Re: = vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread D. Tweed

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, D. Tweed wrote:

> degenerate equality you get from defining the lhs in terms of the rhs. The
> -> is used whenever you've got something on the right that `leads to' to
> something on the left, eg

Being bad on these elementary terms makes using foldr, foldl, etc a
bit difficult for me :-S

___cheers,_dave |tweed's law:  however many computers
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   you have, half your time is spent
work tel: (0117) 954-5250   |   waiting for compilations to finish.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: = vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread D. Tweed

On 10 Oct 2001, Ketil Malde wrote:

> Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> >> At 2001-10-09 11:55, Mark Carroll wrote:
> >>> What is the rationale for when Haskell demands a "=" and when it
> >>> demands a "->"?
> Okay, I can't give you anything formal, but here's my intuitive
> understanding of things
> > e.g. 
> > x :: Integer -> Integer
> A function "from" and Integer to an Integer.  Even more obvious if you
> have one more parameter:
>   g :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> g takes an Integer and returns a function that takes an Integer and
> returns an Integer.  Equals-assignment would be very non-intuitive
> here. 

As I understand it, the equals sign is used whenever the item on both
sides are equal, i.e., one side can be replaced with the other without
changing meaning. Of course, in the case of a function definition it's the
degenerate equality you get from defining the lhs in terms of the rhs. The
-> is used whenever you've got something on the right that `leads to' to
something on the left, eg

  case x of
  Maybe y ->True
  Nothing ->False

It is not the case that `Maybe y' is the same as True, so = is clearly
inappropraite. Likewise for lambdas (\x->x+2 doesn't have x = x+2).

It's perhaps less clear because after using functional languages for any
length of time you get very used to thinking of function definitions as a
restricted kind of rewrite rule, and rewrite rules may not necessarily 
have any  connection to a notion of equality.

___cheers,_dave |tweed's law:  however many computers
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   you have, half your time is spent
work tel: (0117) 954-5250   |   waiting for compilations to finish.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: = vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2001-10-09 17:36, Mark Carroll wrote:

>So, for instance, how come function definitions and guards use "=" but
>lambdas and cases use "->"?

It's like this:

f x = fx

f = \x -> fx

f :: X -> FX

f x = case x of
  x' -> fx'
  x'' -> fx''

Make sense?

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: = vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread Ketil Malde

Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

>> At 2001-10-09 11:55, Mark Carroll wrote:

>>> What is the rationale for when Haskell demands a "=" and when it
>>> demands a "->"?

Okay, I can't give you anything formal, but here's my intuitive
understanding of things

> e.g. 

> x :: Integer -> Integer

A function "from" and Integer to an Integer.  Even more obvious if you
have one more parameter:

  g :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer

g takes an Integer and returns a function that takes an Integer and
returns an Integer.  Equals-assignment would be very non-intuitive

I guess the same argument goes for lambdas

\x -> x*x

maps *from* an x *to* its square.

> x 1 = 1
> x 2 = 3

Function definitions use (=).  I'm not sure I see any really
compelling reason, except that it's the usual math syntax, and arrows
would look weird, in particular with nullary definitions:

c -> 0

> y a =
>   case a of
>   1 -> 1
>   2 -> 3

> z a
>  | a == 1 = 1
>  | a == 2 = 3

It seems there's a predisposition for having exactly one (=) in
function definitions.  Perhaps one could have had a syntax like

z a =
  | a == 1 -> 1
  | a == 2 -> 3

instead, as it'd make it more consisten with the case, but I suppose
there's a reason for it being the way it is.  The case statement is an
expression like any other, while I suspect the guards can only be used
in function definitions like your 'z' example.

By the way, if you read '=' as "is assigned to", and '|' as "where"
and '->' as "gives", things mostly make sense, I think.

(Note that there's also the back-arrow, used to "draw from", e.g. in
the IO Monad

main = do
x <- readFile "/etc/passwd"
putStr (map crack (lines x))

or list comprehensions

primes = [ p | p <- [2..], noDivides p primes]

I suppose the difference from (=) assignment is reasonably clear.)

Rambling on,

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: = vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread Mark Carroll

On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Ashley Yakeley wrote:

> At 2001-10-09 11:55, Mark Carroll wrote:
> >What is the rationale for when Haskell demands a "=" and when it demands 
> >a "->"?
> What? Example please...


x :: Integer -> Integer
y :: Integer -> Integer
z :: Integer -> Integer

x 1 = 1
x 2 = 3

y a =
  case a of
  1 -> 1
  2 -> 3
z a
 | a == 1 = 1
 | a == 2 = 3

So, for instance, how come function definitions and guards use "=" but
lambdas and cases use "->"?

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: = vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2001-10-09 11:55, Mark Carroll wrote:

>What is the rationale for when Haskell demands a "=" and when it demands 
>a "->"?

What? Example please...

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Reasons behind the "one instance per type" limitation

2001-10-09 Thread Brian Boutel

"Iavor S. Diatchki" wrote:
> hello,
> > Why aren't instance declarations handled by the module system like
> > every other symbol, so that a module can decide when to import an
> > instance declaration and when to export it? Are there technical
> > difficulties with this approach?
> i beleive the reason is that instances don't  have names and the
> module system deals with names.  on the other hand i don't think
> this is a very good reason and completely agree with you that
> it is a problem.  i think some work is being done on introducing
> named instances to Hasekll (there was a paper in the Haskell workshop
> i think).

This is actually quite messy. The first point that needs to be made is
that instance code is invoked silently. Writing x==y invokes instance
code, but there is no way to say which instance should be used, so it is
important that there is precisely one instance declaration in scope for
that class and type. The current definition of Haskell achieves this by
insisting that there is only one such declaration on the whole progam,
although earlier versions achieved it by more complex, and less
convenient rules, that had the advantage that they could be checked
locally, at module compile time. One could envisage other means, such as
defining, by some new syntactic feature, which of the possible (named)
instance declarations was to be used in a particular scope.

Having different instance definitions in scope at different places can
casue problems, as code would just use whichever was in scope where it
was invoked. This is like the dynamic scope rules of early Lisp, which
is not considered good design. An alternative is to treat instances as
part of the static environment at declaration time, and include them in
closures when functions are passed around or exported. This ensures that
a named function always uses the same instance code for the same type,
but still has problems. In a language with referential transparency, one
should be able to replace a function call by its body code, with
substitution of arguments, (I'm assuming top-level functions with no
global variables). Instances behave like global variables, so calling an
imported function which brings its instances with it will in general
give different results from substitution of body code for the function,
and getting whichever instance is in scope at the point of call.
Personally, I don't like this prospect.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Opsss... Sorry (SuSE 7.3)

2001-10-09 Thread Jorge Adriano

I just accidently sent a mail written in portuguese about SuSE 7.3.
I'm really sorry, it will not happen again.

My apologies


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

SuSE 7.3

2001-10-09 Thread Jorge Adriano

Está para sair a 22 de Outubro... até eu estou a ficar surpreendido com a 
evolução destes tipos. Qd penso do 1o Linux que instalei (à cerca de dois 
anos? - andava eu no 4o ano) sinto-me como aquelas velhas que dizem "eu ainda 
sou do tempo...", err... em que tinha de andar a alterar XF86Config à unha 
para configurar a resolução default do monitor (Lembras-te Canelas? :)

De instalação para instalação a distribuição da  SuSE tem ficado mais fácil 
de instalar e configurar, e até mais bonita. O Kernel tem-se desenvolvido 
bastante bem e as Desktops nem se fala. Tudo junto dá um sistema excelente.
Eles tentam passar a ideia de que a distribuição é excelente para empresas, 
assim como familias comuns... e se há algum tempo tinha as minhas reserva, 
agora começo a achar que isso já não é bem assim. Vamos lá ver no que é que 
dá o Star Office 6, ou como (a mais longo prazo) evoluirá o KOffice - já para 
não falar do Hancom Office parece espetacular (mas esse é comercial)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: Unicode support

2001-10-09 Thread Karlsson Kent - keka
Title: RE: Unicode support

> -Original Message-
> From: Ketil Malde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > But as I said: they will not go away now, they are too 
> firmly established.
> Yep.  But it appears that the "right" choice for external encoding
> scheme would be UTF-8.

You're free to use any one of UTF-8, UTF-16(BE/LE), or UTF-32(BE/LE).
And you should be prepared for those encodings from anyone else.
In some cases, like e-mail, only UTF-8 (unless encoded by base64)
can be used for Unicode.

> >> When not limited to ASCII, at least it avoids zero bytes and other
> >> potential problems.  UTF-16 will among other things, be full of
> >> NULLs.
> > Yes, and so what?
> So, I can use it for file names,

Millions of people do already, including me.  Most of them don't even know
about it.  (The file system must be made for that, of course, but at least two
(commonly used) file system use UTF-16 for *all* [long] file names: NTFS and
HFS+.  There is another file system, UFS, that uses UTF-8, with the names
in normal form D(!), for all file names. (If the *standard* C file API is used,
some kind of conversion is triggered.) Those file systems got it right, many
other file systems are at a loss when it comes to even that simple level of I18N,
rendering non-pure-ASCII file names essentially useless, or at least unreliable.)

> in regular expressions, 

If the system interpreting the RE is UTF-16 enabled, yes, of course.

> and in
> whatever legacy

No: in modern systems. One of the side effects of the popularity of XML is that
support for both UTF-8 and UTF-16 (also as external encodings) is growing...

B.t.w. Java source code can be in UTF-8 or in UTF-16, as well as in legacy
encodings. Unfortunately the compiler has to be steered via a command line
parameter, while having the source files self declare their encoding would be
much better (compare XML).

> applications that expect textual data.

> > So will a file filled with image data, video clips, or plainly a
> > list of raw integers dumped to file (not formatted as strings).
> But none of these pretend to be text!

How is that relevant?  If you're going to do anything "higher-level" with text,
you have to know the encoding, otherwise you'll get lots of more or less
hidden bugs.  Have you ever had any experience with any of the legacy
"multibyte" encodings used for Chinese/Japanese/etc.? In many of them,
if you hit a byte that might be an ASCII letter, it need not be that at all,
just a second byte component in the representation of a non-ASCII character.
If you think every "A" byte is an "A" (an interpret them in some special way,
say a (part of a) command name), you're in trouble!  Often hard-to-find
trouble.  No-one that argues that one can take text in any "ASCII extension"
and look at the (apparent) ASCII only (and everything else to be in some
arbitrary extension, never affecting the processing) seems to be aware of
the details of those encodings.  

B.t.w. video clips (and images) can and do have Unicode (UTF-16?) texts as
components (e.g. subtitles).

> > True.  But implementing normalisation, or case mapping for 
> that matter,
> > is non-trivial too.  In practice, the additional complexity with
> > UTF-16 seems small. 
> All right, but if there are no real advantages, why bother?

Efficiency (and backwards compatibility) is claimed from people who
work much more "in the trenches" with this than I do. And I have no
quarrel with that.

        Kind regards
        /kent k

= vs ->

2001-10-09 Thread Mark Carroll

What is the rationale for when Haskell demands a "=" and when it demands 
a "->"? Ideas that occur to me are:

(a) The distinction helps the parser a lot

(b) There's a semantic difference that the language's grammar is trying 
to express that isn't obvious to me

-- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Reasons behind the "one instance per type" limitation

2001-10-09 Thread Iavor S. Diatchki


> Why aren't instance declarations handled by the module system like
> every other symbol, so that a module can decide when to import an
> instance declaration and when to export it? Are there technical
> difficulties with this approach?

i beleive the reason is that instances don't  have names and the
module system deals with names.  on the other hand i don't think
this is a very good reason and completely agree with you that
it is a problem.  i think some work is being done on introducing
named instances to Hasekll (there was a paper in the Haskell workshop
i think).


| Iavor S. Diatchki, Ph.D. student   | 
| Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
| School of OGI at OHSU  |
|   |

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Reasons behind the "one instance per type" limitation

2001-10-09 Thread Diego Dainese

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:03:15 -0700 Ashley Yakeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 2001-10-08 09:27, Diego Dainese wrote:
> >what are the reasons behind the rule stating that a type must not be
> >declared as an instance of a particular class, more than once in the
> >program?
> It's so that the members of the class are unambiguous.
> --
> class C t where
> foo :: t -> Integer
> instance C Bool where
> foo _ = 3;
> instance C Bool where
> foo _ = 5;
> ambiguous = foo True;
> --

OK, this is reasonable; but why are instance declarations always
automatically exported and imported across modules boundary? This goes
against information hiding.

Consider this situation:

> module M(T, f, g) where
>   data T = ...
>   ...
> module N where
>   import M
>   instance Eq T where
>  ... 

now, suppose that in a second revision of the module M, an instance of
Eq is made for T; even if this instance is needed for internal use
only, it outlaws the instance defined in the module N.

I think this problem could be a real show-stopper for big programs...

Why aren't instance declarations handled by the module system like
every other symbol, so that a module can decide when to import an
instance declaration and when to export it? Are there technical
difficulties with this approach?

> GHC has a flag that will turn the rule off.

I cannot find it!


To reply remove the 2 `x' from the address.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Unicode support

2001-10-09 Thread Ketil Malde

"Kent Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> You have endianness issues, and you need to explicitly type text files
>> or insert BOMs.

> You have to distinguish between the encoding form (what you use internally)
> and encoding scheme (externally).  

Good point, of course.  Most of the arguments apply to the external
encoding scheme, but I suppose it wasn't clear which of them we were

> But as I said: they will not go away now, they are too firmly established.

Yep.  But it appears that the "right" choice for external encoding
scheme would be UTF-8.

>> When not limited to ASCII, at least it avoids zero bytes and other
>> potential problems.  UTF-16 will among other things, be full of
>> NULLs.

> Yes, and so what?

So, I can use it for file names, in regular expressions, and in
whatever legacy applications that expect textual data. That may be
worthless to you, but it isn't to me.

> So will a file filled with image data, video clips, or plainly a
> list of raw integers dumped to file (not formatted as strings).

But none of these pretend to be text!

> True.  But implementing normalisation, or case mapping for that matter,
> is non-trivial too.  In practice, the additional complexity with
> UTF-16 seems small. 

All right, but if there are no real advantages, why bother?

>> I couldn't find anything about the relative efficiencies of UTF-8 and
>> UTF-16 on various languages.

> So, how big is our personal hard disk now? 3GiB? 10GiB? How many images,
> mp3 files and video clips do you have?  (I'm sorry, but your argument here
> is getting old and stale.

Don't be sorry.  I'm just looking for a good argument in favor of
UTF-16 instead of UTF-8, and size was the only possibility I could
think of offhand.  (And apparently, the Japanese are unhappy with the
50% increase UTF-8's three-byte encoding over UTF-16's two-byte one)

You could run the same argument against UTF-16 vs UTF-32 as internal
encoding form, memory and memory bandwidth is getting cheap these
days, too, although memory is still a more expensive resource than

But as (I assume) the internal encoding form shouldn't matter (as)
much, as it would be hidden from everybody but the Unicode library
implementor. It boils down to performance, which can be measured.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Unicode support

2001-10-09 Thread Kent Karlsson

- Original Message -
From: "Ketil Malde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> for a long time. 16 bit unicode should be gotten rid of, being the worst
> >>> of both worlds, non backwards compatable with ascii, endianness issues
> >>> and no constant length encoding utf8 externally and utf32 when
> >>> worknig with individual characters is the way to go.
> >> I totally agree with you.
> > Now, what are your technical arguments for this position?
> > (B.t.w., UTF-16 isn't going to go away, it's very firmly established.)
> What's wrong with the ones already mentioned?
> You have endianness issues, and you need to explicitly type text files
> or insert BOMs.

You have to distinguish between the encoding form (what you use internally)
and encoding scheme (externally).  For the encoding form, there is no endian
issue, just like there is no endian issue for int internally in your program.
For the encoding form there is no BOM either (or rather, it should have been
removed upon reading, if the data is taken in from an external source).

But I agree that the BOM (for all of the Unicode encoding schemes) and
the byte order issue (for the non-UTF-8 encoding schemes; the external ones)
are a pain.  But as I said: they will not go away now, they are too firmly established.

> An UTF-8 stream limited to 7-bit ASCII simply is that ASCII stream.

Which is a large portion of the raison d'être for UTF-8.

> When not limited to ASCII, at least it avoids zero bytes and other
> potential problems.  UTF-16 will among other things, be full of
> NULLs.

Yes, and so what?

So will a file filled with image data, video clips, or plainly a list of raw
integers dumped to file (not formatted as strings).  I know, many old
utility programs choke on NULL bytes, but that's not Unicode's fault.
Further, NULL (as a character) is a perfectly valid character code.
Always was.

> I can understand UCS-2 looking attractive when it looked like a
> fixed-length encoding, but that no longer applies.
> > So it is not surprising that most people involved do not consider
> > UTF-16 a bad idea.  The extra complexity is minimal, and further
> > surfaces rarely.
> But it needs to be there.  It will introduce larger programs, more
> bugs

True.  But implementing normalisation, or case mapping for that matter,
is non-trivial too.  In practice, the additional complexity with UTF-16 seems small.

> , lower efficiency.


> > BMP characters are still (relatively) easy to process, and it saves
> > memory space and cache misses when large amounts of text data
> > is processed (e.g. databases).
> I couldn't find anything about the relative efficiencies of UTF-8 and
> UTF-16 on various languages.  Do you have any pointers?  From a
> Scandinavian POV, (using ASCII plus a handful of extra characters)
> UTF-8 should be a big win, but I'm sure there are counter examples.

So, how big is our personal hard disk now? 3GiB? 10GiB? How many images,
mp3 files and video clips do you have?  (I'm sorry, but your argument here
is getting old and stale.  Very few worry about that aspect anymore. Except
when it comes to databases stored in RAM and UTF-16 vs. UTF-32 which
is guaranteed to be wasteful.)

Kind regards
/kent k

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Unicode support

2001-10-09 Thread Ketil Malde

[Posted to haskell-cafe, since it's getting quite off topic]

"Kent Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> for a long time. 16 bit unicode should be gotten rid of, being the worst
>>> of both worlds, non backwards compatable with ascii, endianness issues
>>> and no constant length encoding utf8 externally and utf32 when
>>> worknig with individual characters is the way to go.

>> I totally agree with you.

> Now, what are your technical arguments for this position?
> (B.t.w., UTF-16 isn't going to go away, it's very firmly established.)

What's wrong with the ones already mentioned?

You have endianness issues, and you need to explicitly type text files
or insert BOMs.

An UTF-8 stream limited to 7-bit ASCII simply is that ASCII stream.
When not limited to ASCII, at least it avoids zero bytes and other
potential problems.  UTF-16 will among other things, be full of

I can understand UCS-2 looking attractive when it looked like a
fixed-length encoding, but that no longer applies.

> So it is not surprising that most people involved do not consider
> UTF-16 a bad idea.  The extra complexity is minimal, and further
> surfaces rarely.  

But it needs to be there.  It will introduce larger programs, more
bugs, lower efficiency.

> BMP characters are still (relatively) easy to process, and it saves
> memory space and cache misses when large amounts of text data
> is processed (e.g. databases).

I couldn't find anything about the relative efficiencies of UTF-8 and
UTF-16 on various languages.  Do you have any pointers?  From a
Scandinavian POV, (using ASCII plus a handful of extra characters)
UTF-8 should be a big win, but I'm sure there are counter examples.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list