Re: Arrow Classes

2003-06-28 Thread Joe English

Ashley Yakeley wrote:
 Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

  This brings me to another point. One year ago we had a discussion on The
  Haskell Mailing List concerning arrows. (The subject of the mails was just
  arrows.) The point was that it seemed strange to me that first and second
  are included in the basic arrow class Arrow while left and right have their
  extra class ArrowChoice. Not only that it seemed strange to me but it made
  impossible to make Parser baseMonad an instance of Arrow. Parser baseMonad
  has nice implementations of pure and () but none of first or second.

 I agree. My own Arrow module hierarchy looks more or less like this:

   class Compositor comp where [...]
   class (Compositor arrow) = Arrow arrow where [...]
   class (Arrow arrow) = ProductArrow arrow where [...]
   class (Arrow arrow) = CoproductArrow arrow where [...]
   class (ProductArrow arrow,CoproductArrow arrow) = FullArrow arrow
   instance (ProductArrow arrow,CoproductArrow arrow) = FullArrow arrow
   class (Arrow arrow) = ArrowFix arrow where [...]
   class (FullArrow arrow) = ApplyArrow arrow where [...]

On that topic, see below for what mine looks like
(from HXML, URL: ).

I started off with Hughes' conventions, but for some
reason could never remember the difference between  and ***,
or between ||| and +++.  I found , , |||, | to have
better mnemonic value.  This also frees up +++ for ArrowPlus,
which -- in HXML applications -- is frequently used and should
thus be easy to type.

When using the ArrowChoice operators, I kept tripping over all
the 'Either' coproduct types, so added some syntactic sugar
(borrowed from HaXML):

data Choice a = a : a
class (Arrow a) = ArrowChoice a where
[ ... ]
( ?)   :: (b - Bool) - Choice (a b c) - a b c
(?)   :: a b Bool- Choice (a b c) - a b c

I found p ? f : g much more pleasant to use.

(I also like the idea of splitting the product operators out of
the base Arrow class -- will consider doing that in my library).


infixr 5 +++
infixr 3 , 
infixr 2 |, |||, ?, ?, :
infixl 1 

class Arrow a where
arr :: (b - c) - a b c
()   :: a b c - a c d - a b d
apfst   :: a b c - a (b,x) (c,x)
apsnd   :: a b c - a (x,b) (x,c)
()   :: a b c - a d e - a (b,d) (c,e)
()   :: a b c - a b d - a b (c,d)
liftA2  :: (b - c - d) - a e b - a e c - a e d
aConst  :: c - a b c
idArrow :: a b b
-- Minimal implementation: arr, ,  apfst or 

data Choice a = a : a
class (Arrow a) = ArrowChoice a where
apl :: a b c - a (Either b d) (Either c d)
apr :: a b c - a (Either d b) (Either d c)
(|)   :: a b c - a d e - a (Either b d) (Either c e)
(|||)   :: a b c - a d c - a (Either b d) c
( ?)   :: (b - Bool) - Choice (a b c) - a b c
(?)   :: a b Bool- Choice (a b c) - a b c
-- Minimal implementation: | or apl

class (Arrow a) = ArrowApply a where
app :: a (a b c,b) c

class (Arrow a) = ArrowZero a where
aZero  :: a b c
aMaybe :: a (Maybe c) c
aGuard :: (b - Bool) - a b b

class (Arrow a) = ArrowPlus a where
(+++) :: a b c - a b c - a b c

--Joe English

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Q. about XML support (WAS: Re: Interesting Read)

2003-02-19 Thread Joe English

Graham Klyne wrote:

 Which leads me to a question:  starting from the web page, I
 have identified three XML parsers in Haskell (HaXml, hXML, Haskell XML
 Toolbox), none of which seem to support XML namespaces and only one of
 which claims to be tested on both HUGS and GHC.

 Can anyone offer any recommendations, or maybe pointers to other work?

What are you looking for in an XML toolkit?

As far as HXML goes, I have a rough sketch of an
implementation of XML namespace support, not yet
finished or released.  (This is a somewhat thorny
problem; implementing XMLNS is not hard, but implementing
it in a sane way requires some ingenuity.)

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

Re: Enum on Float/Double

2002-10-24 Thread Joe English

George Russell wrote:

 Indeed I think the Haskell Library Report contains
 quite a few examples of floating point code which a numerical analyst would
 have written rather better.

Like the Float and Double implementations enumFrom{Then}To.
Heck, even I can tell that these are Just Plain Wrong --
they're subject to horribly bad roundoff errors --
and I'm not even close to being a numerical analyst.

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

Re: UTF-8 library

2002-08-10 Thread Joe English

Ashley Yakeley  wrote:

 One of the things that really bothers me about C is the way its
 unspecifiedness about types can infect other languages. For instance,
 what exactly is a Haskell Int?

 Java, at least, stands firm, but then platform-independence was one of
 Java's explicit design priorities.

Platform-independence is *also* one of Standard C's explicit
design goals, it just approaches it in a different way.

Standard C attempts platform independence by specifying the
existence of a certain number of built-in numeric types,
and certain guarantees about each of them.  It requires
that programmers know what is and is not guaranteed, however,
and write code accordingly.  It's possible to write portable
code in C, but you must abandon the assumption that (for
instance) an 'int' is exactly 32 bits, since that's not true
on all platforms.  The slogan is All the world is not a VAX.

Java attempts platform independence by declaring that all
the world *is*, in fact, a VAX [*].

[*] More precisely, a 32-bit platform with IEEE 754 floating point.

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

Re: UTF-8 library

2002-08-08 Thread Joe English

anatoli wrote:

 I'd still rather associate locale with a handle. This way, all
 Char and String IO functions that exist, and those that are not
 written yet, can work with any encoding without relying on the
 abomination that is setlocale().

Seconded; this is the best approach.  The libc locale could
be consulted to determine the initial or default encoding,
or it could just be ignored (I'd vote to ignore it; setlocale() 
*is* an abomination.)

BTW, this is how Tcl does it -- each file handle has an associated
encoding (which may be changed on the fly) -- and it's very convenient.

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

[ADMINISTRIVIA]: Change list submission policy please?

2002-06-27 Thread Joe English

The haskell mailing list is getting an increasing amount of 
spam, viruses, and virus warnings.  Would it be possible
to change the list policy to only allow submissions from
subscribed members?  Please?

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

Re: Functional design patterns (was: How to get functional software engineering experience?)

2002-05-15 Thread Joe English

Ralf Laemmel wrote:

 Joost Visser and I, we worked out a few maybe not so obvious functional
 programming pattern [...]


 I have the feeling that the FP community has a hard time getting started
 with design patterns.

I believe quite the opposite: there are plenty of FP design patterns
in common use, it's just that FP'ers don't usually use the term
design patterns to describe them.  I'm thinking of things
like catamorphisms, anamorphisms (aka folds/unfolds), monads
and functors, the zipper, and of course the various catalogues
of polytypic routines.

 Part of the problem is that design patterns are
 inherently vague and this is maybe something the authors in our field
 do not like to consider.

That's the main difference between FP patterns and OO patterns.
OO patterns tend to be informal, intuitive guidelines; and
though some FP patterns are like this (e.g., combinator library,
embedded domain-specific language), the majority can be
described rigorously.  This gives them an added usefulness --
you can actually calculate with them.

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

Is there a name for this structure?

2002-03-26 Thread Joe English

Not really a Haskell question, but someone here might know the answer...

Suppose you have two morphisms f : A - B and g : B - A
such that neither (f . g) nor (g . f) is the identity,
but satisfying (f . g . f) = f.   Is there a conventional name
for this?  Alternately, same question, but f and g are functors
and A and B categories.

In some cases (g . f . g) is also equal to g; is there a name
for this as well?

I find myself running into pairs of functions with this property
over and over again, and am looking for a short way to describe
the property...


--Joe English

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

ANNOUNCE: HXML 0.2, XML parser for Haskell

2002-03-06 Thread Joe English

Announcing HXML version 0.2, a non-validating XML parser written in Haskell.
It is designed for space-efficiency, taking advantage of lazy evaluation
to reduce memory requirements.

HXML is available at:


The current version is 0.2, and is pre-beta quality.

HXML has been tested with GHC 5.02, NHC 1.10, and various
recent versions of Hugs 98.

Changes in version 0.2:

+ New Arrow-based combinator library
+ Added support for CDATA sections
+ New function parseDocument recognizes (and ignores) the document prolog
(XML and DOCTYPE declarations)
+ Several data structures and public functions have been renamed
+ Space fault in comment parsing fixed

Please contact Joe English [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
any questions, comments, or bug reports.

--Joe English

Haskell mailing list

ANNOUNCE: HXML 0.2, XML parser for Haskell

2002-03-06 Thread Joe English

Announcing HXML version 0.2, a non-validating XML parser written in Haskell.
It is designed for space-efficiency, taking advantage of lazy evaluation
to reduce memory requirements.

HXML is available at:


The current version is 0.2, and is pre-beta quality.

HXML has been tested with GHC 5.02, NHC 1.10, and various
recent versions of Hugs 98.

Changes in version 0.2:

+ New Arrow-based combinator library
+ Added support for CDATA sections
+ New function parseDocument recognizes (and ignores) the document prolog
(XML and DOCTYPE declarations)
+ Several data structures and public functions have been renamed
+ Space fault in comment parsing fixed

Please contact Joe English [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
any questions, comments, or bug reports.

--Joe English

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Lazy Parsing

2002-02-28 Thread Joe English

Brandon Michael Moore wrote:

 I'm wondering if there are any libraries out there for creating parsers
 that lazily build up their result. I know I could thread the remaining
 input through a parser by hand, but it seems like someone should have
 already done it.

This turns out to be rather difficult to do in the general case
(but see below -- XML is a special case).

If you have

 type Parser sym result = [sym] - Maybe (result, [sym])

a Parser can't decide whether to return 'Just (result,rest)'
or 'Nothing' until it has successfully parsed the complete result.
So pattern matching on the parser's return value will force
the entire production.  Variations on the theme -- Either instead
of Maybe, list-of-successes, continuation-passing combinators, etc --
all face a similar problem.

However, if your top-level grammar is of the form:

things :: empty | thing things {- == thing* -}

then instead of:

case runParser (pMany pThing) input of Just (result,[]) - ...

you can use something like

unfoldr (runParser pThing) input

to build the result list incrementally.  This will be less eager;
instead of parsing and returning an entire list of Things, it
parses one Thing at a time.

Another thing to watch out for is heap drag.  The list-of-successes
approach tends to retain the entire input, just in case the parser
needs to backtrack.  Parsec [1] and UU_Parsing [?] solve this
by severely restricting the amount of required lookahead.

 I'd like to be able to turn a stream of XML into a lazy tree of tags
 (probably Maybe tags, or Either errors tags), but I don't think HaXml and
 the like do that sort of thing.

That's exactly how HXML [2] works.  The  parser returns a lazy
list of tokens (analogous to SAX events), which are folded up
into a tree by a separate function.  In addition it uses a CPS
parser library so (as with Parsec), there is minimal heap drag.

[1] Parsec: URL: 
[1] HXML:   URL: 

(Note: HXML release 0.2 will be ready Real Soon Now, and there have been
many incompatible changes since 0.1.  The main thing left to be finished
is the documentation, if you can live without that let me know and I'll
put a snapshot up.)

--Joe English

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: heap and walking through a very long list

2001-11-24 Thread Joe English

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

 There should really be a strict accumArray, just as there
 should be a strict foldl.

Yes, please!

Is there a way to write a strict version of accumArray in
Haskell 98, or does this need to be done by the implementation?

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Space faults in HaXml

2001-11-04 Thread Joe English

Last week, Dmitry Astapov posted a message to haskell-cafe
describing a HaXml program that was running out of memory
on large inputs.  I've done some investigation on this;
here's what I've discovered so far:

+ The HaXml parser is overly eager; it doesn't produce
  a value until the entire input has been read.
  The heap profile for Dmitry's program shows heap
  usage climbing steadily up to a large peak as the
  document is being parsed, then a sharp drop as
  output begins, then climbs again as the output
  is produced.  I suspect that this behaviour is typical
  of most HaXml programs.

  I replaced the parser with HXML (recently announced here);
  this flattens out the first peak, but the second one persists.

  (HXML uses an incremental parser -- instead of parsing a Document,
  it parses individual Events (start-tag, character data, end-tag,
  et cetera) and assembles them into a tree with a separate

+ nhc98's heap profiler is fantastic.

+ Under nhc98 (v1.10), 'putStr' doesn't seem to like overly-long
  strings.  This leads to trouble since the HaXml main driver uses
  a single call to 'hPutStrLn' to write the entire output document.

  Replacing this with 'mapM_ putChar' (or using GHC 5.02), fixes
  this problem, but the program still leaks.

+ The nhc98 heap profiler is amazingly useful.

+ HaXml uses the Hughes  Peyton Jones Pretty printer to format
  the output.  This appears to have a slow leak.  (Later tests
  show that the peak consists of void heap cells from the
  Pretty module, mostly suspended calls to Prelude.Int-
  and Prelude.Int+.)

  Figuring that it's overkill anyway I replaced it with a simpler

+ After this change there's *still* a space fault, which
  with the help of nhc's profiler (which, BTW, is great), I
  tracked down to the HaXml 'cat' combinator:

cat :: [a - [b]] - (a - [b])
cat fs = \e - concat [f e | f - fs]

Earlier I had reported that rewriting Dmitry's test case
to use the HXML internal representation directly instead
of converting to HaXml's representation fixed the space leak.
As it turns out, I didn't implement the 'cat' combinator,
but instead used a binary concatenation operator:

(+++) :: (a - [b]) - (a - [b]) - (a - [b])
f +++ g = \x - f x ++ g x

and my implementation of mkElem had the signature

mkElem :: String - CFilter - CFilter

instead of HaXml's

mkElem :: String - [CFilter] - CFilter.

which uses 'cat' to process the second argument.

Backporting this to HaXml:

mkElem' name cf = \x - [CElem (Elem h [] (cf x))]

and modifying Dmitry's test case to use mkElem' and +++
instead of mkElem and cat finally fixes the problem.
I'm still not sure *why* this does the trick --
hopefully somebody smarter can explain that --
but the modified program runs in bounded space,
no matter how large the input file is.

(It even works in Hugs, which I found surprising, since
the HXML tree builder has a known problem when run with
Hugs' garbage collector.)

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

ANNOUNCE: HXML 0.1, an(other) XML parser for Haskell

2001-11-02 Thread Joe English

2 Nov 2001

Announcing HXML, an(other) XML parser for Haskell.

This implementation should have better space behaviour than HaXml's parser,
and may be used as a drop-in replacement in existing HaXml programs.

HXML is available at:


The current version is 0.1, and is slightly post-alpha quality.

Tested with GHC 5.02, NHC98 1.10, and various recent versions of Hugs.

Please contact Joe English [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
any questions, comments, or bug reports.

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Re: HaXml, memory usage and segmentation fault

2001-10-31 Thread Joe English

An update on Dmitry's problems with HaXml memory usage:

 + Compiling HaXml and the driver program with ghc -O helps a *lot*.

 + Using the version of HaXml that comes preinstalled with
   GHC (-package text) helps even more.  There is a slight difference
   in the 'Pretty' module (which is used to print the output) between
   the two versions.

 + I wrote an adapter that converts my parser's XML representation
   into HaXml's, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement.
   This helps some, but not enough.  The heap profile using
   HaXml 1.02 has two large humps: the first from parsing the
   input, and the second from pretty-printing the output.
   (With the GHC version of HaXml the second hump is about half
   as tall as with the official HaXml version).
   With the new parser, only the smaller hump remains.

 + Figuring that using a pretty-printer is overkill, I replaced
   it with a quick hack that converts the HaXml representation
   _back_ into my representation and feeds it to a serializer
   that I had previously written.  This improves things some more:
   the identity transformation 'processXmlWith keep' now has a
   flat heap profile.

 + Unfortunately, Dmitry's original program still has a space leak.
   I suspect that the HaXml combinators (or, more likely,
   the HaXml internal representation) are not as space-efficient
   as I had originally thought, since when I rewrote Dmitry's test
   case to use the new parser's internal representation directly
   I again got a flat heap profile --  there doesn't
   seem to be anything wrong with the structure of the
   original program.

The code will be ready to release Real Soon Now;
I'll keep you posted.

--Joe English


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: HaXml, memory usage and segmentation fault

2001-10-29 Thread Joe English

Dmitry Astapov wrote:

  JE and the Hugs interpreter just isn't designed to work with large
  JE inputs.  Try compiling the program instead.
 well, ghc-5.02 seems to dislike something inside XmlLib.hs - it could not
 find interface defs file for modules IOExts .. I plan to look more deeply
 into it though.

I got it to compile with ghc 5.02 using

ghc --make -package lang translate.hs

The compiled version succeeds, but on a large document it uses
a *lot* of memory and starts paging pretty badly.

  JE Try the identity transform 'main = processXmlWith keep' on your sample
  JE document and see if that runs out of heap too.  If so, there's not
  JE much you can do short of replacing the HaXml parser.

I tried this as well, modifying your program to use an
XML parser I wrote a while ago that has better laziness
properties than the HaXML one.  Alas, my parser also
suffers from a space leak under Hugs, so this only deferred
the problem.  Under ghc/ghci, though, it has modest memory
requirements and runs without paging.

--Joe English


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: HaXml, memory usage and segmentation fault

2001-10-29 Thread Joe English

Dmitry Astapov wrote:

  JE I tried this as well, modifying your program to use an XML parser I
  JE wrote a while ago that has better laziness properties than the HaXML
  JE one.  Alas, my parser also suffers from a space leak under Hugs, so
  JE this only deferred the problem.  Under ghc/ghci, though, it has modest
  JE memory requirements and runs without paging.

 Is it's distribution restricted? Is it possible to get it somwhere, use it,
 patch it, etc?

If you don't mind a complete lack of documentation, sure :-)

The code is alpha quality; there are a few missing features
and a couple of things that it just gets wrong, but it's
basically working.  I'll package it up and put it on the Web
when I get a chance.  This may take a day or two...

--Joe English


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: HaXml, memory usage and segmentation fault

2001-10-26 Thread Joe English

Dmitry Astapov wrote:

 I have Hugs version February 2001, HaXml version 1.02 and this program:
 This program can process following file:

 ?xml version='1.0'?
 [... one customer containing two contracts ... ]

 Now increase amount of customers to 10, and amount of contracts within
 each customer to 999. After that, runhugs -h600 translate.hs
 invoice.xml invoice.html dumps core :(

 What's the reason: bug in hugs, bug in HaXml, or my own bad programming

More an inappropriate use of Hugs -- 10 customers with 999
contracts each is a moderately large input file, and
the Hugs interpreter just isn't designed to work with large inputs.
Try compiling the program instead.

The other issue is that HaXml's XML parser is insufficiently lazy
(although the rest of HaXml has very nice strictness properties).
For instance, there's no reason why your program
shouldn't run in near-constant space, but due to the way the
parser is structured it won't begin producing any output
until the entire input document has been read.

Try the identity transform 'main = processXmlWith keep'
on your sample document and see if that runs out of heap too.
If so, there's not much you can do short of replacing the
HaXml parser.

--Joe English


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

HaXml article on IBM developerWorks

2001-10-25 Thread Joe English

There's a nice article on HaXml (Runciman and Wallace's
excellent Haskell toolkit for XML) in the XML Matters
section in IBM developerWorks.  From the abstract:

| XML Matters : Transcending the limits of DOM, SAX, and XSLT
| ---
| Consider Haskell in lieu of DOM, SAX, or XSLT for processing XML data. The
| library HaXml creates representations of XML documents as native recursive
| data structures in the functional language Haskell. HaXml brings with it a
| set of powerful higher order functions for operating on these datafied
| XML documents. Many of the HaXml techniques are far more elegant, compact,
| and powerful than the ones found in familiar techniques like DOM, SAX, or
| XSLT. Code samples demonstrate the techniques.

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Re: Multithreaded stateful software

2001-05-28 Thread Joe English

Mark Carroll wrote:

 One of the projects I have coming up is a multi-threaded server that
 manages many clients in performing a distributed computation using a
 number of computers. [...]

 (a) This really isn't what Haskell was designed for, and if I try to write
 this in Haskell I'll never want to touch it again.

 (b) This project is quite feasible in Haskell but when it's done I'll feel
 I should have just used Java or something.

 (c) Haskell's monads, concurrency stuff and TCP/IP libraries are really
 quite powerful and useful, and I'll be happy I picked Haskell for the

There's also:

  (d) You end up learning all sorts of new things about distributed
  processing (as well as Haskell) and, armed with the new knowledge,
  future problems of the same nature will be easier to solve
  no matter what language you use.

That's what usually happens to me.

(Personally, if I had this project coming up, I'd use it
as an excuse to finally learn Erlang...)

--Joe English


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Monads

2001-05-17 Thread Joe English

Ashley Yakeley wrote:
 At 2001-05-17 02:03, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

 Monads are *much* more universal than that. [...]
 [...] Imperative programming is just one facet of the true story.

 Perhaps, but mostly monads are used to model imperative actions. And
 their use in imperative programming is the obvious starting point to
 learning about them.

I don't know about that; I use monads most often when dealing
with container classes (sets, bags, lists).  They also provide
a useful way to reason about parts of XPath and XSLT.

As far as learning about them goes, I don't think I really got
monads until reading Wadler's aptly-titled Comprehending Monads,
which approaches them from this perspective.

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Re: A sample revised prelude for numeric classes

2001-02-11 Thread Joe English

Dylan Thurston wrote:

 I've started writing up a more concrete proposal for what I'd like the
 Prelude to look like in terms of numeric classes.

I like this proposal a lot.  The organization is closer to
traditional mathematical structures than the current
Prelude, but not as intimidating as Mechveliani's
Basic Algebra Proposal.  A very nice balance, IMO.

A couple of requests:

  module Lattice where
  class Lattice a where
  meet, join :: a - a - a

Could this be split into

class SemiLattice a where
join :: a - a - a


class (SemiLattice a) = Lattice a where
meet :: a - a - a

I run across a lot of structures which could usefully
be modeled as semilattices, but lack a 'meet' operation.

 It would be reasonable to make Ord a
 subclass of this, but it would probably complicate the class heirarchy
 too much for the gain.

In a similar vein, I'd really like to see the Ord class
split up:

class PartialOrder a where
(), ()   :: a - a - Bool

class (Eq a, PartialOrder a) = Ord a where
compare:: a - a - Ordering
(=), (=) :: a - a - Bool
max, min   :: a - a - a

Perhaps it would make sense for PartialOrder to be a
superclass of Lattice?

--Joe English


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Extending the do-notation

2001-01-07 Thread Joe English

Sebastien Carlier wrote:

 Sometimes I need to write code which looks like this:
 do x - m1
let y = unzip x
... -- never using x anymore 
 I thinks the following extension to do-notation would be useful:
 pat - exp1 # exp2 ; exp3
 would be rewritten as
 exp2 = ((\pat - exp3) . exp1)
 so that the above example could be rewritten more compactly:
 do y - unzip # m1

This can be done in Haskell without any changes to the
'do' notation at all:  just define

|   f # m = m = (return . f)

and add an appropriate fixity declaration for '#'.

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Re: Finding primes using a primes map with Haskell and Hugs98

2000-12-16 Thread Joe English

Shlomi Fish wrote:

 As some of you may know, a Haskell program that prints all the primes can be
 as short as the following:

 primes = sieve [2.. ] where
  sieve (p:x) = p : sieve [ n | n - x, n `mod` p  0 ]

 Now, this program roughly corresponds to the following perl program:

[ ~20 line Perl program snipped ]

 The program can be more optimized for both speed and code size, but I wanted
 to make it as verbose as possible.

 There is a different algorithm which keeps a boolean map [...]
 The algorithm iterates over all the numbers from 2 to the square root
 of the desired bound, and if it encounters a prime number it marks all the
 numbers p*p, p*p+p, p*p+2*p, p*p+3*p, etc. as not prime.

[~40 line Perl implementation snipped]

 Now, I tried writing an equivalent Haskell program and the best I
 could do was the following:

[ ~45 line Haskell implementation snipped ]

Another way to do this is to compute the final array directly,
instead of computing successive versions of the array:

import Array
primes n = [ i | i - [2 ..n], not (primesMap ! i)] where
primesMap   = accumArray (||) False (2,n) multList
multList= [(m,True) | j - [2 .. n `div` 2], m - multiples j]
multiples j = takeWhile (n=) [k*j | k - [2..]]

Now this version does a lot more work than the algorithm
described above -- it computes multiples of *all* the integers
less than n/2, not just the primes less than sqrt(n) -- but
it has the virtue of being short enough to reason about effectively
and is probably a better starting point for further optimization.

 The problem is that when running it on hugs98 on a Windows98 computer with
 64MB of RAM, I cannot seem to scale beyond 30,000 or so, as my boundary. When
 entering how_much as 50,000 I get the following message:

 ERROR: Garbage collection fails to reclaim sufficient space

My implementation fares even worse under Hugs -- it runs out
of space around n = 4500 (Linux box, 64M RAM).  With GHC
it has no problem for n = 100,000, although the space usage
is still extremely poor.  It grows to consume all
available RAM at around n = 200,000.  (On the other hand,
it's considerably faster than the traditional 2-liner
listed above, up to the point where it starts paging).

I suspect the poor memory usage is due to the way accumArray
works -- it's building up a huge array of suspensions of the form

(False  (False  ( ...  True)))

that aren't reduced until an array element is requested.

(A strict version of accumArray, analogous to "foldl_strict"
defined below, would solve this problem, but I don't
see any way to implement it in Standard Haskell).

 In perl I can scale beyond 100,000, and if I modify the code to use a bit
 vector (using vec) to much more. So my question is what am I or hugs are
 doing wrong and how I can write better code that implements this specific

 From what I saw I used tail recursion, (and hugs98 has proper tail recursion
 right?), and there's only one primes_map present at each iteration (and thus,
 at all), so it shouldn't be too problematic.

Actually no; this is a common misconception.  In a strict
language like Scheme, tail call optimization works because
a tail call is the last thing a function does.  In Haskell
though the tail call is the *first* thing that gets evaluated
(more or less), leaving all the "earlier" work as an unevaluated
suspension.  Code that is space-efficient in a strict language
frequently suffers from awful space leaks in a lazy language.
For example:

sum_first_n_integers n = f n 0 where
f 0 a = a
f n a = f (n-1) (n+a)

quickly leads to a "Control Stack Overflow" error in Hugs.
BTW, the trick to fix it is to change the last line to:

f n acc = f (n-1) $! (n+acc)

or to replace the whole thing with:

foldl_strict (+) 0 [1..n]


foldl_strict f a [] = a
foldl_strict f a (x:xs) = (foldl_strict f $! f a x) xs

 Does it have to do with the way hugs98 implements and Int to Bool array?

Most likely yes.  Hugs is optimized for interactive use and quick
compilation, not for space usage.  Try it with GHC or HBC and
see how it does.

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Re: mapM/concatMapM

2000-10-18 Thread Joe English

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sengan Baring-Gould) wrote:

 mapM seems to be a memory hog (and thus also concatMapM).
 In the following eg:
  main = mapM print ([1..102400] :: [Integer])
 memory usage climbs to 1.6M with ghc and needs -K20M

As a guess: since 'mapM print ([1..102400] :: [Integer])'
has type 'IO [()]', perhaps the result of the IO operation --
a list of 100K empty tuples -- is the culprit, even though
the result is never used.

Does 'mapM_ print ... ' (:: IO ()) perform any better?

--Joe English


Haskell mailing list

Re: SAX, XML, Haskell

2000-09-25 Thread Joe English

Chris Angus wrote:

 I looked at HaXml a while ago
 and it seemed to offer a very Dom-like interface.

You could say that it's DOM-like in that it deals
with trees instead of an event stream, but it's actually
somewhere in between SAX and DOM.

The main difference between HaXML and DOM is that
in the DOM, nodes have object identity and it's
possible to access parent and sibling nodes (which
implies access to the entire tree tree starting from
any node).  With HaXML, you can only get to the subtree
rooted at a particular node.

[HaXML also encapsulates a lot of the plumbing and is relatively
cruft-free, which makes it considerably more pleasant to use
than the DOM in my opinion, but that's a secondary issue.]

 I was wondering if anyone had thought of making a Sax-like
 interface based on lazy evaluation. where tokens are
 processed and taken from a (potentially) infinite stream

The HaXML combinators actually have very nice laziness properties.
HaXML as a whole (at least the last time I looked at it)
is stricter than it needs to be -- because the XML parser
processes the entire input document before returning the
root node -- but a combination of the HaXML combinators
and Ketil Malde's parser would give the best of both worlds.

--Joe English


Re: simple binary IO proposition.

2000-09-02 Thread Joe English

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

 Joe English pisze:
  According to the ISO C standard, the meaning of wchar_t
  is implementation-defined.

 I know. How to convert between the default multibyte locale and
 Unicode on such systems?

As far as I can tell, there's no way to do so in Standard C
without investigating the details of each particular
implementation.  Even then it might not be possible --
I *still* can't figure out what encodings are supported
on IRIX.

It seems to me that the Standard C library routines
are only useful for programs that wish to remain completely
isolated from the details of localization.  If there's
any requirement at all for a specific encoding or character
set (such as UTF-8 or UTF-16), they seem to be pretty much
worthless as too much information is hidden.

--Joe English


Re: Test case Re: Is there a space leak here?

2000-02-28 Thread Joe English

Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Consider the Data a branch. It'll be compiled to
   let t = build es
   siblings = fst t
   rest = snd t
   in ...
 In many implementations, until you evaluate 'rest', you'll
 keep the whole of 't'; which in turn contains 'siblings'.
 So there's a danger of a leak here.

That's more or less what I suspected...

 GHC does a standard trick, which is to perform the 'snd'
 in the garbage collector, so the original form shouldn't
 leak.  I don't think Hugs does.  (But it will when we release STG

That must be it!

I just tried the developer snapshot of STG Hugs, and (since
I couldn't get the profiler to work) ran it with a heap size
just big enough to hold the Prelude and my test case, plus ~10K
words to spare.

After fixing the *other* space leak that Malcolm Wallace noted,
(too much laziness in 'length' and 'sum') all the tests ran without
a problem.  That was using breadth=12 and depth=6, which makes Hugs98
run out of room even with the default heap size.

Problem solved!  Thanks!

--Joe English


Re: Test case Re: Is there a space leak here?

2000-02-28 Thread Joe English

I wrote:  [...]
 I just tried the developer snapshot of STG Hugs, and [...]
 After fixing the *other* space leak that Malcolm Wallace noted,
 all the tests ran without a problem. [...]
 Problem solved!  Thanks!

Forgot to mention: my "real" program -- the XML parser --
also runs without a space problem under STG Hugs.

--Joe English


Re: Is there a space leak here?

2000-02-26 Thread Joe English

"Mark P Jones" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Joe: As you've observed, the space behavior of Haskell
 programs is often very subtle, and hard to understand.
 I glanced quickly over your program but didn't see any
 immediate signs of problems.  My first suggestion would
 be that you try using the rudimentary heap profiler that
 Hugs provides to see if this gives some insight into the
 source of the leak.

Ah!  I didn't even know Hugs had this.  Very useful!

This has turned up some interesting results... here's
what I've found so far:

Running the parser by itself (parseInstance :: String -
[XMLEvent]) yields a nice flat space profile (actually
it's rather spiky, but it definitely runs in bounded space).
So 'parseInstance' by itself doesn't seem to have a space leak.
But when I feed its output to 'preorderTree . treeBuild' (where
treeBuild :: [XMLEvent] - Tree XMLNode and preorderTree ::
Tree a - [a]), the space usage grows linearly, with a sharp
dropoff very near the end.

Further investigation shows that the problem is *definitely*
in the tree builder.  It's not specific to Hugs either,
GHC behaves the same way.

 Failing that, it might be worth trying to put together
 a complete example (program and data) that demonstrates
 the problem.  I find it rather hard to think about examples
 like this in the abstract.  Having code that I can actually
 run, can make a big difference in situations like this.

I've boiled it down to a short test case; will post that
here presently.

Some more background on what I'm working on...  There are
two traditional approaches to processing SGML and XML:
the event-driven approach, where the application responds
to start-tag, end-tag, and data events; and the tree-based
approach, where the application has access to the entire
document tree.  The tree-based approach tends to be easier
to use and more flexible, but common wisdom has it that the
event-driven approach is more space-efficient.  I thought:
wouldn't it be neat if you could write programs
in a tree-based style, and automatically get good space
behaviour through the magic of lazy evaluation?

There are a lot of common XML processing tasks that
are naturally expressed as a catamorphism, tree homomorphism,
or downwards accumulation (validation, namespace processing,
many simple translations to other document types,  etc.),
all of which should run in space bounded by the depth of the tree.

--Joe English


Test case Re: Is there a space leak here?

2000-02-26 Thread Joe English

Here's the test case...

The space profile for tests 2 and 3 look interesting;
there are n triangular "spikes" (where 'n' is the breadth
of the tree) that drop off sharply.

My hypothesis is that 'deserialize' (the problematic function,
called 'buildTree' in my earlier message) is building up
a long chain of suspensions of the form

snd . snd . snd . ... build 

that aren't getting reduced... not sure about this though.

It takes a really large tree before Hugs runs out of space
with this test case (breadth=11, depth=6 or so).  In my
real program though there's much more data stored at each
node and it fails on modestly-sized inputs.

Thanks in advance for any advice...

--Joe English



module SpaceLeak where

data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a]
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- a few of the usual polytypic functions...
mapTree :: (a - b) - Tree a - Tree b
mapTree f (Tree a c)=  Tree (f a) (map (mapTree f) c)

type TreeF a b  =  (a, [b])
cataTree:: (TreeF a b - b) - Tree a - b
anaTree :: (b - TreeF a b) - b - Tree a
cataTree f (Tree a c)   =  f (a,map (cataTree f) c)
anaTree g b =  let (a,bs) = g b in Tree a (map (anaTree g) bs)

-- and a few useful utilies...
preorderTree :: Tree a - [a]
preorderTree t = traverse t [] where
traverse (Tree a c) k   = a : travlist c k
travlist (c:cs) k   = traverse c (travlist cs k)
travlist [] k   = k

sizeTree :: Tree a - Integer
sizeTree = cataTree (\(_,l)- 1 + sum l)

treeChildren (Tree n c) =  c

-- A datatype for tree serialization:
-- This is similar to the tokens returned by an XML parser.
data Event a =
StartTag a
  | Data a
  | EndTag
deriving (Show,Eq)

-- serialize turns a tree into a list of start/data/end events.
serialize   :: Tree a - [Event a]
serialize t = stree t [] where
stree (Tree x []) k = Data x : k
stree (Tree x l) k  = StartTag x : slist l (EndTag : k)
slist [] k  = k
slist (t:ts) k  = stree t (slist ts k)

-- deserialize builds a tree from a list of events;
-- (deserialize . serialize) = id
-- This is the problematic function.
deserialize :: [Event a] - Tree a
deserialize events = head (fst (build events)) where
build :: [Event a] - ([Tree a], [Event a])
build [] = ([],[])
build (e:es) = case e of
Data a -
let (siblings, rest) = build es
in  (Tree a [] : siblings, rest)
StartTag a -
let (children,es')  = build es
(siblings,rest) = build es'
in (Tree a children : siblings, rest)
EndTag - ([],es)

-- 'sampleTree breadth depth' generates a tree of the specified depth,
-- where each non-leaf node node has 'breadth' children.
testTree breadth depth =  anaTree testCOAlg depth  where
testCOAlg n = (n, if n  1 then take breadth $ repeat (n-1) else [])

-- Quick sanity check to make sure 'deserialize' works as specified:
test0 n m =  testTree n m == (deserialize . serialize) (testTree n m) -- True

-- The following all run in bounded space:
-- try with ':set -d1000' in Hugs, n=4, m=6 or so...
-- In particular,  serialize $ testTree n m behaves nicely.
test1a n m = sizeTree $ testTree n m
test1b n m = length   $ preorderTree $ testTree n m
test1c n m = length   $ serialize$ testTree n m

-- These seem to leak space:
test2a n m = sizeTree $ deserialize $ serialize $ testTree n m
test2b n m = length   $ preorderTree $ deserialize $ serialize $ testTree n m

test3a n m = deserialize $ serialize $ testTree n m
test3b n m = preorderTree $ deserialize $ serialize $ testTree n m

-- This does not:
test4a n m = length $ treeChildren $ deserialize $ serialize $ testTree n m
-- But this does:
test4b n m = map (length . treeChildren) $ treeChildren 
 $ deserialize $serialize $ testTree n m 

-- *EOF* --

Re: Reverse composition

1999-10-08 Thread Joe English


 Some time ago there was a discussion about what to call reverse
 composition (I can't find it in the archive - needs a search option?)

 Just now I thought of .~ from . for composition and ~ (tilde, but
 commonly called twiddle) for twiddling the order about.

 Maybe we could adopt that as normal usage?

I've also seen  .|  and |.  used for this purpose (by
analogy with Unix pipes.)

John Hughes' Arrow library spells it "", but generalized
to arbitrary arrows.   At the (-) instance it's the same
as "flip (.)".

Along the same lines, are there accepted conventional infix operators
for the functions with types:

(a0 - b0) - (a1 - b1) - (a0,a1) - (b0,b1)
(a  - b0) - (a  - b1) - a - (b0,b1))

(a0 - b0) - (a1 - b1) - Either a0 a1 - Either b0 b1
(a0 - b)  - (a1 - b)  - Either a0 a1 - b

(the last one is called "either" in the standard Prelude).

I personally like:

(f * g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)
(f  g) x = (f x, g x)
(f + g) (Left x)  = Left (f x)
(f + g) (Right y) = Right (g y)
(f | g) (Left x)  = f x
(f | g) (Right y) = g y

Hughes spells these ***, , +++, and ||| (again generalized
to arbitrary arrows), but those don't look as nice typeset IMHO.

I also like:

apfst :: (a - c) - (a,b) - (c,b)
apsnd :: (b - c) - (a,b) - (a,c)
apl   :: (a - c) - Either a b - Either c b
apr   :: (b - c) - Either a b - Either a c

These are called "first", "second", "left", and "right"
in the Arrow library.

--Joe English


Re: To all those who don't like ad-hoc overloading

1999-10-04 Thread Joe English

Kevin Atkinson wrote:

 "Generic comparison function" is not really what I mean here.  What I
 mean is a single generic union which will have its
 comparison function default to (==) if one is not specified.

 It COULD be written something like

 union (cmp = (==)) l1 l2
   union l1 l2
   union (==) l1 l2

I don't quite see what algorithm you're using
to decide how many arguments are passed
to the function.

What would you get if you typed:

foo = foldr union []

for example?

--Joe English


Re: Cryptarithm solver - comparing oranges and oranges

1999-09-20 Thread Joe English

Mark Engelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A few observations:
 4.  Andy Gill's general solution is most impressive, and I hope that I
 eventually get to the point where his program makes sense to me.  I don't
 quite understand Monads and some of the built-in functions enough to follow
 it.  (Monads are Haskell's way of making imperative and mutative programming
 harder to do so that programmers are less likely to do it, right? :))

Actually, quite the opposite...  you should see how difficult
it was to do I/O in Haskell *before* Monads were introduced!

--Joe English


Re: Guidance on strictness

1999-06-07 Thread Joe English

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can anybody point me to tutorials, papers, etc, on how to properly
 annotate strictness in Haskell code? I am concerned with the following
 stupid piece of code that eats a lot of memory and takes an incredible
 amount of time to produce some output. I hope somebody will help me in
 finding what I am doing wrong.

I don't know of any general techniques, but there are a few
specific rules of thumb that apply here:

In strict languages like ML and Scheme, "foldl f" (or the
equivalent thereof) is preferable to "foldr f" (when given
the choice, i.e., if "f : a-a-a" is associative), since
"foldl" is tail-recursive.  In lazy languages like Haskell,
"foldr" is (usually) preferable, since it's lazier -- if "f"
is lazy, then "foldr f z l" only needs to evaluate the first
term of "l", whereas "foldl f z l" needs to force all
of "l" before it can proceed.  If "f" is strict, however,
both "foldr f z l" and "foldl f z l" will take up heap space
proportional to the length of "l", but "foldl'" -- the strict
version of "foldl" -- only takes constant space.

So the rule of thumb is: if "f" is associative and lazy,
use "foldr f".  If "f" is associative and strict, use "foldl' f".
In general, try to avoid "foldl".

 produce :: Int - Double - Array Int Double
 produce n x = array (1,n) [(i,x) | i - [1..n]]

 scprod :: Array Int Double - Array Int Double - Double
 scprod a b =
 case (bounds a, bounds b) of
   ((1,i), (1,j)) -
 foldl (+) start [a!(x) * b!(x) | x - [2..i]]
 where start = a!(1) * b!(1)

 main = print (show (scprod a a))
where a = produce 100 1.0

Replacing "foldl" with "foldl'" in your program doesn't fix
the whole problem though.  I suspect that the use of Arrays
is the culprit.  Just trying to evaluate

(produce 100 1.0) ! 1

causes Hugs to run out of heap almost immediately on my machine,

(produce 1 1.0) ! 1

succeeds, but runs for several seconds and 8 garbage collections
before returning an answer.  This is because "array bds l" has
to fully evaluate the spine of "l", plus the first member
of each element of "l", before it can be subscripted.  Moreover,
it leaves the second member of each element of "l" unevaluated
until it's requested, so the space behaviour of "array" is
particularly bad.  The second rule of thumb, then, is
"avoid Haskell Arrays unless you really, really need
constant-time random access."

In this particular problem, 'scprod' consumes elements in
sequential order, so it may be better to use lists instead
of arrays.  (In fact "scprod a a where a = produce n 1.0"
has a closed-form, O(1) solution, but I assume that's not
the problem you're really trying to solve :-)

Hope this helps,

--Joe English


Re: Modifying the monomorphism restriction

1999-02-24 Thread Joe English

John Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Everybody agrees the monomorphism restriction is a pain:
 So, let's make it visible, in the simplest possible way. Let there be TWO
 forms of binding: x = e, and x := e (say). A binding of the form `x = e' is
 interpreted using call-by-name, and may of course be overloaded: it makes `x'
 and `e' exactly equivalent. A binding of the form `x := e' is interpreted
 using call-by-need, and is monomorphic; `x' behaves as though it were

This is a good idea, except for the use of ':='.
I'd hate to lose that symbol from the programmers' namespace
just to solve the MR problem.  (Am I the only one who's
never been bitten by the MR restriction?)

How about leaving the 'a = b' binding form as it is,
(monomorphism restriction and all) and using 'a = ~ b'
to indicate call-by-name.  '~' is already a reserved
symbol, and it can't currently appear on the RHS of
a binding, so this new syntax would't break any existing

This way call-by-need remains the default, and compilers
will still signal an error if the programmer accidentally
bumps into the MR.  If this happens you only need to
twiddle the code to fix it.  For people reading the code,
a ~ on the RHS of a binding is a signal that something
out-of-the-ordinary is going on operationally, the same as
when it appears on the LHS.

--Joe English


Re: Modifying the monomorphism restriction

1999-02-24 Thread Joe English

I wrote:

 Operationally I expect that in "let x = f y in ... x ... x",
 'f y' is only evaluated once, no matter what type it is.

Which, of course, is not how Haskell actually works,
if x :: (SomeClass a) = SomeType a.  DOH!

Please disregard my earlier remarks...

--Joe English


Re: Modifying the monomorphism restriction

1999-02-24 Thread Joe English

Alex Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joe English:
  How about leaving the 'a = b' binding form as it is,
  (monomorphism restriction and all) and using 'a = ~ b'
  to indicate call-by-name. [...]

 I like that much less [...]  because I consider it
 (still) to be the wrong 'default'.

  For people reading the code,
  a ~ on the RHS of a binding is a signal that something
  out-of-the-ordinary is going on operationally, the same as
  when it appears on the LHS.

 I dispute that there's anything 'operationally out-of-the-ordinary'
 about an overloaded function definition, which is almost invariably
 what the MR is (silently) complaining at me for doing when I fall
 over it.  It's only out-of-the-ordinary if you were depending on
 it being operationally a CAF, so having some sort of special CAF
 syntax seems reasonable to me.

I was thinking of the example from the Haskell Report:

let { len = genericLength xs } in (len, len)

which, without the MR, computes 'len' twice.
Operationally I expect that in "let x = f y in ... x ... x",
'f y' is only evaluated once, no matter what type it is.

Also John Hughes' warning that:

 * When converting Haskell 1.x to Haskell 2, many := would need to be inserted.
   Failure to do so could make programs much less efficient.

That's why I'd prefer to keep call-by-need the default
and use new syntax for call-by-name/overloading.

 This way bizarre type errors remain the default, and compilers
 will signal an error _somewhere else_ in the program when you
 bump into the MR, if my experience is anything to go by.

Could you provide an example?  Every instance of the MR
I've been able to come up with winds up giving an error message
right at the definition that would need to have a ~ or an
explicit type signature added.

--Joe English