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Hello there. I used the code below to read and print the bitmap file attached (bitmap.bmp), which cointains the character ASCII 26 (or 1A-hexa), that is used as an end of file marker in MS-DOS:
import IO
import IOExts
main :: IO ()
main = do
 bmFile <- openFileEx "bitmap.bmp" (BinaryMode ReadMode)
 charloop bmFile 0
charloop :: Handle -> Integer -> IO ()
charloop bmFile 70 = hClose bmFile
charloop bmFile n = do
   hSeek bmFile AbsoluteSeek n
   a <- hGetChar bmFile
   putStrLn [a]
   charloop bmFile (n+1)
This program did not stuck at the special character ASCII 26, but if you change putStrLn by putStr, a strange thing will happen: after reading the ASCII 26 char, the program won't show characters anymore. Does anyone know why this happens?
Andre Furtado


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