[Haskell] FLOPS 2024: final call for abstracts and papers

2023-11-30 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Dear all,

> ===
> Call For Papers
> FLOPS 2024: 17th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
> ===

This is a reminder that the deadline for FLOPS 2024 submissions is rapidly 

> *** Important Dates ***
> All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12).
> * Abstract due: Wed 6th Dec 2023
> * Submission deadline: Wed 13th Dec 2023
> * Notifications: Wed 31st Jan 2024
> * Final versions due: Wed 28th Feb 2024
> * Conference: 15th to 17th May 2024, Kumamoto, Japan

We are delighted to announce Youyou Cong (Tokyo Institute of Technology), 
Katsumi Inoue (National Institute of Informatics), and Yuliya Lierler 
(University of Nebraska) as keynote speakers, and hope to be able to add one 
more shortly. 

For details, please see the website: https://conf.researchr.org/home/flops-2024 

We look forward to seeing your papers!
Dale and Jeremy (PC co-chairs)

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] FLOPS 2024 Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming

2023-07-27 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

Call For Papers
FLOPS 2024: 17th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming

May 15-17, 2024, Kumamoto, Japan

FLOPS aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and implementers of 
declarative programming, to discuss mutually interesting results and common 
problems: theoretical advances, their implementations in language systems and 
tools, and applications of these systems in practice. The scope includes all 
aspects of the design, semantics, theory, applications, implementations, and 
teaching of declarative programming. FLOPS specifically aims to promote 
cross-fertilization between theory and practice and among different styles of 
declarative programming.

Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono (1995), Shonan Village (1996), 
Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo (2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji 
Susono (2006), Ise (2008), Sendai (2010), Kobe (2012), Kanazawa (2014), Kochi 
(2016), Nagoya (2018), Akita (2020, online), and Kyoto (2022, online).

*** Scope ***

FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of declarative programming:

* functional, logic, functional-logic programming, rewriting systems, formal 
methods and model checking, program transformations and program refinements, 
developing programs with the help of theorem provers or SAT/SMT solvers, 
verifying properties of programs using declarative programming techniques;

* foundations, language design, implementation issues (compilation techniques, 
memory management, run-time systems, etc.), applications and case studies.

FLOPS promotes cross-fertilization among different styles of declarative 
programming. Therefore, research papers must be written to be understandable by 
a wide audience of declarative programmers and researchers. In particular, each 
submission should explain its contributions in both general and technical 
terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is 
significant for its area, and comparing it with previous work. Submission of 
system descriptions and declarative pearls are especially encouraged.

*** Submission ***

Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:

* Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will be judged 
on originality, correctness, and significance.

* System descriptions: they should describe a working system and will be judged 
on originality, usefulness, and design.

* Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or theories with 
illustrative applications.

System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked as such in 
the title. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication 
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published 
workshops proceedings may be submitted. Submissions must be written in English 
and can be up to 15 pages excluding references, though system descriptions and 
pearls are typically shorter. The formatting has to conform to Springer’s LNCS 
guidelines. FLOPS 2024 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process.

For more details, see


Papers should be submitted electronically at


*** Publication ***

The proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series. We expect to 
invite the authors of a selection of the best papers to submit an extended 
version of their FLOPS paper to a special issue which will appear in the 
journal Science of Computer Programming.

*** Important Dates ***

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12).

* Abstract due: Wed 6th Dec 2023
* Submission deadline: Wed 13th Dec 2023
* Notifications: Wed 31st Jan 2024
* Final versions due: Wed 28th Feb 2024

*** Organizers ***

Shin-ya Katsumata   National Institute of Informatics, JP (General Chair)
Jeremy Gibbons  University of Oxford, UK (PC Co-Chair)
Dale Miller INRIA Saclay and LIX/IPP, FR (PC Co-Chair)
Naohiko Hoshino Sojo University, JP (Local Chair)

*** FLOPS sponsorship ***

This symposium is sponsored by JSSST-SIGPPL (http://ppl.jssst.or.jp/).

*** Contact Address ***


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] The Point of this List

2023-05-04 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
The purpose of this list is specified on its webpage:

> The Haskell mailing list is for announcements and short discussions on any 
> topic related to the Haskell language. 
> Discussions should be moved to the Haskell Cafe mailing list after a few 
> exchanges, so that the volume on this list can be kept low.

We don’t (please!) need another list for announcements. 

Perhaps there is scope for a discussion about how “related” a conference 
announcement should be for it to be announced here. And perhaps there is scope 
for a discussion about the name: maybe this list should be renamed 
haskell-announce, for expectation management? But if so, those discussions 
should presumably happen on haskell-cafe, not here.


> On 4 May 2023, at 10:33, James Flanagan  wrote:
> Thank you for this tip. Wasn't aware of Haskell-Cafe.
> Maybe this is the right place for conference announcements then, if it's just 
> for announcements in general. But the quantity is quite high and other stuff 
> is likely to get drowned out. It may be best split into a separate list so 
> that it only goes to those who are interested. (Not all of us are in 
> academia.)
> James
> From: Haskell  > on behalf of Ivan Perez 
> mailto:ivanperezdoming...@gmail.com>>
> Sent: 01 May 2023 22:45
> To: Dominic Steinitz mailto:domi...@steinitz.org>>
> Cc: haskell@haskell.org   >
> Subject: Re: [Haskell] The Point of this List
> Most people are just subscribed to haskell-cafe instead. If you are not 
> there, maybe that's the one you want to be subscribed to.
> In the past I have reported such conference announcements so that the 
> specific individuals be removed from the list.
> Ivan
> On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 02:34, Dominic Steinitz  > wrote:
> I have been subscribed to this list for over 20 years but these days all I 
> ever see are announcements of conferences which have at best a tangential 
> relationship with Haskell. Maybe it is time to call it a day?
> Dominic Steinitz
> domi...@steinitz.org 
> http://idontgetoutmuch.org 
> Twitter: @idontgetoutmuch
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> Haskell@haskell.org 
> http://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskell 
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> Haskell@haskell.org 
> http://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/haskell 
Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] MSFP 2022 - First Call for Papers

2021-11-24 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Ninth Workshop on
Saturday 2nd April 2022, Munich, Germany
A satellite workshop of ETAPS 2022


  ** Deadline: 16 December (abstract), 23 December (paper) **

The ninth workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional
Programming is devoted to the derivation of functionality from
structure. It is a celebration of the direct impact of Theoretical
Computer Science on programs as we write them today. Modern
programming languages, and in particular functional languages, support
the direct expression of mathematical structures, equipping
programmers with tools of remarkable power and abstraction. Where
would Haskell be without monads? Functional reactive programming
without temporal logic?  Call-by-push-value without adjunctions? The
list goes on. This workshop is a forum for researchers who seek to
reflect mathematical phenomena in data and control.

The first MSFP workshop was held in Kuressaare, Estonia, in July 2006,
affiliated with MPC 2006 and AMAST 2006. The second MSFP workshop was
held in Reykjavik, Iceland as part of ICALP 2008. The third MSFP
workshop was held in Baltimore, USA, as part of ICFP 2010. The fourth
workshop was held in Tallinn, Estonia, as part of ETAPS 2012. The
fifth workshop was held in Grenoble, France, as part of ETAPS
2014. The sixth MSFP Workshop was held in April 2016, in Eindhoven,
Netherlands, as part of ETAPS 2016. The seventh MSFP Workshop was held
in July 2018, in Oxford, UK, as part of FLoC 2018. The eighth MSFP
Workshop was held virtually in August 2020, originally planned as part
of ETAPS 2020.

Important Dates:

Abstract deadline: 16 December (Thursday)
Paper deadline: 23 December (Thursday)
Notification: 27 January (Thursday)
Final version: 24 February (Thursday)
Workshop: 2  April(Saturday )

Invited Speakers:

Valeria de Paiva - Topos Institute, USA

Programme Committee:

Nuria Brede   - University of Potsdam, Germany
Jacques Carette   - McMaster University, Canada
Youyou Cong   - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Philippa Cowderoy
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes - University of Glasgow, UK
Harley Eades III  - Augusta University, USA
Jeremy Gibbons- University of Oxford, UK (co-chair)
Jules Hedges  - University of Stratchclyde, UK
Shin-Ya Katsumata - National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Max New   - University of Michigan, USA (co-chair)
Maciej Piróg  - University of Wrocław, Poland
Artjoms Sinkarovs - Heriot-Watt University, UK


Submissions are welcomed on, but by no means restricted to, topics
such as:

structured effectful computation
structured recursion
structured corecursion
structured tree and graph operations
structured syntax with variable binding
structured datatype-genericity
structured search
structured representations of functions
structured quantum computation
structure directed optimizations
structured types
structure derived from programs and data

Please contact the programme chairs Jeremy Gibbons
(jeremy.gibb...@cs.ox.ac.uk <mailto:jeremy.gibb...@cs.ox.ac.uk>) and Max New 
(maxs...@umich.edu <mailto:maxs...@umich.edu>) if you
have any questions about the scope of the workshop.

We accept two categories of submission: full papers of no more than 15
pages that will appear in the proceedings, and extended abstracts of
no more than 2 pages that we will post on the website, but which do
not constitute formal publications and will not appear in the
proceedings. References and appendices are not included in page
limits. Appendices may not be read by reviewers.

Submissions must report previously unpublished work and not be
submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed
proceedings. Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop by one
of the authors. The proceedings will be published under the auspices
of EPTCS with a Creative Commons license.

A short abstract should be submitted a week in advance of the paper
deadline (for both full paper and extended abstract submissions).

We are using EasyChair to manage submissions. To submit a paper, use
this link:


Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Online seminars in Tensor Computation, October to December

2021-10-06 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Seminar Series on Tensor Computation


The following seminars on tensor computation will take place at 4pm UK time on 
Fridays this coming term. (Note that the clocks change in the UK part way 
through the series!)

The seminars will be held online, via Zoom. Registration instructions are on 
the webpage above. All are welcome.

[Dr Albert Cohen](https://research.google/people/106208/ 
<https://research.google/people/106208/>), Google
15 Oct: *Herding Tensor Compilers*

[Professor Jonathan Ragan Kelley](http://people.csail.mit.edu/jrk/ 
<http://people.csail.mit.edu/jrk/>), MIT
22 Oct: *Halide* [provisional title]

[Dr Conal Elliott](http://conal.net/ <http://conal.net/>)
29 Oct: *Can Tensor Programming Be Liberated from the Fortran Data Paradigm?*

**clocks change: UK moves from BST=UTC+1 to GMT=UTC**

[Professor Markus Püschel](https://acl.inf.ethz.ch/people/markusp/ 
<https://acl.inf.ethz.ch/people/markusp/>), ETH Zürich
5 Nov: *Program Generation for Small Scale Linear Algebra*

[Professor Martin Elsman](https://elsman.com/ <https://elsman.com/>), Copenhagen
12 Nov: *Futhark* [provisional title]

[Rohan Yadav](https://rohany.github.io/ <https://rohany.github.io/>), Stanford
19 Nov: *Compilation of Sparse Array Programming Models* [provisional title]

[Professor Gabrielle Keller](https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/GKKeller 
<https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/GKKeller>), Utrecht
26 Nov: *Accelerate: High-Performance Computing in Haskell*

[Dr Dimitrios Vytiniotis](https://dimitriv.github.io/ 
<https://dimitriv.github.io/>), Google
3 Dec: *Automating Tensor Partitioning on Meshes of Accelerators* [provisional 

Seminar conveners:
  [Jeremy Gibbons](http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/jeremy.gibbons/ 
  [Peter Braam](https://www.braam.io/ <https://www.braam.io/>)

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Doctoral scholarships at Oxford

2016-09-19 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
The Dept of CS at Oxford has just advertised up to 15 DPhil (Oxford's PhD) 
scholarships to start in Oct 2017. I would be very happy to see applications 
from strong students in functional programming among those scholarships. If 
you'd like to discuss, please get in touch. In particular, if you were at PLMW 
at ICFP on Sunday, please speak to me in person - I am also at ICFP, leaving on 

See  http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/news/1182-full.html for the advert; text quoted 



Full funding for up to 15 doctoral students
Posted: 14th September 2016

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford is delighted to 
invite applications for up to 15 fully-funded DPhil (Oxford’s PhD) scholarships 
tenable from 1st October 2017.

We will be considering students for Oxford-Google DeepMind Graduate 
Scholarships, EPSRC Scholarships, Clarendon Scholarships, Oxford Wolfson 
Marriott Graduate Scholarship and departmental funding.

The University of Oxford is consistently ranked amongst the very best Computer 
Science departments in the world, for both teaching and research. We are 
committed to attracting the world’s most talented students and working with 
them to continue the success of the department. The topics for the studentships 
are open, but should relate to the interests of one of the Department’s 
research areas: Algorithms & Complexity Theory, Artificial Intelligence, 
Automated Verification, Computational Biology, Foundations, Logic & Structures, 
Information Systems, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Programming 
Languages, Security, Semantics and Software Engineering. We also encourage 
applications in cross disciplinary areas such as Linguistics, Biology, Medicine 
and Quantum Foundations & Quantum Computation.

The studentships are for three years and are open to students of any 
nationality. Each studentship will cover university and college fees with a 
stipend of at least £14,296 per year.

Applicants are normally expected to have, or be predicted to achieve, a 
first-class or a strong upper second-class grade in either (i) a four-year 
undergraduate degree (with integrated masters) in a relevant subject (or 
equivalent international qualifications), or (ii) a three-year BSc/BA degree 
followed by excellent (distinction) performance in a master's degree in a 
relevant subject.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to graduate.admissi...@cs.ox.ac.uk and for 
more information please see our webpages

Please apply online

Closing date for applications: 6th January 2017 but you are advised to apply as 
soon as your application is ready.  All supporting documents including 
transcripts and references must be received by this date.

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
☎ +44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Summer School on Bidirectional Transformations, Oxford, 25-29th July 2016

2016-06-02 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Apologies if you have seen this before, but the early registration deadline 
(June 10th) is fast approaching for SSBX in Oxford. Please pass this on to 
anyone who may be interested (and consider coming yourself!).



Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, UK
25th to 29th July 2016


Bidirectional transformations (BX) are means of maintaining consistency between 
multiple information sources: when one source is edited, the others may need 
updating to restore consistency. BX have applications in databases, user 
interface design, model-driven development, and many other domains. This summer 
school is one of the closing activities on the "Theory of Least Change for BX" 
project at Oxford and Edinburgh (http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/projects/tlcbx/). It 
brings together leading researchers in BX, spanning theory and practice, for a 
week of lectures in beautiful Oxford. It will be aimed at doctoral students in 
computer science, but will also be suitable for strong master's students and 
for researchers.


Anthony Anjorin, University of Paderborn, DE
"Bx with Triple Graph Grammars"

Martin Hofmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, DE
"Modular Edit Lenses"

Zhenjiang Hu, National Institute of Informatics, JP
"Principles and Practice of Putback-based Bidirectional Programming in BiGUL"

Mike Johnson, Macquarie University, AU
"Mathematical Foundations of Bidirectional Transformations"

Richard Paige, University of York, UK
"Engineering Bidirectional Transformations"

The TLCBX team, Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford, UK
will introduce, say a bit about TLCBX results, and conclude


The school will take place at Lady Margaret Hall (http://www.lmh.ox.ac.uk/) in 
leafy North Oxford, right next to the University Parks and the River Cherwell 
and a short walk from the City Centre. LMH is one of the constituent colleges 
of the University of Oxford; it was founded in 1878 as the first women's 
college in Oxford. Our lectures will take place in the splendid Simpkins Lee 
Theatre in the Pipe Partridge Building, completed in 2010.


The Summer School is financially partially supported by EPSRC. There is an 
early registration fee of £200 (or £150 for students) if booked before the 
early registration deadline of 10th June, rising to £250 (or £200 for students) 
after that point. The registration fee includes lunches, coffee breaks, and a 
banquet one evening. We have reserved bed-and-breakfast accommodation in 
college, at £62.50 per night in an ensuite room; there are also a few standard 
rooms available at £58 per night, but please contact karen.bar...@cs.ox.ac.uk 
in advance if you would like to reserve one of them. Those rooms will be 
released after the early registration deadline, after which point there will be 
no guarantee of accommodation. Space is limited; there is room for 40 students.


More information, including the registration link, is on the summer school 


For questions about registration or administrative matters, please contact 
karen.bar...@cs.ox.ac.uk.  For questions about academic matters, please contact 
any of the organizers:

Faris Abou-Saleh, James Cheney, Jeremy Gibbons, James McKinna, Perdita Stevens


Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Associate or Full Professorship in Programming Languages at Oxford

2015-12-17 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
The Department of Computer Science at University of Oxford has an opening for 
an Associate or Full Professorship in Programming Languages, as described 
below. Please pass this advert on to anyone who may be interested. I would be 
happy to answer any questions. -jg


Applications are invited for the post of Associate Professor (or Professor) of 
Programming Languages, to be held in the Department of Computer Science, to 
start as soon as possible. The successful candidate will also be appointed to a 
Fellowship at Kellogg College.

You will join a vibrant and rapidly-growing computer science department, with a 
long history of fundamental research in the area of programming languages, 
benefiting from a rich academic environment for computer science research, with 
many researchers working in closely-related areas.

You will be a member of both the University and the College community, which is 
an intellectually stimulating research environment, performing to the highest 
international levels in research and publications, and will have access to the 
excellent research facilities which Oxford offers. You will have a role to play 
in the running of the College as a member of its Governing Body, together with 
your departmental research, teaching, and examining duties.

Candidates should hold a doctoral degree in computer science (or cognate 
discipline), with a proven global research record in peer-reviewed journals, 
including the ability to attract research funding. You should have experience 
in teaching programming languages and related topics within Computer Science at 
graduate level, including supervising graduate students. Experience of research 
collaborations on a national or global level is highly desirable.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic 
candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 midday on 15 February 2016.

For further particulars, and details of how to apply, see:


Contact Person: Michael Wooldridge (m...@cs.ox.ac.uk) [or JG, at the address 
Vacancy ID: 121645
Grade 36S: Salary on scale from £45,066 - £59,914 pa (plus benefits)
Closing Date  : 15-Feb-2016

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] SIGPLAN John C Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award

2015-11-22 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Dear All,

I would like to draw your attention to the SIGPLAN John C. Reynolds Doctoral 
Dissertation Award. If you are (or will be) a 2015 PhD graduate with a great 
thesis or a supervisor of such a graduate can I suggest you consider applying? 
Obtaining such an award makes a person stand out when applying for positions. 

The nomination process is straightforward and nominations are due on the 5th of 
January. Details of the award can be found at 
http://www.sigplan.org/Awards/Dissertation/ . If you have any questions, please 
contact Susan Eisenbach (CC'd).


Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Associate Professorship in Data Science at Oxford (Continuing Education)

2015-04-22 Thread Jeremy Gibbons


Grade 36S: £44,620 - £59,914 p.a. (pro rata)

The University is seeking to appoint an Associate Professor in Data Science, to 
commence in October 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter. The post will be 
held in the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford. The 
postholder will benefit from a fellowship at Linacre College. The successful 
candidate must have a doctorate in data science or a cognate field, with a 
proven high standard of expertise in data science and appropriate knowledge of 
computer science, demonstrable experience of teaching and organising data 
science or similar programmes at university level, a proven record of research 
and publication, including evidence of research grant activity, academic 
leadership ability in the field of data science, and experience of public 
engagement. The postholder will have the opportunity to contribute to a wide 
range of provision, as appropriate to their expertise, including directing and 
overseeing the department's current activity and future development this 
disciplinary area. The postholder will be Director of Studies in Data Science, 
responsible for the established and well-subscribed Advanced Diploma in Data 
and Systems Analysis, together with the open access programmes and day/weekend 
schools in computer science, and will also seek to develop short/online courses 
for professional groups, such as school teachers, and for the wider public. The 
Department for Continuing Education is the leading Continuing Education 
department in the UK. Committed to public engagement, the department is 
multidisciplinary and encourages interdisciplinary teaching and research. The 
closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on 11 May 2015.

For more information, see

I would be very happy to answer any questions.


Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Doctoral Teaching Assistantships in CS at Oxford

2015-03-20 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

The University of Oxford's Computer Science department is offering two DPhil 
(PhD) scholarships. The scholarships are for up to five years; they include 
teaching responsibilities on the department's Software Engineering Programme 
(SEP), which has been running for over twenty years, offering part-time 
professional Master's degrees in Software Engineering and in Software & Systems 
Security. Each scholarship provides a stipend (£14057 pa from October 2015, 
with small annual increases subsequently) plus full fees.

The Department of Computer Science was established in 1957, making it one of 
the longest established in the country. It is one of the UK's leading computer 
science departments, ranked first in a number of international rankings. The 
latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) resulted in the 74 members of 
the Department having 87% of their research activity ranked 4* 
("world-leading") or 3* (internationally excellent"). Successful applicants 
will perform their research within the department, with the aim of obtaining a 
DPhil in Computer Science. Applications are particularly sought from students 
with research interests in core areas taught in SEP:

* software engineering
* programming languages
* systems security
* embedded and mobile systems
* formal modelling techniques
* semantic technologies
* automated verification

More information about the department's research in these areas may be found at 

The scholarships have a teaching component, in line with the five-year 
duration. This will involve acting as a Teaching Assistant (TA) and second 
marker for six one-week SEP modules per year. First-hand professional 
experience of software engineering or systems security is therefore desirable, 
albeit not essential. Class sizes are small, with at most students 20 per 
module. More information about the modules may be found at 

Applications should include a full CV, a description of past teaching 
experience in relation to core SEP modules, the names of two referees, and a 
one- to two-page presentation of the candidate's research interests and 
proposed DPhil topic. They should be sent by email, to 
tadp...@softeng.ox.ac.uk, to arrive no later than noon on Friday 17th April. 
Applicants should also arrange for their referees to send references to the 
same address by the same date. Selection will be on the basis of both fit to 
the teaching programme and suitability of the proposed research topic. We plan 
to hold interviews (possibly by Skype) during the week of 20th to 24th April.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us on 

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Two research assistantships in model-driven engineering and semantic technologies, University of Oxford

2015-01-15 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
We have two positions open in the Programming Languages and Software 
Engineering Research Group, for research assistants (postdocs) in model-driven 
engineering and semantic technologies. The positions are associated with the 
EU-funded “ALIGNED: Quality-Centric Software and Data Engineering” project, 
working with Jim Davies and Jeremy Gibbons.

The primary selection criteria are strong design and development skills in 
object-oriented and functional programming, representation and manipulation of 
semi-structured data, and model transformation, together with a proven track 
record of relevant publications.  (Although the posts won't be primarily 
focussed on FP, we would welcome applications from FPers interested in MDE.) 
Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science.

Full details are at


and the closing date is 12 noon GMT on 9th February. Please contact me if you 
have any questions about the positions, and please distribute this notice to 
anyone who may be interested.

Jeremy and Jim

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
☎ +44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Nominations for John C Reynolds Distinguished Dissertation Award

2014-12-16 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
(On behalf of Sue Eisenbach, to whom queries should be addressed. Nomination 
deadline is 4th Jan. My apologies for the short notice. -jg)


Dear all,

If you have a student who has completed an outstanding programming language PhD 
thesis in the academic year 2014, can I recommend that the student be proposed 
for consideration for SIGPLAN’s best PhD award, the John C Reynolds Doctoral 
Dissertation Award?


As a chair of a hiring committee, I know that winning such prizes, and even 
being nominated for such prizes, makes the potential candidate stand out. 

Best wishes,
Professor Susan Eisenbach 
Head, Department of Computing
Imperial College London
Huxley Building
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ, U.K.

Phone:+44-20 7594 8264
Fax:  +44-20 7594 8282
Web:  http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~susan
Email: mailto:s.eisenb...@imperial.ac.uk

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Up to 15 fully-funded doctoral studentships in CS at Oxford

2014-11-17 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Dear all,

My department has just received a big award from Google, which will mostly be 
spent on DPhil student scholarships. The topic is open to anything the dept 
works in, but I would particularly welcome strong students in functional 
programming. Please pass this around to anyone you think might be interested, 
or ask me if you'd like to know more. Thanks!


Following a generous donation by Google, the Department of Computer Science at 
the University of Oxford is delighted to invite applications for up to 15 
fully-funded DPhil (Oxford'ss PhD) studentships tenable from 1st October 2015. 


The University of Oxford is consistently ranked amongst the very best Computer 
Science departments in the world, for both teaching and research. We are 
committed to attracting the world's most talented students and working with 
them to continue the success of the department.

The topics for the studentships are open, but should relate to the interests of 
one of the Department's research areas: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, 
Automated Verification, Computational Biology, Foundations, Logic & Structures, 
Information Systems, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Programming 
Languages, Security, Semantics and Software Engineering.  We also encourage 
applications in cross disciplinary areas such as Linguistics, Biology, Medicine 
and Quantum Foundations & Quantum Computation.

The studentships are for three years and are open to students of any 
nationality.  Each studentship will cover university and college fees with a 
stipend of at least £13,863 per year. Applicants are normally expected to have, 
or be predicted to achieve, a first-class or a strong upper second-class grade 
in either (i) a four-year undergraduate degree (with integrated masters) in a 
relevant subject (or equivalent international qualifications), or (ii) a 
three-year BSc/BA degree followed by excellent (distinction) performance in a 
master's degree in a relevant subject.

Applicants must obtain the support of a potential supervisor in the Department 
prior to submitting their application. Initial contact with supervisors should 
be made at least two weeks prior to the closing date for applications. Informal 
enquiries may be addressed to julie.shepp...@cs.ox.ac.uk and for more 
information please see our webpages (http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/).

Please apply online here  quoting 15-STUD-CS-01 in the studentship reference 

Closing date for applications:  9th January 2015

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] UTP-2014 call for participation

2014-04-16 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

  --- Call For Participation ---

  5th International Symposium on Unifying Theories of Programming

Singapore, 13th May, 2014
   In association with FM 2014


Invited talk: 

  Ian Hayes, University of Queensland 
  Separating concerns of rely and guarantee in concurrent program derivation

Contributed papers: 




About the Symposium:

Interest in the fundamental problem of the combination of formal notations and 
theories of programming has grown consistently in recent years.  The theories 
define, in various different ways, many common notions, such as abstraction, 
refinement, choice, termination, feasibility, locality, concurrency and 
communication.  Despite these differences, such theories may be unified in a 
way which greatly facilitates their study and comparison.  Moreover, such a 
unification offers a means of combining different languages describing various 
facets and artifacts of software development in a seamless, logically 
consistent way.

Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) is widely acknowledged as 
one of the most significant such unification approaches. Based on their 
pioneering work, the aims of the UTP Symposium series are to reaffirm the 
significance of the ongoing UTP project and to stimulate efforts to advance. 
The Symposium provides a focus for the sharing of results by those already 
actively contributing, and raises awareness of the benefits of such unifying 
theoretical frameworks among the wider computer science and software 
engineering communities.

Tutorial on UTP, May 12: 


Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] UTP Symposium: extended submission deadline

2014-01-25 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
*** revised submission deadline ***

   5th International Symposium on Unifying Theories of Programming
 co-located with FM2014
May 12 - 13, 2014


Interest in the fundamental problem of the combination of formal notations and 
theories of programming has grown consistently in recent years.  The theories 
define, in various different ways, many common notions, such as abstraction, 
refinement, choice, termination, feasibility, locality, concurrency and 
communication. Despite these differences, such theories may be unified in a way 
which greatly facilitates their study and comparison.  Moreover, such a 
unification offers a means of combining different languages describing various 
facets and artifacts of software development in a seamless, logically 
consistent way.

Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) is widely acknowledged as 
one of the most significant such unification approaches. Based on their 
pioneering work, the aims of the UTP Symposium series are to reaffirm the 
significance of the ongoing UTP project and to stimulate efforts to advance. 
The Symposium provides a focus for the sharing of results by those already 
actively contributing, and raises awareness of the benefits of such unifying 
theoretical frameworks among the wider computer science and software 
engineering communities.

To this end the Symposium welcomes contributions on all the themes that can be 
related to the Unifying Theories of Programming.


Papers may be up to 20 pages in length and should be prepared using LaTeX in 
Springer LNCS paper format. Submissions should be made through the UTP 2014 
EasyChair site; instructions are athttp://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~pat/UTP2014


Symposium post-proceedings will appear in Springer's Lectures Notes in Computer 
Science, as in past editions of the Symposium. (To be confirmed.)

DATES (revised)

Full paper due:   February 21, 2014
Notification: April 4, 2014
Camera-ready for pre-proceedings: April 25, 2014
Symposium:May 12-13, 2014


David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology)


Jin Song DONG (National University of Singapore)


Bernhard K. Aichernig (Graz University of Technology)
Hugh Anderson (National University of Singapore)
Jonathan P. Bowen (Birmingham City University)
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York)
Andrew Butterfield (Trinity College Dublin)
Leo Freitas (Newcastle University)
Jeremy Gibbons (University of Oxford)
Lindsay Groves (Victoria University of Wellington)
Walter Guttmann (University of Canterbury)
Ian Hayes (University of Queensland)
Jeremy Jacob (University of York)
Zhiming Liu (Birmingham City University)
David Naumann, chair (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Marcel Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte)
Geguang Pu (East China Normal University)
Shengchao Qin (Teesside University)
Georg Struth (University of Sheffield)
Jun Sun (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
Meng Sun (Peking University)
Burkhart Wolff (University of Paris-Sud)
Naijun Zhan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Huibiao Zhu (East China Normal University)


FM 2014, the 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] UTP-2014 Unifying Theories of Programming - call for papers

2014-01-12 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
   5th International Symposium on Unifying Theories of Programming
 co-located with FM2014
May 12 - 13, 2014


Interest in the fundamental problem of the combination of formal notations and 
theories of programming has grown consistently in recent years.  The theories 
define, in various different ways, many common notions, such as abstraction, 
refinement, choice, termination, feasibility, locality, concurrency and 
communication.  Despite these differences, such theories may be unified in a 
way which greatly facilitates their study and comparison.  Moreover, such a 
unification offers a means of combining different languages describing various 
facets and artifacts of software development in a seamless, logically 
consistent way.

Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) is widely acknowledged as 
one of the most significant such unification approaches. Based on their 
pioneering work, the aims of the UTP Symposium series are to reaffirm the 
significance of the ongoing UTP project and to stimulate efforts to advance. 
The Symposium provides a focus for the sharing of results by those already 
actively contributing, and raises awareness of the benefits of such unifying 
theoretical frameworks among the wider computer science and software 
engineering communities.

To this end the Symposium welcomes contributions on all the themes that can be 
related to the Unifying Theories of Programming.


Papers may be up to 20 pages in length and should be prepared using LaTeX in 
Springer LNCS paper format.  Submissions should be made through the UTP 2014 
EasyChair site; instructions are athttp://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~pat/UTP2014


Symposium post-proceedings will appear in Springer's Lectures Notes in Computer 
Science, as in past editions of the Symposium. (To be confirmed.)


Abstract due: January 17, 2014
Full paper due:   January 24, 2014
Notification: March 7, 2014
Camera-ready for pre-proceedings: April 11, 2014
Symposium:May 12-13, 2014


David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology)


Jin Song DONG (National University of Singapore)


Bernhard K. Aichernig (Graz University of Technology)
Hugh Anderson (National University of Singapore)
Jonathan P. Bowen (Birmingham City University)
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York)
Andrew Butterfield (Trinity College Dublin)
Leo Freitas (Newcastle University)
Jeremy Gibbons (University of Oxford)
Lindsay Groves (Victoria University of Wellington)
Walter Guttmann (University of Canterbury)
Ian Hayes (University of Queensland)
Jeremy Jacob (University of York)
Zhiming Liu (Birmingham City University)
David Naumann, chair (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Marcel Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte)
Geguang Pu (East China Normal University)
Shengchao Qin (Teesside University)
Georg Struth (University of Sheffield)
Jun Sun (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
Meng Sun (Peking University)
Burkhart Wolff (University of Paris-Sud)
Naijun Zhan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Huibiao Zhu (East China Normal University)


FM 2014, the 19th International Symposium on Formal Methods

Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Data-Centric Programming (at POPL) - talk proposal deadline extended to 22nd Nov

2013-11-20 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
olicit proposals for contributed talks. Proposals should be at most 2 
pages, in either plain text or PDF format. We plan to allocate 30-minute talk 
slots; but proposals for shorter or longer talks will also be considered. 
Speakers may also submit supplementary material (e.g. a full paper, talk 
slides) if they desire, which PC members are free (but not expected) to read.


Program Chairs

Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research, United States

Program Committee

Soren Auer, University of Bonn, Germany 
Nate Foster, Cornell University, United States
Juliana Freire, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, United States
Erik Meijer, Applied Duality, United States
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany
Don Syme, Microsoft Research Cambridge, United Kingdom
Hadley Wickham, Rice University, United States

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Call for Talk Proposals: Data-Centric Programming, San Diego, Jan 2014

2013-10-13 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
o allocate 30-minute talk 
slots; but proposals for shorter or longer talks will also be considered. 
Speakers may also submit supplementary material (e.g. a full paper, talk 
slides) if they desire, which PC members are free (but not expected) to read.


Program Chairs

Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research, United States

Program Committee (others to be confirmed)

Soren Auer, University of Leipzig, Germany 
Nate Foster, Cornell University, United States
Juliana Freire, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, United States
Erik Meijer, Applied Duality, United States
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz, Germany
Don Syme, Microsoft Research Cambridge, United Kingdom

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Oberwolfach Seminar on Mathematics for Scientific Programming

2013-09-05 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
Call for Participation


Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach
24th to 30th November 2013


Computational science today depends crucially on simulations, which are 
typically based on algorithms that have a sound mathematical justification.  
For example, an iterative procedure such as Newton's method is motivated by 
appealing to the properties of twice continuously differentiable functions and 
their Taylor expansion, which also yield convergence conditions and 
approximation estimates.

These algorithms are then implemented on a computer, using a programming 
language such as Fortran or C++.  Often, the implementation will introduce new 
computational steps and otherwise modify the structure of the mathematical 
algorithm - for handling or reducing round-off errors, enabling more efficient 
memory access, exploiting parallelization, and so on.  As a result, the final 
implementation usually looks very different from the mathematical algorithm, 
and the justification given for the latter does not directly extend to the 
former.  But if we are to ensure the correctness of simulations, we need 
mathematical certainty for both.

We aim to bring to the scientific programming community mathematical techniques 
that allow us to achieve the transition from mathematical algorithm to 
efficient implementation in a principled manner, with each step motivated by 
the application of a mathematical theorem. The intended participants are 
students and researchers in computational science (including areas such as 
engineering, biology, and economics), and any scientists dissatisfied with 
state of the art in transforming mathematics into code. They will be equipped 
subsequently to make a significant contribution to increasing the correctness 
of the simulations that play such an important role in current scientific 


This rigorous approach to programming is most easily presented in the framework 
of functional programming: program calculation can be reduced to 
straightforward equational reasoning, provided that all program variables are 
immutable.  Accordingly, we will introduce the basic syntax and ideas using 
Haskell, currently the one of the most successful functional programming 
languages.  The emphasis is not on functional programming as such, and even 
less so on a specific language such as Haskell; but rather, on the mathematics 
behind program development, which can then be transferred to other contexts, 
such as imperative programming, or parallel programming.

This mathematical foundation lies in category theory, which unifies what could 
otherwise appear as a large collection of "bite-sized" theorems for program 
development, too many for any developer to remember and use efficiently.  
Category theory is a broad subject: we will limit ourselves to what is 
essential as a framework for datatypes and programs (functors, universal 
properties, algebras, monads). The many examples, such as fusion (loop 
elimination), optimal bracketing (important for non-associative operations such 
as those on floating-point numbers), or parallel programming skeletons (such as 
Google's MapReduce), will be readily understandable and relevant to scientific 
computing practitioners.

One of the most effective ways to counter floating-point errors and to obtain 
validated results is to use interval analysis, which however requires more 
complex data structures and algorithms than is common in other areas of 
scientific computation.  Extending a function on real or floating-point numbers 
to one on intervals is a matter of symbolic computation, similar to the 
symbolic differentiation or integration that is performed by tools such as 
Mathematica.  The problem of obtaining the best extension is complicated by the 
fact that some familiar properties (such as that x-x=0 for any x, and 
distributivity of multiplication over addition) do not apply to intervals, and 
is a good source of examples for calculational programming.

Finally, we will present a larger application, a generic program for 
inter-temporal optimization with dynamic programming.  This kind of problem is 
ubiquitous in economic modeling, and hence in many integrated assessment 
models, such as those aiming to compute costs of climate change. It has both 
algebraic aspects (the organization of the computation for backward induction), 
which can be tackled with the categorical methods presented, and numerical ones 
(the local optimization techniques), where interval analysis can be used.

The Seminar is organized by:

* Paul Flondor, Professor of Mathematics at Politehnica University Bucharest
* Jeremy Gibbons, Professor of Computing at the University of Oxford
* Cezar Ionescu, researcher at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

[Haskell] FHIES 2013 Call for Participation

2013-07-11 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
International Food, Nutrition and Lifestyle Guidelines for Use in Mobile 
ICT-Based Applications for HIV/AIDS Therapy Management"

* Zhiming Liu, Nafees Qamar and Jie Qian
  "Assessing the Effectiveness of De-identification Tools for Medical Data"


General chairs:

* Zhiming Liu, United Nations University, MO
* Jens Weber, University of Victoria, CA

Programme chairs:

* Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
* Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University, CA

Programme committee:

* Ime Asangansi, University of Oslo, NO
* Tom Broens, Mobihealth, NL
* Lori Clarke, University of Massachusetts, US
* David Clifton, University of Oxford, UK
* Gerry Douglas, University of Pittsburgh, US
* Johannes Faber, IIST, United Nations University, MO
* Jozef Hooman, Embedded Systems Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
* Michaela Huhn, Technische Universität Clausthal, DE
* Shinsako Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc, JP
* Craig Kuziemsky, University of Ottawa, CA
* Yngve Lamo, Bergen University College, NO
* Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, US
* Orlando Loques, Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, BR
* Gilbert Maiga, Makerere University, UG
* Dominique Mery, Université de Lorraine, LORIA, FR
* Deshendran Moodley, University of KwaZulu-Natal, ZA
* Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, LU
* Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, DE
* Ita Richardson, Lero, University of Limerick, IE
* David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Christopher Seebregts, Jembi Health Systems / Medical Research Council, ZA
* Bo Song, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, CN
* Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, CA

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES 2013) - extended submission deadline

2013-05-03 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
 be peer-reviewed by at 
least three program committee members.  Papers should be submitted via 
EasyChair, at


Submission constitutes a commitment for at least one author to attend the 
symposium and present the paper, if it is accepted.


All accepted submissions will be distributed in a technical report at the 
Symposium. After the event, postproceedings will be published in Springer LNCS. 
Authors of all accepted full submissions will be invited to revise their 
papers, in order to resolve any larger issues raised during reviewing. Authors 
of accepted short submissions will be invited to submit full papers for review 
and LNCS publication too.  In addition, a special issue of a suitable journal 
is planned, focusing on the overall objectives of FHIES: this will have an open 
call for contributions.


Submission deadline: extended to May 20th
Notification of acceptance: June 12th
Delivery of preproceedings version: July 17th
Symposium: August 21st-23rd
Submission for postproceedings review: October 4th
Notification of acceptance: October 11th
Camera ready version: October 18th
Publication of proceedings: December 23rd


General chairs:

* Zhiming Liu, United Nations University, MO
* Jens Weber, University of Victoria, CA

Programme chairs:

* Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
* Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University, CA

Programme committee:

* Ime Asangansi, University of Oslo, NO
* Tom Broens, Mobihealth, NL
* Lori Clarke, University of Massachusetts, US
* David Clifton, University of Oxford, UK
* Gerry Douglas, University of Pittsburgh, US
* Johannes Faber, IIST, United Nations University, MO
* Jozef Hooman, Embedded Systems Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
* Michaela Huhn, Technische Universität Clausthal, DE
* Shinsako Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc, JP
* Craig Kuziemsky, University of Ottawa, CA
* Yngve Lamo, Bergen University College, NO
* Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, US
* Orlando Loques, Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, BR
* Gilbert Maiga, Makerere University, UG
* Dominique Mery, Université de Lorraine, LORIA, FR
* Deshendran Moodley, University of KwaZulu-Natal, ZA
* Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, LU
* Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, DE
* Ita Richardson, Lero, University of Limerick, IE
* David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Christopher Seebregts, Jembi Health Systems / Medical Research Council, ZA
* Bo Song, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, CN
* Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, CA

Keynote speakers:

* Joe Cafazzo, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, CA
* Jane Liu, Academia Sinica, TW
* Bill Thies, Microsoft Research, IN

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES 2013) - final call for papers

2013-04-12 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
, if it is accepted.


All accepted submissions will be distributed in a technical report at the 
Symposium. After the event, postproceedings will be published in Springer LNCS. 
Authors of all accepted full submissions will be invited to revise their 
papers, in order to resolve any larger issues raised during reviewing. Authors 
of accepted short submissions will be invited to submit full papers for review 
and LNCS publication too.  In addition, a special issue of a suitable journal 
is planned, focusing on the overall objectives of FHIES: this will have an open 
call for contributions.


Intention to submit: April 29th
Submission deadline: May 6th
Notification of acceptance: June 12th
Delivery of preproceedings version: July 17th
Symposium: August 21st-23rd
Submission for postproceedings review: October 4th
Notification of acceptance: October 11th
Camera ready version: October 18th
Publication of proceedings: December 23rd


General chairs:

* Zhiming Liu, United Nations University, MO
* Jens Weber, University of Victoria, CA

Programme chairs:

* Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
* Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University, CA

Programme committee:

* Ime Asangansi, University of Oslo, NO
* Tom Broens, Mobihealth, NL
* Lori Clarke, University of Massachusetts, US
* David Clifton, University of Oxford, UK
* Gerry Douglas, University of Pittsburgh, US
* Johannes Faber, IIST, United Nations University, MO
* Jozef Hooman, Embedded Systems Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
* Michaela Huhn, Technische Universität Clausthal, DE
* Shinsako Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc, JP
* Craig Kuziemsky, University of Ottawa, CA
* Yngve Lamo, Bergen University College, NO
* Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, US
* Orlando Loques, Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, BR
* Gilbert Maiga, Makerere University, UG
* Dominique Mery, Université de Lorraine, LORIA, FR
* Deshendran Moodley, University of KwaZulu-Natal, ZA
* Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, LU
* Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, DE
* Ita Richardson, Lero, University of Limerick, IE
* David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Christopher Seebregts, Jembi Health Systems / Medical Research Council, ZA
* Bo Song, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, CN
* Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, CA

Keynote speakers:

* Joe Cafazzo, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, CA
* Jane Liu, Academia Sinica, TW
* Bill Thies, Microsoft Research, IN

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Research Assistantship at Oxford on Bidirectional Transformations

2013-03-04 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
Postdoctoral Research Assistant 
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford

Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship on an EPSRC-funded project 
"A Theory of Least-Change for Bidirectional Transformations". The project is a 
collaboration between Professor Jeremy Gibbons in the Department of Computer 
Science, University of Oxford, and Dr Perdita Stevens and Dr James Cheney in 
the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. 

The project concerns bidirectional transformations, which are a means of 
maintaining consistency between multiple information sources: when one source 
is edited, the others may need updating to restore consistency. There are 
applications in model-driven engineering, database design, and program 
development, among others.  A bidirectional transformation can be implemented 
in terms of several unidirectional restoring functions, one per source; but 
this duplicates information, wasting effort and risking inconsistencies. 
Bidirectional transformation languages allow one to describe the consistency 
relationship and the restoring functions with a single declarative 

Our aim in this project is to study the principle of least change: that a 
bidirectional transformation should not make unnecessary or unnecessarily large 
changes when it re-establishes consistency. The primary focus of the Oxford 
contribution is the development of a theory of alignment for bidirectional 
transformations on structured data, especially in the case of non-free 
datatypes such as associative lists and graphs. We conjecture that the 
mathematics of container datatypes and combinatorial species will be 
particularly relevant.

The Fellowship will be under the supervision of Professor Jeremy Gibbons at
Oxford, and is available for three years from 31st August 2013 (or any time
before that). The salary is on a standard scale, from £29,541 to £36,298
per annum. For further details, including a job description and information
on how to apply, please see the webpage 
(http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/news/619-full.html). If you have any questions, please 
write to me (jeremy.gibb...@cs.ox.ac.uk). Please pass this advert on to anyone 
you think may be interested.


Oxford University Department of Computer Science,
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
+44 1865 283521

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems (FHIES 2013) - call for papers

2013-02-11 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

All accepted submissions will be distributed in a technical report at
the Symposium. After the event, postproceedings will be published in
Springer LNCS. Authors of all accepted full submissions will be
invited to revise their papers, in order to resolve any larger issues
raised during reviewing. Authors of accepted short submissions will be
invited to submit full papers for review and LNCS publication too.  In
addition, a special issue of a suitable journal is planned, focusing
on the overall objectives of FHIES: this will have an open call for


Intention to submit:April 29th
Submission deadline:May 6th
Notification of acceptance: June 12th
Delivery of preproceedings version: July 17th
Symposium:  August 21st-23rd
Submission for postproceedings review:  October 4th
Notification of acceptance: October 11th
Camera ready version:   October 18th
Publication of proceedings: December 23rd


General chairs:

* Zhiming Liu, United Nations University, MO
* Jens Weber, University of Victoria, CA

Programme chairs:

* Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
* Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University, CA

For the Programme Committee, see the website.

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Three University Lectureships in Software Engineering at Oxford

2013-01-07 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
University of Oxford Department of Computer Science in association with Kellogg 
College, Oxford


The Department of Computer Science proposes to appoint three University 
Lecturers in Computer Science from 1st April 2013 and no later than 1st October 
2013.  The successful candidate will be offered a Non-Tutorial Fellowship at 
Kellogg College under arrangements described in Further Particulars.  The 
salary will be on a scale currently up to £57,581 per annum.

The teaching duties of the appointees will be performed for the Software 
Engineering Programme, which offers part-time MScs in Software Engineering and 
Software and Systems Security, taught via a series of intensive one-week 
modules. The research interests of candidates should be in any area of Software 
Engineering or Computer Science relevant to these programmes.

Applicants should hold a relevant PhD and have experience in any area which 
broadens the activities of the Software Engineering Programme 
(http://www.softeng.ox.ac.uk/). Full details of the qualifications required and 
the duties of the post can be found in the Further Particulars 

The closing date for applications is Friday 8th February 2013.

Queries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to Elizabeth 
Walsh at elizabeth.wa...@cs.ox.ac.uk or telephone: +44 (0) 1865 283503. 
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic 
candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. The 
University is an Equal Opportunities Employer. 

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] University Lectureship in Computer Science (Software Engineering) at Oxford

2012-11-27 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
University of Oxford Department of Computer Science in association with Kellogg 
College, Oxford


The Department of Computer Science proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in 
Computer Science from 1st March 2013 and no later than 1st October 2013.  The 
successful candidate will be offered a Non-Tutorial Fellowship at Kellogg 
College under arrangements described in Further Particulars.  The salary will 
be on a scale currently up to £57,581 per annum.

Applicants should hold a relevant PhD and have experience in any area which 
broadens the activities of the Software Engineering Programme 
(http://www.softeng.ox.ac.uk/). Full details of the qualifications required and 
the duties of the post can be found in the Further Particulars 

The closing date for applications is Thursday 27th December, 2012.

Queries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to Elizabeth 
Walsh at elizabeth.wa...@cs.ox.ac.uk or telephone: +44 (0) 1865 283503.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic 
candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. The 
University is an Equal Opportunities Employer. 

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Departmental Lectureship vacancy in Software Engineering Programme, University of Oxford

2012-08-07 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
[I sent this announcement a few hours ago, but I'm afraid that the URL for the 
further details was incorrect. Corrected version attached. My apologies for the 
annoyance. -jg]

We have a vacancy in the Software Engineering Programme for a Departmental 
Lecturer, for a fixed term of four years from 1st December or as soon as 
possible thereafter. The SEP offers part-time professional education to 
practitioners in industry; there are two MSc degrees, one in Software 
Engineering and one in Software and Systems Security.  

The main responsibility is to teach or assist on courses in core subject areas 
such as object-oriented programming and design, software testing, model-driven 
engineering, and data representation and retrieval. The post is intended as a 
career development position for a junior academic; applicants should have or be 
just about to complete a doctoral degree in computer science or software 
engineering, and the contract will not be renewable after the four years.

You can read more about the SEP at


The full details of the position are here:


The application closing date is 21st September. 

Please feel free to write to me if you have any queries.

Jeremy Gibbons
Professor of Computing
Director of Software Engineering Programme

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Departmental Lectureship vacancy in Software Engineering Programme, University of Oxford

2012-08-07 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
We have a vacancy in the Software Engineering Programme for a Departmental 
Lecturer, for a fixed term of four years from 1st December or as soon as 
possible thereafter. The SEP offers part-time professional education to 
practitioners in industry; there are two MSc degrees, one in Software 
Engineering and one in Software and Systems Security.  

The main responsibility is to teach or assist on courses in core subject areas 
such as object-oriented programming and design, software testing, model-driven 
engineering, and data representation and retrieval. The post is intended as a 
career development position for a junior academic; applicants should have or be 
just about to complete a doctoral degree in computer science or software 
engineering, and the contract will not be renewable after the four years.

You can read more about the SEP at


The full details of the position are here:


The application closing date is 21st September. 

Please feel free to write to me if you have any queries.

Jeremy Gibbons
Professor of Computing
Director of Software Engineering Programme

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] MPC2012 Call for Participation

2012-05-23 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2012)
Madrid, Spain, 25-27 June 2012


Hotel rooms reserved until:  *** 30th May 2012 ***
Early registration deadline: *** 6th June 2012 ***


The biennial MPC conferences aim to promote the development of
mathematical principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical
and effective in the process of constructing computer programs,
broadly interpreted. The 2012 MPC conference will be held in Madrid,
Spain, from 25th to 27th June 2012.


The conference will take place in Madrid, the capital of Spain, in the
Sala de Grados of the Facultad de Informática of Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, right in Madrid's Ciudad Universitaria (city
campus), not far from the city centre and other major tourist
attractions. Accommodation has been reserved in a nearby 4-star hotel,
the VP Jardin Metropolitano.


Conference registration is now open; see


Registration fees have been kept low thanks to a grant from the
Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. The early
registration fee is €240, which includes lunches, coffees, and social
events.  The early registration deadline is 6th June 2012; after this
point, the registration fee rises to €340.

Hotel reservation is handled separately; see


We have a block booking of rooms at the conference hotel at a special
reduced rate, but only until 30th May 2012; after this point, the
rooms will be released and the special rate unavailable.  (There are
few well-connected budget hotels in the area, and June marks the start
of Spain's tourist season with a sharp rise in hotel rates; so we
strongly advise you to meet this hotel registration deadline.)


   * Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute 
 "Probabilistic Relational Hoare Logics for Computer-Aided Security Proofs"

   * Dan Ghica, University of Birmingham (http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~drg/)
 "The Geometry of Synthesis: How to Make Hardware out of Software"

   * Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research 
 "The Laws of Programming Unify Process Calculi"


   * "Scheduler-Independent Declassification"
 Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner

   * "Elementary Probability Theory in the Eindhoven Style"
 Carroll Morgan

   * "Scheduling and Buffer Sizing of n-Synchronous Systems: Typing of 
Ultimately Periodic Clocks in Lucy-n"
 Louis Mandel and Florence Plateau

   * "Deriving Real-Time Action Systems Controllers from Multiscale System 
 Brijesh Dongol and Ian J. Hayes

   * "Calculating Graph Algorithms for Dominance and Shortest Path"
 Ilya Sergey, Jan Midtgaard and Dave Clarke

   * "First-Past-the-Post Games"
 Roland Backhouse

   * "Reverse Exchange for Concurrency and Local Reasoning"
 Han-Hing Dang and Bernhard Möller

   * "Unifying Correctness Statements"
 Walter Guttmann

   * "Dependently Typed Programming based on Automated Theorem Proving"
 Alasdair Armstrong, Simon Foster and Georg Struth

   * "An Algebraic Calculus of Database Preferences"
 Bernhard Möller, Patrick Roocks and Markus Endres

   * "Modular Tree Automata"
 Patrick Bahr

   * "Constructing Applicative Functors"
 Ross Paterson

   * "Kan Extensions for Program Optimisation, Or: Art and Dan Explain an Old 
 Ralf Hinze


The conference excursion will be a guided tour of Madrid's Royal Palace.
The banquet will be Northern Spanish cuisine at the Sidreria-Asador Gaztemanu.


Jeremy Gibbons   University of Oxford, UK (co-chair)
Pablo Nogueira   Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES (co-chair)

Ralph Back   Åbo Akademi, FI
Roland Backhouse University of Nottingham, UK
Eerke Boiten University of Kent, UK
William Cook University of Texas at Austin, US
Jules Desharnais Université Laval, CA
Lindsay Groves   Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Ian HayesUniversity of Queensland, AU
Ralf Hinze   University of Oxford, UK
Graham HuttonUniversity of Nottingham, UK
Johan JeuringUtrecht Universiteit, NL
Christian Lengauer   Universität Passau, DE
Larissa Meinicke University of Queensland, AU
Bernhard Möller  Universität Augsburg, DE
Carroll Morgan   University of New South Wales, AU
Shin-Cheng MuAcademia Sinica, TW
Dave Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, US
Jose Oliveira  

[Haskell] Mathematics of Program Construction: Second Call for Papers

2011-12-15 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2012)
Madrid, Spain, 25-27 June 2012


The biennial MPC conferences aim to promote the development of mathematical
principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical and effective in the
process of constructing computer programs, broadly interpreted.

The 2012 MPC conference will be held in Madrid, Spain, from 25th to 27th June
2012.  The previous conferences were held in Twente, The Netherlands (1989),
Oxford, UK (1992), Kloster Irsee, Germany (1995), Marstrand, Sweden (1998),
Ponte de Lima, Portugal (2000), Dagstuhl, Germany (2002), Stirling, UK (2004,
colocated with AMAST), Kuressaare, Estonia (2006, colocated with AMAST),
Marseille, France (2008), and Québec City, Canada (2010, colocated with


Papers are solicited on mathematical methods and tools put to use in program
construction. Topics of interest range from algorithmics to support for
program construction in programming languages and systems. The notion of
"program" is broad, from algorithms to hardware.  Some typical areas are type
systems, program analysis and transformation, programming-language semantics,
security, and program logics. Theoretical contributions are welcome, provided
that their relevance to program construction is clear. Reports on applications
are welcome, provided that their mathematical basis is evident.


   * Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute 
   * Dan Ghica, University of Birmingham (http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~drg/)
   * Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research 


   * Submission of abstracts   09 January 2012
   * Submission of full papers 16 January 2012
   * Notification to authors:  19 March 2012
   * Final version:16 April 2012


Submission is in two stages. Abstracts (plain text, 10 to 20 lines) must be
submitted by 09 January 2012. Full papers (pdf) adhering to the LaTeX llncs
style must be submitted by 16 January 2012. There is no official page limit,
but authors should strive for brevity. The web-based system EasyChair will be
used for submission (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mpc2012).

Papers must report previously unpublished work, and not be submitted
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. Accepted papers
must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Please feel free to
write to mpc2...@easychair.org with any questions about academic matters.

The proceedings of MPC 2012 will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series, as have all the previous editions. Authors
of accepted papers will be expected to transfer copyright to Springer for this
purpose. After the conference, we plan that the authors of the best papers
will be invited to submit revised versions to a special issue of the Elsevier
journal Science of Computer Programming.


Jeremy Gibbons   University of Oxford, UK (co-chair)
Pablo Nogueira   Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES (co-chair)

Ralph Back   Åbo Akademi, FI
Roland Backhouse University of Nottingham, UK
Eerke Boiten University of Kent, UK
William Cook University of Texas at Austin, US
Jules Desharnais Université Laval, CA
Lindsay Groves   Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Ian HayesUniversity of Queensland, AU
Ralf Hinze   University of Oxford, UK
Graham HuttonUniversity of Nottingham, UK
Johan JeuringUtrecht Universiteit, NL
Christian Lengauer   Universität Passau, DE
Larissa Meinicke Macquarie University, AU
Bernhard Möller  Universität Augsburg, DE
Carroll Morgan   University of New South Wales, AU
Shin-Cheng MuAcademia Sinica, TW
Dave Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, US
Jose OliveiraUniversidade do Minho, PT
Steve Reeves University of Waikato, NZ
Wouter Swierstra Radboud Universiteit, NL
Anya Tafliovich  University of Toronto Scarborough, CA


The conference will take place in Madrid, the capital of Spain, in the
Facultad de Medicina of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The Faculty of
Medicine is located in Madrid's Ciudad Universitaria (city campus), not far
from the city centre and other major tourist attractions. Accommodation has
been reserved in a nearby hotel.


Pablo Nogueira   Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ricardo Peña Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Alvaro GarcíaIMDEA Software Institute and Universidad Politécnica 
de Madrid
Manuel MontenegroUniversidad Complutense de Madrid

For queries about local matters

[Haskell] Mathematics of Program Construction - first call for papers

2011-09-07 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2012)
Madrid, Spain, 25-27 June 2012


The biennial MPC conferences aim to promote the development of mathematical 
principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical and effective in the 
process of constructing computer programs, broadly interpreted.

The 2012 MPC conference will be held in Madrid, Spain, from 25th to 27th June 
2012.  The previous conferences were held in Twente, The Netherlands (1989), 
Oxford, UK (1992), Kloster Irsee, Germany (1995), Marstrand, Sweden (1998), 
Ponte de Lima, Portugal (2000), Dagstuhl, Germany (2002), Stirling, UK (2004, 
colocated with AMAST), Kuressaare, Estonia (2006, colocated with AMAST), 
Marseille, France (2008), and Québec City, Canada (2010, colocated with AMAST).


Papers are solicited on mathematical methods and tools put to use in program 
construction. Topics of interest range from algorithmics to support for program 
construction in programming languages and systems. The notion of "program" is 
broad, from algorithms to hardware.  Some typical areas are type systems, 
program analysis and transformation, programming-language semantics, security, 
and program logics. Theoretical contributions are welcome, provided that their 
relevance to program construction is clear. Reports on applications are 
welcome, provided that their mathematical basis is evident.


To be arranged.


   * Submission of abstracts   09 January 2012
   * Submission of full papers 16 January 2012
   * Notification to authors:  19 March 2012
   * Final version:16 April 2012


Submission is in two stages. Abstracts (plain text, 10 to 20 lines) must be 
submitted by 09 January 2012. Full papers (pdf) adhering to the LaTeX llncs 
style must be submitted by 16 January 2012. There is no official page limit, 
but authors should strive for brevity. The web-based system EasyChair will be 
used for submission (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mpc2012).

Papers must report previously unpublished work, and not be submitted 
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. Accepted papers 
must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Please feel free to 
write to mpc2...@easychair.org with any questions about academic matters.

The proceedings of MPC 2012 will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science series, as have all the previous editions. Authors of 
accepted papers will be expected to transfer copyright to Springer for this 
purpose. After the conference, we plan that the authors of the best papers will 
be invited to submit revised versions to a special issue of the Elsevier 
journal Science of Computer Programming.


Jeremy Gibbons   University of Oxford, UK (co-chair)
Pablo Nogueira   Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES (co-chair)

Ralph Back   Åbo Akademi, FI
Roland Backhouse University of Nottingham, UK
Eerke Boiten University of Kent, UK
William Cook University of Texas at Austin, US
Jules Desharnais Université Laval, CA
Lindsay Groves   Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Ian HayesUniversity of Queensland, AU
Ralf Hinze   University of Oxford, UK
Graham HuttonUniversity of Nottingham, UK
Johan JeuringUtrecht Universiteit, NL
Christian Lengauer   Universität Passau, DE
Larissa Meinicke Macquarie University, AU
Bernhard Möller  Universität Augsburg, DE
Carroll Morgan   University of New South Wales, AU
Shin-Cheng MuAcademia Sinica, TW
Dave Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, US
Jose OliveiraUniversidade do Minho, PT
Steve Reeves University of Waikato, NZ
Wouter Swierstra Radboud Universiteit, NL
Anya Tafliovich  University of Toronto Scarborough, CA


The conference will take place in Madrid, the capital of Spain, in the Facultad 
de Medicina of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The Faculty of Medicine is 
located in Madrid's Ciudad Universitaria (city campus), not far from the city 
centre and other major tourist attractions. Accommodation will be available in 
nearby hotels.


Pablo Nogueira   Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ricardo Peña Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Alvaro GarcíaIMDEA Software Institute and Universidad Politécnica 
de Madrid
Manuel MontenegroUniversidad Complutense de Madrid

For queries about local matters, please write to pa...@babel.ls.fi.upm.es.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] select(2) or poll(2)-like function?

2011-04-18 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

Please can this discussion be moved to haskell-cafe?



On 18 Apr 2011, at 12:55, Mike Meyer wrote:

On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 12:56:39 +0200
Ertugrul Soeylemez  wrote:

Mike Meyer  wrote:

On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 11:07:58 +0200
Johan Tibell  wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Mike Meyer  wrote:

I always looked at it the other way 'round: threading is a hack to
deal with system inadequacies like poor shared memory performance
or an inability to get events from critical file types.

Real processes and event-driven programming provide a more robust,
understandable and scalable solutions.

We need to keep two things separate: threads as a way to achieve
concurrency and as a way to achieve parallelism [1].

Absolutely. Especially because you shouldn't have to deal with
concurrency if all you want is parallelism. Your reference [1]  
why this is the case quite nicely (and is essentially the  
argument for

"understandable" in my claim above).

You also don't need Emacs/Vim, if all you want is to write a simple
plain text file.  There is nothing wrong with concurrency, because  

are confusing the high level model with the low level implementation.
Concurrency is nothing but a design pattern, and GHC shows that a  

level design pattern can be mapped to efficient low level code.

Possibly true. The question is - can it be mapped to a design that's
as robust and scalable as the ones I'm used to working on?

In Haskell you should not use explicit, manual OS threading/ 
forking for

the same reason you shouldn't write machine code manually.

That's a good thing - providing it doesn't compromise robustness and

It's useful to use non-determinism (i.e. concurrency) to model a
server processing multiple requests. Since requests are independent
and shouldn't impact each other we'd like to model them as
such. This implies some level of concurrency (whether using threads
and processes).

But because the requests are independent, you don't need concurrency
in this case - parallelism is sufficient.
Perhaps Haskell is the wrong language for you.  How about  
programming in

C/C++?  I think you want more control over low level resources than
Haskell gives you.  But I suggest having a closer look at  

Personally, I don't want to have to worry about low-level resources,
or even concurrency. Having to do so feels to much like having to
explicitly allocate and free memory, or worry about register
allocations. But if I have to do those things to get robustness and
scalability until the languages start being able to deal with it, then
I need the RTS to get out of the way and let me do my job.

If I'm using a value that needs protection from concurrent access
without providing that protection, I want the system give me an
error. At run-time is acceptable, but compile time is better. I want
the system to make sure the concurrent protection mechanisms work
properly - no deadlocks, no stuck process, etc - without my having to
do anything but indicate which values need such protection.

The unix process model works quite well. Compared to a threaded  
this is more robust (if a process breaks, you can kill and  
restart it

without affecting other processes, whereas if a thread breaks,
restarting the process and all the threads in it is the only safe
option) and scalable (you're already doing ipc, so moving processes
onto more systems is easy, and trivial if you design for it). The
events handled by a single process are simple enough that your
callback/event spaghetti can line up in nice, straight strands.
When writing concurrent code you don't care about how the RTS maps  
it to

processes and threads.  GHC chose threads, probably because they are
faster to create/kill and consume less memory.  But this is an
implementation detail the Haskell developer should not have to worry

So - what happens when a thread fails for some reason? I'm used to
dealing with systems that run 7x24 for weeks or even months on
end. Hardware hiccups, network failures, bogus input, hung clients,
etc. are all just facts of life. I need the system to keep running
properly in the face of all those, and I need them to disrupt the
world as little as possible.

Given that the RTS has taken control over this stuff, I sort of expect
it to take care of noticing a dead process and restarting it as
well. All of which is fine by me.

We don't need to do this. We can keep a concurrent programming  

and get the execution efficiency of an event driven model. This is
what GHC's I/O manager achieves. On top of that we also get
parallelism for free. Another way to look at it is that GHC  

the scheduler (using a thread for the event loop and a separate
worker pool) that you end up writing manually in event driven

So my question is - can I still get the robustness/scalability
features I get from the unix process model usin

[Haskell] Haskell 2010 Call for Participation

2010-08-26 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
 Haskell 2010

  ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2010
 Baltimore MD, United States
 30th September, 2010



   The ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2010 will take place on Thursday
   30th September, co-located with the 2010 International Conference
   on Functional Programming (ICFP), in Baltimore, Maryland. The early
   registration deadline is 30th August.

Accepted Papers

  "A generic deriving mechanism for Haskell",
José Pedro Magalhães, Atze Dijkstra, Johan Jeuring and Andres Löh.   

  "Hoopl: A Modular, Reusable Library for Dataflow Analysis and Transformation",
Norman Ramsey, João Dias and Simon Peyton Jones. 

  "A Systematic Derivation of the STG Machine Verified in Coq",
Maciej Pirog and Dariusz Biernacki.

  "Species and Functors and Types, Oh My!",
Brent Yorgey.

  "Experience Report: Using Hackage to Inform Language Design",
J. Garrett Morris.

  "Concurrent Orchestration in Haskell",
John Launchbury and Trevor Elliott.

  "Scalable Event Handling for GHC",
Bryan O'Sullivan and Johan Tibell.

  "Seq no more: Better Strategies for Parallel Haskell",
Simon Marlow, Patrick Maier, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Mustafa Aswad and Phil 

  "The performance of Haskell containers package",
Milan Straka.

  "Nikola: Embedding Compiled GPU Functions in Haskell",
Geoffrey Mainland and Greg Morrisett.

  "An LLVM Backend For GHC",
David Terei and Manuel Chakravarty.

  "Supercompilation by Evaluation",
Max Bolingbroke and Simon Peyton Jones.

  "Exchanging Sources Between Clean and Haskell - A Double-Edged Front End for 
the Clean Compiler",
John van Groningen, Thomas van Noort, Peter Achten, Pieter Koopman and 
Rinus Plasmeijer.

  "Invertible syntax descriptions: Unifying parsing and pretty printing",
Tillmann Rendel and Klaus Ostermann.


 * http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium, 
   the permanent homepage of the Haskell Symposium.
 * http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium/2010, 
   the 2010 Haskell Symposium web page.
 * http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2010, 
   the ICFP 2010 web page.
 * https://regmaster3.com/2010conf/ICFP10/register.php
   the ICFP (including Haskell Symposium) registration page.

Programme Committee

 * Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford (chair)
 * James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
 * Duncan Coutts, Well-Typed LLP
 * Sharon Curtis, Oxford Brookes University
 * Fritz Henglein, Kobenhavns Universitet
 * Tom Schrijvers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
 * Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
 * Martin Sulzmann, Informatik Consulting Systems AG
 * Wouter Swierstra, Vector Fabrics
 * Peter Thiemann, Universitaet Freiburg
 * Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University
 * Malcolm Wallace, Standard Chartered Bank

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Fully-funded PhD in programming languages at Oxford

2010-06-17 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

I have just obtained funding for a DPhil studentship at Oxford.  The
studentship is open in terms of topic; I would welcome applications
for research in any of my areas of interest. These include:

  functional programming
  generic programming
  dependent types
  design patterns
  model-driven development

For more information about topics, please visit my web page


or discuss with me. 

The successful candidate will have a good bachelor's or master's
degree in CS, and a strong background in the principles of programming
languages.  The funding covers stipend, fees (at the home/EU rate),
equipment, and travel, and is for three and a half years from October
2010 (or as soon as possible after that).

Please do contact me with any questions, and in any case before
applying.  Please also pass this note on to anyone who might be

jeremy.gibb...@comlab.ox.ac.uk, Deputy Director
  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 283531
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Final Call for Papers: Haskell Symposium 2010

2010-06-04 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
 Haskell 2010

  ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2010
 Baltimore MD, United States
 30th September, 2010



   The ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2010 will be co-located with the
   2010 International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), in
   Baltimore, Maryland.

   The purpose of the Haskell Symposium is to discuss experiences with
   Haskell and future developments for the language. The scope of the
   symposium includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory,
   application, implementation, and teaching of Haskell.

   Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 * Language Design, with a focus on possible extensions and
   modifications of Haskell as well as critical discussions of the
   status quo;

 * Theory, such as formal treatments of the semantics of the present
   language or future extensions, type systems, and foundations
   for program analysis and transformation;

 * Implementations, including program analysis and transformation,
   static and dynamic compilation for sequential, parallel, and
   distributed architectures, memory management as well as foreign
   function and component interfaces;

 * Tools, in the form of profilers, tracers, debuggers,
   pre-processors, and suchlike;

 * Functional Pearls, being elegant, instructive examples of using

 * Applications, Practice, and Experience, using Haskell for
   scientific and symbolic computing, database, multimedia and Web
   applications, and so forth, as well as general experience with
   Haskell in education and industry.

   Papers in the latter two categories need not necessarily report
   original research results; they may instead, for example, report
   practical experience that will be useful to others, reusable
   programming idioms, or elegant new ways of approaching a
   problem. (More advice appears on the symposium webpage.)  
   The key criterion for such a paper is that it makes a
   contribution from which other Haskellers can benefit. It is not
   enough simply to describe a program!

   Before 2008, the Haskell Symposium was known as the Haskell
   Workshop.  The name change reflects both the steady increase of
   influence of the Haskell Workshop on the wider community, as well as
   the increasing number of high quality submissions. The selection
   process is highly competitive.  After eleven Haskell Workshops
   between 1995 and 2007, the first Haskell Symposium was held in
   Victoria in 2008, and the second in Edinburgh in 2009.

Submission Details

 * Submission Deadline: Monday, 14th June 2010, 15:00 UTC
 * Author Notification: Monday, 12th July 2010
 * Final Papers Due   : Monday, 2nd August 2010

   Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF),
   formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines
   (http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm). The text
   should be in a 9pt font in two columns; the length is restricted to
   12 pages, except for "Applications, Practice, and Experience"
   papers, which are restricted to 6 pages. Each submission must
   adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as explained on the web.
   Violation risks summary rejection of the offending submission.
   Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
   ACM Digital Library.

   In addition, we solicit proposals for system demonstrations, based
   on running (perhaps prototype) software rather than necessarily on
   novel research results. Proposals are limited to 2-page abstracts,
   in the same ACM format as papers, and should explain why a
   demonstration would be of interest to the Haskell community. They
   will be assessed for relevance by the PC; accepted proposals will
   be published on the Symposium website, but not formally published
   in the proceedings.


 * http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium, 
   the permanent homepage of the Haskell Symposium.
 * http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium/2010, 
   the 2010 Haskell Symposium web page.
 * http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2010, 
   the ICFP 2010 web page.

Programme Committee

 * Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford (chair)
 * James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
 * Duncan Coutts, Well-Typed LLP
 * Sharon Curtis, Oxford Brookes University
 * Fritz Henglein, Kobenhavns Universitet
 * Tom Schrijvers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
 * Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
 * Martin Sulzmann, Informatik Consulting Systems AG
 * Wouter Swierstra, Vector Fabrics
 * Peter Thiemann, Universitaet Freiburg
 * Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University
 * Malcolm Wallace, Uni

[Haskell] Call for Papers: Haskell Symposium 2010

2010-02-07 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
 Haskell 2010

  ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2010
 Baltimore MD, United States
 30th September, 2010



   The ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 2010 will be co-located with the
   2010 International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), in
   Baltimore, Maryland.

   The purpose of the Haskell Symposium is to discuss experiences with
   Haskell and future developments for the language. The scope of the
   symposium includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory,
   application, implementation, and teaching of Haskell.

   Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 * Language Design, with a focus on possible extensions and
   modifications of Haskell as well as critical discussions of the
   status quo;

 * Theory, such as formal treatments of the semantics of the present
   language or future extensions, type systems, and foundations
   for program analysis and transformation;

 * Implementations, including program analysis and transformation,
   static and dynamic compilation for sequential, parallel, and
   distributed architectures, memory management as well as foreign
   function and component interfaces;

 * Tools, in the form of profilers, tracers, debuggers,
   pre-processors, and suchlike;

 * Functional Pearls, being elegant, instructive examples of using

 * Applications, Practice, and Experience, using Haskell for
   scientific and symbolic computing, database, multimedia and Web
   applications, and so forth, as well as general experience with
   Haskell in education and industry.

   Papers in the latter two categories need not necessarily report
   original research results; they may instead, for example, report
   practical experience that will be useful to others, reusable
   programming idioms, or elegant new ways of approaching a
   problem. (More advice appears on the symposium webpage.)  
   The key criterion for such a paper is that it makes a
   contribution from which other Haskellers can benefit. It is not
   enough simply to describe a program!

   Before 2008, the Haskell Symposium was known as the Haskell
   Workshop.  The name change reflects both the steady increase of
   influence of the Haskell Workshop on the wider community, as well as
   the increasing number of high quality submissions. The selection
   process is highly competitive.  After eleven Haskell Workshops
   between 1995 and 2007, the first Haskell Symposium was held in
   Victoria in 2008, and the second in Edinburgh in 2009.

Submission Details

 * Submission Deadline: Monday, 14th June 2010, 15:00 UTC
 * Author Notification: Monday, 12th July 2010
 * Final Papers Due   : Monday, 2nd August 2010

   Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF),
   formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines
   (http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm). The text
   should be in a 9pt font in two columns; the length is restricted to
   12 pages, except for "Applications, Practice, and Experience"
   papers, which are restricted to 6 pages. Each submission must
   adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as explained on the web.
   Violation risks summary rejection of the offending submission.
   Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
   ACM Digital Library.

   In addition, we solicit proposals for system demonstrations, based
   on running (perhaps prototype) software rather than necessarily on
   novel research results. Proposals are limited to 2-page abstracts,
   in the same ACM format as papers, and should explain why a
   demonstration would be of interest to the Haskell community. They
   will be assessed for relevance by the PC; accepted proposals will
   be published on the Symposium website, but not formally published
   in the proceedings.


 * http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium, 
   the permanent homepage of the Haskell Symposium.
 * http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium/2010, 
   the 2010 Haskell Symposium web page.
 * http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2010, 
   the ICFP 2010 web page.

Programme Committee

 * Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford (chair)
 * James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
 * Duncan Coutts, Well-Typed LLP
 * Sharon Curtis, Oxford Brookes University
 * Fritz Henglein, Kobenhavns Universitet
 * Tom Schrijvers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
 * Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
 * Martin Sulzmann, Informatik Consulting Systems AG
 * Wouter Swierstra, Vector Fabrics
 * Peter Thiemann, Universitaet Freiburg
 * Andrew Tolmach, Portland State University
 * Malcolm Wallace, Uni

[Haskell] Spring School in Generic and Indexed Programming

2010-01-16 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
Wadham College, Oxford, 22nd to 26th March 2010


"Generic programming" is about making programs more widely applicable
via exotic kinds of parametrization - not just along the dimensions of
values or of types, but of things such as the shape of data, algebraic
structures, strategies, computational paradigms, and so on. "Indexed
programming" is a lightweight form of dependently typed programming,
constraining flexibility by allowing one to state and check
relationships between parameters: that the shapes of two arguments
agree, that an encoded value matches to some type, that values
transmitted along a channel conforms to some protocol, and so on.

The two forces of genericity and indexing balance each other nicely,
simultaneously promoting and controlling generality.  The EPSRC-funded
Generic and Indexed Programming project at Oxford has been exploring
their interaction over the period 2006 - 2010; this school is the
closing activity of the project.


Six lecturers from the Programming Languages community, each an
acknowledged expert in their specialism, will cover various aspects of
generic and indexed programming. Each will give about four hours'
lectures, distributed throughout the week.

  Nate Foster (Princeton University)
  "Bidirectional Programming"

  Ralf Hinze (University of Oxford)
  "Generic Programming with Adjunctions"

  Oleg Kiselyov (Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center)
  "Typed Tagless Interpreters"

  Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
  "Type Functions"

  Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder)
  "Concepts in C++"

  Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)
  "Generic Programming with Dependent Types"


The school is aimed at doctoral students in programming languages and
related areas; however, researchers and practitioners will be very
welcome, as will strong masters students with the support of a
supervisor. It will be assumed that participants have a good
understanding of typed functional programming, as in Haskell or


Registration deadline: 19th February
School:22nd March (0900) to 26th March (lunchtime)


Lectures will be held and accommodation provided in Wadham College in
the centre of Oxford. The college celebrates its 400th anniversary in
2010; notable past members include Sir Christopher Wren, the founder
of the Royal Society, and notable present ones Marcus du Sautoy, the
mathematician and TV presenter.


Costs will be kept low, thanks to support from EPSRC. There will be a
nominal registration fee, and B&B accommodation in college will be
about £55 per night. (Precise costs are yet to be determined.)


Further information, including instructions on how to register,
will be available soon at the website:


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Fully-funded doctoral studentships in dependently type programming at Oxford and Strathclyde

2009-03-06 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

A new EPSRC-funded project on Reusability and Dependent Types
has just started, as a collaboration between the Functional
Programming Laboratory at the University of Nottingham (Thorsten
Altenkirch), the Algebra of Programming group at the University of
Oxford (Jeremy Gibbons), and the Mathematically Structured Programming
group at the University of Strathclyde (Neil Ghani and Conor McBride).

We are all familiar with Milner's slogan that "well-typed programs
cannot go wrong". Types express properties of programs; more
expressive type systems - such as dependent typing - can state
properties more precisely, providing stronger guarantees of behaviour
and additional guidance in development.  However, this expressivity
comes at a price: more specific typing can reduce opportunities for
code reuse. The goal of this project is to investigate techniques for
promoting reuse without sacrificing precision; in particular, how can
we layer dependently typed programs, imposing stronger invariants onto
more general library code?

Two fully-funded doctoral studentships are available to work in this
area: one at Oxford (with JG) and one at Strathclyde (with CTM). Each
covers stipend, fees (at the home/EU rate), equipment, and travel, and
is for three and a half years from October 2009. The closing date for
applications is 15th April 2009.  For further details, see:


or contact one of the principal investigators on the project:

  Thorsten Altenkirch (t...@cs.nott.ac.uk) 
  Neil Ghani (n...@cis.strathclyde.ac.uk) 
  Jeremy Gibbons (j...@comlab.ox.ac.uk)
  Conor McBride (co...@strictlypositive.org)

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Mathematics of Program Construction 2008: Call for papers

2007-12-14 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
I don't believe that has been sent to the Haskell mailing list  
before, but apologies if it has. This CFP has been around since  
October; the submission deadline is 14th Jan (abstracts).




9th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction  

Marseille (Luminy), France, July 15-18th 2008



The biennial MPC conferences aim to promote the development of
mathematical principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical
and effective in the process of constructing computer programs. Topics
of interest range from algorithmics to support for program
construction in programming languages and systems.

The previous conferences were held in Twente, The Netherlands (1989),
Oxford, UK (1992), Kloster Irsee, Germany (1995), Marstrand, Sweden
(1998), Ponte de Lima, Portugal (2000), Dagstuhl, Germany (2002),
Stirling, UK (2004, colocated with AMAST '04) and Kuressaare, Estonia
(2006, colocated with AMAST '06).

The 2008 conference will be held in Marseille, France at the
International Center for Mathematical Meetings


To be announced.


* Submission of abstracts: 14 January 2008
* Submission of full papers: 21 January 2008
* Notification of authors: 10 March 2008
* Camera-ready version: 10 April 2008


Papers are solicited on mathematical methods and tools put to use in
program construction. Topics of interest range from algorithmics to
support for program construction in programming languages and
systems. Some typical areas are type systems, program analysis and
transformation, programming-language semantics, program
logics. Theoretical contributions are welcome provided their relevance
for program construction is clear. Reports on applications are welcome
provided their mathematical basis is evident.


Submission is in two stages. Abstracts (plain text) must be submitted
by 14 January 2008. Full papers (pdf) adhering to the llncs style must
be submitted by 21 January 2008. There is no official page limit, but
authors should strive for brevity. The web-based submission system
will open in early December 2007.

Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. Accepted
papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.

The proceedings of MPC'08 will be published in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag.

After the conference, the authors of the best papers will be invited
to submit revised versions to a special issue of the Science of
Computer Programming journal of Elsevier.


Christine Paulin-Mohring INRIA-Université Paris-Sud, France (chair)

Philippe Audebaud   Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, France (co-chair)
Ralph-Johan BackAbo Akademi University, Finland 
Eerke BoitenUniversity of Kent, UK
Venanzio Capretta   University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Sharon Curtis   Oxford Brookes University, UK
Jules DesharnaisUniversité Laval, Québec, Canada
Peter DybjerChalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Jeremy Gibbons  University of Oxford, UK
Lindsay Groves  Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Ian Hayes   University of Queensland, Australia
Eric Hehner University of Toronto, Canada
Johan Jeuring   Utrecht University, Netherlands
Dexter KozenCornell University, USA
Christian Lengauer  Universität Passau, Germany
Lambert MeertensUniversity of Utrecht, Netherlands
Bernhard Möller Universität Augsburg, Germany
Carroll Morgan  University of New South Wales, Australia
Shin-Cheng Mu   Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Jose Nuno Oliveira  Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Tim Sheard  Portland State University, USA
Tarmo Uustalu   Institute of Cybernetics Tallin, Estonia


The conference will be held in Marseille, the second largest city in
France next to Paris. Its port is the most important in France,
and opens the city to the world through the Mediterranean Sea.
MPC'08  will be hosted  by the  International Center for Mathematical
Meetings. The center is located inside the Campus of Luminy Faculty.
It is close to the "Calanques", an astounding wild coastline composed
of creeks stretching from Marseille to Cassis.


MPC 2008 is organized with the support of INRIA.

The local organizers are Philippe Audebaud and Christine Paulin-Mohring.
Enquiries regarding the programme (submission etc.) should be addressed
to mpc08(at)lri.fr

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] What makes a functional language functional?

2007-08-09 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Many arguments have been had about what it means for a language to be  
"functional", so that's probably not a productive line of discussion.  
(ICFP carefully doesn't stipulate language choice for the programming  
contest, for example.)

Both eager and lazy evaluation can be "pure", providing referential  
transparency: all that matters of an expression is its value, and a  
subexpression may be substituted with a different one having the same  
value without changing the meaning of the surrounding context. This  
fails on languages supporting side effects.

Lazy evaluation is necessary, however, in order to treat a function  
definition as a (universally applicable) equation. In Haskell, I can  

> three x = 3

and then infer, for any expression x, that the equation

  three x = 3

holds. With eager evaluation, that's no longer the case: if x denotes  
a non-terminating or error-raising computation, then

  three x /= 3

The equation then requires a side condition:

  three x = 3,  for well-defined x

which complicates equational reasoning, but it doesn't break  
referential transparency.


On 9 Aug 2007, at 10:30, C.M.Brown wrote:


Is lazy evaluation necessary for a functional language to remain

The reason I ask is that because it violates beta-reduction, and also
referential transparency (I think). In haskell, we can transform:

g x + f x


f x + g x

as both f and g do not change the parameter x.

If g always evaluates to a normal form (in both a lazy and a strict  

g x = x

but f is defined thus:

f x = (\y -> if x /= 0 then x else y/x)

And we apply f to 0 (1/0) then f becomes _|_


0 + _|_ /= _|_ + 0

Or, does this just become:

_|_ = _|_ ?

Or, am I missing something totally obvious?


Haskell mailing list

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 283531
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Integrated Formal Methods 2007: Call for participation

2007-05-09 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons


 2nd to 5th July 2007
St Anne's College, Oxford, UK

The design and analysis of computing systems presents a significant
challenge: systems need to be understood at many different levels of
abstraction, and examined from many different perspectives. Formal
methods - languages, tools, and techniques with a sound, mathematical
basis - can be used to develop a thorough understanding, and to support
rigorous examination.

Further research into effective integration is required if these
methods are to have a significant impact outside academia. The IFM
series of conferences seeks to promote that research, to bring
together the researchers carrying it out, and to disseminate the
results of that research among the wider academic and industrial

This is the sixth IFM conference.  It will be held in the historic
university town of Oxford, at St Anne's College - one of the larger
colleges of the University, with excellent new conference
facilities. Oxford is easily reached from most UK cities, and is 70
minutes from the country's largest airport.  Earlier conferences in
the series were held at York (1999), Schloss Dagstuhl (2000), Turku
(2002), Kent (2004), and Eindhoven (2005).

The conference runs for three full days, 3rd to 5th July. Invited
speakers include Jifeng He on "UTP Semantics for Web Services" and
Daniel Jackson on "Recent Advances in Alloy"; a third invited speaker
is yet to be confirmed. There are 32 contributed papers, including a
special session on Unifying Theories of Programming. In addition,
there are four satellite events, taking place on 2nd and 3rd July -
three workshops:

  * Refinement Workshop
  * C/C++ Verification 
  * MeMoT (Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance) 

and a tutorial:

  * KeY (Integrating OO Design and Deductive Verification of Software)

The full programme is available at:


Registration for the conference is now open, at:


Special early-registration fees apply until 1st June 2007. 
For more information, visit the conference web page:


or contact the local organisers:

  Jim Davieshttp://www.softeng.ox.ac.uk/Jim.Davies
  Jeremy Gibbonshttp://www.softeng.ox.ac.uk/Jeremy.Gibbons

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: refactoring, catamorphism, termination of programs

2007-05-02 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

On 2 May 2007, at 12:18, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

If you want to contribute further to the discussion,
then please do so via http://groups.google.com/group/fp-termination
(I don't want to clutter the haskell  mailing  list,
but I want to have the discussion in some public place.)

Isn't Haskell Cafe exactly the place for that discussion? (As opposed  
to the Haskell mailing list.)

Good luck with the discussion. Someone mentioned DrHylo; that's built  
on the work of Hu, Onoue and others from Tokyo on a system called Hylo:


See also Alberto Pardo's HFusion:



  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 283531
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] IFM2007 Final call for contributions

2007-01-24 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

   IFM 2007

 Sixth International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods
   2nd - 6th July 2007, Oxford, UK


 Final Call for Contributions

Contributions to the technical programme of IFM 2007, including papers
for the special session on Unifying Theories of Programming, and
proposals for workshops and tutorials, are invited.  The deadline for
submission has been extended to 5th February 2007.  See the calls at


Papers should not exceed 20 pages in length, and should be prepared in
accordance with the publisher's guidelines; style files and templates
are available at


Both .doc and .pdf formats are acceptable.  Electronic submission is
possible via the conference website.  Authors will be notified on or
before March 15th.


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Call for participation and abstracts: BCTCS, Oxford, 2-5 Apr

2007-01-19 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
(apologies for any duplicate cross-postings you may receive)

   23rd British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science

  BCTCS 2007

2-5 April 2007
  St Anne's College, Oxford


The purpose of BCTCS is to provide a forum in which researchers in
theoretical computer science can meet, present research findings,
and discuss developments in the field. It also aims to provide an
environment in which PhD students can gain experience in presenting
their work, and benefit from contact with established researchers.


All aspects of theoretical computer science, including automata
theory, algorithms, complexity theory, semantics, formal methods,
concurrency, types, languages and logics. Computer scientists and
mathematicians are welcome to attend, as are participants from
outside the UK.


The programme  will consist of nearly 3 days worth of invited and
contributed talks, beginning at 5.30pm on Monday 2nd April and
concluding at 1pm on Thursday 5th April 2007. The abstracts of the
talks will be published in the Bulletin of the European Association
for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS).

The invited speakers are as follows:

Dimitris Achlioptas, University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A.
"Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems:
 from Physics to Algorithms"

Steven Alpern, The London School of Economics and Political Science
"Search Games and Utilitarian Postman Paths on Networks"

Julian Bradfield, University of Edinburgh
(BCS-FACS Lecturer in Formal Methods)

Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford
"Living with Computational Complexity"
(This is Prof. Gottlob's inaugural lecture at Oxford University.)

Bob Harper, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A.

Richard Jozsa, University of Bristol

Kristina Vuskovic, University of Leeds
(LMS Lecturer in Discrete Mathematics)


The 2007 colloquium will be held at St Anne's College, Oxford, one
of the colleges of the University of Oxford, and hosted by the
computing departments of both Oxford Brookes and Oxford universities,
Oxford itself is known as the "City of Dreaming Spires", and has
been home to both royalty and scholars for over 800 years.


Registration for BCTCS2007 is open, via the web page.
The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts for
proposed talks is 16th February 2007.  The registration fee is
340 UK pounds, including accommodation and meals, and the day
rate is 145 UK pounds. A number of free registrations for
UK-based PhD students are available.


The colloquium is sponsored by EPSRC, BCS-FACS, and also the
London Mathematical Society.


   Google search  - BCTCS 2007
   Web page   - http://cms.brookes.ac.uk/bctcs2007/


Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] University of Oxford: Lectureships in Software Engineering

2006-10-30 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons

Software Engineering Programme
Kellogg College


Applications are invited for three new University Lecturerships in Software
Engineering. The successful applicants will join the staff of the
University's Software Engineering Programme in teaching and researching the
application of scientific principles to the development of software
systems.  The salary will be on a scale up to GBP50,589 per annum.

An advanced degree in a related subject, proven teaching ability, and a
strong research record - of international standing - are all essential
requirements. Applications are particularly welcome from those with
expertise in software and systems security, service-oriented architectures,
or model-driven development.

The appointments will be associated with fellowships at Kellogg College,
Oxford and the appointees will be members of the Governing Body of the
college. The closing date for applications is 27th November 2006.

For further information, including full details of the application
procedure and selection criteria, see http://www.softeng.ox.ac.uk/jobs/

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Fun in the Afternoon: Thurs 16th Nov in Oxford

2006-10-11 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
Dear colleagues,

Graham Hutton and Conor McBride at Nottingham and I are organizing a termly
seminar "Fun in the Afternoon" on functional programming and related
topics. The idea is to have a small number of talks as an antidote to
mid-term blues, three afternoons a year. The hope is that talks will be
informal and fun, and that there will be plenty of scope for discussion and
chat as well. 

Fun in the Afternoon will be peripatetic. The first meeting will be in
Oxford University Computing Laboratory on Thursday 16th November, and Phil
Wadler of the University of Edinburgh will be opening proceedings. All are
welcome, but if you'd like to come, could you please drop me (Jeremy
Gibbons) a line so that I have an idea of numbers?

If you'd like to give a talk, please also propose a title and a duration.

We haven't yet fixed the timetable, because it depends in part on what
offers of talks we get. But our current plan is to have talks 14:00-14:45
and 15:30-17:00. Brings sandwiches to eat together beforehand, and join us
for drinks in a pub afterwards.

There's a webpage with more information at 


This page also explains how to subscribe to the mailing list, to which all
further announcements will be sent. Directions to OUCL are at


Jeremy, Graham and Conor
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Haskell training course?

2006-10-03 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

Hello, Wim. What kind of thing do you have in mind?

I teach a one-week course on Functional Programming (using Haskell,  
and aimed at practical application) as part of the part-time  
professional Software Engineering Programme at Oxford. It can be  
taken on a standalone basis, or as credit towards a larger award.


I'd be happy to send you more information if you're interested.


On 3 Oct 2006, at 10:15, Wim Vanderbauwhede wrote:

Hello list,

Does anyone know of a good Haskell training course in the UK?



If it's pointless, what's the point?
If there is a point to it, what's the point?
(Tibor Fischer, "The Thought Gang")
Haskell mailing list

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 283531
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Integrated Formal Methods 2007: First call for technical papers

2006-09-26 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
 IFM 2007

Sixth International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods
  2nd - 6th July 2007, Oxford, UK


  First Call for Technical Papers

The design and analysis of computing systems presents a significant
challenge: systems need to be understood at many different levels of
abstraction, and examined from many different perspectives.  Formal
methods---languages, tools, and techniques with a sound, mathematical
basis---can be used to develop a thorough understanding, and to
support rigorous examination.

However, further research into effective integration is required if
these methods are to have a significant impact outside academia.  The
IFM series of conferences seeks to promote that research, to bring
together the researchers carrying it out, and to disseminate the
results of that research among the wider academic and industrial
community.  Original, technical contributions are invited in all
aspects of formal methods integration, including:

 * the application of one or more formal methods as an integral part
  of a process of analysis or design

 * the development or extension of one method, based upon the
  inclusion of ideas or concepts from others

 * the addition of formality to informal or semi-formal modelling
  languages, tools, or techniques

 * the combination of different formal methods, in terms of semantic
  integration or practical application

The programme of accepted contributions will be supported by a series
of workshops and tutorials, including a doctoral symposium.

Important dates:

The deadline for full paper submission is January 29th, 2007.  Authors
will be notified on or before March 19th, 2007.  Details of the
electronic submission process will be made available at the conference

Conference location:

IFM 2007 will be held at St Anne's College, Oxford: one of the larger
colleges of the University, with excellent facilities for conferences
and workshops.  Additional facilities will be available in the new
Computing Laboratory building, less than 5 minutes' walk from the
College grounds.  Oxford is easily reached from most UK cities, and is
70 minutes from the country's largest airport.

Programme committee:

Didier Bert, Institute IMAG, Grenoble, France
Eerke Boiten, University of Kent, UK
Jonathan Bowen, Museophile Ltd, UK
Michael Butler, University of Southampton, UK
Paul Curzon, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Jim Davies, University of Oxford, UK
John Derrick, University of Sheffield, UK
Steve Dunne, University of Teesside, UK
Andy Galloway, University of York, UK
Chris George, United Nations University, Macau
Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
Wolfgang Grieskamp, Microsoft Research, Redmond, US
Henri Habrias, University of Nantes, France
Maritta Heisel, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Soon-Kyeong Kim, University of Queensland, Australia
Michel Lemoine, ONERA, Toulouse, France
Shaoying Liu, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Dominique Mery, LORIA, France
Stephan Merz, LORIA, France
Richard Paige, University of York, UK
Luigia Petre, Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland
Jaco van de Pol, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, The Netherlands
Judi Romijn, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thomas Santen, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Steve Schneider, University of Surrey, UK
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research, Redmond, US
Kaisa Sere, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Jane Sinclair, University of Warwick, UK
Graeme Smith, University of Queensland, Australia
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore
Bill Stoddart, University of Teesside, UK
Kenji Taguchi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK
Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn, Germany
Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland, Australia
Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Type-Level Naturals Like Prolog?

2006-07-13 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

On 13 Jul 2006, at 06:25, Jared Warren wrote:

Haskell's type checking language is a logical programming language.
The canonical logical language is Prolog. However, Idealised Prolog
does not have data structures, and does Peano numbers like:

 natural(x), succ(x,y) :- natural(y)

And I believe (but cannot confirm):

 succ(x,y) :- succ(y,z)

I don't think this can be what you mean: it implies that any y is the 
successor of zero, and that any y with a successor is a successor of x.

Why can't Haskell (with extensions) do type-level Peano naturals in
the same fashion?

It can! (Well, depending on what you mean by "the same".)

> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

> data Zero
> data Succ n

> class Natural n where
>   toInt :: n -> Int

> instance Natural Zero where
>   toInt _ = 0

> instance Natural n => Natural (Succ n) where
>   toInt _ = succ (toInt (undefined :: n))

Incidentally, I think the thing you were trying to write was more like 
the following:

 > class IsZero x
 > instance IsZero Zero

 > class IsSucc x y
 > instance IsSucc Zero (Succ Zero)
 > instance IsSucc m n => IsSucc (Succ m) (Succ n)

 > instance IsZero n => Natural n where
 >   toInt _ = 0

 > instance (Natural m, IsSucc m n) => Natural n where
 >   toInt _ = succ (toInt (undefined :: m))

This fails, because the two declarations of instances of Natural are 
illegal ("There must be at least one non-type-variable in the instance 
head", whereas in both cases there is just the type variable n in the 
instance head). The typechecker suggests -fallow-undecidable-instances, 
but this provokes a different error message: duplicate instances for 
Natural n.


The code would be something like:

data Zero

class Natural x where
toInt :: x -> Integer
instance Natural Zero where
toInt _ = 0
instance (Natural x, Succ x y) => Natural y where
toInt y = undefined + 1

class Succ x y
instance Succ Zero y
instance Succ x y => Succ y z

zero = toInt (undefined :: Zero) -- THIS SUCCEEDS

one = toInt (undefined :: (Succ Zero x) => x) -- THIS FAILS

Jared Warren
Haskell mailing list

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: Re[2]: [Template-haskell] new TH tutorial (request for comments)

2006-01-23 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

On 23 Jan 2006, at 13:33, Johan Jeuring wrote:

JW> I'd like to read some overview and comparison on "second-level
JW> programming" in Haskell (and if there is none, I'm willing to 

This won't be of much help right now, but Ralf Hinze, Andres Loh and I 
are preparing lecture notes on Comparing approaches to generic 
programming for the Spring School on Datatype-Generic Programming 
2006, to be held in Nottingham, April 2006, see


We intend to write an overview that would hopefully address some of 
the questions you have. If you're interested I can probably send you a 
preliminary version earlier (by the end of March).

...or you could come to the school, and hear it in person!


  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Mixing monadic and non-monadic functions

2005-09-08 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Frederik Eaton wrote:

> I want the type system to be able to do "automatic lifting" of monads,
> i.e., since [] is a monad, I should be able to write the following:
> [1,2]+[3,4]
> and have it interpreted as "do {a<-[1,2]; b<-[3,4]; return (a+b)}".

You might want to take a look at "Monadification of Functional Programs"
by Erwig and Ren (Science of Computer Programming, 52:101-129, 2004):


which describes the transformation that introduces such a monadic


  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Doctoral Studentships in Computing Science

2005-05-12 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
Doctoral Studentships in Computing Science

Oxford University Computing Laboratory (CancerGrid)
Microsoft Research 

Applications are invited for two doctoral studentships at the
University of Oxford, starting in October 2005, in the areas of:
 * object models

 * web services

The students will be working alongside other members of the Software
Engineering Research Group (www.softeng.ox.ac.uk).  A focus for the
research activity will be the Medical Research Council (MRC)-funded
CancerGrid project (www.cancergrid.org), an ideal environment for
applying, investigating, and extending modern software engineering

There will also be opportunities for collaboration with Microsoft
Research, Cambridge, who are providing financial support, together
with the e-Science Centres at the Universities of Oxford and
Cambridge.  The studentships will cover all university fees at the
`home' rate, and provide a student stipend equivalent to a standard
EPSRC award.  

Applicants will need to satisfy the selection criteria for doctoral
students in computing science at Oxford


The closing date for applications is 1st July 2005.  For further
information and details of how to apply, please contact Jim Davies
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Jeremy Gibbons

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Research papers on Advanced Functional Programming?

2005-03-24 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
On 23 Mar 2005, at 21:50, Johan Glimming wrote:
I will soon give a course in Advanced Functional Programming at  
Stockholm University
As far as I know there is no obvious choice of
textbook for this kind of course, although there are of course several  
volumes emitted from
the AFP summer schools.

Don't forget "The Fun of Programming" (Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor,  
editors), which is specifically intended to be a textbook for an  
advanced course on functional programming.


  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Typing in haskell and mathematics

2005-01-31 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
On 1 Feb 2005, at 05:20, Cale Gibbard wrote:
Statements like "a < b < c" are perfectly clear to everyone present,
and if anyone has a type error in their head when reading that which
they can't get past, they are most likely just being stubborn.
Actually, that's another nice example of what I was talking about. If 
booleans are ordered, as they are in Haskell (namely, instance Ord 
Bool), then this is not perfectly clear at all - at least, it means 
something different from what I think you think it means.

The expression "(2 < 1) < True" is syntactically valid and type correct 
in Haskell, and evaluates to True (because False < True). Similarly, 
"(True < False) < True" is True, whereas "True < (False < True)" is 
False, so < is not associative. If you want "a < b < c" to mean "(a < 
b) && (b < c)" but "a + b + c" to mean "(a + b) + c", you're going to 
have to treat "<" differently from "+", which goes against the spirit 
of considering them both simply functions.

(I'm talking here of course in the context of a programming language, 
where the original question was asked and where consistency is 
important; you can have as many inconsistencies as you like on a 

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 13:59:58 +0100, Benjamin Franksen 
(Witness "sigma
sin(x) dx", involving a term sin(x) and a dummy variable x, rather
than the more logical "sigma sin", involving the function.)
BTW, 'sigma sin' is not a function.
I'm missing something here. I don't have an integral symbol to hand, 
which is what I meant by the "sigma", so perhaps I was unclear. I'd say 
the integral of the sine function is itself a binary function, taking 
lower and upper bounds as arguments.

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Typing in haskell and mathematics

2005-01-30 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
Despite being a fan of generic programming, I have my doubts about this
kind of automatic lifting. It works fine in "ordinary mathematics",
because there is no fear of confusion - one hardly ever deals with
functions as entities in their own right. (Witness "sigma sin(x) dx",
involving a term sin(x) and a dummy variable x, rather than the more
logical "sigma sin", involving the function.)

But in FP, of course, functions are first class citizens. So one may get
ambiguities on account of it being reasonable to treat a particular
function either as "program" or as "data" - with conflicting outcomes. I
don't immediately see a problem with automatic lifting of the first
argument of function application, as the original poster wanted, but I
have seen a problem in the past with "apposition", or conflation of
composition and application. Suppose one wants to streamline notation, so
that instead of having to write

  (f . g) $ x

one can write

  f @ g @ x

Here, "@" means either composition or application according to context. It
is supposed to be associative, so it isn't the same as normal Haskell $;
in particular,

  f @ g

is valid and represents the composition of f and g. You might see it as
automatically lifting all "base values" (eg :: Int) to functions (:: () ->
Int) and using composition everywhere. The problem arises with
higher-order appositions;

  thrice @ thrice

(where thrice = \ f -> f . f . f) might mean either application or
composition, and the two are different in this context.


  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Jacques Carette wrote:

> Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's not as bad as you think. You can do this:
> >
> > {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> >
> > module Apply where
> >
> > class Apply f a b | f -> a, f -> b where
> > apply :: f -> a -> b
> >
> > instance Apply (a -> b) a b where
> > apply f a = f a
> >
> > instance Apply (a1 -> b1, a2 -> b2) (a1, a2) (b1, b2) where
> > apply (f1, f2) (a1, a2) = (f1 a1, f2 a2)
> [snip]
> Very nice.  But in the scrap-your-boilerplate spirit, it would be nice if one 
> could instead say
> instance* Apply (T (a -> b)) a b where
>  apply (T f) a = T (f a)
> where instance* is an instance template, and T is a ``shape functor'' (in the 
> sense of polynomial functors specifying
> an y of algebra/coalgebra/bialgebra/dialgebra).  Or maybe even go for 
> analytic functors (a la Joyal).
> Well, I guess it's up to me to work out the theory... [based on the work of 
> (at least) Jay, Hinze, Jeuring, Laemmel,
> Jansson and Peyton-Jones ! ]
> Jacques
> ___
> Haskell mailing list
> Haskell@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] lazy constructors

2004-10-13 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
On 13 Oct 2004, at 06:59, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
bottomStr :: String
bottomStr = let xs = xs in xs
bottomSPair :: (String, String)
bottomSPair = let p = p in p
Note here that bottomSPair is bottom...
addToSPair :: Char -> (String, String) -> (String, String)
addToSPairc   (xs, ys) =  (c:xs,   ys)

In a more clear presentation, the computation should (?) be
   head $ fst $ addToSPair 'a' bottomSPair
   head $ fst $ addToSPair 'a' (bottomStr, bottomStr)
...so this step is wrong: bottomSPair is not the same as the pair 
(bottomStr, bottomStr). Haskell pairs are lifted: (bottom,bottom) is 
different from bottom.

bottomSPair  is of type  (String, String).
addToSPair   is declared as returning  (String, String).
Hence, the complier knows ab initio that after  addToSPair
the result is of kind
  ('a': _,  _) :: (String, String)
No. The result is necessarily of type (String,String), but need not be 
a proper pair. (And indeed, addToSPair c bottom yields bottom, not a 
proper pair.)

So, similarly as
  head ('a' : bottomStr)= 'a',   (1)
it should be
  head $ fst $ addToSPair 'a' bottomSPair   = 'a'(2)
Question 1
What may be the consequences for the language
(let us call it HCLazy)  if it treats the data constructors like in
(2), like more `lazy' ones?
That is, what if Haskell had unlifted pairs? Interesting question. Nils 
Anders Danielsson (http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~nad/) has been looking at 
it, with his work on Chasing Bottoms 

For example,  fst (bottom :: (a,b)) =  (bottom :: a)
I don't think this example is what you mean. This applies in Haskell 
already. I think what you mean is that (fst p, snd p) equals p for 
every p, including p=bottom.

How to arrange the above `lazy' output?
The whole result story is ready in several hours, or days,
and each step should be displayed immediately as it is ready.
Another poster mentioned the possibility of using an irrefutable 
pattern (by adding a tilde). Equivalently, you can define

addToSPair :: Char -> (String, String) -> (String, String)
addToSPair c p =  (c : fst p, snd p)
Then addToSPair c bottom is (c:bottom,bottom) as you're hoping, not 

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] factoring `if'

2004-10-11 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:

> How do you think, is the program (1) equivalent to (2)
> in the meaning of Haskell-98 ?

Not at all. If foo is non-strict and p partial, (2) may yield a result
where (1) would not. You identify the possibility yourself: (2) is lazier.

> (1)   (\ x -> (if p x then  foo (g x)  else  foo (h x))
>   where
>   p ... g ... h ... foo ...
>   )
> (2)   (\ x -> foo  ((if p x then  g x  else  h x)
> where
> p ... g ... h ... foo ...
>   )
> If it is equivalent, then does it make sense for a compiler to
> convert (1) to (2):  to separate a common `factor' of the if-branches
> ?
> The reason for this may be, for example, that the result printing
> of  (f x)  is more `lazy' in (2) than in (1):
> the part of  foo  may print immediately and  (g x) or (h x)  may print
> long after.
> This is a difference in behavior, it does not effect the computation
> meaning.
> I have a large program which is easily written in the style of (1),
> (and in many places it sets `case' instead of `if').
> Annoyingly, it prints out in a not a lazy manner.
> It can be rewritten in the form of (2), but with effort, and it will
> look less plain.
> So, maybe, this is a business of a compiler?

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html

Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] MPC2004: Final call for participation

2004-06-25 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
MPC 2004
7th International Conference on

12-14 July, 2004, Stirling, Scotland, UK
Organised in conjunction with AMAST and CMPP


The final registration deadline for MPC2004 is 29th
June. Accommodation is still available, but places are

To register, please follow the link from the conference web
page, at the URL above.

(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this

Jeremy Gibbons
on behalf of the 
MPC programme committee

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] MPC2004: Call for participation

2004-05-26 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
MPC 2004
7th International Conference on

12--14 July, 2004, Stirling, Scotland, UK
Organised in conjunction with AMAST '04


We are happy to announce that registration for MPC2004 is
now open. Please follow the link from the conference web
page (URL above). 

Note that the early registration deadline is Monday 14th
June. After that date, we cannot guarantee that
accommodation will be available.

(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this

Jeremy Gibbons
on behalf of the 
MPC programme committee

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

[Haskell] Re: graphs and trees again

2004-02-23 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
I've been catching up on things I meant to reply to weeks ago.

> > BTW, do you have any uses for [upwards and downwards
> > accumulations on trees]?  
> I use
> flattenTree $ downAccuTree (flip (:)) [] $ spanningTree vertex graph
> to get paths from a graph vertex to every reachable vertex (actually, the 
> reversed paths).

My PhD thesis from many years ago [1] was about upwards and
downwards accumulations on particular kinds of trees,
including the "rose trees"

  data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]

you use. I'm afraid it isn't available online (though I do
have a few paper copies), but a summary [2] appeared in MPC
in 1992. Roughly speaking, an upwards accumulation passes
information up a tree, from the leaves towards the root,
labelling every node with some function of its descendents
(like a scanr on lists); a downwards accumulation passes
information down the tree, from the root towards the leaves,
labelling every node with some function of its ancestors
(like a scanl on lists).

Richard Bird, Oege de Moor and Paul Hoogendijk [3] showed
how to do "generic" upwards accumulations, ie for an
arbitrary kind of tree. I returned to the scene of the crime
several times [4,5] to try to do the same for downwards
accumulations, but the best solution was given by Alberto
Pardo [6] at WCGP in 2002.

Applications? My thesis argument was that many algorithms
took the form of an upwards accumulation followed by a
downwards accumulation, collecting then disseminating
information about the tree. My MPC paper shows Ladner and
Fischer's parallel prefix algorithm. My thesis also shows
Reingold and Tilford's tree-drawing algorithm, which I wrote
up as a later paper [7]. I confess, two examples is not
really "many"...


[1] Jeremy Gibbons. Algebras for Tree
Algorithms. D. Phil. thesis, Programming Research Group,
Oxford University, 1991. Available as Technical Monograph

[2] Jeremy Gibbons. Upwards and Downwards Accumulations on
Trees. In LNCS 669: Mathematics of Program Construction,
ed. R. S. Bird, C. C. Morgan and J. C. P. Woodcock,
Springer-Verlag, 1993, p. 122-138. Revised version appears
in Proceedings of the Massey Functional Programming
Workshop, ed. E.  Ireland and N. Perry, 1992.

[3] Richard Bird, Oege de Moor and Paul Hoogendijk. Generic
functional programming with types and relations.  Journal of
Functional Programming, 6(1), 1996.

[4] Jeremy Gibbons. Polytypic Downwards Accumulations. In
LNCS 1422: Mathematics of Program Construction, ed Johan
Jeuring, Marstrand, Sweden, June 1998.

[5] Jeremy Gibbons. Generic Downwards Accumulations. Science
of Computer Programming 37(1-3) p37-65, 2000.

[6] Alberto Pardo. Generic Accumulations. In Jeremy Gibbons
and Johan Jeuring (eds), Proceedings of the IFIP TC2 Working
Conference on Generic Programming, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2003.

[7] Jeremy Gibbons. Deriving Tidy Drawings of Trees.
Journal of Functional Programming, 6(3) p535-562, June 1996.

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

Mathematics of Program Construction

2003-12-05 Thread Jeremy . Gibbons
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]

MPC 2004

 7th International Conference on



  Organised in conjunction with AMAST '04

12--14 July, 2004

  Stirling, Scotland, UK


This conference aims to promote the development of mathematical
principles and techniques that are demonstrably useful in the
process of constructing computer programs, whether implemented
in hardware or software.

The focus of the conference is on techniques that combine
precision with conciseness, enabling programs to be constructed by
formal calculation.  Within this theme, the scope of the conference
is very diverse.  We welcome contributions to programming
methodology (for example, formal methods for program specification
and transformation), to programming paradigms (for example,
generic programming techniques and type systems) and to language
design (for example, programming calculi and programming language
semantics).  Theoretical contributions are welcome provided their
relevance to program construction is evident; discussion of
applications is welcome provided the mathematical basis is evident.

The conference will be organized in conjunction with the AMAST '04
Conference. There will also be a number of co-located workshops, 
including CMPP.  Proceedings will be published in a volume of
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science.


Deadline for submission of papers: 31st January, 2004
Notification of acceptance/rejection:   5th March,   2004
Final papers due:  26th April,   2004

Full papers should be submitted in Postscript or pdf format by e-mail
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by 31st January, 2004.


Roland Backhouse, Stephen Bloom, Eerke Boiten, Jules Desharnais, Thorsten
Ehm, Jeremy Gibbons, Ian Hayes, Eric Hehner, Johan Jeuring, Dexter Kozen
(chair), Rustan Leino, Hans Leiss, Christian Lengauer, Lambert Meertens,
Bernhard Moeller, David Naumann, Alberto Pardo, Georg Struth, Jerzy Tiuryn,
Mark Utting


Please refer to the web page for further details.


Haskell mailing list

Postdoc & PhD positions in Datatype-Generic programming

2003-03-10 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]

Postdoctoral research fellow (University of Nottingham)
Doctoral studentship (University of Oxford)

The Universities of Nottingham and Oxford have positions available to work
on an EPSRC-supported project entitled "Datatype-Generic Programming",
running for three years and starting on or shortly after 1st August
2003. There is a postdoctoral research fellowship at Nottingham, and a
DPhil studentship at Oxford.

The project is to develop a novel mechanism for parametrizing programs,
namely parametrization by a datatype or type constructor.  The mechanism is
related to parametric polymorphism, but of higher order. We aim to develop
a calculus for constructing datatype-generic programs, with the ultimate
goal of improving the state of the art in generic object-oriented
programming, as occurs for example in the C++ Standard Template Library.
Further details of the project can be obtained from the contacts listed

Applicants for the postdoctoral fellowship should have completed (or
be about to complete) a PhD degree. Preference will be given to
applicants with an excellent knowledge of the calculational style of
reasoning.  Expertise in functional programming, object-oriented
programming and the mathematics of program construction is
required. Send a detailed curriculum vitae and the names and addresses
of two referees to Professor Roland Backhouse, School of Computer
Science and Information Technology, University of Nottingham, Jubilee
Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~rcb, from whom further details can also be
obtained. Electronic applications should be sent in PDF format; other
formats will not be accepted.

The ideal applicant for the DPhil studentship would have (or be about to
obtain) a first- or upper-second class honours degree or equivalent in
computer science, with expertise in functional programming, object-oriented
programming and the mathematics of program construction.  The studentship
pays for all university and college fees, in addition to the standard EPSRC
maintenance grant.  Applicants should follow the procedure described at
www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/courses/grad02-03/dphil/requirements.html, but
should also mention this position in the application.  For further details
contact Dr Jeremy Gibbons, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Wolfson
Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

The closing date for applications for both positions is Monday 14th April

Roland Backhouse
Jeremy Gibbons

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

Reminder: Fun of Programming early reg 7th Feb

2003-01-31 Thread Jeremy Gibbons
A symposium in honour of
Professor Richard Bird's 60th birthday

Examination Schools, Oxford
24th and 25th March 2003

Professor Richard Bird is well known for his contributions
to functional programming: for his two textbooks, his
"Functional Pearls" column in the Journal of Functional
Programming, his work on synthesizing programs from
specifications, his influence in the design of the language
Haskell and its predecessors, and so on. This symposium is
to celebrate Richard Bird's work on the occasion of his
sixtieth birthday.

The symposium will coincide with the publication by Palgrave
of an eponymous book. This book is intended as much as a
textbook for an advanced course in functional programming as
it is a festschrift; its twelve chapters cover applications
(pretty printing, musical composition, hardware description,
graphical design) and techniques (the design of efficient
data structures, interpreters for little languages, program
testing and optimization) in functional programming. The
contributors to the book will give short lectures at the
symposium, and every participant at the symposium will
receive a copy of the book.

The symposium will take place from 10.30am on Monday 24th
March 2003 to 4pm on Tuesday 25th, in Oxford's historical
Examination Schools. The registration fee includes
participation, buffet lunch and tea and coffee on both days,
a formal dinner on the Monday night in Worcester College,
and a copy of the book. There is a lower price for early
registration; the capacity of the lecture room is limited
and offered on a first-come first-served basis, so early
registration is recommended.

The speakers are as follows:

  Chris Okasaki (West Point) 
  John Hughes (Chalmers) 
  Jeremy Gibbons (Oxford) 
  Paul Hudak (Yale) 
  Oege de Moor (Oxford) 
  Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft) 
  Conal Elliott 
  Mary Sheeran (Chalmers) 
  Mike Spivey (Oxford) 
  Ross Paterson (City) 
  Philip Wadler (Avaya) 
  Ralf Hinze (Bonn) 

For further details, including registration information, see
the website at


In particular, there is an early registration deadline (with
reduced fee) of 7th February 2003, and a late registration
deadline of 7th March.

Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor (organizers)

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list

Working Conf on Generic Programming: deadline extension

2002-02-15 Thread Jeremy Gibbons

The submission deadline for the IFIP TC2/WG2.1 Working Conference on
Generic Programming has been extended until 2nd March 2002. 

For further details of the conference, please see the web site at
http://www.cs.uu.nl/~johanj/wcgp/. A revised call for papers is

Jeremy Gibbons and Johan Jeuring (conference chairs)

  * * *

 WCGP '02

 IFIP WG2.1 Working Conference on


   Organised in conjunction with MPC'02

  July  8 - July 13, 2002

 Dagstuhl, Germany


Generic programming is about making programs more adaptable by making them
more general. Generic programs often embody non-traditional kinds of
polymorphism; ordinary programs are obtained from them by suitably
instantiating their parameters.  In contrast with normal programs, the
parameters of a generic programs are often quite rich in structure. For
example they may be other programs, types or type constructors, class
hierarchies, or even programming paradigms.

Generic programming techniques have always been of interest, both to
practitioners and to theoreticians, but only recently have generic
programming techniques become a specific focus of research in the
functional and object-oriented programming language communities. This
working conference will bring together leading researchers in generic
programming from around the world, and feature papers capturing the state
of the art in this important emerging area.

We welcome contributions on all aspects, theoretical as well as practical,
of generic programming, aspect-oriented programming, polytypic programming,
adaptive object-oriented programming, generic components, and so on.


Full papers should be submitted in Postscript or pdf format by e-mail to
reach [EMAIL PROTECTED] by March 2, 2002. The details of the
submission procedure can be found at


Although there is no page limit, submissions should strive for brevity and


Submission   March 2,  2002
Notification April 12, 2002
Final version dueMay 24,   2002


Matt Austern 
Eerke Boiten
Ulrich Eisenecker 
Jeremy Gibbons (co-chair)
Ralf Hinze 
Johan Jeuring (co-chair)
Gary Leavens 
Karl Lieberherr 
Lambert Meertens 
Eugenio Moggi 
Bernhard Moeller
Oege de Moor 
David Musser 
Martin Odersky 
Ross Paterson
Simon Peyton Jones
Colin Runciman
Doaitse Swierstra
Stephanie Weirich


Jeremy Gibbons
Johan Jeuring
Bernhard Moeller

Jeremy Gibbons ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Johan Jeuring  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  Oxford University Computing Laboratory,TEL: +44 1865 283508
  Wolfson Building, Parks Road,  FAX: +44 1865 273839
  Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.  
  URL: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/jeremy.gibbons.html
Haskell mailing list