[Haskell] Re: ANNOUNCE: container-classes-

2010-07-18 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
On 18 July 2010 23:35, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic  wrote:
> * Someone's asked me why I don't define a Traversable-like class.  The
>  reason is is that I haven't gotten around to it yet ;-) (as well as a
>  great many other things).

Ugh, I got Traversable mixed up with Foldable (I didn't get enough
sleep on the weekend and I should hit the sack now).  I've integrated
fold right into the definition of Container, and everything else comes
straight from that so I didn't see the point of making an explicit
sub-class (or a super-class, take your pick) just for that.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: "New FGL" naming survey

2010-07-13 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
Thank you for all the people who have voted; we so far have 42 results
in about 12 hours.

Some indication of the results so far:

* 62% prefer inductive-graphs

* 62% have indicated that they use fgl or do some graph-related stuff
(no correlation, just an interesting coincidence; I have not as yet
done the number crunching to tell what the most popular name is for
people that actually use fgl or other graph stuff).

* Someone stated that ponies smell sweaty... not sure how that's
relevant, but OK.

* At least two people prefer the new name as it isn't an acronym (one
because acronyms aren't needed and the term functional is redundant,
the other because the term "graph" isn't directly in the package

* Martin Erwig himself said that he thinks we should keep using the name "fgl".

So, keep the votes coming in (I actually didn't expect this many already)!

On 14 July 2010 00:24, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic  wrote:
> Whether or not the new FGL that Thomas Bereknyei and I are working on
> should keep the name was a semi-hot issue when we first mentioned the
> fact that we were working on a new version about a month ago.  As such,
> I've created a survey here to try and find out what the Haskell
> community overall thinks we should call it:
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGpzMmFnUWY3Uktodk5wdHlLQk5kT1E6MA
> More info can be found on the actual survey page.
> --
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
> ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com
> IvanMiljenovic.wordpress.com

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Possible solution to the FGL naming/compatability issue

2010-06-14 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
Last night (AEST), Edward Kmett semi-convinced (in the sense that I'm
not sure whether his examples are really those that someone would
want/need or just thinking of possible future problems) me that some
users may have a need for FGL to keep having explicit graphs with kind
* -> * -> *.

With his prompting, I may have a possible solution: duplicate the classes.

We would have an InductiveGraph class (call it the parametric version)
that requires graphs to have kind * -> * -> *, and then another class
(call it the extended version) that removes this restriction.  The
parametric version would be closer to a drop-in replacement to the
current FGL setup (see below for more details) and the extended one
would provide all of the functionality requested, with some kind of
semi-automatic lifting/unlifting for graph types that are instances of

Now, this parametric version will still not be a drop-in for the
current FGL, for several reasons:

* I want to have one overall InductiveGraph class rather than two
separate Graph and DynGraph classes

* Context will still be an actual data type rather than a 4-tuple and
LEdge would be come (Edge, Label) rather than (Node, Node, Label) [I'm
still debating whether to keep Edge as a datatype as needed for the
Type Familiy version or if it should just be a tuple).

* Some function names will be changed (e.g. fromContexts rather than buildGr).

* The Data.Graph.Inductive.Query stuff is going to be split out into
its own separate library, the Data.Graph.Inductive.Graphviz stuff is
going to be removed, etc.

* With the removal of the sub-libraries, I'm seriously considering
moving the class definitions from Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph to just

There are also some caveats/design decisions with this solution:

* There will obviously be duplication.  With that said, do we try to
make the two classes semi-drop-ins (same class name, methods, etc. but
with different types) or think up new method names for the extended

* How transparently can/will we make the lifting/unlifting?

* If we want the parametric version to still have the ability to
specify a custom node type, then it will still need either MPTCs +
fundeps or Type Families (i.e. extensions); otherwise we stick with
the current "type Node = Int" (or maybe replace it with some opaque
abstract type down the track as suggested by Heinrich Apfelmus).

* If we want to provide the ability to restrict the types of the
labels in the parametric version, then we would need MPTCs (Type
Families won't work since the label types won't be part of the class
definition then unless we use MPTCs, and in that case there's not
really any point in using Type Families).  Thus we once again need

* My semi-end goal is to build a proper hierarchy of graph
types/libraries, such that the only thing FGL provides is the extra
aspect/concept of inductive graphs.  If we extend this parametric vs
extended split down to the set of base graph classes, then we're going
to have even more duplication and this kind of setup (where "Foo
depends on Bar" means "class (Bar a) => Foo a where ..."):

- fgl-parametric will depend on graph-parametric

- fgl-extended will depend on graph-extended

- There will be lifting/unlifting between graph-parametric and

- There will be lifting/unlifting between fgl-parametric and fgl-extended

As such, an FGL graph of kind * -> * -> * being treated as an extended
graph will have two possible ways (depending on the function in
question) will have two graph hierarchies two choose from, and two
possible points at which it can be lifted/unlifted (at the graph level
and the fgl level).  This could get confusing.

That said, there is one other benefit of this parametric vs extended
split: the types of the mapping functions in
http://code.haskell.org/FGL/fgl/Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs won't be
as weird...

So, what are people's thoughts/opinions on this kind of setup?  Note
that I haven't started coding it yet, so I'm not sure how well it will
work in practice...

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Please check your dependencies on fgl

2010-06-07 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
Thomas Bereknyei are currently re-writing fgl (just about completely
from scratch) and we plan to make an initial release to get feedback
on the API in the next few weeks.

However, I'm sending this email out now to warn people that I highly
doubt any code that was written for the current version of fgl
(http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fgl- will work with the
new version.

As such, if your code uses fgl you should ensure that the
specification of the package in your .cabal file has an explicit upper
bound (or indeed just set "fgl ==") to avoid any problems when
we release (we're trying to avoid the problems that plagued
KDE-4 by not claiming in the slightest that the initial few versions
are intended for end users).

I have already directly emailed the maintainers of any and all
packages I could find on Hackage (using Roel van Dijk's wonderful
reverse-dependency mirror at
but just in case I've missed one or there's an as-yet-unreleased
package somewhere in the works, here is the official "heads up".

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Package removal

2010-05-13 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
On 14 May 2010 12:44, Yang Zhang  wrote:
> How do ghc users on Linux (esp. Debian/Ubuntu) systems remove
> packages?

I uninstall the system package I used to install that package.
However, this doesn't work for cabal-install...

> AFAICT there's only cabal unregister,

Do you mean "ghc-pkg unregister"?

> and no way to remove files but manually, which is tricky when these packages 
> are
> interspersed with other files in /usr/local. I found some old mailing
> list threads mentioning that this is an open issue, but as I'm
> currently facing this, I'm wondering if there's been any news on this
> front.


Maybe using something like stow with this if you're installing it into
/usr/local anyway...

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Introducing Sifflet, visual functional programming language

2010-05-13 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
On 14 May 2010 11:50, Gregory D. Weber  wrote:
> Introducing Sifflet -- version 0.1.5, first public release!
> Sifflet is a visual, functional programming language.
> Sifflet programmers define functions by drawing diagrams.
> Sifflet shows how a function call is evaluated on the diagram.
> It is intended as an aid for learning about recursion.

So is Sifflet meant to be a full-featured programming language used
for "real world" programs?  If so, how well does it scale?

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: ANNOUNCE: graphviz 2999.9.0.0

2010-04-26 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
A few things I forgot to mention in my haste to get this out:

1) I was planning on having a tutorial-style blog post where I'd use
graphviz to parse an manipulate the output "ghc-pkg dot"; however I've
been busier than I expected recently and figured it'd be better to get
this release out and do this later.

2) The website was developed with the help of John MacFarlane; at the
moment I'm using the CSS he uses for Pandoc's homepage, but I plan on
updating that during the week (again, better to get it out now and fix
it later).

And with that, I need to sleep.  Having a public holiday to get this
finished in was nice, but it didn't help with my sleep deprivation :s

On 26 April 2010 23:46, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic  wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the latest version of my graphviz library that
> provides Haskell bindings to the Graphviz graph visualisation suite.
> There are numerous changes in this release, the most important of which
> are:
> * graphviz now has an FAQ and an improved README as well as its own
>  homepage: http://projects.haskell.org/graphviz/ (as prompted by Eric
>  Kow).
> * Add support for record labels; values are automatically
>  escaped/unescaped.  The `Record` and `MRecord` shapes have been
>  added for use with these labels.  Requested by Minh Thu and Eric
>  Kow.
> * Add support for HTML-like values (this replaces the wrong and
>  completely broken URL datatype).  Strings are automatically
>  escaped/unescaped.
> * Various parsing improvements (including a slight parsing speed
>  increase!).
> In particular, graphviz is now able to parse almost all Dot graphs found
> on my system (including samples shipped with Graphviz, Linux kernel
> documentation and various other package documentations).  A list of the
> breakages and why:
> * /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/roundtrip/template.dot seems
>  to be a binary file and thus can't be read.
> * /usr/share/graphviz/graphs/directed/Latin1.gv uses Latin1 encoding; at
>  the moment graphviz uses the system's locale encoding (or whatever GHC
>  < 6.10 defaults to).
> * /usr/share/doc/boost-*/html/libs/graph/example/graphviz_test.dot
>  (various boost versions) has subgraphs in edges; graphviz currently
>  can't cope with these.
> * 
> /usr/src/linux-2.6.33-gentoo-r1/Documentation/blockdev/drbd/drbd-connection-state-overview.dot
>  uses incorrect syntax for the "minlen" attribute (it is meant to be an
>  integer but actually contains a floating point value).
> The plans for the next release (which I don't plan on even starting for
> a while) are to focus on improving printing and parsing performance,
> using a state-based printer and parser (as part of Dot syntax is
> state-based) and force usage of UTF-8 (via text or utf8-string).
> --
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
> ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com
> IvanMiljenovic.wordpress.com

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] ANN: Try Haskell! An interactive tutorial in your browser

2010-02-28 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
On 1 March 2010 11:21, Hector Guilarte  wrote:
> I tried it and it worked perfectly, however I tried it again 45 minutes
> later (about 15 minutes ago) and when I pressed Enter nothing happened. I
> couldn't enter any expressions. The only expression I could enter was help
> Hector

"stepN" works for me as well (with N \in Z^+).

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: SourceGraph-0.1 and Graphalyze-0.3

2008-10-05 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
I've now uploaded my SourceGraph program to Hackage [1].  It's rather
simple at the moment, but if you pass in the .cabal file as a
parameter (e.g. run it as "SourceGraph Foo.cabal"), it will create in
the same directory as the .cabal file a Directory called "SourceGraph"
that contains an html report of some basic graph-theoretic analysis of
your code.

The output format isn't ideal, but it should serve it's purpose for
now (I'll fix it up and actually make it usable once my Thesis has
been handed in).  What I'd appreciate if people could try it out and
tell me if there's any code, etc. that it can't parse.  At the moment,
it ignores all Data-based functions (e.g. class and instance
declarations as well as record functions) and only looks at
"stand-alone" functions (i.e. normal functions).

SourceGraph requires version 0.3 of my Graphalyze library (version 0.2
added the reports in, but had some bugs that 0.3 fixes).

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/SourceGraph

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Graphalyze-0.1

2008-09-29 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
I'd like to announce the initial release of my graph-theoretic
analysis library, Graphalyze [1], the darcs repo for which is also
available [2].

This is a pre-release of the library that I'm writing for my
mathematics honours thesis, "Graph-Theoretic Analysis of the
Relationships in Discrete Data".  I'll also be releasing a tool that
uses this library to analyse the structure of Haskell code, that I'm
tentatively calling SourceGraph.  As it stands, the library has a
number of algorithms included, some of which I've developed from
scratch (e.g. clique finder), and others are implementations of
published algorithms (mainly the two clustering algorithms).  The code
is meant to be more readable than efficient, and I wanted to explore
ways of developing algorithms that match more closely the way graphs
work (which makes FGL a much nicer fit than matrix-based or list-based
graph data structures).

This library is only a pre-release, as whilst everything in there
works (at least it does for me), I'd like to get some feedback from
the community, especially since this is my first ever released solo
piece of code (I've coded assignments, and worked on projects with
others, but have never released anything that I've been solely
responsible for before).  In particular, have I written the .cabal
file correctly?

Also, I'd like advice on something else: the part of the library that
I'd like to develop still is the reporting framework.  The end goal of
the library is for the user to specify which algorithms they want
applied to their data, and then the library produces a document with
the results.  This document is _not_ meant to be machine readable.  As
such, I can think of three options:

1) Plain text, with graphs either in seperate image files (using
graphviz) or else as plaintext (FGL's show function).
2) Generate LaTeX code.
3) Generate Pandoc [3] compatible Markdown, and let the user convert
it into whatever format they prefer.

I'm not a big fan of option 1), as it is probably the most unreadable
in general.  I'd like to use Pandoc, as it is theoretically possible
to convert it to numerous other filetypes, however with inline linking
there's still no way (at least I can find) to have images scaled to
the correct size automatically.  So unless I pre-scale the images,
using option 3) and then converting to PDF via LaTex generation of the
Markdown sources is probably out.   As such, what would you all prefer
to read as a documentation-style report of your software?

1) A PDF via LaTeX, which has the advantage of being printable and all
in one file
2) HTML via Pandoc, which lets you have the images linked separately
from the document, and thus no need to shrink them down (they can stay
at the natively generated size, and thus easier to zoom in, etc.).

Finally, I'll be giving my honours talk on this next Monday.  So if
you're in Brisbane on 6 October and interested, it'll be on at 2PM at
the University of Queensland (where as part of it I'll be explaining
to mathematicians why Haskell is a great language to use for
mathematics... or at least trying to!).

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/Graphalyze
[2] http://code.haskell.org/Graphalyze/
[3] http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: graphviz-2008.9.20

2008-09-20 Thread Ivan Miljenovic
The latest version of Matthew Sackman's Haskell bindings to Graphviz
[1] are now available on Hackage [2].  The reason there's a new
release only two weeks after the previous one is that I've made some
extensions to it (hence why I'm writing the announcement) that Matthew
has kindly included.

Since Matthew doesn't recall writing an announcement for graphviz
before, here is a brief synopsis of what it does.  The Graphviz
program is probably _the_ way of drawing graphs (note: this is
graph-theory graphs, not function plotting).  As it stands, there are
currently at least four different Haskell bindings available for
Graphviz that I've managed:
* The inbuilt Graphviz module in FGL [3]
* graphviz (which this announcement is for)
* dotgen [4]
* A really simple generator by Duncan Coutts [5]
In addition to this, the following utilities on Hackage output graphs
in Graphviz's .dot format (either using one of the above libraries or
their own parser):
* prof2dot : converts profiling information to .dot [custom, I think] [6]
* flow2Dot : convert textual descriptions to .dot [also custom, I think] [7]
* graphmod : draw the dependencies between Haskell modules [uses dotgen] [8]

As it can be seen, there's a plethora of possible ways of creating
.dot graphs in Haskell.  What seperates the graphviz package from the
others is:
* It uses FGL graphs, rather than passing through lists of nodes and
edges manually (of course, if you're not doing any other graph-related
activity you might not want to use an FGL graph), whilst providing
more control than the default FGL module.
* A large list of attributes that can be used are available:
* A "sane" interface that provides a large degree of customizability
(don't specify the attributes manually for each node/edge/etc., just
pass through a function that will create the attribute you want).
* Limited parsing of .dot format (note that as yet it can't convert a
parsed DotGraph into an FGL graph).
* The graphToGraph function allows you to pass a graph through
Graphviz and then extract out positional information and combine it
with the original graph.

There are some things things that graphviz can't do, such as drawing
undirected graphs and clusters (which dotgen can)... at least until

The changes that I have made provide the additional functionality to graphviz:
* Differentiate between undirected and directed graphs.  Whilst FGL
represents undirected graphs with a directed graph by duplicating all
edges (an undirected edge {1,2} is represented by the two edges (1,2)
and (2,1)), you don't really want to draw a graph this way.
Furthermore, many reports say that graphviz's "neato" command is
better at drawing undirected graphs than the normal "dot" command is.
Thus, graphviz will now draw only one edge out of every directed pair.
 To do so, however, requires that the edge labels are an instance of
Ord: if this is a problem for you, please contact either Matthew or
myself and we'll see what else we can do (this is required because
it's assumed that if two edges (1,2) and (2,1) are meant to represent
the undirected edge {1,2}, then their labels must be the same).
* Add clustering support.  Graphs can be drawn (but as yet not parsed)
to provide nested clustering support to arbitrary depth.  To do so,
you need to provide a function (LNode a -> NodeCluster c a), where
NodeCluster is the following recursive data type that indicates in
which subcluster a node in the graph belongs:
 data NodeCluster c a = N (LNode a) | C c (NodeCluster c a)
The c type represents the cluster label, and is the parameter by which
cluster attributes are assigned.  Note that c has to be an instance of
Ord.  Clusters are not parseable, because there's no clear way of how
to convert a cluster to an FGL graph.

The interface for graphviz remains unchanged, so you can safely
upgrade to this version.

Here is an example function of how the library can be used to draw an
FGL graph to a (very plain) Graphviz graph (well, it will convert it
to the DotGraph datatype, which when shown produces the .dot graph

graphviz :: (Graph g, Show a, Ord b, Show b) => String -> g a
b -> DotGraph
graphviz title g = graphToDot g attrs nattrs eattrs
  attrs = [Label title]
  nattrs (_,a)   = [Label (show a)]
  eattrs (_,_,b) = [Label (show b)]


[1] http://graphviz.org/
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/graphviz
[3] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/fgl
[4] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/dotgen
[5] http://haskell.org/~duncan/WriteDotGraph.hs
[6] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/prof2dot
[7] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/flow2dot
[8] http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/graphmod

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic