Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-09 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn

Michael Sperber writes:

 This seems like a backwards way of approaching teaching the intro

I like to look at it as a a track.

 (Besides, is this really suitable material for beginners, let
 alone high school students?)

Ah, there's the catch. They are not beginners; they are CS students who
already learned about Java. When it comes to other disciplines and high
school students you're right that TeachScheme is ahead of us and we know we
have a long way to go.

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-08 Thread Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]
 Arjan == Arjan van IJzendoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Arjan Good point, but there are fundamental differences between
Arjan Scheme and Haskell and our whole teaching here in Utrecht is
Arjan heavily geared towards Haskell: we really need laziness to
Arjan write our parsers and our attribute grammars,

This seems like a backwards way of approaching teaching the intro
course. (Besides, is this really suitable material for beginners, let
alone high school students?)  It's the common method to specify We
must do this, that, and this in the intro course and work backwards
towards the didactics.  I once was a strong proponent of the same
method, but I came to realize that it's necessary to abandon stuff
that I don't know how to teach well to beginners.  I now have a poster
in my apartment saying Kill your darlings.  (A Faulkner quote, for
those who must know.)

This is what differentiates HtDP from all other intro curriculi I've
seen: it *really* isn't about Scheme, and *nothing* is heavily
geared towards Scheme.  It's about programming and problem solving,
and it prepares you for learning the language you need to know to
produce software.  (In fact, even if you want to produce actual
software in Scheme, you'd be expected to take another course after

Arjan we believe that static typing is the way to go for more robust
Arjan software, we think that algebraic data types are a great way to
Arjan model data and so on.

Sure.  But you'll notice that HtDP *does* use a completely
type-centric approach to teaching, along with algebraic data types.
And the fact that you would like to apply Haskell to professional
software engineering and believe static types are the way to go
there says nothing about the suitability of Haskell for intro

Teach them Haskell, by all means.  Helium seems to be a great effort
directed at that, and I'm glad *someone* in the community finally
caught on to the problems you're solving.  But if you want Haskell to
be as broadly applicable to intro teaching for non-CS majors as
HtDP/TeachScheme!, you have a long way to go.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla
Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]
 Paul == Paul Hudak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul I can't resist jumping in on this one:

Sure :-)

 Haskell just has some terrible properties when it comes to teaching
 beginners.  Among them are the complex and easy-to-get-wrong syntax,
 the available programming environments which are OK for developers but
 awful for beginners.  There's also a dearth of good textbooks at the
 level you need.  Haskell is very easy to learn (and an excellent
 choice for a 2nd or 3rd language) when you know Scheme.

Paul I have spent many years teaching both Scheme and Haskell to beginners,
Paul and I would have to say that Haskell syntax has never been a serious
Paul problem, certainly no more than Scheme's parentheses.  It is true that
Paul there is a lack of good programming environments, although Hugs is
Paul pretty easy to use, and things like Helium should be even better.  (I
Paul won't say much about textbooks since I wrote one that I think is pretty
Paul good for beginners :-)  Finally, aside from extraneous type error
Paul messages (which Helium should do much better at), I claim that Haskell's
Paul type system is BETTER for beginners compared to having no type system at
Paul all.  As for the last point above, I could just as easily say that
Paul Scheme is very easy to learn (and an excellent choice for a 2nd or 3rd
Paul language) when you know Haskell.

Here are some observations I've made when teaching Haskell for the
first time which are relevant when you're trying them out on

- With the programming environment, it isn't just a question of being
  easier to use: in my experience, environments like Hugs (or any
  Scheme environment other than DrScheme) work for some, but frustrate
  many beginners because they don't enable them to fix trivial
  mistakes which they're bound to make in the first couple of weeks.
  These are *crucial* to the overall success of an intro course.

  The TeachScheme! folks had to work a long time on getting DrScheme
  to provide the feedback needed to alleviate this problem.  Haskell
  systems just don't have this kind of investment.  (I'm glad Helium
  showed up, and I'm sure to try it out soon.)

- In theory, static typing is good because it helps spot bugs in your
  program early.  However, the current state of the art is such that
  the type error messages in Haskell systems are not sufficiently
  helpful (in fact, often misleading) when it comes to finding the
  actual source of the problem.  You're saying aside from extraneous
  type error messages---but these are *exactly* the problem.

  Certainly, the messages from Hugs and GHC often frustrate beginners
  (and not just beginners in programming---I've seen quite a few
  students who were learning Haskell as a 3rd or 4th language give up
  because of this).

  Again, Helium may be an improvement, but I suspect that the
  underlying problem is deeply rooted.  

- I've written between 1 and 10 lines of code in Haskell, and
  I still do things like:

  - look up syntax in a book
  - getting the alignment wrong
  - using a name twice in a recursive let, leading to infinite

  Scheme syntax is just *way* smaller than Haskell syntax, and, while
  it may not constitute a serious problem in any given course, it
  certainly eats up less space when you explain it.  Here are some
  other aspects of Haskell syntax which---in my experience---are
  confusing for beginners:

  - The syntax for ordinary variables and type variables are the same.
In fact, many examples by Great Haskell Programmers use a variable
s (for instance) to denote a value of type s.  Beginners often
have trouble understanding and distinguishing the concepts of
variables and type variables, and this makes it worse.

  - The same holds generally for the type syntax which is analogous to
the value syntax.

- I don't know what kind of beginners you're talking about exactly.
  The original poster was asking about high school.  With *CS*
  beginners (or beginners in some related field) different rules apply
  than for the average population.  If these kids have problems early
  on, they're just bound to leave programming and never come back (or
  much later).

I'm sure some of you have didactic concepts to get around these
problems---but, as you mention, they sure aren't published anywhere,
much less in a comprehensive form as HtDP, and the tools don't exist
with the same quality as DrScheme.

There's much more to say---about things like motivating examples with
GUIs and web servers---which DrScheme has in a form accessible to
beginners, but you can all read up on that in the TeachScheme!

Haskell has great potential to be a wonderful and useful language for
software development and research.

It often pains me to see the efforts of the functional programming
community (which is small enough as it is) fragmented by the My
language is the best for *everything* attitude.  For intro teaching,
the TeachScheme! have 

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

Michael Sperber wrote:

 I really recommend looking at the TeachScheme! curriculum and the How
 to Design Programs curriculum.  Here are two URLs:

I believe that the environment students work in is very important and can
help them learn languages quicker. And so the TeachScheme programming
environment is something I'm jealous of and my compliments to the people who
made it. Here in Utrecht we will try to do the same for Haskell with Helium:
a cool programming environment and the best compiler messages ever (we still
have some tricks up our sleeve for the near future).

I've looked at the PPT presentation and it looks like a fine commercial for
functional programming. It could easily be adapted to Haskell and the syntax
would be even closer to their mathematical definitions. But I don't want to
argue about syntax, because that will not get us anywhere. Let the people
who love Haskell try and make an environment (and by that I also include
books, presentations and what not) that will make functional programming
nice to learn, maybe even in high school.

We will do our bit here with Helium so that the Haskell textbooks can be
used with Helium. Yes, that does mean adding type classes, but not the whole
machinery. If we support Eq, Ord, Show and Num with a limited number of
instances, chapters 1 to 11 of Hudak's book can be used without
modification. And importantly, the type errors can still be clear! No
Cannot find Num instance of Char for the expression 1+'a' but
The character 'a' is not a number and + expects one (or something along
that line).

Oh yes, we'll need SOEGraphics, too, but who knows...

If we think Haskell is good for high schools and for using in other courses
(like logic and so on), let's try and prove it!

Kind regards,
  Arjan van IJzendoorn

PS: What does [OT] stand for? Off topic? I don't think this is off topic.

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
On Friday, 2003-02-07, 12:31, CET, Arjan van IJzendoorn wrote:
 Yes, that does mean adding type classes, but not the whole machinery. If we
 support Eq, Ord, Show and Num with a limited number of instances, chapters 1
 to 11 of Hudak's book can be used without modification.

I just have had a look at Helium and think that at least a deriving mechanism 
is absolutely needed. The need to write down obvious implementations for 
equality is very disturbing, IMHO. Furthermore, I think, the need to state 
equality functions explicitely as paramters of certain functions makes 
learning harder and not easier.

But it's an interesting project. Keep going on it.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello all,

Michael Sperber wrote:

 - With the programming environment, it isn't just a question of being
   easier to use: in my experience, environments like Hugs (or any
   Scheme environment other than DrScheme) work for some, but frustrate
   many beginners because they don't enable them to fix trivial
   mistakes which they're bound to make in the first couple of weeks.

I completely agree. I've downloaded and installed DrScheme and I must say
the environment is really nice: it looks good, helps you to layout your
program, matches parentheses and so on. The quality of the messages,
however, is not as good as I would have expected. I am a beginning Scheme
programmer and here's something I encountered:

 (define (length2 xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) 0]
  [else (+1 (length2 (rest xs)))]))
 (length2 (cons 3 (cons 7 empty)))
procedure application: expected procedure, given: 1; arguments were: 1

The definition is accepted but when use it I get an error I don't
understand. I should note that the environment neatly indicates that (+1
(length2 (rest xs))) is the problem. I've browsed the documentation, found a
definition of length and saw that the only difference was a space character
between + and 1. That couldn't be it, could it? But it was. Apparently
Scheme supports a unary plus, but still the message was wrong and should
have read:

procedure application: expected procedure, given: +1; arguments were: 1

I think it is important that error messages show exactly what was entered by
the user (+1 and not 1) and that's why in Helium we remember each little
detail in the abstract syntax tree. I still don't know what arguments were:
1 means. Does it refer to the number of arguments?

   The TeachScheme! folks had to work a long time on getting DrScheme
   to provide the feedback needed to alleviate this problem.

That's a really good point. We should look at the errors students actually
make and not at the errors we make or just make an educated guess. For that
reason, Helium has a logging facility built in which sends a server the
programs containing errors. This wealth of information can now be used to
give hints for type errors that occur often and to improve other kinds of
errors. [Don't worry, the version distributed via the web does not contain
the logging facility; only the version in our labs has that piece of code
compiled in].

 - In theory, static typing is good because it helps spot bugs in your
   program early.  However, the current state of the art is such that
   the type error messages in Haskell systems are not sufficiently
   helpful (in fact, often misleading) when it comes to finding the
   actual source of the problem.

True. I've also seen people being disappointed in the language Haskell
because of the message of the compiler/interpreter. But then I wondered: how
can dynamic typing improve on this? So I made a type error in my length2

 (define (length2 xs)
(cond [(empty? xs) 0]
  [else (+ 1 (rest xs))]))
 (length2 (cons 2 empty))
+: expects type number as 2nd argument, given: empty; other arguments
were: 1

Perfect. I know immediately what the problem is and I can fix it. [The fact
that a type error only shows up when you actually reach to code is a pity,
because you may submit a lab assignment that still somewhere tries to add a
number to a list.] But how is this different from the Helium message:

(2,20): Type error in infix application
*** Expression : 1 + xs
*** Term   : xs
*** Type   : [a]
*** Does not match : Int

It contains exactly the same information; invisible to the user for now is
that we also now where the expresion ends so that we can do highlighting in
the future. Maybe Michael is referring to what Hugs says about this program:

ERROR C:\docs\Bla.hs:1 - Illegal Haskell 98 class constraint in inferred
*** Expression : mylength2
*** Type   : Num [a] = [a] - [a]

Wrong line number and a very confusing message. We must keep in mind though
that no Haskell compiler so far was designed primarily with helpful messages
in mind.

   Again, Helium may be an improvement, but I suspect that the
   underlying problem is deeply rooted.

The underlying problem may be the inference algorithm used in most
compilers. We use a radically different approach which allows us to
determine much more information and point at different origins of the error
when compared to Hindley Milner based inferencing. If there are three uses
of a variable as a Bool and one as an Int we can say that probably the Int
usage is wrong.

   - The syntax for ordinary variables and type variables are the same.

That's just how you teach it. You can 'raise' hords of students believing
that type variables are always called a, b and c and normal variables use
longer, more informative names. As Larry Wall put it: you can write
assembly in any language.

   - The same holds generally for the type syntax which is analogous to
 the value syntax.

I use different 

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
On Friday, 2003-02-07, 14:41, CET, Arjan van IJzendoorn wrote:

 For that reason, Helium has a logging facility built in which sends a server
 the programs containing errors.

Do you tell your students about the existence of this facility?


Haskell mailing list

RE: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Kevin Millikin
On Friday, February 07, 2003 7:41 AM, Arjan van IJzendoorn 
 The quality of the messages, however, is not as good as I would have
 expected. I am a beginning Scheme programmer ...

Then you should have set the language to Beginning Student or
Beginning Student with List Abbreviations.


A nice thing about the DrScheme environment is that it allows
languages to be layered.  Instructors don't have to wave their arms
ands say pay no attention to 'public static void' and 'String[] args'
and 'class TestExp {' just to begin writing simple programs.

The DrScheme languages are restricted subsets of Scheme.  The same
could certainly be done in a learning environment for Haskell, but is 
more difficult in Java or C++.  Even if the student is told to ignore 
some things for now, many of the problems they have are often caused by 
not understanding the things they're supposed to be ignoring--which can 
be incredibly frustrating.

If you had set the DrScheme language to one of the two Beginning
Student levels, you would have seen:

function call: expected a defined name or a primitive operation
name after an open parenthesis, but found a number

And +1 would have been highlighted.  This would have been reported
when you entered the *definition* for length2, not when you applied it.

Switch to Intermediate Student, and you get:

function call: expected a name after an open parenthesis, but
found a number

With +1 highlighted, at definition of length2.

Switch to Intermediate Student with lambda or Advanced Student,
and the definition is accepted, but the application (to a non-empty
list) reports:

procedure application: expected procedure, given: 1; arguments
were: 0

 I think it is important that error messages show exactly what was
 entered by the user (+1 and not 1) and that's why in Helium we
 remember each little detail in the abstract syntax tree.

Excellent idea.

 I still don't know what arguments were: 1 means. Does it refer to
 the number of arguments?

Are you sure you it said that?  Mine doesn't ;).  I expect arguments
were: 0.  It was complaining about trying to apply 1 to the
argument that is the value of (length2 empty), which should be zero,
Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-07 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
Hello again,

Kevin suggested:

 Then you should have set the language to Beginning Student or
 Beginning Student with List Abbreviations.

You're right. That makes the messages much better. I switched to 'Advanced'
level because I thought that something was possibly not accepted because it
was too difficult. My fault.

Wolfgang asked:

  [...logging facility in Helium...]
 Do you tell your students about the existence of this facility?

We certainly do. They don't seem to mind; I even feel that they think it's
nice to help research.

 I just have had a look at Helium and think that at least a deriving
 is absolutely needed.

There is 'show' function for each data type you write down. Eq and Ord are
not generated but we will do that; we will need it anyway for our simple
class system.

 Furthermore, I think, the need to state
 equality functions explicitely as paramters of certain functions makes
 learning harder and not easier.

I don't know. Could be. We'll probably provide two different Preludes, one
with and one without overloading. This would compare to the language levels
in DrScheme. A lot is possible in this area.

 But it's an interesting project. Keep going on it.

Don't worry. We just started...

Cheers, Arjan

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-06 Thread Michael Sperber [Mr.\ Preprocessor]
 Hal == Hal Daume, Hal writes:

Hal Hi all,

Hal Before getting in to this, let me preface my question(s) with a note that
Hal I have checked through the Haskell in Education web page and have found
Hal various links off there of interest (and I've googled, etc.  In
Hal short: I've done my homework).

Hal That said, I've been in rather close correspondence with my math/computer
Hal science teacher from high school.  When I first took CS there, they taught
Hal Pascal (a year early they had been teaching Scheme).  They switched over
Hal to VB (alas) recently and have been teaching that for a few years now.

Hal The teacher really wants to get away from VB, but is having a somewhat
Hal difficult time deciding what to go to.  The two most promising options are
Hal Haskell and Java.

I really recommend looking at the TeachScheme! curriculum and the How
to Design Programs curriculum.  Here are two URLs:

This works exceptionally well at the High School level (I know that
earlier attempts to do this with Scheme failed---this one is very
different), and has been extensively applied with great success---also
and especially in conjunction with the AP curriculum and/or a course
on Java based on the same methodology.  There's a wealth of software
and material, and the TeachScheme! program offers (mostly free)
workshops on this.

Haskell just has some terrible properties when it comes to teaching
beginners.  Among them are the complex and easy-to-get-wrong syntax,
the available programming environments which are OK for developers but
awful for beginners.  There's also a dearth of good textbooks at the
level you need.  Haskell is very easy to learn (and an excellent
choice for a 2nd or 3rd language) when you know Scheme.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla
Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-06 Thread Paul Hudak
I can't resist jumping in on this one:

 Haskell just has some terrible properties when it comes to teaching
 beginners.  Among them are the complex and easy-to-get-wrong syntax,
 the available programming environments which are OK for developers but
 awful for beginners.  There's also a dearth of good textbooks at the
 level you need.  Haskell is very easy to learn (and an excellent
 choice for a 2nd or 3rd language) when you know Scheme.

I have spent many years teaching both Scheme and Haskell to beginners,
and I would have to say that Haskell syntax has never been a serious
problem, certainly no more than Scheme's parentheses.  It is true that
there is a lack of good programming environments, although Hugs is
pretty easy to use, and things like Helium should be even better.  (I
won't say much about textbooks since I wrote one that I think is pretty
good for beginners :-)  Finally, aside from extraneous type error
messages (which Helium should do much better at), I claim that Haskell's
type system is BETTER for beginners compared to having no type system at
all.  As for the last point above, I could just as easily say that
Scheme is very easy to learn (and an excellent choice for a 2nd or 3rd
language) when you know Haskell.

Now, having said all this, I will add that I have the greatest respect
for the TeachScheme project, and I wish that we had something as well
developed for Haskell!

Haskell mailing list

RE: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-04 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Don't forget Helium (recently announced)
Also Manuel Chakravarty teaches Haskell to hordes.


| -Original Message-
| From: Hal Daume III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 04 February 2003 00:02
| To: Haskell Mailing List
| Subject: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School
| Hi all,
| Before getting in to this, let me preface my question(s) with a note
| I have checked through the Haskell in Education web page and have
| various links off there of interest (and I've googled, etc.  In
| short: I've done my homework).
| That said, I've been in rather close correspondence with my
| science teacher from high school.  When I first took CS there, they
| Pascal (a year early they had been teaching Scheme).  They switched
| to VB (alas) recently and have been teaching that for a few years now.
| The teacher really wants to get away from VB, but is having a somewhat
| difficult time deciding what to go to.  The two most promising options
| Haskell and Java.
| Aside from hype, etc., the primary advantage to Java is that the
| Placement (AP) tests are in Java.  For those of you unfamiliar with
| high school students can take AP tests and then (typically) skip out
| first semester college courses.  They're essentially proficiency
| The way the computer science curriculum is set up at my old school is
| essentially as either (a) an elective or (b) a replacement for senior
| math.  The students in the course are usually about 2/3 juniors (16
| olds) taking it as an elective and 1/3 seniors who want to get our of
| senior year math :).  Either way, they've both taken differential
| calculus, algebra, etc.  Note, however, that high school math in the
| states is very rudimentary when it comes to things like induction
| proofs and things of this sort.
| Due to the fact that CS is essentially an alternative math course, I
| it would be interesting to teach Haskell.  It would enable the
| of things the students wouldn't have come across in their ordinary
| studies, etc.
| However, I'm also well aware that Haskell is very difficult to learn
| I'd imagine, to teach).  Given that this would in large part be a
| language for them and that they won't have a college-level math
| background, do you think it would be too much to attempt to teach
| at this level, and stick with Java?
| I'm really interested in any comments/experience/etc. that people have
| that might assist the teacher (and, to some extent, me) make this
| decision.
| Thanks in advance!
|  - Hal
| ___
| Haskell mailing list
Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-04 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
John Peterson wrote:

 The downside of Haskell is that none of the regular implementations
 (ghc, hugs) are really right for this level of student.  Type
 inference is an especially nasty problem.  There also a number of
 gotcha's lurking in the language that cause problems.

For exactly these reasons we have implemented Helium; not for replacing
Haskell (we're very happy with Haskell), but for *learning* Haskell. There
is no overloading, so types and type errors are easier to understand. The
Helium compiler produces warnings for situations that are probably
incorrect. I've found myself look at a program with a comparable problem as
the one below for fifteen minutes until I saw what was happening (please
look at the program with a non-proportional font like Courier for optimal

filterr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
filterr p [] = []
fi1terr p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filterr p xs else filterr p xs

Hugs, which we used for teaching, doesn't say a word. GHC does if you
helpful warnings if you pass the -Wall flag. Helium says:

(2,9): Variable p is not used
(3,1): Missing type signature: fi1terr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
(3,1): Suspicious adjacent functions fi1terr and filterr

I'm curious what the other gotcha's are that John refers to because it
might give
us inspiration for more warnings/language design decisions.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-04 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
John Peterson wrote:

 The downside of Haskell is that none of the regular implementations
 (ghc, hugs) are really right for this level of student.  Type
 inference is an especially nasty problem.  There also a number of
 gotcha's lurking in the language that cause problems.

For exactly these reasons we have implemented Helium; not for replacing
Haskell (we're very happy with Haskell), but for *learning* Haskell. There
is no overloading, so types and type errors are easier to understand. The
Helium compiler produces warnings for situations that are probably
incorrect. I've found myself look at a program with a comparable problem as
the one below for fifteen minutes until I saw what was happening (please
look at the program with a non-proportional font like Courier for optimal

filterr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
filterr p [] = []
fi1terr p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filterr p xs else filterr p xs

Hugs, which we used for teaching, doesn't say a word. GHC does give
helpful warnings if you pass the -Wall flag. Helium says:

(2,9): Variable p is not used
(3,1): Missing type signature: fi1terr :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [a]
(3,1): Suspicious adjacent functions fi1terr and filterr

I'm curious what the other gotcha's are that John refers to because it
might give
us inspiration for more warnings/language design decisions.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School (fwd)

2003-02-04 Thread John Hughes
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Rex Page wrote:

 This matches my experience, too. When I've taught Haskell to first
 year college students, there have always been some hard core hackers
 who've been at it in C or VB or Perl or something like that for
 years, and they rarely take kindly to Haskell. The ones without any
 programming background do better.

 I think Haskell would be great for a high school math class. They
 could learn some logic and induction along with it, and get a few
 proofs back into the high school math curriculum.

 Rex Page

Actually, this doesn't match my experience. I teach first years too, and I
always have some hard core hackers. In my experience, they have the
advantage that they already understand notions such as a formal syntax and
an algorithm, as opposed to expecting that the computer will somehow
know what they mean. They also have something concrete to compare
Haskell against ... which often leads them to become real Haskell
enthusiasts! But then again, my course emphasises real programming and
real-world problem solving, at the expense of logic and induction.

John Hughes

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-04 Thread John Peterson

 For exactly these reasons we have implemented Helium; not for replacing
 Haskell (we're very happy with Haskell), but for *learning* Haskell. There
 is no overloading, so types and type errors are easier to understand. The
 Helium compiler produces warnings for situations that are probably

 I'm curious what the other gotcha's are that John refers to because it
 might give
 us inspiration for more warnings/language design decisions.

I've been negligent in not playing with Helium yet - I'm sure that
this sort of system is going to be a significant improvement for this
sort of audience.  I'm also hoping that Helium can be adapted into
other problem domains which use typed functional languages.

As far as language gotchas, the issue is much more in the way the
programming environment responds to a problem than in the language
design.  If a system can generate a sensible response / suggestion
when a student makes an error then I don't think there's any
particular problem.

Another issue is in how the material is presented - I think this makes
a big difference in what errors a student is likely to encounter.
When you teach in a slow, constructive manner I think you're less
likely to encounter problems than in my case, where I was teaching
from a mathematics perspective and asking students to transcribe their
mathematical ideas directly into Haskell and hope that they work.

Notationally, there were three problems that hit students hard and
generated error messages that had nothing to do with their mistake.
The numeric syntax requires digits on both sides of a decimal.
Mistakes like
a = .2
were extremely common.  Unary minus was also a big problem - I
solved this by requiring all negative number to be wrapped in
parens.  The varid / conid stuff also was a problem - it was hard to
explain why a = 1 is OK and A = 1 isn't.  This definitely was a
problem with going straight into programming from math.

There were a lot of problems with type errors.  The numeric type
classes pop up unexpectedly in error messages, rendering them
cryptic.  Monomorphism also caused some problems but as I recall it
was the old Hugs that didn't handle monomorphism quite right anyway. 

Debugging was a serious problem - we basicly gave up on that.  Since
the programs were fairly short I could usually spot bugs fairly easily
but I couldn't get students to do this on their own.

Sorry if this isn't very precise - it's been a while.

Haskell mailing list

RE: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School (fwd)

2003-02-04 Thread Rex Page
On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, David Bergman wrote:

 Rex wrote:
  This matches my experience, too. When I've taught Haskell to 
  first year college students, there have always been some hard 
  core hackers who've been at it in C or VB or Perl or 
  something like that for years, and they rarely take kindly to 
  Haskell. The ones without any programming background do better.
  I think Haskell would be great for a high school math class. 
  They could learn some logic and induction along with it, and 
  get a few proofs back into the high school math curriculum.
  Rex Page
 I have always had that same experience with any (more or less)
 declarative language. BUT, as soon as the hackers (well, maybe not VB
 programmers, they are kind of doomed...) have passed the initial
 frustration, and acquired the new way of thinking, they actually
 perform much better than the real beginners.

Yes, I've seen the same thing with some of the people who come in with
experience. Some are lost, but a few of them really embrace the
expressiveness of a language like Haskell.


  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 03:03:03 +0100
  From: Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: The Haskell Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School
  On Tuesday, 2003-02-04, 01:01, CET, Hal Daume wrote:
   However, I'm also well aware that Haskell is very difficult 
  to learn 
   (and, I'd imagine, to teach).
  I wouldn't claim that Haskell is very difficult to learn. I 
  think, people 
  often have problems with learning Haskell because they know 
  programming and try to apply their imperative thinking to 
  programming in 
  Some months ago, a first year student told me that she liked 
  Haskell very much 
  and that she didn't find it very difficult. I asked her if 
  she had had 
  experiences with other programming languages before learning 
  Haskell. She 
  answered: No.
  Haskell mailing list
  Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

[OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-03 Thread Hal Daume III
Hi all,

Before getting in to this, let me preface my question(s) with a note that
I have checked through the Haskell in Education web page and have found
various links off there of interest (and I've googled, etc.  In
short: I've done my homework).

That said, I've been in rather close correspondence with my math/computer
science teacher from high school.  When I first took CS there, they taught
Pascal (a year early they had been teaching Scheme).  They switched over
to VB (alas) recently and have been teaching that for a few years now.

The teacher really wants to get away from VB, but is having a somewhat
difficult time deciding what to go to.  The two most promising options are
Haskell and Java.

Aside from hype, etc., the primary advantage to Java is that the Advanced
Placement (AP) tests are in Java.  For those of you unfamiliar with these,
high school students can take AP tests and then (typically) skip out of
first semester college courses.  They're essentially proficiency exams.

The way the computer science curriculum is set up at my old school is
essentially as either (a) an elective or (b) a replacement for senior year
math.  The students in the course are usually about 2/3 juniors (16 year
olds) taking it as an elective and 1/3 seniors who want to get our of
senior year math :).  Either way, they've both taken differential
calculus, algebra, etc.  Note, however, that high school math in the
states is very rudimentary when it comes to things like induction and
proofs and things of this sort.

Due to the fact that CS is essentially an alternative math course, I think
it would be interesting to teach Haskell.  It would enable the instruction
of things the students wouldn't have come across in their ordinary math
studies, etc.

However, I'm also well aware that Haskell is very difficult to learn (and,
I'd imagine, to teach).  Given that this would in large part be a first
language for them and that they won't have a college-level math
background, do you think it would be too much to attempt to teach Haskell
at this level, and stick with Java?

I'm really interested in any comments/experience/etc. that people have
that might assist the teacher (and, to some extent, me) make this

Thanks in advance!

 - Hal

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-03 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
On Tuesday, 2003-02-04, 01:01, CET, Hal Daume wrote:

 However, I'm also well aware that Haskell is very difficult to learn (and,
 I'd imagine, to teach).


I wouldn't claim that Haskell is very difficult to learn. I think, people 
often have problems with learning Haskell because they know imperative 
programming and try to apply their imperative thinking to programming in 

Some months ago, a first year student told me that she liked Haskell very much 
and that she didn't find it very difficult. I asked her if she had had 
experiences with other programming languages before learning Haskell. She 
answered: No.


Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School (fwd)

2003-02-03 Thread Rex Page
This matches my experience, too. When I've taught Haskell to first
year college students, there have always been some hard core hackers
who've been at it in C or VB or Perl or something like that for
years, and they rarely take kindly to Haskell. The ones without any
programming background do better.

I think Haskell would be great for a high school math class. They
could learn some logic and induction along with it, and get a few
proofs back into the high school math curriculum.

Rex Page

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 03:03:03 +0100
From: Wolfgang Jeltsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: The Haskell Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

On Tuesday, 2003-02-04, 01:01, CET, Hal Daume wrote:

 However, I'm also well aware that Haskell is very difficult to learn (and,
 I'd imagine, to teach).


I wouldn't claim that Haskell is very difficult to learn. I think, people 
often have problems with learning Haskell because they know imperative 
programming and try to apply their imperative thinking to programming in 

Some months ago, a first year student told me that she liked Haskell very much 
and that she didn't find it very difficult. I asked her if she had had 
experiences with other programming languages before learning Haskell. She 
answered: No.


Haskell mailing list

Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-03 Thread Hamilton Richards
I had the good fortune to teach Haskell to some thousand freshmen a 
few years ago, and noticed that some who did especially well had no 
previous programming experience. This supports Wolfgang Jeltsch's 
claim that Haskell is not inherently difficult to learn.
   I've taught similar numbers of students C++, and I find Haskell 
considerably easier to teach (and much easier on the conscience!).

Freshmen innocent of programming experience are increasingly rare, 
however, so we have to deal mainly with students who've been trained 
to think not only imperatively but operationally. Their weak 
program-design skills, and their meager understanding of the 
excessively complicated languages they're using (C++, Java, ...), 
result in marathon debugging sessions, which they're been trained to 
accept as a normal part of software development.

How such students respond to Haskell depends heavily on their 
attitude. Some feel lost without a debugger, and resist any nudge 
away from their operational thinking. The more open-minded students, 
on the other hand, recognize in Haskell a means of expressing 
computational ideas with far more economy than they are used to, and 
report that learning Haskell has improved their thinking about 
programming even if they never use Haskell again.

Whether Haskell would be a good language for a high-school 
programming class (this thread's original question) depends on the 
class's goals. If it's intended as vocational training, i.e., direct 
preparation for employment, then some language more fashionable in 
industry would probably be appropriate. On the other hand, if it's 
intended as training in precise thinking, then Haskell can't be beat.



At 3:03 AM +0100 2/4/03, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
On Tuesday, 2003-02-04, 01:01, CET, Hal Daume wrote:


 However, I'm also well aware that Haskell is very difficult to learn (and,
 I'd imagine, to teach).


I wouldn't claim that Haskell is very difficult to learn. I think, people
often have problems with learning Haskell because they know imperative
programming and try to apply their imperative thinking to programming in

Some months ago, a first year student told me that she liked Haskell very much
and that she didn't find it very difficult. I asked her if she had had
experiences with other programming languages before learning Haskell. She
answered: No.



Hamilton RichardsDepartment of Computer Sciences
Senior Lecturer  The University of Texas at Austin
512-471-9525 1 University Station C0500
Taylor Hall 5.138Austin, Texas 78712-1188
Haskell mailing list

Re: [OT] Teaching Haskell in High School

2003-02-03 Thread John Peterson
I've also been working high school students a bit and functional
programming is a great way to teach the principals of computation.
The best results come when FP is applied to domains that get kids
excited.  I've had very good luck with Haskore as an excellent way to
bring computation to a general audience.  I'm also working on a
student friendly version of Pan that should be releasable in a few
more weeks.

The downside of Haskell is that none of the regular implementations
(ghc, hugs) are really right for this level of student.  Type
inference is an especially nasty problem.  There also a number of
gotcha's lurking in the language that cause problems.  But even so
with a little supervision everything works quite well.

I think fundamentals of computing as found in Haskell are good for a
general mathematics class as opposed to a computer class where you
have to deal with curriculum defined by the AP test or intertwined
with some specific software environment.

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