(With apologies for multiple copies)

Formal Methods 2005 (FM'05)
18-22 July 2005
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

First Call for Participation


It is our pleasure to invite you to attend FM'05, the leading
international conference for  researchers and practitioners in formal
methods for the development of computing systems. This  year, the
conference is being held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK on
18-22 July.

Formal methods continue to have a major impact on systems and software
engineering, especially in  areas where dependability, security and trust
matter. FM'05 aims to publish the latest  developments of interest to
researchers and practitioners alike. The outstanding programme of 
tutorials and workshops (listed overleaf) covers the range from circuit
design, through high  integrity programming to fault tolerance,
architectures and automated reasoning. Wednesday 20th  July is a special
Industry Day, with a series of invited talks on experiences of formal
methods  going mainstream.  The programme of around 30 research papers,
announced in mid-April, will  provide an opportunity to get up to date in
all these areas and more.  Alongside the tutorials,  workshops and
research symposium, there will be displays of tools, products, research
projects  and publishers.

FM'05 is being held in one of England's most dynamic cities, famous for
its captivating welcome,  and situated at the heart of an historic and
beautiful region. There will be plenty of  opportunity for informal
discussion: social activities include a reception at the Hatton  Gallery
and conference dinner in Alnwick Castle and Gardens.

We look forward to welcoming you to Newcastle in July!

John Fitzgerald, General Chair
Ian Hayes, Andrzej Tarlecki, Programme Chairs

download a registration form from www.csr.ncl.ac.uk/fm05 or
contact the Organiser:  Claire Smith,
Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 7999
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 8788

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Full Scientific Programme 20-22 July
Invited Speakers:
Mathai Joseph (Tata Research & Development, Pune, India)
Marie-Claude Gaudel (Université de Paris-Sud, France)
Chris Johnson (University of Glasgow, UK)

Industry Day 20 July:
Formal Methods Going Mainstream - Costs, Benefits and Experiences
contributions from Microsoft, Intel, Embedded Systems Institute, ETH
Zürich and Verum Consultants. Industry Day is sponsored by SAP Research.

Co-located Conferences (18-19 July):
Calculemus 2005
Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST) 2005

Workshops (18-19 July):
Grand Challenge Workshop on Dependable Systems Evolution
Web Languages and Formal Methods (WLFM 2005)
Overture - the future of VDM and VDM++
Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling (PASM 2005)
Workshop on Rigorous Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems (REFT 2005) The
Railway Domain (TRain 2005)

Tutorials (18-19 July):
The Spec# Programming System: an Overview
Formal Aspects of Software Architecture
Increasing Dependability of Smart Card Based Systems
Perfect Developer
Petri-nets and Role Models as Intermediate Level Tools for Asynchronous
Circuit & Systems Design Verifying Industrial Control System Software
Formal Engineering Methods for Industrial Software Development
Modelling Languages Spectrum
Formal Methods as a Unifying Basis for Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design by Contract and Automatic Verification for Java with JML and
ESC/Java 2 Introduction to CSP and FDR

download a registration form from www.csr.ncl.ac.uk/fm05 or
contact the Organiser:  Claire Smith,
Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 7999
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 8788

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