Re: [Haskell] Type Lambdas in Gofer

2007-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Jim Apple wrote:

data Rec f = In (f (Rec f))
type P f a = f (Rec f, a)

mapP :: Functor f = (a - b) - P f a - P f b
mapP g = fmap (\(x,a) - (x, g a))

instance Functor f = Functor (P f) where
fmap = mapP

Why did Gofer have this power while Haskell does not?

Haskell does have the same power as Gofer, it simply does
not allow you to define instances for type synonyms (just
in order to prevent overlapping instances, I guess). If
you use a newtype instead of a type synonym everything
works fine:

  data Rec f = In (f (Rec f))
  newtype P f a = P (f (Rec f, a))
  unP (P x) = x

  mapP :: Functor f = (a - b) - P f a - P f b
  mapP g = P . fmap (\((x,a)) - (x, g a)) . unP

  instance Functor f = Functor (P f) where
fmap = mapP


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Haskell 98 syntax question

2007-01-10 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Sascha Böhme wrote:


referring to the Haskell 98 report as available in the Internet, I  
have a short question. Section 4.1.3 (Syntax of Class Assertions  
and Contexts) contains the rule:

class - qtycls tyvar
  |  qtycls ( tyvar atype1 ... atypen ) (n=1)

Is there a (simple) practical example of a Haskell type expression  
using the second line of the above rule?

If you read a little bit further, you'll find the type
  (Eq (f a), Functor f) = (a - b) - f a - f b - Bool
in Sect 4.1.4. Another example can be found in Sect. 4.5.3:
  f :: (Monad m, Eq (m a)) = a - m a - Bool
  f x y = return x == y


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Mixing monadic and non-monadic functions

2005-09-08 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Frederik Eaton wrote:

I want the type system to be able to do automatic lifting of monads,
i.e., since [] is a monad, I should be able to write the following:

and have it interpreted as do {a-[1,2]; b-[3,4]; return (a+b)}.

Are you sure that this is the interpretation you have in mind? The
expression do {a-[1,2]; b-[3,4]; return (a+b)} does *not* compute the
element-wise sum of the two lists, but returns the list [4,5,5,6]. To
me, this would be a very counter intuitive result for an expression


Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] readList oddity

2004-10-21 Thread Wolfgang Lux
Am 21.10.2004 um 09:55 schrieb Johannes Waldmann:
turns out that check1 and check2 work, but check0 will not (I thought 
it would). The implementation (in the Prelude) seems to think that ] 
(in check0) could possibly be the beginning of a list element.
This is just a problem of non-deterministic parsing. The prelude's read
function always explores all possible parses (in order to flag ambiguous
ones). Thus, at the beginning of the list it will always try to match 
input against ] and an element causing check0 to fail. For later 
there is no problem because the choice is between ] and ,.

Because of that, calling error in one of your read functions seems a bad
idea. In fact, returning an empty list is the right way to return an 
in the prelude's parsing framework. If you want something different 
because you want better error messages) you should not be using the 
read function. IMHO, the prelude's Read class for that reason is quite
useless -- except for converting strings into numbers.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [Haskell] return?

2004-04-30 Thread Wolfgang Lux
John Meacham wrote:

you can make things somewhat better with this construct

foo = do
if cond then return bar else do
Except that this is invalid according to the Haskell report. In note 1
in section 9.3 (Layout), the report explicitly states that A nested
context must be further indented than the enclosing context. While
hugs and ghc incorrectly accept your code, hbc and nhc98 get it right,
i.e., they raise a parse error on it.

Haskell mailing list

Re: The madness of implicit parameters: cured?

2003-08-04 Thread Wolfgang Lux
Ben Rudiak-Gould wrote:

The final straw was:
Prelude let ?x = 1 in let g = ?x in let ?x = 2 in g
Prelude let ?x = 1 in let g () = ?x in let ?x = 2 in g ()
This is insanity. I can't possibly use a language feature which 
behaves in
such a non-orthogonal way.
Well, this is not insanity (only a little bit). In the first example, 
define a *value* g, i.e., g is bound to the value of ?x in its current
environment (though this value is not yet evaluated due to lazy 
whereas in the second example you define a function. The real insanity 
this point is that Haskell -- in contrast to Clean -- offers no way to
distinguish function bindings and value bindings and therefore you 
define nullary functions (except by some judicious use type signatures),
which is the heart of the monomorphism restriction mentioned by somebody
else on this list (and discussed regularly on this list :-).

Now the interesting part: I think I've managed to fix these problems. 
afraid that my solution will turn out to be just as unimplementable as 
original file I/O proposal, and that's very likely in this case since 
far from grokking Haskell's type system. So I'm going to present my 
and let the gurus on this list tell me where I went wrong. Here we go.


Now introduce the idea of explicit named parameters to Haskell. This
requires three extensions: a new kind of abstraction, a new kind of
application, and a way of representing the resulting types.
This looks quite similar to the labeled parameters in Objective Caml. 
Objective Caml's solution seems to be more general. For instance, you 
pass labeled parameters in arbitrary order and you can have default 
for optional arguments.


Why are the semantics so much clearer? I think the fundamental problem
with the existing semantics is the presence of an implicit parameter
environment, from which values are scooped and plugged into functions 
hard-to-predict times.
If you keep the distinction between values and functions in mind, I do 
think that it is hard to predict when an implicit parameter is 
(if you are willing to accept the principal problem that it is hard to
predict which value is substituted with every kind of dynamic scoping 

By substituting a notation which clearly means I
want this implicit parameter of this function bound to this value right
now, and if you can't do it I want a static type error, we avoid this
IMHO, this problem were solved much easier by introducing a new syntax 
distinguish value and (nullary) function bindings, as was already 
asked for on this list in the context of the monomorphism restriction.
Personally, I'd suggest to use let x - e in ... to introduce a value 
(as it is quite similar to the bindings introduced in a do-statement) 
and use
let x = e to introduce a nullary function. (I prefer - over := which 
Hughes and others suggested some time ago because we don't loose an 
name). Thus, you example

  let ?x = 1 in let g = ?x in let ?x = 2 in g

will behave as you did expect, viz. evaluate to 2, whereas

  let ?x = 1 in let g - ?x in let ?x = 2 in g

will return 1.

Haskell mailing list

Re: In search of: [a-b] - a - [b]

2003-06-20 Thread Wolfgang Lux
Christian Sievers wrote:

This is a case where I'd prefer a list comprehension:

flist fs a = [ f a | f - fs ]

(and this could be a monad comprehension, if Haskell still had them...)
And it still has them, you just have to get accustomed to the slightly
different syntax :-)
  flist fs a = do f - fs; return (f a)


Haskell mailing list

Re: Scope of imported names

2001-10-22 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Karl-Filip Faxen wrote

 Section 5.5.2 relates to name clashes and has an interesting example
 towards the end:
   module F where
 sin :: Float - Float
 sin x = (x::Float)
 f x = Prelude.sin (F.sin x)
 where the type signature refers to the local sin rather than the imported
 although none of them is visible unqualified. These rules are quite tricky
 to understand, I think. They are also different in spirit from the rules

The Haskell report seems to be inconsistent here (once again). In the 
beginning of section 5.3 it says 

  Imported names serve as top level declarations: they scope over the entire
  body of the module but may be shadowed by local NON-TOP-LEVEL bindings.

Thus, the definition of sin in module F is invalid because another 
top-level declaration of sin already exists due to the (implicit) 
import of the Prelude. In order to redefine sin locally the imported 
definition should be hidden and imported only qualified:

  module F where
import Prelude hiding(sin)
import qualified Prelude(sin)

 for instance declarations in section 4.3.2 where the binding occurrences
 for the names of the methods must be qualified if the unqualified method 
 name is not in scope. In the sin example it is allowed to resolve the 
 name clash using the extra knowledge that it is illegal to provide type
 signatures for imported names, wheras in the case for instance declarations
 we may not use the corresponding extra knowledge that only methods in 
 the instance'd class may be bound by the bindings.
 What I'm driving at is this: I propose that top level bindings shadow
 imported names and that qualified names can not be used to refer to
 declarations in the same module. 

The second part is going to conflict with the revised report which relies 
on the qualified names of entities in order to specify which entites exported 
from module M (module M) where { ... }

 who feels very relieved at having come out publicly in favour of shadowing
 imported names ;-)


who prefers to forbid shadowing of imported names :-)

Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: Scope of imported names

2001-10-22 Thread Wolfgang Lux


 Well, it's not that simple currently. Name clashes are only illegal if they
 lead to unresolvable references. Thus if we have

Intricate, indeed. I didn't expect to be able to define a function 
which I cannot reference with its unqualified name.

   What I'm driving at is this: I propose that top level bindings shadow
   imported names and that qualified names can not be used to refer to
   declarations in the same module. 
  The second part is going to conflict with the revised report which relies 
  on the qualified names of entities in order to specify which entities export
  from module M (module M) where { ... }
 That's right (this refers to section 5.2, fifth numbered item). What is
 the rationale behind requiring the qualified name to be visible also?

If I remember right (I didn't track this down in the mail archives), 
the reason was to clarify the meaning of an as clause on an import. 
I.e., the export list of

  module M(module N)
import N as P

should be empty, while 

  module M(module P)
import N as P

exports all of the entities exported from module N.

  who prefers to forbid shadowing of imported names :-)
 Even by nested bindings?

No. Otherwise you would probably ask me why I don't want to forbid 
shadowing of global names by local ones. However, I still don't 
like the proposal because it allows to shadow imported definitions 
without noticing. IMHO this is less a problem for local definitions 
inside a function (which is rarely more than few lines long and thus 
more easily comprehensible) than for a whole module.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: More feedback on Haskell 98 modules from the Programatica Team

2001-08-08 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote

 | 2) The semantics of module M style entries in export lists seems to
 |Program 2:  module A(module B, ...) where
 |~~   import qualified B
 | ... code that doesn't import B ...
 |A similar example: now B appears as an import, but there are no
 |unqualified imports of B, so either module B adds nothing to the
 |export list (except instances?), or else this program is an error.
 |Item 5 on p65 (describing entities exported from modules) says that
 |module m exports entities brought into scope from m by one or
 |*unqualified* imports.  But this example suggests more; that it
 |export instances brought into scope from *qualified* imports too.
 |Perhaps the intention is that module m exports all instances,
 |and all entities that are imported from m with an unqualified name?
 I don't think it should matter whether B is imported qualified or not; I
 to remove the *unqualified* adjective in the above quote.

I don't think that this is a good idea. In particular because it may 
break existing programs. Consider two modules with one common name, e.g.

module A where
  f x = 1
  ... a lot of other definitions ...
module B where
  f x = 2
  ... a lot more definitions but none conflicting with A's top-level entities ...

The following module is legal under the current semantics of the report 
(and will export everything from A and B except for A.f and in 
particular will generate no names clashes in the body of the module 

module C (module A,module B,module C) where
  import A hiding(f)
  import qualified A(f)
  import B
  ... code using A.f and f (i.e. B.f) ...

With your proposed change there will be a name clash for the export of 
f from module C.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: Simple compiler question

2001-07-26 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Mark Carroll wrote

 Do any of the decent Haskell compilers allow you to just type function
 definitions at an interpreter prompt and use them in subsequent
 interactions, as you'd expect from a Lisp environment?

I don't know whether you consider hbi (the interactive version of hbc) 
a decent compiler, but it supports entering definitions as well:

 let { f x = x + x };
f :: (Prelude.Num a) = a - a
 f 3;


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: lexical description problem in language report?

2001-07-24 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Thomas Hallgren wrote

 There seems to be a similar problem with qualified identifiers. The 
 production for lexeme includes varid, conid, etc, rather than qvarid, 
 qconid, etc. (Perhaps someone forgot to update it when qualified names 
 were introduced, in Haskell 1.3...)

Sorry we must have a different version of the report, but in my copy 
and also in the version on Simon PJ's web-pages section 2.4 (in the 
last paragraph) and appendix B include productions for the qualified 


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Minor inconsistency in the report wrt to qualified names

2001-07-24 Thread Wolfgang Lux

In section 5.5.1 the report states that a top-level declaration brings 
into scope qualified and unqualified names. Thus, the following 
declaration is legal:

  module Foo where
ones = 1 : Foo.ones

However, in section 2.4 the report says External names may optionally be 
qualified in certain circumstances by prepending them with a module 
identifier. And also in section 3.2 the report says Qualified names may 
only be used to reference and imported variable or constructor, from 
which the above program would not be legal (because Foo.ones is not an 
imported constructor or variable).

In order to make the report consistent, I would suggest to change the 
section 3.2 to say:
Qualified names may be used to reference variables or constructors 
which are imported from other modules or defined at the top level.

In section 2.4, the word External should be dropped from the 


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: Dealing with implementation differences

2001-07-17 Thread Wolfgang Lux


 How does one deal cleanly with implementation differences, e.g. things
 isAscii being defined in Hugs but not in GHC? I'd hate to resort to
 trickery and preprocessing.

You can try to use some special compatibility module where you collect 
all the workarounds for the implmentation differences. But in this 
particular you should better read the (library) report and simply import 
the Char module (from where isAscii should be exported -- Hugs still 
exports it from the Prelude though it shouldn't).


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: infelicity in module imports

2001-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Brian Boutel wrote

 Option 2 is closer to what the syntax of imports, read as English, suggests
 is intended, but, if it wasn't for that, I'd be promoting option 1.
 The primary purpose of being able to restrict imports is to avoid name
 clashes, and with qualified import there is no risk of a clash, so no need
 for restrictions.

This is not true since Haskell allows for the renaming of modules on 
imports. If you look at the example in section 5.3.2 of the report, 
there is the example

  module M where
import qualified Foo as A
import qualified Bar as A
x = A.f

Obviously there is a name clash if both, Foo and Bar export symbol f.

 Even with option 2, there is scope for confusion. Import without
 qualified, imports both qualified and unqualified names, but adding the
 word qualified doesn't make any difference to the position of qualified
 names, but instead silently fails to import unqualified names.

I don't understand what confusion you see here. What do you mean by the 
position of names?

 There is still a strange asymmetry, too. Whereas adding qualified to
 import Modname ( a, b, c) doesn't change which entities are imported, just
 the ability to refer to them by unqualified names, adding qualified to
 import Modname hiding ( a, b, c) has the effect of importing everything
 that was previously hidden.

I don't see that this applies to option 2. Maybe the formulation is 
still not clear enough, but in my reading (and I think this is the 
intended one) it says that the list of imported entities is the same 
regardless of whether you use qualified on the import or not. The 
qualified keyword only prevents the use of unqualified references to 
these entities. So if in your example the module Modname exports 
entities a, b, c, d, and e, then after import Modname hiding (a,b,c) 
only d and e are imported and then same is true for import qualified 
Modname hiding (a,b,c)

 Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
  There are two consistent positions
  1. Every import of module A (no matter how constrained) imports
  all of A's exports with qualified names.  Import of qualified names is
  unaffected by both hiding clauses and the explicit entity list
  2. The explicit entity list, or hiding clause, for an import determines
  entities are imported.  The qualified names of all these entities are
  into scope; in addition, for an unqualified import the unqualified names
  brought into scope too.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: infelicity in module imports

2001-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Koen Claessen wrote

 What I would like to see in the report are *examples*.
 Namely what happens in each of the following cases:

Ok, let me try:

   import A
visible: x, y, p, q, v, w, A.x, A.y, A.p, A.q, A.v, A.w

   import A()
nothing imported

   import A(x,y)
visible: x, y, A.x, A.y

   import qualified A
visible: A.x, A.y, A.p, A.q, A.v, A.w

   import qualified A()
nothing imported

   import qualified A(x,y)
visible: A.x, A.y

   import A hiding ()
like import A

   import A() hiding ()
   import A(x,y) hiding ()
these two are not legal, you have either and list of included entities 
or a list of hidden entities both not both.

   import A hiding (p,q)
according to report this would import x, y, v, w, A.x, A.y, A.p, A.q, A.v, A.w
with the revision of the report A.p and A.q no longer are visible

   import A() hiding (p,q)
   import A(x,y) hiding (p,q)
both are not legal

   import qualified A hiding ()
like import A
   import qualified A() hiding ()
   import qualified A(x,y) hiding ()
both not legal

   import qualified A hiding (p,q)
either A.x, A.y, A.p, A.q, A.v, A.w (according to the report) or
A.x, A.y, A.v, A.w (when the report is changed as Simon proposed)

   import qualified A() hiding (p,q)
   import qualified A(x,y) hiding (p,q)
both not legal


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Another question wrt hiding imports

2001-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Lux

After the recent discussion import hiding clauses in import 
declarations, I was wondering what the meaning of hiding clauses is in 
the case of algebraic data types (or classes).

For instance if a have

  module A where
data T = A | B

which entities are imported when I include the declaration

  import A hiding(T)

in a module? The report is not clear about this but I would expect that 
this imports data constructors A and B into the current module but not 
the type constructor T -- otherwise, what would be the meaning of 
import A hiding(T(B))?

However, if this is true it is possible to export data constructors 
without their type via

  module B(module A) where
import A hiding(T)

which contradicts the statement in section 5.2 on p.64, that the form 
module m is equivalent to listing all entities imported from that 
module, because I cannot list a data constructor (without its type) in an 
export specification.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: Another question wrt hiding imports

2001-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote

 | For instance if a have
 |   module A where
 | data T = A | B
 | which entities are imported when I include the declaration
 |   import A hiding(T)
 | in a module? The report is not clear about this but I would 
 | expect that 
 | this imports data constructors A and B into the current 
 | module but not 
 | the type constructor T 
 Yes, that's right.  Why is the report not clear?  More precisely, how
 could I improve it?

I find it a little bit counterintuitive to be able to hide a type 
constructor but not its data constructors (in particular) because one 
cannot import a data constructor by simply giving its name in an import 
specification. Maybe a single sentence which explicates the fact that 
hiding(T) only hides the type constructor T but not any of the data 
constructors of T (except if T is also a data constructor in this or any 
another data type) is sufficient to make this clear. (But maybe I was 
particularly dumb in this case).


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: Fixity declarations

2001-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Koen Claessen wrote

 However, it is not possible to define the fixity of an
 operator which is an argument to a function. If I define:
   foldr4 :: (a - b - b) - b - (a,a,a,a) - b
   foldr4 (#) z (a,b,c,d) = a # b # c # d # z
 I will have to put in parentheses explicitly, because it is
 not possible to define the fixity of that entity (namely the
 argument (#) to foldr4).
 In this case, (#) gets the default fixity, namely infixl 9.
 Apart from the fact if we want to allow this or not, I think
 the report should be clear about that it is not possible to
 define the fixities of locally bound operator names in this

Hmmm, unless I overlooked something your example is syntacally not 
valid by the grammar given in appendix B.4 of the Haskell 98 report.
Operators in patterns can be used only with an infix syntax.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: infelicity in module imports

2001-07-04 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Malcolm Wallace wrote

 Currently, you are permitted to write
 import A hiding (f)
 import B as A (f)
 and this means that everything exported from module A is visible,
 with the exception that function `f' is overridden by a different
 definition from module B.  Here, a reference to `A.f' is resolved
 unambiguously to `B.f'.

In my understanding of the report, this is not true. Quoting from section 
5.3 of the report 

  The hiding clause only applies to unqualified names. In the previous
   example, the name M.C is brought into scope.

Thus, in your example, the declaration import A hiding (f) will bring 
A.f into scope and thus A.f is ambiguous!


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: infelicity in module imports

2001-07-04 Thread Wolfgang Lux

Malcolm Wallace wrote

 However, if you are indeed correct, then we have an even stranger
 import A (g)
 brings only A.g into scope, but
 import A hiding (f)
 brings both A.f and A.g into scope!  So `hiding' is doing the opposite
 of hiding, and in fact _reveals_ names.

Yes, I agree that this is quite strange (and the keyword hiding is 
quite misleading in this case). 

Probably, it is the best idea to remove the restriction that hiding clauses 
apply only to unqualified names from the report as you and Simon are suggesting.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell mailing list

Re: Directory manipulation in Haskell 98

2000-09-22 Thread Wolfgang Lux

 It seems that there is not a standard library for
 handling directories and directoreis entries in
 Haskell 98. I have just found the Posix library
 PosixFiles distributed with GHC 8.0.1 for that
 purpose. Hugs and NHC98 does not look like to
 have such a library. Is there a way to manipulate
 directory entries in a portable way in Haskell 98,
 or my only solution is to stick with GHC?

Well. There is a standard library Directory (just have a look at the 
Haskell 98 Library Report under The 
library is implemented by ghc, hbc and nhc. Unfortunately Hugs' 
implementation of this module is very incomplete.


Wolfgang Lux  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik  FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: haskell operator precedence

1997-03-18 Thread Wolfgang Lux

 Is the following legal Haskell?
  infixr 0 `foo`
  infixr 0 `bar`
  x `foo` y = "foo(" ++ x ++ "," ++ y ++ ")"
  x `bar` y = "bar(" ++ x ++ "," ++ y ++ ")"
  dubious a b c = a `foo` b `bar` c
 According to the grammar in the Haskell report, I don't think it is.
 However, ghc-0.24 (ancient, I know) and Hugs 1.3 both accept it without

I haven't my copy of the Haskell report at hand, but I do not see why 
this should not be legal. You are declaring to right associative 
operators foo and bar with the same precedence. Your script wouldn't be 
legal if you had written

infix 0 `foo`
infix 0 `bar`

and this will be rejected by Hugs as it should.


Wolfgang Lux WZH Heidelberg, IBM Germany
Phone: +49-6221-59-4546Fax: +49-6221-59-3500
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Office: mazvm01(lux)