Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Binary.encode slower than show

2009-07-27 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 10:27:41PM +0200, Grzegorz ChrupaƂa wrote:

Hi all,
I have a piece of code where I'm serializing a datastructure with the
following type [(Int, (Map DType (IntMap Int)))], using Binary.encode
The thing is it is very slow: actually quite a bit slower than just using
This seems rather suspicious. Any idea what could be going on?

Does Map serialisation still require flattening the map to a List?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Help with Bird problem 3.3.3

2009-02-24 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:25:56AM -0500, Peter Hilal wrote:

Where do I go from here?  Thank you so much.

A hint: I don't think you can do it by recursion on (/). You'll need
an auxiliary function. Then prove that your function satisfies the

Phil (Unless there's some clever way to repeatedly divide which comes
   out with the right answer that I'm not seeing of course...)

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dynamic typing makes you more productive?

2008-03-19 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 09:41:15AM -0700, Justin Bailey wrote:

Two years ago I would have agreed with that statement. Now - no way.
Make the compiler work for you. I've done a lot of Ruby development
and I would never use it for a project of more than 3 or 4 people.
It's an awesome language but I don't think it would scale to
programming in the large. Any object can be modified at any time.
Determining where a particular method comes from can be an exercise in
Sherlockian deduction. Give an organization of 100 developers that
much freedom and I can only imagine chaos would result.

It looks from the outside like Ruby is going through some growing
pains as a result of the excerise of too much freedom at the
moment. But I wouldn't write Ruby off on account of that: an
interesting article I read recently made the comparision with Emacs
lisp which offers a similar level of power to the programmer, in that
pretty much any function can be redefined at any point, and yet it has
a thriving culture of Emacs extensions, all written by disparate
people who manage not to step on each other's toes.

IOW, it's a cultural issue as well as a language issue. Ruby
programmers will no doubt develop their own culture of what is and
isn't allowed in publically available extensions just as Emacs lisp
programmers have.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Constructing Data.Map from ByteString

2008-03-12 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:33:58PM +, Dave Tapley wrote:

I've been plugging away at this all day and some discussion in
#haskell has been fruitless. Perhaps you have the inspiration to see
what's happening!

Concerning this minimal example:

It works as required, loading K/V pairs into a Data.Map, the concern
is the amount of memory used. Pausing (using a getLine) after the
readFile one can see (through 'ps v') that the whole file 'f' is
loaded in to memory.
However once the Map is created the memory footprint swells to around
five times the size. Surely this can't be just overhead from Map?
My reasoning was that by using ByteString and getting the whole file
into memory a small and linear increase would be seen for Map

Just looking at the code, I'd guess that it's making at least three
copies of the data in total, plus Map overhead, so five times larger
before garbage collection isn't completely outrageous. (Unless my
intuition of what ByteString is doing is completely off-base of
course.) Don't forget that Map construction is lazy in its value
argument by default: Lots of potential for thunks to hang around the

I have tried using both Data.ByteString.Char8 and
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 with negligible difference.  For a hoot I
tried it with String and yes, it's ridiculous :)

Strings won't help, since you're modifying the data, so you get to pay
the string overhead without getting any sharing advantage from the
String list implementation.

You might do better feeding the input to a proper parser to build the
map -- At least then you'd only be copying the input ByteString data
once. I don't think you can do much better than that in an immutable


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-18 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 10:01:14PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

Philip Armstrong wrote:

Since no-one else has answered, I'll take a stab.
Obiously, you have a stack leak due to laziness somewhere

I wouldn't say that was obvious, though it is certainly a

I'm never exactly clear what people mean by a stack leak.
It seems some folk regard any algorithm that makes use of
O(n) or worse stack space as a stack leak.

In my personal lexicon, a stack leak is one where you accumulate
unevaluated thunks on the stack.

In this case, the combination of Data.Map not evaluating it's values
and Data.Binary being lazy is (I think) resulting in decode thunks
accumulating on the stack.

My opinion is that using O(n) or worse working memory when
the job could be done in O(log n) or O(1) memory is certainly
bad, but using O(n) stack is no worse in principle than using
O(n) heap. But at the moment it is worse in practice with ghc,
regretably :-(

I'd agree with this entirely.

In fact, a little experimentation has revealed that this:

   [path] - getArgs
   m - liftM decode (BS.readFile path)::IO [((Int, Maybe String), Int)]
   putStrLn . show . findMax . fromAscList $ m

will work just fine. No extra evaluation needed at all! I'll leave it
to the Haskell gurus to explain what's going on...

That's very interesting. Strangely if you use fromDistinctAscList
instead (as used by the Binary instance get method) the problem
re-appears. This is despite fromAscList making use of fromDistinctAscList.

Yup. It's because (I've just realised) fromAscList is evaluating the
values returned by decode in order to build the Distinct Ascending
List to pass to fromDistinctAscList. A previous version I was going to
put up simply ran another function over the list before passing it to
the map constructor, which was not particularly elegant but also

Data.Binary calls fromDistinctAscList to build the map, which is why
it gets into this mess.

BTW, I find this especially ironic as fromDistinctAscList is the perfect
example what I was talking about in another thread (continuation passing
madness caused by an irrational fear of stack use).

In *some* cases, continuation passing can be quite a bit faster than
other approaches IIRC. I haven't looked at this bit of code though.

As to what's really going on here, I haven't figured it out and I'm not
really inclined to try :-)

I did try and do some profiling, but gave up when I realised that I'd
have to go sprinking SCCs around the core libraries, which would mean
recompiling Data.Map and friends...

Heap profile graphs which assign everything to CAF are not very
helpful :)


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 LocalWords:  fromDistinctAscList IIRC sprinking
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-18 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 11:45:26PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

But I guess this rant is not much help to the OP :-)

Can the Get Monad from Data.Binary be replaced by the one in

Would probably require some hacking on the library I guess.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-18 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 05:56:41PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 10:01:14PM +, Adrian Hey wrote:

BTW, I find this especially ironic as fromDistinctAscList is the perfect
example what I was talking about in another thread (continuation passing
madness caused by an irrational fear of stack use).

In *some* cases, continuation passing can be quite a bit faster than
other approaches IIRC. I haven't looked at this bit of code though.

Can you or anyone else give an example?

I think I was thinking of this:

but can't be entirely sure. Sorry!


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow

2008-02-17 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 04:56:39AM -0800, Grzegorz Chrupala wrote:

I have a very simple program which reads a Data.Map from a file using
Data.Binary and Data.ByteString.Lazy, which gives stack overflow with files
over a certain size. Any ideas of what might be causing it?

You can try it with the small file (11M) at:

import System 
import Data.Map

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Binary
main = do
 [path] - getArgs
 m - fmap decode (BS.readFile path)::IO (Map (Int,Maybe String) Int)
 putStrLn . show . findMax $ m

Since no-one else has answered, I'll take a stab. 

Obiously, you have a stack leak due to laziness somewhere -- now
Data.Map is strict in it's keys, but lazy in it's values, and
Data.Binary is lazy so my suspicion would be that you're building up
lazy decode thunks for the value elements on the stack as the map is
being constructed.

If either decode or the Map construction were strict, you'd probably
be OK, but the combination is blowing the stack.

(Data.Binary serialises Maps by writing them out to a list of key,
value pairs in ascending key order. The Map can be reconstructed from
this list in O(N) time.)

In your specific example, you can replace the type for the result of
the decoding with IO [(Int,Maybe String),Int)] and evaluate the right
hand sides (with seq if necessary) before constructing the map from
the list, which will avoid the stack blowout.

In fact, a little experimentation has revealed that this:

   [path] - getArgs
   m - liftM decode (BS.readFile path)::IO [((Int, Maybe String), Int)]
   putStrLn . show . findMax . fromAscList $ m

will work just fine. No extra evaluation needed at all! I'll leave it
to the Haskell gurus to explain what's going on...

cheers, Phil

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] A handy little consequence of the Cont monad

2008-02-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 10:19:17PM +, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

  It's a matter of taste.  I prefer the function composition in this case.
  It reads nicely as a pipeline.

(Hoping not to contribute to any flamage...)

I've always liked $ for this kind of code, if you want to keep the
arguments around:

  next xs = runCont $ sequence $ map Cont xs

seems quite natural to me.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] The percent operator

2007-11-16 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 02:44:33PM +, PR Stanley wrote:
I understand 2%4 will construct a fraction in Haskell. I've tried this in 
GHCI but got an error message. Is there such an operator in Prelude and if 
so how is it applied?

It's not in the Prelude, it's in the Ratio module IIRC.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Flymake Haskell

2007-11-16 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 02:56:32PM +0900, Daisuke IKEGAMI wrote:

Dear Stefan and Haskell-Cafe,

Thanks to keeping your interest to the flymake-mode for Haskell.

Stefan wrote:

Could you explain to me what does, and give an
example of a problematic situation solved by the use of 


I'll add in passing that fixing flymake to cope with multi-line errors
was fairly simple  obviates the need for the extra perl script.

I can pass on patches if anyone cares.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Flymake Haskell

2007-11-15 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 09:19:10AM -0500, Denis Bueno wrote:

On Nov 15, 2007 7:25 AM, Philip Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can pass on patches if anyone cares.

I care!

Will dig them out asap then!


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] [OT] GHC uninstall on Linux

2007-11-07 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 10:41:53AM +0100, Dusan Kolar wrote:
 I use tar.bz2 binary distribution of GHC compiler as my distro does not 
use any supported packaging system. Everything is fine, but... I want to 
install the new version of the GHC compiler. Is there any (easy) way, how 
to get information about what was copied and where during installation? 
(./configure; make install) There seems to be no uninstall target in the 
Makefile. :-( And I want to uninstall the previous version of the compiler.

 Is it safe to delete files/folders just from /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.6.1 and 
/usr/local/bin/gh* ?

Probably. At least you installed it in /usr/local, not /usr...

For future reference, this is what GNU stow is for: you do

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/packagename

when you build the binaries and then use the stow command to put
appropriate symlinks in to /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib etc etc for
the version you want to use. This way you can have several versions
installed in parallel in /usr/local/stow/ghc-6.6.1
/usr/local/stow/ghc-6.8 etc etc, but have one default version
symlinked into your $PATH.

Very useful...


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC optimisations

2007-08-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 09:57:38PM +0100, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

GHC does some constant folding, but little by way of strength
reduction, or using shifts instead of multiplication.  It's pretty
easy to add more: it's all done in a single module.  Look at
primOpRules in the module PrelRules.

Patches welcome!  But please also supply test-suite tests that check
the correctness of the rules.

Sucking another example out of comp.lang.functional:


  import System

  f :: Int - Int - Int
  f s n = if n  0 then f (s+n) (n-1) else s

  main = do
[n] - getArgs
putStrLn $ show $ f 0 (read n) 

is 3-4x slower than this:

  #include stdio.h
  #include stdlib.h
  #include assert.h

  int f(int s, int n) { 
return n  0 ? f(s+n, n-1) : s;


  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
assert(argc == 2);

printf(%d\n, f(0, strtol(argv[1],0,0)));

The generated assembler suggests (if I've read it correctly) that gcc
is spotting that it can replace the tail call with a jump in the C
version, but for some reason it can't spot it for the Haskell version
when compiling with -fvia-C (and neither does ghc itself using
-fasm). So the haskell version ends up pushing and popping values on
and off the stack for every call to f, which is a bit sad.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC optimisations

2007-08-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 05:25:49AM -0700, Stefan O'Rear wrote:

On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 01:14:20PM +0100, Rodrigo Queiro wrote:

On my system, the C version runs about 9x faster than the haskell
version (with -O3 and -O2 -fvia-c -optc-O3 respectively). However, GCC
seems to produce about 70 lines of assembly for the main loop,
compared to about 10 from GHC. I suspect the speed difference is the
result of some heavy optimisation by GCC, which would need to be
hand-tuned for GHC. (I would be interested to see what this would be.
Unfortunately I don't know x86 assembly well enough to understand the
GCC output.)

GCC is carrying out two major optimisations that ghc is missing here:
replacing the tail call with a jump directly into the function body
(having stuffed the correct arguments into the appropriate registers)
and unrolling the loop. That's pretty much it. Neither are what I'd
call 'heavy' optimisations.

The fundamental problem is that GHC doesn't have enough registers to to
a good job with Haskell.  Normal Haskell code  makes extensive use of
the GHC stack for function calls, the C stack for signal handlers, the
capability base pointer for thread state, and the heap for everything
else.  Which doesn't really leave us in a good state for optimizing.  In
particular, x86 ghc ALWAYS passes parameters on the stack, even for tail
calls.  I didn't actually bother to check, but I'm pretty sure that's
what the OP was noticing - if you look carefully it's not actually
pushing or popping anything, just using stack memory.

Yes, absolutely.

Situations are far better on x86_64 (16 registers) and ppc (32
registers).  There is some work being done on the backend to improve
this (in particular, a new and much better register allocator and a
parameter-aware Cmm system).

fires up ppc box

Ouch. That's even worse:

$ ./sum 1

C version: 0.16s
Haskell  : 1.40s

Looking at the generated assembler, the ppc version has exactly the
same problem that the x86 version does. It carries out the
calculation, the stores the result in some memory locations and calls f
again so that the preamble to f can pull those same results out of the
memory locations in order to put them back into the same registers

(I'm using ghc 6.6.1 on Debian unstable btw for anyone following along.)

cheers, Phil

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC optimisations

2007-08-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

Don's reply didn't reach me for some reason, but pulling it out of the
previous response:

On 21/08/07, Donald Bruce Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The generated assembler suggests (if I've read it correctly) that gcc
 is spotting that it can replace the tail call with a jump in the C
 version, but for some reason it can't spot it for the Haskell version
 when compiling with -fvia-C (and neither does ghc itself using
 -fasm). So the haskell version ends up pushing and popping values on
 and off the stack for every call to f, which is a bit sad.

That doesn't sound quite right. The C version should get a tail call ,
with gcc -O2, the Haskell version should be a tail call anyway.

Just to be clear; the Haskell version is a tail call, but it's pushing
the values to and from memory (well, cache really of course) for every
call to f, which is killing the performance.

Let's see:

$ gcc -O t.c -o t
$ time ./t 10
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./t 10
./t 10  0.02s user 0.22s system 5% cpu 4.640 total

Turning on -O2

$ time ./t 10
./t 10  1.89s user 0.00s system 97% cpu 1.940 total

-O3 does better thanks to the loop unrolling, see timings bellow.

And GHC:

$ ghc -O2 A.hs -o A
$ time ./A 10
./A 10  3.21s user 0.01s system 97% cpu 3.289 total

So, what, 1.6x slower than gcc -O2
Seems ok without any tuning.

You're getting much better timings than I am!

$ time -p ./sum-hs 10
real 3.75
user 3.70
$ time -p ./sum-c-O2 10
real 1.40
user 1.35
$ time -p ./sum-c-O3 10
real 1.21
user 1.18

(My box has a AMD Athlon64 3000+ CPU fwiw, but the powerpc version is
even worse when compared to it's respective C binary!)


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Weird ghci behaviour?

2007-07-24 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Jul 23, 2007 at 11:46:41AM -0700, Dan Piponi wrote:

Ian said:

Can you please give a complete testcase for the problem you're seeing?

I took my test case and started deleting lines from it to simplify it.
And now I'm not seeing the problem at all and I can't reproduce it,
even though when I originally posted I was getting it repeatably. I'm
either hallucinating or it's a problem that comes up intermittently.
Maybe it's some kind of network time skew issue that has nothing to do
with ghc. If I catch it happening again I'll make sure to do more

GHC 6.6 had some kind of memory allocation bug that led to all kind of
weird errors in GHCi. Maybe try 6.6.1 ?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Very freaky

2007-07-13 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 10:11:07PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

On 7/12/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How come the set of all sets doesn't exist?
leads to which has the
answer, I think.


Clearly, set theory is way more complicated than people make out. (I always 
thought a set was just a collection of objects...)

If a set is just a *finite* collection of objects, then things are
usually fairly straightforward. It's those pesky infinite sets that
complicate things...especially the ones which aren't constructible.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type system madness

2007-07-12 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 07:01:31PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
Let me put it this way: It makes all my Tcl scripts stop working, and it 
makes my Haskell-based processor go nuts too...

Given that (IIRC) the BOM is just a valid unicode non-breaking space,
your scripts really ought to cope...


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type system madness

2007-07-12 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 09:24:24PM +0100, Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 07:01:31PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
Let me put it this way: It makes all my Tcl scripts stop working, and it 
makes my Haskell-based processor go nuts too...

Given that (IIRC) the BOM is just a valid unicode non-breaking space,
your scripts really ought to cope...

Oh wait, is the problem that the scripts are expecting ascii, and are
breaking on the non-breaking space? That makes a certain amount of
(annoying) sense.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] function unique

2007-07-12 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 10:31:36PM +0200, Hugh Perkins wrote:

  Ok so I played with the tweaked problem (Unix 'uniq'), and getting it to
  be lazy.  This seems to work:

It's slightly worse than that: unix uniq only eliminates *consecutive*
identical lines from its input. If you want to eliminate all
duplicates, you have to pipe your input through sort first.

  testunique :: Eq a = [a] - [a]
  testunique list = testunique' list []
 where testunique' :: Eq a = [a] - [a] - [a]
   testunique' [] elementssofar = []
   testunique' (x:xs) elementssofar | x `elem` elementssofar =
  (testunique' elementssofar xs)
| otherwise = x : ( testunique'
  xs (x:elementssofar))

I suspect the author upthread had something more like this in mind:

uniq :: Eq a = [a] - [a]
uniq [] = []
uniq (x:xs) = x : filter (x/=) (uniq2 xs)

Obviously a true 'unique' function has to traverse the entire list
before it creates any output, as has been pointed out upthread.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type system madness

2007-07-12 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 04:58:43PM -0400, Steve Schafer wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 21:24:24 +0100, you wrote:

Given that (IIRC) the BOM is just a valid unicode non-breaking space,
your scripts really ought to cope...

Choking on the BOM is probably just a symptom of a deeper problem. My
bet is that removing the BOM would simply delay the failure until the
first non-ASCII character was encountered.

Indeed. However, I can imagine that the author might well want to use
unicode characters in string literals and comments, where they would
be entirely inocuous (since a utf-8 string is a valid ascii string)
but the BOM at the beginning of the file breaks things.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] More binary IO, compression, bytestrings and FFI fun

2007-07-09 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 02:42:49PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Processing larger amounts of data, compression, serialisation and calling C.

Just a thought: is it worth sticking this up on the wiki?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Too many packages on hackage? :-)

2007-07-09 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 06:05:44PM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:

Another idea I've been pondering is allowing people to add links to
documentation for libraries, from their hackage page. We have a fair 
few libs documented in blog form, here,

Beeing able adding some comments (wiki style) would be cool.
This way we could add comments such like:
Have a look at ... which does the same thing but better.
Unmaintaned etc..

CPAN has something much like this, plus user ratings which together
with the comment system help sort through the endless perl extensions.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] More binary IO, compression, bytestrings and FFI fun

2007-07-09 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 06:53:15PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:


On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 02:42:49PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
Processing larger amounts of data, compression, serialisation and calling 

Just a thought: is it worth sticking this up on the wiki?


I should have had more faith :)


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary serialization, was Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-05 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 08:50:42AM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
[useful stuff]

So, in fact pretty much everything I was looking for exists, in some
form or other!

It's just a bit hard to find at the moment, perhaps because none of
this stuff is regarded as 'core Haskell' by any of the tutorials,
books etc etc.

I'll have a play with some of the libraries mentioned upthread
anyway. Thanks everyone.


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary serialization, was Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-05 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 09:41:23AM -0700, Dave Bayer wrote:
There are people who claim with a straight face that they migrated to OS X 
primarily to use TextMate

Presumably you mean ?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 06:07:13PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
I haven't actually tried, but presumably a TCP connection is represented in 
the same way as a file, and so has the same problems.

Basically doing binary I/O seems to be one of those things that in Haskell 
falls into the class of it's possibly but annoyingly messy...

In an ideal world there would be a 'deriving Serializable[1]' you
could do on datatypes which would get this right. In a really ideal
world, you could specify the data layout somehow[2][2a], which would
make integrating Haskell code into a wider distributed network of
processes exchanging binary data a cinch. In a super really ideal
world, you could operate on the packets in place in Haskell where
possible and save the deserialization overhead...

Anyone trying to do any of this?


[1] deriving picklable?
[2] DFDL does this for XML / binary data translation.
[2a] Or even dump to arbitrary formats: XML, JSON for concrete
 datatypes[3], mabe use the approach from
 (link stolen shamelessly from Lambda the Ultimate) for higher
 order data?
[3] Maybe UBL from ?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 09:02:15PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:


On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 06:07:13PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
I haven't actually tried, but presumably a TCP connection is represented 
in the same way as a file, and so has the same problems.

Basically doing binary I/O seems to be one of those things that in Haskell 
falls into the class of it's possibly but annoyingly messy...

In an ideal world there would be a 'deriving Serializable[1]' you

derive Binary
   (use an external tool for this)

such as?

could do on datatypes which would get this right. In a really ideal
world, you could specify the data layout somehow[2][2a], which would

Directly in Haskell data type decls -- see the ICFP 05 paper on the
House OS, which added packing annotations, and bit syntax. In current
Haskell, you specify the layout in instances Storable or Binary.

I'll have a look.

make integrating Haskell code into a wider distributed network of
processes exchanging binary data a cinch. In a super really ideal

Definitely. See things like the zlib or iconv
Data.Binary/Data.ByteString bindings, for prototypes. The 'tar'
reader/writer on is also a good example.

OK. Maybe this is the sort of stuff which ought to go into the new
Haskell book? 'Integrating Haskell with external data sources' or

world, you could operate on the packets in place in Haskell where
possible and save the deserialization overhead...

Data.ByteString.* for this.

Anyone trying to do any of this?

Yeah, its a bit of a hot topic currently. :)

Gotta chase Erlang for hacking network data.

Absolutely. Ta for the pointers anyway.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary serialization, was Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 09:44:13PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

Binary instances are pretty easy to write. For a simple data type:

   instance Binary Exp where
 put (IntE i)  = do put (0 :: Word8)
put i
 put (OpE s e1 e2) = do put (1 :: Word8)
put s
put e1
put e2

 get = do tag - getWord8
  case tag of
  0 - liftM  IntE get
  1 - liftM3 OpE  get get get

That's quite verbose! Plus I'm a bit concerned by the boxing implied
by those IntE / OpE constructors in get. If you were using those
values in a pattern match on the result of get, would the compiler be
able to eliminate them and refer directly to the values in the source

The Data.Binary comes with one tool to derive these. The DrIFT preprocessor
also can, as can Stefan O'Rear's SYB deriver.

I just write them by hand, or use the tool that comes with the lib.

More docs here,

This doesn't seem to deal with endianness. Am I missing something?

world, you could operate on the packets in place in Haskell where
possible and save the deserialization overhead...

Data.ByteString.* for this.

Ah, does Data.Binary fuse with ByteString.* then?

Hack those bytes! Quickly! :-)


It's a shame the layout definition is so verbose. Erlang's is quite
compact. I wonder if something could be done with template haskell to
translate an Erlang-style data layout definition to the Data.Binary

(Bonus points for being able to parse ASN.1 and generate appropriate
Haskell datatypes  serialization primitives automatically :-) )


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary serialization, was Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 06:52:08PM +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello Philip,

Wednesday, July 4, 2007, 5:50:42 PM, you wrote:

This doesn't seem to deal with endianness. Am I missing something?


Nice: bit aligning if you want it, little or big endian IO. Intermixed
endianness in the same datastream even[1]. However:

  3.2.10 Defining Binary instances for custom serialization formats (unwritten)

Does that mean that the code is unwritten or that the documentation is
unwritten. IAMFI :)

There seems to be some overlap between Streams and ByteStrings: Could
a Stream built on a ByteString backend benefit from all the fusion
work that's been put into ByteStrings recently? Oh wait, I see you
list that as 'future work' on the wiki page...


[1] Which sick application *needs* intermixed endianness?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary serialization, was Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 09:15:59PM +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Does that mean that the code is unwritten or that the documentation is
unwritten. IAMFI :)

of course all unwritten notes means unfinished docs. library
contains more than 100 functions so it was not easy to document them
all. you can browse sources, although probably it will not help too


There seems to be some overlap between Streams and ByteStrings: Could
a Stream built on a ByteString backend benefit from all the fusion
work that's been put into ByteStrings recently? Oh wait, I see you
list that as 'future work' on the wiki page...

if you will write all popular words together, this probably will be
just a set of popular words, not something working :)  how fusion
should work together with serialization?

I'm thinking of the elimination of the boxing of values drawn out of
the input stream where possible, eg if I was writing a stream
processor that folded across the values in the input stream, it would
(presumably) be more efficient if the compiler noticed that the
function in question was (say) just reading Int values at offsets
within the stream, and could pass those as unboxed references in the
compiled code rather than freshly constructed values.

Fusion might be the wrong term: I was thinking by analogy with loop
fusion, with one of the loops was the 'data reading' loop. Does that
make sense?

[1] Which sick application *needs* intermixed endianness?

i just tried to implement everything possible :)

Completeness is always good!

Thanks for the pointers,


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Binary serialization, was Re: Abstraction leak

2007-07-04 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 07:36:11PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Philip Armstrong wrote:

[1] Which sick application *needs* intermixed endianness?

*Clearly* you've never been to Singapore..., I mean, Ever tried playing with networking protocol stacks?

No (thankfully?).


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] XmlSerializer.deserialize?

2007-07-02 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Mon, Jul 02, 2007 at 12:23:36AM +0200, Hugh Perkins wrote:

  Clll :-)  Thanks for the link.

  Er are you the Philip Armstrong I was at college with

Shhh. Don't tell everyone or they'll all want one. (iow, yes: Probably.)


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] XmlSerializer.deserialize?

2007-07-01 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 10:48:11PM +0200, Hugh Perkins wrote:

  On 7/1/07, Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   btw, are you read Hoar's book Communicating Sequential Processes? i
   think that his model is very FPish and reading his book should allow
   to switch your look at concurrency in right direction

  No, I'll check it out.

Just as a point of interest, Jim Davies at Oxford University Computing
Lab. has edited a revised edition of Tony Hoare's book which is freely
available from

(Full disclosure: my day job is/was developing CSP-related tools.)


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slowerthan the original ML

2007-06-23 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 12:42:33AM +0100, Claus Reinke wrote:

try making ray_sphere and intersect' local to intersect,
then drop their constant ray parameter. saves me 25%.

I see: I guess I'm paying for laziness in the first parameter to
intersect' which I don't need. 25% brings it within spitting distance
of the OCaml binary too.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-23 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 08:49:15AM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
Don't use -O3 , its *worse* than -O2, and somewhere between -Onot and -O 

Is this likely to be fixed ever?

There is at least a bug report for it IIRC.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-23 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 03:28:53AM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:
What architecture, platform, compiler versions and compile lines are you 

32-bit x86, Debian unstable, gcc version 4.1.2, OCaml version
3.09.2-9, GHC version 6.6.1, compile line in the Makfile at

I gather these use algorithmic optimisations.

cheers, Phil

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is muchslowerthan the original ML

2007-06-23 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 12:05:01PM +0100, Claus Reinke wrote:

try making ray_sphere and intersect' local to intersect,
then drop their constant ray parameter. saves me 25%.

also try replacing that (foldl' intersect') with (foldr (flip intersect'))!

Thanks guys, this is exactly the kind of advice I was seeking.

OK, next question: Given that I'm using all the results from
intersect', why is the lazy version better than the strict one? Is ghc
managing to do some loop fusion?

using a recent ghc head instead of ghc-6.6.1 also seems to
make a drastic difference (wild guess, seeing the unroll 1000
for ocaml: has there been a change to default unrolling in ghc?).

Um. I tried ghc head on the current version and it was about 15%
*slower* than 6.6.1

Perhaps it does better on the (slightly) optimised version?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is muchslowerthan the original ML

2007-06-23 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 07:07:49PM +0100, Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 12:05:01PM +0100, Claus Reinke wrote:

try making ray_sphere and intersect' local to intersect,
then drop their constant ray parameter. saves me 25%.

also try replacing that (foldl' intersect') with (foldr (flip intersect'))!

Thanks guys, this is exactly the kind of advice I was seeking.

OK, next question: Given that I'm using all the results from
intersect', why is the lazy version better than the strict one? Is ghc
managing to do some loop fusion?

Incidentally, replacing foldl' (intersect ray) hit scene with foldr
(flip (intersect ray)) hit scene makes the current version (without
the lifting of ray out of intersect  ray_scene) almost exactly as
fast as the OCaml version on my hardware. That's almost a 40% speedup!

using a recent ghc head instead of ghc-6.6.1 also seems to
make a drastic difference (wild guess, seeing the unroll 1000
for ocaml: has there been a change to default unrolling in ghc?).

Um. I tried ghc head on the current version and it was about 15%
*slower* than 6.6.1

Perhaps it does better on the (slightly) optimised version?

Nope, just tried it on the foldr version. It's still slower than 6.6.1
(although not by as much: 26s vs 24s for the 6.6.1 binary). This is
ghc head from this Friday.

Jon is probably correct that hoisting ray out is a code level
transformation that makes the Haskell version different to the OCaml
one, but personally I'd suggest that replacing foldl with foldr is
not: the end result is the same  both have to walk the entire list in
order to get a result.

So, on my hardware at least, the Haskell and OCaml version have
equivalent performance. I think that's pretty impressive. Getting
close to the C++ would probably going to require rather more effort!


-- .oOo. public key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-23 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 10:32:31AM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:

On Saturday 23 June 2007 08:58:10 Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Sat, Jun 23, 2007 at 03:28:53AM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:
What architecture, platform, compiler versions and compile lines are you

32-bit x86...

Intel or AMD?

AMD. Athlon 64 3000+ to be precise.

I gather these use algorithmic optimisations.

Both. Versions 1-4 are progressively algorithmic, version 5 includes low-level 
optimizations (mostly manual inlining and unrolling). Implementing version 1 
is probably also interesting: it is the most concise version.

BTW, the ray tracer leverages the semantics of the float infinity (as the 
parameter when there is no intersection). Shouldn't be a problem but some 
compiler options might break it.

Thus far the Haskell version generates identical images to the OCaml


-- .oOo. public key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-22 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 08:42:57PM +0100, Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 03:29:17PM -0400, Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

Philip Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why on earth would you use -fexcess-precision if you're using Floats?
The excess precision only apples to Doubles held in registers on x86
IIRC. (If you spill a Double from a register to memory, then you lose
the extra precision bits in the process).

Some googling suggests that point 2 on
might have been what I was thinking of.

That's the old wiki. The new one gives the opposite advice! (As does
the ghc manual):

Incidentally, the latter page implies that ghc is being overly
pessimistic when compilling FP code without -fexcess-precision:

On x86 (and other platforms with GHC prior to version 6.4.2), use
 the -fexcess-precision flag to improve performance of floating-point
 intensive code (up to 2x speedups have been seen). This will keep
 more intermediates in registers instead of memory, at the expense of
 occasional differences in results due to unpredictable rounding.

IIRC, it is possible to issue an instruction to the x86 FP unit which
makes all operations work on 64-bit Doubles, even though there are
80-bits available internally. Which then means there's no requirement
to spill intermediate results to memory in order to get the rounding

Ideally, -fexcess-precision should just affect whether the FP unit
uses 80 or 64 bit Doubles. It shouldn't make any performance
difference, although obviously the generated results may be different.

As an aside, if you use the -optc-mfpmath=sse option, then you only
get 64-bit Doubles anyway (on x86).

cheers, Phil

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-22 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 01:16:54PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:

Philip Armstrong wrote:

IIRC, it is possible to issue an instruction to the x86 FP unit which
makes all operations work on 64-bit Doubles, even though there are
80-bits available internally. Which then means there's no requirement
to spill intermediate results to memory in order to get the rounding

For some background on why GHC doesn't do this, see the comment MORE 

Twisty. I guess 'slow, but correct, with switches to go faster at the
price of correctness' is about the best option.

You probably want SSE2.  If I ever get around to finishing it, the GHC 
native code generator will be able to generate SSE2 code on x86 someday, 
like it currently does for x86-64.  For now, to get good FP performance on 
x86, you probably want

  -fvia-C -fexcess-precision -optc-mfpmath=sse2

Reading the gcc manpage, I think you mean -optc-msse2
-optc-mfpmath=sse. -mfpmath=sse2 doesn't appear to be an option.

(I note in passing that the ghc darcs head produces binaries from
ray.hs which are about 15% slower than ghc 6.6.1 ones btw. Same
optimisation options used both times.)

cheers, Phil

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A probably-stupid question about a Prelude implementation.

2007-06-22 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 11:31:17PM +0800, Michael T. Richter wrote:

   1. Using foldr means I'll be traversing the whole list no matter what.
  This implies (perhaps for a good reason) that it can only work on a
  finite list.

foldr is lazy.

  Please tell me I'm wrong and that I'm missing something?

You are wrong and you're missing something :)

 any ((==) 2) [1,2,3]

 any ((==) 2) [1..]

any ((==) 0) [1..] will go _|_ of course.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-22 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 01:45:04PM +0100, Philip Armstrong wrote:

As I said, I've tried the obvious things  they didn't make any
difference. Now I could go sprinkling $!, ! and seq around like
confetti but that seems like giving up really.

OK. Looks like I was mistaken. Strictness annotations *do* make a
difference! Humph. Wonder what I was doing wrong yesterday?

Anyway timings follow, with all strict datatypes in the Haskell

Langauge File Time in seconds
Haskell  ray.hs   38.2   23.8 
g++-4.1  ray.cpp  12.6

(ML  C++ Code from

Gcc seems to have got quite a bit better since Jon last benchmarked
this code.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-22 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 10:11:27PM +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Friday, June 22, 2007, 7:36:51 PM, you wrote:

Langauge File Time in seconds
Haskell  ray.hs   38.2   23.8 
g++-4.1  ray.cpp  12.6

can you share sourcecode of this variant? i'm interested to see how
much it is obfuscated

The cpp  ml versions are precisely those available from the download
links on

The optimisation options I used can be seen in the makefile.

btw, *their* measurement said that ocaml is 7% faster :)

Indeed. The gcc-4.0 compilied binary runs at about 15s IIRC, but it's
still much better than 7% faster than the ocaml binary.

cheers, Phil

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

In odd spare moments, I took John Harrops simple ray tracer[1]  made a
Haskell version:

 darcs get

It's pretty much a straight translation into idiomatic Haskell (as far
as my Haskell is idiomatic anyway).

Unfortunately, it's a lot slower than the ML version, despite turning
all the optimisation options up as far as they'll go. Profiling
suggests that much of the time is spent in the intersection' function,
and that the code is creating (and garbage collecting) an awful lot of
(-|) vector subtraction thunks. Trying to make intersection' or
ray_sphere stricter (with seq) appears to have no effect whatsoever:
the output of -ddump-simpl is unchanged (with the arguments all
staying lazy).

Am I missing anything obvious? I don't want to carry out herculean
code rewriting efforts: that wouldn't really be in the spirit of the

cheers, Phil


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 12:25:44PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

Try using floats for the vector, and strict fields (add a ! to the
fields in the data declaration).

Because the optimisation page on the haskell wiki is very explicit
about never using Float when you can use Double, that's why. An older
revision used Float and it was slower than the current one. Making the
datatypes strict also makes no difference.

I have tried the obvious things :)

That's the simplest possible thing I can think of after about two
seconds of looking anyway. It appears that the ML version uses float
so I don't understand why you would use Double for the Haskell version
at all, and then think you could do any sort of valid comparisons
between them...

OCaML floats are Doubles, at least on x86.

cheers, Phil

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 04:23:37PM +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Thursday, June 21, 2007, 3:36:27 PM, you wrote:

revision used Float and it was slower than the current one. Making the
datatypes strict also makes no difference.

don't forget to use either -funpack-strict-fields or {#- UNPACK -#} pragma


(Assuming you mean -funbox-strict-fields; -funpack-strict-fields
doesn't appear in the ghc 6.6.1 makefile as far as I can see.)

As I said, I've tried the obvious things  they didn't make any
difference. Now I could go sprinkling $!, ! and seq around like
confetti but that seems like giving up really.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 01:39:24PM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:

Awesome stuff!

On Thursday 21 June 2007 12:36:27 Philip Armstrong wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 12:25:44PM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
Try using floats for the vector, and strict fields (add a ! to the
fields in the data declaration).

Because the optimisation page on the haskell wiki is very explicit
about never using Float when you can use Double, that's why. An older
revision used Float and it was slower than the current one. Making the
datatypes strict also makes no difference.

Where exactly do the !s go and what do they do?

On the datatypes:

data Vector = V !Double !Double !Double

for instance. They tell the compiler to make those fields strict
rather than lazy. This may or may not help things...

OCaML floats are Doubles, at least on x86.

Yes. OCaml doesn't have a 32-bit float storage format, apart from an 
entirely-float big array. Also, the ML in OCaml doesn't stand for 
metalanguage. ;-)


I take it you saw the whole language comparison:

Yup. I'd been meaning to run off a haskell version for a

I'll be uploading concurrent implementations ASAP. Haskell should do well 
there... :-)

I'll be on the lookout.

PS: You spelled my name wrong!



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 01:29:56PM -0400, Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:

Philip Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Because the optimisation page on the haskell wiki is very explicit
about never using Float when you can use Double, that's why.


Is that still true if you use -fexcess-precision ?

Why on earth would you use -fexcess-precision if you're using Floats?
The excess precision only apples to Doubles held in registers on x86
IIRC. (If you spill a Double from a register to memory, then you lose
the extra precision bits in the process).

Unless -fexcess-precision with ghc does something completely different
to the analogous gcc setting that is.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell version of ray tracer code is much slower than the original ML

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Armstrong

On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 08:15:36PM +0200, peterv wrote:

So float math in *slower* than double math in Haskell? That is interesting.
Why is that?

BTW, does Haskell support 80-bit long doubles? The Intel CPU seems to use
that format internally.

As I understand things, that is the effect of using -fexcess-precision.

Obviously this means that the behaviour of your program can change
with seemingly trivial code rearrangements, but if you're messing with
floating point numbers then you ought to know what you're doing anyway.


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