Re: Fw: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-22 Thread Ch. A. Herrmann


 very slow. After we made the insert operation in the AVL tree
 hyperstrict and a few similar changes, our program behaved very
 well and is surely faster than if written in C using naive data
 structures and algorithms.  We used combinators like strict2 f x
 y = strict (strict f x) y to achieve a simple code.

Jan I find this interesting. It would be nice if you would like to
Jan explain me what you mean by " hyperstrict"

I agree with the definition of hyperstrictness, that a function is
hyperstrict if it evaluates its arguments completely.

What I meant concerning the AVL tree was not complete hyperstrictness
but, that all parts which influence the structure of the tree
are evaluated when a new element is inserted. The crucial point
is that the application of the tree constructors must be strict to
guarantee that the restructuring balancing operation is performed
immediately. The comparison operators and the condition in
if-then-else are strict anyway and, thus, will force sufficient
evaluation. However, data stored in the tree that is not used for
the operations on the tree need not be evaluated.



Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Ketil Malde

"D. Tweed" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 "Ch. A. Herrmann" wrote:
   I believe that if as much research were spent on Haskell compilation as
   on C compilation, Haskell would outperform C.

 Unless I've got a dramatically distorted view of the amount of research
 that goes on for imperative vs functional languages, and C vs haskell it
 seems that they get, to an order of magnitude, the same amount of

I think a more appropriate term (and more directly responsible for C
performance) would be "engineering effort".  Having a well-performing
C compiler is a sine qua non for most computer manufacturers.  (We
really need to get a Haskell program into SPEC.)

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Ketil Malde

"Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
 In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.

 This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real
 world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .

Yeah.  Let's just lump Haskell in with Perl, Python, Java, Lisp and
all those other toy languages, completely useless in the "real world".

The only argument against Haskell's performance that IMHO carries 
any real weight, is that GHC is dog slow as a compiler[0].  No other
Haskell programs I've used or written[1] have been slow enough for me
to notice it.


[0] almost as bad as Microsoft's C++ compiler, imagine that.
[1] admittedly not many.  Are people using Haskell having problems
getting good enough performance?  Enough to regret choosing it as a
language? (This is not a rhetoric question!)
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Andreas C. Doering

 [1] admittedly not many.  Are people using Haskell having problems
 getting good enough performance?  Enough to regret choosing it as a
 language? (This is not a rhetoric question!)
No and yes. 
I use Haskell mainly for combinational problems in research. 
I would love to get higher performance without much effort. 
For one result I had to wait for over a week, the process used over 800MB 
main mem on our Sun Enterprise. 
GHC-compiled over Hugs gave approximately a factor 3. 
Haskell allows me to use smarter algorithms with small effort, I never had
implemented the stuff at all in C. 
I did not yet try to use parHaskell so we have nice parallel systems here 
(e.g. cluster with 96 Pentiums). 


Andreas C. Doering
Medizinische Universitaet zu Luebeck
Institut fuer Technische Informatik
Ratzeburger Allee 160
D-23538 Luebeck Germany

Tel.: +49 451 500-3741, Fax: -3687
 quiz, papers, VHDL, music

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of ... science" (Proverbs 1.7)

Fw: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Jan Brosius

- Original Message -
From: Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

 "Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
  In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.

  This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real
  world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .

 Yeah.  Let's just lump Haskell in with Perl, Python, Java, Lisp and
 all those other toy languages, completely useless in the "real world".

 The only argument against Haskell's performance that IMHO carries
 any real weight, is that GHC is dog slow as a compiler[0].  No other
 Haskell programs I've used or written[1] have been slow enough for me

NO, NO and NO , please read only what I have written. E.g. I believe that
Ocaml is certainly not toy language, it gives as
far as people have communicated to me fast compact native code.
My question about the speed of Haskell is not meant to upset people. On the
contrary Haskell does attract me by its elegance.
I just wanted to know what to expect of the code produced. I thought some
people could give me some honest answers
about it. Recent (really recent ) benchmarks are not available ont the
Haskell website as far as I know


Jan Brosius  (a lazy wanting to use Haskell )

 to notice it.


 [0] almost as bad as Microsoft's C++ compiler, imagine that.
 [1] admittedly not many.  Are people using Haskell having problems
 getting good enough performance?  Enough to regret choosing it as a
 language? (This is not a rhetoric question!)
 If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: Fw: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Ketil Malde

"Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 NO, NO and NO , please read only what I have written. 

You mean, apart from

 This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real
 world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .

?  I could have sworn you were saying here that Haskell was unsuitable
for "real" work, due to the cited performance loss of factor of 6-10. 

My point was that there's plenty of work being done in languages a lot 
slower than Haskell.  There may be reasons for not using Haskell in
the "real" world, performance is IMHO not an important one.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Re: Fw: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Ketil Malde

In the vein of benchmarking,

For those of you who follow comp.arch (or am I the only one?), you
have probably noticed the discussion about Stalin vs. C compilers.
For those who don't, it's basically one particular Scheme program
where compiled Scheme beats a naïve rewrite in C with orders of
magnitude (5s vs 30s was cited).

When rewriting in Haskell, I got some rather interesting results, hugs 
apparently runs the program about as fast as compiled Scheme (!) (I
get 8 seconds on a P150, while the numbers above were from a PPro200), 
and a compilation with GHC brings it down to about zero (0.7s to be
exact), but returns 0 instead of some large number.

This puzzles me, so I thought I'd turn to the list to see if anybody
here can shed light on my practices.  Am I committing some grave error 
in my translations?  Have I inadvertently performed source code
optimization?  Is there a bug in GHC?  Or is it just damned good at
figuring out things analytically?

The source code is as follows, with most of the original Scheme code
submitted in comments. (The missing Scheme is the integrate*
functions, which are rather trivially translated.  If anybody asks,
I'll dig them up).  Here goes:

integrate1D :: Double - Double - (Double-Double) - Double
integrate1D l u f =
  let  d = (u-l)/8.0 in
 d * sum 
  [ (f l)*0.5,
f (l+d),
f (l+(2.0*d)),
f (l+(3.0*d)),
f (l+(4.0*d)),
f (u-(3.0*d)),
f (u-(2.0*d)),
f (u-d),
(f u)*0.5]

integrate2D l1 u1 l2 u2 f = integrate1D l2 u2 
(\y-integrate1D l1 u1 
  (\x-f x y))

zark u v = integrate2D 0.0 u 0.0 v (\x-(\y-x*y))

(define (r-total N)
 (do ((I 1 (+ I 1))
  (Sum 0.0 (+ Sum (zark (* I 1.0) (* I 2.0)
   (( I N) Sum)))

ints = [1.0..]
zarks = zipWith zark ints (map (2.0*) ints)
rtotals = head zarks : zipWith (+) (tail zarks) rtotals
rtotal n = rtotals!!n

(define (i-total N)
 (do ((I 1 (+ I 1))
  (Sum 0.0 (+ Sum (let ((I2 (* (* I I) 1.0))) (* I2 I2)
   (( I N) Sum)))

is = map (^4) ints
itotals = head is : zipWith (+) (tail is) itotals
itotal n = itotals!!n

(define (error-sum-of-squares N)
 (do ((I 1 (+ I 1))
  (Sum 0.0 (+ Sum (let ((E (- (r-total I) (i-total I (* E E)
   (( I N) Sum)))

(begin (display (error-sum-of-squares 1000)) (newline))

es = map (^2) (zipWith (-) rtotals itotals)
etotal n = sum (take n es)

main = putStrLn (show (etotal 1000))


Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Jonathan King

On 21 Mar 2000, Ketil Malde wrote:

 "Jan Brosius" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
  In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.
  This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real
  world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .
 Yeah.  Let's just lump Haskell in with Perl, Python, Java, Lisp and
 all those other toy languages, completely useless in the "real world".

Not sure I understand this statement.  Compiled common lisp and scheme are
pretty competitive with C at this point for a great many things.  Java is
designed to be portable as byte codes, which is a different aim than the
others.  On the string/text processing programs where it excels,
performance of both perl and C (at least in my hands :-)) tend to be I/O
bound, and perl is waaay easier to get written.  I know less about python,
but I do know they've got a version (jpython) that produces java
bytecodes, while there is also an effort going on to introduce stronger
type-checking into the language (to improve its performance).  I'm not
sure there is any pair of these 6 languages I would lump together other
than possibly perl and python.

A more reasonable question might be: what real world applications would
you use choose Haskell for today?  And other people have given better
answers here than I could.  

Which I guess is a cue to bring up my hunch that hugs/ghc *could* end up
being a language that could eventually "out-perl perl" in some
applications, since it's a good choice for parsing, and many
text-filtering applications look like good matches for a functional
programming language.

In that regard, I think the biggest problems remaining are the lack of a
standard "fast" string type, and some remaining warts in hugs.  These are
maybe easiest to see when you do something like "strace -c" on a hugs
program and the comparable perl program.  So, in my naive version of
"hello world", the hugs version generates 803 calls to 'lstat', 102 calls
to 'stat', and a performance-killing 13 calls to 'write'; yup, that's
one for every character. :-(  throw most of those out, and you're within
shouting distance of perl.  And that would be something to shout about.

Oh yeah: my code. :-)

module Main where
main = putStr "Hello, world\n"


print "Hello, world\n";


Re: Fw: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Jan de Wit

Hi All,

   I find this interesting. It would be nice if you would like to explain me
   what you mean by " hyperstrict"
I think hyperstrict means that a function completely evaluates *all* of its
arguments before the body of the function, as opposed to only some of
A function f taking n arguments is strict in its i'th argument if
f a_1 .. a_i-1  _|_ a_i+1 .. a_n = _|_
E.g. const is strict in its first argument but not in its second.

f is strict in all arguments if
f a_1 .. a_n = _|_ whenever one of the a_i's is _|_.
multOrAdd x y z = if x then y * z else y + z 
is strict in all of it arguments.
Hyperstrict has, in my view at least, also an annotation of completely
evaluating all arguments before the body of the function - something else
than (eventually) evaluating them all. I'm not sure about this though,
maybe someone can shed more light on this matter. 

Hope this helps (or leads to someone else giving a better definition :-)

Jan de Wit  

RE: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Mark P Jones

| In that regard, I think the biggest problems remaining are the lack of a
| standard "fast" string type, and some remaining warts in hugs.  These are
| maybe easiest to see when you do something like "strace -c" on a hugs
| program and the comparable perl program.  So, in my naive version of
| "hello world", the hugs version generates 803 calls to 'lstat', 102 calls
| to 'stat', and a performance-killing 13 calls to 'write'; yup, that's
| one for every character. :-(  throw most of those out, and you're within
| shouting distance of perl.  And that would be something to shout about.

I see big problems in using Hugs as an example in discussions about the
speed of compiled code.  Hugs derives from Gofer, which was designed to
fit on a 16 bit machine with a fairly small memory (several times smaller
than the PDAs, digital cameras, and video cards in use today).  It was
also designed, from the beginning, to be an interactive system based
around a simple read-eval-print loop.  Performance was never the priority.
After all, there were a couple of other places you could turn for a compiler
if you did want performance, and those folks had spent a lot of time and
effort on building their systems.  Hugs was intended to complement rather
than compete with them.

Because interactivity was a goal, Hugs, by default, does indeed call
fflush after every character, which causes the repeated calls to write
that you see.  If it didn't do that, then programs on slow machines or
with expensive underlying computations might have behavior that is counter-
intuitive and confusing, especially to beginners.  We are, after all,
talking about a lazy language, and so you wouldn't think that you'd have
to wait for a whole line of output before you saw the first character.

Surprisingly, perhaps, the performance of Hugs turned out to be good enough
for many tasks, particularly on the machines that we use today, and so
tools like runhugs have become a viable option for some purposes.  But you
should always remember that Hugs came before runhugs, and that the default
distribution is tuned primarily for use as an interactive environment.

There is, in fact, a compile-time setting that you can use to prevent
Hugs from calling fflush after every character (I think it's FLUSHEVERY,
but you should check).  If you set that appropriately, then Hugs I/O
will (or should) run a little more quickly.

All the best,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Pacific Software Research Center, Oregon Graduate Institute
Looking for a PhD or PostDoc?  Interested in joining PacSoft?  Let us know!

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-21 Thread Manuel M. T. Chakravarty

"Andreas C. Doering" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,

  [1] admittedly not many.  Are people using Haskell having problems
  getting good enough performance?  Enough to regret choosing it as a
  language? (This is not a rhetoric question!)
 No and yes. 
 I use Haskell mainly for combinational problems in research. 
 I would love to get higher performance without much effort. 
 For one result I had to wait for over a week, the process used over 800MB 
 main mem on our Sun Enterprise. 
 GHC-compiled over Hugs gave approximately a factor 3. 

Did you ever try (space) profiling the program?  IMHO if you
have applications were performance matters, profiling is


Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Jan Brosius

Sergey Mechveliani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 E.g. if one uses GHC to compile Haskell code into native code what
 speed performance can be expected versus a same program written in
 C  [..]

My experience with the program of generating permutations on
showed that the code produced by  ghc-4.04  is  22  times slower than
certain specially written C program.
Only the C program algorithm was taken very different from Haskell's
one. For each system has its own best algorithm and appropriate data
But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.

This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for real world
applications but merely
as a toy for researchers .
Do Ocaml or MLTon (SML) beat Haskell by a factorof 3?

See e.g.
   What is MLton's efficience versus C?

   Here are the times in seconds for a few small benchmarks on my
400 MhZ
   Pentium II.  For benchmarks that use arrays, I have also included
   time when compiling with the -unsafe flag, which turns off bounds

  gcc -O2 mlton mlton -unsafe
  --- - -
 fft 18.69 31.66 28.69
fib 7.44 9.97
matrix mult 2.65 13.27 6.15
quicksort 17.69 27.80 20.94
tak 15.86 21.99

  As you can see mlton -unsafe is within a factor of 2 on all the
  benchmarks except matrix multiply, which is 2.3 times slower.

  P.S. As I understand the CPS (continuation passing style ) used
to implement
  SML/NJ will be abandoned as it did not produce small and fast

I don't think that CPS is entirely the cause of this.  Although, I
believe that their use of the heap for allocating stack frames does
slow them down.  As to size, I think they just haven't gone to
effort to clean up the exported heaps.

Is MLton portable to other OSes?

   Yes, but it hasn't been done yet.  Right now, there is a Windows port
   underway by [EMAIL PROTECTED], using a crosscompiler from
   Linux (  He just
   started, so I'm not sure how it will turn out.

   I am not aware of any other porting efforts.  The current focus of
  development efforts are improving the performance with an X86 native
  backend and adding functionality.

But I am not so sure.
It is easy to mistake with such comparison.


Jan Brosius

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Ch. A. Herrmann

Dear Haskellites,

 My experience with the program of generating permutations on
 [1..10] showed that the code produced by ghc-4.04 is 22 times
 slower than certain specially written C program.  Only the C
 program algorithm was taken very different from Haskell's
 one. For each system has its own best algorithm and appropriate
 data structure.  But this example task was chosen as unlucky for
 Haskell.  In other, average case, I expect the ratio of 6-10.

Jan This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for
Jan real world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .

some people from the FORTRAN community could say:
"C is far too slow, use FORTRAN! Many computationally expensive
 problems do not need dynamic data structures!"

In my opinion, the speed argument has to be relativated:

- Not all applications require full speed.

- Haskell programming saves you a lot of development time
  compared with C. You can use Haskell as an executable 
  specification language and, if really necessary, charge
  some programmers with the task to convert it to C. 

- You need not use exclusively either Haskell or C. Time critical, 
  interactive, or hardware accessing parts can be implemented in C, 
  but your sophisticated algorithms are programmed in Haskell.

- The ratio 6-10 is the state of the art today.
  I believe that if as much research were spent on Haskell compilation as
  on C compilation, Haskell would outperform C.
  Haskell has the advantage to C that due to referential transparency
  more powerful optimization rules can be applied.
  Thus, giving up referential transparency would mean to get a small 
  improvement now but sacrifice the chances of the future.

 Christoph Herrmann

RE: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Peter Douglass

Bravo!  I would only add that if the same development effort were expended
optimizing Haskell code, as is spent just getting C or C++ code to work, the
6-10 factor would be dramatically reduced.

-Original Message-
From: Ch. A. Herrmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: speed of compiled Haskell code. 

Dear Haskellites,

 My experience with the program of generating permutations on
 [1..10] showed that the code produced by ghc-4.04 is 22 times
 slower than certain specially written C program.  Only the C
 program algorithm was taken very different from Haskell's
 one. For each system has its own best algorithm and appropriate
 data structure.  But this example task was chosen as unlucky for
 Haskell.  In other, average case, I expect the ratio of 6-10.

Jan This seems that Haskell cannot be considered as a language for
Jan real world applications but merely as a toy for researchers .

some people from the FORTRAN community could say:
"C is far too slow, use FORTRAN! Many computationally expensive
 problems do not need dynamic data structures!"

In my opinion, the speed argument has to be relativated:

- Not all applications require full speed.

- Haskell programming saves you a lot of development time
  compared with C. You can use Haskell as an executable 
  specification language and, if really necessary, charge
  some programmers with the task to convert it to C. 

- You need not use exclusively either Haskell or C. Time critical, 
  interactive, or hardware accessing parts can be implemented in C, 
  but your sophisticated algorithms are programmed in Haskell.

- The ratio 6-10 is the state of the art today.
  I believe that if as much research were spent on Haskell compilation as
  on C compilation, Haskell would outperform C.
  Haskell has the advantage to C that due to referential transparency
  more powerful optimization rules can be applied.
  Thus, giving up referential transparency would mean to get a small 
  improvement now but sacrifice the chances of the future.

 Christoph Herrmann

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread George Russell

"Ch. A. Herrmann" wrote:
   I believe that if as much research were spent on Haskell compilation as
   on C compilation, Haskell would outperform C.
I wish I could say I believed that.  The big thing you aren't going to be
able to optimise away is laziness, which means you are going to have unevaluated
thunks rather than values all over the place.  Of course you can put strictness
annotations in all over the place if you want to, but then that rather spoils
the point of Haskell.

On the other hand Haskell may start looking more favourable in a few years.
It seems to me that the Von Neumann architecture
(one processor sitting in the middle, sending out messages when it wants data)
is really creaking at the seams right now.  Multiple caches and pipelining
are becoming ever more important, but there's only so much that can be
done with conventional programming languages.  (Hence claims of processor
speed, which usually assume zero CPU wait time and the sort of scheduling only
available with hand-tuned assembler, bear less and less resemblance to reality
every year.)  However Haskell is much easier to reason about and should be
much easier to parallelise, so its time may come even where performance is
important.  I hope.

RE: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Peter Douglass

Laziness is a great advantage in some cases.  When, at compile time, you do
not know what needs to be evaluated at run time, you can
  a) evaluate everything that may need to be evaluated (and waste a great
deal of time)
  b) write your own system to determine what needs to be evaluated at
  c) use a lazy language
imho, for complex problems
  c) is often faster than a)
and   c) usually involves less development effort than b)

-Original Message-
From: George Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 10:58 AM
To: Ch. A. Herrmann
Subject: Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

"Ch. A. Herrmann" wrote:
   I believe that if as much research were spent on Haskell compilation as
   on C compilation, Haskell would outperform C.
I wish I could say I believed that.  The big thing you aren't going to be
able to optimise away is laziness, which means you are going to have
thunks rather than values all over the place.  Of course you can put
annotations in all over the place if you want to, but then that rather
the point of Haskell.

On the other hand Haskell may start looking more favourable in a few years.
It seems to me that the Von Neumann architecture
(one processor sitting in the middle, sending out messages when it wants
is really creaking at the seams right now.  Multiple caches and pipelining
are becoming ever more important, but there's only so much that can be
done with conventional programming languages.  (Hence claims of processor
speed, which usually assume zero CPU wait time and the sort of scheduling
available with hand-tuned assembler, bear less and less resemblance to
every year.)  However Haskell is much easier to reason about and should be
much easier to parallelise, so its time may come even where performance is
important.  I hope.

Re: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread D. Tweed

 "Ch. A. Herrmann" wrote:
I believe that if as much research were spent on Haskell compilation as
on C compilation, Haskell would outperform C.

Unless I've got a dramatically distorted view of the amount of research
that goes on for imperative vs functional languages, and C vs haskell it
seems that they get, to an order of magnitude, the same amount of
research. Haskell doesn't do as well as C in spite of this because
compiling a functional program to run on well on current hardware is much
harder than compiling C to run well on current hardware. From my
understanding this is because to do well for Haskell like languages
requires deducing run-time behaviour from a program that abstracts away
from it (eg figuring update analysis, fold-build
transformation,etc) whereas C programs are have much more of this done by
the person writing the program. Of course, that's why the C is likely to
be less adaptable than the Haskell, which is why all Right-Thinking
Programmers (TM) think Haskell is a better programming vehicle :-)

___cheers,_dave|ALERT: you are communicating with an
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |unsavoury individual with a copy of gdb
work tel: (0117) 954-5253  |who reverse-engineered a file format.

RE: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Jan Brosius


So lazy Haskell (GHC 4.0...) is 10 times slower than a same program coded in
C  (let forget about Fortran).

imperative functional programs like OCaml (or MLTon (SML 97) are 2.5 times
slower than C , for any sort of program.

Haskell code optimised by strictnes annotions in functions or in
datastructures are ? times slower than C.

Please correct me where I am wrong and fill in the required number for the ?
sign above


Jan Brosius

RE: speed of compiled Haskell code.

2000-03-20 Thread Ch. A. Herrmann


Jan Haskell code optimised by strictnes annotions in functions or
Jan in datastructures are ? times slower than C.

Jan Please correct me where I am wrong and fill in the required
Jan number for the ?  sign above

I cannot give you a number, but I like to report about some
experience we made in our programming project. We used lists to
store a symbol table for a compiler. Later, we felt the need to
switch to AVL trees and so we did. As the programs got bigger
we discovered that our program used more than 200MB heap and
became very slow. After we made the insert operation in the
AVL tree hyperstrict and a few similar changes, our
program behaved very well and is surely faster than
if written in C using naive data structures and algorithms.
We used combinators like  
   strict2 f x y = strict (strict f x) y
to achieve a simple code.

 Christoph Herrmann

speed of compiled Haskell code. Reply

2000-03-16 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Jan Brosius  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes on  16 Mar 2000

on  speed and size of compiled Haskell code

 E.g. if one uses GHC to compile Haskell code into native code what 
 speed performance can be expected versus a same program written in 
 C  [..]

My experience with the program of generating permutations on 
showed that the code produced by  ghc-4.04  is  22  times slower than
certain specially written C program. 
Only the C program algorithm was taken very different from Haskell's
one. For each system has its own best algorithm and appropriate data 
But this example task was chosen as unlucky for Haskell.
In other, average case, I expect the ratio of  6-10.
But I am not so sure.
It is easy to mistake with such comparison.

 Is lazyness as good as strictness.

It helps to write simpler programs, but brings certain average cost 
The average practical cost difference does not seem great, and it 
looks like it is a matter of taste, what to choose.

Sergey Mechveliani