of Newcastle)
* Gerwin Klein (National ICT Australia)
* Robin Milner (University of Cambridge/Edinburgh)
* J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI)
* Graham Steel (INRIA)


The summer school has the following preliminary program (timing and titles may 
still change):

* 09:00: Registration
* 09:30: J Moore -- Machines Reasoning about Machines - 39 Years and Counting
* 11:00: Coffee break
* 11:30: Gerwin Klein -- Specification and Refinement in Operating System 
* 13:00: Lunch
* 14:00: Bob Atkey/Ewen Maclean -- Amortised Resource Analysis and Functional 
Correctness with Separation Logic
* 15:30: Coffee break
* 16:00: Alan Bundy/Lucas Dixon -- Proof-planning, inductive reasoning, and 
* 17:30: End

* 09:30: Natarajan Shankar -- Verification using SAT and SMT solvers
* 11:00: Coffee break
* 11:30: Graham Steel -- Formal Analysis of Security
* 13:00: Lunch
* 14:00: Cliff Jones -- Tackling concurrency by reasoning explicitly about 
* 15:30: Coffee break
* 16:00: Robin Milner -- BiGraphs: a Model for Mobile Agents
* 17:30: End


The summer school is a satellite event of VSSTE 2010 (see 
http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/) and 
will be held the two days before the main event: Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th 
August 2010. 
Like VSTTE 2010, it will be held at the Edinburgh campus of Heriot-Watt 


The registration fee is £110, which also covers materials and lunches. We will 
offer campus 
accommodation at £42.50 (incl. VAT and breakfast) per night, which will be 
possible to book during registration. 
This is highly recommended since the summer school will coincide with several 
of the famous 
Edinburgh festivals -- where hotel prices in town tend to be very inflated. 

SICSA will cover registration and two nights campus accommodation for SICSA 
students (students
from most Scottish Universities -- see http://www.sicsa.ac.uk/ to check if you 
are eligible).
The number of SICSA students is limited, and a decision on ranking if this 
number is exceeded
will only be taken if necessary.

The registration will be joint with the VSTTE conference and will open shortly. 
However, due to 
a limited number of places, we can now offer pre-registration by emailing your 
details to 
ssfrr-2...@inf.ed.ac.uk. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve 

Please include the following in your email:
* your name
* your institution and country
* if you are a SICSA student (matriculation number in case you are)
* your research area/topic


The summer school is jointly organised by The School of Informatics at 
Edinburgh University and
The School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University by:
* Lucas Dixon (Edinburgh)
* Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh)
* Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt)


The organisers can be contacted at the following email address: 
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] VSTTE 2010: Verified Software -- Second Call for Papers

2009-11-23 Thread Gudmund Grov
sions due
June 23 2010:  Final workshop paper version
August 16-18 2010: Main conference
August 19 2010:Workshops

Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University; a.irel...@hw.ac.uk)

Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary, University of London; ohe...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida; leav...@eecs.ucf.edu)
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research; sri...@microsoft.com)

Peter Mueller (ETH Zurich; peter.muel...@inf.ethz.ch)

David Naumann  (Stevens Institute of Technology; dnaum...@stevens.edu)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London;  hy...@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)

Rajeev Joshi (NASA JPL; rajeev.jo...@jpl.nasa.gov)
Tiziana Margaria (Universität Potsdam; marga...@cs.uni-potsdam.de)

Gudmund Grov (Edinburgh University; gg...@inf.ed.ac.uk)

Ewen Maclean (Heriot-Watt University; e.a.h.macl...@hw.ac.uk)

Ahmed Bouajjani
Leo Freitas
Philippa Gardner
John Hatcliff
Ranjit Jhala
Joseph Kiniry
Rustan Leino
Xavier Leroy
David Naumann
Matthew Parkinson
Wolfgang Paul
Shaz Qadeer
Andrey Rybalchenko
Augusto Sampaio
Zhong Shao
Aaron Stump
Serdar Tasiran
Willem Visser
Chin Wei-Ngan
Stephanie Weirich
Greta Yorsh

Tony Hoare
Jay Misra
Natarajan Shankar
Jim Woodcock

Haskell mailing list